(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
Think the main problems are with rifle itself, with a couple of exceptions. The precast needs to be removed from aa and 4, kneel needs to be less clunky, the whole set just feels like it needs sped up by an 1/8th to a 1/4 second.
Main problems I see with the spec are the needing a target to activate Steal abilities, and the cast time on Mark. Both feel pretty kitteny after using Steal all these years.
deadeye works without trickery just fine. What gets me killed is that I have to get out of kneel by pressing the skill 5. I Naturally want to move out of harms way, but end up forgetting that I have to press 5 then I can move. If I could just kneel and break kneel with normal movement that would be great. If the breaking kneel with skill 5 could do something like return some initiative and break kneel or something I would be down with that.
Weapon stow works to break kneel.
Gaining swiftness off rifle w/o a target and being able to activate old Steal skills w/o a target would help a lot. The spec is fun, but soooooooo slow between engagements. Found myself running SA and burning all my cd stealth to get to the next placement last night.
To break kneel: just hit weapon stow. Would be nice if WASD or jump did (ahem, Anet), but yeah, you don’t have to hit 5, weapon stow works too.
The main issue I have is needing a target to proc Steal skills, and the cast time on Mark, other than that I’m willing to see most of DE as a l2p thing. Those two things really need to change though.
After about 4 hours of pvp, I think it has promise. Running s/p rifle SA/Tri/DE, letting DE and trickery carry the offense, sa carry defense, and it’s seems pretty fun, if kind of clunky.
My main gripe though, is the needing a target to activate our effects off of steal. It makes it needlessly difficult to get that extra burst of speed/stealth/what have you that we have always had without a target or out of combat. Just feels like a needless nerf on something that’s not even out yet, lol.
Edit: Also remove the cast time on Mark. The rooting on Kneel i’m still iffy on, cutting speed by half would feel better, but it is easier to deal with than the things on Mark.
(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
Not unless you have target. . . Which is the only real complaint I have so far. Everything else seems workable, if def a l2p something thing. The steal effects functioning only on target is pretty bad though.
Only been playing around with the update for an hour or so, and so far I’m pretty happy. I really like the changes lately, with the actual emphasis on opening up builds. Good job Anet. See you in the desert.
Edit: Specifically, been playing around with Acro/Tr/DrD s/p bound. Loving the Haste cd reduction, the buffs to Acro, and the changes on sword. Everything feels, well, pretty good.
(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
Don’t know. . . kind of like the idea of marking a target in WvW and watching them panic-run in circles trying to avoid the burst. . . also, yeah, if it wasn’t a visible mark I think it would be way OP judging by the effects it seems like it will have. This is an MMO, not a shooter. We aren’t playing for realism, we are playing a super high-tech action version of figurines on a tabletop, so built-in counterplay is desirable.
For real. About a quarter of my spots aren’t working now for thief shortbow 5. The big one is on Temple. The ledge to the right of the temple point couldn’t be shot to like usual, but the rock ledge on the red point can.
I solo roam around 5-8 hours a week. At least on my server (FA), it’s seems like a lot of others do as well, judging by how many times I’ve seen 6 different people roll into a camp from all directions. . . then go off and take a tower and disperse again.
Going to have to agree with Velar. I have been running the s/p version of this since the update, and he is right. We get the movement off s#2, but no intrinsic speed bonus. A strong condi burst, but little to no stealth access, and limited access to clears (assuming PI), limited disengage, etc, etc
I will admit that sb4 was def too much at the beginning of the season, but I think the 4s nerf put it in a usable but manageable place.
Hey evan. Does this help?
- Crash <—*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00000000`00000000 could not be read
App: Gw2-64.exe
Pid: 4972
BaseAddr: 000000013F6E0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 79386
When: 2017-07-15T21:33:10Z 2017-07-15T16:33:10-05:00
Uptime: 0 days 1:17:47
Flags: 0
Crashed when exiting a pvp match from nifhel, into pvp lobby next to arena.
“- there is always this stupid DH or warrior on your team that keeps going far, thinking he does something useful, dies there thus feeding points and forces thief into big fights at mid which the class is not designed for instead of letting thief to run decaps all match. <<<i could sing about this one”
This one. . . .over and over
It’s possible, but probably not likely. This is the third season I’ve played in, and I only made bronze the first, silver the last, and just got into gold this season. Either way though, it was a good fight. I’ll hit you up next time I play.
Hey Jonny
If you want a sparring partner sometime I’m game – Ryqual
Going to have to take you up on that. I actually ran into you in PvP last weekend, and I most definitely need the practice against p/d. . . the fights were a bit. . . frustrating on my end. Well done on your part.
Have to see how it plays out, but 4s does seem a bit harsh. . . although the every 1s was, on reflection, maybe a bit much.
IGN: <Jonni Smoke>
Thief Type: <Scholar>
Server: <Fort Aspenwood>
Experience With Thief:
Been playing since HoT release, more or less only as a thief. Most of my experience is running as condi since lvl 80, with a bit of practice on staff power over the last few months. I mostly play in sPvP and Wvw, with the occasional fractal thrown in. I would very much like to up my game, learn some new styles, and discuss the profession I love with other like minded players.
IGN: <Jonni Smoke>
Thief Type: <Scholar>
Server: <Fort Aspenwood>
Experience With Thief:
Been playing since HoT release, more or less only as a thief. Most of my experience is running as condi since lvl 80, with a bit of practice on staff power over the last few months. I mostly play in sPvP and Wvw, with the occasional fractal thrown in. I would very much like to up my game, learn some new styles, and discuss the profession I love with other like minded players.
Had one ranger go afk on us yesterday because i passed them up going to home at start after repeatedly calling out that this is what I was going to do, and checking that the team was okay with it. . . really do wish anet had the resources to do as the OP says, but I don’t think they do.
Actually ran into someone running this today, and I have to say, it was pretty deadly. I would look through the build, then make some tweaks, but it does work if played well.
That’s the weird bit. I have NEVER had these problems before over 2 years of playtime. Going to try a reinstall of the client. Thanks for the suggestions
Seriously, this is crap. Game client messes up and dc’s, boom, dishonor. Isn’t there a way to tell when the client is having issues and not cause a timeout?
Problem I’ve been having today is loading into the match itself. Game will stick on loadscreen, then force a dc.
(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
I agree. It’s a great skill when it lands. . . so make it track target and fix the “obstructed” kitten and I think it would be all good in my book..
Went to go and change the stats on my Caladbolg Rosa, and it’s not showing up in the mystic forge pane. Also wouldn’t let me drag it straight from my inventory either.
I have changed the stats on it once before, but I have changed stats on my other ascended gear multiple times. . . what gives?
Hi preacher. Meet the choir.
Fun fact: sword 2 will transport you it’s 1200u even if you aren’t within 1200 range of your target. This can allow you to set up a 2400 range steal attack (sword 2 —>steal). 3600 if you start the combo with shadowstep. As an added bonus, this also gives you a 2400 range retreat (sword 2 secondary-→shadowstep secondary). I’ve found this trick pretty useful for +1ing into a fight, dropping some condis to tip the fight in your teammate’s favor, then getting back across the map to deal with whatever else comes up.
Can’t speak to the other classes, but making Preparedness (15ini vs 12ini) baseline for thief would be nice. The weapon skills are all obviously balanced for 15, so this one change would open things up for us a good bit.
Might just be the combined effects of DA and Tr’s steal condis coupled with spider venom, a d/d3, and a dodge w/caltrops. With the right setup, it is possible to hit that steal from 2400u to 3600u range, so that might explain the “stealth” seeming bit of it.
Don’t worry too much about being in melee range on d/d condi. You should be evading much of the time off d/d 3 and dodge, and it’s pretty easy to bounce out and get some space if things get too hot. SB synergises with it very well (sb4 to d/d3 for spitting out more poison), and sb5 is great for positioning/kiting/running like hell. If you want to have swiftness, then run it with Acro as one of your trait lines which gives speed on dodge, if not then run DA for more damage. I personally prefer Acro, but that’s me.
As a thief, I’ll go with condi mes or a well played burn guardian. Definitely tough fight vs condi engi. Sustain ele’s can be very frustrating and waste a ton of time.
(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
I would say yes, get it at half price. If nothing else, the extra time to unlock masteries before the next xpac would probably be good, and the maps themselves are actually pretty impressive once you learn to navigate them. Plus, yeah, I would think there might be a pretty stiff population drop doing the HoT maps after the next xpac.
Hell yeah. Putting s/p into the basic carrion interrupter build I’d been using d/d on really made it just click. It kites so beautifully that i don’t even really miss the swiftness I usually consider mandatory. Thanks for the vid and the idea man.
I believe that Stealth is a huge issue for video games. It causes more aggravation, frustration and disappointment than any other power – in ALL games, and understandably so.
It is very rare to find a thief so skilled as to shun Stealth entirely. I have heard tell of such amazing players, but that when they were threatened by a large group of players, they resorted to Stealth to escape. Which illustrates how ridiculously powerful Stealth is.
Counterplay is vital to making games fun. Stealth takes away counterplay, therefore Stealth is the opposite of fun.
Budding games developers take note.
Um, anyone want to tell this guy about d/d deathblossom. . .? Lol, no stealth there. Kitten, acro/staff too for that matter.
I would go staff as well.
Something like this should work to start with. Has good defense, good damage, and near constant swiftness uptime:
Later, when you can start gearing out and getting higher crit chances/damage, this one can keep at top health while putting out tons of damage with great mobility:
On the upside, I think they are moving in the right direction trying to make other sets more viable without nerfing the kitten out of the most common builds people use. The shortbow #4 changes, for example, are by no means gamechanging, but it does add a nice additional option to work with.
Now if they would just do some tweaks for sword to make it flow better. . .
Since Ario brought it up and I don’t want to make a new thread about it : Is it worth to use rune of adventure to keep up with the mobility loss (nerfs to endurance) or do we lose too much damage doing so ? Maybe an hybrid condi/power build could take advantage of the rune stats…
BTW the effects of the rune + chaneled vigor refill endurance fully even out of combat.
Adventure works great in combo with condi or hybrid d/d, especially when coupled with Withdraw and the trick cd reduction/condi clear.
So far, I like the patch. I main thief, and they seem to be stepping in the right direction, shaking our top weapon set’s dominance w/o nerfing the kitten out of them. Good job.
Condi thief can use viper, but it definitely helps to have some carrion, rabid, or dire thrown in for survivability. Full viper is deadly, but sooooooo squishy.
And I just finished finally building a power set of gear. . . oh well. Hello d/d sb condi PI thief.
Edit: Upon further review. . . oh kitten yeah. Love the changes. Absolutely deadly against DH point campers.
(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
Didn’t see it listed, but it ties two targets together, so should cause reveal as per Dev notes:
“Skills that tether players together now apply Revealed to provide a stronger window of opportunity to players who can successfully land them.”
I don’t see it on my tooltip. Anyone know if they added reveal to SC? Fair’s fair. . .
Edit: Upon testing, no, they didn’t put reveal on SC. Could you please fix that Anet? And possibly fix the coding so that it doesn’t get “Obstructed” over flat ground? Thanks.
Other than that, the changes seem pretty good this time around.
(edited by JonnyForgotten.4276)
What I think would be a nice middle ground is to have set dueling areas in designated locations, like in the major cities, where you had to both be in the area and accept the option to pvp. That way, the people who do want to duel in full gear don’t have to find quiet spots in wvw for it, and the people who don’t wouldn’t have to deal with it.
From the perspective of a roaming thief, condi mes.
For DH, forcing them off their trap setups (sadly, Scorpion Wire seems to work the best when it works) and not letting them setup a static point to fight on seems key. Kiting from range seems to be a good option as well, especially if running condi with a shortbow and using the unblockable poison field. Kite until the DH’s defenses are depleted along with hp, then (careful of traps) burst to kill.
Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JonnyForgotten.4276
Sweet RNGesus, no. I would much rather go for new stats or skins if I decide I want/need them than have to do a mandatory gear grind based purely on a % boost to stat power. shudder
Well what other defence does a thief have apart from its mobilty? Everyone knows if they stand still for a second vs a compitent player they will take a huge dent. It’s alright for you lot to hide behind passive anti cc raits/passive dmg midigation/invuls/blocks but when a thief is forced of a point or a fight the only thing they have is to port away, that’s a big no no.
This. A thousand times this. Guess what we trade for that high mobility and burst. . . that’s right, generally dying if hit 1-3 times.
As far as no other class being able to outrun the thief: it’s a team class based game. Each class has it’s function, and it’s counter. Complaining that a thief’s ability to move faster than the other classes is unfair is every bit as ridiculous as complaining that a warrior has high damage and armor and it’s unfair to the other classes. . . it’s the nature of each class. It’s like complaining that Shadow Abyss is just, well, too black. . . in other words, silly.
Thought this boss battle was quite well balanced. It didn’t feel like a continuous slap down in difficulty, but it definitely pushed me and things got hairy a few times. . . . so just about right. This was done on a staff p/p daredevil with just a bit more toughness than the standard 17khp marauder/zerker set, so make of that what you will.
From just a map design perspective, I think this is my favorite one in LW3. The other ones were fun, but it’s nice to see the devs get to play with vertical spaces again and just nail it. A truly beautiful map. It reminds me of some of the best bits of the Tangled Depths, but without the omfg maziness of it that made it hard to get into at first. Good work dev team. Keep it up