Showing Posts For KevinEvo.7061:
Mind sharing your gear and trait spec?
I’m a returning player after over a year, and I’ll share my insight. Compared to WoW dungeons, the dungeons in this game are confusing. In WoW, at least when I played, the dungeons were straight forward; you go in and kill stuff until you get to the boss. The bosses may have had a unique fight mechanic, but it was easy to figure out.
In this game, everything is a maze, and the dungeon runners are hostile. Most things can be skipped, bugged, or cheesed somehow, and there is so much backtracking. I knew all the tricks to each dungeon. Now, everyone does them different, and I’m a noob again. I have to relearn each one because everyone has a different cheese spot, or skips different things. I have played MMOs for 12 years, and I feel for new players who get called names, noob, or kicked because they haven’t run the path 100 times. How is anyone supposed to know to sneak past 50 mobs and hide in a corner, when the dungeons are not intended to be played that way? Then you get the guy with 12,000 achievement points getting kittened off because no one knows all his secret hiding spots, and it’s crystal clear why no one cares about dungeons anymore.
The next biggest problem, is everyone is speccing Berserker or similar damage gear, and going full damage traits. Then everyone dies in 3 hits. If you go support, you’re not wanted.
In summary, confusing and broken dungeons, together with a 2 year old player base hostile to newbies is why no one cares about dungeons anymore in this game.
I agree. It might make more sense after using it for a while, however, it is very confusing at first. My major problems with it are:
1. Selling an item used to show how much you would get after all fees taken off. Now it just lists the fees beside the selling price. Are we supposed to use calculators now to know what our final price is? Maybe I am missing where it says the final price after fees.
2. Characters in the search box are limited. I can’t search “Superior Sigil of XXXXX”, there is not enough space. Now I have to type in “sigil”, go to the drop down box and set to exotic. It just slows things down for fast typers. Also, there is no more drop down box in the search when you start typing, which was handy.
3. This is more nit-picky for me, but the item screen where you buy or sell feels claustrophobic to me. 75% of the box is taken up by the item name and setting the price, and leaves such small boxes for the list of prices for that item.
Whenever I use Shadowstep while frozen, I can’t move afterward. So I logged out and back in so I can move and I get put into a different instance of the map, losing out on my champion kill, and no one is in this map. Great system you have going here.
I shouldn’t have to leave the map because of other people. If I can’t change the instance of the zone I am in like before, then I will be quitting the game again. I decided to try it out and see what’s new, but this is a dumb system.
Then how do I get away from certain people I don’t want to be around?
I am trying to guest to other servers, but I keep getting put in the same one. The same people are there. Does this still work?
There is a horizontal black line 1 pixel high, in the middle of the screen. It is on the left side and only goes about 1/3 of the way. It does not appear on the character select screens or loading screens, just in-game. It does not appear in any other game or program.
The screenshot is what it looks like, but is not the actual line since it doesn’t appear in screenshots. I added it to explain what it is. I am using 280X Crossfire with 14.7 driver.
(edited by KevinEvo.7061)
I’m not looking for maximum damage. I have a warrior and thief in berserker gear already, and they kill fast and die fast. I’m looking for a more balanced build.
I’ve been using clerics gear and a tank build since the game came out and I’m getting kind of tired of it. I am looking for something new. This would probably be more just for fun since I already have max ascended gear and a legendary mace and don’t want to lose all that.
I have been thinking about trying a hammer build with condition damage since I don’t want to be GS/Berserker Guardian #1,000,000. I wanted to go Power/Toughness/Condition but it doesn’t exist. My next group is Power/Vitality/Condition, or using the all stat gear with Divinity runes.
I would probably use Consecrations for groups, and Meditations for solo/wvw. Anyone have experience with something like this?
The reason people think healing doesn’t scale is because you need toughness as well as healing. Trying to heal a berserker warrior is a waste of time since they have little toughness.
I see people with berkerker gear drop like flies in dungeons and WvW. I use mainly clerics gear on my guardian and I can tell instantly when I hit them in WvW if they are berserker or not. I never die 1v1 ever in WvW using clerics gear. Yeah it takes me longer to kill, but who cares? I can usually win 2v1 as well.
A big reason people with berserkers do well in fractals is because there is usually a support class in the group. Why do you think everyone wants a guardian for fractals? Because their support spells keep everyone else alive to do their thing.
I hate this whining all the time. Just because you spent $60 on the game does not make you entitled to everything in it. Do you go complain at high end clothing stores that you can’t afford $250 jeans? No, you just don’t buy it. These games will always have people with more than you, just like real life. Just accept the fact that not everyone can or wants to get the most expensive stuff.
I farmed for 3 months every evening and every weekend for my legendary and T3 armor because I was willing to pay the price in time for it. If you are not, too bad.
I agree with the dodging and blocking part. I use a shield all the time and I don’t actually block with it, it’s just there to look pretty. I would prefer to use my endurance to block and/or dodge while I am holding a shield.
i belive confusion /retailation / stealth are on the front line of the balance.
and on the second line are boons
if retailation and boons get nerfed the the karma trains in wvwvw will suffer a lot
Also i predict an large influx of engineirs on wvwvw, i see always 4-5 on every spvp hotjoin… but i start to miss thieves over there.
Boons don’t need anything done to them. If they nerf boons, then they have to nerf conditions as well. I have 50% boon duration from trait points and runes, but guess what, I had to sacrifice a lot of stat points to get that. In sPvP boon duration is half, which is fine because you can just get new gear for free and it’s a small arena. WvW you can have 100 people on screen and you need those boons. Killing off people’s gear is also a bad idea.
Retaliation doesn’t do much. I have a bunker build with Retaliation and I kill people so slowly it’s laughable. The amount of damage Retaliation does back is minimal. Any more nerfs and they should just remove it from the game.
So we’re never going to see “Super” versions of the weapons that didn’t receive skins? It’s going to be a whole new set next time?
I don’t know how you got that out of what I said. We will certainly (as much certainty as the continuation of SAB) be making at least one Super Skin for every weapon in the game. But in order to make each release somewhat special I’m pretty sure we are going to retire the current set after April. I don’t think we will have the same set of Super Skins at our next release. Does that make sense? Overall, we have a very solid plan for everything we’re doing INSIDE the SAB, but haven’t planned out everything surrounding it, the rewards, and all that kind of stuff yet. One thing we learned in this release is to make sure we schedule more time for planning and building the reward side of things.
Josh, could you clarify this a bit more?
Not really. I’m not at work this week, and I didn’t make the plans for rewards and how and when they are distributed. I’m going off a memory of a conversation we had during the last week of production which was very hectic. Someone knows all the details, but I don’t.
It would be much nicer if you put those resources into expanding the actual Guild Wars 2 world, instead of this side game that has nothing to do with Guild Wars. It may be fun, or not, but this doesn’t fit in this game. I personally think it’s a waste of time and want to see something better. The Living story is very weak. It’s just a series of fetch quests and 2 instances which are exactly the same with just some random mobs to kill.
I see some people in this thread saying mace sucks. It’s an amazing weapon. Yes it sucks if you go Berserker gear. Here’s why it’s good; the block is awesome, and the symbol allows everyone in the group to remove conditions from themselves.
The tomes just suck. You can’t use any of your other weapon skills while it’s up and it’s way too situational. Renewed Focus is so much better. Half the cooldown and I use the trait that heals when aegis breaks. So basically I can use virtues a lot and save my group. I can dodge 10 times in the amout of the time tome would be up with endurance sigil in offhand and vigor boon from Save Yourself. Use this with the dodge heal and my 1300 healing power.
The bow is ok, but I would much rather use Hold the line. I can use it twice the amount of times, and it’s instant cast so I don’t have to stop other things, like my block from mace. Plus it reduces damage by 33%. I have 50% boon duration so it lasts a long time and it removes a condition with the trait. Usually it gives aegis with the removed condition which will also add another heal again when it breaks. No one has to stand in a circle, they can get the boons and dodge or move out of the way.
Yes, pugs can be bad, but don’t judge what someone is doing based on how you would play. There are very many options for each class, probably some you wouldn’t think about.
It is a standard term for MMOs and if you saw it, you should have at least found out what it meant before you got it. However, they could change the wording to Unique Equipped which would make it more clear for some people.
I don’t think a new currency is needed. They should add new fractals and make all ascended gear obtainable in there using current methods. Perhaps make ascended accessories 20 pristine relics so that you would still have to do higher fractals to get them quickly, and add them to the daily chest. Currently, it feels as if the fractal dungeon has been abandoned. How many rings does anyone need?
Keep the laurels they way they are. They are for casual players to eventually work toward something.
Whenever I use the Guardian shield skill Shield of Absorption, and I am immobilized while it is active, I get stuck in place permanently. I am unable to move or jump. It has been happening to me since the release of the game.
I really hate this Stupid Adventure Box. I play this game for an MMO experience. This is just pandering to the social media crowd. What does this have to do with Guild Wars?
Whether or not this is fun is beside the point. They should be using that time to improve the game, not adding side games which serve no purpose to furthering the Guild Wars game. This is just another time waster. If I wanted to play Super Mario I would go buy a Wii.
I got a Moot last week which I transmuted before I equipped it. I do not have credit for it under the Legendary Collector achievement, nor do I have the account medal for having a legendary.
This is why there are 3 tiers of cultural armor. The first tier is less than 3 gold which is nothing. The next tier is 7 gold which you can get easily even if you only play a few hours per week. Just because you log into the game does not make you entitled to everything inside it.
I just exited a dungeon and it said connection was lost to the login server. Now when I try to login it says the game client is unable to access the login server.
I’ve tanked a lot with my guardian and this is what I’ve noticed.
Some bosses you just can’t tank effectively. They will bounce around to everyone in the group. Most regular champions and lower will stick for the entire fight, but dungeon bosses seem to be random.
If I lose aggro and I use my mace block skill, I will get aggro back instantly on block, similar to a taunt. This leads me to believe certain skills may have a sort of built in taunt.
Since I am in full Clerics gear with 3200 armor, I don’t deal much damage through crits. This leads to people who are standing next to me with very high damage pulling mobs to them sometimes. However, if everyone is ranged, I have no issues keeping aggro.
I’ve killed thousands of mobs with full magic find and I have found 4 exotics since August.
I ran CoF for 1 week and found 3. There seems to be an almost 0% chance to drop from regular mobs, and a higher chance from chests.
No one is close and the only people who are, are moving around, and they do a finishing move. Am I missing something? This is not because of culling.
It’s ok to kill the hundreds of other animals and also humans, but you have a problem with the rabbits?
Kind of off topic but let’s say I make a level 1 character and go do the jumping puzzle. Will it still gives 15 badges if my real level is 1?
GZ. I am between 2000 and 3000 rare daggers atm. Still no kitten Spark. I have all gifts for more than two months now. Stupid rnd.
3000 rare daggers, if sold for 30 silver each, is over 1000 gold. Why would you ever transmute that many? Somehow I think you are overestimating your tries.
Because you can sell exotics and receive some money back. So it is not 1000 gold.
Btw got it finally just now
50-100 everyday, but yesterday + today ~250 daggers.
It’s still way more than just buying it.
GZ. I am between 2000 and 3000 rare daggers atm. Still no kitten Spark. I have all gifts for more than two months now. Stupid rnd.
3000 rare daggers, if sold for 30 silver each, is over 1000 gold. Why would you ever transmute that many? Somehow I think you are overestimating your tries.
Most of the mats are worthless. A lot of that stuff sells for vendor prices on the TP. Sell the worthless stuff and if you ever need it, just buy it back since you will lose nothing. The copper ore is what, 15C each right now? You have maybe 3 gold worth of copper ore there. Just sell it. You can farm 3 gold in under 1 hour.
You answered your own question. The reason we have weapon swapping and different weapons is to use the one that suits the situation, and is enhanced by skills, which can also be switched. Each weapon being the best for everything would get boring really fast. Sure there are some things that could be changed a bit.
As for the events, the reason autoattacking is the best is because there are too many people most of the time. I don’t see how anything can really fix this other than capping the event to a maximum number of people somehow, but then you might as well just be doing dungeons.
I like the animations. I personally think they are very fluid and well done. I also like combat a lot. In fact I like combat in this game probably the most out of most mmos. The fast characters feel fast, and the slower ones feel slow. I played WoW again for a few weeks after not playing it for a couple of years before GW2 launched, and it was just gross. It was so clunky and odd looking, I couldn’t log in anymore.
I don’t know how you can save it’s proven to be the worst weapon. I don’t have obstruction issues. If you did, then it seems to be more of a game issue rather than the scepter.
As for how useful it is, I think it’s ok right now. Guardian is supposed to be a high defense class. It has a really long run speed boon which is to close gaps with other classes, also evidenced by the fact that scepter has immobilize on it. Giving guardians a powerful ranged weapon would be dumb, they are supposed to be a melee character.
The culling is a huge problem. I cannot target or see people hitting me in melee range and am unable to do anything. Running up to what I think are 2 or 3 people ends up being 15 and I am instantly dead. This is making wvw really pointless for me.
I prefer Mace/Shield when running +Boon Duration for perma-Protection. I like to pair Focus with Scepter as the blocks are very nice in a ranged situation. Both are good and have their place.
Blood~Do help me please.
How do you get perma protection?
If it lasts 4 seconds and its CD is 24 sec, how do you overcome the gap?
Well if you are a Shout guardian such as myself, you will have 10 seconds from Save Yourself, 4 seconds from Hold the Line, and 5 seconds from the shield – 19 seconds. Add some boon duration and you a lot of protection boon time. There is also Protector’s Strike from the mace.
I have 50% boon duration so just using those once would be almost 34 seconds.
I’m in full clerics everything. I have 14225 hp, 3202 armor, 1336 healing power, and 50% boon duration. I never die from anything unless I screw up which is my own fault.
With the heal on dodge and swap sigil for endurance alone I can heal myself back up in 2 seconds. I rarely ever have to use my heal. Mace blocking and boons make it so I don’t need any more HP. My regen and Virtue of resolve heals me for hundreds of hp every second if I do get low.
Condition damage is no problem either since every 10 seconds 2 conditions are gone. If I do need one gone I have the Virtue of Resolve trait to get rid of 3 of them.
I personally would have rather had some sort of indepth mount system, rather than the waypoints we have. They should have put in a few main ones and had ground mounts. The reason they didn’t want mounts was so people couldn’t skip things, but that’s exactly what having waypoints everywhere does.
I don’t like jumping puzzles, so I will not do them for badges. Seems kind of lame anyway to do a jumping puzzle for Honor Badges which should come from players. The past 100+ players and X amount of Keep Lords have yielded 0 badges. Not to mention the drop rate overall is horrendous. How am I supposed to get a Gift of Battle?
You will be banned if your friends bought gold then sent you gold.
They look at where the gold came from who it came from etc etc.
But no you wont be banned from friends sending you gold, unless they bought 20 gold then sent you 20 gold.
So hope your friends are legit
Well hopefully they don’t do that because that would be really stupid. How is anyone supposed to know where the gold came from? Even if I asked and he told me it was legit gold, but it really wasn’t, how is that my fault? If that guy gave 50 people all 5 gold each, are they really going to ban all those 50 innocent accounts? If anything, they should just take the gold away.
I have never been paranoid playing a game before, but this is way over the top. I just want to play a game without having to worry about anything I do risking a ban. It’s way too big brotherish.
No one got more than 1 chest. I tried exactly this. I finished on the overflow server, got the chest, then went to the regular server. I was unable to open the chest. All chests are once a day.
If you want all classes to be exactly the same, then go play a single player game and not worry about it. Having different classes means some are better at some things than others. Just like in real life, people are better at different things.
Even if all precursors were set at 10,000 gems, some people will still not be able to farm enough gold, or not be able to afford to buy it with real money. Some people are just too casual or too bad at the game to ever get a legendary, and that’s just the way it is.
I’m so tired of people whining about not being fair. It is fair. Everyone payed the same amount of money for the game, and has had the exact same amount of time to play, and could pick the same class. Some people are better at the game than others, get over it. This doesn’t seem like the kind of game you enjoy.
(edited by KevinEvo.7061)
I have the total opposite experience. I can make my Guardian an invincible tank, an aoe farming machine, or a single target destroyer. I can go group support, or solo dps. I find the traits, weapons, and skills very dynamic.
That being said, there are some traits that are useless, and some of the skills could be changed to differentiate them more.
Healing Power is the worst statpoint in the Game. I would Never invest in it.
Are you kidding? I have about 1300 healing and 2 dodges from Selfless daring fills up close to half my life. Weapon swap for another 50% endurance and I’m almost full HP with Virtue of Resolve ticks.
The first 2 of my daily reset and the bottom 2 of my monthly reset. The others are still at 100% completion.
I farm a lot. Here are my observations.
Before the recent patches in which they changed the dye drop and the champion drops, I would get 3-4 rares an hour, plus tons of other stuff.
Now? I am lucky to get 1 rare every 2-3 hours.
Tonight I farmed for about 5 hours in various places. I got 1 rare total. I should have had at least 10 rares. I farmed karka for 1 hour and got 1 rare, 8 Powerful bloods and 2 dyes. I then left for 2 hours and came back for 1 hour. 3 Powerful bloods. Left for 1.5 hours. Came back for 1 hour and got NOTHING. Even in those other spots in between I got almost nothing. I have maximum MF and was using a MF booster the last hour. This is more than RNG because everyday I come back after work which is 24 hours that first hour of farming is awesome, then the rest of the night is nothing.
Yeah, you can’t get the chest twice with the same character. So no point in doing it more than once unless you are a sadomashochist and want to do the reinforcement parts many times.
Also the karka items are unique.
I just got 2 GTX 680 in sli today and I only tried playing after the patch. I am getting horrible stuttering when I turn the camera. My GTX 580 sli never stuttered. I can’t say if it’s my new cards or the new patch but I am having the same issue.
I ran Heaven Benchmark for an hour and I didn’t have problems with that.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KevinEvo.7061
Right now the solution is worse than the problem. People are getting banned just for transferring gold or being afk. If I have to be paranoid for accepting gold from a friend, then just disable the feature all together. Why have it if you will just ban someone who transfers 100 gold?
If the bans are not automatic, then the people doing the bannings are doing a lousy job. Why don’t they spend more time doing it right the first time, rather than dealing with all this nonsense? If I get banned but I’m innocent, then how is it so easy after the fact to determine my innocence?
WvW and PvE are tied together, they are both for the same character. Splitting skills apart would take away from having a character in a game world. I want to go in there and know that my character works. I don’t want to change skills and gear sets all the time.
If they want to change things for the arena then I don’t think anyone should have a problem with that.