Plot twist – it’s just a box that you cannot interact with without destroying.
It would also give me a chuckle if this would end up being just box you cannot even look into.
The story in the second Raid has nothing in common with the story in LS3. It closes the white mantle storyline from Guild Wars 1, not from LS3, there is no mention, nor reference in the story of LS3 about anything that happens in Bastion of the Penitent. So yes, it has absolutely nothing to do with the story of LS3
Well, it explains a minor detail, which could be seen as a spoiler so I’ll hide it for those who still need to see the story of LS3 E6 or bastion of the penitent. As I admit it is a detail, but the OP seems very serious about the story so it might matter to him.
It explains why the Eye of Janthir is on the move again.
About your first question, I am not sure, maybe someone else can help. Now for the second one.
The first three wings (the ones in forsaken thicket) take place between HOT and LS3, and do provide some extra background for the latter, although for the story of LS3 knowing the story told in GW1 (mostly the prophecies campaign and eye of the north expansion) is more crucial.
If I am not mistaken, the 4th wing (bastion of the penitent) takes place after the first three wings, and before the sixth and last episode of LS3. It mostly provides a satisfying conclusion to a storyline that was left unfinished from GW1, although it does explain a certain phenomenon in LS3 episode 6. Again, it is much less crucial for episode 6 than the story of GW1.
Do note that raids are very hard and need dedication, you need to have a good knowledge of specific builds for your character, the appropriate gear and will need a lot of practice. The hardest part for me is finding a group to do them with, as doing it using LFG is often less than enjoyable, especially for beginners. It’s also unlikely you will play them in the right order. If you are just in it for the story or at some point feel you are not enjoying yourself, I would suggest just reading up on it, or perhaps joining in a cleared instance. These are often advertised in the LFG tab for raids.
Am I right in thinking you are playing this game solo? Not to say you can not, but GW2 does a poor job in explaining its own mechanics clearly, you will find yourself in these situations if you do not inform yourself externally.
One solution could be starting a literature study on GW2, but nicer perhaps would be to look for a general purpose, newby friendly/family type guild. There you can ask when something is not clear to you. They will likely also talk about things you haven’t heard about, so you will passively get to know more aspects of the game.
For guild recruitment, you can look on this forum:
Contact one of the posters, posting a LFG (looking for guild/group) yourself will likely take much longer. And take care you join the right servers, if you’re playing on American servers join NA guilds, on European servers join EU guilds.
Since I like to mix up my PVE gameplay from time to time, yes. I found that with everything I didn’t mind doing, I managed to get all the mastery points I needed for maxing. I can see the problem if your range of PVE interests is more narrow though.
I also frowned while reading this. Although I main an ele (strictly PVE), the actual changes did not matter much to me, I just saw my DPS slightly decreased but nothing to rant about. I sincerely hope this message is just badly written, and what they actually mean is closer to what TexZero says some posts higher, otherwise I am worried what they will do next. I believe some posters on this thread have not played ele much, as they seem to think we can have strong dps, sustain and support in one build.
In PVE, ele still has very good potential DPS, but as noted above this is very inconsistent in real scenarios as the rotations are not simple and relies on fully casting overloads regularly, a 5 second period where the ele can only use instant skills and move, not dodge or switch attunements. This in addition to being very squishy. It takes a very good player in a very good team to pull off anything resembling the QT benchmarks in a real situation in high end PVE*. These builds do not provide more support than DPS builds of other classes, and DPS is often lower when the tempest tries to offer this support due to having to use non-DPS attunements.
If built for healing, tempest can heal very well, but it will not do meaningful damage anymore, and since it tends to overheal and brings little dps support either, druid is preferred.
In WvW and PvP I don’t have recent experience, but from what I read Ele is forced into a tradeoff between support and sustain there, with hardly any damage output, as building for DPS makes the ele a sitting duck. This outside some non-meta gimmick builds, which then again will not bring much support or sustain.
*As a side note, when DPS meters were allowed by Anet, people realised most tempests in raids were not even closely achieving that “OP” top DPS which made everyone think tempest was BIS for DPS. In real scenarios, easier-to-perform DPS builds from other classes often matched if not surpassed tempest DPS. This was before a few DPS nerfs to ele, especially on big targets.
In addition to what Tanner said about jumping, it can also be due to gliding. Have you mastered Lean Techniques in the gliding mastery line? If not, this could be another reason why others glide faster and further than you do.
I have no idea if this is where the story is headed, but I was wondering if OP watched a certain anime recently? It’s ending is basically the same as that of you speculation.
Code Geass
I don’t PvP so I cannot comment on its use there. For PvE, even high end, this skill is already useful in a few situations. In air attunement is pretty good burst DPS, for example to use after breakbar, especially on larger foes. It is pretty much locked on the skillbar of a meta tempest for raids for example. When pugging fractals with a less than stellar team, it can be a lifesaver to cast it in earth attunement for reapplying aoe blinds, for instance dealing with mobs in cliffside or Ascalon. I also tend to use it in water on Wargs in the Escort raid if the team does not have enough CC and chill. Only in fire attunement I almost never use it, except when I am forced to deal some condition damage and it happens to be on my bar or when I am too lazy to swap to air for more DPS, or air is on cooldown.
The nice thing is that if you take it for something situational like the earth or water attunement, but you don’t think you need it right at that moment, you can still just use it in air for DPS anyhow. If you don’t need reduced air skill cooldown you can also trait for reduced glyph cooldown, those 12 seconds make a difference.
There’s another thread up about this, I’ll copy paste my personal experience about related to this:
I did this achievement this weekend with a chicken that gave feathers, and it took me well over 10 kicks to get it (at least 30). Finally got it by repeatedly kicking him into a wall as quickly as I could. I was the only one kicking it, no events were going on in the area.
I did not notice that it ran all the way back, so if that is required I was probably kicking it too fast indeed.
achievement isn’t bugged, I helped someone get it just yesterday.
Not all chickens give feathers.
Kick one that gives feathers, and then continue to kick it. 10 kicks is the required amount
Something is odd though, I did this achievement this weekend with a chicken that gave feathers, and it took me well over 10 kicks to get it (at least 30). Finally got it by repeatedly kicking him into a wall as quickly as I could.
Yeah, I was looking at the right ones. It seems that by changing to a different character, I was able to see them and interact with them properly.
The one that could read them was the one I’ve used in the LS, the first wasn’t. I don’t know if that matters or not.
Dulfy notes you need to have completed season 3 episodes 1-3, so it probably does!
I like it, it’s nice to try a bit by myself but if something is terribly obnoxious or I can’t think of a reasonable way to do it, those guides are handy. You don’t need to use them if you don’t want to.
I had fun doing the Ember Bay jumping puzzle glancing at that guide, but I doubt I would have found the way up there by myself in a reasonable amount of time, and I certainly would not have enjoyed it.
To be honest, this kind of dissent is likely to emerge in any group of people that work together for a while, especially in the stressful situations like the ones our protagonists find themselves in. The fact that this happens with the people I consider to be the more headstrong/independent people of the group (Braham, a young Norn, and Marjory, who worked as a private detective) makes it more believable as well.
If now suddenly Rox (a former charr private who values the concept of a warband) and Kasmeer (a relatively dependent person, especially before she became a protagonist) show up to give us the middle finger, then it would start to annoy me as bad storywriting.
However, as much as I found Braham annoying (when replaying the last instance of the new episode I tabbed out to not have to listen to the final conversation again), I think it nicely evokes the feeling of a leader trying to do what he thinks is best and then being told off by a person he respects for less than reasonable motives.
This situation could become interesting in my opinion, depending on how the writers take it further.
I had the same problem, I fall on the snow, die, then the ice breaks and I am in the water but don’t get achievement. I solved this by going back quickly , jumped in before the ice froze again, lived and got achievement. I went back using thermal propulsion, ley line and thermal propulsion to fly above bitter cold and drop to the highest goggles in case someone is interested, and could have done it faster, so there is some leeway (not too much though, froze 5 secs after I got achi.
As a note, I have some lag problems right now, maybe that caused the buggy behaviour.
(edited by Galespark.7835)
Thanks for your insights! I did not know offensive buffs in this game are more powerful relatively than in other games in the genre.
So in summary of your answers, the problem of the very class-restricted raid spots would be:
-Offensive buffs in this game are very strong, and there is a big discrepancy between professions in providing these (easily) for groups.
-The mechanics of the combat system and the current raids tend to play to the strength of specific classes
-And this is of course tied with the mentality of some groups that only the most efficient profession is welcome, even if it is the most efficient by 0.5%.
I assume this feedback has already been given, but a bit more visibility can’t hurt I guess.
Basically what I am trying to say is that the “4 eles” needs to be 4 dps, that’s all. And don’t say it can’t be done or whatever because it does get done, people have such a “meta mentality” that they can’t see past anything else.
I agree that would be nice. Just out of curiosity, since GW2 is the first game where I dabble a bit in raids: is it the case in other games that there is no real preference for specific professions/classes that were designed for a certain role to take a certain spot in a raid, assuming adequate experience and gear? If so, why do you think the preference is so strong in this game and not in other ones?
I usually leave people to their opinion but I can’t ignore someone spreading misinformation, intentionally or not. To stick to your format:
The lesson I learned (during the last three months, came back recently) was that you can still complete HoT maps one year after release if you ask help in map chat or use LFG, have some patience, and try to keep track of the meta timers when they are relevant. I learned I could do this even though I was not in any guild and did not follow any community unless they happened to be on LFG.
Hi there.
Your personal story depends on which race and background choices you made, not which profession you choose. Regardless, I believe this belongs in the bugs section of the forum, certainly not here.
Based on how I did it, I would suggest this.
Take the character you feel most comfortable playing, and start HoT’s story. When you get into the first HoT map this way you’ll have unlocked the mastery system, and you can improve your character by earning exp and mastery points in any content (for HoT masteries in HoT content, for central tyria masteries in all other content). If you’d like to finish story first, try to get the basic gliding, updraft and bouncing mushroom masteries first, those will be necessary at some point. But don’t grind, just enjoy the new maps and the story, the things you need to progress your character will come naturally if you like exploring.
While downloading it might be worthwhile to look up how the mastery system functions in more detail, some people get confused by it without looking on (for example) the wiki.
This thread discussion annoyed my ocd.
Correction: Tomes don’t have a noise or visual. The lightshow comes from leveling up and occurs regardless of what causes you to level up.
What this thread is asking is for the leveling up visual and noise to be muted.
Also guys stop overthinking it. the simple solution is to just make the level up effect client only, and not render for nearby players.
As I remember levelling up also causes an aoe knockback around the player (there used to be a vid of someone levelling people off a cliff in WvW, but that was ages ago), which might be even more confusing without the visual. Not that I really mind either way.
Obviously, personal opinion incoming:
If you plan on using your elementalist for PvE activities like fractals or raids, I’d suggest already taking tempest for the overloads, and using fire and air trait lines. You will be quite vulnerable, but since you will be playing glassy builds in group content you would better get used to it playing easier content, even if solo. If you find yourself dying frustratingly often like that, maybe you could try to use some defensive utilities over offensive ones, like arcane shield, lightning flash or glyph of storms in earth attunement (I usually have at least one on my bar if I solo PvE).
In addition to staff, I’d also suggest starting to get used to dagger/focus with a fresh air build, as focus skills add increased survivability based on active damage mitigation (and decent hard cc), it’s what I prefer for solo PvE or when pugging in fractals. It’s also a decent preparation for using dagger/warhorn, which has a similar rotation and is often used in more organised raid or fractal teams (but offers less damage mitigation).
If you don’t plan on playing much PvE with this elementalist except open world it does not matter that much I guess.
I hope that the devs do make an exception for this thread since it is very relevant to the discussions going on here. I’m already in another training guild, but having a larger pool of other interested to do training raids can’t be bad, so I’ll look you up when I get online. Good luck, and thanks for the initiative!
Starlinvf gave very good suggestions if you like that style of play and/or need your masteries asap.
If you don’t like that kind of farming but tend to do other things in Central Tyria that reward a good chunk of exp, you could just continue your daily habits and it’ll fill up eventually. In my case, I have been doing fractal dailies on a regular basis (about 4 times a week) and completed both fractal and pact commander mastery tracks in about a month.
Desculpe, não falo mais português.
I got that achievement with pretty messy play somewhere in January, I think I even ran oozes into the fire. If you did all that, you should write a post on the bug forums or report it in some other way. Seeing how many obvious bugs were introduced with the latest patches, it’s not impossible that something more subtle like what you are describing remained below the radar.
I was specifically disappointed about the lack of a /scratch animation. I like to RP itchy characters.
I have read no such thing, ever. Someone is messing with you.
Unless they do a very in depth combat revamp, I believe staying together in melee will be preferable at most times due to the short range of most useful boon and support skills cover. It is safe to assume the dungeon meta will remain melee.
I also thought this was a nice path, even though I never ran it much. The problem is that it is indeed quite hard for inexperienced people, between the torches, bombs and attrition fight (the part where elite enemies spawn).
I had to shudder when I remember the first time I tried this path. At that time you were required to light all 5 torches simultaneously, but 2 or 3 people from the party could not solo the respawning normal enemies at the torches without getting murdered, so we had to give up:P
I usually play berserker elementalist there, but managing your aggro is very important because you will down really quickly if you get too much attention. In that regard, I’d like to see how the poster above manages to survive with this build by only pressing one, unless he stays inside the pact camp.
I have been killed by them countless times, but I really like the challenge they offer if you solo them, especially the veterans or when they come in pairs. The only gripe I agree with is that the rush and line hit way further than the animation leads you to believe. Other than that, try to slow them as they rush/jump, or if you can not, use dodges/blocks/invulns/stability to get out of their way. If they start using their ranged attack, use any hard cc to stop them. If you are outnumbered or they appear after you have exhausting key skills to dealing with them, retreat and set yourself up to take revenge.
I have all the map completion I need at this time, but I am glad this is finally changed. How people of any side can be against this I do not understand, this brings only advantages. People who do not like WvW do not have to enter it in order to get a reward they intend to use outside of WvW, and people who like WvW do not have to deal with map completers filling up maps while not contributing to the efforts going on. I honestly doubt map completing made many people WvW who would not otherwise have realised they liked this game mode sooner or later.
I understand that these changes provoke sentiments on the reward balance between PvE en WvW, but that’s a different problem that can be solved in a different way, not an argument against these changes.
Arenanet apparently stated in a recent interview they had no problem with using Tomes to level Revenants at release. You can find it in the “lightning round” summary near the end.
The bad player arguement doesnt really hold up.
Say you take 40 hours to level to 80 the hard way. You have 40 hours of revenant experience where you didnt have access to all skills and traits.
Whereas i instant level to 80 and play 40 hours of revenant gameplay on a full equipped character.
Who do you think will have a better grasp of the class?
The one who did the hard way ofc..
it’s way too obvious..the hard way really improves you with basic core class mechanics and improve your understand of the class.
then the ones who get all the fancy stuff from the beginning.I really dont see how you came to that conclusion. The time spent on the class is the same. So the player who has been able to use everything right from the beginning should know more. Assuming they do actually pay a minimum amount of attention to skills and traits they use.
And lets be honest. Players who dont read skills or pay attention to what they are doing wont learn anything even if they level the hard way…..
if you don’t practice in PvE for some time, and go directly to PvP with all skills available, it will be way harder to learn the class, because too many things are happening.
In PvE you have way more downtime and you can more easily pick your fights to account for your experience, so I don’t think the comparison is valid. Even so, I am pretty sure the person who spends 20 hours in PvE and then 20 hours in PvP would have been more experienced if they had just spent 40 hours in PvP. It’s just that the first matches will be very painful.
I believe every should be allowed to do as they please. As for the influx of players unfamiliar with their builds spoiling your fun, if you expect challenging open world group content to be reliably beaten on release day, with or without revenants, you are either not expecting a real challenge, or you grossly overestimate the ability of the general playerbase. Marionette, Battle for Lion’s Arch, the Breach and Vinewrath have taught me to lower those expectations. I don’t expect powerlevelled revenants to have a big influence.
I can not speak for engineers, but when talking about range versus melee, an elementalist has to make a choice there when selecting a weapon for an encounter. On a specific weapon, all attunements have skills at similar range. The only utility that really allows mixing melee and range up is lightning hammer, that allows an elementalist using a long-ranged weapon like scepter or staff to switch to melee. When running dagger mainhand, there is little you can do without entering melee range, although dagger melee has more reach than most other melee weapons on other classes., ranged utilities alone will not suffice. In the end, you will have to learn to play the class to the point that you can deal with most situations using all weapons, or at least which weapons is versatile enough to carry when you don’t know what you will be facing.
All in all, given these drawback I do not feel I am missing out on my elementalist, so I feel Anet is capable of giving a class enough options when it lacks a weapon swap.
Also, be careful with your comparisons of revenants with elementalists and engineers. These may sometimes have access to more skills, but remember the revenant has very low cooldowns (as opposed to elementalists’ individual skills), instead relying on the energy mechanic to present users with a system based on opportunity cost.
I think synergy between traits and builds will have a lot to do with the class mechanics, as they do in most other classes.
All in all, I think it is too early to fear, I believe the potential for an interesting class is there even without weapon swap. It just depends on how the class turns out in the end.
Adding to Conncepts post, I just assume good players wearing zerker will not be knocked into those firefields since they can dodge/block, or keep an ace up their sleeves for when it does happen to them (teleport, invulnerability…).
Considering Jon’s focus was usually on explaining what he is doing, and thousands of people were watching him, I believe he usually plays better. Under those circumstances, my gameplay would suffer as well.
I would assume they thought of balance when adding these effects. I believe that they only add them to new specialisation/classes because reworking the original classes would change them too much (pretty sure many people would be opposed to this). In any case, if these new effects are so strong they become required in any gamemodes meta, this would cause people to abandon the old classes, which is what I think you fear.
Since I do not believe Anet wants this to happen, I’m sure they’ll try their best to balance these new effects so they don’t invalidate old classes. Killing diversity just to sell an expansion would not only be a dirty move, but more importantly a very stupid one.
Never played the minigame in GW1, but it took me 2 games to decide I would not attempt to get this extra daily laurel. I don’t understand how people that hate this game can torture themselves so (in their spare time!) for the equivalent of what, a bit more than a gold?
In order to prevent derailing of this thread, I suggest you and others take that discussion to the thread Olvendred has linked, or better, just read the posts there as it has been discussed to death over there already.
On topic: the best you can do is type out some advice for the event in your notebook or some text processor, then copy it when you need it to map chat. Do this when the timer starts, for people who do not know it yet are capable and interested to read your explanation. Of course, try to make sure your advice is correct before doing this, and be prepared to get some hate from people who disagree if there is no consensus on the best approach (or a lot of misinformation).
How many alts do you people have?
I don’t want to be rude, but having 12 alts in any MMO is not exactingly normal.
My cousin was playing WoW from launch for more than 8 years continuously and still plays whenever a new expansion comes up, and he still only manage to level up and gear properly 6 of them!.. IN 8 YEARS!You people having so many alts was the game’s fault at launch for not having enough end-game content. But if you start whining about every single progression mechanic becoming account-bound the game will never get it! The process of the game that will suffer the most and become the most grindy and mindless would be the process of making new characters!!!
Instead, making the Masteries Character bound would mean much less grind for the individual, and the option for more strategic decisions for the alts!IMO, A-nets biggest mistake was to put the idea of account bound masteries in your heads so early in the first place!
Good that you decide what is normal for us. However, that other MMO’s are less alt friendly than the one we play is their concern. I mostly play only one character, but making a system like this character bound would mean I would not even touch my alts anymore except for using their crafting disciplines. Also, I don’t see how you can feel having previously unlocked content directly available to alts is somehow more grindy than having to unlock it again, likely doing the same thing you have already done before.
I can see why you would want it character bound, but I don’t agree, as do many others. What you think is a mistake feels like a good idea to me.
I would be surprised if the recipes for current legendaries change, that would be a very strange move. We do not know what the recipes for new legendaries will be, so acquiring/making gifts for those could turn out to be a wasted effort.
To add to that, mine spawned in a wall of my sylvari home instance recently. I guess giving it a fixed place would be easier than solve the bug that puts it into quirky places.
Dungeons probably, though if you have some alts you don’t use you can park them at some of the open world chests for that little extra per day. I believe some smaller WvW objectives reward them as well, but I do not know how reliable that is as a source.
Since I am not in this situation nor do I know anyone who is, I never thought about it this way. But the OP shows how great a game like this can be to some people. I am glad for you that this game relieves some of your burden, and allows you to do some things that would otherwise be very hard for someone in your situation.
(Snipped most for space, my apologies)
We all have our limitations, the things that hold us back. Some have it tougher, many have it easier. And there are many ways in which we can all become a valuable member in this world, not necessary for the whole world, but at least for some people. Escaping to other worlds, artifially made, is not one of those ways.
Especially that last sentence irks me. I respect your opinion, but please do not state this as a fact, if you want to be viewed as a reasonable person. A game like Guild Wars 2 is a way to reach out to those “some people”, just as going to a concert, drinking in a bar, organizing events, volunteering, fixing stuff, you name it. You might view it as being less valuable, but that is subjective, and I do not agree. This is my opinion.
I am happy to spend time running dungeons with guildies a few evenings a week, and that would not be possible of our guild master nor several other members invested time in this game. So they give my life a measure of quality I would have had to search for elsewhere otherwise. Would I have found it? Who knows.
I can only speak for myself, but I do not claim the RNG in this game is 100% perfect. Unless my knowledge is outdated, it is not possible to create “perfect” RNG by coding (or by extension any human means). I can only assume that if the imperfection were large enough to be noticeable (statistically, not in anecdotes), Anet would already be aware of this. And if it were really big, the players themselves would be able to show it by pooling the data of people who have had a relatively large amount of attempts.