Showing Posts For Grizor.6543:
I hope they buff the difficulty of CoF the way they buffed AC
I hope so also, it’s ridiculous that people will endure the mind numbing farming of cof1 for hours on end purely because it rewards the most cash/hour.
Many of my friends simply burned out from doing that and don’t play anymore.
Its something to do with breeders, the little adds that spawn decrease fps by a lot. Defending detha at the trap event with 10 fps isn’t fun either!
Why are Engineers penalized for their versatility, while Elementalists, which you called the “kings of versatility”, aren’t penalized?
This…!! I really would like to what Anet plans to do with the Engie class.. Its super-fun, but no one can deny that its under-powered when compared to other classes..
This please, right now it’s warriors + guardians that rule the dungeons and I never play my engi because he sucks in comparison.
(edited by Grizor.6543)
They are pretty bad compared to others, I recommend making another class – preferably not an engineer either!
May as well rename my engineer to “miner” now, all he does is mine ori ore in southsun while my warrior and guard run dungeons.
Don’t really care about sPvP, that part of the game is pretty dead.
Bosses are balanced around defiant though, being able to cc them continuously would make those fights even easier than they are already.
Also, swapping a sigil on a weapon does not equal build diversity – other classes wouldn’t even need to change their build for that. It would just mean carrying an extra weapon in your bag with that sigil.
They’re doing their best to make sure it stays that way too it seems.
Weapon STATS are already being applied to kits in sPvP and always have. Weapon DAMAGE would be new, if they added it.
But weapons in spvp have no stats, only the pve ones do. you lose every stat from your weapon when you equip a kit now except for the sigil.
No its a bug, was reported the first day the fractals were released. Teleportation gun works to get out if someone is outside it.
I don’t have an engi, but had to come to the forum to share my sympathy after seeing a 30% reduction in Grenade kit because you can use a sigil. Pretty funny and sad at the same time. As if any sigil is going to make up a 30% reduction in damage. I’m sure they went through a perfectly rational process for this nerf. And, they are comfortable justifying it this way with a straight face so I guess all is good, eh?
This stuff makes me think they don’t quite know what they’re doing with the engi -
- We see the elementalist as the king of versatility.Engineer
- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.
Engineers, the second most versatile class (with downsides that the ele doesn’t have)!
I already play my guardian instead of engi in dungeons, far more effective in group situations IMO with much more utility(aoe pull, reflect shield, aoe protection.. list goes on).
Grenade nerf was just the final straw I guess.
You get 4.5k from the daily reward now – more with a booster, that is probably enough to cover all the karma you spent on those low level weapons.
The low level transmutation stones are a joke to get also, you get 3 per city completion.
In short: QQ more.
A. grenades are crazy op. Their ratios are out of control compared to everything else. they needed a nerf. or grenadier and steel packed did.
B. adding damage to blind and poison is nice buff.
“pvp and pve” are the same, could be a buff or nerf. well see.
30% of pve or pvps values?Grenades without grenadier is now unplayable probably..
Would have it been possible to have grenadier be +1 grenade, grenades do 30% less damage each?
Grenades are also one of the more frustrating and button mashy builds to play, hitting moving targets is near impossible with them. They could have at least given us a proper auto attack for this kit along with the gigantic nerf.
Now even less reason to play my engi over my guard or warrior in dungeons. Cool!
I run CoF and HoTW quite often and sometimes do not get the 60 tokens at the end despite hitting accept. No clue what is causing this but it just happened twice in a row when running CoF 1 and 2. My inventory is not full or anything.
Is this just happening to me? It’s very annoying to run a dungeon and not get the tokens I’m running it for.
So bring a scepter next time? It sounds like you are just being awkward for no reason.
I swap weapons from my inventory probably at least 3x every dungeon on my guardian because it’s best to use certain weapons on various fights. Bosses like giganticus for example just cannot be done at close range properly.
This just happened to everyone, not unique to fractals.
It seems to be random on completion of jade maw on difficulty 10+. Devs won’t/haven’t responded on whether it is intended that only some members get one of the rings.
Yes it is really stupid, people in my group are going to get left behind if we aren’t able to get any agony resistance – this is going to kill running fractals for us.
Request inv on eu, on end of reinforcements.
e: event over, got a few people in.
(edited by Grizor.6543)
I had the same bug yesterday -
I’d agree with this, as all the fractal tokens and infusion stuff is account bound it makes sense.
So were we meant to get the ascended ring on 10 to 11 or was that just a bug? Gotten up to 13 now and the agony damage is getting very hard to deal with on certain fights without any resistance to it.
I’m not a fan of the rng drops, people in my group have gotten 1-2 vials each and a glob – I haven’t even gotten one yet and we are on difficulty 12.
Maybe it’s you.
At the end (last seal) I got teleported into one of the cages and it was not breakable, so I was not able to loot the chest. Please fix this crap.
This sort of thing plagues all the honor of the waves explorable mode bosses. Way too much hp on them.
There’s problems with parties staying together after the most recent patch. Groups seemingly drop at random, just had it happen in a dungeon and outside a few times. On Eu-Gandara.
The mad king destroyed it, maybe we will get something new soon.
sPvP is not part of the PvE world, WvW is. Also, the monthly achievement now includes dungeon runs.
That would defeat the whole point of having it timed. It’s fine.
i’d like it if the stack sizes were increased, to 1000 or something.
Just tried path 1 AC and we could not get the last boss to spawn, the dungeon quest was stuck on “explore the tunnels”.
I don’t see a problem in this image, I just assume there is a hole or a slot the tale pokes through.
The problem is that it balloons out the back and the clipping is pretty awful with the animation. This is the case with the medium karma set in Orr also. Some coats do accommodate the animation though like the duelist set and a couple of the dungeon sets(coe/arah).
Every time I’ve done this we just kite it, start with 2 in the room and when they are downed send the other 3 in and rotate from there by running back. Boring encounter.
Subject alpha in CoE explorable. Getting crystal’d then aoe on top of you is instant death unless you can teleport out like a mesmer or thief. That, or hopefully your party breaks the crystal.
Does anyone know if this stacks with swiftness?
You lose all stats and effects from your main weapon when equipping a kit so I’d guess no.
It is very sad that prestigious cosmetic items like legendary weapons are just not worth it for the engineer.
News flash: Engineer not the only class that uses Rifles…
That has nothing to do with this post.
(edited by Grizor.6543)
Sometimes the adds spawn and sometimes there’s no adds at all, it’s very random.
Realm wide chat would be very useful, currently the only way to find groups is to sit in lion’s arch and spam /map which is extremely boring. I’d like to be able to pvp or work on zone completion or play alts instead of sitting in one place while LFG’ing.
Warriors can do alot of long ranged damage with a gun, that sounds like what you are looking for. You want the engineer to be something it is not.
Hopefully they are going to fix this eventually along with sigils on kits, it’s a problem with all summonable weapons(ele sword etc) – just like with auto attack not saving like before.
This ability needs to be reworked anyway I think, if you could choose when to explode the fireball it would be much more usable.
Charr eyes do actually show up in the dark, if you go to the wvw jumping puzzle dark bit you’ll see that. They don’t really glow though.
Not as a main weapon, but for super elixir its great!
Downed state is ok. But in sPvP all professions need to have the same Skill Set
in PvP
Posted by: Grizor.6543
Actually the engineer can interrupt twice, the #3 ability(aoe knockback) is on a 20 sec cooldown though so good luck getting that off before you die.
Another thing, the engineer #2 ability is a pull – why would you want to pull an enemy toward you when you are dead?!
The bosses in world v. world are much more risky as you can be attacked by other players while engaging. I think the karma amount is fine.
If you are talking about the Orr ones then the whole purpose of some of the events is to unlock the respective vendor for the gear. Not sure why this is a big problem really, I mean how many times are you going to spend 42k a piece on armour?
I’m sure many of you who have run explorable modes have gotten the odd exotic rune from chests in dungeons. My problem with this is that the runes soulbind when you pick them up and are often not suited to the class or build you’re playing.
It would be nice if these were account bound so we can use them on alts.
Examples are: Superior rune of the golemancer from crucible of eternity and superior rune of the baelfire from citadel of flame.