While I agree that ventari rev is a bit OP in certain situations, I dont think it is OP in the general sense. The support is mediocre at best and there is virtually no damage output. So yes, you can hold a point vs two or even three enemies (although it depends from quality of your oponents – two good enemies will bring you down regardless from what you do, really bad three enemies may struggle but it will just mean they are not built for burst AND they dont know how ventari works). So they just leave you there and focus on 4v5 on other two points. And if you run after to join the teamfight, you will not contribute that much.
This whole “leave the ventari rev on his point and turn the fight for the other 2 points in a 5v4” argument never made sense to me. It didn’t make sense back when turret engi was a thing and it still doesn’t make sense now.
Sure, if a ventari rev bunks a point and never leaves it, and you decide to just ignore that point, you indeed effectively turn the struggle for the other 2 points in a 5v4, fair enough, I get that. But in the meantime the team with the ventari rev always has 1 point capped as long as the ventari rev stays on that point and your team keeps ignoring that point. So while the fight for the other 2 points is indeed a 5v4, the enemy has a guaranteed point capped and only has to cap 1 more point to win the match. That’s a huge advantage. Especially if the ventari rev gets to bunk down on mid and even more so if the enemy also has a thief for quick and easy backcaps.
Out-rotating a ventari rev isn’t a simple matter of “ignore the point with the ventari rev on it and focus the other 2 points”. You have to pull off some awesome rotations and really pull off some amazing play to be able to beat such a scenario. Yes, you have one more person to rotate on those two points than the enemy team, but the enemy team only has to focus one of those two points, while you have to make sure you get both.
So if for example red team manages to plant a ventari rev on mid and blue team decides to ignore mid, that’s a huge benefit for red and it will make winning the match a whole lot easier for them.
blue team has a rev. red team has a thief
the open rotation:
if rev goes close to hold it than the red thief have far and the fight is 4v4 mid. while red thief rush faster to mid to +1 and kill and win mid. red thief continue to close to harass rev on close to make him stick to his point. blue team respawn and red thief comes back to mid to +1 and so on. red team win.
same with portal mesmer.
if rev comes to mid than red team should focus him fast with cc chain. rev died. red thief goes to blue team close and decap or even cap to push rev to go there. and all over again.so many games you saw druid stay at his point and no one touch him and thief or mesmer pushed him to stay there.
no ventari could be op if he had also dmg like ranger or ele . but he doesnt.
i put a video how to play it (or how i play it) and how to play against it. you should watch it
You hypothetical scenario makes absolutely no sense and actually never happens in platinum league or higher.
First, nobody would ever send their ventari rev home in the opening of the match. The ventari rev always goes mid or far straight away, not home.
Second, if a thief harasses home and the team wiped at mid, what do you this is gonna happen? The entire team will come off spawn, go home, roflstomp the thief (or make the thief run away if he knows what’s good for him) and continue from there.
While it is true that a good thief has the capability to force a rev to bunk 1 point (cause the moment he leaves it the thief will find out and decap it in a matter of seconds), this is not inherently a disadvantage for the team with the rev, based on the post I made earlier.
Again, a ventari rev won’t ever just sit on home, that’s stupid, that’s a dumb rev. Any ventari rev with 2 brain cells will sit on mid or far, allowing the rest of the team to easily out-rotate the enemy team and win the match.
I know that this build is somewhat an offender.
But I have a question for you people.
“Why do you make a Ventari rev viable? Maybe you could just rotate and make it useless?”
IF you are intentionally going on to contest the point where the rev is, you are making that build viable. Just rotate to the other points and take it. The rev will just sit on their node and be useless.
PS: Yes I do agree that the KB is rather annoying because it’s so spammable.
As a ventari rev main, I agree with OP. Its very disheartening when I put in the work and effort to win the node in a 1v1 just to have them rotate off and 5v4 my team. Until ANET decides to buff ventari rev and allow them to rotate to different nodes, I don’t see it being a very viable build. Probably just gonna reroll bunker guard.
Awesome post. I’m afraid your sarcasm is going to be lost on most people though.
But yeah, your post basically sums up why “just rotate around the point the ventari rev is on” makes no sense.
I am not defending the build or rev itself.
Let’s just face it, there are a lot of players who have 0 MAP AWARENESS EVEN IN PLAT OR GOLD <—— This right here is the main problem in every PvP match
Agreed there.
And I would count a camping ventari rev among those players with zero awareness.
I played ventari rev and I only camp mid if I feel confident my team is smart enough to properly rotate. If they don’t, I’ll start rotating myself. You see, that’s another thing the ventari rev has: mobility. It can stack perma swiftness on himself and quickly run from point to point, faster than most other classes.
So if I bunk mid on my ventari rev and I notice that the enemy started to ignore mid, I’ll surprise them by going far (if they’re harassing our home) or backcapping home (if the fight is at far).
A ventari rev in the hands of a smart platinum player is OP and stupidly broke, at least in my opinion.
Imo, the best start to deal with a ventari rev is not to ignore him, but to send 2 capable condi players at him with access to poison, chill and torment (and lots of it, because the rev can cleanse condis quickly). Then quickly unload all your condi burst at him and watch him die. Works exceptionally well if you have 2 reapers or a reaper and a condi rev together.
I’ve also been killed on my ventari rev by a necro + thief duo a couple of times, they manage to burst me down quickly as well.
But if you have 2 necros or 1 necro + 1 condi rev or 1 necro + 1 thief on your team to counter the enemy ventari rev, then you already start with a huge disadvantage.
It’s absolutely stupid that you need multiple specific classes/builds to counter 1 silly braindead ventari rev build.
It’s also stupid and silly how a ventari rev can outplay most skilled people by only spamming 6 and 0. But then again, those kinds of builds aren’t new to GW2.
Imo all these dumb spam builds need a huge nerf simply for the fact that they’re dumb spam builds. A dumb spam build should never get you into platinum, never mind in the top 250.
Gonna copy-paste what I said about this topic in another thread, as it seems applicable here:
This whole “leave the ventari rev on his point and turn the fight for the other 2 points in a 5v4” argument never made sense to me. It didn’t make sense back when turret engi was a thing and it still doesn’t make sense now.
Sure, if a ventari rev bunks a point and never leaves it, and you decide to just ignore that point, you indeed effectively turn the struggle for the other 2 points in a 5v4, fair enough, I get that. But in the meantime the team with the ventari rev always has 1 point capped as long as the ventari rev stays on that point and your team keeps ignoring that point. So while the fight for the other 2 points is indeed a 5v4, the enemy has a guaranteed point capped and only has to cap 1 more point to win the match. That’s a huge advantage. Especially if the ventari rev gets to bunk down on mid and even more so if the enemy also has a thief for quick and easy backcaps.
Out-rotating a ventari rev isn’t a simple matter of “ignore the point with the ventari rev on it and focus the other 2 points”. You have to pull off some awesome rotations and really pull off some amazing play to be able to beat such a scenario. Yes, you have one more person to rotate on those two points than the enemy team, but the enemy team only has to focus one of those two points, while you have to make sure you get both.
So if for example red team manages to plant a ventari rev on mid and blue team decides to ignore mid, that’s a huge benefit for red and it will make winning the match a whole lot easier for them.
You are missing one important thing though. It’s not even the points. Being on a 5v4 will make teamfights turn to your side = meaning you get more points per kill. That’s +5 point every kill you make. It doesn’t even matter if they have that 1 cap all game.
Irrelevant. Unless your team kills an enemy player every 5 seconds on average (which I find highly unlikely) that’s not going to make a difference.
Capping points is what wins you the match, not killing players. Those +5’s from a kill are only going to matter as a tie-breaker when both teams are relatively evenly matched in terms of getting points capped, or close to the end of a match when you just need those few extra points to get to 500 before the enemy does. But those +5’s per kill are not going to counter-balance a ventari rev sitting on a point the entire match.
This is not true. Capping gets points yea but so does kills. That’s why spawn camping is a thing.
Well look at it this way, When you win team fights = you get the caps. So whats the problem here?
It is true. I just explained that you need to kill a player every 5 seconds on average to counter-balance a constantly capped point, which gives you 1 point every second.
Spawn camping is impossible in GW2 and only happens in bronze/silver where people are too stupid to realize their spawn base has 2 different exists instead of just 1.
Unless you are up against clueless noobs, spawn camping is never going to happen.
Winning a teamfight gets you the point (most of the time) yes, 1 point. You need 2. While the enemy only needs 1 because they already have 1 point capped by their ventari rev.
So, hypothetical scenario: The enemy ventari rev is bunking mid. And The enemy sends the rest of their players to your home, while they already capped their home (your far). You farm all 4 enemy players at home and cap that point. Now you also need far. You go far and farm the 4 enemy players again and cap that point also. Meanwhile you see your home being decapped. Crap! You need home as well! So you run back, and the cycle repeats and the enemy will win, unless you keep someone on your home point to protect it from decaps, but then the fight at far is no longer a 5v4 now is it?
Do you see the problem now or do I need to explain it even further?
Why would you leave your home open then? Maybe then let someone stay there.
So if someone was really going to decap it, then its 1v1 on a node.
Then you need the other node right? This will be a 3v3 then. Even fight. Because (1) The rev is bunking mid. (2) Someone is gonna decap home which has a 1v1.Do you see now what’s the problem?
Another thing. Matchups. Which is important in every teamfight.
Yes, you could keep someone at home to protect it and you should, especially if the enemy has a thief, but since the enemy has a guaranteed cap (assuming you ignore mid with the ventari rev on it, which is the strategy you suggested) they only need to focus 1 of the other 2 points. Now if they are dumb and focus the point where most of you guys are, then yes, it will be an even fight/match. But if they are smart and always zerg the point with the least amount of you guys on it, they’ll easily snowball the match into a win for them, thanks to the ventari rev camping mid and thanks to your decision to ignore him.
Gonna copy-paste what I said about this topic in another thread, as it seems applicable here:
This whole “leave the ventari rev on his point and turn the fight for the other 2 points in a 5v4” argument never made sense to me. It didn’t make sense back when turret engi was a thing and it still doesn’t make sense now.
Sure, if a ventari rev bunks a point and never leaves it, and you decide to just ignore that point, you indeed effectively turn the struggle for the other 2 points in a 5v4, fair enough, I get that. But in the meantime the team with the ventari rev always has 1 point capped as long as the ventari rev stays on that point and your team keeps ignoring that point. So while the fight for the other 2 points is indeed a 5v4, the enemy has a guaranteed point capped and only has to cap 1 more point to win the match. That’s a huge advantage. Especially if the ventari rev gets to bunk down on mid and even more so if the enemy also has a thief for quick and easy backcaps.
Out-rotating a ventari rev isn’t a simple matter of “ignore the point with the ventari rev on it and focus the other 2 points”. You have to pull off some awesome rotations and really pull off some amazing play to be able to beat such a scenario. Yes, you have one more person to rotate on those two points than the enemy team, but the enemy team only has to focus one of those two points, while you have to make sure you get both.
So if for example red team manages to plant a ventari rev on mid and blue team decides to ignore mid, that’s a huge benefit for red and it will make winning the match a whole lot easier for them.
You are missing one important thing though. It’s not even the points. Being on a 5v4 will make teamfights turn to your side = meaning you get more points per kill. That’s +5 point every kill you make. It doesn’t even matter if they have that 1 cap all game.
Irrelevant. Unless your team kills an enemy player every 5 seconds on average (which I find highly unlikely) that’s not going to make a difference.
Capping points is what wins you the match, not killing players. Those +5’s from a kill are only going to matter as a tie-breaker when both teams are relatively evenly matched in terms of getting points capped, or close to the end of a match when you just need those few extra points to get to 500 before the enemy does. But those +5’s per kill are not going to counter-balance a ventari rev sitting on a point the entire match.
This is not true. Capping gets points yea but so does kills. That’s why spawn camping is a thing.
Well look at it this way, When you win team fights = you get the caps. So whats the problem here?
It is true. I just explained that you need to kill a player every 5 seconds on average to counter-balance a constantly capped point, which gives you 1 point every second.
Spawn camping is impossible in GW2 and only happens in bronze/silver where people are too stupid to realize their spawn base has 2 different exists instead of just 1.
Unless you are up against clueless noobs, spawn camping is never going to happen.
Winning a teamfight gets you the point (most of the time) yes, 1 point. You need 2. While the enemy only needs 1 because they already have 1 point capped by their ventari rev.
So, hypothetical scenario: The enemy ventari rev is bunking mid. And The enemy sends the rest of their players to your home, while they already capped their home (your far). You farm all 4 enemy players at home and cap that point. Now you also need far. You go far and farm the 4 enemy players again and cap that point also. Meanwhile you see your home being decapped. Crap! You need home as well! So you run back, and the cycle repeats and the enemy will win, unless you keep someone on your home point to protect it from decaps, but then the fight at far is no longer a 5v4 now is it?
Do you see the problem now or do I need to explain it even further?
Gonna copy-paste what I said about this topic in another thread, as it seems applicable here:
This whole “leave the ventari rev on his point and turn the fight for the other 2 points in a 5v4” argument never made sense to me. It didn’t make sense back when turret engi was a thing and it still doesn’t make sense now.
Sure, if a ventari rev bunks a point and never leaves it, and you decide to just ignore that point, you indeed effectively turn the struggle for the other 2 points in a 5v4, fair enough, I get that. But in the meantime the team with the ventari rev always has 1 point capped as long as the ventari rev stays on that point and your team keeps ignoring that point. So while the fight for the other 2 points is indeed a 5v4, the enemy has a guaranteed point capped and only has to cap 1 more point to win the match. That’s a huge advantage. Especially if the ventari rev gets to bunk down on mid and even more so if the enemy also has a thief for quick and easy backcaps.
Out-rotating a ventari rev isn’t a simple matter of “ignore the point with the ventari rev on it and focus the other 2 points”. You have to pull off some awesome rotations and really pull off some amazing play to be able to beat such a scenario. Yes, you have one more person to rotate on those two points than the enemy team, but the enemy team only has to focus one of those two points, while you have to make sure you get both.
So if for example red team manages to plant a ventari rev on mid and blue team decides to ignore mid, that’s a huge benefit for red and it will make winning the match a whole lot easier for them.
You are missing one important thing though. It’s not even the points. Being on a 5v4 will make teamfights turn to your side = meaning you get more points per kill. That’s +5 point every kill you make. It doesn’t even matter if they have that 1 cap all game.
Irrelevant. Unless your team kills an enemy player every 5 seconds on average (which I find highly unlikely) that’s not going to make a difference.
Capping points is what wins you the match, not killing players. Those +5’s from a kill are only going to matter as a tie-breaker when both teams are relatively evenly matched in terms of getting points capped, or close to the end of a match when you just need those few extra points to get to 500 before the enemy does. But those +5’s per kill are not going to counter-balance a ventari rev sitting on a point the entire match.
Gonna copy-paste what I said about this topic in another thread, as it seems applicable here:
This whole “leave the ventari rev on his point and turn the fight for the other 2 points in a 5v4” argument never made sense to me. It didn’t make sense back when turret engi was a thing and it still doesn’t make sense now.
Sure, if a ventari rev bunks a point and never leaves it, and you decide to just ignore that point, you indeed effectively turn the struggle for the other 2 points in a 5v4, fair enough, I get that. But in the meantime the team with the ventari rev always has 1 point capped as long as the ventari rev stays on that point and your team keeps ignoring that point. So while the fight for the other 2 points is indeed a 5v4, the enemy has a guaranteed point capped and only has to cap 1 more point to win the match. That’s a huge advantage. Especially if the ventari rev gets to bunk down on mid and even more so if his team also has a thief for quick and easy backcaps.
Out-rotating a ventari rev isn’t a simple matter of “ignore the point with the ventari rev on it and focus the other 2 points”. You have to pull off some awesome rotations and really pull off some amazing play to be able to beat such a scenario. Yes, you have one more person to rotate on those two points than the enemy team, but the enemy team only has to focus one of those two points, while you have to make sure you get both.
So if for example red team manages to plant a ventari rev on mid and blue team decides to ignore mid, that’s a huge benefit for red and it will make winning the match a whole lot easier for them.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
but it’ll be interesting.
Unlike queuing on the exact same spec I’ve been queueing on for the past year.
I was thinking about just avoiding PvP after PoF but then I remembed the stupid decay…
Well crap, I guess I’m gonna have to forget about ever staying in the top 250 long enough to get a fancy title.
I dunno, call me autistic but I remember PvP right after HoT released and I do not have fond memories of that at all. Sure, I quickly discovered how I could farm people on a full-trapper dragonhunter by simply dropping traps on a point (because people just didn’t have a clue how to deal with traps back then), which was fun, until I started getting those clueless people on my own team and 2, 3 or even 4 trapper dragonhunters on the enemy team…
I played some PvP during the elite-spec demo and saw the same thing happening, but this time it was mostly the deadeye and spellbreaker that farmed people who didn’t know how to counter them.
I’m a little bit bummed out that the xpac drops in the middle of the season, but also a little excited I guess.
I guess I’ll just farm people on my deadeye and hope to god my team doesn’t get farmed by enemy deadeyes.
Ya’ll are so boring.
It’ll make ranked so much exciting!
If by “exciting” you mean it will become even more of an extremely hectic, chaotic kittenfest than it currently already is then yes, you are right.
Yeah “The Year Of Ascension” was in 2016…. And at the end of 2016 people wondered the same thing.
Meanwhile we’re at the end of 2017 and you can still do the “Year of Ascension” achievements.
I don’t think these achievements will go anywhere anytime soon, basically rendering the pvp legendary wings into yet another farmable item with zero prestige to it.
Be prepared for an army of angry virgins to come in here saying it should be solo queue only.
The fact that ranked is duo/solo only in a hugely team based game is why nobody cares about rank or pvp.
This has been explained ad nauseam but I will explain it again, in a calm manner because I’m not an angry virgin. :^)
The reason why “it should be only solo” is because being in a pre-made team is a huge advantage over being with 4 other solo players.
Back in ye olde days we had team queue for team players and solo queue for solo players. But GW2’s playerbase isn’t nearly large enough to sustain such a system so the team queues were atrociously long.
So Anet merged the two and allowed teams to face against solos, which resulted in teams absolutely dominating and farming solo players, making is very easy for anyone to get into the legendary division, all you needed was a 5 man team with some halfway decent strats.
So Anet changed it once again, allowing team queue for unranked but only allowing solo and duo in ranked, which seems to be fair, but forcing everyone to go solo would be even more fair, but then I suppose it would no longer be fun. After all, what is more fun than ganking noobs? Ganking noobs with a friend. So duo it is.
While I agree that ventari rev is a bit OP in certain situations, I dont think it is OP in the general sense. The support is mediocre at best and there is virtually no damage output. So yes, you can hold a point vs two or even three enemies (although it depends from quality of your oponents – two good enemies will bring you down regardless from what you do, really bad three enemies may struggle but it will just mean they are not built for burst AND they dont know how ventari works). So they just leave you there and focus on 4v5 on other two points. And if you run after to join the teamfight, you will not contribute that much.
This whole “leave the ventari rev on his point and turn the fight for the other 2 points in a 5v4” argument never made sense to me. It didn’t make sense back when turret engi was a thing and it still doesn’t make sense now.
Sure, if a ventari rev bunks a point and never leaves it, and you decide to just ignore that point, you indeed effectively turn the struggle for the other 2 points in a 5v4, fair enough, I get that. But in the meantime the team with the ventari rev always has 1 point capped as long as the ventari rev stays on that point and your team keeps ignoring that point. So while the fight for the other 2 points is indeed a 5v4, the enemy has a guaranteed point capped and only has to cap 1 more point to win the match. That’s a huge advantage. Especially if the ventari rev gets to bunk down on mid and even more so if the enemy also has a thief for quick and easy backcaps.
Out-rotating a ventari rev isn’t a simple matter of “ignore the point with the ventari rev on it and focus the other 2 points”. You have to pull off some awesome rotations and really pull off some amazing play to be able to beat such a scenario. Yes, you have one more person to rotate on those two points than the enemy team, but the enemy team only has to focus one of those two points, while you have to make sure you get both.
So if for example red team manages to plant a ventari rev on mid and blue team decides to ignore mid, that’s a huge benefit for red and it will make winning the match a whole lot easier for them.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
learn to play….Ventari is so weak against CCand condi …..it’s nothing close to pistolero thief that reaaaaaaly needs to get nerfed, Ventari is just fine, people should learn how to play, plus! the salvation trait line is sooooo constraining ….I mean do you even play rev? My condi rev eats Ventari in one rotation
No, your condi rev does not eat ventari rev in one rotation. Unless you are a top 250 player up against a bronze ventari rev, I suppose then you’ll be able to do so yeah.
I’ve been exploiting this ventari build for a few days and I can confirm it’s OP and needs a nerf. I’m a platinum player, as in, other seasons before this build came I already managed to hit platinum. This season I didn’t care about my rank so I decided to troll a little and see how far I would get with the ventari rev build. It managed to get me into the top 250 with no real effort.
Even top 100 players get bullied and pushed off their points by my ventari rev. And I never die, unless I get focused by not just one, but two strong condi builds. It’s mostly condi reaper duos or a condi reaper + a condi rev that get to me. The CC, chill, torment and poison combo really screws with the ventari rev.
But a single condi rev? Pffff, ain’t doing nothing to me. Not even top 250 condi rev players. So you most certainly won’t.
no ventari rev have sustained my condi" REV “not” HERALD " yet, first of I got enough cc and condi spam it’ won’t clear kitten secondo if you are stupid enough to hit him while he’s on infuse you’re dumb learn to play and read skills/traits
I won’t debate any further cause you clearly don’t read your skills/traits people are bots playing meta bots
What the f- are you even talking about?
I have faced condi revs who are better than you and they don’t stand a chance against a properly played ventari rev, not in a 1v1 at least.
But sure, I have no doubt you easily beat ventari revs in Silver/Gold. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about platinum and top 250 play.
Decay is necessary.
Imagine if someone did very well in their 10 placement matches, placed in the top 250, then never play again after that for the rest of the season and got a title. Is that fair?
Decay is necessary.
Decay was necessary when leagues just got introduced. But now it’s not necessary at all. You can no longer just play 10 matches and stay in the top 250 for the entire season, you need to play 15 matches a week in order to stay on the board.
So no, decay is not necessary.
learn to play….Ventari is so weak against CCand condi …..it’s nothing close to pistolero thief that reaaaaaaly needs to get nerfed, Ventari is just fine, people should learn how to play, plus! the salvation trait line is sooooo constraining ….I mean do you even play rev? My condi rev eats Ventari in one rotation
No, your condi rev does not eat ventari rev in one rotation. Unless you are a top 250 player up against a bronze ventari rev, I suppose then you’ll be able to do so yeah.
I’ve been exploiting this ventari build for a few days and I can confirm it’s OP and needs a nerf. I’m a platinum player, as in, other seasons before this build came I already managed to hit platinum. This season I didn’t care about my rank so I decided to troll a little and see how far I would get with the ventari rev build. It managed to get me into the top 250 with no real effort.
Even top 100 players get bullied and pushed off their points by my ventari rev. And I never die, unless I get focused by not just one, but two strong condi builds. It’s mostly condi reaper duos or a condi reaper + a condi rev that get to me. The CC, chill, torment and poison combo really screws with the ventari rev.
But a single condi rev? Pffff, ain’t doing nothing to me. Not even top 250 condi rev players. So you most certainly won’t.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Hello there. Hope the title is self explanatory. But to as why I’ve started the post:
Why do Marauder’s get to be there and condi builds have to deal with Wanderer/Carrion? The fact that conditions are also meant to kill people should give them enough right to be there in a efficient fashion.
We (condi users) don’t nuke people down, that’s why we need to wear them off, and that leads to a Toughness/Vitality dependability that usual Zerkers don’t, as DEATH is the best condition you can have…
No, no, no and no.
1. People dying quickly is fine. People staying alive for the entire match and being nearly unkillable is not. We already have enough bunker nonsense, but at least the bunkers we have now don’t do a lot of damage. Which brings me to the following point.
2. Condis are already so strong that if you unload a full condi bomb on someone, you can pretty much nuke that person down as fast as a power-DPS build could. Yet you need only 1, arguably 2 stats (condition damage and expertise) to do so, while a power-DPS needs 3 (power, precision, ferocity). Most power-DPS builds also have to be up close and personal to unload their burst, while you can do it from a distance.
3. The trade-off for high burst potential is that you are pretty weak yourself. Sure, you can burst people down, but you also die fast. That’s the trade-off. Why do you think it’s fair to be able to burst down people with condis AND be super tanky at the same time?
There is a reason why Anet removed these amulets and it’s not just to annoy you.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Hey guys
Loving the game as always, looking forward to the expansion. I am finally playing through Living World season 3 and there is a lot of content there, so congrats and thanks for that! There is one problem, though, which has plagued many missions in Guild Wars 2.
Story missions, especially those with bosses, are way too hard or unfair for solo players.
Yeah, yeah, this is a MMO and blablabla but I bet there are tons of players out there that queue alone and try the story missions. It sucks that a lot of bosses can destroy you so fast. I think that some of them would be okay for 2-3 players but in solo play you just hit your head against the wall, respawn and go at it again. The design is so bad that it doesn´t matter if you die – you can respawn, the boss has the same health as before then you just continue fighting it, dying and repeating.
I think some mobs could be scaled down for single player play and a lot of bosses could do less damage – maybe even as far as 40-50% less damage.
This game is already the easiest MMO in existence… and you want it to be even easier?
No please, I like a challenge.
If anything, the HP of a lot of mobs should be scaled down (vanilla is fine but HoT and PoF have a lot of HP sponges). Let them keep their high damage, in fact make it even higher, but cut their HP in half. That’s what Anet should do.
I primarily have female toons because they look better than the male ones. An no I don’t mean look better in the they “zomg so hawt” way, but in the “male characters in this game look like garbage most of the time” way. I like the armors, animations etc way more on the female toons more. I have maybe 4 male out of the 20 I have.
Also like the female voice acting more and if I am going to have to listen to them talk, I’d rather enjoy it than not.
I really don’t know what the hang up is.
Based on voice acting I’d go for norn or charr (either male or female, both rock). I like the human and sylvari voice acting the least. But since I don’t care about the voice acting in this game, it’s not a factor I take in consideration when I create my characters.
Okay… and what does any of that mean? Explain it to me like I’m 6.
It means if you’re male that not only were you born with all the typical male parts, you think of yourself as male and are attracted to women. Cis is your inner idea of your gender is the same as your physical sex characteristics, het is short for heterosexual.
I hope no kitten filters have been invoked by this post.
Inner idea of your gender?
Are we back to living in the 60s and 70s? Hahaha.
I have no inner idea of my gender. Like, I dunno about you guys, but my gender or what’s between my legs is not typically something I think about, you know what I mean?
I mean like, I get it if you’re suffering from the gender dysphoria mental disorder, then it would be a different story I guess. But I’m just a regular dude so, gender is not really something I’m concerned with or think about.
Hence – to get back on topic – I don’t really care much about the gender of my videogame characters. In GW2 I look at aesthetics and what I think looks cool, and base the race/gender/class combo of my characters on that; what I think looks cool.
I’m a cishet male
Wtf is a “cishet”?
Male assigned at birth, male identifying, but non-conforming heterosexual.
Okay… and what does any of that mean? Explain it to me like I’m 6.
I’m a cishet male
Wtf is a “cishet”?
Does anyone else feel uneasy playing a toon of the opposite gender, I do.
I’m a guy, and even though most female toons are more pleasing on the eye to look at, playing one just makes me feel, “Strange”, not to mention the countless guys hitting on my toon, only to find out I’m a guy, and calling me well, some unpleasant names to say the least.
Like I want to make a female norn warrior, because I don’t like how the male norn’s torso seems to be shorter on one side than the other, lol.
Cool story bro.
My toons are about 50/50, as in, half of them are male and the other half female. My “main” is a human male though.
I see no issue playing as a character from the opposite gender. Dunno why there would be an issue.
Not to mention a druid does a better job at both healing and condi removal, in all 3 game modes, while also being more survivable than the firebrand.
Not to mention the bulk of healing in WvW comes from blasting water fields.
As it stands now, the firebrand is just a weaker, slower and more clunky version of the druid.
I’m not convinced deadeye will have a place in the meta, never mind seeing pro-league play. But in regular ol’ unranked, deadeye is super fun. It takes some getting used to, but if played well it hits like a truck and can really annoy the living crap out of your enemies by constantly kiting around them while building up malice and hitting harder and harder.
Is deadeye good? I wouldn’t know.
Is deadeye fun to play? HELL YES!
That’s more than I can say for the firebrand, which is incredibly bad and incredibly NOT fun to play.
The strength of the DH wasn’t in the virtues though, it was in the traps, which were awesome. I would take a vanilla Guard with trap access over a DH that can’t use any traps, any day.
I disagree, completely.
The reason why people are currently running burn DH over core burn guard is precisely because of the wicked virtues that the DH gets, not because of the traps. The burn DH build doesn’t use traps, it only uses meditations and consecrations.
Lets make a constructive thread discussion how tomes could be improved.
Here’s my opinion.
- All Tomes take 1/2 second to cast.
- Tomes have no cooldown.
- Pages are shared between all tomes – by default you get 5, traited 8 – if you use tome skill #1 you lose 1 page, if you switch to other tome, you still have 4 pages.
- Tome skill #1 – 1 page, Tome skill #2 – 2 pages, Tome skill #3 – 3 pages, etc.
- Tome pages regen – 1 page in 1 second.
No, no, no no no no that would just make it worse. Your idea would ultimately restrict the tomes even more.
This is what we need:
- Tomes should have no activation time. You press F1, F2 or F3 and you’ll immediately have your tome ready to go, just like druid’s celestial avatar, necromancer’s shroud and engineer’s kits.
- Tomes should have a 15 seconds cooldown at most, similar to druid’s celestial avatar in PvP. Someone suggested a 10 seconds cooldown like necro shroud and I also saw someone suggest 4 seconds cooldown like elementalist attunement swapping. I’d be fine with that too though it might turn out to be a little bit too OP. So lets start with 15 sec cooldowns and see how that works out.
- I’m fine with the idea of different tome skills using up different amounts of pages, like thief’s initiative basically, but in that case we’d need to have a significant buff to the amount of pages we get. Baseline should be 10 pages and traited should be 15.
Like it has amazing support.
Not is isn’t. It’s very bad at support. Druid and tempest do a much better job at support, both in PvE and PvP. Heck, even dragonhunter as it stands now is better at support.
Tome of Resolve:
Skill 5: Eternal Oasis
Convert 3 Conditions into boons and improve healing by 33% effectively
Doesn’t mean much if the boons are just going to be ripped by spellbreakers and since the base healing of the Tome of Resolve skills is rather bad as well the 33% healing buff doesn’t mean a whole lot either. We basically have to open a tome (which has a cast time), then use Eternal Oasis (which also has a cast time) just so we can be on par with druids and tempests, and only for 5 or 8 casts because after that our tome will go POOF and be on an extremely long cooldown, while druids and tempests can access their fancy heals immediately without jumping through hoops and without being restricted by long cooldowns.
Skill 1: Desert Blossom: a spam heal that is a frontal heal which heals up to 5 people and as well as combining skill 5: Eternal Oasis to increase healing.
Except it won’t ever hit anyone or anything but yourself, the stupid cone and range is just too restrictive.
Skill 2: Radiant Recovery: Cleanse 2 conditions and Heal them at the same time, 240 aoe range. great heal, can be combine with Skill 5: eternal Oasis.
Also won’t hit anyone unless they’re stacked on top of you. You also forget to mention the 1 second activation time, which makes it useless in PvP in melee range.
The condition cleanses is so amazing for just Resolve tome alone. Healing grant while having outgoing healing with food, runes, sigils, combined can be so amazing in this combo for this.
Not that amazing, a druid can do it better, without being hampered by long activation times, without a ‘pages’ mechanic that only allows you to use 5 or 8 skills and without a 45 or 38 seconds cooldown.
Tome of Courage:
Skill 5: Unbroken lines: 300 toughness, protection, retal, and one stack-stability to all your allies and yourself! aoe: 600 range SO AMAZING! so basically people will be much tougher to die, while not being able to be cc for 5 seconds uptime.
Except that’s not how it works. That’s not how stability has been working for a longgggg time. Stability is now applied in stacks. Each CC removes a stack of ability. Unbroken lines only gives 1 stack of stability for only 5 seconds. That means that 1 simple CC skill will remove the stability. After that, all other CC skills will function as normal.
Skill 4: Stalwart stand: a massive 360 pulsing 1 stack of resistance uptime for 4 seconds. DID I MENTION IT BREAK STUN? win. it’s also a light field for combing for light aura or condi removal.
Again, the range is too restrictive, and the light field will only be a burden in PvE.
Skill 3: Valiant Bulwark: a bubble shield that REFLECTS for 5 seconds! 900 range: 240 aoe. that is a win compare to wall of reflection with a much shorter cooldown. AMAZING.
Would have been amazing if it didn’t have a 3/4 second activation time… In PvP, 3/4 seconds is enough to get you killed if a ranger or deadeye pewpews you with their ranged burst. By the time your reflection dome is up they’ll already be done pewpewing you. Even worse if they start pewpewing you and you’re not even inside your Tome of Courage yet. And since you can’t just immediately swap in- and out of tomes because of the stupid activation times… yeah, you see the problem I hope.
Skill 1: Unflinching Charge: basically a 600 range spam of 1 stack of stab and swift! so nice! Front aoe.
This skill is indeed nice, but not really useful in combat. It is however great to stack swiftness on your team at the start of a match or to move quickly between points in PvP.
Not even going to bother repeating why the mantras are horribly laughably bad. It has been said dozens of times on this sub-forum. But in short; their extremely limited cones and extremely short range make them unusable.
I’ve stared at the same for a solid 5 minutes to figure out why the name might not be allowed… couldn’t find anything…
Sounds like way too much work to program and implement for something that honestly only functions as a limitation. So I say no thank you.
The more I think about it, the more I feel like the dragonhunter should have gotten axe and firebrand should have gotten longbow. Of course, the mantras still need to be fixed, as well as the tomes and just about everything about the firebrand need fixing. But think about it, the longbow just makes more sense on firebrand gameplay-wise.
Firebrand’s are Mid-Range, Mid-Line Support. Core Guardians are Front-line support, and DH are straight up long-range to close ranger damage dealers.
I wanted to get back to this because upon 2nd inspection this is kitten and makes no sense.
Everything the firebrand does is melee range. not mid-ranged, but close-ranged, melee-ranged.
Heck, I rewatched the developers diary on the PoF elite specs and even the developers literally say that firebrand is supposed to be played at melee range.
But as a melee spec, firebrand is extremely lackluster, it’s bad actually. I hope you agree to that?
I’m fine with it being bad in PvP if it’s strong in PvE, which it is, so stop complaining before you make it bad in both PvP and PvE.
lol how do you know its great for pve if this is pvp wvw testing…kitten whiteknights..
He’s probably secretly a thief main who wants the firebrand to stay bad so he doesn’t have to worry about guardians farming him anymore. :^)
Or perhaps he often gets owned by burn dragonhunters in PvP and he’s afraid that if firebrand gets fixed he’ll get even more owned by even more burns. :P
I dunno wassup but he sure as hell is trying hard to keep firebrand bad. ^^;
Wow, if even Naru says it’s bad then you know it’s really bad…
Yeah, I’m not happy with the current state of the firebrand at all. And I’m afraid this isn’t easily fixed either. The firebrand needs some major reworking.
Firebrand and renegade definitely seem to be pulling the short end of the stick.
I haven’t tried renegade yet but firebrand is just bad. More importantly, the firebrand is not fun to play and it’s very very annoying and frustrating to deal with all the limitations upon limitations upon limitations that the firebrand has to deal with. Cast times on summoning tomes, only being allowed to use 5 or 8 skills before the tome gets put on an extremely long cooldown… really?
Never mind the mantras, which are indeed hilariously bad and will not just be used in any game mode.
Solid feedback, you hit the nail on the head and come with some very solid suggestions too boot.
I hope Anet will listen to you because firebrand really needs some reworking and I think your suggestions would be a major step in the right direction.
I gave your post a +1 in the vane hope that it helps.
I’d also like to add that with the idea of firebrand as a mid-line support caster, the mantras really need a rework. They shouldn’t be cones but instead regular AOEs. They also shouldn’t be 300 range but 400 at the very least. 300 cone-shaped range is the default melee range that most melee weapons have, but the game is a lot more lenient and forgiving with melee skills and their hitboxes than the mantra cones.
As said before but I will say it again, the cast times on the mantras also need to be reworked. Almost 3 second cast times to charge up my mantra is just too freakishly long and really takes you out of the flow of combat. I understand that using up all my mantra charges should have a trade-off, but I feel we’re already getting that in the form of a longer cooldown. Adding a long cast time as well is just unnecessary and makes the mantras feel clunky.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Tomes are meant to be cooldowns, not something you just slip in and out of. You save them for those intense moments.
If that is true then tomes should be instantly available to me. As it stands now, by the time I summoned my tome “for those intense moments” – as you put it – I’m already dead.
Now I already predict you’re going to move the goalpost and claim that tomes are meant for pro-active play and thinking ahead so I’m going to nip this one in the butt before it even happens:
What is the point of pro-active healing or cleansing? You can’t heal/cleanse damage that hasn’t be done yet. And if the enemy pays attention and sees you switching to a tome pro-actively, don’t you think a smart enemy will just adjust and counter your choice of tome with whatever is needed to counter it? Because that’s what happened to me. Not to mention how frikkin often I got denied my Tome of Resolve or Tome of Courage by interrupts. Any player who pays even a bit of attention will know when you’re going to summon which tome and since the summoning of the tomes is so freakishly long it can very easily be interrupted. It’s just…. bad…
Also, why is guardian once again the only class that gets screwed over by sluggish design like this? Does necro shroud have a cast time and a long cooldown? No. Does the druid avatar have a long cast time and long cool down? No sir. Ho about soulbeast’s beastmode? Nope, works just fine. Engineer kits? Can just swap in- and out- of them, easy and quick. Yet the firebrand goes something like this: “Hurrrrrr durrrr lemme cast a freakishly long and extremely obviously telegraphed spell before I get access to my new class feature….”
It bad dude…
Instead of asking for the cooldown and cast time to be reduced we should ask for the tome skills to be more impactful.
The tome skills are already plenty impactful, buffing them further would make them too strong.
Tomes may function like Kits, but we are not meant to use them like Kits, they are essentially 3 bonus elite skills, just like our old tome elite skills were.
Says who?
Also, didn’t Anet remove the old tome elite skills precisely because they were slow, sluggish and broke up the flow of the guardian gameplay? Don’t answer, this is a rethorical question, I already know the answer. The answer is yes, yes they did.
Which makes me wonder, why would Anet think that this time the tomes would be more successful? The tomes are obviously going to have the same issues as before if you don’t change what made them a bad choice for your elite skill slot.Which brings me to the next point: choice.
With elite skills you have a choice. It’s only 1 skill and you can choose which one you want. But the firebrand as an entire profession is entirely build around the tomes. They are not optional. If I want to play firebrand, I ge the tomes whether I like it or not.That’s not the same at all as 1 elite skill. It’s not even the same as “3 elite skills” as you put it.
The cones on Mantra have to stay, otherwise what’s the point in Shouts? We can talk about widening the cone and increasing the range but the cone is a key aspect to the gameplay.
What was the point of shouts before PoF? What’s the point of shouts right now? There is no point because shouts on guardian haven’t been good outside of WvW for ages (and I’ve heard that even in WvW they’ve fallen out of favor).
So what you’re essentially are saying is because shouts are bad, mantras should be equally bad because otherwise nobody would use shouts…
Well I’ll tell you what, if they don’t make mantras less hilariously bad, nobody will use mantras either.
The charge up on Mantras is good, your’e not meant to burn through all charges in one go, you have to weave your skills and time them according to the situation, not spam use them all at once.
The final charge can be more impactfull so that flirt of going on long cooldown is more incising.I agree, but the numbers need to be tweaked. The mantras are just too sluggish and slow right now, especially considering how hilariously underwhelming the effects of the mantras are.
Also why do we need to be the masters of everything? That creates design chaos, if Firebrands are good are fire bombing then let them be good at fire bombing, use DragonHunter if you want more support.
Hello, ever heard of condi druids? Ever heard of condi PS berserkers? Ever heard of elementalists?
Also, using dragonhunter for support… what? Since when is DH a support class? DH was always designed to be the more selfish damage-dealer spec of the guardian, as Anet said themselves. Firebrand was supposed to be the supportive spec while also dealing solid condition damage, which was also said by Anet.
So far, Anet did merely a passable job on making DH the selfish damage dealer, and did a horrible job on making FB a supportive condi spec…
Guardian is only in a “good spot” so far as that guardian is viable in every game mode and nobody will hate you for bringing a guardian to the group, but I feel like that’s going to change with FB. People are either going to keep playing their DH or not play guardian at all in PoF, which is a real shame.
you should calm down
What a wonderful post, really added a lot to the conversation there mate.
I happen to be extremely calm, sitting here in my bad robes with a warm cup of tea. I’m good. Would be even better if firebrand was also good though. :P
But thanks for your concern, it’s appreciated.
Tomes are meant to be cooldowns, not something you just slip in and out of. You save them for those intense moments.
If that is true then tomes should be instantly available to me. As it stands now, by the time I summoned my tome “for those intense moments” – as you put it – I’m already dead.
Now I already predict you’re going to move the goalpost and claim that tomes are meant for pro-active play and thinking ahead so I’m going to nip this one in the butt before it even happens:
What is the point of pro-active healing or cleansing? You can’t heal/cleanse damage that hasn’t be done yet. And if the enemy pays attention and sees you switching to a tome pro-actively, don’t you think a smart enemy will just adjust and counter your choice of tome with whatever is needed to counter it? Because that’s what happened to me. Not to mention how frikkin often I got denied my Tome of Resolve or Tome of Courage by interrupts. Any player who pays even a bit of attention will know when you’re going to summon which tome and since the summoning of the tomes is so freakishly long it can very easily be interrupted. It’s just…. bad…
Also, why is guardian once again the only class that gets screwed over by sluggish design like this? Does necro shroud have a cast time and a long cooldown? No. Does the druid avatar have a long cast time and long cool down? No sir. Ho about soulbeast’s beastmode? Nope, works just fine. Engineer kits? Can just swap in- and out- of them, easy and quick. Yet the firebrand goes something like this: “Hurrrrrr durrrr lemme cast a freakishly long and extremely obviously telegraphed spell before I get access to my new class feature….”
It bad dude…
Instead of asking for the cooldown and cast time to be reduced we should ask for the tome skills to be more impactful.
The tome skills are already plenty impactful, buffing them further would make them too strong.
Tomes may function like Kits, but we are not meant to use them like Kits, they are essentially 3 bonus elite skills, just like our old tome elite skills were.
Says who?
Also, didn’t Anet remove the old tome elite skills precisely because they were slow, sluggish and broke up the flow of the guardian gameplay? Don’t answer, this is a rethorical question, I already know the answer. The answer is yes, yes they did.
Which makes me wonder, why would Anet think that this time the tomes would be more successful? The tomes are obviously going to have the same issues as before if you don’t change what made them a bad choice for your elite skill slot.
Which brings me to the next point: choice.
With elite skills you have a choice. It’s only 1 skill and you can choose which one you want. But the firebrand as an entire profession is entirely build around the tomes. They are not optional. If you want to play firebrand, you get the tomes whether you like it or not.That’s not the same at all as 1 optional elite skill. It’s not even the same as “3 elite skills” as you put it.
The cones on Mantra have to stay, otherwise what’s the point in Shouts? We can talk about widening the cone and increasing the range but the cone is a key aspect to the gameplay.
What was the point of shouts before PoF? What’s the point of shouts right now? There is no point because shouts on guardian haven’t been good outside of WvW for ages (and I’ve heard that even in WvW they’ve fallen out of favor).
So what you’re essentially are saying is because shouts are bad, mantras should be equally bad because otherwise nobody would use shouts…
Well I’ll tell you what, if they don’t make mantras less hilariously bad, nobody will use mantras either.
The charge up on Mantras is good, your’e not meant to burn through all charges in one go, you have to weave your skills and time them according to the situation, not spam use them all at once.
The final charge can be more impactfull so that flirt of going on long cooldown is more incising.
I agree, but the numbers need to be tweaked. The mantras are just too sluggish and slow right now, especially considering how hilariously underwhelming the effects of the mantras are.
Also why do we need to be the masters of everything? That creates design chaos, if Firebrands are good are fire bombing then let them be good at fire bombing, use DragonHunter if you want more support.
Hello, ever heard of condi druids? Ever heard of condi PS berserkers? Ever heard of elementalists?
Also, using dragonhunter for support… what? Since when is DH a support class? DH was always designed to be the more selfish damage-dealer spec of the guardian, as Anet said themselves. Firebrand was supposed to be the supportive spec while also dealing solid condition damage, which was also said by Anet.
So far, Anet did merely a passable job on making DH the selfish damage dealer, and did a horrible job on making FB a supportive condi spec…
Guardian is only in a “good spot” so far as that guardian is viable in every game mode and nobody will hate you for bringing a guardian to the group, but I feel like that’s going to change with FB. People are either going to keep playing their DH or not play guardian at all in PoF, which is a real shame.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
what slow casting with such huge amount of quickness? Are you even reading skills? seriously.
Don’t get mad at the spec just because you don’t know how to play it correctly, it is one of the fastest, least clunkyest elite specs in the game.
No it isn’t. The quickness doesn’t remedy the sluggishness of the class nearly enough, and with spellbreakers in the game you can basically say goodbye to your quickness the moment they enter the scene.
Don’t say nonsense if you don’t even know how the game, pvp and other professions work.
I’m seeing a lot of people complaining about Mantras when they are not even using them properly lol.
Maybe the Firebrand isn’t meant for PvP? Not all elite specs are made for every game mode. Firebrand is insanely overpowered right now and extremely fun to play.
It’s fast, flows extremely well, Mantras are fun, burn guard is insane, i don’t understand the complaints, we are gods right now, instead of complaining and asking for buffs you should begging the devs not to nerf us into the ground.
Fast? Flows extremely well?
I don’t know which version of GW2 you’re playing but clearly not the same one as everyone else. Firebrand is anything BUT fast and does anything BUT flow well. Firebrand is the most sluggish and clunky elite spec I’ve tried so far…
Not sure if bug but Renewed Focus is only refreshing Tome of Justice.
It refreshes both courage and resolve in wvw for me.
It doesnt refresh an active tome though.
Which it should.
If I’m “in” a tome and I press Renewed Focus, I expect the tome I’m “in” to me immediately available again when I swap out of it. That’s how it should work.
Not sure if bug or intentional but when I use Renewed Focus when also “inside” a tome, that tome I’m “in” does not get the cooldown reset.
If this is by design, then it shouldn’t be. This is annoying.
At the moment the only moderately useful mantra is Mantra of Lore and only for selfish reasons, forget about supporting allies with it, especially in PvE, it’s just not gonna happen.
I’m laughing so hard at Mantra of Flame. 2.75s to charge and then cast a cone aoe that deals 1 stack of burning, 15s recharge, 25s if you use the third charge. The cone is small and has a range of 300.
All mantras are bad. I hope they’ll change/buff them in some way before the release.
Mantra of Lore is okay in PvP if you remember to charge it before battle and if you don’t constantly get interrupted.
The other mantras are garbage in PvP that’s for sure.
Axe 2 skill is horribly slow. Not befitting of an axe at all. It feels weird and clunky.
To be honest, so do the tomes. They feel weird and clunky, especially the summoning and stowing of them. The recharge cooldowns are way too long even when using the Virtues trait line. Druids get to pop their celestial avatar every 15 seconds in PvP. Necros and reapers get to pop their shroud every 10 seconds. Why do you have to wait 25 seconds, 38 seconds and 76 seconds for ours? And this is WITH the Virtues trait line!) The tomes are not nearly powerful enough to justify such insane cooldowns.
I don’t like mantras on mesmer but I like the mantras on firebrand even less. Maybe they’re good in PvE, I wouldn’t know, but they have no place in PvP aside from maybe Mantra of Lore. Charging and casting the mantras is just too slow and clunky.
I guess that really sums up the Firebrand: slow and clunky.
Even though the condi damage on it is super good and we get to spam a ton of quickness, it’s not nearly good enough to make up for how horribly slow and clunky this class is.
Sadly the mantras are terrible, they are too slow and clunky for PvP.
The Tomes have too long of a cooldown which makes me feel forced to go for the Virtues trait line but that’s okay since most good guardian builds use the Virtues trait line anyway.
That said, the burning this class can apply is ridiculous and through the roof. The axe number 2 skill is garbage but the axe auto attack is sooooooo good!
This is what I’ve been running:
amulet: Carrion
rune: Balthazar
weapon set 1: axe + torch (doom + smoldering)
weapon set 2: sword + focus (doom + smoldering)
6: Litany of Wrath
7: Judges Intervention
8: Smite Condition
9: Purging Flames
0: Renewed Focus (works really gimmicky with the the tomes so might wanna try “Feel My Wrath!” instead)
Virtues: Master of Consecrations > Absolute Resolution > Permeating Wrath
Valor: Smiter’s Boon > Strength in Numbers > Monk’s Focus
Firebrand: Archivist > Legendary Lore > Loremaster
You’re not going to get a better build that the one provided by qT.
qT players are some of the best and most creative players this community has to offer. They spend hours upon hours in raids and in the LA golem training area to test builds, test rotations and to push out DPS benchmarks.
You might be able to find viable alternative builds, but they’re not going to be better.
Human, wearing the human cultural tier 3 heavy shoulders, with dwayna as his/her favorite goddess.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
How much money does an average 80 have/make?
Average? Couple of hundred. Maybe one thousand gold at most.
But if you really go at it and play this game “hardcore” you can easily make thousands of gold in a matter of weeks. Nothing crazy like WoW though. 1 gold is still actually worth something in GW2.
I don’t mind adventures. I mean, they aren’t exactly what I’d call exciting content, but they’re certainly better and less braindead than heart quests.
Seriously, I loved the fact that Orr, LWS2 and HoT didn’t have heart quests. I’m so sad to see they brought hearts back in LWS3 and PoF, and made them repeatable! Ugh!
I like the changes of elite specs. What i don’t like is imbalance in doing so.
Chornomancers being tanks is ok.
Chronomancers being only tanks that matter is not.What elite specs should do is provide alternative roles and playstyles to core classes (staying true to their theme), but not set iron clad meta of “this spec is best for the role out of all professions, and all elites specs!”
I would give my left nut for a viable guardian, warrior or revenenat tank build. I wanna be the heavy guy in heavy armor taking the heavy hits.
I do think chronotank is cool too though, but I want more tanks!
I’d also like to see more tank mechanics for raids. Threat mechanics and stuff like that, not just simple toughness-based aggro or first-hit aggro, that’s too easy.