And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Got into the HoT beta and sadly I’ll be at work through most of it. But yay. Beta.
I’m always interested in fractal 50s, on NA. I live a pretty busy life though so I don’t get to do them every day, but feel free to add me if you want
#postingonholidaysusingapotatoLOL, I can’t stop laughing it’s so supremely kitten
The wings only look good in screenshots, sadly
Oh, dam, they DO look good indeed. So it sucks ingame? Is it too big and the cloth looks too rigid?
It is too rigid when you run around and up close, it has this shiny plastic texture. It looks like you are wearing a pair of huge props.
Agreed. I’m very thrown off by how they look while moving. Standstill, they’re amazing. So basically they’re best on an afk character. Haha
Found a hipster thief in DR. I have to say, they did it well.
Was in a level 20 fractal at grawl today. We failed once in this last phase of the imbued shaman, and a pug guard semi lost his cookies. He started talking about the group lacking synergy, correct gear, and how our terrible ele (me) wasn’t using staff for constant water fields (is it actually possible for this? Is there a water field build or something?). It was a group of us 3 friends and 2 pugs but we were pretty casual. It was a level 20 after all. So I strapped on my sentinel gear, attuned to water (never left it) and we failed again… not terribly, but after a couple of phases it seemed everyone was off their game. I had fun when the guard went down after yelling in chat “PUT WATER FIELDS ON DOWNED” so I planted that water #3 right on his downed self as the meteor shower pelted him.
Sometimes fractals makes me smile even when we are having a rough time. We managed to get through it on the third attempt when he equipped reflects and I was timing my swirling winds correctly. It was a pretty successful fractal friday, as I did receive a fractal torch for my efforts.
Anyway, hope everyone’s weekend is fabulous.
Yeah, Gab, I think the Rev + wings + Anise outfit would look great. And possibly different, since I bet everyone will be running around with any new revenant specific armor that may come out.
PS. I redid my main Asura ele. I got sick of the same ol’ look, Asura t3 and whatnot, and Taimi hair, and brought her back to feeling like her true self.
Thanks for the help folks
So with the imminent release of those new, really beautiful wings, I was happy to see that I had the perfect character for them in my second ele. I am a little disappointed that our first full back wing set is not the lore relevant Largos wings, but I have to say that these wings are just so over the top and awesome that pretty much everyone will be wearing them, assuming they are a gem store item (probably no less than 800 gems a piece). I wonder though, if it will actually be a black lion rare chest drop. That would disappoint a lot of folks, and make a few others really happy. So who knows.
I wonder if the dungeon elitist community hates the rest of the people they hacked in the exact same way so much that they deleted their characters too.
I mean, it’s not like that was common practice or anything.
post prolly died to archiving process then
Did some googling.
I thought it was either Gaile or Danicia in one of the living story forums. I thought it was during the battle for lions arch.
But I could be totally and completely wrong.
Whatdoyaknow: completely wrong.
Link is broken, but it appears to have been in a wvw forum. So probably devon.
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
Thanks Jerus! I appreciate your help
Thanks. I am not trying to speculate I am trying to find that thread where an arena net member of staff said to keep rings as there will be a use for them..
Let’s hope your right!
I thought that thread was about ascended materials like bloodstone, empyreal, and dragonite. I had never seen anything about rings.
Hey folks.
I’m going to try to organize a fashion show for the guild, and I’d like to photoshop an advertisement for it, for the guild site. I was wondering if anyone had any characters who they are especially fond of, fashion wise, and would be okay with me using the images for this purpose. I’m looking for one of each race, a mix of genders, and a mix of armor weights. I would post my characters but honestly I’d rather see some of the creations from the community, as I’m sure they are much better than what I could do.
If you wouldn’t mind submitting your character(s) for consideration, just post them here with “fashion show” somewhere in this thread.
I’ll also keep folks here updated with date and time information as that becomes available, if you’re interested.
Thanks guys.
I’ve got a stack of guild fireworks ready for a potential guild fashion show. Be excited! Be ready!
I’d love something like Hero of the Mists.
And for a mini, a clown car that spews dredge every time you stop moving.
Are Warriors and Guardians going to have access to the Revernant Blind-fold armor? does it take away from that professions “look” if the other classes can access that? Is it a dangerous path to go down towards profession-locked armors?
Since the profession based helms are available for all of that armor weight I don’t see why the revenant mask would be any different.
Some people feel that the best looking armors for Charrs and Asura are their race-locked cultural armors, because they where made for them – Do you want fewer armors of overall higher quality that fits each race, or do you want everything to be mix and match?
I generally like more options, though it would be nice if they spent a bit more time making sure that the armors don’t clip terribly with ears/tails/toes (hellfire helm on an asura, I’m looking at you.)
With specializations, we are getting sub classes, and some specializations comes with their own themes. For a Ranger to be a Druid, should there be druid-looking exclusive armor?
I think that would be cool though I would be fine with it if the armor was not exclusive.
With the addition of a massive color hue dye spectrum, I am beginning to wonder if Outfits where an act of desperation?
I don’t know about desperation but I doubt they’re going to be lacking new armors in HoT. I have a feeling outfits are basically their equivalent to a small snack a few hours before dinner to keep us from starving, if you know what I mean.
Well, I learned something new about my preferences yesterday: I realized that I actually prefer to run dungeons with mediocre players that are nice and friendly, instead of with good players that don’t communicate at all and treat you like an npc.
Not a single word in chat all through the run, and not so much as a “bye” before kicking me out of the group once the run was finished … never thought I’d be upset by that so much, but I guess I play this game to play with people. If I wanted no communication I could just as well go back to single player games …
I sort of agree (though I guess it would be ideal for it to be super nice good players). One time I had a really awesome fractal 50 pug. You know, the kind with 0 wipes, really smooth, super quick. Every time I tried to initiate conversation or a little bit of levity, I was met with silence. That made me feel pretty awkward, since I’m used to a much more social group and run. I don’t know if I’d wish for a significantly longer run in exchange for more social players but I can say it wasn’t as fun for me.
These are my heavies… guard asura, future revenant norn, and warrior human. All female.
Fixing silly forum bug.
Hi all,
I tried applying through the website, but there was no place to provide any details.
I’m a experienced player who is just returning from a several month break. I don’t have a main, but tend to swap between my Warrior, Guardian, and Mesmer. My flavor of the month is a new ele I’ve been leveling.
I look forward to meeting you all.
I’ll try to let someone know! Also, Kane probably will too if he gets a chance before I do.
Edit 2: Invited
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
The ram festival is such a great time to be an [ARES].
Redid my guardian
You should start lurking on the Profession forum :p
@Dub: It sucks to be the unpopular guy there.
Fits greatly.
Good ol’ MR.
I don’t understand the reddit all that well. It’s such an odd mix of players
I.. Im thinking of making a post in reddit like the one I made in the player helping player forum here a year ago about helping out with fractals.
How is the reddit guildwars comuminty? And how are they to such post? do you think it will be worth it?
Sorry about all the questions. I do tend to over think things
The reddit community is okay. Lots of downvoting going on but the comments are generally okay. They’re also for the most part noob friendly, so I’m sure they’d like to see a helping hand post like that. This said, depending on the group of commenters, they can sometimes get “anti zerker/meta” or “zealous zerker meta” similar to the forums. So unless you have any requirements regarding builds I’d leave that out to avoid the subject altogether.
I’m not a reddit expert though, so take this with a grain of salt.
Assassin, if it ever exists.
Haha… well that’s… yeah.
Question for yall. I’m going to be making another ascended backpiece for the skin, as I already have… well several berserker ascended backpieces, is there another Stat combo you find even slightly useful? Mainly talking fractals. i know berserker is king, but as I already have so many, I’m really looking to make some use out of this thing outside of the skin. Any ideas?
Rainbows and unicorns are girlish, that’s a fact. You can’t deny it. Most boys and males are not feminine. Just because some boys think the bow’s pretty, doesn’t suddenly make it manly.
You should honor the majority, instead of trying to be progressive and stuff. 95% of the community are normal males.
I dunno. I think they should honor whoever they like. And make weapons that interest them and make them happy.
Last night a few folks (Iris, Nevets, Lang, and Nevets’ friend McBaddy) and I did a really miserable fractal. The first try went south because our molten facility bugged, and so we had to start over. Nevets was probably the only one of us still being chipper and optimistic, and our 3 ele + 2 thief combo was less than stellar. we got maw in the end, and struggled a lot for some reason. But right before the daily chest popped up, after a fight and struggle I haven’t had in a while, poor Nevets DCd. No daily chest for him, though imo, I would have rather him get my rewards since I was being whiny.
… granted I got a cirque of arah, so he probably didn’t want that anyway.
Nevets, you’re great. Still amazed you weren’t angry about the DC.
I…who’d want that? I throw my tonics away (not that I’ve had one of those lol.)
It’s not a one use thing, it’s infinite, and basically since it’s the rarest thing out there it’s kind of a “muhaahaha I’m awesome look what I got!!!” thing
If you think Legendaries are a status symbol, they don’t have kitten on a fractal tonic.
It only means RNG loves you. You know, my mom always says, if you ain’t rich, clever or pretty, you’d better be kitten lucky. It always rings true.
At least you’re pretty, who needs luck when there’s fashion?
The popular brand of table salt in Canada is Windsor. On sale for $2 per kg.
I’ve got me some good ol’ Morton’s on these here potatoes.
Okay, fine. I agree with you, except there were 2 members of the party who were “not working with the party”.
Although I also disagree that watching a cutscene is actually detrimental to the party in the same way not following the leader, not stacking, or whatever else can actually harm your progress.
But muffin, I don’t disagree with 99% of what you said so, yeah.
This is super cool. I would love to be the anomaly!
Although a raiders chest would probably be more preferred in the short term ^^…
Lol, we don’t swoop in after Nike posts. *What does happen is someone posts, then they link it in the chat box *and we then go read it and post on our own accord. I like your conspiracy theories though
Edit* added a comma :P
Hey cool that was my theory.
I’ve gotten some fun mailed screen caps of his pure disdain for me so now I take note.
My friend and I were doing a dungeon, my first one at that….
How so?
They said it was their first dungeon. Not that they were new players. I had played for months before I joined my first dungeon run.Because completely new players wouldn’t have the mind that something like that could happen, and thus wouldn’t bother taking screenshots, imo.
He said it was his first one, and his friend took the screens. I had friends when I was new. I have had new friends when I was a vet too.
I’ll hug colesy.
If I join a nondescript group, and they say “berserker gear” after the first boss (assuming that’s when they notice dps is lacking) and I say “I don’t have any.” or “I am not wearing it because i won’t survive” and do not switch, and they don’t kick me, and we CONTINUEthe dungeon only to be kicked at the last boss as I worked with them to get there, you’re saying that’s justified? That’s not an unjust kicking?
Seriously colesy, what happened to you?I am saying the kick was justified but the actual timing of it just made it a scumbag move.
But the act itself – you as party leader kicking someone who doesn’t comply with your group’s wishes is perfectly acceptable.
To reiterate – kicking someone for not meeting your requirement is absolutely fine, waiting until the end of the instance to kick them is wrong.
Thanks for clearing that up.
If I join a nondescript group, and they say “berserker gear” after the first boss (assuming that’s when they notice dps is lacking) and I say “I don’t have any.” or “I am not wearing it because i won’t survive” and do not switch, and they don’t kick me, and we continue the dungeon only to be kicked at the last boss as I worked with them to get there, you’re saying that’s justified? That’s not an unjust kicking?
Seriously colesy, what happened to you?
If we’re going to assume that we’ve heard the full story, we can agree that kicking someone at the very last boss purely to be malicious isn’t justified.
That being said, if you join a group and want to work against your team instead of for it, I don’t see why anyone would want to keep you around. Is it right to allow someone to stay in the dungeon until the last boss to kick you if you’re going to stubbornly do whatever you want? No, but does that mean when you join a group that you can do whatever in the world you want under the argument of “Hey it didn’t have X requirement in the lfg, I can do as I please. If you kick me for whatever reason, I’ll report you”?
When you join a dungeon, you’re contributing to a group effort. If you decide that you don’t like the direction that the group is taking, leave. Simple as that. If you don’t want to skip the trash mobs or stack in a corner for the old fgs meta, then that isn’t the group for you. You have every right to be upset that whoever listed the lfg didn’t put in 100% of their gameplan and requirements, but they also have the right to be upset that you didn’t decide to find a more suitable group after discovering that it wouldn’t be a good fit for you.
If you do join a group and discover that they’re practicing strategies that you don’t want to participate in, it’s on you to either adapt or leave. If you really hate that they want you to skip the cutscenes, then you can say “Hey, well I need to find another group for this then. It’d be great if you were more specific in your lfg listing next time” instead of saying “Well I don’t care what you want to do, I’m going to watch all the cutscenes anyway because your legally-binding lfg post didn’t specifically state to skip them and there’s nothing you can do”
Of course as soon as it became apparent that OP was not going to work with their team, they should have been kicked(instead of waiting until the end of the run). Of course the lfg should have said something to imply that they were going to attempt to get the run done as quickly as reasonably possible. Keeping someone in your group to kick them at the end isn’t justified, but neither is obstinately working against the group after they communicate with you.
I have nothing to argue with here, but we are talking about a new player. New players don’t know this stuff. we cannot be a welcoming community if some of these things become our norms for nondescript groups.
Here’s the deal: the players in OPs Group (so, let’s say 3 people at most)were probably not elite players. They probably weren’t in dnt (and I find it funny once I call out Nike the dnt folks swarm in to defend, must be a fun chatroom). These were probably normal pugs doing a story dungeon. Could have been their first, second, third time, maybe more if they make story dungeon running a habit. These players may (or may not) have put anything into their lfg. In fact, it isn’t actually clear that it was their lfg. It could have been OP. we don’t know.
A new player probably doesn’t have a lot of AP. I think it’s safe to say anyone looking at the party listing would say “this person probably hasn’t done much in terms of dunfeons, story or otherwise”. They could be wrong (we have alt accounts and whatnot that say it’s possible either is true). But once they said “we’ve never done this we would like to watch cutscenes” and there was no response from the party, I think I would have assumed as a new player that they shrugged it off. I don’t know about you, but just because one pug says they don’t want to do something in a certain way, doesn’t mean that that is the way the party is going to be from then on.
So the new player continues With the other cutscene watcher. They watch them, learn, enjoy, die, etc and contribute to the party with time and effort.
And then the 3 members kick them at the end to deny them rewards.
how can someone defend that? The OP gave us his side of the story, and it may or may not have happened that way. But people defend this. Right here.
It’s like… don’t you all remember how it feels to have your work destroyed becauae one or 2 people think what you’re doing is abnormal and therefore you ought to be punished? Has everyone had their hearts hardened?
I don’t get you people.
Dusk excuse me while I cry myself a river about what you think.
And here I thought you, of all people, better than this. I’m sorry I said anything at all.
I’m not ^^
And yes, keep that morally superior aura as you blame a noobie in a story dungeon for not following norms.
it’s super leet.
Dusk excuse me while I cry myself a river about what you think.
But really, I can’t believe you chuckleheads. norms. In story dungeons. Ha.
Rising, I think the only issue is waiting till the last boss to kick. Any time sooner I can understand, but when you’re only going to have to deal with them for 1 additional cutscene… c’mon man.
Either way though, the reason I wanted to respond was to ask, since when has watching cutscenes in a STORY mode been out of the norm?
Here you go.
Screw it, I’m watching all cutscenes now just because of you clowns. I’ll get up, get some hot cocoa and watch the screen show me the glory that it the Collosus’s chained body.
Not the norm? Give me a break. Lets see, I’m new to something I OBVIOUSLY KNOW WHAT THE NORM IS HERE, and when I say “hey I’ve never done this so I’d like to watch this” I’m going to assume that if they don’t kick me they’ll obviously do it at the end! Ha ha ha ha gw2 dungeon community so niiiice.
When a friend appears to have lost empathy and a sense of compassion for others who were wronged, then I definitely assume something has changed.
Also I asked him, not saint Nike.
This happened to every kick topics I have seen lately in this forum. No one can put it as excellently as you, Lilith. Slow claps
Welcome back, gurl!
Thx <3
Glad to be back playing, but I really should have left this dump alone.
When a friend appears to have lost empathy and a sense of compassion for others who were wronged, then I definitely assume something has changed.
Also I asked him, not saint Nike.
If I join a nondescript group, and they say “berserker gear” after the first boss (assuming that’s when they notice dps is lacking) and I say “I don’t have any.” or “I am not wearing it because i won’t survive” and do not switch, and they don’t kick me, and we continue the dungeon only to be kicked at the last boss as I worked with them to get there, you’re saying that’s justified? That’s not an unjust kicking?
Seriously colesy, what happened to you?
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime
We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Weren’t we just discussing doing a tour of them last night? This needs to happen
I’m in! Hopefully I won’t be drunk when we do em. I think I was rowdy last night. /giggle
You have a lot to learn, Lilith. The concept of “too drunk to run dungeons” is wholly invalid
Let’s talk more about setting up a story night tonight. Should be more than doable.
Excellent. I’ll be on in the evening after dinner probably.
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime
We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Weren’t we just discussing doing a tour of them last night? This needs to happen
I’m in! Hopefully I won’t be drunk when we do em. I think I was rowdy last night. /giggle
BTW OP — are you NA or EU?
After your horrible experience with your party and the rather nasty, hyperdefensive, poorly-rationalized responses you’ve gotten here, I’d love to take you and your friend through some dungeons of your choosing in a more relaxed, fun setting. Cutscenes and all.
We’re not all kittenwaffles, I promise
I concur. I can do either region, but NA is my main as well.
Dlonie, we should start new player story dungeon tours at some point.
Colesy, why are you so convinced that OP the one in the wrong here?
I mean, the same logic applies to the reverse situation — would OP be justified in kicking the others for not wanting to watch the cutscenes? Unless the LFG specifically said “no cutscenes” or “speedrun” etc, it’s perfectly reasonable that someone would want to watch them.
Because leet always right and casualz are stupid obviously.
It’s okay because the right to kick those who displease you or are wasting your time must be protected and paramount.
How could I have been so foolish?
These analogies are bad and you should feel bad, OP. If you can’t do a 50, do a 49. I guarantee you’ll still get crap for rewards anyway.
Steven!!! That is very bold of you!
Lilith helped me design a new character -a ranger- yesterday. You’ll have to ask her to attest
I attest that dear Nevets Crimsonarrow is a mighty fine lady desperately in need of a Krytan armor set, but is stylishly making due with what she has and is working it, baby, working it.
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