Showing Posts For LucosTheDutch.4819:

Please add Tengu, and here is why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The value of dev time needed to make a new race work would probably vastly outweigh the actual value added to the game. They’d have to do models, voice acting, story integration (backwards too), make sure all the armor works… and in return all we’d get is a bit more cosmetic variety. Would be nice if they had infinite resources, but if it’s a question of Tengu or Mounts? – I’ll pick mounts.

Tengu are cool though, I wouldn’t mind seeing them play a bigger role in the story at some point.

People keep saying this, but it’s not true. New races and new classes/specializations are two of the key features that will sell MMO expansions. WoW is a good example of this. They have added 5 new races since launch and they’ll keep adding more! And they have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay many more armor skins to adjust to fit the new races to add too!

I mean sure, Anet is not Blizzard, I know Anet is a much smaller company, but then so is GW2 a much smaller game with less armors, so adding a new race to GW2 will be less amount of work than adding a new race to WoW.

PoF - naysayer's feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I love big, wide, stretched hectares of land a lot more in an MMO than claustrophobic vertical maze levels.

If I want to play vertical platformer maze levels I’ll boot up Super Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie. It’s not at all what I seek in an MMO.

HoT was extremely underwhelming for me and the only reason I kept playing GW2 was because of the addition of raids.

PoF though, so far seems to be a big step in the right direction. I’m loving what little I’ve seen of the Crystal Desert and I’m really looking forward to see more and to explore this vast expansive maps!

Mounts - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I love the controls of the raptors. Yes, they aren’t as fast and responsive as the mounts in WoW, but they feel good, they feel realistic, like you’re actually riding a raptor, and after getting used to that it becomes rather intuitive and nice to ride and control the raptor. It feels good and it feels real, it feels like the raptor has weight, in contrary to te mounts in WoW which feel like they are made out of air and are walking/flying in a vacuum.

PoF Preview: Pot of Soup Mastery Point

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Agreed OP. What’s worse is that you have to play near flawless and you have to be lucky with the RNG. Sometimes he asks you for ingredients on the opposite side of the room 3 times in a row, when that happens you’re almost guaranteed to fail.

The mini game also drags on for way too long. I eventually managed to do it but only because I had luck with the RNG and a friend of mine was helping me by making sure I had permanent swiftness.

Build Diversity VS Build Type Viability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Ideally you’d want to balance your game in such a way that the worst build possible isn’t that much worse than the best build possible. You want every class and build to be viable, and you want multiple builds competing for a position in the meta, all while keeping all the builds and classes greatly varied.

However, this is an unrealistic pipe dream and never gonna happen. But a good game designer will aim for that goal anyway because the very effort towards that goal will make for a better game, even when that goal is never 100% met.

Sadly, I don’t think the Anet balance team is working towards that goal at all. In reality, their choices for each balance pass always kinda boggle my mind. Their thought process behind each balance pass is an enigma to me.

Why does raiding feel so unfriendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Because it is!

Raids are unfriendly by definition and design.


Revert Guard Staff Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The fact this could happen at all, with no discussion of how ‘unfair’ staff was is indicative of the reason I just log in once a week.

So far as I know Not One Guard in the guard forum has welcomed this strange change.

I mean seriously, the consensus is that Guard Staff is now effectively useless as a weapon.

We really need a red name explanation here.

As a guard main who plays GW2 competitively in PvP as well as playing high-end PvE (raid) content, I fully agree.

The guardian staff was already completely useless in every game mode except for WvW zerging and farming trash mobs for loot. Now the staff is completely useless always in every game mode with no exceptions. The other minor buffs staff received are laughable and do not suddenly make the most useless weapon in the game any more useful.

Mute Projectiles. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Hahaaaaa get rekt Quip and Dreamer users you’re gonna get muted!

When are you "rich"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


In GW2 you’re not truly rich until you can buy the ’I’m Rich You Know?’ title without giving a kitten because the amount of gold it costs means nothing to you.

( )

So non expansion Specs forever forgotten ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


and it seems like the original specs are totaly forgotten with barely any changes happening to them….

any news on this ?

The core specs and HoT elite specs will get a revamp and rebalance before PoF is released. We will see some nifty new things on the core specs soon, like barrier on elementalist.

Please help me pick a suitable profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Either go warrior (berserker) or range (druid).

Warriors are basically Anet’s favorite child, their little pet class who never gets hit too hard with the nerf stick and is often not only desirable but pretty much required in all game modes.

Rangers are doing really amazingly lately as well. Either you want to spec into a condi ranger or condi druid setup where you do massive damage through applying conditions. Or try out a magi druid setup, where you basically become the healer of the group who also boosts the other players’ DPS. You’ll be an insane heal bot and buff bot, and you’ll have an easy time keeping yourself and your friends alive.

Why did ArenaNet abandon Elder Dragon bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Elder dragons are unoriginal and boring and the plot got way too formulaic and predictable.

Or do you honestly want to spend 5 expansion packs doing nothing but going from region to region killing the big bad elder dragons who are all the same but with the exception of a palette swap?

I’m kinda glad Anet moved away from killing the elder dragons and shook up the foundations. Now we have to PROTECT one, against a GOD! Not just an all-powerful deity either, but one with personality, desires and goals! How exciting is that?

My favorite parts of the GW2 story so far have been Living World Season 1, the Raid stories and Living World Season 3.

The Vanilla and Heart of Thorns stories were bland, boring, cliché and very forgettable.

The Path of Fire story however, seems to be at least as exciting as LWS1 and LWS3.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

No structure in this game kinda turns me off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Sorry to hear you find it lacking. It would seem, though, that tens of thousands, if not more, find it, at the very least, adequate. Even preferable to being led around. It’s a core principle of the game, this freedom to do as one desires.

I desire to be at the same level as high-end raiders. I imagine everyone wants to. However, without putting lots of effort outside the game to learn how to have the same equipment they do, it is impossible. All I am asking for is an in-game path. Do you disagree that new players should have a guide to creating ascended equipment?

Name me one MMO that doesn’t require a little research outside of the game itself in order to get up to speed on becoming raid-ready.

If you don’t want to google such information, ask other players. This is an MMO after all, not a single-player game. There’s plenty of other people walking around in the same game as you and many of them are very helpful.

Multiple characters with the same job?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I have a couple of duplicates of some classes. I’m too lazy to switch builds and gear around and since GW2 still doesn’t have a build template fuction, I’ll just create a char for each build.

For example, I have 2 guardians. One for PvE and one for WvW. One has a burn build for PvP and the other a bunker build for PvP.

How ANet is handling population migration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


With PoF does this means people will forget Core and HoT contents?
Each expansion will replace old content activities?

Yep! Exactly! Just as with HoT, since which the non-HoT zones and activities have been abandoned.

Ok, all joking aside, I am slightly worried what will happen as more and more landmass appears. We got 6 mini-maps (mostly abandoned now, granted, as they were never designed to be “real” maps) with LS3, stands to reason we’ll get another set with LS4. On top of that the expansion zones.

This is fine right now. Plenty population between all servers. But make it 2019, expansion 3, population further declined, and many many zones will start to feel rather … lonely.

GW2’s population is not on the decline. It has risen since it went F2P and again when HoT came out. With the megaserver system in place I doubt any zone that might be of interest for lvl 80 players won’t ever be empty, no matter how many expansions. People are still doing Orr maps, Dry Top, Silver Wastes, vanilla world bosses, and of course the HoT maps. I rarely, if ever, run into an empty Tequatl map unless I’m too late. I still see people putting up Dry Top T4 or higher maps on the LFG. I still see people farming The Silver Wastes. Even Auric Basin still gets love despite the massive loot nerf.

I wouldn’t be worried about older end-game maps running empty anytime soon.

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Anet can’t please everybody, ‘t is true. But they can please the vast majority. And the vast majority wanted mounts, but the vast majority also didn’t just want mounts for a speed boost, they wanted them to be meaningful. And thus, Anet delivered us exactly that after 5 years of people asking for it.

Where was the poll that showed the ‘vast majority’ wanted mounts?

You sample is probably just your friends who probably think like you. My sample is probably the same where the ‘vast majority’ felt that Mounts is a very bad idea and shows Anet has lost its creative touch and is looking more and more like any other generic MMO.

No, my sample is the countless upon countless upon countless of threads made my players or potential players asking for mounts, to the point that Anet had to make an official mount thread and sticky it to prevent the forum from being flooded with mount threads. And it was always the same +/-20 forum regulars shooting down mount suggestions/requests with their negative attitude.

Balthazar Rip-Off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Yeah I told them they were stretching it pretty far to compare them in any way. They don’t look anything like, don’t have similar biography’s, don’t have similar motives. The only similarity I could find at all was that they both had fire powers. But Ragnaros doesn’t have a monopoly on fire powers lol.

Then I got threatened to get banned because I was apparently being argumentative lol.

That sounds about right of a fanboy defending their ip. He probably also told you wow has better grapics.

Not better graphics but the people in that chat really do believe that WoW is still the best MMO out there, I’ll tell you that. Which hasn’t been true for quite a number of years so far haha. So yeah, they’re pretty big fanboy/fangirls lol.

Well they’re not wrong on that, WoW is still the best MMO out there in my opinion. It’s not the best in everything, GW2 does a lot of things better which makes me keep coming back to GW2. But overal I think WoW is back to being the king after Legion came out.

That being said, Ragnaros is nothing like Balthazar. Nothing at all. Ragnaros is a fire elemental risen to godhood, in affiliation with the old gods, lording over his lands from deep beneath the surface inside The Molten Core.

If anything, Ragnaros is more like Primordus, but even that comparison is a stretch.

Vanilla vs Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Ah, the good old “vanilla was better” thread. I knew it was gonna pop up eventually.

While GW2 currently is not without flaws, it is miles better than vanilla in every possible conceivable way. At least in my opinion.

In vanilla I was utterly bored the moment I reached level 80. Grinding for legendaries was more of a pain back then. WvW has always been bad and meaningless, not to mention unrewarding, especially in vanilla. PvP in vanilla was also very unrewarding. Dungeons were very unrewarding in vanilla as well, even though it was the most lucrative part of GW2’s end-game.

Besides dungeons, WvW and PvP, there was no end-game in GW2, no meaningful end-game and no rewarding end-game besides dungeons. Worst of all, there was no guild content at all, which was the reason GW2 vanilla did so poorly financially. People grew bored and quit playing GW2 en masse. Only the biggest fanboys or people too poor to afford a WoW subscription stayed.

Right now we have a ton of end-game content. Like, A TON. There is SO MUCH to do. We get 2 raid wings each year on average (which is not much but better than no raids on average). We get 2 new fractals each year on average. We have PvP seasons and tournaments for everyone now. And we get a new map + story chapter every 2 months! Something we could only dream of back in vanilla!

Oh, and lets not even start about the zerker meta, which was even more prevalent and much more broken in vanilla than current GW2.

I really do think that people tend to look at old games or older versions of games with rose-tinted classes.

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I find this mount aversion perplexing. A mount, at least in this case, is like a tool. If I didn’t like keys, I wouldn’t avoid locked doors. I’d pick up the key, open the lock put the key away and not think about it.

This just feels like taking a stand to just to take a stand to me.

I don’t like mounts because immersion. How is a mount less immersive than walking everywhere? There are animals in the game. Races domesticate animals (including devourers used by charr in the game), seems to me that nothing could be more natural than riding a mount…for immersion.

In truth walking everywhere doesn’t make as much sense as riding a mount.

I think a lot of it has to do with mount trolling in other games. Standing on top of NPCs, blocking views, clutter everywhere, etc.

I myself, was rather anti-mountish, but that’s because I was a a Guild Wars 1 traditionalist.

Now, after seeing them in the announcement video, I’m reservedly excited. I’m just hoping they’re disabled in cities.

I think this is something everyone in the thread can agree with. We should have “no mounts zone” areas mainly around heavily populated zones (like entering the trading post or crafting area) or stopping NPC interaction while mounted. I doubt many people would be oppose to that.

Exactly. WoW does a good job at this. I can’t remember ever being hindered in my interactions with NPCs, vendors, etc. by other people with mounts. All the important vendors are inside a building and in WoW your char automatically dismounts the moment you walk inside a building. But even outside while being out- and about, questing etc. I don’t think I’ve ever successfully been trolled by mounted players.

So really, this ‘mountphobia’ I’m seeing from some people makes no sense to me.

Actually, WoW does a crap job with this. In the main cities, that are the main hubs for pretty much all socializing, people purpously stand over NPC’s, Mailboxes and whatnot. I’m not even talking about the mess with the prattling heirloom mount that are seemingly always manned by AFK people at mailboxes and NPC’s. Also not talking about the seasonal events where seasonal NPC’s are blocked off with mounts that are big as mountains or bellowing smoke and are preferably stacked by hundreds to make the server lag out…. because ‘fun’.

I have no idea what version of WoW you played, or even when, but it has nothing to do with the massive trollfest it is today.

Again, mounts are fine as long as their implementation is well thought out. Not just plonk ’em in everywhere without so much as thinking it through.

That hardly qualifies as ‘mountphobia’, does it? It’s more ‘educated criticism’.

If anything, the group of people that want them ‘no matter what’ seems a bunch less empathetic about it than the ones that want a bit of restrain and thoughtfullness to it.

I played vanilla WoW, TBC, and I recently started playing retail WoW (Legion). I’ve never seen anything you described. Maybe it’s an Alliance thing? Horde people are often more mature, or at least on my servers (Kazzak and Defias Brotherhood) they are.

Besides, last time I checked WoW is programmed in such a way that when a player overlaps a vendor and you try to click on the vendor, the game will understand it’s the vendor you want to click and not the player and thus the vendor window will pop-up with no problem.

And even more so, GW2 doesn’t have this problem at all since we interact with nearby NPCs by pressing ‘F’, not by clicking on them. So you could stack your entire server on the banking NPC and I’d still just as easily access my bank just by pressing ‘F’. No problem whatsoever.

Look, I’m not gonna lie and pretend there will NEVER be ANY problems at all with people trolling with mounts. Players will ALWAYS find new ways to troll other players. That is never going to change, with or without mounts. The only thing I’m disagreeing with is the severity. The nay-sayers think it will be all doom and gloom with mounts and think the game will be a horrible cluttered mess. I think they’re vastly overreacting. It’s not that bad, not even in WoW.

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


New page bug. 15 char.

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Your idea sounds rather silly OP. Why would anyone want our super cool mounts to be replaced with turning our characters into The Flash, Superman or The Green Lantern?

Seriously, I don’t understand why some of you are so anti-mounts. Mounts are cool. Especially these mounts Anet has in store for us in PoF. Why would someone not want them?

Perhaps because not everyone thinks that they are cool?

Think about your favorite character.
Specifically his appearance.
How you spent hours choosing the right combination of armor pieces and dyes.
How proud you are of the results.
How much you enjoy having such a cool looking character.

Now realise that someone else thinks your character is unattractive, or otherwise visually unappealing.

You see, or perhaps you dont, we all have different opinions about what we think looks good.

Oh come on. There are 5 vastly different mounts. They are all well-designed and you can tell that the devs spend an incredibly amount of time animating them and making their movement look good, attractive and believable. You can’t tell me you think all 5 of them look ugly, that just seems dishonest to me.

Besides, how would “your character booking it at high speed through the desert” look any better? I think that would look incredibly stupid.

Clearly, there are way more people in the “mounts are cool” camp than the “mounts are lame” camp. If this wasn’t the case, Anet wouldn’t have added them in PoF. Or do you think the market researchers at Anet aren’t doing their job?

So people who dont like the same things as you are dishonest…

What looks good or attractive is subjective. One could just as easily, and accurately, say that anet spent an incredible amount of time animating them and making their movement look bad and unattractive.

This whole “everything is subjective” spiel is old, it’s not true, and needs to die.

While indeed a good portion of beauty is subjective, most of it is grounded in objective measurable reality. The ’ uncanny valley’ for example, is a real thing and almost universally applicable to all human beings, and it’s objectively measurable. The ‘golden ratio’ is also a real, objective, and universal standard for beauty. Build your composition according to the ‘golden ratio’, and your painting will look universally more professional and more attractive to 99,9% of all people. People who’s facial structure closely match the ‘golden ratio’ are universally considered more attractive than people who’s faces do not match the ‘golden ratio’. These opinions and views on beauty are universal across the whole world and independent from culture.

To say “one could just as easily, and accurately, say that anet spent an incredible amount of time animating them and making their movement look bad and unattractive” is just blatantly false, nonsensical and stupid, and you know it. Or are you saying the animators at Anet don’t know how to do their job?

Anet can’t please everybody, ‘t is true. But they can please the vast majority. And the vast majority wanted mounts, but the vast majority also didn’t just want mounts for a speed boost, they wanted them to be meaningful. And thus, Anet delivered us exactly that after 5 years of people asking for it.

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Your idea sounds rather silly OP. Why would anyone want our super cool mounts to be replaced with turning our characters into The Flash, Superman or The Green Lantern?

Seriously, I don’t understand why some of you are so anti-mounts. Mounts are cool. Especially these mounts Anet has in store for us in PoF. Why would someone not want them?

Perhaps because not everyone thinks that they are cool?

Think about your favorite character.
Specifically his appearance.
How you spent hours choosing the right combination of armor pieces and dyes.
How proud you are of the results.
How much you enjoy having such a cool looking character.

Now realise that someone else thinks your character is unattractive, or otherwise visually unappealing.

You see, or perhaps you dont, we all have different opinions about what we think looks good.

Oh come on. There are 5 vastly different mounts. They are all well-designed and you can tell that the devs spend an incredibly amount of time animating them and making their movement look good, attractive and believable. You can’t tell me you think all 5 of them look ugly, that just seems dishonest to me.

Besides, how would “your character booking it at high speed through the desert” look any better? I think that would look incredibly stupid.

Clearly, there are way more people in the “mounts are cool” camp than the “mounts are lame” camp. If this wasn’t the case, Anet wouldn’t have added them in PoF. Or do you think the market researchers at Anet aren’t doing their job?

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I find this mount aversion perplexing. A mount, at least in this case, is like a tool. If I didn’t like keys, I wouldn’t avoid locked doors. I’d pick up the key, open the lock put the key away and not think about it.

This just feels like taking a stand to just to take a stand to me.

I don’t like mounts because immersion. How is a mount less immersive than walking everywhere? There are animals in the game. Races domesticate animals (including devourers used by charr in the game), seems to me that nothing could be more natural than riding a mount…for immersion.

In truth walking everywhere doesn’t make as much sense as riding a mount.

I think a lot of it has to do with mount trolling in other games. Standing on top of NPCs, blocking views, clutter everywhere, etc.

I myself, was rather anti-mountish, but that’s because I was a a Guild Wars 1 traditionalist.

Now, after seeing them in the announcement video, I’m reservedly excited. I’m just hoping they’re disabled in cities.

I think this is something everyone in the thread can agree with. We should have “no mounts zone” areas mainly around heavily populated zones (like entering the trading post or crafting area) or stopping NPC interaction while mounted. I doubt many people would be oppose to that.

Exactly. WoW does a good job at this. I can’t remember ever being hindered in my interactions with NPCs, vendors, etc. by other people with mounts. All the important vendors are inside a building and in WoW your char automatically dismounts the moment you walk inside a building. But even outside while being out- and about, questing etc. I don’t think I’ve ever successfully been trolled by mounted players.

So really, this ‘mountphobia’ I’m seeing from some people makes no sense to me.

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Your idea sounds rather silly OP. Why would anyone want our super cool mounts to be replaced with turning our characters into The Flash, Superman or The Green Lantern?

Seriously, I don’t understand why some of you are so anti-mounts. Mounts are cool. Especially these mounts Anet has in store for us in PoF. Why would someone not want them?

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


hasnt been that long since warrior got nerfed.

It was a small mini nerf, and it wasn’t enough.

Which is fine. I prefer mini nerfs over big sweeping crushing nerfs. But clearly the warrior needs more mini nerfs.

Warrior is too strong in PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


feel like you don’t even understand how stances work if you think they are equivalent to engi and guardian invuns.

warrior stances don’t prevent cap for two reasons:
- because they are only an immunity to one type of damage
- they don’t prevent CC, so you can still decap (sure balanced stance is there for that, but it’s not worth when you have outrage + eternal champ. so you will never see it).

unblockable attacks are very common these days, most if not all classes have them or can swap them in easily.

@Silv any class w max health pool (necro and warrior) can play zerker amulet fine (although marauder is better on necro for the life force gain). HP is the only reason people use marauder.

While what you’re saying is all true, you forget a lot of things:

Warriors also have ‘Shield Stance’ which is basically a 3 second invuln, while still being able to move, while reflecting all ranged attacks (even if you have your back turned to the enemy) and yet you can still contest points.

Warriors also have insane condi clears, even more than a guardian. Every time you weapon swap, you condi clear. Every time you use adrenaline, you condi clear. every time you use a movement skill, you clear immobilize.

Warriors have insane amounts of stability. basically as long as you’re in ‘berserk mode’ you’ll have stab. You have ‘shattering blow’ for stab on a 15 sec cooldown.

Warriors also have insane amounts of stuns. Pommel Bash is a 1 second daze. Shield Bash is a 2 second stun. Head Butt is a 3 second stun. Skull Grinder is a 1 second daze.

Add to all this 1 Berserker Stance and 2 Endure Pains and some sick regen and it’s not hard to see how warrior might be a little bit too OP.

Warrior is basically a jack of all trades, master of all. Wanna do sick damage while also being tanky? You got it. Wanna do sick condi damage while also being tanky? You got it. Wanna also do stuns for days while being extremely mobile on top of that? You got it son, warrior has you covered.

Small balance suggestion for Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


It’s getting a little bit out of hand how tanky a warrior can be, even when the warrior is using a Berserker amulet.

However, I think this small fix will go a long way:

Change ‘Shield Stance’ (shield 5 ability) to only block attacks from the front (180 degrees). Make it so the warrior can still be damaged from the back (the other 180 degrees). Basically it would function a little bit like the dragonhunter’s F3 ability, ‘Shield of Courage’.

With this nerf to ‘Shield Stance’ it would be perfectly fine to increase the duration a little bit to compensate. Make it last 5 seconds instead of 3 seconds.

Everything else about the ability can stay the same.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

10k gold cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I would find it very good as part of working agaisnt Gold Inflation, Gold Sellers ect. if Anet would introduce into this Game more Gold Caps.


Player Characters should have on their Characters never more than say 1000 Gold
Account Chests should have never more than maximum 10000 Gold

The Gold Cap for Trading Post Offers should get significantly reduced, now Item should be able to be placed there basically with 10k.
That cap should have gotten already reduced a lognm time ago down from 10k to maximum 1k

by limiting significantly the maximum amoutn of gold a character can have with him and how much you can own maximum as account would drstically improve the economy of this game and reduce gold inflation and would work massively agaisnt Gold Sellers, if players can’t have anymore unlimitless Gold as logn they pay real money for it, either legally through the gemstore or ilegally with RMT sites on the internet from Gold Sellers.

People would learn to re-value items in the game then better, and the gold cap would work also against the greed of some players, which think only because the got something rare, that they can become this way instantly rich by selling something in the TP for absurd high amounts of gold in the hope to find some kind of lazy idiot that has just way more than enough gold to buy it from the TP due to daddys credit card or due to TP flipping all day long and destroying the market this way for alot of other players for their personal gains and driving further this way the gold inflation wheel infinitely.

This kind of rich player club lobbyism you see occuring in MMROPGS quickly is it, which creates also gold inflation, where the rich get only richer and richer and those, which can’t follow, get left behind in the dust and stay too poor to be ever able to get the thigns they want in the game, unless they get their credit cards out as well and buy gems to turn them into gold.

GW1 had this kind of strong Gold Caps as far as much I can remember and it would be very good for GW2 to return to these strong Gold Caps.
Strogn Gold Caps also help the game economy, because alot more gold will become this way naturally quicker flowing, because you are much more likely to spent gold on something, if your next farming tour is most likely to bring you to hit your Gold Cap of either your character or your account completely, instead of gamers playing hamsters and constantly trying to save gold only to become richer and richer, instead of using it for either something or helping with it somebody, that can make use of it,. so that enough gold sinks in the game, what will work against gold inflation.
Gold has to be used and needs to sink equally good and fast out of the economy as like new gold is created so that the marked stays stable.
If one side is unbalanced and in case money is always faster created, than it sinks out of the game, then its just natural that gold inflation will happen.

So the most effective medicine agaisnt gold inflation would be to cap more gold for players and to incentivate players better to spent the gold in the game more constantly, because peopel will do so by nature, if they are likely to hit a cap otherwise, just not to waste their gold they have, until they just can’t gain no more gold due to a cap.

That’s the dumbest idea ever.

You wanna know what your idea would achieve? Look no further than the western version of Black Desert Online, where all the TP prices are capped. The result is that all items in high demand are always sold out and people have to AFK at the TP for hours, hoping to be the first to buy that valuable item when someone finally puts one on the market place.

Inflation isn’t inherently bad, as long at the TP prices and the player’s ability to earn gold stay in proportion to each other. Putting arbitrary caps everywhere achieves the exact opposite of that.

Voices, will we ever get more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I really would like to have more voices.

Whats ten more voice actors?

It’d be 40 more voice actors, not ten. Ten for each supported language. It would be nice, but probably not going to happen in the foreseeable future.

I really wish Anet never added localized voice acting and instead gave every race 4 different English voices.

Almost everyone speaks English these days and for those who don’t they’d still have localized subtitles to help them out.

i think i found the Illuminati

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


lol, I’m pretty sure more people are familiar with the MLG memes than with the Eye of Janthir.

Sorry OP, your joke didn’t fly over anyone’s head (at least not anyone who played GW1). We all know about the Eye of Janthir, we all know it looks like the Eye of Providence and we’ve all heard this joke a million times. But maybe you didn’t know, hence I linked you to the wiki page about the Eye of Janthir.

What if Anet made a pve poll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Voted for the only sensible option:

“Forget all that, just keep working on the regular pve updates (e.g. fractals, raids, world bosses etc.)”

I’m happy to see that most GW2 players are sensible. I can’t believe some people voted for the other options.

Thanks for the Super Cloud Glider!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Lmao, if you guys really are getting this much fun out of this after spending real cash or trading gold to someone who spent real cash then all I can say is – well played anet, well played indeed!

150g is what I spend on it. That’s pocket change for me.

i think i found the Illuminati

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Thanks for the Super Cloud Glider!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Me and my PvP duo buddy haven’t had this much fun in Guild Wars 2 in a while now. Thanks you Arena Net!

Celestial stats, please add.

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


it was removed because it was OP especially on an Ele.

It was removed because it was used almost on everything after HoT and matches were extremely long and boring.

Oh and was OP on ele vs noob.

Was it 2014 or 2015 where the winning pro league team had 4 d/d eles and 1 thief on their team?

But please, tell me more how d/d ele was only OP against noobs…

Everyone is forgetting what really happened.

Yes the ESL league after the WTS had 4-5 d/d ele.

The op was talking about scepter, as someone who played staff ele it was not OP.

Cele D/D ele was OP not the other builds and a small damage reduction, a shorter burn duration (which would of been a small condi damage reduction) would of pushed this out.

All that happened was combo D/D ele could put out more damage/ have higher sustain/ with the most mobility in game.

Only on D/D, making it a tiny bit less of everything would of made it fall in line with everything. I mean ORNG and TCG took the Abjured to the limits when only playing 1 d/d ele.

People on this thread are acting like the CELE meta was straight crazyness when many builds didnt require a cele amulet once they introduced the 6-6-6 format.

Things like DPS warrior with rampage, Power necro, burn guardian, and power medi guardian benefited from the 6-6-6 format during the cele ammy meta.

Seriously quit acting like the amulet was OP when it was literally 1 build d/d ele which was better then staff ele ( dagger/dagger > staff) and the OP asked for scepter/dagger which was also less then dagger/dagger.

But the cele amulet was factually and objectively OP. There is just no arguing about that.
Celestial had higher stats than any other amulet in the game, fact.
Classes which would make good use of all the stats that cele offered were OP and became the go-to classes for anyone serious at PvP, fact.
D/D cele elementalist is just the most infamous example, but it wasn’t the only class/build that benefited a little too much from the celestial power creep. Warrior, mesmer and guardian all benefited from the celestial power creep.

You know something is wrong with your game’s balance when you have dozens of amulets to choose from but the go-to amulet for half of your classes is celestial.

Celestial stats, please add.

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


it was removed because it was OP especially on an Ele.

It was removed because it was used almost on everything after HoT and matches were extremely long and boring.

Oh and was OP on ele vs noob.

Was it 2014 or 2015 where the winning pro league team had 4 d/d eles and 1 thief on their team?

But please, tell me more how d/d ele was only OP against noobs…

Matchmaking picked the wrong player?

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I’m that bud he’s talking about. Been having solid matches for the longest time, was climbing the leader board slowly but surely. Then I get 4 matches in a row against top players with nobodies on my team, resulting in 4 blow outs, resulting in being thrown off the leader board again…

Anet please fix your match making…

Man, that sounds exactly like my Sunday. Went from a respectable spot in the top 100 to a tanked rating. I should have logged, but like a stubborn kitten I ate about 100 points of losses in the blink of an eye with the same clueless people. After I nearly chucked a deathadder against the wall I promised my fiance that I’m done playing with the weekend warriors.

48 hours later and I still have absolutely no desire to play, so it may be a bit more than that.

Sounds like my Sunday. After those 4 blow outs against the top players, I stubbornly continued playing, and got a lose streak of 20 matches in a row. TWENTY LOST MATCHES IN A ROW! I think over half of those matches were against sbooM and other top 20 players while I’m barely top 250 myself…

At that point I figured my anger and rage was compromising my performance, so I quit playing.

I went from top Gold Tier 3 to bottom Gold Tier 2. It took me the whole weekend to climb from Gold Tier 2 to Gold Tier 3, and now I blew all that progress away in a mere couple of hours because of crappy match-ups.

I need to find a new hobby. <_<

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Matchmaking picked the wrong player?

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I’m that bud he’s talking about. Been having solid matches for the longest time, was climbing the leader board slowly but surely. Then I get 4 matches in a row against top players with nobodies on my team, resulting in 4 blow outs, resulting in being thrown off the leader board again…

Anet please fix your match making…

Ranked duo partner DCed, I lost points?

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


So I was playing ranked with a friend, who got a lag spike and then disconnected. He was gone for the rest of the match, which turned the match into a 4v5 and caused us to lose the match.

Well, kitten happens, at least we didn’t lose any points, right? Wrong. I did.

I whispered my PuG team mates to ask if they lost points as well, they reported that they didn’t. None of them lost points, except for me.

Is this a bug, or by design?

If this is by design… why? Why do I get punished for my partner DCing? It’s not like I can help it that he DCed?

It's ok to be casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I don’t think it’s OK to play whatever you feel like. Maybe if you’re roaming the open world, sure. But if you’re doing fracs or raiding with other people, you should be considerate and play in a way that supports yourself and the group.

Like you can’t become a magi warrior and focus on healing, because that’s not the function of warriors.

If they can find 4 other like-minded people they can play whatever they want however they want.

But I would kindly ask them to stay out of my groups.

Casuals are welcome in my groups, I am a casual myself after all. But terribad players who somehow think they’re too good for the meta are definitely not welcome in my groups.

When it comes to the meta, this is my stance; you first have to understand and master the meta before you can defy it and play non-meta builds. If you bring a non-meta build to my group you better know what the f- you’re doing.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

A Selfish Request from a Roleplayer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


We want RP in gw2, with its world, lore, races, and community. That’s like saying if you want PvP, to go play LoL.

I, too, support more ways to sit, especially in chairs.

It’s completely sensible to direct people to games like Smite or LoL when they complain aboit the lacking nature of GW2’s PvP.

It’s also sensible to direct roleplayers to other games that better suits your needs.

Instead of throwing a hissy fit, you might want to just try these games out. Who knows, you might fall in love with these games and realize how seriously lacking GW2 is in comparison. I can especially recommend Black Desert Online for all you roleplayers out there.

I for one, enjoy GW2 for what it is, and I go to other games when I want a deeper PvP experience or a more satisfying roleplay experience.

Not saying GW2 or any game is perfect as it it. Not saying you can’t ask for improvements. But lets be realistic here, what the OP is asking for is not realistic at all, it would take up way too much development time for something way to small. It’s best to just accept that GW2 will always be mediocre for roleplayers even if they do add new emotes and features from time to time, and that there are better roleplay games out there.

A Selfish Request from a Roleplayer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


if you want RP go to FFXIV or even ESO.

Or Black Desert Online, which is the roleplayer’s wet dream. It has what the OP is asking for and muxh much more.

It's ok to be casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


It’s okay to be a casual without being antagonistic or condensending to the meta and people who use meta builds.

It’s okay to be a casual without acting like an entitled little child.

And it is NOT okay to join meta groups in LFG on a non-meta character without telling the group, and act like the group should be somehow grateful to you for whatever reason.

[suggestion] Make warrior shield viable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


PS: This thread is the perfect excuse to dig up one of my favorite GW2 videos on YouTube:

Now quit your whining OP. :’)

[suggestion] Make warrior shield viable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Warrior is already OP and shield is already the most OP offhand for warrior in GW2 PvP/WvW. Lets not make the warrior and shield even more OP please.

I’d gladly trade your warrior shield skills for my guardian shield skills. Shield on guard is nice, but shield on warrior is so much better, lol.

[Suggestions] Physique Options for Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Adding new physique options would mean they’d have to reskin all the existing armor skins to fit the new physique types, which would be a lot of work, which means Anet probably won’t do it.

If Anet does find the time for such an ordeal, I’d rather they work on an entirely new playable race, which would require a similar amount of work.

There already are plenty of fat body phisque options for humans and norn. For muscular women, again, look at norn. And for thin physiques, look no further than humans and sylvari especially.

What you’re asking for is already in the game. Maybe not for the race you like to play, but it’s there. In a way I’m happy that each race has their own set of physiques. It helps distinguish the races from each other. Norn already are basically just giant humans and that’s it. The fact that their women on average are more muscular than human females and their men fatter than human males makes them a little more distinguished from humans and a little bit more unique.

It's ok to be casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Of course it’s ok to be casual. GW2 is the most casual MMO I ever played. It’s designed for casuals first and “hardcore” players second.

That being said;

It’s ok to alternate between casual content and hardcore content. There is no need to shy away from one or the other.

It’s ok to try raids as a casual. With the right group you might actually enjoy it! I have many casual friends who have cleared raid wings!

And it’s ok to fail defeating a raid boss once, or twice, or 10 times! Just learn from your mistakes and have fun! You’ll get him down eventually!

And it is ok to make your own dungeon/fractal/raid groups in LFG! Don’t wait for someone else to take the initiative and don’t worry about elitists. If you make your own groups you can set the terms and decide how you wanna do things.

Why do people do stuff like this?

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Agreed. I want Courtyard back but with better entry points so the winning team can’t just farm the losing team at spawn.

Maybe some new game modes like Capture The Flag would be cool too. I’m getting tired of King of The Hill with PvE gimmicks.

Nerf Warr and Guard

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I disagree on guardian. Guardians are strong and easy to play, but definitely not OP.

Top 5 Most braindead PvP builds

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Let’s get real here. There is only one to list:


True. All classes and meta builds in GW2 PvP are braindead, some are just a little more braindead than others.

But yeah, compared to games like Blade and Soul, Smite and Warframe, GW2’s PvP has a pretty low skill-cap and is pretty braindead.