Showing Posts For Lucifer.7289:

True MMR Hell

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Can we now stop pretending gw2 is a esport? i mean random kids are getting twitch subscription partnership with only 1 week old twitch accounts with 200 followers and no real motivation to be a streamer.

Yet ESL or Arena net is getting these fake people partnered, something real content creators took years to get.

Even docgotgame (Arena Nets biggest streamer and promoter on twitch) agrees that random people who have no business being partnered with twitch, is wrong and bs.

How far is this fake Esport agenda going to go? I mean hardly anyone even plays Structured pvp ranked due to how improperly implemented leagues are.


True MMR Hell

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Beside of joking i saw players with lengendary sign above their head playing very bad. I really wanna know how they reach this level.

Most people just 3 man or 4 man premade and farm only stronghold, takes less than 2 mins easy wins to cheese lord, easy way to get the rank they want.

Also lots of account sharing go on, people letting their friends boost them to legend, saw few people doing it on stream.

Suppose to be not allowed but I guess if your certain people, Anet won’t take action vs them.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Matchmaking seems good. A lot more enjoyable.

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Thank you, 4 hour cool down before I can post something, guess freedom and constructive feedback is gone forever, censor him if does not produce knowledge we do not condone.


Matchmaking seems good. A lot more enjoyable.

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Pretend logic, censoring people who create constructive logical threads, oh boy I must be in the gaming industry. Got to love pretend fake artificial bs. As someone who just finished their bachelor’s in computer science, and considers to be awake as far as how this world works globally, come on Anet stop with the pretend flawed logic lies.

I honestly don’t want to spend any more money in the gaming industry these days, that goes for all companies, it’s a joke. Crony capitalism at it’s worst. Like what’s the point in even playing video games in this generation?

Dumbed down world, companies producing dumbed down products. Come on Arena Net you’re trying to make your product “competitive” and you throw in a non competitive league system that deters players from wanting to participate in structured pvp? Yo you guys are super logical and programmers, you guys are soo over your customers head….yeah come on now.

Let’s stop lying to your player base and start introducing content that’s going to provide your customer with a more pleasant experience.


GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Plz Anet lets use logic, you know what balance game play is…. I would knowing that you are colleague of god developers like Rob Pardo…..I listened to your employees brag about how they are good at competitive games……………really do you think the current state of gw2 is competitive? Please I believe you can produce better……..instead of going crazy talk about toning things down on a small scale when it comes to balance.

Not this all or nothing balance mentality your developers seem to have.


GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


So, I’ll say again, what exactly is NOT op or broken about conditions?

Many condi builds are weaker than plenty of power builds. This fact alone disproves all arguments about condis generally being superior to power dmg.

How do you define weaker? Conditions bypass toughness. Conditions can stack duration and outlast protection. If I power burst you while you have protection you take 33% less damage for lets say 4 seconds. After protection runs out I can burst you for full damage. If I stack multiple conditions on you for 10 seconds I can walk away from you and after your protection expires you will take 6 seconds of full condition damage. My point is I can condition damage you and not even be there, I can be heading to the other side of the map. How do you define weaker?

Sure and by that logic, if you cleanse the conditions you take 0% damage from them. Sounds like power is better since 66% is higher than 0%.

I can make nonsensical arguments too!

Well Mr.Nonsensical, it doesn’t change my point if you are waiting for condi cleanse to come off cool down. Now what?

Hint: You’re not supposed to be able to cleanse every condi you receive, it’s the equivalent of complaining you don’t have enough aegis to block every attack.

Gee wiz really? Funny but I don’t recall that having anything to do with my question. 90% of the people on these threads get totally of the question at hand and “think” they are offering some kind of deep insight.

What constructive feedback are you giving with that response? Let me hear your ideas flow….


GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


So, I’ll say again, what exactly is NOT op or broken about conditions?

Many condi builds are weaker than plenty of power builds. This fact alone disproves all arguments about condis generally being superior to power dmg.

Yeah I think you need to re evaluate your knowledge on current gw2 mechanics. Since Heart of thorns condi has been superior to power under 1 circumstance, if one is able to sustain damage for long periods of time, than condition dmg is not very effective, aka old scrapper an “insert any ez mode sustain build”.

We need balance between condi and power play styles, something arena net has failed over and over to do.


GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


I would be all on board if condition dmg was a dmg over time play style and had equal counter play that power based builds have. As of now, condi application is insane, even if you build your character around condi cleanse, it just does not matter these days.

Condi play is very passive play style, I don’t think it has any place in our current “competitive” environment util Arena Net learns to balance by tweaking numbers.

Arena Net in my book needs to stop with the marketing BS and get on board on what makes games actually competitive. I’m not against MMOs having their place in a competitive environment.

But coming from a competitive foreign Brood war starcraft background and watching Esports evolve for today…… will only get you so far. Your company needs to put the infrastructure in place to secure your game and give incentive to new blood to try and compete.

Giving your 1 NA team and 1 EU team a paycheck is not going to grow your game.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

GW2016....still condi cheese bunker meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


You would think after 3 years, Arena Net would comprehend dmg focused condition dmg does not work in their game, since they have no clue on how to balance it out.

It’s pathetic to even try to put GW2 in a “esport” competitive light with the current mechanics in place.

But it looks like Arena Net rather listen to their Twitch.TV shrills who are absolute terrible when it comes to game mehanics.

Developers hanging out in their Arena Net sponsored twitch streams working on marketing rather listening to the majority who pay and play.

Most of Arena Net’s sponsored streamers don’t even play Guild wars 2, the regulars only seem to play a tiny aspect, such as someone who I wont name, who only roams and is very Bias and negative towards any other aspect of guild wars 2.

Other sponsored streamers out right bash guild wars 2.

Are these the people they get information from?? I hope not. I love guild wars 2.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Too many legendaries.

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Leagues are a joke,always have been. People are so stupid, that a simple label on a old system will make people think that what they are doing is competitive.

Leagues are nothing but a glorified version of the old grind system we used to have, Arena Net just offered a incentive via legendary wings.

Shows how ignorant and stupid the pvp community is, that they really think leagues require skill and each division reflects skill.

Game is hardly balanced period.


Give us back build diversity.

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Agreed, so sick of this dumbed down gameplay the gaming industry is employing on consumers. Dumbing down America and the European Nation, sad that 10 years ago Real time strategy was hot, a genre that required a brain.

Now we have crony capitalism putting out dumbed down content in the west, ez mode generation requiring 0 brain.

Please stop making things easier, old trait system allowed some variation at least, some customization, variety was fun.


why so much hate towards roamers???

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


The hate probably comes from how the “good” roamers are usually running builds with some absurd combination of mobility, stealth, sustain, or damage (via burst or condi pressure) that counters most other players unless they also have a similarly absurd build.

yep the “good” roamers running condi builds with perplexity runes and mashing their foreheads on the keyboard Kappa, such skill much wow.


why so much hate towards roamers???

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


1. roamers are almost always thieves which take 0 skill to get a kill with
2. roamers almost always try to gank people
3. roamers target people who want nothing to do with you

basically no one likes you because you’re annoying

Be sure to whisper those roamers in the large open player versus player game mode and tell them not to kill you because you don’t like it.

I will whisper the roamers who cry about dying to siege, large zergs, crying their "1v1"s got messed up, in a large scale open world vs world 100vs100vs100 game mode.

I’l try to let them know that they are in the wrong game mode for 1v1.

Real roaming and havoc squad groups have died long time ago. Only people left are carebears who cry because their 1v1’s got interrupted.

So sad that WVW is in such a bad spot, you have people just sitting around afk in one spot kittening each other off.


What's up with Tier 2?

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Most of those “salty bad guilds” are from BG.

JQ bads got a heads up from someone running their mouth about the update, they xfered off based on that. Arena Net devs need to stop going into special snowflake teamspeaks, you never know who is in your TS/Discord ect and listening.

This game is already going down hill and dying, last thing we need is BS like this.


What's up with Tier 2?

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Some salty bad guilds from JQ xfered to TC, is why you see the sudden spike of players in T2.

T1 nothing but salty kids who do this sort of thing all the time.


What happened to Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


All the real large and competitive realm vs realm communities quit guild wars 2 years ago. The horrid state WVW has been in the past 2 years pretty much had everyone in large scale mmo communities seek other games.

Unless Arena Net does something amazing (not going to happen), none of the real commanders and 1000+ member mmo communities are going to come back to guild wars 2.

I see all the top WVW guilds on other games.

only people left are the white knights and shrills. Arena Net will have to do more then just revert their mistakes to bring back the large wvw communities.

Considering it’s clear Arena Nets agenda is to push their non competitive crappy fake 5v5 conquest Spvp as a Esport. I doubt they really want to make WVW good again.

Sad that World vs world is a rare game mode in MMOS and is a very profitable market with 1000+ member MMO communities with $$$$ willing to pay for that game type. Sad to see gw2 in this state.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Would you support ANet w/ bonus missions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Arena Net can’t even deliver content we already paid, why on earth would people give them any money at all this point.

I rather Arena Net get their crap together and start delivering us content and stop promising things they can’t realistically produce.

Arena Net would drive away the already angry player base if they started that DLC crap.


Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


I don’t get it. So many people ask for communication but when it’s something they don’t want to hear they grab pitch forks. I don’t agree with the decision even though I will never invest in a legendary but I would rather anet come out and tell us the how and why of the situation like they did. Take the good with the bad and be glad that you where at least told about it.

Sadly now it’s time for my one problem. The legendary weapons where promised as this expansions (or season pass) content. If the developers where not 100% sure whether they would be able to ship this content they should not have advertised it.

Because it took them almost 8 months to communicate content they have been hyping up for almost a year. They been talking about all of this before Heart of Thorns was even released.

Use your brain, of course consumers are going to be upset 6-7 months after the fact.

Rushed expansion, poor project managers, ect. There is no excuse. People paid $$$ for the content they hyped up, they failed to deliver said content.


GW2 in a moba? O_O??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


God that project looks terrible. This is why we can’t have nice things, crappy CEO’s, money men, venture capitalist, crappy project managers. So sick of the gaming industry these days, can’t even buy good games anymore. Twitch is god awful as well, contributes to crappy games.


Casual / Semi / Hardcore - What?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


This is Guild Wars 2 the most casual MMO on the market, don’t think we have to worry about labels on this game. Some people play more than others, simple as that. This game is not some hardcore complex difficult game that requires you to play a lot to understand lol.

Spvp is casual and easy in comparison to other products on the market.
WvW is easy to get into
Pve is casual
10 man raiding while more difficult than GW2 normal pve, it’s fairly easy to get into compared to other MMOs.

So at the end of the day don’t worry about labels, it’s GW2 just have fun. Some people just have issues and use labels as a cheap insult to make themselves feel better.


Blackgate WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


A few disgruntled BG guilds moved to YB while it was T2 to bring it up to T1 and break the BG/JQ/TC cartel. YB was a way better server before those guys showed up. They kinda ruined the community, sadly :/

That did not ruin the community. What ruined WVW communities is arena net gutting the game mode and neglecting the wvw community for so long. The fact that Arena Net considers wvw players “pvers” shows how much they know their wvw community.

The people left in this game rather find fights in EOTM rather than in EB/BL. If WVW had seasons with tournaments back like in 2014, with the old bl in rotation till Anet does that big overhaul (who knows when that will be) I think the more competitive wvw guilds would come back and play.


Changes to Amulets for Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Thanks! Great Change!

I assume the dev team is not a fan of their combat system being turned into a game of who can sit on a point the longest without dying, rather than actually scoring kills? I for one am not lol.

Then they need to come up with a better game mode than conquest. Conquest is hardly competitive. Conquest will always revolve around people trying to come up with some type of bunker build or close to one to hold points.

They need to you know….put effort into class balance and tweaking mechanics, because removing defensive ammys is not going to fix balance.

Playing musical chairs is hardly pvp, I laugh so hard when people say “rotating and having map awareness in conquest is a hardcore Esport skill game” like are you on drugs???

Conquest game mode is a joke for anything competitive, glad arena net can make people happy with free money though for pretending their game is competitive.


sPvP needs its own business model

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


This! +1

Smite like game are coming to the market in 2016. They claimed next gen MOBA gaming where action skill-based gaming (dodge mechanic) are shown into a third person view.

Are you talking about Paragon?

Paragon or Overwatch or Gigantic or many others… NEXT GEN MOBA incoming. ANET need to do it before them.

overwatch will be buy to play….most new games coming out are using buy to play business models…..FYI


sPvP needs its own business model

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Once again people are comparing 2 different genres and don’t understand how terrible a moba based business model would be for an mmo.

This is a MMO, not a standalone moba…..guild wars 2 is not a free to play game, Arena NET just uses that term for their extended trial to pull people in to try the game.

You want access to all the content, you pay for the expansion, simple as that. Arena Net would lose more customers if they split their MMO into 2 products.

Sorry to break it to you most people who play MMOS engage in more than 1 aspect of the game, they want to pay a standard price for EVERYTHING.

Spvp is the lowest populated game mode for a reason and it has nothing to do with Arena Net’s business model which is very good for a buy to play game.

Buy to play game, get that in your heads, stop with “pay to win” it’s silly, like the game? buy it. This is not some crappy free to play asian mmo, it’s a normal western mmo without a subscription. Buy to play.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Tomes of Knowledge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


They already offer a very profitable option for tomes of knowledge if you don’t want to use them for leveling alts.

Converting them to spirit shards=gold. Google the public spirit shard gold conversion spreadsheet that uses gw2 api to keep you updated what’s the most profitable way to convert spirit shards to gold.

You can make lots of gold off spirit shards if done right. I don’t think there needs to be another use or option for tomes of knowledge.

You can make up to anywhere from 60 silver to 3-4 gold profit per spirit shard if done correctly and you are patient with buy orders.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

This game is already dead

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Forcing your game to be an esport on release is a terrible decision 99% of the time. It doesn’t work. Forcing your MMO to be an esport on release is even worse because PvP is basically a game within a game and it’s way more obscure.

Now you know what’s even more stupid? Forcing your MMO with absolutely no infrastructure to support a competitive community to be an esport on release. Now that’s kittening stupid.

Well said. Think it’s blatantly obvious that the structured pvp mode is not gaining anymore population, but bleeding players due to the terrible decisions on balancing, forcing a fake Esport scene on players for marketing purposes ect.

There are less than 100 players on a global scale China/Europe/North America that even participate in Guild Wars 2 “esport” scene, which is why you see the same 2 teams even being paid decent money for winning, they are pretty much being paid to market the game, hardly any competition at all, how can you call this a Esport?

It’s a joke, Arena Net can throw all the money in the world at their prize pool, it won’t encourage people to participate with how things are ran.

They really need to rethink how they are going about things in pvp, such as fine tuning new content they released like stronghold, learning to make small balance tweaks that make sense for pvp and pve raiding, ect.


Pip Rewards Should Be Individual

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


The changes for season 2 will make this less of a problem. Each team will have a tight MMR grouping such that each teammate should be very similar in skill to you. This is different from season 1 and unranked where we balance players on each team, i.e, high MMR and both sides and low MMR on both sides.

The goal is to ensure than if the higher skilled team wins, all the higher MMR players go up the ladder. Less unlucky high MMR players will drop on the ladder, and fewer low MMR players will get carried up the ladder.

Am I right that the intention of this system is to enable high MMR players to climb very very quickly? I’m just trying to understand why this would be better than a reset – I’m guessing because given a reset, it will still take a long time for ESL players to climb up just because of the element of randomness that is involved. The downside of the system you are proposing is that during the first couple weeks, there will be hugely one sided matches (I’m guessing you guys see this as a necessary evil – but perhaps it should be publicized before you get huge numbers of people whining) – however, after that the high mmr players will be in high divisions and it won’t be as much of an issue.

That is one goal of the system. With an MMR reset, it would only create instability (ability to climb) for a short while. Part of having the ladder better represent skill is that the beginning of the season will be chaotic as everyone fights out of amber.

Evan, if you guys can’t make the pips based on one’s self, you really need to start looking into a different way to allow solo’qers to gain pips by their own skill. Having to worry about getting a decent group of RANDOM people is not the way to handle this. I get it, it’s 5v5 or whatever. but no one EVER talks so it’s not like most people are working together anyway…

Agreed, there is no way to measure individual skill levels without a solo q. But of course Arena Net will never bring back Solo q or grasp how important it is for retaining players.


Pip Rewards Should Be Individual

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


ANet is going to do their best to quick-sort higher skilled players into the “proper” division (i.e. BRACKET).

Strict brackets are CRITICAL in this game because of the potential sophistication of the combat system. Better players can be MUCH more effective on complex classes and rotations than newer/less skilled players.

The Dunning Kruger effect is very strong in GW2 (Google it). Those who are not even AWARE of what is possible think the combat system is simple.

It’s not. Map awareness, combos, rotation intuition, quick reflexes, baiting, feinting, and many other factors come into play at higher skill levels.

Sorry this game is not even close to how complex you think it is. MMO pvp regardless of action combat or tab target will never have a high skill cap, will never be mechanically difficult, will never have good balance.

After almost 15+ years of MMOs having pvp, none of them have been close to being balanced for competitive play. MMO balance is just the endless revolving of flavor of the month classes and other classes being useless for x amount of months till the next flavor of the month balance patch.

If you want a complex game, you would not be playing guild wars, you would be playing an RTS/FPS even Moba’s have more complex RTS elements than an MMO will ever have.


Maybe Anet should stop spending on Esports

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


At the end of the day, ANet’s a business. If the eSports investment really is doing that badly, then they’ll cut it; that they haven’t yet either means they’re seeing growth that justifies continued investment or it’s doing much better than you think it is.

There has been a lot of delusional and arrogant developers/businessmen in the gaming industry. As someone who used to work production for a few North American Esport companies such as NASL back in 2010, it’s a very risk investment.

Especially for a game that has a very low Pvp player base and the fact MMOS are the least competitive and popular in the Esport scene.

It really does feel some aspects of guild wars 2 have been neglected, with focus on marketing Spvp as an Esport.

I have nothing against a company trying to expand and improve their product by branching out in different areas, but the way Anet has been going about things as of late seem to bring more negative aspects to the game than positive. Structured pvp is in its worst state it has ever been in.

I seen companies lose and waste money trying to make their game something that it’s not and ignore their customers complaints.

Again I love Guild Wars 2 and still have fun in it, but you can’t deny that across all boards players are frustrated, especially the state of WVW which has always had a much larger population than structured pvp. Ignoring the majority to cater to the minority is never a smart business decision when it comes to MMOs.

Be careful, because people will just think you said that out of your parents’ basement.

Ignorant people can think whatever they wish. Reddit/forums in general are filled with self hating individuals looking to make themselves feel better by taking shots at random people on the internet.

How about you come up with a better insult, use your brain yeah?


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Maybe Anet should stop spending on Esports

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


eSports can be nice if they use it for balance the game. I don’t think it’s bad for the game.

Except they don’t have any infrastructure in game for a successful competitive game mode, bugs not fixed since launch, worse state of balance in the entire 3 years of gw2, the list goes on.

Not to mention they allow their so called “pro players” (lol) exploit game mechanics, harass people in game, ect. Arena Net won’t take action against them, because they are the ones marketing their product. The whole thing is just a big mess.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Maybe Anet should stop spending on Esports

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


At the end of the day, ANet’s a business. If the eSports investment really is doing that badly, then they’ll cut it; that they haven’t yet either means they’re seeing growth that justifies continued investment or it’s doing much better than you think it is.

There has been a lot of delusional and arrogant developers/businessmen in the gaming industry. As someone who used to work production for a few North American Esport companies such as NASL back in 2010, it’s a very risk investment.

Especially for a game that has a very low Pvp player base and the fact MMOS are the least competitive and popular in the Esport scene.

It really does feel some aspects of guild wars 2 have been neglected, with focus on marketing Spvp as an Esport.

I have nothing against a company trying to expand and improve their product by branching out in different areas, but the way Anet has been going about things as of late seem to bring more negative aspects to the game than positive. Structured pvp is in its worst state it has ever been in.

I seen companies lose and waste money trying to make their game something that it’s not and ignore their customers complaints.

Again I love Guild Wars 2 and still have fun in it, but you can’t deny that across all boards players are frustrated, especially the state of WVW which has always had a much larger population than structured pvp. Ignoring the majority to cater to the minority is never a smart business decision when it comes to MMOs.


Esports lamers hijacked this game

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Sad part is this game is hardly an a Esport, one of the least competitive games on the market with hardly any teams other than that 1 Arena Net marketing team.

I agree it’s sad that they created new pvp content for the expansion, and neglect it. People voiced their concerns and gave feedback during the beta weekends on how they can possibly improve stronghold.

Conquest is a joke for competitive play, there is no skill in rotating and holding points with terrible class balance for the past 3 years.

Was looking forward to a new game mode and possibly more depth into this game’s pvp.


[PvP] Strenght Soldier build, new amulets

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


That Axe power build on meta battle is god awful and should of never been put there in the first place. Wish Arenanet would do a bit more with greatsword. Necro power is just sub par atm, Arenanet is pushing condi so hard for necro pvp.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Necromancer Leveling: Recommended Minions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Most people don’t know how to properly play a Minion master and ignorantly call it bad. If soloing content is your thing, a full clerics MM build can solo all Story mode dungeons,all Heart of thorn champs that don’t have life leech, and everything in old world tyria open world content.

Necromancer’s healing abilities scale very well with +healing gear, with staff 3 healing and traited for transfuse, your minion’s will never die nor will you, along with insane toughness.

For group content the only use a MM build would provide is healing support and other classes can do that much better. So if you enjoy soloing content MM is great.

The only real downside to Minion master, is the pet AI in this game is atrociously bad, sometimes they won’t attack right away ect, but this goes for all pet AI in guild wars 2, Ranger pet AI is terrible as well.

But for group content stick to standard condi and power builds.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Scared of scepter buff consequences

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Na most people are going to be crying about teefs to even notice necromancers. Teefs already counter necros now, just wait till they get dmg boosts in sustain on the 26th.


The American preference on Asian art style?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Twitch viewership means nothing as far as how popular a game is (with some exceptions). Developers just offer sponsorship to the big streamers during a launch of a game. Viewership will be back down to the low hundreds after the big streamers go back to their main games, most of them are WoW/Hearthstone streamers.

Art style has nothing to do with game popularity, everyone has personal preference.


Why Settlers Amulet?

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Just can’t understand why they are removing settler’s amulet from the game. Do any OP builds really use it?

Toughness and healing power as a combo is just unhealthy in general

How many meta builds have used this amulet over the years? I think the answer is few. Don’t see how it is an OP combo if people don’t even want to use it.

They don’t want broken bunker builds anymore in Spvp. Settlers is pretty strong on any type of bunker druid, +healing/toughness/power is pretty broken on druid.


My own server mate called me a 'loser'

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


@OP you did nothing wrong. World vs World is made for the large scale pvp community, it’s not created for roamers and dulers. Everything is fair game in World Vs world, just put the people who forgot what game mode they are in on ignore.

Really annoying to see roamers and dulers cry in WvW, the game mode was not made for them, if they want structured pvp or 1v1 duels than they can go play Structured pvp and make a private room for 1v1s.

Enough of this silly structure and rule crap in GW2 version of open world large scale pvp, kill everything that is red.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Seller beware? Avoid the TP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Reddit is terrible, can ArenaNet please stop feeding the fire of ignorance that is reddit, and just support your own company’s official forums, providing all relevant information here first at least?

I throw up when reading reddit most of the time, how can anyone spend so much time on that site.


I feel like shoutcasting hasn't improved

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


What do you expect from a game that’s not a real Esport and everything is being artificially created by the company trying to push something that’s not there.

Again this game has 0 infrastructure in place, the company just set up the marketing portion of it and hope things work out.

Major balance issues, horrible spectating tools in the client, no real community that really supports GW2 pvp like other games did when they became Esports et cetera the list goes on. (Nearfing visual effects is not the answer to better spectating)

With all the major problems Heart of Thorns has introduced, the last thing Arena Net should be doing is trying to make MMO pvp an Esport, a terrible investment of time and money.

Fix the other game modes the majority of paying customers par take in, this is a MMO not a Fighting game, FPS, RTS, MOBA.

Blizzard is able to focus on World of Warcraft Arena crap because rest of their game is highly successful for 10+ years, they don’t have major core issues with other game modes like Guild wars 2 has.

And even World of Warcraft Pvp as an Esport is a joke to most of the Esport community, even Rob Pardo the god tier developer regrets adding Arenas into WoW.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Leeto is a legend

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


the best part about the whole stream culture are brainless fanboys making buttcults centered around foul and toxic behavior of their streaming idols

Agree, i think thats the best part about streaming too.

Lexander PM’d and said he wants to become a famous streamer too, please send him valuable advice.

I wouldnt become an internet clown even if I was offered a guaranteed revenue, but apparently there is plenty of people willing to part with their dignity just for a chance to milk the brainless twitch crowd for their donations

You clearly don’t understand what marketing or entertainment means. Don’t like it? don’t watch, you posted in this thread, so you clearly care about Lord Legend Leeto and his epic journey to legend.

Leeto is a based god.


Leeto is a legend

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


forum lag double post.


Please don't forget us Solo Qers

in PvP

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Drop the tinfoil hats boys. Soloq is just a bad system for team games, compared to dynamic queues. Even LoL dropped it.

That’s not “tin foil hat” that’s exactly what they are trying to do, use common sense and logic. Solo Q is a great system for games like Guild wars 2. What is logically good about Premades farming random players? There is no skill or competitive play being created with a non Solo Q system in place. A System with Premade vs premade and solo q vs solo q is a far healthier environment that promotes more competition.

The fact is the Spvp population is low compared to other game modes, not to mention this game’s majority playerbase are casual players, this is a MMO not a Moba, stop comparing with other game genres, it’s irrelevant.

So sick and tired of people who have no clue what they are talking about, trying to compare different genre’s to this games MMO genre, aka stop bringing up “league of legends” and how Riot conducts business on their MOBA product.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Was HOT Made Before GW2 Came Out??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


While most of OP said is obvious playing around, but making new classes very strong for the first few months of a new product is a common business practice in the gaming industry and is not even close to “tin foil hat”

It’s most common in MOBA style games in order to sell those heros, than they are balanced or toned down over time. It’s just a marketing strategy.


are all HoT zones as bad as the first

in Living World

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


I like most of the new content, but I don’t find any of the Heart of thorn maps difficult, I find them very annoying and not fun at all. Most 3 year vets I talk to think the same thing, cool looking maps but poor mechanics and annoying navigation, nothing hard about them.

Even with all masteries maxed out, it feels more like a choir to get around IMO.


Dulfy note: ...working on the next expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


I hope they don’t start doing what rest of the gaming industry has been doing…..adding in non stop paywall DLCS for new content.

It would kill this game for me if they started adding DLC content such as paying for Living story ect. Sounds like they are having financial problems.

I can afford to fork out $60 for a new expansion every few years and buy gems here and there, but that DLC and paid content gets insane.

Lets hope this game never gets to that point…otherwise other games on the market are looking more appetizing. I got some faith things will be better.

But it would really be the death of this game if after a few months of us paying $60 for the expansion only to be hit with DLC content locked by paywalls.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)

Bots invade Winter Wonderland JP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Ok, and how are they porting exactly? Why do they have this magic ability? I mean it’s a pretty good deal if they can do it, but I don’t see how.

I would be personally even more impressed if someone could actually program a bot to run the puzzle, considering all the variables involved.

It seems more likely to me you’re experiencing some kind of lag spike. I’ve had it happen to me a handful of times.

Teleport botting is common in gw2 and has always been common since 2012 launch. It’s one of the most common hacks used in gw2. The megaservers just make it easy for them to hide, they also stay under the terrain when they Teleport bot nodes so they hardly get reported by players.

You can sometimes see their name tag under the node when you are out gathering. They are also people who use teleport hacks in World vs world.

Wish Arena Net would be a bit more pro active with their security vs these programs that been around since 2012 or go the Blizzard route and sue the creator of the programs that are being sold for real life $$$.


Bots invade Winter Wonderland JP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


There is a public Teleport botting script for the wintersday JP. So yes those are all bots, Hope Arena Net bans them all, those scum bags are making thousands of gold a day.


World vs World Holiday Sneak Peek

in WvW

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


Well, sadly it’s too little, too late for many players and guilds, but this is the first time I’ve ever read a list of changes from Anet and agreed completely with each of them.

The only thing I’d add is that the new borderlands look nice, but regardless of siege requirements and autoupgrade changes, most players will not play on them.

They are too large, the terrain is not conducive to fighting (which is why we’re in WvW to begin with), there’s PvE and chokes and fall damage everywhere, on top of the map gimmicks that just aren’t fun…

If you guys did a poll asking WvW players if they’d just rather have the old borderlands back, I’d wager you’d get a resounding ‘Yes’.

Even so, these proposed changes look great. Wish it was being rolled out tomorrow.

Community issues factor in why people are not playing the new borderlands. Most WvW players from 2014-present are mostly pve focused players. Let’s be honest none of you people want to break the mindless, non skill “zerg” meta.

Desert Borderlands promote splitting your brainless zerg into smaller groups in order to progress. Which means you have to use your brain and have knowledge of your class and how to react when outnumbered or in a smaller group fight vs being brainless sheep mashing your head on the keyboard in a large zerg.

Desert Borderlands would be great if certain features were re-worked, rest is up to the WvW community to learn to adapt. I hear all this BS from Wvw players on how competitive they are yet they refuse to adept and fight in non zerg environments, just shows how non competitive people in WVW really are.


(edited by Lucifer.7289)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifer.7289


I don’t mind repetition, I just want the rewards to be worth my time spent. I love Guild Wars, but I think we can all agree the items and loot in gw2 are lack luster and at times literal trash for time spent.

They really need to work on rewarding customers with useful loot for the time spent grinding. Skins are nice but they been lack luster this expansion.
