Showing Posts For Gauradan.8361:

Heavy Nobleman Armor - why the dirty look?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


It’s a shame though, because it’s one of the better looking heavy armor sets and it’s ruined by the fact that it looks battered (for me, at least).

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Heavy Nobleman Armor - why the dirty look?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Title pretty much says it all. Why do we get the dirty version of the armor while every other Seraph NPC seems to have the clean version(including the armor seller)?

Also, I know there have been several threads on this matter, but there’s been no official response (at least in the threads I’ve read), which is why I’m bringing it up again.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Should Guild Wars 2 go free to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Why in the world would they go F2P when they can get away with both an initial price and a F2P-like cash shop?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Abaddon battle is lost forever

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


I vote Kiel because i wont have a black lion RNG box selling charr as a leader. Also, why do you want old lore when you can have new one? #Teamkiel!

Good God, when will people understand? Evon isn’t selling you the boxes, ArenaNet is. Got a problem with that? Don’t buy gems; show them you disagree with their business practices.

The only thing of consequence offered by this election was the fractal and the Fall of Abaddon sounded way better than Thumanova. There are few other events in lore, if any, which would’ve been as interesting as that. But I guess the community made it easier for ANet, because they can just reuse Asura assets. Pat yourselves on the back, Kiel supporters.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Kiel vs Evon ~ We all know who wins.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


You mean those “smart” players who purchased RNG boxes for halloween and then cried on the forums about not getting what they wanted?

And the smart people who don’t buy them on principle, but hate that more than half of the new skins that have been introduced have been gated behind them?

I never claimed that kind of players didn’t exist, because I’m one of them. In fact, I’ve never spent a dime on gems, because I utterly dislike the way they chose to monetize the game (and this is coming from someone who bought a couple of costumes and the Bonus Mission Pack in GW1).

Let’s not kid ourselves though. If people didn’t buy RNG boxes then we wouldn’t get new ones with every LS update, or they wouldn’t put skins in Black Lion Chests. Perhaps the majority is indeed smart enough to understand it is unfair, but there still must be a significant amount of gems being spent on these boxes, since ArenaNet keeps shoving them down our throats.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

2nd of August Exit Polls

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


But it’s really a great idea to led an amazing part of Tyria’s lore slip away to punish evil Anet and it’s plan of RNG-based world domination.

Funny thing is RNG boxes are probably still being bought, because otherwise ArenaNet wouldn’t emphasize them so much. If there are people boycotting Evon because of the BLTC, while having spent money on RNG boxes (or other items in the store which should be obtainable with in-game currencies – see t-stones, 100% chance salvage kits etc.), then those people are just hypocrites

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Kiel vs Evon ~ We all know who wins.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


They not voting Kiel because she’s human.

They are voting her because she’s more liked.

Evon represents the Black Lion company and all the bad things it does, like supporting the consortium, selling ‘gasha’ balls in the form of those RNG chests, not letting you recreate items no longer in the store after you bought them, selling skins and clothes as perishable items instead as unlocks…

Smart people do not like to be scammed with that kind of stuff, and Guild Wars 2 has lots of smart players, so its only natural Kiel is winning.

You mean those “smart” players who purchased RNG boxes for halloween and then cried on the forums about not getting what they wanted?

If people didn’t play the lottery, they’d go bankrupt.

If people didn’t buy RNG boxes, ArenaNet would stop putting attractive stuff in them.

But since most of the Living Story updates have RNG boxes, I guess those “smart” players do buy them, eh?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

So GW2 didn't get the 1 mil likes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


I laugh as well, a buggy mess like all Bethesda games is coming and somehow people think it will offer any kind of challenge for Guild Wars 2? Yeah right.

Except the game isn’t being developed by Bethesda. Don’t let facts get in the way of your ignorance, though.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Snowflakes - Outrageous Overreaction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Well, he was making gold… in Guild Wars 2. How dared he?

Good riddance, I say. Nobody should ever be able to obtain gold in-game in Guild Wars 2. Ever.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Please don’t go off topic….

That is not off-topic at all. Games are supposed to be about fun, not about working your back off as if you were getting paid. If you enjoy repetition, you might as well get a job and start being productive.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


They dont want you to farm your legendary in 2 months. It is supposed to by long term goal =1 year for instance.

Or, instead of farming for a year, you could get a job. You know, that thing that people do to get money. Real money.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Pseudo disconnection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Same here. Just as I was going to give the game another chance, despite the terrible state it’s in.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Refunds for people who play since pre-order?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


I have disagreed with most, if not all, the decisions ArenaNet made in the past 6 months or so and I have always expressed my disagreement loudly. However, asking for a refund after spending several hundred hours using the product, enjoying it or not, is the very definition of unfairness. I fail to see why, out of all things that people requested be done, they decided to do refunds.

I wouldn’t imagine EA or any other big company refunding a 5-minute old purchase, EU legislation or not. It still boggles my mind why ArenaNet is refunding people with hundreds of hours played.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Why would you believe a claim that an mmorpg had no grind. Leveling itself is a grind. Gathering materials for crafting is a grind. It sounds like you just bought the game without doing any research into it beforehand.

It’s a grind unless it’s fun. Exploring Tyria (up until Orr) was fun. Leveling was good, despite the big failure that the personal story was.

After you’ve done that, all you have left to do is Orr (and now the Fractals). Now, I don’t know about you, but Orr, to me, is the very opposite of fun. Add to that the fact that they added a gear grind which surpasses any of the MMOs I mentioned in terms of time investment and my urge to play died.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


The trading post is part of the game, which means that it is a game mechanic. It’s not the only way, but it is a sure fire way to make money. It sounds like you don’t even like Guild Wars 2, so why are you even here? You must actually really love the game to put so much time into posting how you don’t like it on forums. Oh well, I guess you always have Star Wars: Return of the Lich King to go back to. Btw, I got the full SWTOR experience by playing Mass Effect, without the grind!

1. Because I still hope for Guild Wars 2 to become what it promised to be.

2. Because you white knights keep calling those that dislike the grind in this game a “vocal minority”, forgetting (most likely on purpose) that there are players who quit without saying a word. We may not be the majority, but we sure as hell don’t represent a mere 1% of the population. Time will tell.

Edit: 3. Because I dislike unfair business practices and I dread the thought of my money supporting a company that does it.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

(edited by Gauradan.8361)

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Sure ArenaNet like money, every developer does. But to be honest, you can do a full ori run and get 1g in 30 minutes everyday. Go further and do your dailies and a dungeon or two and you’ll probably land around 2g. Use the 2g on the TP and start buying low and selling high and you’ll see that your money will grow. It is not that hard to make money in this game, if you do this you should have a steady rate of at least (starting at 2g) +5% +2g. Or…

Current Money = m

2g + m*0.05

Every. Day.

Playing the trading post instead of the game, in order to be able to make a decent income? No thank you, I’d rather play neither.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


So what do you think that ArenaNet is trying to kill there own game? See by your logic they would want to keep ppl happy because they are a “business and their main goal is profit” as you put it. If ppl quit the game then they will not make a profit. I ask you what is running though your mind to make all this work out in your point of view because i for the life of me cant see it.

Most people are easy to please. Also, there’s the inferiority complex towards ArenaNet: “they said it’s not grinding and they know better, so it’s not.”.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

(edited by Gauradan.8361)

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


What other mmo have you played? You cant just make statements like that with out any proof.
I cant think of one game that is less grindi then this game.

WoW, Rift, SWTOR, LOTRO, Firefall (as of recently).

WoW, from late TBC to early Cataclysm – probably the most fun I had in an MMO, but Cataclysm kind of ruined it. And no, I didn’t like the treadmill, but my God, killing Arthas for the first time was truly epic, whereas Zhaitan…

Rift, have been subscribed for 5 months overall, on and off. For some reason, it could never hold my attention for more than a month, but heck, gold still wasn’t as much of a pain to come by as here.

SWTOR, recently re-subscribed, courtesy of Guild Wars 2’s failure to deliver. The story is fun and while it has a ton of gold sinks, very few are mandatory and the game throws more credits at you than Guild Wars 2 ever does.

LOTRO, renown for its grinding, still doesn’t feel as unrewarding as Guild Wars 2. Killing a mob in LOTRO always yields loot. In GW2, if 1 out of 3 does, you’re lucky, and even then it might be a Porous Bone.

Firefall, no comment. It’s everything Guild Wars 2 should have been but in a Sci-Fi setting and with FPS basis, instead of RPG.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


See you show your true self there you do not believe what others say at all and only what you WANT to think. Your pulling all your info off of view of the negative. From your point of view any game with a level system has a grind and there is no game with out some type of system like this even the fps have a grind system where you must unlock new guns etc.. or even rank up.

GW2 is a good game and there a lot in it to make it well worth the 60$ or so fee to get it and with the adding of free content i can see this game being worth hanging on to for some time.

Why should I believe what you say when simple logic refutes it? ArenaNet are a business and their main goal is profit. ArenaNet has demonstrated with the Nov 15th patch that they have no issues with alienating their customers. Their game has a cash shop. Even more, it allows you to trade real life currency for virtual currency. Their game also has an unbearably low rate of virtual currency acquisition. Ergo, I can (and rightly so) assume that ArenaNet is reducing the means to obtain virtual currency in-game to such a level that it becomes a grind, in order to encourage gem purchases.

Once again, why? Because ArenaNet has shown not to have principle and their goal is profit. If players accept it (and they have – at least some of them), why not do it?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Calling something a “Korean grinder” is such a cliche it has made it past cliche status into something entirely new. Anyone who calls this game a “Korean grinder” has no clue what one really is.

Call it cliche if it suits you. The game at 80 feels grindier than any MMO I’ve ever played. That’s not content, even though you people sure as hell like to call it that; it’s a second job. If you like working hundreds of hours for virtual numbers and objects, good for you. I, for one, don’t.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


But yeah, this game =/= grind. That is the most hilarious statement I’ve heard in a while.

I find your finding my statement hilarious disturbing. But then again, if you’re going to ignore how loot was nerfed so many times and all the DR mechanics designed to create artificial content, who am I to burst your bubble?

In a game where real money can be turned into virtual currency, it’s pretty obvious to anyone that they will try to encourage the real money method of acquiring the virtual currency. To anyone that isn’t so naive that they still believe ArenaNet has any business principles, that is.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why I Love Guild Wars 2 Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Take a break from the forums every once in awhile. You will find that the game becomes fun again.

If you’re into korean style grinding, then yes, the game has been, is and will be fun.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

FotM killed Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Yes, earning 1 gold an hour is a fast track to riches.

Under no circumstance should any player be able to earn 1 gold an hour. How else is ArenaNet going to sell gems?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

So apparently, we like the new gear...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


The whole vocal minority argument has been used too many times, it really just serves to stifle meaningful discussion by making one side look selfish and bitter.

I didn’t like the idea of this new type of gear but I didn’t post on the forums at all because it would have just been a waste of my time, I’ve posted on other issues from as far back as the first beta and I can’t say that I feel satisfied at the way things have been handled so I simply stopped posting and played less often.

This. That argument is simply laughable. The 18 people in my small guild (myself included) have quit the game. 17 of them said not a word of it.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Thanks for the free trials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


I gave them out.. did my mates use them ? .. Nope.. Lazy, scared of change.

Yeah, I hear you. I bet they’re all so used to the gear treadmill that they won’t even consider trying Guild Wars 2’s item progression, the very opposite of that. Oh wait…

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Will not touch game for a long time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Farmers are so sad. C’mon guys it’s a game! Go farm RL for real $$, it’s a lot more profitable! I’m sure your time would be much better invested in business ventures or in the financial market.

They probably can’t even get off the chair in front of their computer in real life. The only way they can get any sense of achievement is by having a bigger integer attached to their virtual character.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Will not touch game for a long time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Two words: Official Goldselling.

Obviously. How would they sell gems if gold were easy to come by?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Will not touch game for a long time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


But it’s character progression not grinding! That little tid bit of knowledge makes it all OK. I have decided to start calling my dog a cat. I’ve always wanted a cat.

Made me laugh, thank you. This is exactly my feeling. All grinding activities (which are pretty much the only things you can do at level 80) have been called other names (gear treadmill = item progression) or labeled as optional (such as the “you don’t need to farm gold unless you want cosmetics” cliche) by ArenaNet with some players being quick to believe them and attacking anyone who didn’t.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Vertical Progression (Q&A interview inside)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


There will be 20 of you per server and you can all form a guild and run Fractals all day or whatever, whilst everyone else (95+% of players) continues to play the game based on our original design philosophy"?

So in other words I paid for content I will not be able to access unless I grind like in an Asian MMO? And that’s better than simply seeing it for what it is, which is a treadmill?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

What will kill GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


ALSO…go to the elder scrolls online site…look at the new video…game seems to have a lot of GW2 features in it…dynamic events…WvWvW etc etc and better combat with blocking etc….it looks like Zenimax is taking ideas from GW2 and making them work better… Its things like this that will hurt GW2 in the long run if the other company takes their ideas and does it right…

Elder Scrolls plus the ideas Guild Wars 2 used to promote minus NcSoft sounds like a winner to me.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Vertical Progression (Q&A interview inside)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


What part of this new patch is difficult to understand? for some people like me, grinding for legendaries is not an option and having full exotics gear is getting closer as a goal, so the ascendant tier is the new legendary tier for casual players.
I estimate I will need at least a year if not more to be just partially geared in ascendant gear.
But since I intend to continue to play even longer, I have no problem with this.

In a year the bar will have moved and you will have to start grinding divine tier gear with agony mk.2 resist, or actually by the time a year has passed we will probably be on to super-divine tier with agony mk.3 resist.

The content locusts they are now catering to will NEVER be happy with just this, they will play 18 hours a day and gobble it all up in a month and whine for more.

If the game is still around by that time. The way they’re treating us, I wouldn’t put much faith in it.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Why Is ANet Secretive about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


@OP i’ve been askign myself this question myself.

the way anet has acted about alot of this, in particular seems to be polar opposite of this post:

Respect the player

We respect you—as a player, as a human being. This game we’re making may end up competing with your real life. It might fight for your free time alongside your friends, your family, your work, and whatever else you might be doing. Because of that, we want to give you a meaningful experience, not one that is a vapid waste of your time. Whatever your reasons for spending time in Tyria, we don’t want to waste it by doing stuff that isn’t fun.

That’s why we make our content epic. That’s why we have giant nightmare demons to fight, global allegiances to form, immense keeps to siege, and giant catapults to fire. Tyria is a place that will foster relationships with new friends, and provide you a rich experience to share with old ones. It’s our version of a playground on the grandest of scales.

Finally, we are building an online world, but we are always careful to leave space for its most important element, the one we designers would like to step out of the spotlight for: its heroes—you.

Purpose: To keep us honest.

deciet through lack of being upfront is not respectful. is it not honest. what happened to the anet that made that blog post?

Honestly, I feel that any of the stuff they said before prepurchase doesn’t apply to the game anymore. Those ideas died and were buried in the same grave as “We don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2” and “The most important thing in any game should be the player”. Most people defending the game have probably never even heard of these ideas and simply bought the game because it was the next “cool thing”. Otherwise, I can’t explain to myself why they aren’t disappointed with the game, given the obvious differences between what it is and what it was marketed as.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


care to tell me how you need to grind for gold for:

1. traveling

2. gathering? gathering those 4s per 100 gathering tools?

3. repairing

4. wvw

all these things you list aren’t costy. For traveling, unless you are way point jumping like a mad man, you would able to easily cover the cost of gold from events and random drops. Repairing is the same thing. If you are dying so much that you actually need to grind to make the 5s from repairing, which btw, is like the gold reward of one big event in Orr, then you should rethink the way you play this game.

WvW could be costy if you want to upgrade, but if you have half a brain you should still be able to cover those costs without grind.

And gathering? Did you actually tell people that you need to grind for gold for gathering??

if you want to break down grinding the way you do, then EVERY games out there are grind. Why can’t the developer let you play the last level in those rpgs out there? why do you have to grind 100 different courses in super mario to beat the game? Why can’t you start as a level 99 in final fantasy?

everything in video games is about grind, the difference is whether you need to grind to function or not. Well judging from the list you listed… you shouldn’t even be playing a video game.

seriously? gathering is a gold grind?

Seriously, drop the hyperbole. I just pointed out that gathering, unlike other, according to some, “grindier” MMOs, has a cost to it. Yes, it’s a gold sink. Repairs, waypoints, trading post fees are all goldsinks, all of them too high compared to what you can earn.

The game throws gold at you up until level 80 and then it simply becomes a pain to acquire. If you didn’t waste it and didn’t craft, you’d probably have some 20-30 gold by level 80. You’ll spend most, if not all on exotics. Then you’ll be left poor, with no way other than the mindless farming of getting it back, farming which I personally hoped to get away from in Guild Wars 2.

Honestly, it feels as if you’re defending grinding just because it’s Guild Wars 2. Everyone, before release, was excited about finally getting away from the stupid MMO grinds here; now, when the game is released and the game proved to be no less grindy than the rest, the attitude has switched to: “don’t like grinding? stop playing video games”.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


and posting the same kitten over and over again is fun huh?

seriously you are abnormally obsessive about this grind issue that anything you reply, relate or unrelate to the grinding issue, would go back to how grindy gw2 is. Hell, people could ask how’s the weather outside right now, and you will manage to find a way to talk about the grind in gw2.

o yes, the game has probably the least amount of grind in mmorpgs I’ve seen. All the stuffs they made you grind for are cosmetic only, and you DONT have to grind in order to be function like other mmorpgs.

this kind of obsession is really unhealthy for you in both your game life and real life man.

Really? This is the best argument you could come up with? My having an obsession?

The least amount of grind? What a joke. You need gold for travelling, you need gold for gathering, you need gold for repairs, you need gold for WvW. Oh, did I mention gold is a pain to get because the economy was destroyed by bots, which ArenaNet was too slow in taking action against?

I understand loving the game, but defending it just for the sake of it, when it’s obvious there are grinds in Guild Wars 2 just as much as in any other MMOs, is laughable. Sure, you’ll say: you don’t have to grind for gold nor for cosmetics. But if you don’t grind, what else is there to do? Sit in Lion’s Arch all day? The problem isn’t necessarily in the fact that there are grinds, but that there’s nothing else to do after you’ve done 100% map completion which doesn’t require grinding.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

This game is unbelievable...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Hats off to Arenanet for creating the best MMO to date, the forums can sometimes be negative and grumpy but that does not reflect the opinion on the majority of the playerbase, most gamers are too busy enjoying their time playing the game instead of posting, so naturally angsty players are more vocal.

Or rather busy not playing the game. My small guild, made up of 17 people is all but dead. In the past weeks, at no time of the day, was there anyone else except myself online, so it’s safe to assume they quit. None of them ever came to the forums to complain about the game as far as I know. If, for every “whiner”, there are at least other 10 players who have stopped playing silently, I guess that explains why the lower level areas are barren.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Dis-illusionment has set in. This was not supposed to be WoW but it kind of is with a few added extra bugs for flavor. Rendering is an atrocity. You have OP classes, gear (karma) grinds, grinds for matts. I had hoped for WvW to be more epic. With mass transfers server pride is a joke. Realms go up and down so fast with mass transfers of guilds that there are very few grudge matches. Even if there were you have no idea who you are fighting because names are not displayed. And the bots. THE BOTS! I see more bots than I do actual players. Hacking. I honestly think if they are going to let bots and hackers run rampant I won’t be playing much longer. They destroy the game economy and allow cheaters to prosper. But hey, they are following in some giant sized footsteps left by WoW, Aion, Rift, SWtoR, etc. You think they would learn. Only game I have ever played with no hackers is World of Tanks. They are ruthless with bots and being as it is not a client side game there are no hackers. And in all reality I would rather play a lesser game with no bots and hackers than the best game in the world if it is over run with such.

This. The game is more WoW than Guild Wars, except instead of stat grinding you have grinding for cosmetics and for gold. Honestly, just because they said they would remove treadmill (which we have no way of knowing it’s true until the first expansion, when they will or won’t increase the level cap) doesn’t mean the grinding is gone. The grind is still very much there and even worse than in other games.

The grind cosmetics you can choose not to do, true enough, but the grind for gold is compulsory, given how much in this game costs gold. If Guild Wars did one thing right it was that you didn’t have to grind for gold. You could have 0 gold and you wouldn’t feel as if your character ruined, because there were no repair costs and travelling fees.

You’d think a sequel would be better than the original. I guess it was unrealistic to expect that from a game built with the cash shop in mind. What better way to encourage people to buy gems and trade them for gold other than keeping them poor?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Which is kind of a dumb way to play the game since the fastest way to get karma now is to just do your dailies and the best way to do those is by traveling multiple zones to get the diverse creature kills you need.

ANet built a game that you can find your own path to the best the game has to offer through exploration, crafting, events and dungeons. And you can go back and play any zone that floats your boat.

What ANet can’t fix is MMO players that stand in one spot all day repeating the same event because they perceive it to be the quickest path to whatever their after, then come here and complain that the game is a grind and boring? ….LOL

That’s just ArenaNet propaganda you’ve posted there. The fact is that the game has huge amounts of grinds. It’s obvious people will pick the easiest way of completing those grinds.

ArenaNet said “We don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2”. That was a flat-out lie; you need gold for everything, from travelling across the world to WvW, gold which is a pain to acquire.

Besides, to say that you can play wherever you want and get the same rewards for the same time investment is a joke. “Scaled rewards” are a failure. Rewards in this game are a failure. Why? Because dollars that’s why. How would they sell gems if the players were rich?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361



i play on borlis pass too. and after overflows in LA over the halloween event, we are now hitting all times low population levels.

still somehow manage to get rated as high though.

it’s not just lower level zones. it’s orr/cursed shore too.

several guilds took the week off en masse for some reason, others are leaving. idk that that’s it though, i just finished leveling my 2nd 80 last week, and all the zones(all of them because you know you have to do 100% of the hearts in 100% o fhte zones + crafting + wvw to level alts now due to no events proccing and those that do being largely incompleteable). were naerly dead except those ones that were tied into halloween, and only during halloween.

my guildies and i have been focusing on alts lately, and we just run around in groups power leveling each other(in so far as leveling in a guild group can be called that).

arah and grenth have been failing all this past week even when guild groups are doing them for some reason blamed on not enough pugs. i guess. only people you see in cursed shore are the 40 or so people farming plinx.

This is Guild Wars 2. The game where you don’t have to grind/farm and everyone is having fun and is exploring the world. Oh wait..

Honestly, it says a lot when most people are making karma by simply waiting for 1 event: the amount of grinding is unbearably high.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Kicked out of a dungeon run before last boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


‘’The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group…’’

I think this is what a lot of players are trying to get away from… You don’t do max damage so you suck and should not be in a group/cannot play properly/should quit game etc …

I was hoping GW2 would be free of this :-(

Nobody said that you need to do max damage. However, when you’re the one failing and you’re kicking someone for pointing out the fact that you might be doing something wrong in a manner which was not even close to being rude, you’re an kitten Period.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Kicked out of a dungeon run before last boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Wow. Just wow. The guy is right to be concerned about this kind of stuff, yet you all jump on him for a question which was not even close to being impolite or insulting? What was the question supposed to sound like? The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group, the OP was supposed to address him like he was some lord?

Those people kicked the OP from the group after he invested time and effort into the dungeon, yet you’re defending them. Honestly, you’re laughable.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Where did everybody go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


The game, after hitting 80, is just the same grinding, farming for mats that we’ve seen and done in other MMOs. So, if you’ve invested years in WoW, why would you drop that just to start from scratch in Guild Wars 2, having to do exactly the same type of actions?

Honestly, every time I try to log in and play, I suddenly remember that, no matter how much I love Guild Wars 2 and Tyria, I still have to do the same kind of brainless farming I did in WoW for 2 years and a half, which completely kills my urge to play.

Level an alt? I did, three times. I’ve got 3 level 80 characters and every time I hit the cap, my desire to play that character just died off.

Really, no matter how much you’re willing to defend the game just for the sake of defending it, you have to understand that removing the gear treadmill doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t any grinding. There’s heavy grinding in Guild Wars 2, given that so much revolves around having gold and gold is a pain in the back to get.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

How much are you hitting for with a hammer?

in Guardian

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Alright, thanks a lot. I was just afraid I might have been doing something wrong.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

How much are you hitting for with a hammer?

in Guardian

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


So, as the title says, I’m a little curious what everyone else’s damage is with a hammer.
These are my stats and my traits:

I’m barely hitting 3.5k crits with Mighty Blow and 1.3-1.5k crits with the autoattacks and I was curious if that was normal or not. I’ve played warrior before and I was used to big numbers at level 80 (though that was a glass cannon build as opposed to the one here) – with 20+ stacks of might, I could go as high as 18k with Hundred Blades, over the few seconds it lasts.

Thanks in advance!

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

Transmutation Stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


@wumpusrat.4769 That was my first thought when I heard how they’ll be handling this aspect. Wardrobes are way better. Unfortunately, I’ve no hope of such a feature being implemented. ArenaNet has shown us clear as day where they’re headed with the cash shop. Why would they implement a free (or even one-time purchase) slot, when they can make a fortune by selling stones over and over again?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Oh my God, what a money grab this was. And you all fell for it. I guess the “conspiracy theorists” and the “haters” were right after all, eh?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

are the respawn rates intentional?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


In other MMOs, “the boss you just killed respawns 10 minutes later”. Here, it respawns 1 minute later.

Nothing to see here but some more innovation. Move along.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


“Indeed, Red Falcon, it’s a misunderstood game. I understood it’s gonna be awesome, so I bought it, but it turned out to be just plain awful.”

This is the only way in which the game was misunderstood. We all believed we would be seeing the next big step in the genre after WoW, but in truth it’s just another grindfest designed to encourage real money purchases. I was afraid this might happen, knowing NcSoft, but I made myself believe the lie that they would give ArenaNet independence on the matter.

One year or so ago, I would’ve countered anyone badmouthing Guild Wars 2. I would tell any friend and acquaintance that was interested in gaming about it. Now that I’ve played the game, not only do I not feel like recommending it to anyone, but I’d also advise against buying it.

Sure, the game might be successful. People who have no clue about the promise this game showed these past years probably won’t be bothered by its failure to deliver. People may even keep spending hundreds of dollars on virtual items, virtual storage space and so forth. NcSoft may make their huge profits off the game. Despite all that, to me, Guild Wars 2 is just another failure. In fact, I’m even more disappointed with Guild Wars 2 than with other MMOs.

I bought Rift expecting it to be a WoW-like MMO with a better class system and a dynamic world. It was. I played it for a while, got bored of it, put it down but without any negative feelings.

I bought SWTOR expecting it to be a WoW-like MMO with a Bioware-style personal story. Again, played it for a while until I got bored, put it down without hard feelings.

I bought Guild Wars 2 expecting it to be a game that “…takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1 and puts it into a persistent world…”. More than that, I was expecting a game in which “We don’t want players to grind…”. The truth is they don’t want you to grind, that’s why they’ve made it a pain in the kitten they want you to buy gems with real money.

I’m putting Guild Wars 2 down as well, but with a bitter taste in my mouth, which means it’s unlikely I’ll ever be a customer of ArenaNet or NcSoft again.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

(edited by Gauradan.8361)

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


If you think the dynamic world is a premiere, I suppose you’ve never heard of Rift.

Tabula Rasa actually started the whole dynamic event thing. Wish other games also copied the combat of that game as well. Still waiting.

I didn’t know that about Tabula Rasa and I’m guessing most people never even heard of it. Rift was a more commonly known example, but thanks for pointing that out.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Try harder.
You just have to look at the conversion rate from gems to gold and vice versa to see that it is clearly more beneficial for to you trade your in game gold to gems. That is intentional.

I’m guessing you failed to understand the point of my post. You can’t earn gold without heavy grinding (and if so, how is the game better than other MMOs?), therefore it’s more convenient to buy gems and trade them for gold.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

GW2, misunderstood game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


I have a feeling GW2 did not fully get to a part of players.
I read some “exit reviews” and realize not only most people didn’t understand the game but they also didn’t notice the revolutions of the game.

For instance, the dynamicity of the world is by a large extent something completely new to the gaming market.
It’s a world’s first.
The way NPCs contend land and through 50 events cause 500 different consequences and situations, the way they ally with other NPCs temporarily.
For instance, when you harvest “unexploded shots” in Kessex Hills.
Most players believe it’s just fetch questing – yet an hour earlier a real battle happened, with centaurs first building a bridge, getting through, conquering a fort and then sending 3 siege units to besiege a nearby village.
And that is where those unexploded shots were from. It’s all linked to real occurrences in the world, that are consequence of other event chains.
I can just wonder the amount of coding that went into to create something like this.
And the amount of creativity, too.

Then why is GW2 being misunderstood as a traditional MMO rather than being played for what it is?
Perhaps gamers are not ready for this, the leap between traditional MMO and GW2 is too long for a generation that was used to much more simple formats?
For instance, computers weren’t immediately accepted in the society back in my days, people still didn’t recognize their potential and used them the wrong way.
But look at them now.

What’s your take on this?

If you think the dynamic world is a premiere, I suppose you’ve never heard of Rift.

Also, what’s that huge leap? That Guild Wars 2 called their grinds optional?

Personal story has been done before in SWTOR and it was better than here.
Dynamic world has been done before.
Armor and gold grinds have been done before.
Active combat has been done in Tera and personally I think it was better executed there.

The only new things that I can think of that Guild Wars 2 brought to the genre are:
-the public mob tagging systems;
-downscaling (Rift has a similar mechanic as far as I know, but it was implemented long after we’d known it would be in Guild Wars 2) – I personally find it annoying;
-the ability to revive NPCs;
-quests not requiring you to pick them up anymore;
-being a member of multiple guilds at once;
-the stat plateau – we don’t know if this will change with time; they might add new levels in expansion and then you’d get a new treadmill, even if not as big as WoW’s.

Sure, these things contribute a lot to a better experience, but it’s still not that big a leap everyone is making it out to be.

This game is more WoW than Guild Wars 1. Guild Wars 1 was innovative. Guild Wars 2 is a classical themepark MMO with the same grinds, fancy combat, awesome graphics and environments and some other gameplay improvements. As far as immersion goes, however, for me, it dies every time I press “O”.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.