Pet dodge when the Ranger dodges? Who really thinks that is a good idea?
I sure as hell do not want to be the only class forced to blow their stamina due to stupid pet AI or their inability to not get destroyed by anything and everything that isn’t a singular white level 80 mob in the open world. Okay, I exaggerate (only a bit, mind you), but my point stands.
That has to be one of the most non-thought-out suggestions I’ve ever heard (no offense to anyone), and I can’t even believe more than one single person thinks that it is a good idea.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Just another obvious issue that’s been hanging around since launch (6+ months).
I would still like to use small fonts as well…
…but clearly their priorities are not bug fixes and class balance. It’s all about poo-ing out content as fast as they can code it…
Just so we’re clear, because you seem to get really worked up over this and seem very insistent that you’re right, auto attack and auto target were added into the game as an aid.
Most classes disable both or one of auto target and auto attack the same way people turn of traction control on a track, it’s an aid, nothing more and it will hold you back. It’s why in some areas you can turn off auto attack for one weapon set and leave it on for another.
Please, feel free to keep posting in bold, it’s a well known fact it makes you right.
And your point is…what, exactly? I know how Auto-Attack works and why it exists.
You don’t get it. This isn’t my first MMO, btw, and I have never used any kind of Auto-Attack in any other game (as it’s usually not even a feature).
Do you not understand that I am here to report a bug? I guess you don’t. Must be an extremely hard concept to wrap your brain around. My comments towards you are “turning off Auto-Attack is not a fix.” Which is true. A ‘fix’ would be the proper functionality of the skill (apparently all buff-type skills have this issue).
There, I bolded and capitalized that one just for you. Though I somehow doubt that’ll help you distinguish a bug thread from a complain thread about Auto-Attack mechanics or whatever you think this is.
Never seen Claw of Jorlag so darn laggy.
Agree, let’s count how long it will take to fix it.
They’ll fix it ASAP, but that’ll be it, no other real fixes shall be made!
That was just the Mod trying to lock a thread in nice way. In no way shape or form does that post mean anything than we are locking a thread.
It was my thread – which I already had re-posted since it was deleted and I was asked “for specifics” – tralololol.
But, yeah, I agree with the comment above and the first thing I got out of the lock statement was “No need to post your bugs here, they know about them (lol). I’ll tell you that I’ll remind them so maybe you guys will be quiet for a while.”
I don’t think anything will actually be done. But I’d be glad to be proven wrong.
Well, it did come across more as a complaint about Ranger issues than a straight up post listing bugs. Not surprised they locked it.
I don’t really see how. The only thing I complained about was the promises made by J.P. and his consequent disappearing act. 95% of the post was bugs. I find that a pretty valid topic for the Game Bugs forum. :/ Oh well. Here’s to being ignored again for the next 4 months, eh? Lol.
u can turn off autoloot dude…
Ah. Haha. I’ve had that on since beta, I guess. Completely forgot there was an option for that, thanks.
How do you even open a chest and not take all the items?
The only way I can see this being done is if your bags are full and it pops up the little “claim items” window. Is that what you mean? Definitely sounds like an exploit though.
I also heard that you can loot a chest, then guest on another server and get the same chest again. They need to fix that, too. I’m speaking specifically about one-a-day chests such as Dragon chests, etc.
Funny, I didnt miss it at all. Sure its easier to stick to targets when you can just spam 1 and leap towards them but its also easier to get hit since you cant dodge while doing it. Ranger sucks, sorry.
Idk wtf a nubbin is, but you are obviously biased against pvpers. Im a pvper, but pve isnt hard, I do that with relative ease as well. Also I dont think you read my post, I dont like the sword root. I like guardians sword style more so, I only like the animations of ranger sword attacks. Honestly maybe you can explain your post more clearly, I didnt quite understand it you are flaming me or agreeing with me.
Lol, I understand that you don’t like the sword root, and I was agreeing with you. I’m not biased against PvPers at all either, I was referring to those few who basically all they do is PvP, and make judgements on how skills should work based solely on their own PvP experiences. In this case, I feel that Sword 1 is somewhat too advantageous (borderline OP), and that certain PvPers would like it to remain that way for obvious reasons. That’s all, no flames intended. Also I edited my other post, as perhaps my facetious attitude was misleading.
If you’re running the game with auto attack enabled you’re doing it wrong.
So “doing it right” then, is to disable auto-attack in an attempt to make buggy skills not as buggy, vs. reporting issues and getting devs to actually fixing them properly?*
I’m pretty sure YOU’RE doing it wrong. Thanks for trolling, though, but try harder next time.
*Realizes with A.Nets track record of late, it may take another 6 months for a fix, if ever. But it is still the proper way to do things. Band-aids are band-aids, and disabling auto-attack is a band-aid, not a fix. Issues don’t get solved that way.
I’m sorry that you can’t take disagreement without assuming it’s trolling, I think it’s probably best if we don’t talk about this anymore because you clearly seem to get annoyed over it. Enjoy your autoattack.
No – I can take disagreement just fine, however I do recognize you from other threads (such as ones covering Ranger Sword) where your advice is always to suck it up and disable auto-attack. That isn’t a solution. It’s a band-aid fix. I didn’t say it doesn’t work. I said it’s not a proper fix, what do you not understand about that?
And leaving one-sentence comments “auto-attack disabled or you’re doing it wrong” is trolling. Are you going to sit there and seriously say that it is not? Get out of here, bro. You have nothing to add to this conversation, clearly.
Actually he’s right. You need to turn off auto-attack not to make bugged skills less buggy, but to be able to use gap closers as escape skills. If you have auto-target on, then you are not able to use Sword 2 and GS 3 to flee from combat.
Actually he’s not. I don’t even use a Sword and I only use GS on static objects and only when necessary. This is not a PvP-centric thread, and I didn’t really come here to ask people’s advice on auto-attack or anything else…I came to report an issue.
But sure guys, keep telling me that the proper way to go about this is not to fix the issue at hand, and to just disable auto-attack. I’m sure the 5001st time I hear it, I may just do it…I guess I’ll stop reporting bugs at the same time too.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Learn your class, lol.
LOL…what?! AGAIN? Ummm….
I already had to re-post there once because I was asked “for specifics." So I posted specifics.
I don’t see anything there that is violating the forum ToS, do you?
It’s intentional, according to a developer comment on the subject. The weapon was apparently changed from a plasma weapon to a flame weapon, and so they changed the sound effect to match.
Well, glad I am not ever going to make a Legendary.
A.Net feels that they can just change them as they see fit. HAHA. GG.
(I still feel your pain, guys.)
Now you know how rangers feel with a dead pet, doesn’t feel good does it?
edit: i can’t spell, my sarcasm is now useless
Nah, you forget that Rangers DPS is divided among themselves and their pet.
Mesmers don’t get a huge damage reduction when they can’t poo out clones 24/7.
Yea, because we never experienced what it was like to have a mechanic reliant on easily killable pets before this bug…
Invalid. Poo-able clones =/= singular pet that when dead, reduces your total damage output 30%+, making you ~30% weaker than all other classes.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
You should really bump the original thread then, instead of making a new one.
The other one has videos, A.Net responses, etc.
Here it is if you couldn’t find it (seriously, this forums search is borked):
I posted a thread in the Game Bugs forum entitled: [BUG] Ranger class.
Please go show your support. Add more bugs, list any that have already been fixed, etc (I used the Ranger Bug list as a base, but it’s kind of old now). Most importantly: Keep the thread bumped.
As far as I can tell, there’s a lot of red posts in the Game Bugs forum going on lately. Now’s our chance!
IMO, the Ranger class is a game bug (haha), so it deserves it’s own thread there.
Perhaps we can get some fixes if out of nothing but annoyance! Woo!
Here it is:
I know what you mean, it isn’t any different in all the other profession forums. All the “red” is either in the account issues forum or bug forum. Not sure if this helps though but good luck.
All it really is, is a feeble cry for attention! We were already diagnosed ‘broken’ by J. Peters over 4 months ago, promised fixes; but then he vanished like Houdini.
Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements. I would Literally tell you but I think it would be considered a bit of a spoiler so you will have to be patient.
See? Houdini.
Problem with blaming it on culling is two-fold.
1) The problem was introduced with the February 26th patch and did not exist prior to that. The changes to culling were introduced in the patch on January 28th.
Well, technically, if the problem is culling, then it was introduced when the game launched. Hah. It’s the same system, they’ve just been modifying the back-end as they see fit (I assume to improve it). They rolled out a big change on 1/28, but I’m pretty sure they said they were still going to be tweaking it. IIRC.
2) The problem is happening even in areas that are completely devoid of players and/or only have a handful of mobs in them. You might not be able to tell in my screenshots, but there really wasn’t anything particularly interesting happening in those scenes.
I’m sorry if I cost you an interview. :P
Pssh, what? Stealthed Moas and sentient wings are pretty darn interesting, to me anyways.
Same thing happens with Environment details like rocks on cave floors (skrittsburg), bushes, debri, etc. I’ve noticed it since launch. Haven’t seen it so bad on Mobs though. Its ruins any chance at beauty this game has when you see it :*(
The environmental details I have seen since launch, but I suspect that is more a problem with just an extremely short visible distance that is purposely chosen, and a lack of LODs to view these objects out further. I see it a lot with stumps that only render when you’re within a few meters of them.
Confirmed since launch; though some rocks, etc. do actually disappear depending on the camera angle, even up close. However, I have seen this in many games past. Not sure what to blame on that one.
Not sure why you would simply copy/paste the ranger bug thread and make a new thread in the bug forum. Do you really think Anet is going to go crazy simply because there is another thread complaining about profession bugs? There are several hundred threads like this one and I am pretty sure the same thing will happen… nothing.
I do understand you are upset about the current bugs for rangers (just like I am about elementalists bugs and pretty much any other player about the bugs for their main profession) BUT the best thing to do is report new bugs to the official bug thread. This thread will just be ignored and/or closed.
Ignored – perhaps, but then again, that would be nothing new regarding Ranger issues.
Closed – no, it was deleted once already and I was asked for ‘specifics.’ So here they are. I was asked, so I presented. Why the bug list from Ranger forum? Because AFAIK, these all still exist. Should I only list a few?
Why did I post here? Look at all those red replies here in the bug forum. It’s been over 4 months in the Ranger forum since we saw a ‘red.’ I think you can figure that one out yourself. Besides, the person maintaining the Ranger Bug thread in the Ranger forum has been MIA for 4 months as well (he probably quit, like many other Rangers, or re-rolled). Sure, I can add some things to a thread that nobody ever views…but what’s the point? This is clearly the forum getting more ‘red’ attention.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Thank you for the reports; we’re investigating what could be causing this now!
If you’d like to send me a monetary reward for helping you to uncover the issue at hand, please contact me via PM and I will send you my PayPal account email.
I’d also accept employment if you’d pay for my relocation expenses, because I can show you and uncover bugs in this game all day long.
Opening Strikes only gives vulnerable during certain circumstances. Most importantly is the minimum range of 900.
Agility Training doesn’t give pets 30% movement speed. Only 14%~. Video located here
Trapper’s Defense has a 10~ second internal cooldown. Should be listed on the tooltip
Trapper’s Expertise causes the vulnerability portion of Opening Strikes not to proc on traps
Vigourous Renewal states “Gain vigor when using a heal skill”, this trait also gives vigor to any ally who is given regeneration by you (ie, with Healing Spring)
Off-Hand Training doesn’t increase the range of Stalker’s Strike or Call of the Wild
Circle of Life creates a Healing Spring on downed, not death as stated
Fortifying Bond only extends partial duration of boons.
Master’s Bond resets when you transition from land->water even if it’s the same pet.
Spotter has a bugged tooltip that shows the wrong roman numeral (II instead of VII) and it says “Might”
The following traits only work in combat: Spotter, Mighty Swap, Compassion/Concentrated/Expertise/Malicious Training, Companion’s Defense
Master’s Bond doesn’t include how much stat to your pet. Should read 6 stat per stack, max 25 stacks
Beastmastery trait line doesn’t show the correct amount of pet attribute, should be in increments of 10 instead of 1
Nature’s Vengeance does not increase the spirit’s activated ability size
Natural Healing heals yourself along with your pet, even though it’s stated that it only heals your pet
Moment of Clarity doesn’t give trigger the ‘Attack of Opportunity’.
Trapper’s Expertise trap that is over 600 range away will trigger an initial pulse of damage then teleport to 600 range from your current position.
Remorseless doesn’t regain Opening Strike after a kill
Nature Magic doesn’t affect Healing Spring’s tooltip, but it affects the actual regeneration duration.
Downed Skills
Lick Wounds triggers non Ranger pets to resurrect you.
Lick Wounds doesn’t always work.
Signet of the Beastmaster’s effect on Signet of the Hunt doesn’t affect your damage (but, there is a graphically representation of the buff)
Signet of the Wild doesn’t show that it has a 12 second duration or how much more damage you do (I got ~22.22%)
Traps do not work in the sPvP map ‘Battle of Kyhlo’ clocktower.
Search and Rescue will occasionally cause your pet to follow the ally it just resurrected indefinitely
Sharpening Stone will only apply 1 bleed on abilities that fire multiple projectiles (Splitblade, Poison Volley, etc), but use additional charges if hit
Signet of the Hunt’s activated buff wears off if you use any ability (damaging or not)
Spirits can be swapped for other skills while summoned if their activated ability cooldown is up
Rampage As One’s Stability portion of the buff is overwritten by other Stability buffs.
Signet of the Wild activated portion with Signet of the Beastmaster doesn’t allow you to stomp downed enemies, rally allies or interact with environmental items.
Entangle’s roots are unable to be attacked by ranged weapons.
Spirits disappear when you enter water
Entangle often doesn’t root all enemies near you. May be due to an unknown max participants limit.
Offhand Training provides 2 different cooldowns for Call of the Wild.
Entangle isn’t affected by condition damage. FIXED
Spirit of Nature should specify the status of the recipient (downed/dead)
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
The Ranger class is broken – please go fix it.
J. Peters admitted to it’s brokenness 4 months ago, but then disappeared without a trace after promising big changes and improvements.
Here’s a small example list – my thread was already deleted once for not containing ‘specifics’ – lol, uhhh yeah, I won’t even make a comment about that.
Anyways, here goes:
All of you other Rangers, feel free to add to the list (or mention what has been fixed, if any). Pretty sure there are more still!
Weapon Skills
Ranged attacks often say ‘obstructed’ even when it’s clearly a landed hit
Longbow/Harpoon Gun don’t auto attack at max range (1500) with Eagle Eye.
Horn skill Call of the Wild (5) with autotargeting on will cause start autoattacking anything near
Horn skill Call of the Wild (5) gains 2 seconds from Off-Hand Training on the tooltip, but the duration is the same in real-time
Horn skill Hunter’s Call (4) can cause very odd graphic anomalies on enemies of specific sizes.
Spear Swirling strike is interrupted by the Stab chain if auto-attack is enabled
Sword’s Slash/Kick/Pounce chain will cause the player to be semi-rooted in place resulting in inability to dodge or readily reposition yourself
Shortbow’s Quick Shot doesn’t always trigger the swiftness boon or move you backwards.
Shortbow’s Crossfire (1)’s added delay as of the 10/7/12 patch is seemingly unintended.
Shortbow isn’t affected by quickness correctly.
Shortbow’s autoattack is auto-canceling since the animation fix.
Greatsword’s Swoop (3) will often miss if the target is on a different elevation as you.
Superior Rune of Dwayna 2 pc set bonus 20% to Rejuvenation Duration, does not apply to Healing Spring
F2 ability response issue.
Infinite Pet Buff Stacking.
Infinite Porcine Forage.
White Moa’s Icy Screech (F2) tooltip reads “Screech to chill nearby foes.”, and shows that it gives 10 seconds (base amount) of Regen. Instead, the ability does AE damage and 1 second of chilled
Blue Moa’s Protecting Screech gives 4 (base) seconds of protection instead of the stated 10 (base) seconds
Many pets don’t do the correct amount of condition or boon intensity/duration. Will make a chart soon.
Jungle Spider/Black Widow’s Paralyzing Venom immobilizes for 2 seconds instead of the stated 2 second stun
Black Widow has only half the vitality as the other spiders
White Raven has 687 less vitality than the other birds
Other Ranger’s pets can trigger the ‘Charm’ option when you’re near them
Boon duration modifies pet’s tooltips, but not their actual ability.
Ranger pet names do not stay if you change a pet via the pet management window.
Pet agro doesn’t work correctly under many circumstances including pet type
Player stats are not affecting your pets stats even though the tooltip states otherwise.
Pets occasionally have a sound bug where they are incredibly loud.(Not just ranger pets)
Pets are unable to attack particiular world objects such as gates in WvW.
Pets will often run infront of you (potentially in agro range) before stopping while following
Drakes do not use Tail Swipe or Chomp. Also, their autoattack does an unlisted AE.
*Spider’s Poison Blast causes projectiles to be obstructed.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Personal skill does not equate to the class being used being on par with other classes.
Seriously, when will people finally get this through their thick skulls?
Yeah, I know. Also beating up on [potential] baddies all day doesn’t make your under-par class technically better, either.
This class will always be kitten until they decide that the pet is no longer the class gimmick.
Nerf the unliving stupid bajeeezus out of all the pets, put the power into the ranger(the player!), and tweak some “f” skills around the dumb critter that is out. Hate it, love it, I don’t really care anymore, it’s the only way ranger will ever become interesting for me.
+1, and hey guess what? This is what the Guild Wars 1 Ranger was! Pet was an option (used a skill slot), and your character retained 100% damage.
WTB my GW1 Ranger back.
Too bad they took everything we did well and gave it to other professions.
Warriors/Thieves deal better range weapon damage.
Mesmers have better pets.
Virtual every other class feels like they can CC better.
They even gave our kitten preps to the theif (venoms).All we have are traps and they are just as lackluster here as they were in GW1.
1. Rangers would do better ranged damage than Warr/Thief IF they made the Ranger retain it’s full damage instead of splitting it with the pet. That’s partially what I’m asking for.
2. Mesmers have pets? Mehh..phantasms and clones =/= pets. They are closest to minions, which are meant to be disposable. We have a singular pet, at any one time, as our class mechanic (vs. spammable illusions), and as such it should not be viewed as disposable. Then again I don’t even want a stupid azz pet, my Ranger didn’t use one in GW1, and I don’t want to be forced to use one now, just to play a Ranger. My Warrior isn’t forced to use Adrenal Skills. My Necro is not forced to use Death Shroud. My Thief isn’t forced to steal. Yet my Ranger? Forced to have a pet, it even “pops out” by itself if I engage enemies after I stow it. Ridiculous.
3. The CC with the Ranger is mediocre, then again mobs in this game can CC 100x better than any class (5s knockdowns commonplace). WTH.
4. Yeah, there aren’t any preps left. Kinda dumb, they had their place.
Traps were pretty good in GW1 (PvE anyways), if you knew how to loadout and spec. You could be very useful, actually. But there were about 3x as many traps to choose from as in GW2, and I believe they lasted longer and hit harder – IIRC.
TLDR; GW2 Ranger is highly gimped in comparison to GW1 Ranger, and there really isn’t any reasoning for it at all besides lazy class building, IMO.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Yup, just been confirmed about a day ago by a dev on another post that ‘Final Rest’ IS in game but very, VERY rare.
Link to thread or post?
Yeah I talked to the Developer about it. He confirmed that its in game and working and very low.
You guys should realize by now, that the Devs and A.Net reps clearly have no idea what is in their own loot tables, drop rates, etc. They said Final Rest dropped “rarely”…what a load of BS. Since when does rare = never? Like nobody would have found ONE of those from Behe since launch. Puh-lease. They think we’re idiots. They should research their own loot table before making claims that things are dropping, even if “rarely.” People searched for that thing for MONTHS, then boom patch day, everyone gets one from the Behemoth. Rofl. Such BS.
Best part is the last red post is basically an “I told you so” post about how they said it was rare and how they boosted chest drops a bit. You can’t boost 0% to anything, without changing that 0 first. I call their BS, and I would NEVER waste any time hunting for something like that in this game, ever again.
For Great Justice does the same thing.
So it’s a bug with all buff-only skills, not just warhorn 5.
Good info, thanks for adding this!
If you’re running the game with auto attack enabled you’re doing it wrong.
So “doing it right” then, is to disable auto-attack in an attempt to make buggy skills not as buggy, vs. reporting issues and getting devs to actually fixing them properly?*
I’m pretty sure YOU’RE doing it wrong. Thanks for trolling, though, but try harder next time.
*Realizes with A.Nets track record of late, it may take another 6 months for a fix, if ever. But it is still the proper way to do things. Band-aids are band-aids, and disabling auto-attack is a band-aid, not a fix. Issues don’t get solved that way.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
It is only 80g…
Ok nevermind. There was some staff that was 2500g when I last logged on. I thought this was it.
There was one posted for 2500g, probably one of the first ones dropped yesterday from Shadow Behemoth. Though anyone who knows anything about this staff also now knows where it drops from, and would have to be literally insane to pay 2500g for it. I estimate it will be sub-10g in a weeks time.
Get used to it or quit, thats kinda what Im doing anyways. This group of ANET devs suck compared to gw1s.
Going to quote you for truth here again, as I was just telling my friend yesterday how there is just no possible way that this is the same devs/live-team from GW1. The quality differences (across every aspect of the game) are staggering.
I just want the “pet running 20ft in front of me” & “sword roots you” fixed. My pet should be RIGHT NEXT TO ME all the time unless he’s fighting. & the 1h sword rooting & yanking me all over the place sucks.
Try going from Ranger melee to Guardian melee. Guardians stop attacking the second the target moves. Believe me, you’ll miss that yanking all over the place when you have to reposition one step forward every few seconds. I’m not talking about mobs that run away, they just make things worse, I’m talking about the ones that just move slightly like drakes. That’s the one thing I hate about Guardian that the Ranger does infinitely better.
Funny, I didnt miss it at all. Sure its easier to stick to targets when you can just spam 1 and leap towards them but its also easier to get hit since you cant dodge while doing it. Ranger sucks, sorry.
QFT. Only those that basically only ever PvP like the “sword-root” because it’s far too advantageous there, because you basically stick to your target instead of requiring manual repositioning like every other class and weapon set in the game. It doesn’t seem fair, because it’s not really (it’s not like this is a class mechanic), yet there will always be people who argue for something to stay ‘broken’ because it can actually give them an advantage.
I myself have made multiple topics on that subject alone. The more civilized, well-versed crowd that does lots of content gets it. The people who prefer to maintain an unfair advantage over other players in PvP don’t (well most DO – but some will just tell you that you suck, and to live with it).
And you are correct that it makes dodging near-impossible. That is the main disadvantage of the ‘sword-root’ issue, beyond animation lock.
I have a level 80 Necro, Ranger, Warrior, and Thief – and I have NO ISSUES staying on my targets without a skill allowing me to keep in their face. It’s a L2Play issue, almost bordering on exploit if you ask me…though technically not, since you’re using the skill ‘as designed.’
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Judging by the amount of people everywhere in game today – and I mean EVERYWHERE, I would say this patch is a smashing success
Nah, patch day always brings back those who were on hiatus, if only to see what the new patch entails. I even came back for a few minutes today to check it out after not logging in for nearly 3 weeks. Didn’t really see any incentive to stay and continue the gear treadmill that is Ascended Gear and Dailies/Monthlies, etc.
Using observed patch-day population to gauge actual success is far from valid. See: Lost Shores Event for more details.
Anyone else notice that before this, the chat code would display as [] but now it displays as [Final Rest]? Interesting.
That’s because they finally added it to the game I kid, I kid…or do I…I’m not entirely sure anymore.
The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game. There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.
The long answer is that guilds are indeed both social structures and reward mechanisms. We realize rewards can strain social connections and we do our best to prevent it. We want you to be able to play with your friends without feeling pressured by the game to spend your time doing otherwise. We’re still fine-tuning some details, but the general idea is that rewards from new guild content system are rate-limited in such a way that a smaller, more-focused groups can maintain a similar pace to the larger ones. So no, you won’t have to abandon your friends and join mega-guilds to benefit from the system, but that’s not to say the mega-guilds won’t have plenty of stuff to do.
I don’t want to go into too many more details until our team formally releases all of the information in our upcoming blog post. But I hope that helps for now.
Necro Mode ~ Activated. Just to prove a point I made over 18 days ago. Either I’m psychic and foreseen all these problems – or I know what I’m talking about.
Pretty sure A.Net reps just feed people garbage these days to keep them enticed and string them along until their next big fail is too big to ignore, etc.
Kinda like how they claimed Final Rest was a rare drop from a large boss chest…6 months after launch, still no Final Rest has been found. Though it was confirmed by multiple A.Net reps that it indeed exists. Then miraculously, with today’s patch (and loot drop ‘fixes’), it’s now popping up left and right in PvE (where before, it was probably the most fabled non-legendary item..hmm..) and even PvP. I said that A.Net would never admit fault, and would just blame RNG or something. 10 minutes later a red post in the thread confirmed that theory…
Come on. A.Net will never take fault for this mind you, they’ll blame it on crappy RNG or something. Maybe you didn’t have enough Magic Find!
There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds—but I did say that the staff had an extremely low drop rate, and we did just boost the odds of rare items appearing at the end of large events. Congrats to those who got one!
Just another example…
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
I’m fully expecting the chest drop rates to get nerfed. I’ve seen at least 1 person linking an exotic drop on every chest event. On my first behemoth kill, 2 people got final rest out of around 30 people.
Actually, that sounds WAY more appropriate vs. the kind of “loot” that dropped before.
I don’t see the issue. 2 exotics out of 30 people from a zone event? I don’t see why that is a problem. Exotic isn’t even top-tier anymore (well for some gear, the rest will follow shortly). :P
Can’t tell if serious…
edit: I just LOVE how the post right under this one is title: New Patch is awful.
It all should have been working since launch.
Hey 5 years in development wasn’t enough, I guess. Though 5 years was enough time to release GW1 and all subsequent campaigns and x-pacs (there were 2 full sized games aka campaigns, and a smaller x-pac called Eye of the North).
Luuuuuuuuuuuuuulz. Let that one sink in.
…quitting a game you don’t pay for monthly that has given you 10x any content that a single player game can offer is laughable.
That statement is laughable. 10x more content than any SP game can offer? Lulz, not only is it not true, but why are you comparing SP games to GW2…? GW2 cannot be played offline AFAIK.
I’m comparing it to a SP game because you don’t pay for it monthly, unlike most MMO’s. Name one SP game that can even come close. You can’t do it. Try again.
I would have listed this actually, but have only heard things from friends; never played it myself.
I’d allllllmost even make a stretch and say that Dragon’s Dogma has more content than GW2, at least that game has New Game+, multiple endings and choices that influence your story, 200 character levels, and an ex-pac coming soon. :P TBH, it is really the only RPG-ish game I’ve played lately other than GW2 (which I have played religiously since beta). Before GW2 I was playing GW1 heavily, and would probably go back but most people left for the “next big thing,” haha. Ironic.
BTW, I wholeheartedly recommend Dragon’s Dogma if you own a console. Now that is real “action combat.” It’s kept me on hiatus from GW2 for nearly 3 weeks straight! And the Dragon encounters in DD make the ones in GW2 just look completely pathetic, it’s sad really considering the Dragons in GW2 are your primary nemesis…I dunno if I can stand beating on a Dragons foot for 5 minutes after playing the intense and very mobile encounters in DD, lulz.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Let’s give GW2 the same amount of years GW1 has been out, then compare content. That argument is moot. If you’ve run every path in every dungeon, beaten story mode, done every jumping puzzle, explored the whole game, mastered sPvP, done WvW, gotten your legendary and everything else, THEN and ONLY THEN have you completed all content in this game.
I was only comparing Guild Wars Prophecies in my comparison – the very first game – with the SAME world map as GW2 except that you can actually access MORE of it.
Do you even REALIZE the insane amount of time that GW2 has been in development? Since 2007; that is a FIVE-YEAR development cycle, approx. 2x-3x that of the average. That’s huge. Don’t give me this crap “lets give it as long as GW1 and see how it compares.” GW1 had the core game (“Prophecies”) plus 2 stand-alone campaigns (each as big as Prophecies) and 1 expansion pack, ALL developed and released within 5 years.
Whose argument is moot now?
How about you do the math instead of making up numbers, for starters.
“Guild Wars development was first announced in April 2003. Guild Wars Prophecies, initially marketed simply as Guild Wars, was released in April 2005. Sorrow’s Furnace added further playable content to Prophecies in September 2005. Guild Wars Factions was released exactly a year after Prophecies in April 2006 followed six months later by Guild Wars Nightfall in October 2006. A fourth campaign was in development, but after reviewing feedback from fans and the sort of changes they wanted to make, ArenaNet elected to focus on an expansion pack, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, released in August 2007, and Guild Wars 2.”
5 years for GW1 = Developement started and finished for the core game and the following 2 Campaigns (stand-alone games as large as Prophecies), and the EoTN expansion pack; work also begins on sequel.
5 years for GW2 = Game is barely released. I won’t bother to mention it’s current state 6 months after that fact, as I think it’s pretty clear most people’s opinions on that one.
Technically, Guild Wars Prophecies and all later content packs completed the development cycle and were released all within 4.5 years. GW2 after 5 years? The core game was still in beta.
I find it amusing that you think there is no cause for concern.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
…quitting a game you don’t pay for monthly that has given you 10x any content that a single player game can offer is laughable.
That statement is laughable. 10x more content than any SP game can offer? Lulz, not only is it not true, but why are you comparing SP games to GW2…? GW2 cannot be played offline AFAIK.
I’m comparing it to a SP game because you don’t pay for it monthly, unlike most MMO’s. Name one SP game that can even come close. You can’t do it. Try again.
Pshh, for cereal? Well I’ll start with Guild Wars 1 since that’s the most obvious example (and should fit your requirement of “game that doesn’t require sub”), but then after that you can probably just choose any of the other big-name single-player RPGs out there. I guess if you consider grinding Fractal levels and running the same dungeons over and over “more content” than what other games have, you may have a valid point. Personally, I don’t consider grinding the same crap every day to be “content-rich.”
But let’s be honest, this game generates revenue on a daily basis, it just does not require a sub fee like some other MMOs. But you’re mistaken if you think A.Net isn’t making just as much off of the Gem Store as some other companies make with subs (wonder why more companies are starting to push the so-called f2p model?). So really, you should be asking for any types of comparison whether there be a sub fee involved or not. Either way your blanket statement is just wrong.
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
Come on. A.Net will never take fault for this mind you, they’ll blame it on crappy RNG or something. Maybe you didn’t have enough Magic Find!
There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds—but I did say that the staff had an extremely low drop rate, and we did just boost the odds of rare items appearing at the end of large events. Congrats to those who got one!
Just wanted to say that:
1. I told you so.
2. I called it.
3. Etc.
There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds—but I did say that the staff had an extremely low drop rate, and we did just boost the odds of rare items appearing at the end of large events. Congrats to those who got one!
I guess zero technically is “extremely low” in the mathematically world, eh? At least in standards…lulz.
There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds
I can confirm – 3 people in my guild got it from Shadow Behemoth today.
Well that’s just pure lollerskates. They must have boosted “the odds” by around x10000000000000000000000000000!
Nowait. 0 × 10000000000000000000000000000 = still 0. Ah hell, I give up.
Two things could explain why it took so long. One is that this event was bugged on most servers since launch until very recently…
Either way, a bug was a major factor as to why it wasn’t found for so long, and that is disappointing.
I never had any issues with this event (not that I really went out of my way to do it) on my server. I highly, HIGHLY doubt this is even a potential reason for it never having dropped. I have completed the event several times with no issue across several characters, perhaps some servers had issues, yes – but even still, do you really think that with the amount of server maintenance (causing events to reset), updates forcing server resets, and all other instances where events got reset server-wide, that this kitten thing would not have dropped at least one time? Come on. A.Net will never take fault for this mind you, they’ll blame it on crappy RNG or something. Maybe you didn’t have enough Magic Find!
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
…quitting a game you don’t pay for monthly that has given you 10x any content that a single player game can offer is laughable.
That statement is laughable. 10x more content than any SP game can offer? Lulz, not only is it not true, but why are you comparing SP games to GW2…? GW2 cannot be played offline AFAIK.
Meh, was more fun when it was a hunt, and if it was truly ultra rare, maybe one person would have found it eventually, and then for it to remain exceedingly rare.
Not to mention I’m sure many people spent countless hours looking for this thing, either for personal use or profit. I mean, just look at this thread, hehe.
For A.Net to string people along this whole time, when it was clearly bugged, is just messed up. Maybe they figured if they told people it wasn’t dropping then some people would just stop playing because they had nothing else to do, lol. I dunno. But they HAD to know it wasn’t dropping, I just can’t believe otherwise when there have been at least 2 A.Net responses to this particular staff. Either that or it’s like I said earlier, just another case of them not knowing wtf they’re talking about. Pick your poison, each ‘choice’ is not a very appealing one indeed (bold-face lying/pure employee incompetence and laziness).
Now that you mention it, my Final Rest is missing! They better mail me a new one!
No worries, I found it.
The event was bugged for the longest time. Once again, the assumption that ArenaNet screwed up and that was the reason no-one was finding it (Behemoth was unable to be completed 95% of the time on my server) is the answer to the problem.
Fact remains that across ALL the different servers, ALL the server resets (fixing the broken/stuck events), time passed since launch (6+ MONTHS…MONTHS), event farming, etc. etc. that ONE person would have obtained it by now. ONE.
I choose not to believe A.Nets bullshiz; whether you do or not is your own choice, but I tend to think their track-record as of late speaks for itself.
HAHA, so it seems was indeed BS’ing the whole time – no big surprise given their track record lately.
NO WAY in h-e-double hockey sticks was this thing already properly in the loot table in-game – dropped from Shadow Behemoth? REALLY?
Yeah, sure, because nooobooody would have gotten that as a drop yet, all the times that thing has been killed since launch.
Yet coincidentally, the staff is “available” in PvP as of today’s patch.
I’m sure some people spent an inordinate amount of time looking for this, but thank God I didn’t; I just figured was full of crap as usual. Just another case of their employees not knowing wtf they’re talking about?
(edited by Idolicious.6091)
It’s always been in the PvP Locker under Staff for as long as I can remember…
…whether OBTAINABLE or not, I dunno. I don’t touch sPvP.
A.Net devs claim this is a drop from a boss in PvE, yet nobody has EVER obtained it. I call their bs.