Showing Posts For Ikarushka.9564:

single target dmg, how much is too much?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


wrong subforum?

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Though if KH had wated a little later you would have got some awesome battles,

awesome fights in SoS bl against CERN-EP and co that random open field Server v Server fight we had was awesome fun, great to see improvement among SoS more of us getting on teamspeak and communicating.

I was really enjoying the fights and fun this morning. Those CERN guys are starting to grow on me even if they are TC rp’ing yak diddlers. So kitten ed that I had to bail to go to work. I knew I should have skipped that whole work thing and pounded a case of Keystone Light and got all crazy town today playing GW2 on one of the nicest days of the year. WTF was I thinking, I guess a man can dream of what could have been.


Keystone Light..???? Sorry. I’m gonna have to kick you out of FoE for that remark.. Best of luck.

Well most of the time I keep high class. Last night I was sipping Cristal, smoking a Cuban, listening to the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, whilst being serviced by several porn star dropouts. I teach these ladies the secrets to my success by explosing them to NPR Nightly Business Report and my kittening kitten GW2 Elementalist skills. Being a great philanthropist is on my lifes passions now that I am fantastically rich and almost famous.

But sometimes you just gotta return to your roots and be one of the common plebeians and drink a case of Keystone Light. It is easy to lose sight of humanity’s plight being a 1%’er.


I do not believe that the cost is in question. You see, there is beer… and then there is donkey urine in a bottle/can

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Realistically speaking, with the numbers as skewed as they are, the biggest thing “not giving up” will achieve is entertain the winning side. This way the winning side can get a bit of fights and don’t feel incredibly bored. What is amusing is all the posts in this thread that really say “please come play with us; this is boring” but read “yah, we are better than you. Maybe you should learn a thing or two from us, cause this one time we were losing and we totally held on till the very end”. Good read though, would check again

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

WvW lvl 80 armorfor upleveled characters

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Does it mean you will no longer be up-leveled to compensate for the lack of lvl 80 armor? Cause you might find that getting up-leveled is somewhat better than a lvl 80 armor set

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

WvW Monthly?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Didn’t there use to be a Monthly for just WvW?

Why does PVP get a separate Monthly and not WvW?


sPVP and tPVP also get their own armor, so it is different

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Do not play necro in WvW - down state bug

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


1. is true and was confirmed by a dev earlier. It does stink that it has not been fixed (though I have not checked for a while)
2. That is simply not true. Death shroud does have a blink. Flesh wurm has a blink. Spectral walk has a teleport 8 seconds back… while it is not a true teleport you can use the terrain creatively to get away.
3. That is not unique to necro, so I guess it’s pretty much the same as 1)
4. Same as 1)
5. Have you tried numbers other than 1 on the staff?
6. Staff #5 has a fear with a 1200 ranger, Death shroud 3 fear has a 1200 range. So I am really confused as to what the complaint is here.

So really you have 1 point and a lot of text padding your post. Now back to number 1. You are right a few classes have amaing down state spells that help them escape. However, aside from ele in a large fights if you go down you pretty much die with or without the additional hp. Should it be fixed? Absolutely. Should it have been fixed a long time ago? Absolutely. Does it make necro the worst WvW class? By far not.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

(edited by Ikarushka.9564)

5/31 Kaineng/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


handle it like grown ups – meet up in real life, unzip and see who’s is larger.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

WvW messesd up PIC ATTACHED!

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Furthermore, I’m not reporting this to you, but to ANET. Thank you and have a nice day.

perhaps you should have picked a less public place to report it if you did not want input from other members of the community (even the ones you don’t agree with).

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

5/31 Kaineng/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


What happened to Yak’s Bend last few days? They are 3rd now in the matchup

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

“We cannot get out” from tier 5 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


By looking at new WvW score (Millenium courtesy) and after the drama effects from last Friday resets regarding to North America, until now it only benefits 5 servers:

Sea of Sorrows ……………………. (moved 2 tiers up, from previews tier)
Stormbluff Isle ……………………. (moved 2 tiers up, from previews tier)
Crystal Desert …………………….. (remains same tier, but other 2 servers went down 1 tier )
Northern Shiverpeaks ……… (moved 1 tier up, from previews tier)
Fergusson’s Crossing …………. (moved 1 tier up, from previews tier)

Common denominator involving those worlds: all are fighting servers coming from above tiers and their borderland is RED!

Regarding to tier 5, after 12 weeks in a row, my homeworld Borlis Pass matchup against Anvil Rock + Ehmry Bay (old tier 4).

Ebay population playing WvW is the double of any other servers in this tier (AR + BP). Add this to their experience in previews tier 4 and our threesome matchup end week after week in tie rounds. Finally, last week they earn the right to move up to tier 4, due to Anvil Rock sacrifice in fight less to let them go, both servers red and blue expected Stormbluff Island coming down a tier to refresh this stagnant tier 5.

Unfortunately, last Friday reset result to push back Ehmry Bay even when they start to smell tier 4 and ….. end up with a deception for all the 3 servers envolved! We think this is a forced marriage done by ArenaNet and most of the players can’t stand another matchup like this, a few are leaving GW2 while others return to PVE or doing large breaks from this game until find another with plenty of fun (this one is losing theirs)!

In resume, this week reset, can you ArenaNet give us hope and refresh tier 5? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME THANK YOU

“We cannot get out” tier 5 image, after 13 weeks:

Something tells me you have basically no idea how the current matchmaking system works. Here’s a hint: get away from thinking about a tiered matchmaking structure and start thinking about ratings matchups.

My server, too, drew the same opponents as last week; I can see how that might be frustrating. But hey—that happens. It’s probable that you’ll get new opponents next week.

The point is, i believe, the servers that were matched with a higher tier servers will likely gain score (due to being matched with a higher score servers) despite loosing. Servers that were moved down a tier will likely gain score due to outmatching the lower tier servers. Servers that stayed in the same tier will likely remain with unchanged (in any meaningful way) score. That means that the gap will widen from the previous weeks for the servers that stayed unchanged. That in turns means that the random component for the “unchanged” servers will have to be higher to move up or down, which is less likely. Meaning that the chances of t5 staying the same way will increase after this week.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Southsun crate drops

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


if the chance of dropping a skin is 2% for each of the crates, then probability of not getting a skin in 50 consecutive attempts is about 36%, which is relatively high

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


^lol At least you guys seem to have an even matchup. This is just wrong XD

There were very few match-up that could realistically change from last week and still be fair. I have no idea why anyone expected anything else. I mean, everyone hoped they would get lower tier servers in, but there is only that much of it that can happen.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


TC again :[ man. We need to break up this relationship now

either that, or put a ring on it :P

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I am sorry about your roll SBI, give them hell though

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

[BUG] Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


They treat the turret like pets from other classes. I only play engie so I don’t really know how the other classes worked in terms of pet cooldowns. Looking at the necro and the ranger on the wiki, it seems their cooldowns to resummon only start after they die. I think this is a mistake to treat the turret as one because the turrets effectiveness is completely negated by moving out of its range unlike pets who can move.

Turrets still have problems to become viable. But this problem with the healing turret is worst than with the other turrets. Average healing with a 35s cooldown is not viable by any measure in this game. And even if they fix the cooldown, it would still need a survivability boost to be viable. Their hitting box is still bugged as previously reported and still not fixed. They are also destroyed way too easily.

Granted I only play wvw, but the turret is the most amazing heal considering that it creates a water field that you can use blast for AOE heal up to 3 times. With no/little healing power at all you can get a 8k-10k hp heal almost instantly, that is pretty hard to beat. Plus you can use a blast on the cleansing blast for an additional aoe heal.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

(edited by Ikarushka.9564)

Consortium Sickle - How long till it expires

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


The Molten Pick was very good, I loved the graphics when it was used, having bought the new sickle, I’m very disappointed. Sure, it won’t break, but I was hoping for more when using it.

How is that relevant to the thread? There are many threads for complaining about the animation, yet you pick the one asking for how long it will be up on sale?

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Gentlemanly agreement?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I still it’s best to NOT display cumulative totals for scores, just the current ppt.

Helps with morale and allows players to play for the NOW, increasing engagement.

NOTHING kills morale and participation like feeling your efforts are futile.

That I can agree with completely.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Gentlemanly agreement?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


problem is for the T3 servers if they DONT crush the T7 server they will lose rating.

The old rating system is irrelevant now though, right?

It is the exact same system with a bit more randomness in it.

BIT? A BIT? It’s T O T A L L Y random. Insane!

the first week will have a lot of randomness due to them having to effectively fill in parameters that their system did not have to deal with before. Sure it will appear totally random, but that should go away with time. I know famous last words

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Gentlemanly agreement?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


problem is for the T3 servers if they DONT crush the T7 server they will lose rating.

The old rating system is irrelevant now though, right?

It is the exact same system with a bit more randomness in it.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Gentlemanly agreement?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


While theoretically that is a great idea. Practically it will hurt more than it will help, as the hypothetical t7 server will have a better score than it should, which will result in more mismatched fights int he coming weeks (due to the system and not randomness).

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

T4 NA SoS-CD-SBI 5/24

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Reset again and now they have a tier 7 server versus tier 3/4 servers, lulz!!! Time to make a sacrifice to the RNG gods. Spill all asurian blood in hopes for a balanced match up.

Now that is simply irrational my friend. There is relatively little blood per asura; now if you were to go norn – you might observe much better results!

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

(edited by Ikarushka.9564)

My first Wooden Loot Chest

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


…I’d bet it was just a slab of red meat.

Lucky you. Once got a spike from a wooden chest.

When you kill a cow and get supply from it the chest shows up instead of a bag. This way it may appear that you got a spike from a chest, while in reality it was 5 supply that prompted it.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Realy disappointed with new sickle animation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Cool, thanks!

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Realy disappointed with new sickle animation.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Animation fixed. Many thanks to the devs. Nice to know that they are listening to the people.

Do it now look like old animation of the normal sickle?

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Where Mah Chests?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


with a new system you get a chest every time you get a new WvW rank. If you rank was not 0 (or does it start from 1?) when the system was rolled out, you will receive 1 extra chest when you get a new WvW rank (ie you will get 2 chests and not 1). When getting a new WvW rank you will get an extra chest X times, where X is the WvW rank you had when the changed was added.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

CD SBI SOS 24 edition

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I want to say great work SoS we have come along way from the fall. All the veteran commanders out there you have mad respect from me. For the recent new commanders any questions or you need me to tag up please pm. Keep up the great work. Great fights all around on the battlefields!

It’s totally in fashion to compliment your own team. All the cool servers are doing it.

mhm! Sinomi you are the bestest commander we’ve got !

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

WvW Rank Reward Chest

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Would yall rather go back to the system where there were no chests for ranks (at all)? Cause that is a realistic alternative, unlike everything else.

If you enjoy money and loot – play the content that provides money and loot, you will enjoy it no matter what the content actually is, cause you get what you want (loot and money).

To all the folks, who are rank 100+ … you got those ranks while there was no indication that ranks will provide any reward, presumably enjoying yourself. You can continue doing the same thing and getting a little extra on the side. As for the fairness of not getting all the chests at the same time: You will still get more chests than any other person of a lower rank that will play the same amount of time.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Kitten and harvesting sickle animations

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


The animation is underwhelming though not the biggest deal. The 300% harvesting time is ridiculous.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

CD SBI SOS 24 edition

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


CD: only fight when they’re outnumbering you, thief hitting keeps so we can’t spawn, thieves abusing food that roots you. Great guys. Why couldn’t you leave the tier instead of SBI who fights with honor?

CD only fights when we outnumber the enemy? You should’ve seen CDBL bay keep at around 4-5am server time. We definitely did not fight with number superiority. As for hitting hitting keeps, contesting keeps is a legit tactic and I don’t know why you wouldn’t do it.

Also, there’s no such thing as food that stuns you, you probably just got hit by basilisk venom.

It immobilized me and had the animation of the tree branches from Oakhearts. There was no Oakheart or any other mob near us. And I find contesting keeps weak.

There are runes that have a proc for this, it’s hardly abuse to use a rune that exists in game, right? As for the rest of your post – “duly noted”. Perhaps you should consider sPvP, it’s always equal or almost equal numbers and nobody contests keeps there so you can always take available on the map waypoints. Maybe you will be a bit less upet about a thief that killed you this way.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

(edited by Ikarushka.9564)

Will part 1 continue when part 2 begins?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I would venture that the answer is yes. In the previous F&F arc you could complete all the achievements till the very end of the event arc. Don’t see why they would change it now.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Please no more complaining about transfers to SoS. They moved because they wanted to, it is none of the rest of our’s business… the complaining just looks sad

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


welcome all the folks joining the tier

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Equalise? Uh, that unfortunately strikes me as somewhat economical with the truth. SoS has the lowest core NA population in the tier. Y’all did struggle at first because what NA’s there is actually quite good and now seem to be struggling to motivate people to get into WvW (this is about the only thing I can surmise from the drop-off we’ve been seeing), but in terms of core NA strength in the tier, it’s definitely SBI>CD>SoS. Failing to motivate a population to play is not the same as having a low population.

It also really won’t do much for the Oceanic timezones…

I think he was referring to SBI and CD NA WvW populations.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Why still downed state in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I enjoy the down state. I normally run around in a group of 2 or 3, and down state allows us to try and take large groups if we coordinate and stun/push anyone trying to stomp and res people who are down. As for the abilities in the down state, I really don’t think they are any more unbalanced then the normal abilities.

A lot of people seem to be going after the semantics of the down state. Would it make you feel better if the health pull would be increased by the down state hp, and you would go into the down state not at 0 but once you hit the down state hp?

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Tier 4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/10/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Fair enough So we can narrow it down to “You will not start a three way when an SOS objective is being taken. Open field is fair game.”?

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Tier 4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/10/13)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I think DoggyPaddle’s suggestion is worded reasonably. He will not seek confrontation with CD or go into that part of the map. He will still kill CD players if he sees them, but he won’t make an effort to do so. If a few commanders did this – if would not stop the fighting but would at least limit it.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Where are my supplies?

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


1/10 since the OP has been discussing traps in other thread before this one. Nice bait though.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Traps+Get More Out of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


next you’ll be able to buy a sword that turns blue when thieves were near…


Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Better Idea for Outmanned buff

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


WXP and score points too, and don’t make it 1/2 make it proportional to the people in the borderlands ratio.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Current System hampers World Completion

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I think wvw being included int he world completion is a great idea. If you care for the completion – get your feet wet enough to see if you like it. Who knows you just might. The real problem would be the fact that without color rotation it is not about getting your feet wet, it’s about being on the right server. Once the rotation is added it should only take something like a month of casually getting into wvw and getting completion of the right color. Since you can do it from the get go, that is probably about the amount of time it will take to complete the rest of the PVE map, get the required materials and what not.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

4/26 SoS | SBI | CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I’d like to thank SBI for their tenacity. I’ve never completed a monthly WvW requirement in 15 minutes before, but thanks to you going “full lemming” into us so much at South camp (SoS BL) I got well over 50 badges and probably 100+ kills in that short amount of time.

Gloating aside, I love your no quit attitudes over there. CD takes their ball and goes home mid-week but we can always count on you to mix it up a bit.

You just to play with our ball I understand though, we do have a pretty sweet ball.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

4/5 SoS/SBI/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Sounds like you guys should look each other up in game, get a group going and have a chat Yall clearly enjoy the company too much…

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


So Mag is ready to get ROLFStomped on Friday? Enjoy!

It’s okay, we have a contingency plan to all log off when things get hard. We call it the CDNA.

Ironically, that is exactly what you will do In fact, you guys will complain about the exact same things; while whoever has a bigger presence will tell you stories about how epic they are and how much of fodder yall have always been.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Seeing as all your entire server can manage is +80 points, this should really be of no issue. How about every CD in Wv3 vs me?

You solo pushed CD to 80 points at 1am last night by laying dead at a supply? That is skill bro

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Typical farming. Then they got their sweet, sweet revenge.

This is why you need to take a break between kills, get off the cart, and pick up loot fast. You never know which bag a Dusk might be hiding in!

would it no be hiding in a wooden chest :P

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

The Zerker (Maximum Damage Axe Build) 1.1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I find Well of Corruption to not be very good as it seems to largely negate the 5 of the focus. Instead I end up running the Well of Power of boons and condition removal. Otherwise, somewhat similar to mine build

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


I swear I saw a post about me not being in this matchup – must’ve been deleted. Well I am in this matchup and have been on the same server since the beginning. (And yes this post is long, sorry).

I have attempted to post meaningful thoughts on how to alleviate one of the issues that takes up a large percentage of the complaints on these forums. But I got negative responses, excuses, dismissals that it wouldn’t work, claims that it was unfair play and people didn’t want to engage in that sort of play, and downright ridicule.

So I write what I thought was a funny post to attempt to make a point and guess what, I get the same response – and get called a troll.

But I’m not one to quit so I continue. What server I’m on is not even really important for the discussion because it is a game wide issue and occurs in all tiers (except the top and maybe second).

If you read a post that talks about “fair weather players”, not having enough people to do X, facing only “zergs”, server morale, “nightcapping”, people only winning because of numbers, map being all green, bragging about the score, “we only had X number of people on the map”, “I don’t care about the score”, “I only run in small groups”, winning has to do with numbers and not skill, “why can’t they do X like DAOC”, and the countless posts on how Anet should fix it – this issue is really what people are talking about.

The issue is WvW population, balance and the lopsided nature of WvW.

Anet can’t make people play WvW or cause people to play at certain times. Only the player base can do something about this.

And the solution is for the two servers who are getting their kitten handed to them to gang up on the dominant server.

Now it has been pointed out to me that a “formal” alliance won’t work. Ok, perhaps not, I’m not going to argue that here.

But it needs to become ingrained in the player base that the natural response to a blowout is NOT for you to attack the weaker server or fight for second. But the natural response needs to become that the two weaker servers attack the dominant server.

This is the way Anet intended it to be and it is the reason there are three servers involved in the fight.

The consequences of not doing this is what we see all over these forum posts. The consequence is the demoralization of the two weaker servers and subsequent further loss of population – it is a snowball effect. I don’t think anyone will argue that when a server starts getting crushed, people don’t log on to play WvW – which makes you lose even bigger, which further demoralizes players…

And the bottom line is refusal to do this hurts WvW, hurts the game and is less fun.

There we go, great post i do appreciate that you really care about the state of things and honestly would like to change it for the better. You also noticed that the only real difference between the different servers is the amount of organization. One can argue that some people are easier to motivate and organize than others, but the point would be moot. Given the current system, the server that is best motivated and organized will win WvW. All the talk about the population is pointless, as all the servers can potentially filed the same amount of people. For some servers it would just require much more leadership and dedication.

That being said, I think the status quo is established and is unlikely to change for the better until anet will change the incentive system of the wvw to encourage people to join more, zerg less, etc. There is no motivation for the existing dynamic to change, in reality everyone is happy with what they have (zergs with zerging, trolls with trolling, small groups with the feel of personal superiority over zergs, soloers with ganking noobs doing map completion, and most importantly anet cause that is all they have at least for now). I do agree that it hurts the wvw experience over all, but really it seems we are comparing what is to what could have been.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Hey Maguuma, you are defending the wrong tower.

Dang, Mag preventing you from taking SBI tower. Those kittens. What’re you gonna do about it?

Probably take a screenshot, post on the forum, feed a troll (you do need to eat)… probably move on.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


Question time.

Is there a good way of countering a golem rush of that magnitude? So far the consensus seems to be “back off, and retake it from them once they move on”.

Another question. Are you just going to sit there and take that CD and SBI?

Or are you going to get smart and go after them. Mag coming on here bragging about taking both your Keeps. And you’re just going to go about business as normal, fighting each other and letting Mag stomp your kitten into the ground, having their way with you.

Another great point, but server coordination simply does not work. You will not be able to get everyone to agree, and it takes only a small handful of people to break any sort of truce.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: Ikarushka.9564


lords room ballistas, the golems are useless at fighting players. Use seige to take out non golems, then wipe up the golems after. You won’t take them down in that large a number without pre warning and a tonne of seige already set up.

that is very true unless golems come with a greater number of players than you have, in which case the point is pretty moot.

Cheekadee. Asuran engineer