Showing Posts For Gatvin.6510:

Glyphs on Weaver

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Fair enough. From my perspective glyphs are underused right now.

“Too good” is MOSTLY a function of numbers which can be tweaked

There IS such a thing as too many options, but since each glyph has one cooldown for all of its options, there’s still a substantial cost to using one.

Its not ENTIRELY changing the function of each glyph, they already swap abilities (sometimes substantially) based on attunement. Its just adding…lets see.. 4 choose 2…6 new abilities to each glyph. 6! that’s not even 10! =P. In all seriousness though, yeah this is why I feel its a big ask. It IS more than doubling the number of abilities each glyph offers. But it WOULD be cool.

Rotation Management on Weaver

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Its not hard to tell what you currently have, that’s very intuitive, the confusion I had was which attunement was my primary and which was secondary, since that’s independant of offhand/mainhand, and for a while I thought it was something you just had to remember. That’s doable, but it takes a LOT of practice. More practice than you can expect people to do in one weekend for the sake of testing, so I viewed it as a major issue. Then I figured it out and I felt VERY silly.

As far as doublehanding goes, it depends on what you’re doing. If you’ve got a staff for example, your main anti-ranged ability requires doublehanding earth, and your best heal is on doublehanding water.

Weaver would be better if it were higher APM

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


You guys played the class for 1 day. That’s barely any experience with the class. There is no point for Anet to balance the game around that.

After wing 1 of raid released, Ele wasn’t even meta until a few months later in because people weren’t accustomed to the raid playing style.

Pre-emptively removing GCD would lead to less interesting meta gameplay.

You are absolutely right that no one is an expert yet, but because we’ve got so short a window of test to work with we’re giving what feedback we can. We’re certainly aware that everything’s going to be up in the air at release and need time to settle.

You are also right that removing the GCD would make the gameplay less interesting, but one could argue that Weaver is very close to TOO interesting. I did walk back that statement as well. If they were to do it at all, it should be on the utility skill. That said, I’m speaking mostly from a pvp perspective. With PVE it is probably a very different story.

Holosmith lacking stab

in Engineer

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Holo seems pretty fine. We won’t know for sure until launch, but I’m liking it. Its the dps build for engi. There’s also a cool squishy sustained dps spec in there I think. There might even be a tank build there that does some very different stuff than standard engi. Spectrum shield specifically is kind of garbage. It should probably have a damage component of some sort or just be immunity for 3 seconds.

Weapon swap attunements [suggestion]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Yeah you’re talking about a SEPARATE cooldown weapon swap for swapping attunements. Like I said. Could be cool, and WOULD make finding those panic weapon abilities much easier.

Its notable that normally an ele is only 2 seconds away from its panic abilities, while the weaver is minimum 4 and maximum 8 seconds, which is a HUGE difference. A “weapon swap” would definitely bring that down to minimum 0 (just needed to swap) and maximum 4 (needed to attune then swap). A less APM intensive way to fix it would be buffing the weaver-specific survival skills in some way, but weaver does seem to be all about dem APMs.

Do check out that post on attunement management on the weaver. I was REALLY confused until I figured out how to read the attunement bar correctly.

Base Engineer weapon swap

in Engineer

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I never understood why they don’t have it. Other classes also get weapon=kit type skills and still get to have weapon swap.

Elite spec weapons available to base class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


What are your Thoughts?

New Elites Seem Fine

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


The new elites seem fine. Which is GREAT.

I mostly don’t notice (good or bad) if I’m fighting them aside from their splashier skills.

Deadeye is slightly more noticeable because of its big red dots, but I have no more trouble dealing with them than a ranger or a DH.

Weavers are a blast to play with, and playing against them feels much like playing against another ele.

Holosmiths I think of as a cross between a thief and a burn guardian and adjust play accordingly when they pop up.

Scourge is very noticeable, but only because of its shades. They seem good. same sort of pile-o-conditions builds that necros normally do but with persistent aoe field control.

Spellbreakers I initially thought I hadn’t seen any of until I realized that the dagger flurry animation looks a lot like the sword flurry animation. Then I noticed them a lot more.

Overall I think they’re in a pretty good spot, especially compared to the initial release HoT specs. That said, check again a month after launch when the meta shakes out.

Glyphs on Weaver

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


So I know its a lot to ask… but can glyphs be updated to work with weaver fusions? Mostly at Anet, but you know open forums and all that. If you think its cool or stupid say so!

Weapon swap attunements [suggestion]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Elemental swapping already exists. See my post on attunement management. Unless you’re talking about using the weapon swap cooldown for it, separate from the attunement cooldown. Which…could be cool.

Rotation Management on Weaver

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I was going to make a post on some things I’d like for managing the rotation on weaver, but upon careful examination, all the info was there, I just didn’t notice it initially. If you already knew this feel free to laugh at my failure to notice things. XD

Now heres what I noticed:
You have two attunements highlighted. ONE is larger than the other, this is your most recent attunement.

When you attune your next element, the big one will shrink, becoming your secondary attunement.

This is important because it prevents one “gotcha” and allows for two mental shortcuts:

The “gotcha” is that if you don’t know the primary secondary at a glance (or have it memorized) and you try to “doublehand” one element of the two you have, you will occasionally swap hands instead of actually getting the “doublehand” attunement and vice versa if you attempt to swap elements across hands. Needless to say this can be devastating when you’re trying to find the right ability on the fly in pvp.

In order to swap, elements hit the SMALLER icon.

In order to “doublehand” an element hit the LARGER icon.

This has greatly improved my ability to manage elements during a fight. (also if you’re wondering, elemental swap IS useful. Consider that you have probably used all five abilities by the time you trigger an attunement. elemental swap will give you access to four abilities with fresh cds while shifting one hand at a time will only give you three).

So barrier numbers need to be tripled, right?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


They seem fine to me. pretty sweet actually from PvP testing.

Weaver would be better if it were higher APM

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I appreciate this sentiment here. Weaver is in a very interesting balance space right now in that everyone seems to be excited about weaver, but no one thinks its op. There are some issues with it I’m going to make another thread for, but my 2 cents on the cooldowns for swapping is this.

At current the cooldowns on your base elemental abilities and fusion abilities are more than enough to prevent no cd swapping from being broken on the base weaver, let alone on a utility skill. This allows for swapping to a particular elemental combination to be a memorized sequence of key presses rather than a constantly shifting status that is too complicated for the AVERAGE player to hold in their head while also trying to pvp and at the same time doing nothing more broken than allowing rapid spell sequencing at the high level.

The only outlets(that I see) for things breaking with no cd are the attunment-swap trigger talents, which could concievably be fine, but would be hurt not at all if they were given an internal cooldown of 1 second to match the normal attunement swap rate on the base elementalist.

Overall, Weaver feels no better than base ele, and worse than Tempest, which is not a bad place to be.

Also notable this class has a high learning curve and exploration space so its possible that once the general public uses it in earnest there will be a single broken strategy that comes out of it, but we won’t find that until later.

Edit: Ok I figured out the issues I had with rotation. I just had to be slightly more observant. sorry about that. Most of what I said still stands, I’m just more behind the idea of a 1 or 2 second cooldown with “unravel” removing the cd, rather than base no cds

(edited by Gatvin.6510)

What makes something an Outfit vs a Skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Huh, good to know. I didn’t realize it took that much more time to make it modular.

What makes something an Outfit vs a Skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Why are some things outfits, while others are armor skins? Just wondering what the reasoning is.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Witch’s broom Glider skin?

[Suggestions] Please Bring Back these Gem Stores Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Wizard Hat please

Shackles of Madness glove skin frozen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


The Shackles of Madness glove skin from the halloween event has chains on them that are frozen in place. I don’t THINK that’s intentional and it looks really silly. I do like the skin and want to use it, but…it DOES look silly.

Health Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Anyone using this? I like it, but it seems mostly like it just keeps getting nerfed.

New ES idea: Vampire Hunter

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Vampire HUNTER? I think you misunderstand which classes do what flavor wise. You should hit up the ranger or guardian forum. Vampire spec is somewhat already in there, but its not too flashy right now so its kind of overlooked.

corrosive poison cloud worth it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I use it to pretty great effect in PVP. Solid skill. combo with yanks (like buffed spectral grasp) for maximum control.

Still here due to incompetece

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I don’t know about you guys, but the nightfall change DESTROYS stab/resistance stacking builds in pvp. I wreck resistance warriors right now. Heck anyone that uses any sustained boons at all it does a pretty good job wrecking.

Hammer Autoattack

in Guardian

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I know people keep saying auto #3 is too slow, but I actually really like it that way. It feels really heavy, and does some cool stuff. What I WOULD want to see is a short stability or aegis added to the start of it. Just enough to get you through the swing.

Also casting #5 (the wall-ring) while moving would be sweet.

Suggestions for Hammer and Staff

in Guardian

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I’m fine with hammer auto # 3 being slow. Feels pretty sweet. It’d be nice if it gave a really short stab or aegis when it started casting though. Just enough to get you through the swing.

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Ok Ok, its been a year now. I assumed you guys were on this but maybe the memo got lost somewhere. At any rate, it HAS been a year so I have to ask….


Corrosive Poison Cloud

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Corrosive Poison cloud fails to destroy some projectiles, such as Deflecting Shot and Spear of Justice.

Finally , Thief is well balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


The Critflips is a pretty major exception to the powerlevel of most other thief builds. I’m a fan of Pulmonary impact + interrupts. Much more interactive.

Balance around class stacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


A PVP environment that allows only one of a class per team is a completely different game than PVP actually in GW2. It would also have different balance properties. I would rejoice so much if matchmaking were set up to allow only 1 of a class per team. SO MUCH. PLEASE DO IT ANET!!!

Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable?

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I can solo eles with Revenant, Thief, Necro, and rifle Engie.

Revenant can corrupt boons into confusion which often is enough alone to at least get them to run away. If they don’t run, you kill them.
Thief can interrupt spam+pulmonary impact.
Necro can also corrupt boons all day.
Rifle engie can out-damage their healing.

Its not always a quick kill, but it works, and its without even a team to help.

On "OP" HoT Specs

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Level of play matters a lot for what strategy you use. DH squashes entire teams solo at low levels. Its way more balanced when your team understands how it works. Similarly, new/inexperienced/non-analytical players might not run ANY condi clear, stunbreaks, or stability, so lots of things that shouldn’t work will work against them.

Overall, I like the HoT specs a lot, and would like the base weapon sets/specs to function more like them.

Battle of Kyhlo

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Trade for new skyhammer please =)

Why Stealth cannot capture points??

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


It would reveal your position. Not very steathy.

My problem with DH

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


So here’s my problem with DH. I CAN beat them. Once you figure out the traps its easy. Dodging is great, and the rest is pretty simple, stun then burst, repeat ‘till dead. Many players haven’t figured this out. They just charge in and die. Now my friends aren’t the best PvPers, but my problem is they basically have quit playing because they were tired of DH keeping them from doing anything. Even when they remember not to stand in procession or cross the faith line there’s still the yank, knockback, cage shot, and cage trap to prevent them from being able to do so. Once you’re through all that, you’ve got block skills, then the super-shield to deal with.

DH has a cool skillset, but its way too good at killing newbs. They need to be more intuitive to play against.

Untradable weapon skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Ok, the Anet post makes this all make sense. It was not clear at all that this was an irregular thing. Maybe next time release these “premium” sets alongside a normal ticket set to make it more clear.

Engie Shield

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Please please please: increase the cooldown on toolkit block, and decrease the cooldown on shield skills.

Official Feedback Thread: WvW Reward Tracks

in WvW

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


A set of WvW specific tracks would be good like how there is PvP specific tracks. Huh, is there any way we could see Mist Champions worked into WvW as a siege weapon or something?

Official Map Changes Feedback Thread (Spring Quarterly Update)

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Ok, so far:
Skyhammer: Great! I kind of miss the sheer silliness of old skyhammer, but this map is actually a playable and fun pvp map in all respects. I’d just keep an eye on a couple of wierd pockets made by the wall around the map. they’re unreasonably good for obstructing ranged attacks. It rarely comes up, but they are there.

Spirit Watch: Also great, feels like a different Temple of the silent storm. Did find a glitch though. If you’re in Death shroud when you pick up the orb, it will drop you into your normal skills instead of “ball mode”. Not sure if other toolkits do that too, but either way I don’t THINK that was intended.

FoN: Excellent change. It was always tough to tell what strat people were going for before, and this cleans it up nicely.

Thank you Anet!

in WvW

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Looking foreward to WvWing again.

Many thanks for the update ANET!

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


This update looks really cool, and I know a lot of people are probably upset by some things, but I think all these changes are cool and interesting. Updates like this always freshen the pvp up and I hope that we can see more minor updates to professions at least in the context of pvp on a more regular basis. I can’t wait to try out the new Kick on Warriors =).

it's begging time. server mergers. -pls close

in WvW

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I think the solution is to have a set 6 hours each day during the week that are scored. On the weekends go back to 24 hour scoring, but during the week, reset the maps at 6pm server time and start scoring until midnight. That way there’s a set schedule for “this is where the action is” AND you take away the incentive for wierd off-hours capping.

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


This is a really great analysis. I appreciate all the work you put into this. We recognize the problems that the season 2 matchmaking is causing and are looking into solutions that will provide a good experience and satisfy our goals for the league system.

Thanks for the Red! Glad to hear from you =)

Does Anet use track statistics for balancing?

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I’m sure they don’t

I’m 100% certain they do. Gathering such metrics is something developers having been doing ever since online connectivity became a thing. Anet completely understands what builds are and aren’t getting run at all levels of play.

While I couldn’t dig up anything on ArenaNet, here is a sample interview from a developer from a older mmo about that game’s metrics. And given the age of that game, I’m certain that Arenanet can do anything those devs can do.

Thanks everyone. Just kind of seeing if anyone else could find anything. I’m quite aware that other mmo’s and online games use metrics, but like the one you linked Crinn, usually its mentioned somewhere, and I also couldn’t find anything for GW2. I certainly hope they do, but mostly because they’re a useful tool. I’ll have fun either way. =)

WvW Teaming

in WvW

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Well, logistically teams would need to be capped, you’d need a system for entire guilds to sign up at once to prevent getting split, and a system to reject if there isn’t enough room for the guild on the team, and suggest a team that does fit.

Since you don’t know how many players are going to sign up, you’d need to dynamically cap, so people sign up for smaller teams. Yeah its an overhaul, but at least its guild-centered.

Old Style Waypoints

in WvW

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Waypoints are the key to encouraging direct engagement with enemy armies. I’d like to see waypoints become high-supply-cost siege weapons that are capped at three per map and can be destroyed by enemy teams.

WvW Teaming

in WvW

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


WvW being tied to the now obsolete server system is kind of crappy. Can we have teams named after the servers that we just sign onto at the beginning of a “season” or something?

Ranked PVP with Friends without HoT

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Cool, I’ll look into a good condi build for stacking confusion. Isn’t gunflame a HoT zerk build though?

PVP with Friends without HoT

in Thief

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


Thanks guys!

Yeah, he’s pretty into thieves, but he’s rather opinionated and feels necros are OP. I’ve told him to maybe loosen up a bit. =P

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I play unranked to play skyhammer. Its a FUN map. Adding a secondary platform below to keep players from dying on knockoff/fallthrough is a great idea. Just keep in mind if it takes more than 12ish seconds to get up its worse than death was. LOS props in the hammer room would fix some issues. I approve.

PVP with Friends without HoT

in Thief

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


I’m looking for a good thief build to give to a friend without HoT so we can do ranked without getting trashed. Metabattle didn’t have any.

Ranked PVP with Friends without HoT

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatvin.6510


According to metabattle GS/ Hammer is a little out of date. Any good meta builds I can give to a friend without HoT so we can do some ranked without getting trashed?