Daily T4 Fractals for free ascended gear and 10-20g and upwards, I also do the recommended ones. I then do the daily achievements in either wvw/spvp.
I also buy the 30 fractal keys daily so if I have time I will farm fractal 40 in a min/maxed group to get encryptions to use the keys which gets me something like 100g+ a week and is my main source of gold (and the best source of gold in the game btw).
Absolutely finish sPVP rewards on season for free ascended gear and trinkets and will farm sPVP for fun and free exotic gear and tomes of knowledge so I never have to level my alts, also good to do some WvW off season if you ever want to get runes of leadership and cheaper cultural armour e.t.c.
Then if I have time and fancy it I will do some HoT, getting any remaining alts through hero points (I have every class) and if I am prepared to be bored I will farm mastery points (boring)
Raids is next on my list, getting a couple chars finished at the moment.
Outside of this if I want to farm gold (which I dont, your better off getting a part time job and converting gems) I will farm 40 and sell encryptions. If I just want to have fun I will do spvp, learning different classes or I will do frontline wvw on my daredevil.
It’s funny I haven’t started raiding yet, I’m almost there, getting a couple of classes min/maxed first as I am pretty close already.
I do t4 fractals and farm 40 if I have time to use up the 30 keys I buy daily, I run arcdps and generally in 40 if you are running some dagger ele build and the ps warrior is spiking higher than you, you’re getting politely kicked.
So I can understand why the raid community is supposedly “toxic” if you can’t use youtube to learn boss mechanics and metabattle/qtfy to get the right build then you’re going to be a dead weight and you’re going to get kicked from any group that knows what they are doing. It’s common sense really, am I right?
The crappy part is that the ascended Glorious armor skins are quite nice, but I don’t want to have to craft the marks and other garbage for a whole suit of ascended armor just to get those skins. All of my characters have full ascended gear already, I don’t need another set. That, and being so prohibitively expensive, I’m still going to get all of the armor (at least the heavy pieces) but I’m sure as hell not going to like it.
You can just buy them as skins which only costs Ascended Shards.
It’s also worth noting this armor is intended to be a discount compared to out right crafting. (only certain pieces/stats mind you)
(Zojjas guise roughly 110g if you crafted it all yourself, compared to 85g ish, 78ish for the marks +raw gold, to buy the Ardent Glorius Brigandine)
Actually if you craft the cheapest ascended stat, then swap to the stat you want it would work out at around 65-70g, which is why I said it was roughly the same or even cheaper to craft normally.
I disagree here, the rewards for playing a season; one ascended piece, a few trinkets. I think it’s abysmal, considering pvp is the hardest content in the game and the kitten you have to put up with on season I just don’t think it’s enough. The rewards were ok when you could buy ascended armour for shards.
Now any sole pvp players have a hell of a grind on their hands to get the armour. Also when you consider the population problems it doesn’t do much to bring more players in. I think if anet catered towards the population that want to see zero rewards for pvp to stop people “farming for rewards” I don’t think there would be any players left. Considering we have an MMR system I don’t understand this mentality in the slightest.
I do agree that the AT rewards are even worse. Kittened if I’m going to spend 2-3 hours to get 5-10 gold. You don’t even get any ascended shards or anything of non – liquid gold value. I don’t see AT’s going far if the rewards aren’t increased drastically, especially when you consider the same pro teams will be winning both the AT’s and monthly tournaments.
Their are PvE is funny (LW) and PvE is no need to balance. But Raid need and this will kill the balance of PvP.
If we talk about Raid, that is 2007 game mode. People do the same thing, same dance, same action to kill the boss every day, every week like a bot and get the reward. That ’s a farming and boring.Anet….
Why don’t just give them the reward?
Why make the playing like working?
Why all MMO are decline?
Why Mobile Game , MOBA, Independent Game are everywhere?
The Time have changed, The Market have changed, don’t make a 2017’s game go back to 2007 and kill all other part of the game. Give back the 2012 best MMO to us.
Yeah I don’t think conquest was or is really the problem. The problem is more that it has been conquest for five years, had they added something new and fresh during the time when we had high population maybe people wouldn’t have left.
In pve you have 30mins of fractals, weekly raids, then you can do 40 farm or SW to get gold, which honestly you would get more enjoyment from a part time job, converting money to gems, at least that way you would actually get the legendary weapons you are after.
Also yeah when I read chest of grandmaster marks I was a little excited, when I got my first chest only to find out you had to choose one mark from the box I was absolutely gutted. The rewards for spvp are terrible again, you’d think giving more ascended gear might encourage players from pvp to pve and vise versa but it seems like anet aren’t interested in anything other than capitalising off the gemstore during updates. I feel this is quickly becoming a money grabbing game.
Yeah you are 100% correct, it is not worth it. I think it either costs more or the same price to craft ascended normally or through the marks, it’s ridiculous especially if you multi class like me and do pve and wvw, you’ll likely want at least 2-3 sets for one character.
kitten ed if I’m ever going to buy/craft ascended armour, you’re better off doing daily fractals for 30mins and weekly raids then stat swapping the pieces you get so you can save your gold for legendary/skins.
Unless you absolutely want the pvp skins which I can’t imagine why because they are disgusting then there is no point even wasting ascended shards because you can get ascended armour for the same price of marks in fractals, then you can save your ascended shards for stat selectable trinkets instead.
Yes before there you didn’t need marks to get the armour, which I think was good considering a lot of people are strictly pvp and to get into wvw, that would be the only way for you to get ascended armour, and let’s face it you would only get maybe 3 pieces per season so why the hell they added the marks I don’t know. Seems outrageous to me especially in a game that constantly demands different classes and different stats for those classes.
Try this build, it’s meta for a reason. You will have much better synergy and team support while playing this build and will also have better node holding potential as you can get more up close and personal with the extra evades.
I personally wouldn’t want to be running longbow with all the projectile hate and blocks going on in the meta, the attacks are easily blocked or reflected.
What do top stats matter when using that ele actually gets you wins when your support Rev doesn’t? You’re completely missing the point here because you’re so stubborn about that build. You’re ignoring anything of substance being said to you and responding with excuses and justifications to keep using trash – it’s everything except you. With that outlook and no desire to have any kind of introspective or self-review, you belong exactly where you are.[/quote]
Exactly this is something I hate, people who think top stats are what carries the game. Some games I’m struggling to get my team to stop outnumbering our own close point 2v1 or even 3v1, right they are killing over and over again but the enemy just throws one after the other to the close point forever holding two of my team there.
Meanwhile on the rest of the map we are outnumbered and can’t get any kills and this goes on for the entire game meaning that they get top stats yet they are outnumbering our close the entire game, putting us at a disadvantage on the rest of the map. In reality especially when you are outmatched they should have let close get capped, outnumbered mid so we can either get a kill and start snowballing or then disengage to cap far to re-engage mid 5v4 to try and get the kill again.
Say I land every single one of my moa’s in a game, and my team kills every single one, and I leave the outnumbered fight to cap far and leave with portal. I don’t get any top stats, maybe I will get offence if the enemy don’t cap close. Does that mean I didn’t carry the game? Because I let my team outnumber getting all the top stats? It’s not about getting top stats, it’s about making plays.
I was having the same problem to the point where my client would freeze my pc every time I would try to open it. Still need to get an SSD myself.
I ended up upgrading to windows 10, I was going to do a hard reset but you can still get win10 for free so I decided to upgrade, re-downloaded the client and it’s a lot faster now. I haven’t had a DC since I have done this, but takes around 3 seconds for the normal loading screen now. I imagine it’s close to instantaneous on an SSD.
I think the client sometimes gets bugged with patch after patch, worth a shot doing a re-install and possibly hard reset on your pc if you can.
Awesome thanks. Yeah I will be doing wvw to get the runes for my mesmer. So I think I will focus on getting cps/condi ranger/mesmer geared up. Would this guarantee me a slot in most groups and get all the encounters done? Guessing I’m looking at these builds;
Also if I’m going to be using warrior for cps mostly do you think it’s worth stat swapping then getting an exotic power set for backup?
I dont care about new map rewards. All i want is gold. Dungeon is interesting track but last reward is armor and sometimes it give no gold because it salvages into nothing.
Lake Doric reward track gives you 100 Jade Shards at the end. Salvage all of them for unbound magic. Buy magic warped packets with the unbound magic. Sell the mats. Ez money
Halloween and Wintersday season reward tracks give good money too by selling the bags you get.
Nice I will try this, do you know roughly how much gold do you think you can get from a track?
+1 this. Give unranked the same rewards, yes it would reduce ranked population but it would help create a more healthy environment in ranked thus bringing new players and old players in over time.
What’s going on at the moment clearly isn’t working and anet really need to throw a big spanner in the works not just apply band-aid after band-aid. I would rather be playing with a smaller healthier population that are actually competitive and want to get better.
Population is our biggest problem right now yes, so we need to bring players in and keep the current players playing. The only way to do that is to create a more healthy environment.
How else do can you do it? Force players through tutorials and ranks on different professions? Better rewards? Separate duo ranks into their own leaderboard? Remove duo que completely? Add team que? Maybe automated tournaments will save the day? Something has to change surely.
I dont care about new map rewards. All i want is gold. Dungeon is interesting track but last reward is armor and sometimes it give no gold because it salvages into nothing.
You can put the armours and weapons into the mystic forge then sell on TP, same for the weapons. But obviously 3-4hrs of gameplay for a box 3 weapons and some tokens isn’t going to convert to much gold. As above doing the new maps for mats will probably get you more gold.
I personally just farm arah boxes for zerker gear on my alts, skins and black lion keys when I they’re up.
So after this pvp season is done I am looking into getting started raiding and getting into a guild for weekly raids. I have warrior in full ascended but will also have enough ascended gear to gear out another char.
I would love some advice on which classes I will need to be viable and able to complete every single raid encounter. I was going to use my ascended gear on my mesmer but I have been thinking would I be better to save it for a DPS class as the DPS increase from exotic on mesmer would be minimal in comparison?
The other classes I am thinking of gearing for raids are ele and druid, I’m thinking maybe the ele will benefit the ascended gear the most? My last question is will I actually need a condi class/build to be viable for every encounter? Thanks
Staff is trash for pve especially raids. You should be using the baseline meta build sword/shield, with an off hand sword on weapon swap sword’s 3rd AA chain rips boons and #3 has an immobilise which is why it is superior in raids, also any swordsmen also rip boons on their AA chain, which makes off hand sword superior in some situations. The only other weapon you should be using is off hand focus when necessary to pull mobs together/away from the team.
Vitality is useless in pve too because DPS, killing bosses before they enrage and dodging their mechanics instead of taking them is optimal, and you don’t want to be playing condi if you are just starting raiding, condi is situational in raids.
Use the baseline build which is support but reaches the highest DPS with 100% boon duration: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Tank/Support_Sword/x
Well I haven’t had a DC in months (on wireless fibre) I used to get them from time to time but since I upgraded to windows 10 and re-downloaded the the client I haven’t had any issues.
Maybe you should try a hard reset on your PC and re-download the client at least.
+1 for tomes of knowledge.
I do spvp to get tomes and free exotic gear for each class, you can even to map completion whilst waiting for pvp games to load. It’s definitely worth doing for the exotic gear at least, saves you a ridiculous amount of money on zerker gear. Also if you get bored and have all the exotic gear you need then you can clear low level maps after consuming all your tomes so it’s ezpz and you don’t need to worry about build
FYI the reward track to do is arah because the armour box itself has zerker stats and the vendor for tokens also has zerker stats. There’s only one other track you can do which I have forgotten the name of, the other ones armour boxes don’t have a zerker stat option which obviously you want for the chest/legs as they cost the most tokens.
Edit: we are also on season now so you can get one free ascended armour/weapon and also get ascended shards of glory which you can spend to get free stat selectable trinkets and pvp reward tickets which if you get 100 you can buy a free ascended back piece too. (hint; dont use the ascended shards for armour as you can buy armour for the same price of marks in fractals so you don’t need to spend laurels for amulets and accessories, also dont use them for rings as you can get rings in fractals for 10 pristine relics xD)
(edited by Itz Jay.8941)
Idk what support rev does to be honest, however I’m sure it still gets absolutely wrecked by theif and I’m also sure it can’t do anything that ele can do better. Regardless it’s no good playing support with a team that don’t know what they are doing and can’t even survive with the support let alone without it.
With a bad team you need to make plays and get kills to gain advantage and momentum to carry the match. If your team cant dps and dies too much support isn’t going to help. That’s why I play theif and mesmer, theif can pull an enemy to far point and get back to mid to finish someone before the enemy on far has a chance to get back. Theif can shadow stomp, stealth stomp/ress, interrupt stomps for days, basi venom etc.
Then mesmer is an obvious one with portal/moa. Mesmer can carry a game just by moa the necro at start of game or moaburst far with theif in a bad match up. Portal team mates away from stupid rotations, to lord, from base after respawn. Aoe interrupt, distortion ress, safe stomp for days.
Wtf dude match maker will always do it’s MMR job. Try queuing as a theif, it takes alot longer to find games. Besides my friend I never said my idea was a good one, but I told you exactly what disadvantage it had. What I am trying to explain is you are not seeing the disadvantages of your idea at all. Anet have already said they will stop class stacking in automated tourneys but in que it’s not going to work.
That’s not what I said, what I mean to say is the competitive players in gw2 don’t multi-class, if they do it’s probably one class, regardless they aren’t going to want to be forced to change classes.
So you see class stacking giving advantage whereas I see class stacking as a disadvantage. Granted in some cases class stacking might give some advantage but having to change from the class that you are best at is a disadvantage in its self.
Potentially forcing players to play something they aren’t skilled with, I think it’s madness. You could end up with one team having the perfect initial comp, the other having to change every class. Then you have the same unbalanced kitten complaining community!
I’m not talking about people not having all classes, I’m talking about people that either have NONE or have one they are absolutely terrible at. It’s not going to work! Yes I have considered que times for popular classes, did you read my first post? People already que up as less popular classes to get quicker queues dude.
What I’m saying is that you can’t force people to change classes, that will not only annoy people but would probably drive a lot away from playing. You can only encourage/discourage. I’m sure most of the community especially the competitive players you are talking about would agree with me here.
Hm with the shortbow changes I wouldn’t say engi can hard counter thieves anymore.
Don’t stand in it…..
Engi still counters thief
Exactly engi can control the node, he doesn’t need a hard counter.
Because no person in their right mind would swap from the class they queued up on to stack with another class on their team. This is then not removing class stacking BUT it is not only discouraging it but is removing any initial class stacking done by the match maker.
The problem with your idea is that a lot of the time you would be forcing people off of their most favoured/class they are skilled at best, how do you think the community would feel about that?
As opposed to actually being queued into a game where it is guaranteed there is no initial class stacking but they can change class if the match is really unbalanced.
Anyway, I will say it again, what if people don’t have another class to change to??? And even then say everyone did but they only had one other class you would be in a whole other problem.
For example if person A can only alt ele, person B can only alt person C’s class e.t.c. then you are forcing three people to fight as a class they are less skilled at. This could potentially force the entire teams players to swap classes.
In a proper competitive environment nobody would change classes ever, because they play what they are good at and the comps are pre-made. Anyway it’s too early in the morning for this kitten dude but it’s not too early to know its a bad idea.
Ahh but I didn’t say remove players ability to swap classes did I? Anyway;
1) You can’t guarantee everyone has another class to play, let alone do they have one set up for pvp.
2) Without preventing the rest of the team from swapping to a class that would stack, you would be in the same problem.
3) To implement #2 for a starters only one player would be able to swap and ready up at a time (think about it……)
…………Do you see the massive rework required to make this happen yet?
Necro should never face theif alone let alone any class, maybe you can control a node vs an engi if you are good, but if you get +1’d you are DEAD. Same goes theif should never face engi/druid/dh/mesmer let alone any class. Same goes for every class, avoid fighting your counters at all costs. It’s not worth it.
Think about it win trading in theory will only get you 0.5 ratio which is mid gold I believe as that is where I finished last season and is where I am at now and my win ratio is around 0.5
Using alt classes to get easier games in a duo however, that is a cheating.
Playing an alt class when you want to solo q to protect your rating, is it cheating? No. Is it manipulating the leaderboards? Kind of, but we wouldn’t have that problem say if there was a separate solo and duo q leaderboard.
By the way I’m not saying this should be implemented in my opinion, I am saying if anything this is what you should be asking for. Don’t just kitten complain, as above it doesn’t look good, come up with some ideas or something other than dragging the same kitten into 8 paragraphs.
The only way to dominate in pvp if you cant carry kitten hard is to play with a good duo partner. I know this because I only solo que and as I mentioned I am mid gold.
That is an impossible and ridiculous change to implement.
However you could remove class stacking from the match maker completely. This would result in longer queue times for any classes queuing in a higher ratio than others.
I think that this would definitely have a positive impact in lower tier games, as for higher tier players, I don’t know if they would be too happy about this change?
It’s the same in gold dude. Got players dying 2v1 to a DH. Entire team wiping on cap without even attempting to disengage or kite then repeatedly running and suicide into mid without regrouping. Even worse unthinkable absolutely brainless plays I could write an essay on.
I pushed up a bit today going on an 8 win streak or so then got some really bad games and a few wins in between. Just trying to enjoy my plays at the minute because I know queuing solo in a solo/duo queue isn’t helping.
Edit: Please tell us you are not using that support rev build and you are actually playing a meta carry build.
(edited by Itz Jay.8941)
Yeah I’m pretty sure it does actually. I started in s5 and finished bronze, s6 I went 8 wins and placed silver then finished at gold 3. This season I only won 4 games and placed gold 1, so the system clearly takes your previous seasons mmr into account.
I agree there needs to be some in game rewarded compulsory tutorials for conquest, also with links to a section say in the forums that provide more expensive guides and good streamers to follow.
Showing in game what advantages/disadvantages are and explaining conquest terminology such as overextending/over-commiting/peeling/disengaging would be very helpful to newer and more casual players.
Still have people in gold who sit afk on close point, it’s ridiculous you’d think it’s common sense to know that to defend something there actually needs to be something offending it first.
OP is 100% correct, it is not good for the game mode, it decreases morale and generally is quite disheartening and in extreme cases antagonising. This is reflected in an toxic infectious trash talking epidemic of a community.
As for kills>caps, in the wise words of himself at higher level you have to adapt:
Don’t worry I only joined in S5 and finished bronze because I didn’t understand conquest or any other class than my main. Then S6 I placed silver 1 after 8 wins, finished at gold 3. Yesterday I went 4 wins and placed gold 1, so I think your rank from previous season must have a good impact on where you actually place.
But yeah I was pretty kittened off too, the losses I had were absolutely ridiculous people 3vs1 a dead body on close/far while I’m kiting x players around for days, total wipes at mid and nobody disengaging or kiting whatsoever.
yes OP u are right, there should be 2 queues, 1 only for solo with solo MMR and 1 for groups with party mmr for any group (2-5 players). Any healthy pvp game works like so.
Unfortunately GW2 PvP doesnt have a wide playerbase so we would be talking about 15min queues.
PvP as it is requires a massive overhaul to draw new and returning players in order to flourish. Then the queues would be separated without increasing queue times.
Actually if you think about it the system would actually find solo que games faster/at the same speed if we had the separate ques because it wouldn’t need to spend forever trying to match legend duos when there is no competition online.
You would be looking at long que times for team que though, and the matches would probably be quite lop sided I would imagine.
Headshot now has a 33% chance to bullseye, shooting straight through the eye socket blowing the enemy’s eyeball through the back of their skull. This affect applies blinds and bleeds your foe whilst applying random conditions at 1 second intervals for 5 seconds. Bullseye’s chance is doubled to 66% when interrupting a foe.
Actually, if you want to have a better chance against Guardian, go play the class and use the ports and see how and when it’s best to do so.
+1 this. I main theif, started pvp in season 5, I couldn’t get out of silver and eventually stopped playing and tanked it down to bronze. In season 6, well before season 6 I made all new classes and took their meta builds out into unranked learning and memorising their skills and traits in just a few hours.
To my surprise I finished at gold 3 after messing about with several classes in ranked. This is absolutely the best way to get better at spvp, learning every class will give you a massive advantage. As above at the very least go onto metabattle.com and read through the top builds for conquest.
Didn’t they change it last season so negating the loss of 4v5’s is harder? I’m sure they changed it so that if a duo d/c’s it’s still a loss, also I think if it is a legit solo d/c it has to be quite a lengthy dc to revoke the loss.
Anet please respond…. lol
Really wish they would just separate Solo Queue and Team Queue. It’s not a difficult concept.
+1 this. Even sindrener said during the unity tournament that ranked would only be good if it was 5v5 solo que, because the population is so low he and misha were being matched with silver players to even out games.
Solo/duo que is not competitive at all, it’s a zerging mess. I hope that the automated tournaments work out and we get solo q next season.
“Teleportation or teletransportation is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject in science fiction literature, film, video games, and television.”
Guardian only has two teleports a 600 range on his sword 2 short cooldown and judges intervention which is 1200 range long cooldown. Pretty easy to counter just be aware and ready and memorise which player is using which build/skills in a match.
Thief: Steal
Now with a 10% chance to steal vital organs. Automatically reduces total health by 50% and grants thief a follow up ability “vial of salt.”
Vial blinds, aoe knockdowns and then sets everything in a radius on fire.
Foes slain by the vial are then automatically finished by a dancing moa ridden by an Asura wearing a cowboy outfit.
+1 now we’re making some sensible suggestions, anet please add.
Yeah it is absolutely ridiculous, people have been asking all day what time the season begins. How can you say season begins today but not give people an exact time is kitten unreal, more interested with updating the gem store and adding a million items because you know there will be a spike it population today.
Someone needs to take their head out of the marketing scheme for a second and actually imagine what it like to be a player in their game.
1, Shadowstep – removes all conditions & overall cooldown reduced to match the cooldown of return
2, Portal – infinite duration & range
3, Blurred frenzy – stacks might with each successful hit
4, Continuum split – increased duration to 3 sec reduced cooldown to 90 sec
5, Headshot – costs 5 ini unloading 4 x dazing shots returning 1 ini if all shots hit
Bunker druid. The sustain from bunker druid will always out heal a guardian in a 1v1, combine the sustain with your mobility and LoS you shouldn’t be losing vs DH.
Power ranger is really a low level and niche build in PvP. I have no problems destroying a power ranger on any class in a 1v1, or forcing him to disengage and retreat in a team fight rendering him useless.
Bunker druid is definitely the way to go in my opinion, it is a very strong build and has few counters due to it’s disengage and re-engage potential.
I found tier 2 and 3 difficult, but now I’m on t4 I realise the fractals weren’t difficult, the people I was playing with made it difficult. I actually find t4 easier than t3 purely because most people in t4 know what they are doing.
Fractals are easy when; the group is dps min/maxed, using food and potions, has a sensible comp, knows the mechanics, and, keeps breakbars broken.
When you are dps min/maxed you can breakbar and push most bosses into their next phase with one good dps rotation.
For example trying to kill the slime in the reactor is an absolute joke when your team isn’t dps min/maxed, when you are however you can one shot him before he has a chance heal.
When I join a group I’ll aim to join one that already has a few players in it preferably being something like mesmer, druid, warrior, x ele’s. Fractals are also a lot easier with perma quickness, alacrity, boons for days, power/precision buffs, and 40k dps from 2x ele’s with heals.
I try to avoid any comp with a theif or necro purely because they offer little to zero support compared to any other class.
This is an excellent guide
On another thought you could consider raising the rank requirement for ranked, but you would then need to give unranked the same rewards as ranked and also give unranked it’s own leaderboard to counteract the risk of losing population over time. So instead of having unranked/ranked you have normal/experienced.
Please, add a level 20 rank requirement for unranked arenas and rise the rank requirement for ranked arenas to level 40 or 60. Rated arenas should be off limit for completely new players. New players should learn, how to play their professions and how to play structured PvP in hotjoin first, like we veterans had to do in the old days, then there were Tournament Tickets.
I am not willing to carry newbees in rated matches the whole time.
I think this would’ve been an effective change to sPVP but considering population; after watching S6 leaderboards which consisted of everyone in platinum and a couple players in high gold at a few points, the situation is dire.
I think as much as we all want to see restrictions to ranked to improve the gameplay, it won’t happen now. I think the fears are losing what remaining active population is left.
The easier thing to do would be to remove daily achievements from ranked and also to give unranked the same rewards as ranked on season.
Right now I think Anet needs to work on improving the population of sPVP before even thinking about adding restrictions and separate ques.
They need to throw a big spanner in the works, more maps, and at least one new game mode and a 1v1 arena. But again as above, I think the fears lie with losing what remaining population there is.
I only joined in s5 but to find out the game is 5 years old and there is still only one game mode, and people are playing the same maps, it’s really sad.
I doubt they care about their rating in the first place if they can’t play, or can’t learn to play more than 1 class…
Being mediocre at several classes is worse than being exceptional at one. There is a reason that nearly all of the ESL players played 1 maybe 2 classes.
You can’t be exceptional at a class unless you understand how to play all the other classes. There is only so much you can pick up from dueling another class. The off season is long enough to pick up a new class.
Exactly. We’re talking about winning 30 games on two other classes to get your achievements for the leg backpack, not winning games at ESL level.
OP could easily start on his two least favoured classes next season and then climb his way up once finished the achievements.
Dude, learn to play other classes. This season I expanded and learnt to play each class in a few hours and was still winning ranked games with them in gold, it’s not that hard. Mechanically only the first team fight should matter, after that you just need to make momentum and carry it. Map awareness and team work will carry games a lot harder than your mechanical skill.
The achievements are easy. Clearly you haven’t tried them otherwise you wouldn’t be making this post. From someone who has learnt all the classes fast, I would recommend learning guardian/theif/engineer for quick learning and effectiveness at a lower mechanical skill, especially after the patch.
So.. there was a patch. Yet the broken guard with a 1,000 blocks and insane burns is still the choice for anyone new because a 3 year old can own with the build. We have anet in all their glory of forcing a circle dancing pvp game where you have to fight for a point where the traps sit. Gotta love the stupidity that is anet sometimes.
Maybe in the next “Patch” they can fix the issue with cutting the burn down a bit or blocks. Or extending the recharge time on insane traps. The cool downs are way too short for such powerful skills and its crazy how even with short cool downs they recharge after laying them down and not after triggered..
Yay anet.
I’d say be careful what you wish for. Burn DH is a free kill. Once any DH uses his elite, he should be a free kill. DH is reliant on either longbow push and F1 pull, or lots of traps and symbol spams. That means for DH to kill you it has to be on his terms, in his AoE’s.
You wish the DH traps, longbow and burn away and Anet might just decide to turn guardian into a real meta class.
Burn DH focus has a tiny range skill on number 4 and a useless fire-breathing skill on number 5. Then you have judges intervention teleport, which you just have to dodge when he goes invisible. And a consecration ring again with a tiny range.
If you cant dodge the two utilities or notice when DH has changed to focus then that’s your problem not the DH. If you’re having trouble fighting the build either play it or at least look it up on metabattle, find it’s strengths and weaknesses and play the kitten out of them. It’s not as if you are battling several conditions. It’s just one condition.
Generally speaking you don’t wanna 1v1 a DH if he is defending a node, it takes way too much time as opposed to supporting your team. It goes with fighting anyone really, aim to fight on your terms not theirs, and at least find the middle ground, otherwise you’re dead.
The cleanses haven’t been changed at all, its 1 cleanse per shatter, not per illusion.
Yeah, it’s actually the healing you’re losing when you cant upkeep illusionary reversion. Now you just have to shatter without illusions to remove condi pressure.
They’ve basically slowed the build down drastically. In a 1v1 it’s not so bad because you can combo to keep 3 illusions up but now in team fights or 1vX the aoe’s just destroy your sustain so you’re forced to rotate.
If anything if they were going to nerf illusionary reversion they should have decreased the CD on CS instead of increasing it.
The nerf to shield 5 was just a little cherry on top to add to destroying the build.
It is hard nerf combined with shield 5 and continuum split nerf. But we don’t get destroyed as much as warrior/DH/druid.
The compensation we get through mind wrack damage, cry of frustration damage and mind wrack crit chance actually gives the build more power burst than before. So what happens now is we need to rethink the way we burst and play smarter.
DP thief is over the top now and we can’t compete against them. But compared to other dps specs, chrono is still strong and unique.
Yeah warrior got hit hard too. But considering warrior was in a fairly good place I saw this coming, although the amount of hits it took was unfair I will say. Pulsing stability is one thing, but everything is, well, everything.
DH barely got hit. True shot is a gimmick IMO. If you’re running symbolic might stacker with sc/sh sw/fc then the patch barely makes a difference as your counter classes have all been nerfed. You can still run strength runes and battle and stack up loads of might. Overall DH is probably in a better place now, especially considering its condi cleanse.
I agree that DP is now OTT though, the fact that you could easily kill warriors and druids before with skillfull play just shows how stupid the patch is, now you can PI and remove stability from warrior in zerk mode stopping him ressing and stomping AND he he does less damage to you. Ridiculous.
What Anette has really done is made theif an unstoppable mobile sniper by destroying every other class in the process….