Give me The Nordic Viking over anything else any day of the week.
Least fav playable: Sylvari “it’s a plant”
Least fav: The Skritt, remind me of Fraggle Rock for some reason.
@serrax you make a very valid point. Can’t flood the game with gold so soon, they propably don’t want people buying 50 bucks worth of gold right now. I mean I’m sure they aren’t going to say no, but they need to keep things in check…. Can we declare it /thread now?
Lol. Pets only attack an enemy if
A) you attacked the ranger/pet first
B) the ranger targeted you and told their pet to attack you
Stealth actually breaks the pet AI since the pet drops target and the ranger must manually tell its pet to keep attacking a thief or mesmer etc. slipping in and out of stealth. That also gives you the chance to get so many opening blows on the ranger since the pet won’t attack you until you hit the ranger while out of stealth.
No stealth doesn’t break it, pet will get right back on ya when stealth wears off. They are crucial.
My warrior would like a heartseeker Theif as a pet tho… ":p
You don’t have to buy gold though. You get it when you play.
I think I should get crafting levels from pvping.
I laughed hard, thank you sir!
I think the game is designed to be separate. You don’t need gold or xp to pvp.
I just want to restate that as a level 20 player with limited time (see my post on page 2) it not only affects karma, but I also get a dramatically reduced exp reward. This is making my limited playtime a nightmare to even try and get to 80 and embark on this “legendary” journey.
Lol I read your post on page 2, your personal life mimics mine
So how do you know your getting diminished rewards? I’ve leveled for hours and never noticed it. But I don’t watch xp like that I just play so I might be missing something. Do you get a visual debuff or you just get less xp or something?
It’s easy enough to notice for events. You will start getting drastically reduced event rewards (with the badge) until it eventually gives you 97% less than the normal reward. Just watch for the decreasing numbers. It is quite easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention to the numbers though, or don’t know how much a gold badge contribution should reward you with.
For loot it’s a little harder to tell, but generally you have hit it when mobs stop dropping stuff altogether and/or only drop Junk Items (not even white armor/weapons, literally Junk Items ONLY).
I will have to try watching for it I guess, thanks. But even then I’m not sure it bothers me too much even if that’s how it works cause I seem to be progressing at a fair rate. Isn’t it just the RULES of the game? Why can’t we just play by the rules? I guess that’s how I’ve alwaysed approached video games! Yeah I mean I can see where it might suck for some but it doesn’t really hurt the game expirence overall, still a really enjoyable game regardless of those rules. To each their own I guess.
Thanks again for helping
I just want to restate that as a level 20 player with limited time (see my post on page 2) it not only affects karma, but I also get a dramatically reduced exp reward. This is making my limited playtime a nightmare to even try and get to 80 and embark on this “legendary” journey.
Lol I read your post on page 2, your personal life mimics mine.
So how do you know your getting diminished rewards? I’ve leveled for hours and never noticed it. But I don’t watch xp like that I just play so I might be missing something. Do you get a visual debuff or you just get less xp or something?
Yes sir…..and my gem store purchases
Can someone clarify EXACTLY what the problem is? I just see people saying they get DR and how they hate it. Yet didn’t Anet say it was implemented to stop players from abusing game mechanics? I guess I just have yet to see anyone clarify exactly what they are dong to get DRs. I’ve yet to see DRs once and I’ve been playing since early access. If the system is to stop abusing game mechanics, then why is this so bad? From a rationale standpoint I just do not understand the outcry.
If someone could clarify what exactly they are doing when they get DRs it would be greatly appreciated.
Irish, if you look back at some of my posts / threads, you can see a good chunk of information on this.
The issue I have with the DR is that, even though I am not farming, I am getting hit by diminished drops. I don’t farm DEs, don’t grind the same mobs over and over again, yet whenever I play Orr, I get severely reduced drops (either nothing or porous bones). This is the result of playing the game exactly as is intended. It is incredibly frustrating and really hampers me from playing in any meaningful way.
So how do you even know its DR? Do you get a debuff or something? Or do you guys all know that if you do “X” you get “X”? I thought a lot of players were just mob tagging and “gaming” the system. Does it not work like that?
Can someone clarify EXACTLY what the problem is? I just see people saying they get DR and how they hate it. Yet didn’t Anet say it was implemented to stop players from abusing game mechanics? I guess I just have yet to see anyone clarify exactly what they are dong to get DRs. I’ve yet to see DRs once and I’ve been playing since early access. If the system is to stop abusing game mechanics, then why is this so bad? From a rationale standpoint I just do not understand the outcry.
If someone could clarify what exactly they are doing when they get DRs it would be greatly appreciated.
agreed Irishbrewed, it was already an success as they have made their money back invested.
No sub model, meaning overhead and expenditures are not calculated on a “player numerical value”. They do not adhere to the same business model of what these individuals are use to basing their ignorant opinion of “failure” within the venture. Their analytics do not deprive on “x” number of subs. Rather on direct capital flow within the game itself. if there was hard data on the actual “running cost” of the departments and the actual “revenue stream” then you can make an intelligent forecast on their profit margins. Either way you are discussing “profit”.
In “gamer” terms, this topic is simply a forum debate that is based on irrelevant and ignorant terms that make no business sense what so ever. It’s merely a thread topic that which holds no validity because it’s bases is on “do I like the game”. Which is a very flawed and selfish view that ignores the reality of economics. Business does not abide by this oversimplified logic.
Forum : aka opinions; aka not factual ; aka irrelevant topics of redundancy!
TLCR : I disagree and find the armor stunning.
It already succeed, therefore it did not “fail”.
Jokes on all of you microeconomic deprived individuals.
Yeah you paid 60 bucks, you are now entitled. Please make more demands because you have been so mistreated.
Uh, how is it “forcing” you? Forcing would be “you must go to wvw to complete a story quest” or something along those lines. The achievement system is 100% optional, you might be a “completionist” but that’s not the games fault, that’s your own personal desires “forcing” you if anything.
@zach you offered no help on the issue
You missed my point in the first post. Look for the one moving in the opposite direct of their clones…and learn how each weapon set affects their clones. Know thy enemy comes to mind in helping defeat your opponent.
No I saw you posted the text before and deleted that comment. My bad man.
Roll ranger if you have latency issues. Theives are everywhere but you can be successful with one no matter your latency. But don’t roll one for my sanitys sake, ATM theives are like kitten roaches.
It is very rare that a pug can compete against even a mediocre pre-made using something like Skype. I’m starting to get the impression that the answer to my original question is: find a team or find a new game…
Yeah. Exactly, how you guys plan to achieve true competitive games without a premade is somewhat imaginary.
Here’s the problem. People want what others have. This is MMO envy. There is a large player base that want to solo que tourneys and also want/expect success. This is very irrational. This is not LoL or some other moba, it’s a RPG, requiring corporation amongst one another. Tourneys are not for pugs, and NO you can’t have what the coordinated group has. Why? Because they compete at a very high level, that is absolutely impossible to achieve in a pick up group.
Tourney is for premades, Hot Join is for pugs.
Transmution stone - bring sPvp items to the rest of the game
in Suggestions
Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537
Anlyon has your answer. Couldn’t agree more.
clones dont hold off hand weapons
Lol, yeah good luck with that observation.
Roll a Mesmer and throw a member party. It’ll look crowded but in reality it’s just you two guys mucking it up.
Aoe damage is really the best counter ATM, if the Mesmer is half decent they are very hard to detect. I agree they are annoying though. Is it OP? Meh, I don’t know, I personally think its “cheap” much like stealth skills, but not sure that’s the same as OP.
Well, I will ask it too:
Why is this thread stickied??? Didn´t u all learn that ppl will complain till death until their professions own anything and everything the way they want to play?
Unfortunatelly, this is balance for most ppl. Too much qq is freakin normal in any pvp forum game. It will be forever. There is always something to cry moar
I think it’s evident there is issues with the theives damage in pvp, this was stickies to keep the topic concentrated in one spot (although there will be plenty other threads still)
Yes that’s too high, no matter your spec. That’s roughly 40-50% of your health from one button press…. There’s too much “burst” in pvp ATM and theives are the easiest to achieve the burst damage ATM.
Rest assured this will be fixed, just be patient while they work on it.
This does not added anything to the discussion of GW2. Rather it’s purpose is to incite an argument of opinions. I disagree with your opinion 10 fold.
I agree, I also would like to remind everyone “The whole game is endgame”-Anet
But yes @OP wvw is here to stay and offers so much for the long haul. Love it so much.
Awesome news, thanks a lot Anet.
They should at least let us go into town with our spvp gear. Atm spvp seems like a minigame quite underwhelming in a PVP centered game.
Go into town with your pvp gear?
Uh, what does that do. Are you RPing or something and have grand tales of yore to tell..
Or do you guys have a serious case of make believe vanity and think people will ask for your autograph “in town”?
Seriously video game heros, what is the logic behind your very trivial demands. Do you really think the game would be better if you could walk around “town in pvp gear”! Gears easy to get in the gam, gone are your days of “look at me” so get over yourself. And go pvp for god sake.
Wasted time? As in you are achieving something grand elsewhere in a videogame? I know what you are trying to say, but the fact remains you are losing rational logic within the game. Spvp is for pvp! If you like it, play it. What in the world are you looking to achieve within your fantasy pixelated universe. Do you want to kill deer in sexy pvp gear or something. Wtf is the logic?
It’s real simple:
Pvp is pvp
Pve is pve
WvW is pvp/pve
Not a difficult equation
Patience would be good to have with such a massive game. Tpvp is just one of the cogs in the wheel. You can’t expect immediate changes for a theme park mmo. So be patient.
There is panel in options for game controls, if you don’t like them like this, change them, don’t ask Arenanet to change whole game. Why I never had a problem like yours in this game?
No this option is not currently in the game, I’m suggesting it would be nice to have that option for players who move with the mouse. I’m not requesting anything game changing, but currently moving the camera can cause you to switch targets. I would just like to target with a left click only so this doesn’t mistakenly happen. The characters and pets are rather larger from the current POV and there is very room for on screen open inventory in big battles thus confounding the problem.
Thanks for the reply
They have already stated they are waiting on “the meta to develop”. We are just bickering at this point. They are not making knee jerk decisions and are allowing players to mature within the game. My personal advise to you, is just be encouraging to others and helpful when you can. Some might not care for your encouragement but at this point it’s all we can really do. But no need to worry about specific changes based on forum post ATM. Just be kind and if youre playing a class people are having troubles countering, help them understand it better.
Was there a Trebuchet involved?
Lol I was thinking the same thing. I remember the first one hit me, I had no idea what god I ticked off
I was posting to tell you that I agree with you, Irishbrewed, but apparently that is forbidden.
Got an infraction for saying that I find the accidental targeting through right click extremly annoying
So I am affraid I have to disagree with you just so I can keep my posting privileges :p
What? You got an infraction, for agreeing with me. Well what a bummer
Yeah I really think this could be a minor change that would really benefit pvp for a lot of people. Hope they take a gander at the thread.
Thanks for sticking your neck out there for me
I’ve seen very little lag, so it’s a non issue on my end.
Conditions maybe. Theyll eat you alive. Fastest dying guardian ever
Nice vid man, looks like a sweet build
Theives are fine : said the Warhammer wielding warrior
This can be said about every MMORPG PvP. Don’t let those things bother you, just do the best with what you have. And keep at it, you’ll be happy you did.
I spent mine, unfortunately I only got a few pieces I could use, but u can always salvage items and use mystic forge or put away for other toons you might roll. It’s fun clicking on chest so go with it.
You cannot 1shot tank builds, that’s an exaggeration. If you’re saying no class should have burst, that’s a bit harsh. No class can burst without ramp up/set up. Which is fine, considering you can negate the setup and counter the burst in this game, unless you just didn’t see it coming. A lot of casters often just stand in front of melee, for some reason. All casting/ranged classes MUST learn to kite in the game. You must also take condition/cc removal skills. If not youre much more likely to get blown up.
Just keep at it, don’t simply point the finger. There are plenty of Necros that are really strong. But not all builds are viable and not all players are the same.
Tldr: Work on kiting, take cc/condition removal skills, and don’t give up.
Good luck
It appears that the right click doesn’t drop target as long as its not clicked on another player or “pet”. But as I said in a big chaotic Zerg this is often times impossible if you move with the mouse or look to move the camera. So just an option to disable it from targeting at all should fix the issue.
For players that move with the mouse, and control the camera via right clicking. Please give us an option that disables it from targeting! We use the LEFT CLICK to target and the right click for Camera Control, we also hold down both buttons to move.
In PvP it is very common to lose your target in the fray because of the current ability to target with both left & right click. So a simple repositioning of the camera, or moving can cause us to lose target and is very frustrating.
Please just give us an option to Disable right click targeting. Or think about it at the very least.
Thank you in advance.
Say for example there was an option in the menu that said, “target only players” ! That would be a care bear option and take away some of the “skill” meta in the game.
Tip do not rely on tab targeting. It’ll always let you down. Work on using your mouse to target your enemy. It’s much more accurate.
But all that being said, there is something that allows you to easily lose target. Im not sure what it is, but I’ve had it happen to me. There are several options in the menu like auto target that I’ve turned off, yet occasionally I will still lose target.
And a ‘care bear’ option is not what I want. I’m not trying to argue this because I just want it to be easy, but it definitely should be easier to target what you want, and to stay on that target. I don’t really understand why there’s a separate keybinding for ‘closest target’ either.
As for losing your target: If you camera turn with left click, you will constantly lose target simply by clicking anywhere in the UI. If you camera turn with right click, you will lose your target by right clicking on another mob. I said it in the beta and I’ll be redundantly repeatative – targeting is just too loose.
Anyway, in every other game I’ve played, tab targeting has always just worked. I definitely do have issues with targeting people by clicking on them in GW2 when it’s just a cluster of all the pets and whatnot. Take for example this scenario [see pic]. You’d think by clicking on Kystom’s nameplate, I’d target him, right? Nope, I target Groullock. And at just the ‘right’ angle, I’d actually target the PVP locker behind Groullock instead of him. I can be hovering perfectly over the letters in either of their names, but nope, it’s going to take the body target over that. In a PVP environment, it tends to be easier to go for a nameplate than the actual character themself when click targeting in one of those ‘cluster’ fights, but that’s not even predictably possible in GW2.
To me this is just a lack of intuitiveness, not a matter of making things easy.
Okay I think I’m following you now, this is very similar to what I posted awhile back. As far as the right click goes YES THEY SHOULD REMOVE THE RIGHT CLICK TARGET SWITCH ON MOUSE! (I caps because I hope someone at Anet sees it again ) I am okay with the multiple “pets” but the ability to lock on once targeting should be much more “sticky” then it currently is. I know that clicking your target is tough in a cluster but it’s doable ATM. It could be tightened up tho, and I agree with you there. I just don’t want targeting to be as simple as “target next player” , as you said you don’t either.
But yes the right click should just control camera and nothing more!
Have atleast two people on your team with good reliable AOE damage. bomb Engineer, Great Sword Guardian, or Elementalist. They can all dispatch the mesmers clones reliably effectively ridding of quite a bit of their damage source (shatters and illusions). Make sure to Mark the real mesmers (the one dodging and casting other skills and isnt glowing bright pink).
This. I would just add, have someone on “kill call” . The guy whose job is to call for targets and make him your assist. So he (whoevers best at Mesmer recognition) will tell you all to assist (Ctrl T) and focus one at a time. They blow up quick with a well timed “switch”.
I think the “targeting” meta game can be argued, is another aspect that separates good from the average players. This is not exclusive to GW either. It’s just more so something we will all have to hone better considering the amount of pets and other objects that can cause you to error
Say for example there was an option in the menu that said, “target only players” ! That would be a care bear option and take away some of the “skill” meta in the game.
Tip do not rely on tab targeting. It’ll always let you down. Work on using your mouse to target your enemy. It’s much more accurate.
But all that being said, there is something that allows you to easily lose target. Im not sure what it is, but I’ve had it happen to me. There are several options in the menu like auto target that I’ve turned off, yet occasionally I will still lose target.
What class are you referencing? Keep in mind a warrior it mostly melee whereas a ele for example is a ranged class, thus naturally a warrior will wear more armor. More prone to Aoe and control is a melee combatant then a ranged one. Survivability is much harder in the fray. But that being said the best “burst” warrior damage comes from a warrior who specs primarily in offensive capabilities and not as much defense (ie tough, vitality) but any glass cannon build can poor on serious pressure in the game.
There’s really no message in that instruction. There’s a deliberate directive. If a person agitates you with a post, no matter the animitity or urge to engage, just ignore it. Now it’s really hard to do, and we all slip up. But continual exercise of said admonishment will eventually, if so desired, get you to a jubilal place of posting enlightenment.
It’s neither common place nor easy by no means. But once you reach that state of mind you quickly become not just a better becon of forum delight, you also realize the trivial matters often times cease to exist if flames are no longer given breath.
It is said that every time a troll goes unnoticed, unicorns are born!
Pretty sure it’s just Stance utility skills.