Hey all. I am new and just hit 80 on my thief. Just bought some gems so I could equip myself with Exotic gear.
Now I am wondering what the fastest way to work towards ascended gear is. I am looking for Marauders armor and Berserkers everything else. I realise this may take some time since I am new 80 and only have about 100 gold at the moment. Just wanting to know best path for me to start working on ascended.
Get all your ascended trinkets first, rings you can get for 10 pristine fractal relics which are the cheapest and easiest you can buy (core stats only).
You’ll then need earrings, which you can buy with laurell’s or you can farm from PvE; you’ll need one from bitterfrost frontier and one from ember bay as they are unique. You can also get a backpiece and amulet from either of these maps.
Once you have all your trinkets start going through fractals and get to level 40 which you can farm to buy +9 infusions. Infuse and attune both your rings so you have an extra 4 infusion slots to push up to higher fractals.
Get as high as you can in fractals and do your dailies which are one of if not the best way to get ascended gear, which is of course free, then you can swap the stats to what you need and save all your gold.
Do not bother crafting ascended armour, it’s not worth it. You would gain more damage from upgrading your weapons than you would for a full set of armour. Just wait until you can do T4 daily fractals, you should easily pick up a full set of armour and weapons in a month or less.
Another thing I highly recommend you can do is sPvP. If you complete all the chests in ranked you will get yourself either one ascended armour piece or one weapon. You will be able to save your tickets to buy the ascended precursor for the legendary backpiece for free, and, you will pick up enough ascended shards to buy yourself a couple of earrings and an amulet in the process.
Whilst doing sPvP you can do the reward track for bloodstone fen, picking up blood rubies which you can use to buy stat swappable ascended rings, or, you can do reward tracks to pick up free exotic berserker gear for your char or alts.
IMO it’s not worth buying any gear in GW2, you can get it all easily for free and save you gold for legendaries/components/skins e.t.c.
GW1 had the ability to save a build template..am I missing the feature or is this by some insane chance actually not implemented into a game literally coined “build wars”
Yeah its pretty annoying especially when you need to swap classes and it takes you half a minute to get into a game only to find you have the wrong weapons e.t.c.
The HUD is annoying too, when I play on laptop I have to play with smallest icons so that I can make the mini-map bigger even though on normal icons there is plenty of room to make the mini-map bigger and even with small icons there is still oodles of room to make it bigger.
Thanks for the reply’s
Did my first 10 ranked games just now, after spending last 3-4 few weeks in unranked practicing various classes(Sorry for those paired with me)
Ended up with rating t3 silver? Just below 1200 points I think.( don’t judge me)It’s funny you mentioned engineer duster , it’s the class I chose to do ranked in. Got recked with warrior, so I found scrapper was so easy to do well with.masks my misplays a lot. Combo to heal team mates and decent Damage/kiting ability.
I’ve tried all other classes in unranked except Mesmer. I’ve got a 80 Mesmer but it feels extremely complicated. I find good Mesmer players totally destroy me though.
Any suggestions for starting To learn Mesmer? Is the meta condo build good starter in lower ranked games?Thanks all!
Yep engineer is really versatile, a very good option.
The meta condi chrono is the only build you should use, your only other option is power mesmer which has no sustain and is utterly unforgiving.
Check out lord helseth’s videos on youtube of him playing condi, particularly the ones since the patch, watch them over and over between playing unranked and you will pick it up fairly quickly.
One thing I will say is that since the recent patch (illusionary reversion requires 3 clones to proc instead of 2) I have been playing gravity well instead of moa because I find by the time I have moa’d someone in a 1v1 I really don’t have a lot of burst left to finish them.
That and I play solo queue so half the time regardless if I target someone when I moa or not, my team mates don’t finish the kill so I waste my moa, whereas I have found gravity well more forgiving in 1v1’s. In team fights or outnumbered smaller fights I can pop 3 clones up, get a nice long continuum split and pop double heals, double gravity wells, double chaos storm while unloading all my shatters into enemies trying to ress/stomp e.t.c.
You might find gravity well more forgiving like me but I advise trying and using both to see what suits you, moa is absolutely better if your team can actually work with you and finish kills.
^^^ Exactly.
If the matchmaker is not on your side already you are at a disadvantage.
If you play a class that you are not as good at as opposed to another you are putting yourself at a further disadvantage.
If you then queue up on that class as opposed to the class you are best at (which I believe is what you are doing) you are putting yourself at an even further disadvantage.
When luck is not on your side which you have to presume it isn’t and be prepared for the worst you need to be trying to tilt things in your favour, you’re not doing that by playing all nine classes in 10 games.
Mesmer>theif; the mobility and killing power of these classes allow you to carry pretty hard, you can clean up mid fights quickly and split the enemy up with constant decaps and back caps if your team is struggling to win mid. You also have good ressing power through stealth and distortion e.t.c. and both classes can disengage fights easily.
These classes work in synergy together and are great to play solo in ranked. I highly recommend getting good at both of these classes and having a 3rd bunker class to use in emergencies.
Guardian will stomp hard up until around gold the impact lessens, it would be decent option to take guardian as an emergency class because it is quite a bit easier to play and has good impact vs theif and mesmer.
Another great class is engineer, which also has good impact vs everything but power necro and power warrior, but in my opinion the difficulty of playing engineer is quite a bit higher or rather less forgiving than mesmer or theif because its disengaging power and mobility isn’t quite as good, but, it is a very good bunker class that can support your team, waste enemy time 1v2, do heavy damage, can double ress, double stomp and also has good disengage potential through stealth gyro. This would be a great option to take in case your composition has no sustain whatsoever. I play mesmer>theif>DH but plan on getting better on engi to replace DH during the next off season so I can make more impact when I’m forced to swap.
The remaining classes in my opinion are heavily reliant on having good team mates that can survive and rotate well. Ele can heal but can’t bring your team mates back from the dead. Necro does heavy damage but gets targeted hard and has little sustain with bad mobility. Druid can waste time in 1v2s but can’t do damage and finish fights. Warrior can 1v1 and waste time 1v2 but gets hit hard in team fights especially after the recent nerfs. Finally we have revenant which is a solid +1 class, has good damage, sustain and mobility but doesn’t exactly excel at anything.
FWIW to those mentioning my multi-classing, I have been doing that forever. They’re all meta builds, updated for each balance patch, and have basically been the same builds for the past few seasons. I am certainly better on some classes than others, but I know how to play my build on each class, what that class/build’s role and weaknesses are. I am not saying I don’t have plenty of room to learn and improve but I don’t think it’s much of a factor here (especially since in prior seasons I have experienced similar or worse streaks playing a single class each night until I won).
You said it yourself, you have classes that you are better on than others. You might know how to play each class but you need to be playing the classes you can carry on not just play. Not only that you need to be looking at playing the classes that can carry to begin with.
I find it hard to believe in ten games you found yourself in a situation that it would be a better match up, swapping through all nine classes. That rings alarm bells for me.
What I think you are doing is swapping classes every match, then you are sticking with that class to queue up again, which is forcing you into another situation where you think you need to change to a different class. If you queue on the same class, your best class, every time you queue, chances are a lot higher that you won’t feel the need to swap like a lunatic.
You can do what you like though, but if the matchmaker is not on your side, don’t come on the forums crying that you can’t climb yet you claim you can play every class to either silver/gold/plat level (wherever you are).
Even I notice the difference now when I have climbed up on my mesmer and I jump onto my thief or DH, I notice how ingrained the mesmer keybindings are in my brain. It’s like playing an alien class, so I avoid it unless it is absolutely necessary to change classes.
I guess this is yet another in a sea of complaints about matchmaking, but I’ve pretty much had it at this point. You can see from the screenshot how my pvp experience has been lately – and that’s just the last 10. Before that I was chaining together 1-2 wins between 3-4 loss streaks generally.
None of those matches were even close – even the one where we had 400+ points is a mirage; we never lead and only ticked up some points because the other team was just bunkering one point after awhile for the easy win.
What kind of matchmaking algorithm gets you stuck in a slaughter loop like this? How is it even fun? And this happens to me EVERY season. I understand that the system is not designed to give you an even chance to win every match, but shouldn’t random chance put me on the favored side enough to win more than this, or at least not get stomped?
It would be one thing if these long losing streaks were balanced out by winning streaks, but they aren’t.
Just so, so frustrated. Either make the matches more competitive, or make the placement more accurate, but season after season of this is absolutely killing my desire to click that queue button.
You’re class swapping way too much. Try to pick 3 classes maximum.
Queue on the class you are best at every time, take your backup second best class and an emergency class that works with any comp.
I take mesmer>theif>dh, because solo q.
“Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging”
Just had 3 different people join my LFG for fractals, one left after a minute, the other two left instantly and now I cant even post my LFG.
You seriously think there is no problem here? I am sick of having my time wasted.
So I’m running a PS power warrior with a Greatsword as my main weapon, on swap I run mace/shield, but I was recently told that I’m using the wrong kind of weapons.
What should I have on swap instead of mace/shield
For fractals?
For open world?
For raiding?
For Dungeons?
When playing in party composition power PS shouldn’t swap out of greatsword to maintain might stacks and optimal DPS, since you are traited to stacking might on critical hits with greatsword. That and the cooldowns are so low you would actually be losing DPS by swapping weapons.
You would only open with shield 4 to break bar, after that you just maintain dps rotation on greatsword. In a proper composition in fractals in which everybody knows what they are doing there is not one situation where swapping out of GS is beneficial.
In solo play I swap tactics for defence as I don’t have a party to provide might and need more sustain, and I take mace/shield for survivability and cc if needed.
The only time you would use different weapons in party composition would be when playing condition PS which is a completely different build.
(edited by Itz Jay.8941)
How are you going the play the game with internet speeds that takes you two days to complete the download? How bad is your internet? What speed are you downloading at? Are you using an ethernet cable?
It is pretty weird that the client doesn’t actually save the download until you reach the playable part.
My internet speed is 5mb
My download speed is something around 600kb/s~1mb/s
Yeah, it is a cabled connectionMy ping is kinda good (70ms~), but I can’t let my PC 3 days up downloading it. Need to work and stuff during the day-time so I can’t download it all the time.
That’s really odd, did you manage to download it by any chance?
The client had never gone above 600/kbs-1mb/s for me in the past until recently I moved and I have fibre now which managed around 3mb on the client. So the client is pretty kitten slow anyway.
However even if its downloading for you even at that speed you should reach the playable part in a day at the most.
You can try to change the server of the download here’s an old post on reddit about it, I’m sure you would be able to find some newer posts if this doesn’t help you at all.
All that put aside I think you need to speak with your internet company because most companies will give you a guaranteed and predicted internet speed but 3mb/s is just a little low in my opinion. Maybe you need a new router?
(edited by Itz Jay.8941)
Really don’t understand what you guys are blabbering about, I can already make a party and go play sPvP or go AFK so please explain what your point is? And how implementing my request would make this any worse than it already can be?
Actually read my posts, I am not asking to have a LFG that has a designated leader that cannot be kicked whatsoever. I am fully aware of the fact that this would be abused. Not only that, I have had to kick people out of their own party for not meeting their own requirements. I.e not enough AR in 100.
What I am asking for is that either your description is saved in the LFG system after some idiot joins your party just to leave, thus kicking you out, or, a prompt be added so that when you are the last person remaining in your LFG you have to answer yes/no before the party is disbanded.
If you want to talk about the pro’s and con’s of having a designated party leader that cannot be kicked, actually explain what the kitten you are talking about, otherwise don’t change the subject, read, and acknowledge what I have clearly explained this post it about.
And then we would be back to -hey guys I started this, need to do something afk for 10 mins leave or finish without me.
What the kitten are you talking about?
If you are talking about people doing sPvP matches or something with a LFG up what relevance has that got to what I am saying? Did you even read my posts?
It’s pretty annoying right I have had some games where a person has been afk all match then they eventually dc and we still lose points..
However without this barrier I’m afraid people would exploit the heck out of it. You just have to remember it’s all luck and it happens to everyone sooner or later.
How are you going the play the game with internet speeds that takes you two days to complete the download? How bad is your internet? What speed are you downloading at? Are you using an ethernet cable?
It is pretty weird that the client doesn’t actually save the download until you reach the playable part.
if ppl don’t use alien language like ppl do now i might have sympathy but as long as that doesn’t happen, no.
Like the language you are speaking? I mean I can read it but it doesn’t make sense. If there is a LFG posted and you can’t understand it, you probably don’t meet the requirements. So you join it anyway then find out you don’t meet the requirements and you leave, why should the party leaders group get disbanded? Like you, it doesn’t make sense, it’s a pointless flaw.
Of course its not anet’s fault if you can’t read, I’m asking for some stand against people purposefully or not joining parties just to disband them. Happens to me multiple times in LFG, sometimes people even merge with my party then kick me out. Gets pretty annoying while I’m having to write a new LFG description 5+ times whilst trying to complete open world.
It’s a pretty easy fix a lot of people I have seen have problems with it, it’s not like I’m asking for a million pounds here.
Getting sick to death of getting kicked from my own LFG by some idiot joining then leaving instantly with my description. That or some idiot merges with my party and the description is lost again. It’s hard enough when the majority of people can’t read or think I will accept them when they do not meet my requirements!
Please can you fix this so that my party is not disbanded or at least the description is not lost. Maybe you could add a prompt so that when you are the only party member remaining you have to click either yes or no as to whether or not you still wish to post the party in LFG.
Answer is no. I do T4 fractals every day so I don’t ever have to craft ascended gear, I just swap stats on what I get. I buy the 30 keys you can buy daily, then when I have time I farm fractal 40 in a highly organised group to get 70 odd encryptions an hour to use keys on. This along with dailies nets me around 200g a week maybe more.
As above if I wanted gold I would stay on at work and convert gems because GW2 has literally zero lucrative gold farms. You’ll have way more time on your hands if you just convert gems so instead of doing boring farms for zero reward, you can actually enjoy the content you want to play.
Farming fractal 40 is the only decent farm and it is still rubbish gold per hour, I think you can get 30g-ish an hour if you are lucky. Anybody who enjoys farming gold or anything in GW2 is absolutely kidding themselves if they think they know how to have fun in a game.
Yeah I know match making can be really bad sometimes but its near enough impossible to make a system that actually balances match ups around fighting three nodes and duo queues e.t.c.
The biggest problem is that you could have a perfect MMR match up but you’ve actually got 5 really good mechanical players that can’t move or rotate for kitten vs 5 really good mechanical players who can rotate really well. Or some combination of that and we all know in a close match up all it takes is one person who doesn’t know where to move and gets caught up not contributing to the match.
Although I do agree to some extent, pitting people from different divisions with each-other is just ridiculous. Also it’s not taken into account that even with an even MMR match up, if one team is DPS and the other has engi/ele then 9/10, you’re kittened.
There is a post in the forums by a druid who got -2 for a game so match making does have its problems I know, a -2 game is not only wasting a players time with a low gain but it’s also risking them losing by expecting the player to carry 4 people that might have no game sense whatsoever.
500-200 games are not fun if you are losing, but in a good team vs a good team, just one kill can force a full cap and if every player on your team has good movement you can maintain the three cap causing this score. That’s what conquest is about, which is why I said we need team death-match.
500-200 scores in games are examples of unbalanced matches: they show that a team more than doubled the score of the other. As you said, its not impossible to bring back games from 100-300 to a win, we all have done it… but that needs balanced teams to work, and when that happens the final score resembles 400+ vs 500 or things like that, certainly not a final difference of 300 points or more.
Although I do agree maybe 300 pts difference is a bit much and could well be unbalanced, even balanced games can have large score differences.
If you are in a balanced 5v5 and somehow somebody messes up and dies, then the killing team snowball and force a three cap, say the enemy regroups on close but two go into mid. If they end up in an even 3v3 on close and 2v2 on mid and nobody moves 200-300pts can easily fly by when people are try hard surviving.
Large point differences aren’t always down to unbalanced games, IMO its part of the conquest gameplay, at high tier play when games are balanced and everybody survives just forcing and holding the caps alone will win the game. In some ways I would expect large point differences in this situation.
This is why I would like to see team death-match, it provides solid ground for the creation of balanced builds unlike conquest which is all about movement allowing squisher but more mobile classes to be forgiven. Personally I really don’t think you can balance GW2 around fighting three nodes.
Yes build diversity is a problem which is why as a bare minimum we need more skills that are not elite specific, otherwise were left with the same old meta and a new band-aid meta to cover it up.
500-200 games are not fun if you are losing, but in a good team vs a good team, just one kill can force a full cap and if every player on your team has good movement you can maintain the three cap causing this score. That’s what conquest is about, which is why I said we need team death-match.
I absolutely did not say unlock elite skills from specs, only the weapons. I also said I was unsure of this, but considering you wouldn’t be able to trait the weapons without using their specific elite specs, it might not be highly beneficial but could offer more build variety.
Don’t be so pessimistic, plenty of other MMO’s including GW2 and GW1 already have great sPvP, simple additions such as team death match, more maps and more skills would be a great step in making things more exiting.
As I said there isn’t much to do daily in GW2 so PvP is a big part for many players, it needs TLC too. Unless you find farming for the oh so not lucrative rewards that GW2’s PvE has to offer of course.
Personally I would like to see more non elite skills and elite specs to give us more build variety. It’s pointless wasting time going back and forth trying to balance a stale meta.
Without condoning the lack of balance patches and the fact they are rarely revised, this is an MMO, it’s never going to be balanced. It’s especially difficult because GW2 has such unique and intricate designing of classes.
Also because conquest is the main game mode, combinations of +1 builds and heavy bunkers shine and offer unique mechanics of their own. Team death-match would offer much more balanced builds to shine.
Couldn’t agree more that match making has it’s problems causing one sided games. I think that duo’s affect this heavily, forcing the duo with lower ranks to balance games.
Also unbalanced teams such as 2 support vs none and class stacking make games very lop sided. This is down to the match maker and also down to players refusing to swap classes.
However I made this post to be about changes to make sPvP a great and exiting game mode. Even with a better match maker and more frequent class balancing one sided games would still exist, duo’s would still stomp, most effective builds would still prevail, +1 builds would still dominate their flaws forgiven by mobility and three node gameplay e.t.c.
What I am trying to say is that I think people are kidding themselves if they think more balancing or a better match maker alone is going to make sPvP more interesting and exciting.
(edited by Itz Jay.8941)
Itz Jay.8941 thank you so much I really appreciate the information youve provided cheers.
To specify, yeah, I wouldnt mind eventually trying raiding. So the cPS build is what I think I’ll be aiming for, and the viper set. Not sure how I got it into my head that Marauder’s was condition based, must have miss read something.
No problem just geared my warrior for cPS so knew I could help. Follow the metabuild completely you’ll want to take sinister boots and a sinister ring otherwise you’ll waste extra condition duration going above 100%.
For the rings and backpiece do the bloodstone fen map so you can swap the stats on rings in future.
For the earrings you’ll either need one from ember bay and one from bitterfrost frontier as they are unique and you cant use two from the same map at once, or, you can earrings with sPvP ascended shards on season which are not unique so you can use two.
Just wanted to make a post highlighting some future changes that I believe would help revive this game mode and make it great again, not that it’s dead, it’s just pretty stale as you can see in the forums.
1) Release more non elite specific skills with the new xpac; I fear if only new elite skills are added with the upcoming expansion, we will be left with the same stale meta and a new meta “band-aid” to cover it up for a while.
Releasing more skills would force the population to redesign the entire previous meta and core builds, and with more skills to play with, it would potentially offer a much bigger variety of builds to play with. Just take a look at the sheer amount of skills GW1 had to offer, including secondary professions I believe those numbers are one of the reasons GW1 was so great.
2) Release team death-match; The problem I see with conquest is that it causes the entire game to often be misconceived as horrifically unbalanced, not because it is unbalanced (It isn’t, there is just no build variety), but because conquest is designed around playing three nodes.
Without the three nodes to play with, you would see these one shot glass builds all but completely disappear away to conquest, with a new meta prevailing focusing solely on playing 5v5. I do not suggest conquest should be removed, but put into a separate queue alongside team death-match.
3) New maps; This is a no brainer, in conquest different maps add unique plays and allow different classes to shine. This game needs a lot more maps, and new maps added at least every year. I would like to see some new maps based around the upcoming expansion too, something exiting with lots of different terrain. I think the current variety of maps are another reason the game mode feels stale.
4) Remove duo queue; Though I am unsure of this I propose to remove duo queue, purely to try and create a more healthy community. I have seen players from both ends of the spectrum directly or indirectly complaining about duo queue. Either by getting stomped on or stomping on teams, or being forced to carry lower ranked players. IMO this is not fair or competitive.
Personally I would like to see separate solo queues and full team queues or a solo queue and duo queue with the duo queue being 4v4 or 6v6 and consisting solely of duo’s.
5) Unlock weapons from elite specs; Although I am unsure of this too, it would offer even more crafting potential giving us even more build variety.
6) Increase non liquid and liquid gold rewards; No matter how many players play sPvP, the PvP aspect of any game is often an aspect that can bring new players to a game. The rewards can be an aspect that makes them stay with that game. I propose that sPvP rewards should be competitive with PvE rewards also offering more prestigious rewards unique to the game mode.
7) Give new players tutorials, and encourage playing different classes; sPvP badly needs some basic rewarded tutorials for conquest, offering an insight into playing advantages and disadvantages. You could even have a sPvP section linked through the game to the website with more in depth guides.
Players also need some incentive to playing different classes, one way to achieve this would be to have more achievements with liquid gold or unique rewards for winning games on different classes. That or to add “games won” requirement across say three classes to earn your rights to play ranked on season.
To conclude I wanted to say that it is really sad to see GW2 leave esports, its arguable that this was down to the neglect of sPvP in general. To anyone who was all for getting rid of esports, well you just condoned getting rid of a major marketing standpoint for GW2, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t even play at that level, and probably never will.
Many GW2 players are solely PvP players or like me really enjoy playing PvP after getting daily PvE tasks done. Without going off topic the PvE dailies are so far few and between I really believe it is in everyone’s best interests to give sPvP some of the TLC that it needs. Let us end this undying repetitive salt filled forum and start proposing some real changes that would make sPvP great again.
Just an idea. Could you guys bring back capes. like actual capes to be used as backpiece skins please?
Or just bring back guild capes, with different styles such as a waist-cloak ;P
3x tomes of knowledge — really?? this should be looked at and better rewards given
The tomes serve two purposes, they are rewarded from many areas of the game not just the daily log in rewards.
Firstly they serve to encourage players to play other classes without having to spend hours levelling them in the open world.
Secondly they are essential for players who want to craft multiple legendary weapons as they award spirit shards.
The tomes themselves are just a little non-liquid gold reward for daily log ins. I would be complaining about mystic coins being nerfed not the tomes.
OP, now I am more interested about why you are changed your post every time than the post itself.
Now it is totally different than the one you started.
Clearly he was just a little triggered maybe :P
just dps, kill and move on. why waste potential dps???
That works for a few percent of the T4 fractal player base. For the average pug, a halfway competent healer is super valuable.
Yeah its the whole pug vs organised.
That’s why I run LFG with PS/Chrono/Druid/2xTempest.
Four classes doing small heals is more than enough to get the PS back in the fight stacking might if he tanks a bunch of conditions.
It’s quite simple as I said, if you are looking for people that are open, i.e to using different builds then you just need to start a LFG to fill out party saying “fractal blah blah blah casual run” or “T4 daily fractal casual run” then you wont get elitist meta sheep joining and leaving your party. I see plenty of groups doing “casual runs” and weird comps with like 3 necros a theif and whatever else. To be honest without sounding rude it seems like you’re just a bit salty mate x)
As for meta builds I think what we and at least I mean to say is that, if you play them along with optimal composition’s you are optimising your speed/efficiency/survival or whatever you want to call it so yeah it does solve a few problems. For instance running a group without a PS warrior wont keep you capped at 25 might stacks or running without a chrono wont give you the quickness you need for speed runs.
GW2 is the best MMO out there right now, forget its problems, visually and mechanically it is the most beautiful game out there and for that reason has the most potential. All of the points we make are easily achievable and would really throw the spanner in the works that I truly believe this game needs to be able to revive itself.
A new class though, I can’t say I agree with at this point in time. I think we need to focus on the classes we have now (which are a lot, let’s be honest) instead of just adding more. Also consider that for each new class we add, it’ll be more work for ANet when we finally d get around to adding more to the classes. Now instead of ten classes to create skills for for example, we now have one or three more on top of that. And not just skills. Animations… Armor… It all has to be recreated for any new classes we add.
But yeah. If there’s anyone that can compete with WoW, it’s GW2. This game is starting to near MMORPG perfection. It’s not really there yet, but it’s close. It’s so close. It just needs that extra oomph. Mostly though, it needs more gameplay variety in the classes, which can be achieved very easily by more skills in general.
While I do agree with you somewhat I must remind you that even GW1 had 10 classes. It should be easily achievable now especially with the staff/revenue in general and from the gemstore and from the revenue that can be created from the gemstore/gold prices e.t.c.
To be quite frank if it’s really not possible I’d say Anet is wasting some serious time and dosh somewhere, because we haven’t had any real balance patches or content other than the living story which in my opinion is underwhelming and frankly a waste of time considering it is not really the type of repeatable content that would benefit the game.
However say it’s really not possible to create a new class this expac, which I still say pffft. I would be seriously disappointed to see new elite specs but no new skills which are not elite specific, we would be left with the same stale meta-game and a new band-aid to cover it.
Currently the game isn’t as horrifically rage quit level unbalanced as some of the community are making it out to be, for a starters its an MMO for kittens sake, this isn’t CoD, you can’t balance an MMO like this, especially with such unique and intricate mechanics as GW2.
Not to mention that sPvP seems to be more un-balanced than it actually is by some of the community because it’s focused the intricacies and uniqueness around 3 nodes, which creates another unique mechanic which is mistaken by that community to be an un-balanced game.
1) Use meta builds, I would go insane if you were doing only like 10k dps, dying a lot and failing mechanics.
2) Pick up who you can from your guild then post an LFG saying exactly what you are doing with the words “casual run”
1) New class, because GW1.
2) New skills which are not elite spec specific, reasoning to completely kill the current stale meta-game forcing a complete redesign by the players. Also, because GW1.
3) New “dungeons” in new maps with new prestigious skins, I need more dailies here, and skins please!
4) Much needed new sPvP maps based around expansion maps, with a new team death-match que. Also because GW1.
5) Much needed abundance of new skins that actually look the business and scary like, with some prestigious, but achievable even for the casual player.
6) Mastery which allows you to remove upgrade components from armour.
Things I’m unsure about;
1) Unlocking weapons from elite specs, could provide more variation in the meta-game.
2) New race. Reasoning being we already have a terrible variety of armour and weapon skins and the half decent ones we have don’t blow my shorts off and are so far few and between, I would rather see more skins and the points I mentioned above implemented than Anet have to rework existing and new skins around a new race. Although it would be kitten awesome and should be achievable.
Things I particularly support from the OP’s post;
1) Inspect player option, yes please!
2) Guild capes, yes please! Also some different shapes like full cloak, half cloak, waist cloak e.t.c. would be really cool, check out the ones from the game destiny on google to see the shape design I mean.
To conclude, I know a lot of people think so much is un-achievable from the xpac’s such as a new class, new skills e.t.c. but I urge you to look back at what GW1’s xpac’s brought and to consider the increased revenue Anet are making from GW2 in comparison.
GW2 is the best MMO out there right now, forget its problems, visually and mechanically it is the most beautiful game out there and for that reason has the most potential. All of the points we make are easily achievable and would really throw the spanner in the works that I truly believe this game needs to be able to revive itself.
Will he be designing a much needed abundance of decent armour and weapon skins by any chance? Some actual prestigious and achievable ones would be nice at that!
Yeah you don’t need a healer I always make a LFG with PS/Chrono/Druid/2xTempest, because pug, even with dps stats that comp can easily heal itself / save the PS’ life if needed x)
Also everyone running pots and being min/maxed is essential. If you didn’t use pots I would kick you because the speed at which you clear the fractal far outweighs the cost of the pots and my time is money.
So you can get an exotic viper gear box from the HoT story mission “Bitter Harvest” once per character, otherwise you have to craft it.
By crafting you will need to make 6 insignias which cost around 13g each. Unless you are desperate to change to condi warrior (for raids its essential, fractals not as much) I would highly recommenced doing T4 fractals daily to get ascended chests then using the insignias to stat swap the ascended gear instead.
You can use full berserker gear instead in the meantime which you can get for free by doing sPvP or WvW reward tracks and getting Arah dungeon tokens, you can also do the 3 paths of Arah for 80+60+60 tokens once per day and also you can complete the dungeon frequenter achievement (repeatable) doing 8 different paths for 150 tokens of your choice.
Though I’m unsure what you are crafting a condition build for as you haven’t specified, marauders gear is power/precision/vitality/ferocity which is only useful for thing such as theif WvW or PvE solo build and other situations outside of party compositions e.t.c.
If you are looking at doing fractals/raids with your warrior and want to take the more sought after build which is cPS (condition phalanx strength) you will also need to do the Caudecus’s Manor dungeon to get Aristocracy runes which are the optimal and essential rune if you want to be able to provide your party with might and fulfil your role as cPS.
Here are the builds you are looking at for party composition:
Power PS – https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_Support_Power
Condition PS – https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_Support_Condition
Condition DPS (less sought after) – https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_DPS_Condition
Tyria; Recursive resourcing (for daily fractals) > advanced logistics > mistlock singularities > scholar of secrets.
Maguuma; Bouncing mushrooms > exalted markings > nuhoch wallows (must have for tangled depths IMO) > ley line gliding > languages (if you need these earlier, pick them up as and when you need them) > adrenal mushrooms/forsaken magic/nuhoch alchemy (whichever benefits you) > everything else
Oh and pls some backpiece cloaks! Maybe a poor example but similar to the styles in destiny where you have half cloaks, full cloaks, waist cloaks e.t.c.
Being the best MMO I have ever played, sadly at the same time GW2 has without doubt the worst armour sets and the worst variety of armour sets in any game I have played.
Anet really need to take a page or two from elder scrolls and some of the modded elder scrolls armour sets, I feel although the current sets are almost cartoon-ish.
All the light armour sets are horrible, you’re forced into bladed top for male if you want to look anything near bad – ass (seriously I can’t say that? lol), or just go human female and get as much leg out as possible to go the sexy route.
Medium armour has some decent pieces, all of them being assassins creed style and nowhere near enough of them if you ask me. Again I’m forced into the bladed top.
Heavy armour, well, just don’t go there. It looks pathetic. There are maybe one or two big combinations including gem store skins e.t.c. to even make your character look half decent.
Step up your game Anet please get the kitten crayons out and some decent bloody sheild skins that aren’t ginormous and unbearably ugly.
Heres what I want to see;
As a friend of mine used to say when we worked on site: “Less haste, more speed!”
Haste is a term defining excessive speed, whereas quickness defines the quality of doing something with speed or in a short time alone.
However, I continue to enjoy playing gw2’s pvp and complete my 120 games on season because regardless of it’s problems it is the most exiting mechanical, visual and unique pvp gameplay I have yet to experience in any game. I just wish I had the heart to put myself through the above more often.
I agree with this alot, the gameplay mechanics are so unique and good, but not being able to 5v5 really takes away from maximising a teams comp unlesss everyone diverse and knows multiple other classes.
Yep exactly. To expand on one thing I mentioned I believe duo q is a problem not only for solo q’ers that get stomped, but also for duo q’ers that stomp on teams (and highly skilled duo q’ers that have to sit on the edge of their seats with veins popping out of their skulls trying to carry silver players or worse).
I’ve heard both sides complaining about stomping and being stomped, it’s unbalanced, far from competitive and can be kitten stressful.
IMHO for duo to work in ranked it should be a separate solo que, a separate 4v4 or 6v6 que obviously consisting of only duo teams and/or a separate full team que. IMO duo que just doesn’t work in a 5v5 game.
As you have HoT already I would recommend picking 6 classes as you have 6 slots and playing them all in sPvP so you can play with the elite spec without unlocking it. This will give you a good idea of what all the classes feel like because honestly if you pick one class and main it, you will get stuck in that one class mindset and will never experience the enjoyment of another class.
When I started gw2 I mained revenant then when I decided to try warrior I fell in love, then when I decided to play theif I fell in love, then guardian I fell in love, then mesmer, engineer, elementalist, necro and ranger. Gw2 is really a multi class game, you will pick up so many tomes of knowledge you will level them all up in no time.
The great thing about levelling in sPvP is that you will get tomes of knowledge so you don’t need to level in the open world and you will get free exotic berserker gear, which is kitten expensive if you are a fresh level 80. You can do the same in WvW too whilst also levelling provisions master to 55 so that you can buy end game locked and otherwise expensive runes, sigils and upgrades. Doing this would be super efficient getting a heck of a lot out of the way for you guys in future.
The last thing I would recommend is that you look at the end game content and which classes are most popular, you’re going to need to pick up at least one if you want to be viable in raids and fractals.
So maybe try a load of classes in sPvP, then pick one and get it levelled in WvW “following the commander” then you’ll be level 80 with max gear in no time ready to jump into HoT and get your elite spec ready for daily fractals and weekly raids. Oh and if you enjoy sPvP and want to dominate make sure you guys duo as theif/mesmer, you will destroy everything check out sindrenerr on youtube for proof!
As above without HoT you will not have the same “impact” as others in sPvP. Which is a shame because if you were to play sPvP you would be able to get free exotic berserker gear whilst gaining tomes of knowledge so you wouldn’t need to level up your character in the open world. On season you will also be able to get free ascended gear, including one weapon or armour piece, a backpiece and as many trinkets as you can farm.
You could also play WvW to level up just running around with the zerg but you might find that a bit boring. I’ve only levelled one char in the open world and I wish I didn’t because I could’ve gotten to play each class in sPvP and built up tomes and exotic gear in the meantime. Since then I have levelled every class with tomes and geared each for free. The great thing about gw2 is that once you have one level 80 you build tomes so fast you don’t need to play in the open world.
Personally I would recommend picking up HoT and having some fun in sPvP, learning the ins and outs of all the different classes, which is what I would do if I could go back to day one x)
No offence my friend but critical strikes has no impact in PvP and your build is missing the one trait line that gives the most impact.
Running trickery is absolutely essential in in PvP and I would highly recommenced you follow this build if you want to have good impact and team synergy in spvp https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol
In short trickery increases your maximum initiative. Grants initiative, boons and rips boons from your target for you and your allies whilst dazing your target.
So the feeling of them being faster may be the fact that they are dazing you, stealing your bones and have more initiative to spend than you.
No separate solo and team que.
Same maps, same game-mode.
Boring rewards and low gold.
Unbalanced matchmaking especially considering an often/sometimes suprisingly quick que pop (i.e; support on enemy team for continuous games in a row, class stacking, some major mmr differences, duo advantage).
Poor build variety; heavy nerfing classes out of meta, patches far few and between and rarely revised.
Poorly educated toxic players making games one sided, refusing to swap classes (could be considered match making issue aswell as no encouragement from the game to swap classes i.e rank requirements across classes).
However, I continue to enjoy playing gw2’s pvp and complete my 120 games on season because regardless of it’s problems it is the most exiting mechanical, visual and unique pvp gameplay I have yet to experience in any game. I just wish I had the heart to put myself through the above more often.
As far as I know, if you want to be viable then ele > ranger have the highest condition DPS. The other options are pretty situational which would be engineer > reaper/rev.
Well DH if I’m right has the lowest HP of the heavy classes, there is a trait which gives vitality boosting full zerk base from 11k to 14k. What I would be thinking about really is being geared ready for fractals/raids, so ideally I would use full zerk armour and just use trinkets and food to boost vitality if I wanted the HP, which I don’t personally
I’m a little confused as to why you are doing solo content in HoT, it’s pretty difficult to solo the bigger mobs and bosses on any class to be honest you are much better just joining an LFG.
If I am ever doing solo content I will just take my necro or preferably warrior because she has 18k base health with full zerk gear equipped. Then I take adrenal health trait and the short CD heal/percentage damage which resets and refills my F1 so I can kill super fast while healing, on bigger mobs I will just keep one enemy at low health incase I do go down I can AA to rally xD
The good thing about warrior is the mobility, you have GS skills and the charge skill and a leap skill so you can fly past mobs you don’t need to fight. Not to mention you have infinite kiting potential. Necro is good for solo too but has terrible mobility. DH has some nice traps and good single target damage but IMO the cooldown of your multi target damage is quite high and the mobility isn’t great if you want to be survivable.
I would save it personally, I’m currently doing WvW ranks to get to 55 so I can buy the runes and HoT insignias with proof of heroics.
You need the crystalline ore for maguuma legendaries and IMO the stuff is so time consuming to farm you’re better off going through the 55 WvW ranks, if you have some xp boosters and celebration boosters and use guild banners e.t.c. it shouldn’t take you long and you’ll have tonnes of heroics left over to use on inscriptions.
Also you will get reward tracks done, WvW tickets and badges of honor. I think it’s a much more rewarding way to get the runes even if it takes the same time/longer.
Personally I think you should play every class in sPVP first, that way you’ll get a good feeling of what they are all like, especially as you will be able to use HoT specs without unlocking them. In the meantime you will gain tomes of knowledge and free exotic zerker gear when you decide which class you want to main.
I found through playing sPVP that I love every class, I have warrior and theif in full ascended and my next ascended set is sat in the bank ready for my mesmer when I finish runes of leadership.
The more I play gw2 the more I realise its encouragement to play different classes, and if you do T4 fractals every day you’ll soon build up ascended sets to max them out.
I would love an improved UI. When I play on my laptop I have to set the UI to the smallest setting so that I can make my minimap larger and expand it to a square, on any other setting the mini map is a small rectangle and wont expand even though there is plenty of room to the left and obviously loads of room above. Also a lot of stuff gets in the way with WvW for me, pretty annoying.
Yep sorry, it seems I know nothing about WvW outside the mechanics… Noticed servers got linked last night and every map was red…
It’s gone from one extreme to the next haha, I’m guessing these servers were linked due to the population issue? Where can I find information on when servers get linked and un-linked e.t.c.? Should I stay on this server now?
I want to learn the ins and outs here, was only playing WvW for runes of leadership but turns out I’m actually really enjoying it
+1 please annette