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Seven ideas in one post

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I’ve been moving about these forums for about a month or so now, and have presented a few ideas of my own along the way. I wanted to throw several ideas in one place while I was here today, so here go:

Reload UI
I see the need for a Reload UI (user interface) function from time to time. There was a short-lived bug where all my ambient and combat sound would mute itself after talking to a scout. This would fix itself if I took a waypoint, portal or viewed a vista. Which means, each time the UI was refreshed, it fixed. So having some kind of built-in functionality for this would be a great thing. Even if it’s a key-command like in Star Wars, it would be beneficial.

I miss some of the more interesting emotes from GW1 and other MMOs. Where are the silly flirts, the jokes, the world’s smalled violins? We need more interesting things like this, I think. I would say even take it a step further and give us not just gender and race specific jokes/flirts, but maybe add one or two professions specific as well. Little, interesting and sometimes quirky things like this add to the game without needing a whole lot of work. It’s something we can all enjoy in the game without the need to have new armor or major content. There are countless other emotes that could be added, but I’m trying to give a brief synopsis on each of these, so I’ll rely on replies to add to each of these headings.

I know this has been brought up in other threads, but I’ll throw it out anyway. Some of the skins out there (holiday, gem-bought, living world, etc.) would be better recieved if we could equip them via a drop-down menu like the titles. Personally, I woudl be fine with having to use a transmute token each time I change if it meant I didn’t have to split the items or stand losing it each time I swapped. The money could still be made in the gem store with the transmute tokens, perhaps more since peopel wouldn’t have such a high need for the splitters. The math is a little fuzzy, but it has potential to add up in AreaNet’s favor on that front, at least. Generally this idea is brought forth as something for only backpieces, and I think I’m fine with that as well.

I’d like to see some of the rarer dyes be account-learned. I know this mess with the market for them on the TP, but it isn’t like AreaNet doesn’t send out new dyes periodically. I would be okay with seeing new dyes two to five times a year. I would even be okay with splitting dyes into categories; PvE, PvP and town.

Weapon Dye
To piggy-back off the last idea and off a few posts I’ve seen around, I think weapon dyes would be interesting. I don’t want to color the blade, and particular sets and things maybe shouldn’t be dye-able. That being said, it would be pretty cool if I could change the hilt, staff, shaft, stock or frame to match my armor. Nothing too intricate, just a system like what we already have in place for the armor (materials, surfaces, shine, sheen, etc.).

Don’t worry, I’m not asking for WoW mounts. I love my Mole Machine, and my Norn looks super funny on the Broom . . . I want more! I wouldn’t begin to know what all to add, but new cosmetic mounts would be simply amazing! As a guy who doesn’t get into the “digital RP” scene, but still loves to personalize my character, these things are both wonderful and hilarious!

Town Clothes
I’d like to see more town clothes introduced, and not just for gems. I think cultural outfits would be prudent, just like we already have armor. I would like to see a handful of crafted things, as well. The really great stuff like sunglasses and toys and the best outfits can stay in the gem shop, that only makes sense. But let my tailor have a special set that only tailors can make, same for armorsmith and leatherworker. Maybe some town accessories that can only be made by a cook or an artificer. Things like this are, again, small and still add a lot of wonder and detail to the game.

Everything I posted (save the reload ui) are customization options. They hold nothing on the game itself or the way people play, but it’s important. Customization is key to immersion, and immerssion is key to keeping RPGers tapped into a game. Allowing for things like this would make a huge difference without requiring a huge amount of work on AreaNet’s part.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

The dyes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


There are logs of who has what, if they were compensated for, let’s say, 50% of the current gold value of the excess dyes they have, it would be made to look somewhat fair. Personally, I don’t buy the same dyes on every character. Some of them have the same ones, but I don’t think I have one dye across all eight toons. Though there are a few I would like to have across the board, but I’m not spending that much gold eight times, lol.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Consume All

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


A right-click function like this wouldn’t be a horrible thing, but any means.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Offer A Refund To Mac Users

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Btw I know exactly what a beta is, I have been a beta tester on more games then you have probably even played. They can label this Beta all they want, it doesn’t make it one. It’s just an excuse not to have to fix anything for Mac users when they update the game for PC users.

If you were an honest beta tester (and as you neither know my age nor my profession you can’t say anything about the number of alpha/beta tests I’ve been involved in) you would know that throwing out a fix in DirectX is one thing, while making the same fix in OpenGL is something else altogether. I respect that you have an issue, I sympathize with you in your anger – especially if it’s true that they outright won’t fix an issue. However, as one of the few MMOs actually supporting Mac customers I would think that, as a Mac user, you would cut them a little more slack than the average PC jockey.

It’s most unfortunate that you’re having problems, I’m interested in what the problem is in case my fiance (not my “woman”, thank you) encounters it. Also, I feel like maybe openning a support ticket directly to the company would be the right way to go about a refund, not on an open forum where you just look like a loon complaining about things and flaming people. Just my opinion, grain of salt and all that.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Consume All

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Of course there are tons of things that we would like to see implimented, and most of them more vital than this. But that doesn’t mean we say no to something just because we want something else, too. Talk up all the ideas worth having and let AreaNet see a unified community on these topics, it’s more likely to sway them than when we bring other things down or side-step it because it isn’t the “most important” thing we could have updated.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Player Moderators

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


^ But the damage would already have been done.
Players might quit because of that and the game itself might take a massive blow because of “idiotic mods”.


Like I said in my first post, the benefit is largely dependent on the character of the people who want to be mods.

More often than not, the players that want to be mods are the ones who should never be mods.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Seven ideas in one post

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Cosmetic Skins and Armor Classes
So there’s some pretty cool armor sitting around Tyria. In the Gem Store we have the Krytan Armor, which is in the medium armor class. It’s really cool looking, and I love the idea for a gunslinger kind of thing, but it just doesn’t seem like it should be in the Medium Armor Professions. I would love to see that set on my Necromancer, to be honest.

So here’s the thought: why not have some new cosmetic skins that don’t have an armor class? You can purchase it and put it on any set of armor you choose. If there’s an issue with the coding and you wanted to get this out quickly, just make it a box that you buy with the skin in it, and upon opening it you choose what armor class you’re putting it on and you get the skin in that class. This would alliviate the need for extensive coding and you could essentially just copy and paste some of what you already have for other aspects of the game.

I wouldn’t even be upset if none of the current skins got this treatment, and obviously there needs to be new ones coming out from time to time that are armor class specific, but to have some options across the board would be nice.

To expand upon this a little further, I would say that having the ability to purchase individual pieces of the armor skins would be nice, as well. Still using the Krytan set as an example, I would like a few of the pieces for my Engineer, but not really all of them. I so if I could purchase individual bits, instead of the whole thing, for less gems this would make more sense. Obviously it would be cheaper if you bought the whole set, to encourage that from people who want four out of six and might use the fifth or sixth one, but for folks who just want one or two of the pieces it would be a better use of the gems to do that and then buy something else later.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Stop with the bikini armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Charr in skimpy armor . . . somebody into furries?

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Consume All

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


OMG you people are lazy. Firstly, just use the luck as you get it, and maybe just leave 1 as your placeholder for the next few that you get.

I generally agree, I try to use mine as I go. However, there are occassions where I end up with a lot in my bags from time to time. Maybe I’m running the zerg in the Mad King’s Labyrinth, which can be pretty fast paced sometimes; I end up with a lot of gear to recycle in there. Things like that cause you to end up with more than your normal share of the Luck essences.

To outright call us all lazy isn’t fair, if this option existed you’d use it and be happy for it.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Reset heart quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


That sounds like an exploitable way to make farming things easy and OP if you ask me. You have 6 level 8 characters, and you like exploring? Go to a new zone . . .

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

handicap players need a gamepad options

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I know you said don’t say it, but xpadder. I think all comapanies need to look into gamepad support of some kind, this is something a lot of gamers could benefit from and is certainly a great way to bring the console gaming market back to the desktop.

That being said, there are issues with doing it post-release that may not be easily resolved. Targeting comes to mind, as well as AoEs (although the new option for quick casting might just do a lot to help that one).

I don’t honestly have a great option for you, but if you’re deadset against xpadder and things like it, how hard would a Nostromo – or similar device – be for him to adapt to? I use my Nostromo for most of my gaming, and it greatly reduces the area I need to cover, combined with even the cheapest Razer mouse I can remap a lot of the functions away from my keyboard. Razer has a macro and mapping program called Synapse that does wonders, and Razer bought out the Nostromo name so it is also compatible with Synapse.

Just a few options, I hope you get this resolved. My father went through a long period of time where he couldn’t play games and it was aggrivating just watching him be bored – I couldn’t imagine being him, or your brother.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Possible U.I. change

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I’m not sure how I feel about this, it’s much better than the complete overhaul most posts have been about the combat system (a-la Neverwinter Online). I think there’s a certain amount of potential to this, I wouldn’t use it, but I could see it’s usefullness. My only concern would be dropping AoE spells or placeable abilities.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

in game mail

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


A good fix would be a guild mail function, where you can send to all members at once, or to all in a particular rank. So maybe you need to send something to all your top two ranks, you can put in whatever those two ranks are in a guild mail mechanic and it will auto-send to each of those players.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


The engine is so needing a rewrite -very poor multithreading, anchored on an obsolete DirectX with lot of disadvantages-

Obsolete DirectX? Just how many PC games released are programed in OpenGL compared to DirectX? Other than Blizzard, ID Software, and some indie titles, Direct X is still king when making games? Obsolete? Hardly, not when nearly everyone and their dog is using Direct X for PC games.

The only issue is, OpenGL is easier to code in, and generally accepted as being cheaper. DirectX just has a corner on the market with Windows backing them, that’s the only reason they’re “king”. Linux is a more powerful OS than Windows, just not as user friendly or with all the added thrills, this is why people don’t port – that and most of them don’t understand what I just said above.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Seven ideas in one post

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I finally thought of one I actually like:

I know we have the costume battle things already in place, but I’m thinking for this one more along the lines of replacement town clothes. It’d be a great thing to introduce for holiday events (not just Halloween) where we can dress up like particularly styled things for the holiday. Only in the town clothing choices, nothing to change the combat, I think. This would allow me to, for example, change my appearance to an elf-like-thing for Christmas. Perhaps just havingthe clothes would be enough. Staying with the elf theme, it would be really funny to make the clothes not quite scale all the way on this outfit. If only the clothes were done, instead of a whole person change, then on a Norn the clothes could be a little too small (short legged pants, a little bare stomach, etc.). Something that could be done alongside this would be holiday-themed mounts. Maybe ride a reindeer for Christmas and we already have a broom, but there could be a special version for Halloween. Cupid outfits with tiny wings (wings being the mount, would be awkward and funny, and rather fitting).

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Skins Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


This has been brought up many times in the past, I’m not sure if AreaNet has ever officially responded to it directly. This means I can’t console you and assure you that all will be better down the road, for I have no idea if this is something they’re looking at. But it goes beyond the back pieces to even include the purchased skins from the Gem Store in most suggestions. It’s still a good idea, hopefully A-Net will look into this one soon.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

The dyes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


… For every duplicate dye that the account had, and mail them a soulbound copy of that Dye item.

Create an NPC that will, once per day, un-soulbind a Dye.

For example, if you have “iron dye” on two characters, your account will have iron dye, and you will receive an “iron dye – soundbound” item in your mailbox.

Hopefully that’ll be win/win, with everyone getting refunded for their dyes, without flooding the market with thousands of dyes in a single afternoon.

That’s an interesting way to go about a fix, though I think just compensating in an average amount of gold would be better. I suggested half the current market value in gold, but that might be a little annoying to calculate. Perhaps they can do it in a different formula:


X is the coeficient of the rarity of the dye and the overall chance to have it drop out of a gem purchased dye pack
Y is a set (per rarity) amount of coin for each solid value of X
G is the total amoung of coin per dye

So, using round numbers, let us say you have a blue dye with a 30% chance to drop from a dye pack. We’ll say that all blue dyes are worth a flat 1, then multiply it by 30. This gives us 30. Now say that you get 50 copper for every solid value of X of a blue quality dye, this is 30 time 50, that comes to 1500. Now 1500 copper equates to 15 silver. So for any basic blue dye, you could get 15 silver, easy.

Again using round number, let us look at a higher quality with a lower drop chance. Say you have a yellow quality dye (given a rarity rating of 10) with a 5% chance to drop in the dye packs. We take our 10 and multiply it by 5, giving us 50. Yellow quality dye would be given a flat rate of 2000 copper (20 silver) per solid rating of X. This comes to 100,000 copper, or 1,000.00 silver, making it 10 gold.

This is a very basic formula and is in no way perfect. I already know that the more rare dyes will have lower drop chances, therefor making them worth less coin in this equation, but there are other variables that could be plugged in to this to make up for it. This is just a very basic example meant to get the gears of our minds working, and those of AreaNet’s.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I didn’t realize the range had expanded. I agree, it should be the same as /say. Now, I don’t mind that you can “hear” every emote a party member makes zone wide; that can even be used to enhance RP and is restricted to 5 people that chose to be grouped.

Right now if you stand in the LA bank by one of the back tellers you can hear RP emotes from the Crow’s Nest. I know this game pays attention to vertical distance, just look at underwater combat. Emotes should not carry that far.

I’m still daydreaming of an MMO that lets solid walls block /say and /em. With allowances for windows and doors. While I’m fine with ignoring things my character couldn’t realistically hear or see, not everyone divorces character knowledge from meta knowledge.

Possibly one of the best-worded and well-written forum posts I’ve ever seen . . . kudos.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

In-Progress Listing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


This is less about the game, directly, and more about the suggestion forum, itself. I think since the search feature is broken, we would benefit from a Sticky Thread – locked from normal user posts – of all the currently in-progress suggestions. It would look something akin to the following:

In Progress
1- followed by link to primary thread
2- followed by link to primary thread
3- followed by link to primary thread

Under Review
1- followed by link to primary thread
2- followed by link to primary thread
3- followed by link to primary thread

Denied Suggestions

Having this would help reduce repeated threads from popping up so much, provide a way to get to the primary point of discussion for a topic or suggestion, and allow us to see what is really going on in the minds of the devs. A form of feedback like this would go a long way in ensuring that we, the players, feel involved and are satitated – it might even shut some of us up, lol. Each of those bolded headings could by on their own post, or even so far as to have their own sticky devoted to them. The biggest deal here, to me, is that the only people posting on them are the devs and admins. This would keep flaming away from those threads and keep them informative, only. Also, when an update is made, it might need to be bolded so we know what’s new on the list, or maybe they get a date added next to them.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

More emotes, please

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I feel like the amount of emotes is very small. Now I’m not generally a digital RPer, at least not in the truest sense. I like to make my armor look cool, I like to mess around and do certain things based on how a character would, and I like my emotes. In particular I am missing the /drum, /guitar and the like from GW1, and I’d like to see some /flirt or /joke type of commands from the races as well. We have some pretty decent voice overs for the race/gender combinations, so hearing them make silly comments or awkward flirts would be great. Maybe even add a few that are profession-based as well as race and gender. Amongst others, I’d love to see more suggestions of expanded emotes, if there are any more out there.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Disappointing game mechanics - Leveling Down

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


This guy has like five threads with these “Disappointing Game Mechanics” . . . I can’t imagine why you would still playing the game if you hate so much about it.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Can we have GW2 play like Neverwinter Online?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


It wouldn’t be that simple. You would have to completely overhaul the targetting system, the combat system, it would require camera adjustments, control scheme adjustments, and I don’t even know what all else. A combat overhaul is no small task.

Defiance has a similar combat system, and I enjoyed it there and adjusted to it in Neverwinter Online, but given the dodge mechanics in GW2, it wouldn’t work the same for us here. They would have to introduce stats or an auto-dodge system.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Aggro priority to ranged players

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


Actually, the priority should be on the player dealing the most damage or healing the group for the most amount of HP. Another alternative would be to who has been doing the most burst damage, even if said person isn’t doing the most DPS. Also . . . how do you know those people are doing 10x less DPS than you?

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Please implement a token system

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I see no need for the tokens, I hated that system in WoW. If you do it for tokens (or rep, shards, trophies, points, etc.) it feels like a grind. I hated doing the daily quests for things like that in WoW and in Neverwinter Online, so I vote against this one.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

In-Progress Listing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I thought I would make a more in depth model of this. I have added, also, a strikethough for when an item is finished, theoretically, with a second date to show completion. So the workable example follows (please keep in mind that this is an example and in no way reflects AreaNet and their decision making process):


  1. More Emotes 9/25/2013 9/28/2013
  2. Reload UI 9-27-2013
  3. Guild Halls and/or Player Housing 9/27/2013

Under Review

  1. Reload UI 9-24-2013 9/27/2013
  2. Salvage Tooltip 9/26/2013
  3. SteamOS Support 9/27/2013
  4. Transmutation Stones into Crystals 9/27/2013

Denied Projects

  1. Player Forum Moderators
  2. Remove Soulbound Status
Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Autotargetting and Grapes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


1. Since the description of Auto-target is – “If you use a skill with nothing targeted, the game will automatically select an appropriate target for you”. Ok, so since this auto-target often decides that bunnies, moa birds, boars and sparkfly are appropriate targets, could you please replace this broken (or stupid) checkbox with Target Nearest Enemy when you use a skill with nothing targeted? Even if it doesn’t target something daft like a bunny it’ll auto-target a monster not in the group I’m fighting but one about 50 feet away that’s not even aware of my presence. Worse than that sometimes even a boar 50 feet away.

Well, appropriate seems to be regarded as a non-green nameplate. I have actually turned off autotargetting and turned on sticky-targetting. This way I can tab-target to, or click-target, what I deem an “appropriate” target. I agree with your point, and it’s part of the reason I have the settings the way I do. This way I’m not kiling bunnies (unless that was my intent as it sometimes is), and I won’t be auto-selecting a new target as soon as the first one is dead – as often times I don’t have any desire to start a fight with the veteran standing just out of aggro range while I have less than 50% health.

2. I was doing the grapes quest in Queensdale and something that has annoyed me for a while was magnified by this quest. Every time I take grapes to the NPC I have to click “Here’s some grapes” then click a second speech option every single time. Can’t we have it so that after the first time we just give them the item and go collect more in these types of quests so we don’t have to click/say “Here are some grapes/or whatever” 20+ times?

On this point I couldn’t really agree more. What’s more annoying, I think, is that some of the quests in this style follow your suggestion. The Charr have a heart/event wherein you bring them cannon balls, as you pick one up and carry it to the Charr Instructor all you need to do is hit “F” and she’ll take it from you. No talking required at all! I find this to be rather annoying, personally, that I can do that in one place, but not in another. I think uniformity would be most appreciated by the masses.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Stop with the bikini armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


A lot of those aren’t all that skimpy, compared to other MMOs or even to other armors in the game. In fact, my fiance happen to like the more revealing armor sets. She spent a lot of time creating her character and wants to show them off, lol.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
My idea compilation thread:

Guild hall and personal housing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


One thing I really wish we would have if guild halls were added would be some sort of node collection. Like do X achievement(s) or collect X merits to unlock a mine, then upgrade the mine to offer the various metals (iron, silver, gold, mithril, orichalcum), a garden for foods (holds x amount of food types, some sort of mini quest to unlock seeds for a crop) and various trees. Make guild halls not only a way to show off but a way to make the day easier.

Holy crap, yes! I like the idea of a mine, kind of expanding the land your guild “owns”. Putting crafting stations and maybe even moving some of the guild vendors into the hall would be a good thing as well.

Ability is what you can do; Motivation is how much you do; Attitude is how well you do it.
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