Showing Posts For LucosTheDutch.4819:

Tell me what is the point of playing?

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


1, I agree, GW2 doesn’t have a high skill cap, the playerbase isn’t really that skilled and almost all meta builds are easy-to-play spammy builds. You’re absolutely right on that.

2, This is where I disagree. There is plenty to play for. Getting that shiny legendary back item; The Ascension, getting ascended armor with a unique skin; the Ardent Glorious Armor set, trying to get that shiny Platinum or Legendary league badge next to your name, and if you’re really good; trying to get in the top 10 for a unique title.

3, Never happened to me so far. But I’m high-Gold/low-Platinum so I doubt I’ll ever face ESL players.

4, I agree to some degree. There is some build diversity, but yes, most classes have 1 or 2 builds that everyone and their mom uses. I’m not going to lie, I’m guilty of that myself as well, simply because as you said; these are the builds that are proven to work.

5, Nah, there are plenty of viable non-meta builds, for example the d/d condi thief cancer build, or the staff vault-spammer thief cancer build, both non-meta and utter cancer yet very successful in ranked queue.

6, I agree, there are some classes and traits that seriously need to be looked at for the next balance patch. But removing these “tanky” amulets was a good move. Sadly it didn’t fix anything though, as new builds emerged that are way too frikkin tanky and healy, even without these tanky amulets.
The biggest offender in my opinion is the warrior. It’s the only class right now that uses a Berserker amulet, yet it’s one of the more tanky classes in the meta due to the insane amount of blocks, heals and invulnerable spam. I’m not saying warrior is the most tanky class in the game, auramancer ele or druid are way more tanky, but the warrior is way too tanky for a burst DPS-oriented build using a Berserker amulet. It’s ridiculous.

7, That’s just blatantly false.

8, True. I wish Stronghold isn’t broken. I really like that game-mode and I’d love to see it getting a redesign so it’s not broken so we can play it in ranked. Then again, how often do games like League of Legends get new maps?

9, True, which brings me back to what I said under point 6.

10, Agreed.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Top 5 Most braindead PvP builds

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Unlike everyone else I’m not going to cry or make assumptions about builds I’ve never played. Instead I will only list the 5 most braindead builds I have personally tried out:

1. D/d condi thief.
2. Staff Vault-spammer thief.
3. Minion-master necro.
4. Mace-burst zerker warrior.
5. Auramancer ele.

Other builds I’ve played that didn’t quite make the list.
- Symbol dragonhunter.
- Meditrapper dragonhunter.
- Shoutbow druid.
- Power necro.
- Proc necro.

PVP Traps

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of warriors and they have too many stuns and invulnerables and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of necromancers and they have too many condis and burst damage and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of engineers and they have too much stuns, knock-backs and crowd control and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of thieves and they have too many evades and too much DPS and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of druids and they have too much healing, their pets do too much DPS, their binding roots are annoying and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of mesmers and they have too much burst damage with their shatters and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of elementalists and they have too much supports and heals, they’re way too tanky and it’s not fun.

I keep getting into PvP matches with lots of revenants and… wait no, nevermind, that never happens.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Kittens and censorship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I really do enjoy the kitten filter

It does help to keep the forum nice to read. It even changes the posts that would otherwise be full of kitten and kittens into readable versions that sound way less idiotic.

Are you kittening kidding me? You kittening think that godkitten kittening kitten bullkitten kittening up my entire post sounds less kittening idiotic than proper godkitten kittening swearwords? Jesus kittening Christ. The kittenty kitten filter is kittening bullkitten.

Seriously, for kittens sake. Aren’t we all adults here? What about the old saying “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me”?

kitten. kitten. kitten. kittening kittens. kittening bullkitten. Godkitten it. I hate kittens.

Kittens and censorship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I would ask for the filter to be more refined. It’s annoying that when you type “hasn’t” followed by “it”, it will turn out as “hasn’kitten”.

Edit: Okay, apparently that doesn’t happen anymore. But I’m sure there are other examples where it does still happen.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Please no, this meta is already way too tanky.

If anything, every amulet should give a MINUS 500 armor.

nerf burn guards pls

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I have seen a traper druid downing thiefs from traps alone .. OP ? No. The build is bad in annything exept mobility and its OK in 1:1. Burn DH is a L2P issue or you play something that can´t handle condies which is a build issue.
I agree as meditraper burn guard is a total noob shredder and can even get better players depending on situation. DH is efficient with low effort.

Can you explain how it is an L2P issu? So getting insta 5 burns from judges intervention is an L2P issue because the guardian was able to target you? or how about the burn guardian melting your team in a team fight because you dont have an ele. This game isnt revolved around perfect team comps, it’s solo and duo queue. 1 build shouldn’t be able to determine the entire outcome of a team fight just because it has an absurdly broken amount of consistent burn damage.

It’s 3 burns on judge’s intervention and condi guard probably excels more than any other class on condi cleave bombs due to permeating wrath but it requires targets to be close to eachother. I think pp engi does burst condi better than burn guard on single target though, and condi necro is ultimately better at condi cleave due to the higher volume of condis and also the benefits of boon corruption, it’s just as not as fast as a burn guard.

Yep and both P\P engi and necro have far more counters to them, Burn guardians can live forever, they’re extremely tanky with tons of condi cleanse, boons and CC.

Burn guardians are the least tanky lol.

Both meditrapper and symbolic have more heals, more condi cleanse and more CC.

Especially a symbolic dragonhunter with a Mender’s amulet is an absolute bunker who will tank for days.

Seriously, in a world were we have to deal with the OP silliness known as the condi/burn berserker, you are complaining about burn dragonhunters… Seriously…

nerf burn guards pls

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Burn dragonhunter is pretty much the worst guardian build available in PvP right now.

Why would such a bad build need a nerf?

Sounds more like a learn 2 play issue to me.

First of all, the pull is not unblockable or unavoidable. Assuming you’re talking about the Spear of Justice, you can simply block or avoid it the moment it’s being thrown at you.

They can’t drop their traps twice on a point, that’s just wrong. What they can do however, is put down new traps the moment you trigger the old ones (assuming the traps are off cooldown).

The 12 stacks of burning are only achieved if you allow the guardian to put every single supply of burning he has available on you. Why do you even let him get to that point? Why don’t you use a condi-cleanse after he put his strongest burns on you?

And have you even considered that Pain Absorption can be cast BEFORE the guardian puts ALL his burn stacks on you? No? Maybe you should try that next time.

Again, seems like a learn2play issue to me. Burn dragonhunters are weak and definitely do not need to be nerfed.

PvP Ascended Armor & MF Stat Change Recipe

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Wait, you can pick all the stats, including HoT stats?

… I’m a kitten…

I really wanted Viper’s gear but I assumed that like with the Fractals ascended armor you could only pick core Tyria stats…

I hope Anet will change it so I can use the PvP armor in the MF though, I really want those Viper’s stats.

PvP Ascended Armor & MF Stat Change Recipe

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I just bought a full set of light armor from the PvP vendor with Shards of Glory and Ascended Shards of Glory, with the intention to change the stats to Viper’s in the Mystic Forge for my necromancer/reaper, only to find out the MF recipe doesn’t work on this set…

I feel kinda screwed now.

Please Anet, look in to this and fix it. I’d really like to use Viper’s gear for my necromancer and it would be a shame if I bought this set of ascended armor for nothing (well, not nothing, I could always give it to my elementalist, but still).

PvP Ascended Gear Question

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


AFAIK you cannot even change stats in mystic forge. (pvp armor)

This is true and I really hope Anet will fix that. I just bought a full set of light armor from the PvP vendor with the intention to change the stats to Viper in the Mystic Forge for my necro/reaper, only to find out the MF recipe doesn’t work on this set…

I feel kinda screwed now and I really hope Anet will fix this.

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.

I read it and decided not to reply to it as there was nothing to reply to other than this:

I find it extremely entertaining that you somehow think to know better how to run and develop an MMO than Anet.

No matter what you find entertaining, it’s common sense to focus on content that covers the majority of the playerbase.

Locking an Elder Dragon fight (main story) behind raids would be the worst decision ever.

I said nothing about locking anything behind anything. I said I’d be fully okay with having both.

We can have the final blow to Primordus being delivered in a story instance, that’s fine. I just want to also fight him in an intense 10-men raid battle.

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I could say the same thing to you.

I have no stats nor do you. But what I do know is that Anet dedicated a team to raids and has been consistently putting out new raid wings. What I also know is that I’m in 2 guilds in which the majority of players raid, but one of them is a guild dedicated to raiding so take that as you will.

Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.

You didn’t read my post, did you? Anet doesn’t think anything. I said:

’they’re the masters of inconsistency. They started off with dungeons, then scrapped them in order to focus on fractals. What did we get?’

We had 1 new fractal in 3 years. Let that sink in.

Don’t you think that there are more people who like dungeons and fractals compared to raids? Anet simply has the talent to make wrong decisions and disappoint players. That doesn’t mean that raids are more popular than anything else.

I read it and decided not to reply to it as there was nothing to reply to other than this:

I find it extremely entertaining that you somehow think to know better how to run and develop an MMO than Anet.

races by class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


What I’m curious about is why women almost exclusively play female characters while for male MMO players it’s more 50/50.

I’m a dude, I have 11 characters:

1. Human male dragonhunter.
2. Sylvari male druid.
3. Sylvari male reaper.
4. Human male reaper.
5. Human male berserker.
6. Human male herald.
7. Human female daredevil.
8. Human female tempest.
9. Norn female dragonhunter.
10. Norn female berserker.
11. Human female chronomancer.

As you can see, 6 males, 5 females.

Yet, all my female friends (except for 1) exclusively play female characters and refuse to play male characters.

Why is that?

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Anet can howerever create very good RAID boss fights. I love almost all of them so far!

That’s why the next elder dragon’s final encounter should be a raid wing instead of a story instance!

Sure if you want to lose half the game in protest, that’s what they should do.

How can people who enjoy raiding consistently realize that some people really don’t want to get 10 people together to finish their story? This is a really bad idea from a business perspective, no matter how much you’d like it.

They should do both then, so I can enjoy a proper challenging final boss with 9 of my guildies and you can enjoy your solo story instance thingy.

For example “Mind of Primordus” can be the final story istance, “Mouth of Primordus” a world boss and “Heart of Primordus” a raid.

I can only hope that Anet doesn’t listen to a minority group of players whose requests challenges their limited resources and personal. Once was enough imho.

LMAO if we were such a small minority, Anet would not have catered to us. The fact of the matter is that many people left GW2 due to “lack of meaningful endgame content” and have now returned with the inclusion of raids.

Anet wouldn’t be developing raids if they didn’t think it was profitable. The sooner you accept that, the better.

We’re gonna get raids anyway, whether you like it or not. So they might as well make the next elder dragon a raid boss. I’m not saying they should do it instead of a story instance boss, I already said I’m fine with Anet doing both (just like how Mordremoth is both a story instance boss as well as a world boss).

I don’t see why this would be such a big issue to non-raiders.

LMAO—-Show me some stats—otherwise it’s just your personal speculations as to the popularity of Raids.

I could say the same thing to you.

I have no stats nor do you. But what I do know is that Anet dedicated a team to raids and has been consistently putting out new raid wings. What I also know is that I’m in 2 guilds in which the majority of players raid, but one of them is a guild dedicated to raiding so take that as you will.

Clearly Anet thinks developing raids it worth their time, so to me that means raids are probably more popular than you think.

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Anet can howerever create very good RAID boss fights. I love almost all of them so far!

That’s why the next elder dragon’s final encounter should be a raid wing instead of a story instance!

Sure if you want to lose half the game in protest, that’s what they should do.

How can people who enjoy raiding consistently realize that some people really don’t want to get 10 people together to finish their story? This is a really bad idea from a business perspective, no matter how much you’d like it.

They should do both then, so I can enjoy a proper challenging final boss with 9 of my guildies and you can enjoy your solo story instance thingy.

For example “Mind of Primordus” can be the final story istance, “Mouth of Primordus” a world boss and “Heart of Primordus” a raid.

I can only hope that Anet doesn’t listen to a minority group of players whose requests challenges their limited resources and personal. Once was enough imho.

LMAO if we were such a small minority, Anet would not have catered to us. The fact of the matter is that many people left GW2 due to “lack of meaningful endgame content” and have now returned with the inclusion of raids.

Anet wouldn’t be developing raids if they didn’t think it was profitable. The sooner you accept that, the better.

We’re gonna get raids anyway, whether you like it or not. So they might as well make the next elder dragon a raid boss. I’m not saying they should do it instead of a story instance boss, I already said I’m fine with Anet doing both (just like how Mordremoth is both a story instance boss as well as a world boss).

I don’t see why this would be such a big issue to non-raiders.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I would like to see wardrobe slots. As it is, I am limited to one look unless I want to spend charges. I’d like to be able to switch around to different looks depending on my mood, what I’m doing, etc.- I might want to change looks several times a day. It’s just not doable with having to spend charges every time. What I’m proposing, we could have wardrobe slots and add our looks to those and switch around at will. The other games I’ve played allowed us a dozen or more looks in this fashion.

I’d suggest to go a step further and detach skins from gear/stats entirely. Allow us to equip skins in “skin slots” and gear in “stat lots”.

I often switch between multiple gear sets and craft new ones with different stats (I run multiple different builds for different situations) and it’s a hassle that I have to reskin and redye each piece everytime I get a new set.

A good example of what I want is how it works in Black Desert Online. It kinda works like outfits in GW2, except each armor slot has its own “outfit slot”.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The new Special Action icon currently shows up as a small button upwards and to the left of the Health Globe in the center of the UI. Currently it is only utilized in a few places (Wing 3 of the raid and after receiving the first mastery for the new Ancient Magic mastery line, for example), but I’d like to request a QOL change before it sees even more use.

It’s current location does not feel very well placed, I believe it would be better suited somewhere else.

The icon is currently too small, multiple times I’ve missed the cue because I overshoot it with my mouse.

There’s no way to know when it pops up other than by watching that area of the screen intently. There’s no flash when it pops up, it’s location isn’t one that is commonly looked at, and the button being so small makes it difficult to see and easy to miss unless its too late.

If this button is going to see even more use (which I actually think is a good idea for many things), I think it best that the improvements be made early while it’s still easy to make the change.

Please and thank you!

You’re wrong about pretty much everything you said here.

The button does flash the moment is appears and there is a very distinct audio cue letting you know it appeared (it’s a high pitched beeping sound).

The location is fine as it’s rather central and close to your skills and health bar, which most people pay attention to (if you don’t, you should).

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Anet can howerever create very good RAID boss fights. I love almost all of them so far!

That’s why the next elder dragon’s final encounter should be a raid wing instead of a story instance!

Sure if you want to lose half the game in protest, that’s what they should do.

How can people who enjoy raiding consistently realize that some people really don’t want to get 10 people together to finish their story? This is a really bad idea from a business perspective, no matter how much you’d like it.

They should do both then, so I can enjoy a proper challenging final boss with 9 of my guildies and you can enjoy your solo story instance thingy.

For example “Mind of Primordus” can be the final story istance, “Mouth of Primordus” a world boss and “Heart of Primordus” a raid.

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I had a topic some months ago about a new revenant elite spec. Here’re the main trends :

  • The name is the prodigy and the legend is Scarlet Briar ;
    Lots of players know of Scarlet and remember her in good or bad. She’s no unknown obscure character, and she’s got actual lore and gimmicks, as well as a sharp tongue.
  • Scarlet Legend is a troll legend, focused on energy management and CC ; Her main function is support, through foes’ impairing ; it should work better when foes are packed ;
    Rev’s legends are mostly focused in one or two specific game mechanic. Yet no legend uses theses two.
  • The new weapon is the rifle ; it’s damage output is low to moderate and includes some CC ;
    Rifle is Scarlet’s iconic weapon. Moreover, it’s quite an unused weapon (only war and engis have it) so it’d give it more spotlight. Also, rev can use a little more long range.
  • The utilities revolve around holograms ;
    Holograms are designed more or less like ranger’s spirits, or GW1 ritualist’s ones.

Detailed data about rifle skills, utilities and traits are to be found in the original topic

Gave this a +1. Good idea, good post.

The only thing I disagree with is the rifle having moderate damage. The revenant is in a really bad spot right now in PvE. His DPS is not good enough to make him a popular pick as DPSer, his support is not good enough either after the idiotic nerf from last balance patch. The rev isn’t really great at condi either. The revenant isn’t dead yet, but I’d say it’s on life support.

What would safe the revenant is if his next elite spec made him shine as a DPSer or condi DPSer. I’d say bring on the condis and make rifle on revenant a capable condi machine that pumps out condis on par with the current condi ranger meta build!

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Forum bug is dumb.

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Next expansion will be two dragons at once? Or will we wrap up Primordus somehow in Living World? Anyways if it’s two dragons at once, which is my guess, then…

  • I’m hoping they’ll have a fire themed and ice themed guild hall. They did release two for HoT, makes sense they’ll release another two for the next expansion.
  • They created 4 maps for HoT. Here’s to hoping 3 maps each for both Primordus and Jormag. So 6 altogether. But if we go by track record, then it’ll be 2 each, which I think feels too cramped imho.
  • A new class. Though between this or a new race. I would almost prefer a new race.The Tengu had once been considered as a player race, but unless they make the Tengu play a larger role in the story, I don’t see a reason they would appear. At least Revenants had Rytlock Brimstone.
  • One new elite spec for all existing classes! I can’t wait to see these personally.

While fire vs ice would of course be cool, I don’t think we’ll be fighting primordus and jormag at the same time.

Instead, it will be primordus and kralkatorrik at the same time in the next expansion which will be in the crystal desert!

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Anet can howerever create very good RAID boss fights. I love almost all of them so far!

That’s why the next elder dragon’s final encounter should be a raid wing instead of a story instance!

I love this community..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


When did this happen? Because yesterday (or 2 days ago?) I got a random box of fun, so I dropped it, turned it to petrify mode and then zoned out to do other things.

My box was exactly in the same spot as in your screenshot.

Could it have been the box I left there? If so, you’re welcome. xD

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Based on the leaks, the guardian’s next elite spec might be named The Purifier.

According to the leak, the guardian will get an axe main-hand, which sounds cool, but when I think of The Purifier, I think about this weapon:

And so what comes to mind is a guardian with a rifle, with high DPS, the ability to strip boons from enemies and give them to allies and the ability to cleanse conditions from allies (more so than the guardian already does). Also with heavy focus on applying burning on enemies (bring back burn guard!).

Maybe The Purifier can further enhance the guardian’s symbols, applying more pressure on enemies such as boon strip and more burns, while providing condi cleanse and more heals to allies.

Or maybe give the guardian access to wells as their utility skills when specced as The Purifier, which do these things described above.

Sounds cool?

Completely neglected skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Guardian Spirit weapons would like to join this party.

Ranger spirits next to them.

Ranger spirits are actually quite useful and used in many meta builds. Sun Spirit and Frost Spirit always have a place in dungeons, fractals and raids and I can’t think of a single ranger who doesn’t use them in those situations.

What I would like though is for the spirits to be mobile. I wish they would follow the ranger around like necro minions. That would be nice.

Storm bow too quiet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I agree. Stormbow should be louder, even if just by a little bit.

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I just really think Guardians need a spec that focuses healing.

I agree, but I think such a spec should also give offensive support to be useful.

I think a cool elite spec for guardian would be the Cleric.

The Cleric (Guardian Elite Spec):

The Cleric gets glyphs, which give defensive buffs and heals to yourself and allies. They also get a new 4th virtue, which would be an F4 ability called Angelic Aspect. Angelic Aspect would work similarly to the necromancer’s shroud ability, or the druid’s celestial avatar. It would temporarily transform the guardian into an angelic avatar, replacing their weapons with a tome and changing the functionality of their glyphs to be more offensive instead of defensive. The tome skills could be a mix of DPS and heal skills and should be pretty powerful.
The new weapon that the cleric could get is an off-hand mace. I feel that would thematically fit a cleric.

Yes, I know this would be very similar to the druid, but I think Anet can make it feel different enough to make it feel unique and suitable to a guardian.

Thinking about buying legendary precursor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I find having a legendary is much more worth it than having an ascended weapon. Many people dont realize that ascended weapons have prefixed stats and your stuck with those stats. You can change the stats on legendary weapons at any time while out of combat. The change might not be much, but its still better than being stuck with prefixed stats as well as cosmetic stuff. Is there anyone that has fully completed the collection and crafted the precursor? Roughly how long did it take you?

I disagree there. With the amount of gold it costs to craft a legendary, you can craft about 16 ascended weapons for the same price. While the legendary might look way cooler (which is the reason I craft them) and while 1 legendary might take up less inventory space than 16 ascended weapons, you have to realize that you’re still going to be limited to 2 sigils on your legendary weapon (unless you don’t mind buying new sigils all the time). Swappable stats are useless when you can’t also swap the sigils.

I rather have 16 weapons with the stat+sigil combos that I want/need than 1 weapon with swappable stats but not swappable sigils.

Thinking about buying legendary precursor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I’ve been trying to get the precursor for about two years and its been difficult to get one. I find crafting a precursor extremely time consuming. The precursor is the last thing I need to get my legendary weapon, twilight. I’m thinking about buying it with real money via a gem conversion to gold. Its about 1000 gold now. I was just wondering if its worth buying over spending the time to make it

With the current conversion rates, Dusk would cost you about 50-60 bucks.

It’s up to you if you think that’s worth it. I sometimes spend real money on gems to convert it to gold if I just happen to be ~100g short on finishing my legendary, but I never dropped 50-60 irl bucks on a precursor, that’s a little bit too extreme for me.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

New Player Here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Tanking is non-existent, from the PoV of face tanking with a healer or two.

This is not true anymore after the release of raids.

Raids are designed to be done with 1 tank, 1 healer and 8 DPSers. Healers are potional but recommended. Tanks are mandatory, you can’t beat the raids without one.

Tanking is usually done by necromancers but in theory any class can do it, you just need to make sure you as a tank have 400 more toughness than the rest of your party to reliably keep aggro.

Healing is usually done by druids (rangers) but tempest (elementalist) is also a popular healer choice.

How Bladed Armor Should Be

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


2 Things

1. Oh my god what is wrong with her face, it looks like you tried to make a manga char but failed horrible


3 things for you:

1. Why do you have to be a kitten?

2. Get that buzzfeed clickbait out of here.

3. In a world where magic, enchantments and potions exist, I don’t think your choice of armor really matters much. My guardian has reflects, blocks, aegis, protection and regeneration for days son. She doesn’t need fully-covering proper armor.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Gift of Battle obtainable in PvP pls?

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I second this.

Even though it took me only a few hours to get mine in WvW. But that’s still a few hours of pure boredom. It would be so much better and so much more fun if I could get the gift through sPvP also.

Man I miss tanking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The only place in GW2 where tanking is an option is in raids. Necro is the go-to tank there, but guardians and druids also make good tanks. Honestly, in theory, every class can tank in raids as long as their toughness is at 1400, but in practice some classes are better at it than others.

You could try to play a support guardian build. You won’t be a tank, but you’ll give a lot of valuable defensive support to your raid team while also doing a good amount of DPS.

This game is pay to win, Slightly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Every single MMO out there is P2W, WoW included.

GW2 probably is the most fair and least P2W MMO out there.

How many Precursors have you found?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


3900 hours played over the course of 3 years.

1 precursor gotten from the Mystic Forge.

New playable race - good or bad idea?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


A new race would be possible and it would make most sense to introduce them as a “hero race”. Those familiar with World of Warcraft know what I mean. It would be a race that starts at lvl 80 and would have a short introductory mission that introduces the race into the world and story, after which they start with the new content straight away.
They would not have acces to the vanilla personal story or any of the previous living world stories, instead they would start with the story of the newest expansion straight away.

That’s a clever work-around to some of the cost issues raised above. It presumes that future players won’t care about missing out on the Personal Story (or the 9 mastery point unlocks it offers), LS2, HoT, and LS3. I doubt that’s a good assumption given how many people are clamoring for Living World, Season 1. Although, of course, the existing stories would (and points) would still be available via other character slots, so let’s accept the idea.

ANet still needs to hire new actors and write appropriate dialogue for specializations, for future stories. They still need voice overs for existing skills/specializations. It’s still much more expensive to add a new race than add 9 more specializations.

Again, I would love to see a new race. I just don’t think it’s practical in the current environment, in which people are worried about ANet being able to deliver quality content on a regular basis.

I should have explained it more properly I guess: They idea of a hero class/race is that you need to have at least 1 lvl 80 character already before you can create one.

It still wouldn’t be cheap to develop such a race but if WoW and other MMOs can introduce new classes and races (even non-hero ones) with expansions than why not GW2? I know Anet doesn’t make as much money as Blizzard but WoW today isn’t THAT much ahead of GW2 in terms of popularity and revenue. Yet they still launch their upcoming expansion with the Demon Hunter, a new hero class/race similar to what I proposed Anet could do for future playable races.

New playable race - good or bad idea?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


A new race would be possible and it would make most sense to introduce them as a “hero race”. Those familiar with World of Warcraft know what I mean. It would be a race that starts at lvl 80 and would have a short introductory mission that introduces the race into the world and story, after which they start with the new content straight away.
They would not have acces to the vanilla personal story or any of the previous living world stories, instead they would start with the story of the newest expansion straight away.

As your average casual player........

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


GW2 is an MMO RPG, which stands for Massive MUTPIPLAYER Online RPG.

If you want to do everything solo, go play a solo RPG.

The HoT maps are fine. Either group up or get better at the game.

No, they are not

Getting a group or getting better at a game does not, in any way, help you with the sync-times maps. When you playtime is from 19:00 – 20:30 of your local time and it just happens that DS is 1:20 hours left on the map … you’ve lost. Taxi maps are full and you won’t get DS started with 1:20 left. Grouping? Doesn’t help. Getting better? Doesn’t help. Hey, let the kids rot in school and let wifey rot at her workplace and … yes, THAT helps, now we can enter the map when it has just started and get a taxi ….

HoT has A LOT of bad design choices … (like locked adventures – with a fixed timeframe when you can play you can get VERY unlucky and arrive 10 minutes before nightfall and then you have 10 minutes to get to the adventure and play it maybe once before it is locked again) … none of those have anything to do with how good you are or if you play solo or not. It’s those “well, I can play 6h a day” types that have no issue with that because they can catch multiple cycles per map. For those with 1 – 2 hours gametime and that usually in a fixed window HoT has nothing much to offer and this will show in the coming weeks and months when people will struggle to fill even one map via taxi.

And you’re saying your schedule is so set in stone that you can’t play an hour later?

Even if that’s the case, that is your problem.

Many things in MMOs take a lot of time. It’s the nature of the genre.

I mean what solution would you propose? Turn DS into a 10 minute cakewalk? That would be hella boring and ruin it for the rest of us.

Your air-tight schedule isn’t Anet’s problem and I’m sorry, but I don’t want them to drasticly change the game to pander to people like you cause that would ruin it for the rest of us.

It’s not just “my” problem, believe me. Let’s see how many people with that kind of regulated life are out there and how many have fun with HoT. From my point of view and what I see in my guild … like 80% are no longer doing HoT and about 20% still do it – but they do raids and hardly anything else in HoT.

Ever been to Dry Top lately?

That’s funny, because my guild with only adult people is more active than ever since the release of HoT and not nearly everyone is doing raids.

And no, I haven’t been to Dry Top in over a year as I don’t like that map, never have. Why you ask?

As your average casual player........

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I think people mix up the terms ‘casual’ and ‘bad’ much too often.

Jep. ‘Casual’ and ‘antisocial’ also seem to get mixed up quite often.

As your average casual player........

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Your air-tight schedule isn’t Anet’s problem and I’m sorry, but I don’t want them to drasticly change the game to pander to people like you cause that would ruin it for the rest of us.

There’s no reason whatsoever to tie map meta progression to the real-life clock. There is in fact every reason not to do so.

Tying it to the clock: automatically and irrevocably lose quite a few players. Not tying it to the clock, like Silverwastes: don’t automatically lose players. Because no one will insist it should run by the clock, except perhaps some OCD people.

Tying it to the real life clock is very convenient actually, as it allows me to plan my limited GW2 time around the events that I want to do. I think thats one of the reasons Anet made it that way. It also ensures that maps fill up and enough people are aware when to do the meta, so that we get enough people on the map to actually do it succesfully.

I think it would be a lot more convenient if I could find a map in any and every state of progress I’d want regardless of at what time I log on. Heck, I’d actually play.

I don’t think that would work for maps with long metas for multiple reasons:

1. Technical limitations: Anet only has limited server space and can’t just roll out new instances of every map every minute.

2. Small player base: GW2’s active playerbase is not that big. The only way to ensure maps fill up is to limit the amount of maps and make them happen at a set time.

3. Waiting: No one likes to wait for an unknown period of time in the hope that a fresh DS map starts hopefully sooner rather than later. With them happening at set times, I know when to log in and check the LFG.

As your average casual player........

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Your air-tight schedule isn’t Anet’s problem and I’m sorry, but I don’t want them to drasticly change the game to pander to people like you cause that would ruin it for the rest of us.

There’s no reason whatsoever to tie map meta progression to the real-life clock. There is in fact every reason not to do so.

Tying it to the clock: automatically and irrevocably lose quite a few players. Not tying it to the clock, like Silverwastes: don’t automatically lose players. Because no one will insist it should run by the clock, except perhaps some OCD people.

Tying it to the real life clock is very convenient actually, as it allows me to plan my limited GW2 time around the events that I want to do. I think thats one of the reasons Anet made it that way. It also ensures that maps fill up and enough people are aware when to do the meta, so that we get enough people on the map to actually do it succesfully.

Mistforged Armor/Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Nah I’ve been waiting for a new WvW tournament for over a year now. Not just to complete my Mistforged Hero skin collection but also because I enjoy WvW tournaments.

But nope, no new WvW tournaments, and no way to obtain Mistforged Hero skins.

A shame, really.

PS: I wasn’t aware that they added Mistforged Hero armor? Got a link to it somewhere?

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

Is this a joke - A-net???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The crashing is because you play on Mac. the crappy items you can choose from probably too.

The crashing is happening to PC users too since last patch.

Not to 64bit users.

Are you running a 32 bit Windows or 64bit Windows?

Are you using the 32bit GW2 client (default) or using the 64bit GW2 client?

If you’re using a 64bit Windows and 64bit GW2 client, you shouldn’t be getting crashes. I haven’t crashed a single time since they released the 64bit client.

Goodbye Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I never understood 100% thief only players. They complain the most about their profession, constantly saying how thief is garbage, yet refuse to play other professions.

there are 8 other classes in the game you know. Why not give those a shot instead of sticking to a class you don’t even like?

Is this a joke - A-net???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


The crashing is because you play on Mac. the crappy items you can choose from probably too.

How do I make gold now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Then I remembered that gathering flax seeds was a good way to make gold… except it isn’t anymore (they dropped to 8 silver a piece).

There’s one spot where you can consistently harvest 10+ seeds. Park all your alts there, get your 4+ gold for the day, and then play for fun after that.

Yeah I knew about that spot. Flax used to go for 15s a piece which seriously added up. Now it’s only half that. For some reason I thought gathering flax wasn’t worth it anymore, but I now realize I was being silly because parking alts at that spot and farming that spot on all alts once a day literally takes no time or effort. Sure, it might not be as lucrative anymore as it used to be, but it still adds up (4+ gold a day as you yourself said).

How do I make gold now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Anyway, I know whining about it won’t change anything, hence instead of whining, I decided to ask other players what currently the best ways to make gold are (aside from TP flipping).

By far the best alternatives to TP flipping are investing, forging precursors and crafting.

In that order.

Forging precursors is what I used to do, but took a break from that and crafted myself some ascended armor sets in preparation for HoT’s raids. Now I’m kinda low on gold and low on mats, so that means I’m either gonna have to gather the mats to forge a pre (don’t feel like doing that, but if I really have to) or gather the gold to buy the mats.

Investing is something I’m aware exists, but never really understood how people go about this. Care to explain? Some tips to get a newbie investor started? Feel free to send me a PM with additional info if you’d like. I would really appreciate that.

I probably don’t have the budget to really invest into anything, but it’s something I might wanna try in the future when I saved up some gold again.

When you say crafting, do you mean crafting ascended mats (like deldrimore and damask)? Or something else?

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)

How do I make gold now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


I just play and do what ever I feel like for that day and I make quite a bit of gold.


Whenever I do what I feel like doing, I barely make any gold at all.

What is it that you do then? And how much is “quite a bit” in terms of gold/hour, or gold/day?

How do I make gold now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


First of all, thanks for all the people who posted genuine tips for how to acquire a good amount of gold in a respectable amount of time.

To those who preach about how I shouldn’t need gold for most of the things I do, or how I should just play the game and gold will come automatically: save it. I’m literally not interested in your opinion on whether I do or do not need gold (I think I know best whether I need gold or not), or how I should just play the game and accept the pitiful amount of silver that the game throws at me after everything I loved doing to make gold got nerfed in their rewards or completely removed from the game.

Anyway, I know whining about it won’t change anything, hence instead of whining, I decided to ask other players what currently the best ways to make gold are (aside from TP flipping).

So far I got a few decent tips that I’m gonna try out. Keep em comming gents.

(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)