Showing Posts For Lorelei.3918:

"Everybody play the Mesmer"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Was looking through some old music and found this gem.


(sorry im bored)

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I’ve had to leave one guild and I’m contemplating leaving my current because I want to play my ranger in wvw and my guilds commander is ‘no rangers allowed lololol’

I don’t like Druid either. I like to pew pew with a longbow, not heal.

Can we have ricochet back?

in Thief

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I also logged on just to say yes. Ricochet was the reason I made a thief in the first place. Then they took it away. >:c

high ping the game is unplayble

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I used pingplotter and got 90% packet loss on one of the hops between me and the server. kitten I live in Dallas, may as well bicycle down to the server center and hook in directly.

Lag near zergs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


For most parts of the game I have a very low ping, like 30-50 ping. I live in Dallas and I’m only 3 hops from the server.

However when I’m near a zerg my ping shoots up to over 1-2k.

What is going on to cause my ping to go from 50 to 2000?

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Play what you want. We didn’t have squads for a long time in this game. Just play the old way with your ranger and tell the try hards to go F*** themselves. They can’t kick you out of the map.

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


If people are allowed to play “how they want” then a commander is entirely within his right if he wants to be exclusive and not include rangers in his squad.

Right on.
That sentence should be /endthread.

That sentence is correct. However it does not end the thread. This thread is also about what it would take to make Rangers more desirable in WvW content.

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


As I don’t have HoT (and probably wont for quite awhile.) I actually switched back to my Ranger since I came back.

I’m using a off the wall double longbow zerker build. It’s sole purpose is to drop a arrow barrage every 9 seconds. It’s hard to gauge the actual effectiveness of DPS pressure, but I feel like I’m doing pretty good. Besides, even if I had HoT I doubt I would run Druid. DPS power ranger is what I play, not heal bot. That’s what ele’s are for.

Please Glicko Adjust Fort Aspenwood

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


WvW needs to be fun every week. I’ve never heard of a game where you need to take 1-3 week vacations because of bad matchmaking. Yet that has pretty much sums up GW2 since they changed over to the glicko system.

Can we get new/more minions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


All I really want for christmas are minions that don’t go insta-splat in a zerg.

MegaServers are not an easy fix

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


They need to make it possible to select your megaserver.

When I played Champions Online, a much older game then this, you were prompted with a list of instances when you wanted to warp to a different map. It listed how many people were in each instance and if you had any friends/guild mates in those instances.

The technology doesn’t only exist, it has existed for years.

That it doesn’t exist in Guild Wars 2 is not a fluke. It’s a intentional design decision.

Can we get a new Pistol auto attack?

in Thief

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


P/P needs some aoe since they removed trick shot. Personally I think unload should be replaced with a ‘desperado’ style skill, where you shoot at all targets in a circle around you. Definitely make it a whirl finisher.

Then make Pistol auto attack the primary single target dps attack maybe with Pistol 2 being a nice spike attack.

Best Greatsword class without HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Hm ok I rolled a mesmer in spvp. They are really effective. I’m torn between ranger and Mesmer. I like the way ranger uses its GS, but I can’t seem to do anything with it but tickle the enemy. Meanwhile Mesmer really does tons of damage, but…eh…I was never a fan of a GS being a ranged weapon. Seems silly to me, like the whole class really. ANet has some real weirdos in its design team.

Best Greatsword class without HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Hi. I don’t have HoT. Will not be able to get it. Please don’t bring it up unless you want to buy it for me <3.

I need to know what vanilla class is best with Great sword. I really want to use a great sword as a primary weapon. I mainly like to wvw, with some spvp mixed in. I can’t decide myself, they all seem to suck now. Guardian GS has really fallen behind dmg wise, as has Ranger GS. Warrior GS seems ok but everything I hear says that Warriors suck, and I imagine a warrior without HoT sucks more?

(edited by Lorelei.3918)

The Idea of Chill Damage is Moronic !

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


When I was playing my thief I hated deathly chill. Hide in Shadows doesn’t remove it. So now I have to choose between either giving up reduced CD for HiS to get the extra condi cleanse or pick up Withdraw without the trait or pick up withdraw and build around tricks so taking the trait is worth it. but tricks suck other then withdraw so

its a no win.

Fixing Core Necro. Share your ideas here.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Core necro can still do one thing Reaper can’t and that is having a effective power based attack that hits past 600 units. Its not ‘viable’ like a mesmer gs or ele staff or ranger longbow, but it is something. Which is a whole lot better then nothing. Especially in WvW zerg fights where range fighting is everything.

However I think that Life blast should be a viable long range damage source. So increase it’s rate of fire and/or let it do full damage all the way out to 1200 units. That would play up core necros comparative advantage, making it more attractive alternative.

Elite well idea:D

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


“Border of Life”

60 sec CD
6 sec duration

Applies Weakness and Chill per second.

If you are downed while standing in the well and the enemy that downed you is also standing in the well, the enemy is downed instead and you are revived.

(A high risk and highly situational skill with a very high reward. You need to anticipate your impending doom and drop a well and hope your enemy stands in it while he delivers the downing blow. )

Want the old maps back?[186 Signs]

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918



Also I’m tired of being on a losing server. I don’t even do ebg anymore because it’s not fun being massively outpopped and boxed into a tiny corner of ebg all the time.

kitten your server identity, put every wvw map on the megaserver just like eotm.

Small tweaks to Dagger MH

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I prefer dagger 2 stay a heal also. What really needs work is Dagger offhand. Maybe make dagger 5 cast a well type attack that pulses for physical damage and weakness.

How To Make Guild Wars 2 Great Again

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


The title was tongue in cheek humor, except I forget that gamers only know how to laugh at other peoples mistakes.

Well, the idea on it’s face may not be viable but the spirit of it is. It would be nice if the whole game could be rearranged away from the theme park WoW model and toward a Eve/Planetside land grab model. Then rare materials in more dangerous areas would be a given.

Honestly if I could just steal Anet’s programmers and artists and make my own game I would. It’s not fair some of the industries best and brightest have a bunch of unimaginative care bears with a hard on for 90’s platformers as their developers.

And on another note I wish WoW had never been made. The MMO world could have gone a completely different direction then what it did. It could have followed UO’s lead instead of Everquest’s. Now the only game like that that isn’t terrible is Eve Online. Even then Eve is hobbled by a boring combat system and a overall unengaging game world. (They capture the emptiness of space really well though.)

These eggheads in marketing think just because people like me play their theme park MMO’s we must like it. No, we just have no better options. UO is ancient and space is boring.

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Everybody is doing grimdark so I thought I’d do something a bit different.


Best Greatsword for Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Royal Ascalonian Greatsword with a Sigil of the Night

[Vid] GraveDigging - PvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Why do people say Power reapers aren’t viable? That damage looked pretty kitten viable to me! c:

How To Make Guild Wars 2 Great Again

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


It’d be really nice if WvW worked like eotm. Server identity is stupid. I meet and friend lots of great people through pvp and pve only to find out we can’t wvw together because WvW is still living in 2012. At least there’s eotm…

Get rid of pve puzzle BS in wvw maps. Remake all three maps to be like EBG, but much bigger to accommodate the huge influx of people so instancing is kept to a minimum.

Do those things and it won’t matter who is dominating the maps as karma trains in eotm have proven.

Though in the back of my mind a bigger idea is nibbling at me. A kind of Planetside 2 and Guild Wars 2 crossover. Where instead of just one map there are a 30 or more ‘hexes’. Each hex has its own tower/keep/castle plus a logging camp and mining camp. Capturing the fort caps the hex and you can only cap a hex you have adjacency with. The deeper into enemy territory you go the more imposing and difficult the objectives are to cap for the attacker.

Of course that would make wvw into its own game. Which would be ok with me

How To Make Guild Wars 2 Great Again

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I was thinking about how similar copper nodes are to orichalcum while roaming in eotm. Then I thought about Eve Online and thought “hey that’s it, how to make GW2 the perfect game!”

So the idea is this, make it so the ONLY place you can harvest orichalcum and ancient wood is in WvW. Like how rare minerals in Eve are only found in low/null sec.

After this my next idea was to make it so that Ori can only be harvested in mines, and ancient wood can only be harvested in lumber camps. Make the amount available at each camp fairly significant or make it so the resources respawn frequently so that ori/ancient wood supply stays the same.

Third, control of camps is tired to the closest adjacent fort. You can kill the guards and steal the resources, but you can’t flip the camp.

I look at it like this. If I have to do fractals and/or other pve content in order to get bis gear in a timely fashion (not to mention skins, fashion is important you know!) then pve’ers can come to wvw and get farmed while they farm. >:)

PVP thieves with no condi clears

in Thief

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I ran a d/d condi thief today. It’s a harsh mistress of a spec. Either I instakill who I’m after or I get obliterated. As far as vs thieves I found whoever attacked first won. Since I was going after whoever sometimes a staff thief would + 1 me and instadown me with a well timed steal + staff 2 and 5. If I attacked first I often only needed to get one good spin in and my poison and bleeds would kill them in about 6 seconds. I could just leave and come back later to stomp them.

It’s a super fun build though and has me interested in my thief again.

(edited by Lorelei.3918)

Dragon Hunter - Anet's failed experiment?

in PvP

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is how the mechanics of DH favor sPvP and certain maps in general. I always notice that DHs are a real pain on Forest for example. Forest mid point in particular is made for DH. It has everything they need to be really annoying. It has a tiny capture point (about the size of a trap) it has nice sight lines and elevation so you can true shot anyone that comes through the lower doors and it has a blind corner to LoS people that jump from above (and land on your trap).

DH is noticeably less annoying on Foefire unless they double team mid and intelligently cover the capture point with traps (lol).

I mentioned this in my post earlier. DH are only OP when it comes to spvp. I would go further and say that the only map they are not OP on is Foefire, because it is the only map I know of with a good sized control point.

IMO all the maps should be remade with similar large control points. Almost everyone picks Foefire when available. I’m willing to bet money the people who don’t are Dragon Hunters.

Dragon Hunter - Anet's failed experiment?

in PvP

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Yep traps that do as much dmg as wells aren’t OP at all in a game mode that revolves around fighting on the point. Wells have nothing on traps, since you can lay one set, and by the time someone steps on them they are off CD so you can then follow up with a second set. Boy I wish I could cast wells twice in a row like that!

And DH is the prime reason thieves still suck in pvp. The fact DH hard counters thieves wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the fact that every spvp team has like 3 DH’ers in it.

I mean the whole argument DH users use is “We’re not OP because Reapers beat us.”

OK so there is one class more OP then you… * slow clap *

[Your builds] PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Truthfully never done rated pvp and I heard the maps are different there so that could make a big difference. Anyway I use this build now. Been having a lot of success so far in unranked.

Any decent trapper build for WvW roaming?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I used to play a power trapper build. I just ran frost trap and spike trap to kite my enemys to death. I might try bringing it back since now with the trait you could stack on a lot of cripple with spike trap. Plus healing spring is a trap and that is a nice skill, no condi needed.

Why are the elites so bad

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Strength of the Pack used to be so much better…

Ranger Builds - Conquest/WVW

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I don’t have the expansion so no druid for me. Which is fine, because

Works quite well. Idea is to stay at max range and keep your hp over 90% so your dps pet keeps bark skin.

DH Point Defense Ability.

in PvP

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


It’s really not fair that DH traps completely outshine ranger traps. Ranger was the original trapper class. It’s a lot easier to counter traps that apply condi dmg as opposed to traps that apply instant physical damage. It’s also not fair that DH traps do more damage then necro wells. DH has made both utility sets pointless on their respective classes. You would be better served rolling a DH.

Amulet Stat Combos

in PvP

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I don’t get what you’re saying. Why is the gear falling from the skies?

And Why is toughness plus healing power gear bad? When I run it on my necro or thief I don’t seem to be very OP. How strange.

Amulet Stat Combos

in PvP

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I don’t get what you’re saying. Why is the gear falling from the skies?

And Why is toughness plus healing power gear bad? When I run it on my necro or thief I don’t seem to be very OP. How strange.

Amulet Stat Combos

in PvP

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I have a idea. Create two amulet slots, a armor slot and a accessory slot. Take the existing amulets and cut their stats by half. Now you can mix and match stats to your hearts content.

Like for my guard I would ideally like to mix Assasins with Cleric.

LOLz fer dayz 3 very high 5 high servers

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I’ve been playing Planetside 2. PS2 is what wvw in this game should have been, but with guns and tanks.

I like the changes they made to the trait system and combat system in general over the past year here in GW2. Since I’ve hit BR100 and have auraxed all the weapons I care to aurax in PS2, I’m tooling around here again.

So yeah EotM is the only place you can get a decent wvw experience in this game now. I now oscillate between Planetside 2 and eotm.

(edited by Lorelei.3918)

Burn 'em while you got 'em boys

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


If you don’t like blobs, go play spvp.

Your try-hard posturing impresses no one.

how can curses be viable again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I don’t play this game much anymore (I came for the WvW which has been a continual let down…) but I did toy around with my old Rampager Necro and much to my delight it still works great. I was kind of sad they changed the guard buffs, since my build strongly leveraged it but oh well.

Current build:

So yeah the only issue I have with Curses is having to choose between PoC and Terror. Terror is the more reliable of the two and a unique source of damage so it gets the nod. For a core hybrid necro, curses is darn near perfect.

Celestial and necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Getting the armor IS difficult if you don’t have a tailor and a month of time to burn.

Especially compared to the ease of getting soldiers.

Here is my semi-celestial build:

Staff is the best weapon to use with celestial stats as it does the best combination of Conditions, physical dmg and healing. However no stat arrangement will give the staff superior dps. So instead use the staff as a aoe tool and a LF builder and use DS as your primary single target/burst aoe offensive tool.

Not to mention the scythe staffs in game are the most necro-y weapon in the game, other then the dark GS’s we can’t use (yet).

Update: I use a much more offensive hybrid build in wvw/pve. Rampager/Celestial

This build has got nice might stacking, plus good power, crit, crit dmg, condi dmg, lots of on crit procs…everything I do, condi and physical, hurts a lot. I wish I could make this work in spvp but the rampager trinket in spvp is just awful. It’s stat distribution is nothing like rampager gear in the main game. I can kinda use this setup with Celestial, but its not the same. Crit % and condi isn’t nearly high enough and there aren’t any runes that offer precision and might stacking afaik.

(edited by Lorelei.3918)

untraditional builds-lets see em!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Idk if it is untradtional but I run 30/10/0/0/30 Longbow Beastmaster build

Thats the gist of it there. In WvW I run mostly zerker with a little soldiers.

Pretty straigtforward build. I fight from a mile away while my pet provides point support.


in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Wolf Doge: Very Fear
Fern Doge: Much Heal
White Doge: So Chill
Drakehound Doge: Wow

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Just came back to the game, started doing storyline on a toon I am leveling to 80.


I mean really WTF.

The storyline was one of the few good things this game had going for it and they managed to kitten that up too??

I had NO trouble making my way through Orr while completing the storyline on my first 4 characters. The story divergence with Apatia/Tonn/Syska was one of the most emotional and involving parts of the game and they flat out removed it!?

And I’ve been aware about the removal of the personality system since they took it out. It may not have had any functional effect on the game but it still gave the game a bit of character. This game is so dead and soulless now.

but hey you got ESports right? ha…

If you wanted this game to be a successful Esport game you should have focused on WvW. Look at Lineage. Look at LoL. Hell look at Planetside 2 or Eve Online. All extremely successful games and what do they all have in common? Team sizes greater then the number 5!

Ugh…ok rant done.

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


1) Remove spirit weapons and put in a new set of utilities that are more thematic/functional.
2) movement speed trait plox
3) Condi spec
4) A new GS 3 animation so you aren’t just spinning around like a re****.
5) Sanctuary reflects projectiles just like wall of reflection.

Celestial Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I don’t want to play this game for the hours and hours it would take to be able to level my tailor to 500, and craft a full set of ascended celestial.

Anet could drop the stupid time gate so it wouldn’t matter.

I don’t want exotic celestial stats a month from now. I want them NOW just like how I could purchase any other stat combo now. I have the gold for it. I don’t have to level a tailor to 400 and wait a month to get in any other stat set. At the very least they should be TP tradeable.

It’s stupid kitten like this that made me leave this game nearly a year ago. Now like a year later NOTHING has changed. I’m very disappointed.

And I really really don’t get all the apologists in this thread. “Durrr its there you just need to work 10x harder to get it so stop all your complaining durrr.”

Celestial Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


“If you do level 50 fractals”

Wow. Yeah no prob. I can go eat some cake too while I’m at it right?

I can take a bit of gold and buy a set of any other stat type on the TP. But not Celestial. Celestial requires you to have to craft it, which if you don’t already have that discipline lvled makes it significantly more expensive then any other armor set around. Not to mention the time gating…

Other armor stats can also be purchased via wvw tokens and karma. They drop in the form of random world drops also.

It doesn’t make sense. It’s clearly something the devs have just forgotten about.

Celestial Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I have a simple question. When will the devs make Celestial stats as accessible in the PvE/WvW world as they are in PvP?

Also please lets stay on topic. I don’t want to know why you think Celestial sucks or is OP or whatever. If anything please show your support. Devs have to choose a few things out of hundreds of ideas to go into each content update. What makes the cut often comes down to popular support.

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Celestial PVP Necro

It looks bad but is surprisingly good. Applys a even balance of Direct and Condi dmg and has unmatched Condi manipulation. It even gets some mileage out of the healing power via Unholy Sanctuary, Staff regen, dagger 2 + sigils and signet of locust.

General playstyle: kite, kite, kite. One virtue of this build is the tremendous LF generation of the staff while still doing good damage. The staff pretty much requires hybrid stats to do good damage. Rotate between staff skills, and DS skills that apply conditions. Keep the conditions up. The dmg isn’t as flashy as your crits but it is what keeps the enemy in a panic. Flip to d/d when you are being overloaded with conditions and have blown all your other condi clears. Don’t forget signet of the locust, it is a powerful heal when surrounded by enemies. Remember one of your best weapons is the enemies conditions. Allow them to stack on you a bit before sending them back to your foe. Plague form elite is simply awesome when working with a good team.

"Guns Blazing" - A Viable P/P Build + Vid

in Thief

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I run a build like your offensive link on my thief. It works great. Watch out for other thieves though!

Please read the NEW Sticky thread above!

in WvW

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


" WvW is one of the core game types of Guild Wars 2…"

Oh really?

When WvW gets the regular iterative living world style development that PvE gets….I might believe you.