Showing Posts For KnightFire.2597:

Angry rant against bandwagon guilds

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Kita you’re either delusional or have no idea what’s going on with your server because Blackgate was middle of the pack until a bunch of guilds jumped from their previous servers to yours.

The truth is Blackgate isn’t that great as you put it but had more people doing what other servers where doing. That doesn’t make Blackgate bad, good or great it makes them lucky that others wanted to go there.

Nice try but people know the way it really is no matter how you attempt to spin it.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Your Message was suppressed due to excessive

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597



Commanders should be able to message a lot!

Disagree the Commander tag isn’t earned anyone that farms well can get it. I’ve seen a lot of instances where Commanders would abuse that. Now if it was only unlimited in WvW then fine but as I said I’ve seen commanders spam too much already in PvE areas I’d hate to see them be able to do it without limits.

Now if ANET made the Commander tag earned instead of bought then I would agree but until that time as annoying as it can be I’m glad the system is the way it is.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


OK to set the record straight RUIN is not going anywhere. Most of us have been running non stop for the last 3 weeks putting in 12-18 hour days. The majority decided to take the weekend off and relax.
There was no discussion about moving servers, RUIN is staying on Desolation.

Who have you been fighting in those 12-18 hours? The only real challenge was the first week you got into T1. Before that you had no opposition.
VS have been putting in alot of hours to stay in T1 almost since launch yet they continue to fight week in week out. Man up.

Says someone from a server that gave up on the Tuesday the week we smashed you. Too funny.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Another WvW thought

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


That’s a terrible idea.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


If you are in RUIN you will know that the lack of a strong RUIN presence has nothing to do with “running from a challenge”.

Ruin is tired, its officers need a rest. The WvW game is not as fun as it used to be, and saving Desolation from defeat is not Ruin’s job.

It just shows you that Deso lacks the large, strong organised guilds it needs to pull its own weight. Ruin is not Desolation; the pugs need to step up.

from this post i sense….Yep….i sense RUIN is gonna pack its bags and leave to another server for the 4th (or 5th…or 6th oh god ive lost track) time again…

“The WvW Game is not as fun as it used to be”

umm….maybe because you are in another timezones ladder? Could be the cause, i dunno.

anyway, just wanted to post what i thought of this quote…i found it kind off hilarious (nor is this a troll post of such, just…the wording of the quote seemed Familiar.)

Good luck to all 3 servers ^-^

It’s funny that a player from Eredon Terrace is talking smack against RUIN when it’s pretty obvious from their WvW scores the last couple of weeks that RUIN carried that server. Did you even manage 20k last week? The last I saw it was Wednesday and you had just over 5.

Regardless of whether RUIN is going to stay or going to play another game to them it doesn’t matter what most of you haters think. In RUIN’s mind they’ve done what they’ve set out to do and all the insults in the world aren’t going to change that.

That being said why don’t we just go back to the original discussion, refrain for the hating, jealousy and insults before the mods shut down this thread.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Server Transfer killing WvW

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I disagree the 7 day transfer has actually helped WvW. Guilds have to commit for at least one week to which ever server they’re on.

Perfect example is the first week of battle between Vizunah Square, Arborstone and Desolation.
The first week big guilds from each of the French servers were able flip flopping between servers on a daily basis and were able to beat Desolation and keep their monopoly of the tier 1 bracket.
The next week came and they had a 7 day transfer window which means they all had to commit to one server and Arborstone got smashed and moved down to tier 2.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


[10.11.2012] Current match-up: Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Blacktide

Today went excellent, we even doesn’t expect so good score. Now there are difficult battles on all maps. In the morning Ruin was defeated by us, despite online around 50 peoples. Vizunah Square loosing even in prime time, we think they are slightly better than Elona Reach. But may be later they can surprise us and we didn’t saw their real power. Desolation doesn’t surprise us, the same old Ruin. So we expect that problems will begin in weekdays. Ruin have night prime time, even if other guild decide to have a rest, then Ruin fight in their prime time and they will have tens of thousands points. If we relax and will have insufficiently people, we quickly move to second place. We are glad that it seems that we will have a good gap in start of weekdays.

That funny to read official forum, where Ruin wrote that they are glad to see new international server on tier 1, and with our help can drop Vizunah Square out of tier 1, and Desolation place on summary not the main goal. Vizunah happy we stay ahead of the Ruins and revenge them for French losses on last week. All are happy. We happy too, we have first place. Idyll =)

Situation on 10:30 pm (UTC +4)

Did they really say you are avenging the french loss? Lol

It’s always about them….

No it’s about you losing.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

I really think I'm kittening our server...

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Being stuck at 98% going to a winning server to finish and leaving is exactly what I’d do. (I’d also stop using the word kitten as anything other than describing a baby cat). I don’t think any decent people would mind you logging in for an hour to finish Map Completion. It’s not like that one spot for such a brief time is going to impact the match in any dramatic way.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


What part of “not an exploit” do you have trouble understanding?

Maybe u stop discus this already ?
If this not exploit , we will begin use it too . Relax guys.

We are accepting u rules.

No problem go ahead most people know how to beat the TACTIC. Go read one of Same’s posts he tells you how to do it if you don’t already know.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Ok . I hope that u guild leader agree with this policy.
Even if [IRON] guys continue using this expoit, i hope that other sides continue play fair.

What part of “not an exploit” do you have trouble understanding?

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


It’s going to some week that’s for sure. For the first time since GW2 game started I’ve seen defending players placing rams on the opposite side of doors to attack invading players.

Good luck to all this week I think some of us will need it. LOL!

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

The main topic about NA players on Eu servers

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


let’s hope there will be IP restriction soon.

There won’t be and there shouldn’t be.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

My server won! What now?

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


No empty feeling here our last match was very karmic and satisfying. I loved the past victory our server had. It was a tough two weeks not just in game but on these forums with all the abuse we took. The match had my server up versus the other two and coming up on top and booting one of them down a tier was great!

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


We destroyed Vizunah in every way in EVERY timezone.

In your dreams laddie !

Nope in reality.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


1st Blacktide
2nd Vizunah Square
3rd Desolation

This will be the final score.

Because Russian guilds from Blacktide will fully prevent Desolation to stack income during 4am-8am cet.
Moreover, as the week which ends showed it to us, Desolation is weaker than Vizunah (and probably Blacktide) during EU primetime.
Without the easy income during night, Desolation may not be able to keep the 1st place.

How did it show that? We destroyed Vizunah in every way in EVERY timezone.

I can’t wait to play Blacktide they’re a strong server and hopefully provide a real challenge. I also hope they have better sportsmanship then that previous two servers did in the past two weeks.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

WvW worth it?

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


If you are out for personal reward then WvW isn’t for you. If you want to be a team player then winning or doing well for your server is reward in itself.

That’s why I play it.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Tonight we dine as Victors!

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Disclaimer : this is a RP post, I have respect for every player on every server mentioned in this text. Feel free to add some more RP to it.

To the combatants of the world battles, tonight is the greatest moment Guild Wars 2 has witnessed thus far. Tonight the heroes of Desolation will be the first to topple the tyranny that was the alliance of Vizunah and Arborstone.

This victory is not just ours alone, it’s for all players in both NA and EU who wish to enjoy the freedom of fantastic and health competition regardless of what server they choose without fear of persecution and ridicule.

There were people that said it couldn’t be done.

There were those that said that alliance of 2 would defeat an army of one. But together as one server, Desolation was able to RUIN the threat of darkness and win the day. We are now able to expel one combatant and welcome new one to the battle next week.

The men and women of Desolation worked very hard, found new friends from all over and came together not just as many guilds belonging to one server but as one server named Desolation.

So raise a glass for tonight we wine as victors every one of us! Your hard work and sacrifice has been rewarded.

We are Desolation!

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Idea: European and North American Ladders

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Nope not duplicate.

It pretty much is duplicated and not really needed.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597



First of all I read in previous post, we’d have made an alliance between Vizunah Square and Arboreastone. That’s wrong.

Last week victory vs desolation is due to our skills. We are very enjoyed to see we can win (easily) VS nightcappers.

Anyway the problem is since the Ruins guild is coming on desolation european serveur, we read many many unpleasant comments about our country, nationality… The game is become politics and that’s absolutly incredible.

We had lot of fun previous months, we want continue to enjoy this great game, in a fair and square spirit.

So North American are welcome on our server but we don’t want extremist guild or players ruining our game experience.

Hope Anet will check this problem and take measures.


First off you did have an alliance and it was even admitted to by some of the guild leaders from both servers so you can quit with that now.

Last weeks victory had some skill involved maybe but that’s not the reason you won.

Please provide proof of the "many many unpleasant comments about our country, nationality… " I’d love to read them.
We’ve received nothing but unsportsmanlike, bigoted and xenophobic comments and accusations thrown at us since we started playing you guys two weeks ago.

You are right however this has become political but only because your two servers have made it that way. As a matter of fact when we started this matchup two weeks ago I was the one of the first people in the original thread to wish everyone good luck and a fun week. Right after that followed three nasty messages from members of your server.

You’ve had fun for months and now that you’re losing and facing a little adversity instead of rising above it you and others choose to whine about it and demand that ANET do something about it.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds? It’s like asking Major League Baseball to change the rules because the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox win too much.

Anyone that thinks there is something wrong with WvW right now and that it’s dying is probably losing.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


The PvD nonsense would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. You guys are just so mad that you have to actually work for a victory you’ll make up anything to insult NA players.

I don’t get why guys are having so much trouble understanding the objective in WvW. The objective in WvW is to control keeps, supply areas and other structures most of which have doors that must be knocked down before entering and and controlling. When you control those areas on the map you get points and at the end of the week the server with the most points wins. It’s really not that hard so complaining that RUIN is PvD is pretty immature and very unsportsmanlike because we are just playing the game as it was intended to be played.

@Truebanana.5936 What are you talking about? You’ve just wrote down times and scores which doesn’t counter point anything on Cabd’s post. If you’d like to see more however I have pictures from last night of you guys continually trying to PvD a keep while we defending from above and using two burning oil placements to kill you all. This lasted for about 15 minutes you kept coming and coming and dying and dying.

In the future you guys on the French guilds might want to let up on the insulting when you do the same thing.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


is good fight mean 10vs1 fight ??? lol.

anyway the zombies are on Deso now, and they only win thx of the night-capping and zerg, not the skill. too bad :/

It’s no different then the 10 vs 1 that I’ve gone through numerous time in the past two weeks. One time it was a group from each server attacking me. I chalk it up to being part of the game maybe you should too.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I’d like to get an official answer to this problem from Anet (and not the old post about nightcap cause it’s a different thing we are talking about here).
Will you merge the ladders?
Will you block the transfers?
Tell us something please just that we know you are aware of the problem.

Speaking for me i won’t play such a broken game for long as things go on.

Will they merge the ladders? Maybe
Will they block the transfers? Doubtful

You assume they feel there is a problem and that the game is broken which it’s not. The only problem most people can see is the fact that people are complaining because they’re losing and can’t adapt. That’s not something ANET needs to fix.

And even if they did merge the servers why do you think people would migrate to most of your servers. The truth in this who issue is that you’re angry because a US guild joined forces with English guilds on an EU server and is now beating you. You can lie to yourself and to others and say that’s not true but most people including ANET know that it is.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Desolation : GG for the bug exploit on Dreaming Bay at 02H05…..

You deteriorate the WvW

Please provide proof or keep quiet. No one wants to read unsubstantiated claims of cheating by sore losers.

The only thing that deteriorates WvW is the sore losers and poor sports like yourself that keep lying about and insulting the gamers on Desolation and the guilds in it.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I think you should refrain yourself and stop being insulting, KnightFire. BTW, from a RUIN member, poor sportsmanship is a compliment.

And Vayra, i don’t have any problem with nightcapping, if it’s the result of a good organization and dedication. But not if it’s made in EU by US primetimers.
As an Elona Reach player, i suffered VS nightcapping but i knew it was their EU “nightshift” players, not a random US guilds hired for this.

Some people on my server are starting to think we should migrate to NA and mess up the NA ladder with “morning cap” EU zergs. I’m not the “one eye for an eye” kind of man, but if the only way to help everybody understand that allowing massive migrations between timezones is a big mistake, is to migrate and do the same… err: ok with that.

Oh so it’s not the fact that you have a problem with nightcapping YOU just have a problem with nightcapping because North Americans did it. There’s a word for that you think you’re a smart guy you should be able to at least Google the answer.

As for being called unsportsmanlike from a RUIN member as a compliment I don’t really get where you’re coming from there because this has nothing to do with my guild it has to do with your comments based on the fact that I like in North America (Canada to be more specific).

The fact that you seem to point out my guild seems to suggest that this is not really an NA → EU transfer problem your having issue with it’s a getting beat problem you have.

My previous comments hold even more weight now. Thanks!

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I think ANET should ignore this thread and shut it down like it did with the previous one you made.

It seems there was no problems a few weeks ago but now that you are losing there is an issue. That’s called poor sportsmanship.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

WvW Server ranking system isn't fair

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Simply, not true…

Yes there will be a ceiling cap in rating because there are no more brackets beyond and the leaders tend to be 200 Rating over the 4 5 and 6

However, Elona Reach is a 1906. Unfortunately their opposition is 1764 and 1732. In this event if Elona Reach wins by like 150K-200K they could gain 15-25 Rating from both worlds putting them at upto 1956. At 1956 you will advance to Rank 2 or 3.

Should Elona Reach lose, they will lose hard because there is 142-174 disparity in rank of the opponents, so if you lose hard you will drop to Rank 6 or 7 merely because of the point difference.

A close win may result in deduction of rank because you Elona Reach is like a Team that is 10-1 fighting teams that are 6-5/7-4 You are expected to win and win big based on your rating.

Which makes the system fair and just… You have to play at the level of expectation if you don’t, you don’t deserve the rank and the loss in rating reflects that.

Actually it is true.

Even if Elona Reach does get 15 -25 points Desolation and Arborstone would have to get no points this week for Elona to move up and that’s not going to happen. If each of the other two tier 1 servers get the same 15-25 points then they will still be that much ahead of Elona Reach.

This can continue for weeks which is why the current system needs to be changed.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

ARB getting to first palce this time?

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Word on the street is that Arb will indeed win this, as a large VZ guild has transferred to Arb to ensure that 2 French teams will stay in Tier1 – confirm/deny?

I’m sure VS and Arb people will deny this all week but it wouldn’t surprise me. As of right now looks like it’s going to be that way if Desolation can hold 2nd place this will be the same match up three weeks in a row.

ANET needs to change the ranking system to have the 3rd place team move down to the lower tier and the winning of the lower tier to move up. That’s the only way the collusion will end.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

WvW Server ranking system isn't fair

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I’m not a big fan of the ranking system either. What should happen is the 3rd place team in each tier should be sent down the lower bracket.

So you’d have the 3rd place team in tier 1 move down to tier 2 and the 1st place team in tier 2 move to tier 1.

Right now you could potentially have servers collude with one an other to stay in a certain tier just by allowing themselves to win opposite weeks.

As an example look at the tier 1 of Europe. Last week Vizunah Square ended up 1st Desolation 2nd and Arborstone 2rd now because of the current system if Arborstone ends up 1st, Desolation 2nd and Vizunah Square 3rd then the three will remain in tier 1 and the no one in tier 2 will get the opportunity to advance. This could go on for weeks and hurt WvW.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

One Step Forward GG Anet

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I agree that a higher badge drop would be great especially for those players that kill higher ranked players. I’d also like to see players get rewards whether the defeated player is downed or rage quits.

That being said killing other players is only part of WvW and if you did that for player deaths then some rewards need to be added for those that hold keeps, etc and those that take them.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Remove Fight to Survive from WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


If you can’t deal with it then I don’t think you’re exactly higher skilled. Really skilled players would be able to adapt and learn how to deal with the problem.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


@eiennnoai.9870 When did I say any country was backwards? Sorry you have the wrong person in fact I’ve more than once commented on how I’ve enjoyed the competition this week.

As for the rest of your comments you might want to actually read the previous comments before posting then you might get it.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

(edited by KnightFire.2597)

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


So what?

Vizunah was the server who first introduced pro-nightcapping into the EU bracket and used it to cruise to auto-victory for week after week. Props to you for being smart about the implications of the scoring system and setting yourself up to exploit it in the best way, but are you now really complaining that someone else took notice and reacted accordingly?

The difference here is that the only people that were doing it on our server were us, but we maybe like German are too fairplay.

Your reasoning is ridiculous and borders on bigotry. I hope ANET removes your post.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I’d actually be surprised if any guild joins Far Shiverpeaks after the terrible display of sportsmanship displayed by a lot of those members on their current WvW thread.

If you do get some guilds to join however I hope to see better competition from your players in future match ups.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


A lot of you are complaining about night capping but who’s night are you talking about?
Are you actually saying that Areanet should exclude players from WvW?
Are you guys so unable to adapt to the intelligence of one other server to fill gaps in their ranks?
I think a lot of you that are complaining should spend less time doing so and more time recruiting members and guilds to fill your gaps. If you did that then you might enjoy the game more.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

WvW Repair Costs and Loot Bags

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Yeah I don’t buy Buzzcrave’s “It’s your job to survive” nonsense. I think I can speak for most that, that’s always the goal but when you get zerged (not complaining about it but it does happen) having to pay crazy repair costs are a bit much.

Personally I think that there should be no repair costs in WvW. There’s just no need for it in the game mode.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Thief damage is OP

in Thief

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


I’d like to know how thieves are OP? I’m pretty good with my thief and get my share of kills but I’d hardly call them OP.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger