Showing Posts For Gwyn.6412:

[NA] Rank 22 Thief lf Hardcore Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


I can play all kinds of thieves. Running S/D burst roam currently. Send me a pm oe msg whenever.

Shortbow Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Been testing SB with “Superior Sigil of Earth,” and with 55% chance of crit, I have yet to see it proc. Does it not work with the bow or something? Please fix.

In dire need of a crew!

in PvP

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Looking for a hardcore PvP crew; hmu

[NA {Kaineng}] Thief looking for team!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey guys! Just came back from a two month break and ready to get back into gear. I’ve done some sPvP and tPvP from time to time and really enjoy it. Made it up to rank 20ish and know a decent amount of how things work. I’m hoping to join a squad, to hone my skills and take PvP to the next level. Preferably a light-hearted group that doesn’t take things to seriously, unless it’s on the battlefield; don’t wanna play with jerks. I play a thief, mostly conditional, but I am familiar with other builds; I believe most people consider this a bunker, but I have good roaming and damage capabilities. If this isn’t the type of thief you are looking for, I have no problem changing things up, or theory crafting PvP builds to better fit the group =] So if my destined squad is out there, feel free to contact me in any form =P

IGN: Gwynharwyf

[Kaineng] Looking for a PvP guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Looking for a PvP focused group. Doesn’t need to be the guild focus, but looking for a skilled group that goes regularly. Preferably a light hearted group that’s skilled on the battlefield. I take PvP seriously, but not to the point where I am a complete jerk xD I just came back to Guild Wars from a 2 month break, and I’m hoping to meet some new people and things to keep me playing the game. I’m not looking for a +200 member guild, but if your squad resides in one, then that really isn’t a problem. Hope you’re out there some where! Feel free to contact me in any form you see fit =P

IGN: Gwynharwyf

Eredon Terrace WvW Movement

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Some friends and I have moved from Kaineng (currently tier 2 server), in hopes of getting some WvW going! My previous guild was mainly for PvE, which I heavily focused on getting my legendary, fused ascended gear, and commander. We currently have two commanders with no army. I began running with the top guilds since there was no room for me to command with my average sized guild. I did manage to learn a few things here and there and I look forward to change the tide of battle in Eredon Terrace! If you wish to be a part in this movement, send me some mail in game and I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thanks ET for being very welcoming and making me a part of the Eredon Terrace Alliance.


Guild looking to expand!

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Server: Kaineng
Prime Time: 11am – 2am [Server time PST]
Guild Upgrades: V, V, IV, V
Chatting Program: Dolby Axon
Role: WvW & PvX

Kaineng Crows [KC] is a social guild that houses all types of players! We been here since the dawn of Guild Wars 2, so most of us know the ropes. We run Fractals daily, tournament PvP, dungeons, and WvW. We are currently looking to increase our numbers for organized WvW and “guild missions.” We were content with our size, but now that our server is tier 2 in WvW and with guild missions requiring many people for bounties, an expansion is vital. Since we have our upgrades near max, we encourage any other small guilds to join our flock so we can all hit guild missions as soon as possible. If you have any questions, want collaborate on a merge , or just wanting to join, my IGN is Gwynharwyf or you can contact Ninjazilla.

(edited by Gwyn.6412)

Fighting Stances

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Anet, you guys have done an amazing job with allowing everyone to feel very diverse in the way they appear! From transmuting, to coloring =] But something that would be cool down the line is different fighting stances. I play a thief, and the way we run is just dumb with daggers. I know we aren’t ninjas, but a ninja run would look much more cool. This would add to our characters personas much more! If we could also pick different character personalities and tweak the voice, I’m sure many would love that! I know this isn’t something that you guys would implement right away since it’s not a big concern or anything, but would be cool!

Looking for a PvE/Dungeon guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Sent you a pm ^o^

Looking for a guild on KAINENG?

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Server: Kaineng
Prime Time: 11am – 2am [Server time PST]
Guild Upgrades: Arch V, rest IV
Chatting Program: Dolby Axon
Role: PvX WvW

Kaineng Crows [KC] is a social guild that houses all types of players! The Crows have been here since the dawn of GW2, so we know the ropes. We are all about having a good time, so if you’re drama, stop reading and get your butt out of here. Though we are pretty laid back, we still get things done when needed. KC also uses a free chatting program to communicate. It’s a good laugh, but also helps coordinate dungeons, WvW, and PvP. The guild stands at 35 strong, but we plan to keep at a moderate number. Reason being, I like everyone to be involved with what we are doing, no one will be left out in our guild. It’s the reason why I started it in the first place. Plus with big guilds, there tends to be many clicks within them, and I rather be just one “big click.” So if you’re looking for a guild and want to be apart of our murder of crows, or if you just have questions about us, you are welcome to contact me. I check the forums actively, but if you wish to send me a pm or mail, my IGN is Gwynharwyf. Hope to hear from you in game!

(edited by Gwyn.6412)

Looking for active and friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Sent you a pm ^o^

Casual/active player looking for new home

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Sent you a PM ^o^

looking for a friendly guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Sent you a pm ^o^

Im new to Guildwars2

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Sent you a PM Stone ^o^

Looking for guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey! I sent you a PM ^o^

LF Active guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey Sput! I sent you a PM! =9

Looking for a good guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey Ryni I sent you a PM ^o^

New player looking for Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


I sent you a PM! Hope to hear from you soon =]

looking for a cool guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey I sent you a PM, again if you have any further questions let me know =]


Dodge Trick.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


I’m not sure if I was the only one using this trick, but with a well timed dodge, you could preform a combo of your basic attack (1) and dodge while remaining in combat and completing the full chain of attacks. I used this with my thief with “felines grace” making me a some sort of “dodge tank.” I also was able to preform this trick with my alt which is a mesmer, so I know it was possible with every class. After this latest update, I noticed I can no longer do it, but why? Anet please give me a response. Has anyone else noticed this trick? Did you guys remove it thinking that no one would notice? I was planning on making a video about it soon, but now I can’t >.< Anyway hope I get some responses on this . . .

Noobish questions for a fresh thief

in Thief

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


1. Yes, conditional thieves are one of the best builds for pve since you can kill many targets at one time. Just be sure to use Death Awesome(Blossom) and unlock the utility Caltrops. Those are your bread and butter skills ^o^ I use conditional thieves for WvW and PvP too; just do what you enjoy most =]

2. Yes

3. Be sure to set your eye on a set, dungeon gear is really easy to obtain with guilds (you are welcome to join our guild before they remove free transfers on the 28th). As far as crafting, it’s great for making money. It’s mostly used for flipping items to get a constant flow of money. Farming money can be very hard.

4. Token system! You get 60 tokens when you complete a path. Dungeons usually have 3 paths, giving you 180 a day. If you decide to run it again, you will get 30 because of the diminished returns. Sooooo you need to wait for the day to reset (4pm PST).

5. I love thieves and have studied all the builds. If you want to do some theory crafting hmu =9 Issue with direct damage builds, we lack armor, and our only real means of survival is, dodging, stealth, blindness, and stealing health. When you can only deal with one target at a time, it can make it very hard. It’s still possible to make a PvE power/crit build, but it’s more suited for PvP.

I am happy to help you in your path of shadow. Again just hmu and I might be able to teach you a few things ^u^ IGN Gwynharwyf

Sylvari Cultural Armor Color Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey guys, not sure if this has happened to you, but every time I try to load “Midnight Fire” on my medium tier 3 cultural armor, after I remove the preview, the color appears as a blank. I paid some gold for it, would be nice if it worked, thanks =O!

Racial Archetypes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


My main is a sylvari and I have had no issues with the voice acting or the things the character says. Now I have been playing on a alt human and I can’t stand how kitteny she is! “Another confirmation of how great I am?” Something like that, or when you level up she says another thing that irritates me to death! Please anet, consider making character types or different things the character could say, vocal distortion, etc. We would all love this and would makes us feel different from one another ^o^

Is there any ability in the game with crows?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


I’m sorry I mean runes of the mad king elite

Is there any ability in the game with crows?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Anyone know what kind of damage the ravens produce?

Future Profession Ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Hey guys, so I have been thinking of what future content for professions, and been beginning to wonder which approach ArenaNet will take . . Will it be an increase of level? Somethings that I thought would be different, is to add things to allow for deeper character customization. Whether is be allowing a profession access to weapons they wouldn’t normally be able to use, (thief with a torch, warrior with a dagger etc.), additional weapons (scythe, crossbow, whip, spiked chain, gauntlets), or adding new profession trait trees. Maybe a combination of all? Sure giving us more levels will give us the ability to gain the abilities we had to forgo, but this is what most games end up doing! ArenaNet, you guys have taken many bold approaches with this game, and I applaud and love you guys for all of them =* Please consider my ideas =]

Armor Preview

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Why did you guys remove this? I don’t see the big issue of being a medium armored character previewing a heavy or light armor. It was very nice to see what your character could look like wearing different types of armor. Now it is a chore just to preview it . .

D/D and P/P a bad choice?

in Thief

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


I must state I love D/D + Caltrops! Along with my acrobatic build I dodge everything while numbers fly every where taking out very big mobs, and great in 1v1.

Now P/P is great depending on the build, but in my opinion, for a conditional build, I would either go Shortbow or P/D. Shortbow is great! I use it lots for AoE damage, and great for pushing mobs back in wvw (along with shadow refuge, I run in, drop some caltops u). It also has “Infiltrator’s Arrow” which is great for getting in and our of combat and traveling. Now for P/D, I like this because it allows you to stack bleeds much easier than P/P. Reason being, from using “Cloak and Dagger,” you go stealth and can use the sneak attack, which puts 5 stacks of bleeds on them! If you’re running a DoTs build, P/P is hard to get loads of damage out of, compared to Shortbow and P/D as a ranged weapon. I carry both and switch based on the situation. I like Shortbow more, but do what you feel is best =D There is nothing wrong with P/P, I just feel that it is better suited for a raw damage build (power/crit).

Hope my ideas help! If you have any questions you can PM me in game and we can talk thief =3
