Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
I solo’ed Jon Sharp’s shout-stunlock warrior on my condition staff 30-earth elementalist.
Sorry guys.
“Mr. President, we’ve isolated the anomaly.”
“Good, neutralize the target.”
“Target xiv’s connection now routed through Siberia sir.”
Why does everyone want to go back to the days of dead or nearly dead zones? Go play a single player then.
Good thing we don’t let singular individuals determine what content other people get to enjoy.
Why did Arena Net insist on the event being ball gagged to six turrets that can be picked up by anyone?
And made an achievement….
You know what I’d like to see?
Ways to reliably craft all the stat types without time gating or LS specific requirements.
But I suppose…
Yea the entire event hinges on whether or not you get pugs, afks, griefers, or competent players on the turrets….and there is so little margin for error with them too…
I’m just pointing out the fact that when we complain about lack of build diversity, we are pointing straight at the dependence on Water and Arcana for any survivability. So criticizing that attitude and then showing textbook examples of precisely what people complain about is just…funny.
So Marjory is now an expert in poisons. You think Anet’s slowling going to make her into a Mary Sue to counter Scarlet’s Villain Sue?
idk…she is supposed to be some kind of detective right?
Some kind of expertise in poisons would seem to come with the territory.
It’s hard to tell what the functionality of the item is from just a screen shot, so I’m here to clarify. This screen shot actually shows the Bloody Prince Thorn costume and not an armor skin, so it is not usable in combat.
My tears can now sink the Titanic
Actually, many “vets” should probably make new character and go through new tutorials (from my ingame experience).
So yeah, theres that.
I wasn’t going to say this, but it’s not untrue. There are a lot of 80s out there who really didn’t learn how to play the game that well.
Not to say having the new system would have definitely helped…but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t hurt.
The problem is the new systems teaches NOTHING. It just prevents you from using your skills until you’ve ground for them. If they couldn’t learn this stuff leveling to 80 then extending the grind isn’t going to help either. This new system is dumb.
There’s a level I say ‘ok’. But the balance between magic and technology is 20-80% at best.
So steampunk is not fantasy?
I think the appropriate term is “Sword and Sorcery”, not fantasy.
God this thread’s OP is pathetic. “You’re not making content that caters just to meeeeeeeee!”. Kitten, I’ve pvp’d all of twice and don’t see any problems with the devs doing this. In fact, your post supports the devs putting effort into the mode to make it appeal more to the people who seek unique skins.
this was the point of the change?
when you tagged an escort and left you were relying on someone else to actually do the event ~ getting full credit was kinda silly
I must disagree. If you’re fighting at Indigo and protect Blue’s bull as it leaves the area you shouldn’t have to travel to Blue to get credit for the event. If you don’t protect it Blue will never get supplies, if you follow the bull you are no longer protecting Indigo, instead spending your time running back and forth between the forts.
This isn’t a good change for the Meta events.
It’s pointless arguing with people who haven’t done much more than fought Vinewraith.
And you think veteran players universally like challenge OP? All veterans? Most veterans? Most veterans who happen to post on forums?
I’m a veteran and I think the leveling experience is one of my favorite parts of the new patch.
There’s nothing fun or challenging about level gating basic things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over no matter how much you’ve already played. Veterans with level 80s should be able to skip past the pointless gating.
I don’t mind when the female version of an armor set is skimpy, as long as its translated the same on the male version and they really look like they’re supposed to be the same armor set. The barbarian set is a good example of it being skimpy, but it’s skimpy in both genders and stylistically supposed to be that way. This set just seems off because either the female or the male should be different. Though with a name like “Phalanx” you would think the female armor would be heavy like the male armor.
In short, I agree with many of the complaints here.
Weren’t you the one moaning about how the community doesn’t know what it’s talking about and should be ignored?:
I still wish we had rifle as part of the assassin flavor.
inb4 buff is actually a nerf to lightning hammer
“Comrades! Be of rejoicing now! We have removed the AoE Blind from 3rd hammer AA! In it’s place hammer will now have a 5% chance on critical to summon single target lightning bolt! Is DPS increase da?”
ANET: Take this opportunity to get the healing skill without having to spend 25 skill points! You must do it now, or you’ll lose this chance once living world moves on!
Players: But, ANET, spending 25 skill points is actually the best way to do it…
That moment where you realize that the shortcut, the “opportunity”, is actually worse than the normal way.
It’s all about tricking impulse buyers.
I’d be for this, what about also letting it have some interactivity like say when you start the fire you can set food on it people can get for bonuses.
lol at people who feel like arcana is a mandatory trait line
being addicted to evasive arcana is one thing, but that’s all it is: being addicted to it. it’s not at all mandatory, and it isn’t better than other trait lines
For survivability, it’s either dump a lot of points into water for it or dump a bunch into arcana and get some utility out of it to.
So my question to you is, why do you think people stop playing Guild Wars 2?
It became too much of a grind. Started hurting people with lots of alts.
Made the Living Story a grind dedication-fest.
When you say veterans, you mean dinosaurs scared of change. Being in the process of leveling my 11th character, with having finished 10 personal stories and living stories I would say I might fall into your categorization of “veteran” yet I do not agree with a single thing you said.
Please do not try to speak for others. Adapt or move on. How simple life is, innit?
Please explain how one adapts to “oh lol, now you have to grind to content!”?
I’m really interested who else thinks it’s fun to have to ride a railroad for several hours before you’re allowed to play how you want.
I just want to play how I want, simple, innit?
OMG we have a dredge here
No Dredge comrade, why would you say Dredge?
This is not of Dredge, only good surface dweller.
“Dye unlocks in the CN version are account unlock instead of character unlocks.”
Who in their right mind would ever buy a character expansion slot now?
I did and I am enjoying it.
I don’t get what others find entertaining with rushing the game with a new char, enjoy what is given to you when you reach the level needed to gain it. The point for this is so you will have a slow and easy way of learning your character while getting to level 80 where the game starts.
I can read why so many complain but it puzzles me to why they even complain becouse it is not such a big deal. Before it was just a level and I said ‘yay level up… Soon I am level 80’ but now I have more or less something to look forward to for every level I gain.
The only complaint I have wich I havent tried myself but I trust the posters about it and that is how screwd up the downleveling system works with the new stats so that you get powerspike and suddenly you get worse each level and suddenly another powerspike and so on.
What is this obsession with “I must have each level up be important! Even if I have to eviscerate progression to do it!”? I just want to play my kitten characters and use their skills. Both of these feature packs have made me feel like an idiot for waiting to level my alts in what was supposed to be a “new and more interesting” system. Whelp, kitten that I guess. I don’t want to be forced to either use a shortcut or grind hearts to progress. I don’t want to be locked out of the QoL skills that make exploring easier (Air 4 on Staff for ele for example). I don’t want to play this forced tutorial that tries to teach via osmosis.
You know what would be awesome?
If we could go into the catacombs in Divinities Reach and explore.
Also, if it was styled like an Ossuary.
You know you want it.
So how come if I want to make an alt my only options are craft grinding and tomes?
Then the moment they finish all their goals they then blame the devs for running out of things to do…
Mmmm, yes yes, please. Tell everyone more about what they think. I bow to you Miss Cleo of GW2.
For the record I am a dude and I am not telling people what to think or do. My further post above was suggesting things you could do.
What I am saying there is a lot of you acting like a bunch of entitled kids; that have no discipline, require instant gratification and complain the moment you run out of things to do. If you want nice things, then yes you gota work for them. Also if you work for things you appreciate them more. If it takes you longer, you have more to do. Making things easier adds no value or longevity to the game. That is my opinion. No where did I say my opinion was fact.
I wish people would stop saying “The money will roll in”. That’s just egregiously wrong. It’s only a lot of money to people who’ve barely or never tried to accumulate gold before. If you want to actually buy anything, the amount of hours you’d have to stack is just stupid.
I am going to ask you two questions on saving up because I am trying to understand your situation, because frankly I am not understanding or I am misinformed. So please enlighten me on…
- What things do you need to buy that are not purely cosmetic?
- How much is this unobtainable amount of gold to achieve the previous question?
Lastly I would think some one who is literate enough to know and correctly use the word egregious would be above name calling to make a point. Lets keep things constructive.
Ugh, this was painful to read.
1. Miss Cleo is an extremely famous fortune teller and bullkitten artist. It was a reference to bullkitten mindreading as an argument. Seriously man, you live under a cultural rock or something? The whole point is that you’re entirely assuming what people’s motivations are and using it as an argument. That’s garbage. Get that weak stuff out of here.
2. If I want nice things, I now have zero tolerable ways to get them. The time it takes to get anything nice is now way out reach. Even if I did spend 2 hours a night playing, at least in the past I could just do gold specific things occasionally and have the funds to mess around with alts and try things. Now? Everything is so expensive and convoluted that it’s completely sapped my interest. I don’t even care anymore because it feels more like a job than rewarding in anyway. I like having goals but this doesn’t feel like fun anymore, it feels like I’m paying off my student loans except in game, kittening endless.
3. Making things arbitrarily take longer is not “adding longevity to the game”. How is forcing you to repeat the same content 100x instead of 30x “adding longevity”? Did you even think this through? Are you one of those people that think that repetitive grinding is “content”?
4. “Other than cosmetic”. Oh, so I can’t want cosmetic upgrades? That’s a real nice limitation to have. I guess one of the biggest incentive goals to work towards in the game is just out of reach for people who don’t have 8 hours a day to play with the reduced rewards. That’s some real great “content and longevity” there. Never mind that now with the ascended changes, if you were like me and wanted to wait to make equipment to see how much the zerker meta in PvE would change, you’re now boned. Wanted to make a set for each armor class? Hahahaha! Sorry kitten! We got some “content and longevity” to ram down your throat! Why? Because obviously you want to be grinding more of the same content right? I mean…that’s longevity isn’kitten
5. How much gold? Go look at how much a stack of linen is if you want any ideas. Thank kittening Christ I leveled up my crafting long ago otherwise I would have simply given up on that too.
Also, very nice of you to throw on that faux “I’m the reasonable one” face after assuming you know what everyone’s motivations are. “Oh, these are the people who just complain that there’s nothing to do!”
Yea, sure you know. You sure do know. /s
Oh, one last bit. Just because I’m literate does not mean I run a long fuse for people telling me what I should enjoy.
(edited by Lostwingman.5034)
Still wish we had “underflow” servers for “dead zones”.
Every MMORPG has that problem.
Reading your reply I can see that you didn’t understand what was said. Let me try to clarify.
I’ve yet to find a game that starts you killing the game boss right out of the beginning.
We aren’t talking about the dragons, Risen Champs, or world bosses as “realistic for NPCs to overcome”. That’s you not reading what we said and making something up so you can actually have an argument. We are talking about how the NPCs die to wildlife, simple bandits, and other things. You know, things that if this were a real world they would be reasonably expected to overcome? Starting off throwing out “dirp NPCs should realistically kill the game boss!?! U so sillay!” is just misleading and diverting.
Even though I get your meaning with “realistically” I still laugh because this game is anything but that.
So then why even start off with “dirp huerp world boss!”?
A world where trained soldiers are killed by a wolf is immersion breaking and silly. I don’t expect every single thing that happens in real life to be modeled here but I expect what can and is modeled in to be realistic for the world it is in. A world where all of the sentient races are helpless before everything in the world is not an easy world to get immersed into, the world becomes a joke instead of a representation of another world.
Which is good, if I wanted to conquer things realistically I’d go outside.
How is that good? What does it provide? I don’t understand this reasoning in the slightest.
Unless your dream when you get in game is to kill sewer rats and wolves for quest hearts…that’s just silly.
Not all of us want to be the only competent existence in the game universe. That just makes the world a joke.
However the respawn rate is still bugged out there, so I’m content with this game.
Yes technically a farmer could handle wurms by him/herself but considering that’s the gimmick to get you leveling up, I like to think the farmers were busy at the time.
No they really wouldn’t. In fact regular civilians, traders, farmers, you know the people who aren’t fighters or trained to take on monsters its expected that they can’t handle some things. It’s when people who really should be able to handle these everyday run ins are getting slaughtered. It’s understandable when you have a swarm of centaur at a contested point as that’s how it would realistically be since they are fighting them.
It’s mostly when soldiers are getting wiped so easily, it makes you wonder how the entirety of tyria isn’t overrun rampant with the true dominant species, wolves and spiders.
Is it heroic? Not on the same scale as killing the Claw, but like one of the beginning NPCs said I’m helping around the community and inspiring others to do like wise.
Missing the point in grand fashion.
Asura, as a race, seem to be the most self-biased group in the whole continent.
This is how it should have been in the beginning. We had it easy these couple years.
We should have had all of the locks? An extended tedious tutorial that still majorly comes down to “teach yourself” anyway?
You’re nuts.
… but it seems like more and more Elementalists are theory crafting some strange builds.
We just had a large balance changing patch, people are experimenting all avenues. This isn’t something new or strange. Wait for the changes to settle in after a few weeks. Then we’ll know what effect the changes had.
Whoa whoa whoa!
FIVE more skills on hand?
Oh but ofc! Hold on…need to make one more change….there we go!
Anyone else just think these “hole in the torso” designs just look ugly?
Personally only a fraction of the people dislike Scarlet. but those are, as always the people who speak out on the forums. I absolutly love the character and think she is truly a job well done.
So definitely not signed.
So well written
great story
such wonder
The real solution is making it harder to get silver and gold completion, maybe adjust bronze rewards down. That way people would have to do more than tag mobs to get good event completion but would still be able to do things like switch forts without losing credit.
Fully agree with the OP. If they’d move dailies to be weeklies instead that would be a big step forward. That way you could keep AP gain the same as now, with more freedom to each player to do tasks when they got the time / feel like doing them.
As it is now, you have certain dailies pop up only occasionally. Like, do a story dungeon. If you happen to want to do one on that very day, you get rewarded with an AP. Do it any other day of the week – out of luck. That is poor design.
I gotta agree with this poster. If they are time-gating to limit speed grinders and give parity to casuals then there’s still better ways to do it. Daily is inflexible for when situations similar to the above occur.
I wish people would stop saying “The money will roll in”. That’s just egregiously wrong. It’s only a lot of money to people who’ve barely or never tried to accumulate gold before. If you want to actually buy anything, the amount of hours you’d have to stack is just stupid.
Fair trade for the inability to create fat sylvari.
How you ever seen an overweight tree? I’m not sure a sylvari even stores excess energy intake as fat. Maybe they just get REALLY hyper until they burn it off? Maybe just glow really bright?
“Don’t you be attacking my positive body image!”
Every post from Jonathan and other devs almost seem like a cry of frustration to me.
Indeed, and Cry of Frustration gives stacks of confusion, which seems the status you are in! /jk
Now really, what basis do you rely your conclusions that the company is experiencing sustainabily instead of growth? With Gigantic gaming companies behind ANet, shaping the business model, do you honestly believe that the actual business model is bad?
“What growth rate they want for Gw2?” This is the real question and the one nor you nor me have the answer to. For you it seems slow and dull, for them it may be perfect this way.
If it seems perfect this way then clearly there’s something wrong with the company considering the amount of complaints on the forum about how the game’s hardly changed at all in the past year.
When one grows accustomed to receiving things one looses vision on what they have received.
As a consumer, telling someone that they should be thankful for the product they had received in return for what they had paid sounds as ridiculous as going to a restaurant, paying for terrible food, and them telling you that you should be grateful you got to eat at all.
No, it’s like going to a chinese buffet, paying the entry, eating for an hour and a half and then complaining that there’s only chinese food.
by the gods every single party i go as soon some kid is downed he rage quits if not someone else requests a kick
or worse if someone asks somethign as simple as Who’s gonna tank the fire eles on the ooze part he gets kicked cuz to the others he’s a “noob”
really people what is wrong with you you want everything handed to you without putting effort nor learning nor letting others learn about the content?
Those aren’t elitists, those are spoiled children.
Learn the difference, it could save your dungeon raid.
I’m not really clear how you can claim your percentages. 40% of the races are tech. Every Ascalon and Maguuma zone has some tech in it. The closer you get to a Charr or Asura facility the amount of tech increases. The fact that Asura tech is magic in nature doesn’t remove that fact that it is also highly scifi. Charr tech is industrial which is almost a greater leap from fantasy than scifi is.
These should, however, be known factors. The Charr invented the flintlock. They’re all about technology. Asura invented fricken computers, they’re all about technology. If that detracts from your enjoyment that’s too bad, but it’s your problem for thinking you would be in your version of a fantasy world, rather than the lore rich world that ANet created.
I think the problem with Asura is the tone, look, and capability of their technology compared to everyone else.
It’s like shoving a bunch of Star Trek tech and aesthetics into an epilogue of Game of Thrones or something.
Not exactly. If 99% of the collection is: go to this vendor and buy this, locking the final items behind RNG is just frustrating. I don’t mind having full RNG collections, I am the one that wants wants the fractal collection to be implemented. Items from a collection should have a similar way of acquisition, thus allowing us to complete at least some of them.
Again, by design. Did you ever play McDonald’s monopoly when they had it out. One property was ultra rare and all the other ones you can get.
They want people to get the easy ones and be left with one.
Because if it was all RNG a lot of people wouldn’t do it at all. This is part of game design theory. Gamers often have inertia and need a push. It’s true in all games. The games are designed to push people in certain directions. It’s done with holiday content. In older MMOs it’s done with end game zones. Keeps people together and doing stuff.
This isn’t really any different.
Just because it’s intentional doesn’t mean it is “good”.
It should evolve. But in its own Krytan way, and not some amalgamated puzzle of random fantasy images
But what is this “own Krytan way”? That’s the answer I’m not even getting close to hearing. In a world of increased urbanization with a technology level somewhere between the 16th and 18th centuries, what exactly are they supposed to look like? I also don’t get the “amalgamated puzzle of random fantasy images” when the big mish-mosh is really on the wall tops. Everywhere else seems to either be intentionally designed as a district (Ossan quarter and Rurikton), have a mix of buildings old and new by simple passage of time and wealth (Cornucopian fields), and have old buildings due to historic importance or continued functional relevance (Fort Salma and Eldvin Monastery).
I just do not understand why that simplistic, practical, and clearly widely used even outside of Europe building style is apparently inappropriate.
I think ANet just wanted a classic midieval fantasy look for DR and Kryta, you might be reading too much into it. What evidence do you have that they were going for something uniquely Krytan? I mean, all of the structures in WvW have the same look…it’s the generic fantasy look.
Why do people keep going back to “medieval”? Ascalon in the first game was medieval, this not so much. The setting overall really doesn’t look medieval, it’s far more Renaissance, turning phase between the two at best. I am constantly left wondering if people see anything that looks vaguely European from the 7th to 19th centuries and thinks “generic medieval Europe!”. Why wouldn’t commoners build their homes in the simplest and practical way with the materials available? Common architecture is often reflective of the materials and climate at hand. Stone or Earthen walls with a thatch roof isn’t a “cultural identity” or “culturally unique” design. Everyone that had access to stone and who built permanent dwellings used that. The obvious developmental outcrop from that would be to reduce the amount of stone you need to reach the same height due to wood frame building techniques. I’m really not following how “wooden frames” is “generic medieval European”. People all over the world used these techniques, especially where hardwood is plentiful and it just so happens that much of current Kryta is ripe with hard wood.
At the same time, if you look at Ebonhawke, you know the “generic European” civilization, their structures are virtually all stone instead of being dominated by wood frame structures. This is again because of what materials are available to them. From an architecture stand point, I’m not seeing any big issues here.
Meh, that’s assuming regular Ascalons would rather flee than fight, but that’s another argument.
Also, north Kryta was just as balmy as south. If you run along Kryta’s Giant’s Basin coast in GW1, there is no difference in clime or culture.
Umm, wars ALWAYS create huge numbers of refugees because the regular citizen who can flee, do.
Also I already said earlier that the biggest change the devs seriously effected has to do with the normalization of climate to make more sense in a latitudinal perspective. ie making northern Kryta temperate.
Oy, I hate this forum software.
If I seem confrontational, I’m not intending to be. I’m replying while at work and trying to make sense of a lot of the internal consistencies and inconsistencies as I go along as well.
(edited by Lostwingman.5034)
“The dudes I don’t like don’t count!”
Sorry, but Logan, Trahearne, Braham and Faren are still male and still living story characters no matter how much you or I or anyone else likes or dislikes them. You can’t just discount them all together and then claim that supports a lack of male characters.
P.S. Plus, men get Hobotron on their team, so that’s a win right there.
All but Trahearne are doofus’s or muscleheads. I’m sure you would feel there wasn’t a lack of good female characters if all of the female MCs were changed to ditzy airheads?
Oh boy, I really hope the devs plan to go over this mega server thing in way more detail in the livestream. As its looking, my highly limited and fixed window of gameplay is going to screw me.
Many of these changes look like huge goldsinks too. Not liking it…
give me trinity
People are saying that?
I’m going to need to get glasses I guess…
Tequatl is being beaten by only t1 servers and by gigantic guilds, he has not been beaten in some overflow and never will.
i have no idea where you are getting this info from but its wrong.
not to mention its not even a win every time.
Correction: He has been beaten in overflows. Except they were overflows majorly populated by top guilds trying to game the event to be closer to a selective instance.
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