-15 char filler-
Color me surprised.
Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought. Your build is still nonviable though, especially in the current meta. And your problem with burn guards is still a L2P issue, there is no way around it. But you’re probably not as bad as I thought you are.
-15 char filler-
cleric thief doesn’t make sense tho.
you have around 12k hp, if you get 7 stacks of burning you die in exactly 3 seconds.
you don’t really need a burn guard either, any decent d/d ele should be able to force you off point as well.i understand you like to play thief as an evasive skirmisher but at least go for vitality/thoughness, healing/thoughness only works against pure power specs and even then i don’t think you would be able to outheal the pressure of a power ranger.
Over a lot of games the influence of unexpected things like got carried/got dc/horrible team comp ecc. keeps getting smaller and smaller.
When your spec is better but your win rate is worse (over a lot of games) it means you are less valuable to the team. Your win rate is still positive so you are not dragging the team down but you have a smaller impact on games.61% with cleric thief back in the days of disabling shot with 0 aftercast makes sense, i suppose he could just push far, keep it contested 1v1 or 1v2 and just keep doing that all game long. even if his team mates lost mid chances are he could resist on far 1vX long enough for them to respawn. Now disabling shot leaves you vulnerable after the evasion so that strategy wouldn’t work.
I play with friends often and not all of them are good. In the last 2 months my win ratio tanked from 58% to 54% because I started playing with a 5-men team of which 2 players just barely made it past rank 20 to unlock ranked arena.
I don’t mind though, because I had great fun and I love teaching my guildies and slowly see them becoming better.
But yeah, just saying, just because Glaphen used to have a higher win ratio than I currently have doesn’t mean he’s better than me. His gimmicky build and his QQing about burning convinces me that he isn’t.
You mean you HAD a better win ratio than I have now, which still baffels me. You must have been incredibly lucky with your matchups.
I doubt you have a better win ratio than me now considering your pleb-tier horrible build and your total lack of understanding the game.
I mean I know you play unranked (while I play ranked) and I know your MMR is extremely low (while mine is probably high-ish) but still, even in unranked in the pleb-tier MMR league your build will still be a major handicap to any and every team comp.
Yup, you just revealed yourself of having no clue how to fight in melee range, as well as avoiding attacks in melee range.
As well as playing the dumbest thief build I’ve ever seen. How he manages to have. 61% win ratio is a mystery to me. His build brings absolutely nothing to the team and will be a handicap to any team comp. He runs Cleric’s amulet yet doesn’t use Shadow Refuge. He runs venoms yet doesn’t use condi amulets/runes. He uses two short bows istead of a different secondary weapon set…
Yeah no, this guy clearly has absolutely no clue what the hell he’s doing.
I am also using Cleric’s amulet
I found your problem.
Who the heck uses a Cleric’s amulet on a thief? That’s the dumbest idea ever. No wonder you’re losing so often to burn guards. You lack the DPS to burst them down before they can do any serious damage to you.
Play a proper Marauder thief with Pack runes and you’ll probably do a lot better against burn guardians, despite them being your hard counter. If you’re as good as you claim you are, playing a more zerky build will definitely increase your chances of killing a burn guard before it kills you.
Uhh my only Thief is level 80 from tomes and has level 10 equipment around on it besides the ascended chest bow that dropped a few days ago, don’t know where you see a 27 Thief or only one character. Use your Thief forum stereotypes as you wish but I’m playing bunker Thief and have more player time on both my Ranger and Warrior, though I did delete it multiple times because I wanted to change it’s looks when I kept it in hot join. I will label you win my you obviously main problem class and are clearly defending it without numbers or facts to support you stereotype that I encountered on the forums a ton a year ago.
Your last screenshot only shows 1 character in your character list, a character named Glaphe.
That means you only used 1 character in PvP, which I assume is your thief because you talk about your “bunker thief” a lot.
Which brings me to my next question: What does “bunker thief” even mean? Care to link me your build?
You can label me whatever you want. I don’t even main guardian anymore and I certainly never mained burn guardian (I used to main a medi-hammer guardian though even before it became meta). As I said (and shown), I main warrior these days.
I’m not defending anything. I’m just calling you out on your BS. I just don’t wan Anet to nerf burning just because a bunch of bad players and sour losers don’t know how to deal with it. Thieves already have very few counters as it is. If a burn guard completely obliterates thief then I say good, keep it that way.
You wanna talk about facts and numbers? Okay, lets talk about facts and numbers. If I look at your first screenshot, I see lighting whip has hurt you for 6k damage with only 11 hits, aka 545 damage per hit. That’s about the same damage as burning (you took 54k burning from 89 hits, aka 600 damage per hit).
So why are you crying about burning and not about ele’s auto attack in the air attunement? “Logic”.
600 damage per hit really isn’t anything special. The only reason burning seems OP to you is because you don’t know how to play. You let the guardians stack their burning on you to insane numbers (9 stacks or higher). Good players don’t let that happen.
I’ve told you how burning isn’t OP. I also told you how to counter burn guards. I also told you that sadly a thief won’t be able to face a burn guard in a 1v1 and that’s fine, simply don’t engage burn guards in 1v1s when you’re on thief. It’s perfectly fine to run away from a fight you can’t win. I told you that too.
Honestly, I’ve said everything I need to say, but you just won’t listen to facts and reason. Arguing any further with a sour loser who doesn’t accept that his problem is a L2P problem seems pointless to me, so I’m gonna leave it at that.
Good luck getting powned by burn guards.
Predictable with their instant attacks and basic attacks. You sure you aren’t just fighting bad ones at that, maybe your MMR is too low? Predict all you want they are the ones who choose when to use it. Not like a Guardian has to frontload every skill he has instantly, use 1 or 2 attacks with a weapon swap and wait for a cleanse because then you are still taking 2k per second, add in a second condition build because you people love the always available support condition clearing build ally, good luck.
Yes, predictable. Burn guards are a one-trick pony. If you ever played one yourself you should know.
My MMR is fine. That’s why I’m barely facing burn guards myself. Good players don’t play burn guard because they know it sucks. If you’re facing a lot of burn guards in PvP then that means your MMR is low.
As for the rest of your post: I’m not even sure what you’re rambling about anymore. But the fact of the matter stays the same: if you die to burn guards, then it’s a L2P issue, unless you’re on thief or shatter mesmer, then it’s expected that you die against a (burn) guard, because the guardian is your hard counter.
Really? The screenshot you posted of your score didn’t look fine, I mean I’ve won most of my games since I’ve started playing again and saw some of the top tier players from a year ago from solo queue already.
In unranked on a newly created thief? Sure buddy.
The screenshot I posted didn’t look fine maybe, but that’s because I had bad luck and a bad team so I ended up having a losing streak. It happens. Nothing to worry about. My overall win ratio in ranked queue is still 54% so yes, I’m fine.
So, if you’re so good, how come you 1) face so many burn guards (good players don’t use them) and 2) why are you playing unranked and 3) how come you still don’t know how to deal with burn guards?
You might think you’re good, but you probably are really bad. I’m almost certain of it.
Sure thing buddy, I actually looked around and had a picture of a site that tracked games before this, don’t think it was near when I quit though. Note this was playing only Bunker Thief in ranked games.
“Bunker Thief”… :’)
That screenshot was taken right after Anet reset their leaderboards, so it meas nothing. Climbing the ranks after a reset is just a matter of playing a lot in a short period of time. Winning in solo queue is just a matter of being lucky and ending up with players who know how to play PvP and can carry you (if you’re not too much of a burden that is).
The fact of the matter is still that you have zero clue how to deal with the most gimmicky build in the game and QQ like a little baddy about how “OP” they are, all while saying nonsense like “a thief should 1v1 a condi ranger on point” and “bunker thief” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
You clearly aren’t as good as you think you are, otherwise you wouldn’t be QQing about burn guards.
Haha look at this guy, he thinks skill doesn’t cause you to win more, also I’m pretty sure that it was taken 2 months or more after a reset and if you have a large amount of games played it’s accurate.
Still it’s just a matter of playing a lot and being lucky with team comps. You can be the best player in the world and still lose a lot if you’re queued up with bad players in solo-queue. And the fact of the matter is that Anet’s match making algorithm is still far from perfect. When I queue up solo I’m sometimes lucky and get thrown into a group that knows how to rotate points and sometimes I get unlucky and get thrown into a group of tryhards who constantly zerg mid. That’s how it goes. for everyone.
You can post as much old screenshots of your rank and win ratio as you want, it doesn’t mean anything because in the end, you still don’t know how to deal with burn guards. You refuse to accept that guardians are the hard counter against the only class you play (thief) and instead of just playing another class or simply not engaging guardians in 1v1s on a thief you insist that burn guards are OP and should be nerfed while really they aren’t OP at all, as any good player who doesn’t solely play thief will know.
I’m 100% sure you are talking out of your kitten and didn’t play old solo queue. The matchmaking was horrible if you had just started playing and was accurate with 100 more or something, but I see 1,500 ranked games there. I also just looked and I have 25% of my time played as Thief in purely ranked, 25% as Ranger in all 3 aspects of the game, a bit more than 25% as Warrior and the rest as everything else in hot joins. Warrior surprised me since I only played it WvW mainly.
I played old solo queue, probably as much as you. It wasn’t that much different than what it is now. The only difference is that now you sometimes face against pre-mades even if you queue up solo, even when you queue up solo in unranked. That sucks and will definitely screw with your win ratio if you only play solo, but in the end it doesn’t make a huge difference.
I’m also sure you’re the one talking out of your kitten because on that screenshot of yours you only had 1 character (which I assume is a thief) while on the earlier screenshot you’re also playing on a lvl 27 thief.
I know what thief main players are like. They think they’re the hot sh!znit while really they’re often nothing special. When they get dropped by classes or builds who hard-counter thief, instead of realizing they got countered and get over it they’ll go to the forums and QQ about it. You’re a dime in a dozen buddy.
Predictable with their instant attacks and basic attacks. You sure you aren’t just fighting bad ones at that, maybe your MMR is too low? Predict all you want they are the ones who choose when to use it. Not like a Guardian has to frontload every skill he has instantly, use 1 or 2 attacks with a weapon swap and wait for a cleanse because then you are still taking 2k per second, add in a second condition build because you people love the always available support condition clearing build ally, good luck.
Yes, predictable. Burn guards are a one-trick pony. If you ever played one yourself you should know.
My MMR is fine. That’s why I’m barely facing burn guards myself. Good players don’t play burn guard because they know it sucks. If you’re facing a lot of burn guards in PvP then that means your MMR is low.
As for the rest of your post: I’m not even sure what you’re rambling about anymore. But the fact of the matter stays the same: if you die to burn guards, then it’s a L2P issue, unless you’re on thief or shatter mesmer, then it’s expected that you die against a (burn) guard, because the guardian is your hard counter.
Really? The screenshot you posted of your score didn’t look fine, I mean I’ve won most of my games since I’ve started playing again and saw some of the top tier players from a year ago from solo queue already.
In unranked on a newly created thief? Sure buddy.
The screenshot I posted didn’t look fine maybe, but that’s because I had bad luck and a bad team so I ended up having a losing streak. It happens. Nothing to worry about. My overall win ratio in ranked queue is still 54% so yes, I’m fine.
So, if you’re so good, how come you 1) face so many burn guards (good players don’t use them) and 2) why are you playing unranked and 3) how come you still don’t know how to deal with burn guards?
You might think you’re good, but you probably are really bad. I’m almost certain of it.
Sure thing buddy, I actually looked around and had a picture of a site that tracked games before this, don’t think it was near when I quit though. Note this was playing only Bunker Thief in ranked games.
“Bunker Thief”… :’)
That screenshot was taken right after Anet reset their leaderboards, so it meas nothing. Climbing the ranks after a reset is just a matter of playing a lot in a short period of time. Winning in solo queue is just a matter of being lucky and ending up with players who know how to play PvP and can carry you (if you’re not too much of a burden that is).
The fact of the matter is still that you have zero clue how to deal with the most gimmicky build in the game and QQ like a little baddy about how “OP” they are, all while saying nonsense like “a thief should 1v1 a condi ranger on point” and “bunker thief” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
You clearly aren’t as good as you think you are, otherwise you wouldn’t be QQing about burn guards.
Haha look at this guy, he thinks skill doesn’t cause you to win more, also I’m pretty sure that it was taken 2 months or more after a reset and if you have a large amount of games played it’s accurate.
Still it’s just a matter of playing a lot and being lucky with team comps. You can be the best player in the world and still lose a lot if you’re queued up with bad players in solo-queue. And the fact of the matter is that Anet’s match making algorithm is still far from perfect. When I queue up solo I’m sometimes lucky and get thrown into a group that knows how to rotate points and sometimes I get unlucky and get thrown into a group of tryhards who constantly zerg mid. That’s how it goes. for everyone.
You can post as much old screenshots of your rank and win ratio as you want, it doesn’t mean anything because in the end, you still don’t know how to deal with burn guards. You refuse to accept that guardians are the hard counter against the only class you play (thief) and instead of just playing another class or simply not engaging guardians in 1v1s on a thief you insist that burn guards are OP and should be nerfed while really they aren’t OP at all, as any good player who doesn’t solely play thief will know.
Predictable with their instant attacks and basic attacks. You sure you aren’t just fighting bad ones at that, maybe your MMR is too low? Predict all you want they are the ones who choose when to use it. Not like a Guardian has to frontload every skill he has instantly, use 1 or 2 attacks with a weapon swap and wait for a cleanse because then you are still taking 2k per second, add in a second condition build because you people love the always available support condition clearing build ally, good luck.
Yes, predictable. Burn guards are a one-trick pony. If you ever played one yourself you should know.
My MMR is fine. That’s why I’m barely facing burn guards myself. Good players don’t play burn guard because they know it sucks. If you’re facing a lot of burn guards in PvP then that means your MMR is low.
As for the rest of your post: I’m not even sure what you’re rambling about anymore. But the fact of the matter stays the same: if you die to burn guards, then it’s a L2P issue, unless you’re on thief or shatter mesmer, then it’s expected that you die against a (burn) guard, because the guardian is your hard counter.
Really? The screenshot you posted of your score didn’t look fine, I mean I’ve won most of my games since I’ve started playing again and saw some of the top tier players from a year ago from solo queue already.
In unranked on a newly created thief? Sure buddy.
The screenshot I posted didn’t look fine maybe, but that’s because I had bad luck and a bad team so I ended up having a losing streak. It happens. Nothing to worry about. My overall win ratio in ranked queue is still 54% so yes, I’m fine.
So, if you’re so good, how come you 1) face so many burn guards (good players don’t use them) and 2) why are you playing unranked and 3) how come you still don’t know how to deal with burn guards?
You might think you’re good, but you probably are really bad. I’m almost certain of it.
Sure thing buddy, I actually looked around and had a picture of a site that tracked games before this, don’t think it was near when I quit though. Note this was playing only Bunker Thief in ranked games.
“Bunker Thief”… :’)
That screenshot was taken right after Anet reset their leaderboards, so it meas nothing. Climbing the ranks after a reset is just a matter of playing a lot in a short period of time. Winning in solo queue is just a matter of being lucky and ending up with players who know how to play PvP and can carry you (if you’re not too much of a burden that is).
The fact of the matter is still that you have zero clue how to deal with the most gimmicky build in the game and QQ like a little baddy about how “OP” they are, all while saying nonsense like “a thief should 1v1 a condi ranger on point” and “bunker thief” (whatever that’s supposed to mean).
You clearly aren’t as good as you think you are, otherwise you wouldn’t be QQing about burn guards.
I stopped replying when glaphen said it’s best for a Thief to 1v1 a Condi Ranger on point.
Every single person here is telling you why it’s a L2P issue on your side yet you have a rebuttal (a poor one at that) to every single person here.
It’s clear you’re rusty after a year of inactivity… based on what you’ve said about Thief strat. I highly doubt you’re more skillfull than the players in this thread.
You clearly don’t know how this games PvP works, you win by having 500 points, not by winning fights.
You’re not going by what you’re preaching.
You went to fight a Condi Ranger, a build type that’s best at assaulting/defending a point, because you’re trying to keep it contested to gain points?
Sure, a good Thief would have roamed to that Ranger just like you would, realize it was a kitten Condi Trap Ranger and left point. Why? Because he wouldn’t have survived long enough to make a difference in the scoreboard nor survive long enough to get a helping hand. So while you gained maybe 5 points, the Condi Trap Ranger kept the point anyways because that’s what he does best. All the while, your teamates could have used your +1 for SR/Bursts/CC on the other two points.
Oh the Ranger roams back to mid because he’s wasting time standing around? Decap the point and go back to mid/far to +1.
All the pictures and items you’ve listed was a L2P issue on your end.
As I said before kitten learn to play, I survived long enough to more than make up for my death and kittenhammer laser was distracted by a 1 vs 1, also note every single picture had 1 condition build on the enemy team only. If my team couldn’t win the fight that was in their favor with the laser after me it’s their skill problem. It isn’t hard to survive the 10 seconds on a Thief, being downed alone will buy you nearly 10 seconds. I mean a few days ago I saw a Warrior run because 3 enemies were coming his way on the only point we owned at 496 points vs 480, if he had stayed and died we would have won.
Laser? You’re talking about Skyhammer? So that means you’re playing unranked.
Why are you playing unranked? Go play ranked. If your MMR is high enough you won’t be facing any burn guards there. You’ll also have better teams that can carry you to a victory. Don’t hold your team back too much though. If you ever end up on my team then I forbid you to engage burn guards or condi rangers in a 1v1. You’re either gonna cap free points or +1 fights. If I see you engaging in 1v1s versus burn guards or condi rangers I’m gonna scold you in map chat and then block you, just so you know.
I’m not going to play ranked without a solo queue, you can face your premade team in this Esports dead game as much as you want. Unranked has a MMR too and I could give a kitten about a leaderboard polluted with premades vs solo joiners, same as a year ago.
So that means you never play ranked then?
Good, that means I don’t have to worry about you ending up on my team when I’m playing solo or with less than 4 other guildies.
I stopped replying when glaphen said it’s best for a Thief to 1v1 a Condi Ranger on point.
Every single person here is telling you why it’s a L2P issue on your side yet you have a rebuttal (a poor one at that) to every single person here.
It’s clear you’re rusty after a year of inactivity… based on what you’ve said about Thief strat. I highly doubt you’re more skillfull than the players in this thread.
You clearly don’t know how this games PvP works, you win by having 500 points, not by winning fights.
You’re not going by what you’re preaching.
You went to fight a Condi Ranger, a build type that’s best at assaulting/defending a point, because you’re trying to keep it contested to gain points?
Sure, a good Thief would have roamed to that Ranger just like you would, realize it was a kitten Condi Trap Ranger and left point. Why? Because he wouldn’t have survived long enough to make a difference in the scoreboard nor survive long enough to get a helping hand. So while you gained maybe 5 points, the Condi Trap Ranger kept the point anyways because that’s what he does best. All the while, your teamates could have used your +1 for SR/Bursts/CC on the other two points.
Oh the Ranger roams back to mid because he’s wasting time standing around? Decap the point and go back to mid/far to +1.
All the pictures and items you’ve listed was a L2P issue on your end.
As I said before kitten learn to play, I survived long enough to more than make up for my death and kittenhammer laser was distracted by a 1 vs 1, also note every single picture had 1 condition build on the enemy team only. If my team couldn’t win the fight that was in their favor with the laser after me it’s their skill problem. It isn’t hard to survive the 10 seconds on a Thief, being downed alone will buy you nearly 10 seconds. I mean a few days ago I saw a Warrior run because 3 enemies were coming his way on the only point we owned at 496 points vs 480, if he had stayed and died we would have won.
Laser? You’re talking about Skyhammer? So that means you’re playing unranked.
Why are you playing unranked? Go play ranked. If your MMR is high enough you won’t be facing any burn guards there. You’ll also have better teams that can carry you to a victory. Don’t hold your team back too much though. If you ever end up on my team then I forbid you to engage burn guards or condi rangers in a 1v1. You’re either gonna cap free points or +1 fights. If I see you engaging in 1v1s versus burn guards or condi rangers I’m gonna scold you in map chat and then block you, just so you know.
I stopped replying when glaphen said it’s best for a Thief to 1v1 a Condi Ranger on point.
Every single person here is telling you why it’s a L2P issue on your side yet you have a rebuttal (a poor one at that) to every single person here.
It’s clear you’re rusty after a year of inactivity… based on what you’ve said about Thief strat. I highly doubt you’re more skillfull than the players in this thread.
You clearly don’t know how this games PvP works, you win by having 500 points, not by winning fights.
You’re not going by what you’re preaching.
You went to fight a Condi Ranger, a build type that’s best at assaulting/defending a point, because you’re trying to keep it contested to gain points?
Sure, a good Thief would have roamed to that Ranger just like you would, realize it was a kitten Condi Trap Ranger and left point. Why? Because he wouldn’t have survived long enough to make a difference in the scoreboard nor survive long enough to get a helping hand. So while you gained maybe 5 points, the Condi Trap Ranger kept the point anyways because that’s what he does best. All the while, your teamates could have used your +1 for SR/Bursts/CC on the other two points.
Oh the Ranger roams back to mid because he’s wasting time standing around? Decap the point and go back to mid/far to +1.
All the pictures and items you’ve listed was a L2P issue on your end.
Finally, someone who knows how to PvP.
Thank god I’m not the only semi-decent player in here.
Your post got a +1 from me buddy. Maybe we should team up one day. My friendlist seriously lacks good players. I might add you.
I think this would be a good idea for ranked, but unranked should stay the same for the sake of queue times and the fact that not everybody will like the whole “1 of each class only” idea.
Well what I did was register with random gibberish, search engine how to search for accounts, saw a linked character, hit the character tab, copy and pasted your account name, only thing that shows up are Sebastian Lacroix and Clare Claidheamhmor, which match your post about your created characters 5 months ago besides all the missing ones.
Just so you know I’m not lying:
Yes, I had a horrible losing streak yesterday. But then again I never claimed to be the best of the best, I’m merely slightly above average. The team I played with (a bunch of guildies who rarely PvP) wasn’t that great either, so that probably played a role in my losing streak as well.
Wait, glaphen, you MAIN guardian yet you don’t know how to counter burn guards? Wut?
I advice you to try burn guardian yourself then. Play it for a while to get a better understanding of the burn guard’s strengths and weaknesses. You’ll then have a better grasp of how to counter them when you play something else. That’s what I did too. I played burn guard to see what the fuzz is about. I quickly discovered that on burn guard I was absolutely wrecking bad players, but good players could easily kill me. All in all I find the burn guard incredibly boring to play. It’s a one-trick-pony that is easily countered by any decent player who know what the hell he/she is doing.
Those are your own posts. I played some condition Guardian before they even made burning stack.
Wait you copy-pasted one of my earlier posts in the PVE thread. I didn’t even recognize it.
Yeah I do main guardian… IN PVE!
In PvP I main warrior (but I can easily switch to any other class and do well if the team comp requires it). Don’t believe me? Go check out my GW2Efficiency stats and check out my last 100 PvP matches or so.
Only thing I see on that site is a 1500 hour Guardian and 300 hour Guardian when searching your account name.
Then look harder. I’m sure I have every bit of account info possible shared on there.
Wait, glaphen, you MAIN guardian yet you don’t know how to counter burn guards? Wut?
I advice you to try burn guardian yourself then. Play it for a while to get a better understanding of the burn guard’s strengths and weaknesses. You’ll then have a better grasp of how to counter them when you play something else. That’s what I did too. I played burn guard to see what the fuzz is about. I quickly discovered that on burn guard I was absolutely wrecking bad players, but good players could easily kill me. All in all I find the burn guard incredibly boring to play. It’s a one-trick-pony that is easily countered by any decent player who know what the hell he/she is doing.
Those are your own posts. I played some condition Guardian before they even made burning stack.
Wait you copy-pasted one of my earlier posts in the PVE thread. I didn’t even recognize it.
Yeah I do main guardian… IN PVE!
In PvP I main warrior (but I can easily switch to any other class and do well if the team comp requires it). Don’t believe me? Go check out my GW2Efficiency stats and check out my last 100 PvP matches or so.
Wait, glaphen, you MAIN guardian yet you don’t know how to counter burn guards? Wut?
I advice you to try burn guardian yourself then. Play it for a while to get a better understanding of the burn guard’s strengths and weaknesses. You’ll then have a better grasp of how to counter them when you play something else. That’s what I did too. I played burn guard to see what the fuzz is about. I quickly discovered that on burn guard I was absolutely wrecking bad players, but good players could easily kill me. All in all I find the burn guard incredibly boring to play. It’s a one-trick-pony that is easily countered by any decent player who know what the hell he/she is doing.
I main warrior not guard so try again Mr. Bad Thief Player Who Doesn’t Understand How PvP Works.
My advice totally works as I have zero issues with killing burn guards.
Even in coordinated team matches there will be emty points.
Guardian is the hard counter against thief, even before burning got buffed. Just accept that your main class is not all-powerful and has counters and move on. Either play a different class or accept that as a thief you’re gonna have to run from guardians in 1v1 siuations.
L2P and git gut scrub.
Running totally works in PVP. Not every class/build can tank a point. As a thief you should be +1ing fights and capping empty points.
I just told you how to counter burn guards. It’s up to you if you want to listen or keep getting powned by burn guards.
But if you decide to ignore my advice then please realize that you dying like a scrub is not the fault of the burn guard, it’s your fault for being stubborn and a bad player.
No it inflicts a 10 second burning just by being around the Guardian for 3.5k damage each.
Which is nothing. that’s 350 dmg per tick, or 350 per second. That’s laughable and should not be anything to worry about.
Also I guess it’s more like 6.5k from 3 stacks for 5 seconds x2 per 10 seconds per projectile.
That’s still only 1200 damage per tick. That’s quite heavy damage, but it comes from a projectile that can easily be dodged, blocked and/or cleansed.
Guardians are pretty tanky at a base with virtues and condition damage gives them free tanky stats compared with a zerker.
They’re less tanky than you think. they have 20k HP and only 2300 armor if they run Strength In Numbers.
Virtue of Justice is a purely offensive virtue. Virtue of Resolve does barely noticeable healing and Virtue of Courage has an incredibly high cooldown and can only be used once per fight at most.
Some condi pressure can kill a burn guard in no time. A burn guardian is no match for a necromancer. Shoutbow warriors, bunker guardians and d/d celementlaists will also slowly but surely get the burn guardian down with zero trouble.
I’m 100% sure I’m better than you even if I haven’t played in a year.
You clearly aren’t better than me as you have no clue how to deal with burn guardians while I easily kill them on most of my characters.
Anyway, I’m a nice person, so I’ll help you and teach you how to deal with burn guardians. Maybe after learning how to play you’ll no longer feel the need to complain about a mediocre gimmicky guardian build:
1) Realize that most burns that guards apply don’t do much damage. Don’t start spamming your condi cleanses once you see that burn being applied to you. Be aware where that burn came from and save your condi cleanses for the big hits like Purging Flames.
2) Obviously don’t walk into their Purging flames.
3) Try to keep the guardian at range. Burn guards have crap mobility and only have 2 teleports, one on a high cooldown and the other on the sword/focus, which is their defensive weapon set and won’t do much damage to you. When you keep them at a distance, you won’t be hurt by Zealot’s Flame and you can easily dodge Zealot’s Fire. Because the burn guard’s main offensive pressure comes from Zealot’s Flame/Fire, you’ll have the burn guard at a huge disadvantage if you can keep some range between you.
4) Don’t try to 1v1 a burn guard if you’re on a thief or PU shatter mesmer. Call for help or run and leave the burn guard to one of your other team mates. The guardian in general is a huge counter to thief and shatter mesmer, a burn guardian even more so. Know your strengths and weaknesses and pick your fights. You won’t be able to 1v1 everyone on every class and that’s okay.
5) Definitely do 1v1 a burn guard on a necro, guardian, warrior or elementalist. You should have no trouble killing those burn guards on those 4 classes.
6) If you’re on an engineer, try to deploy your healing turret late in the battle, preferably after the burn guard has already used his Purging Flames.
7) If you’re on a GS/Hammer warrior, try to burst the burn guard down while in Berserker Stance. Use your hammer a lot to stun and interrupt the burn guard, especially if you see them casting their Zealot’s Fire or Purging Flames which, as I said earlier, have long casting times and big telegraphs, so they should be easy to interrupt.
8) Shoutbow warriors, bunker guardians, necros and d/d celementalists can just do their regular rotations, they should have absolutely no trouble killing the burn guard that way.
I hope this helps.
I’m going to start posting my warrior damage on forums and say look it’s OP.
(And no i don’t main warrior , i play terror necromancer and soldier engineer).The fact is only 2 classes have easy acces to burnstacking in a more or less reliable way (ad ranger if you stay in bonfire.).
1) Guard is a high burst burn potential , with low mobility , great at +1 and doing ok in duels (It got counters). Their skills are huge telegraphs and you should be able to skillfully dodge most of their incoming burning damage burst , in team fights the burning + cover conditions + the stunts however is doing incredible damage and can’t be cleansed with ease on your own but that’s what your support role classes are for bunker guard / shout bow / cele ele / … can negate all forms of condition damage from their team mates using their cleansing skills at the right moment.
2) Engineer has a high burn burst potential , having decent mobility , behing good at +1 , it’s verry easy to counter in duel situations. It’s weak to CC , focus fire and to condition it self. In team fights they are easy to take down with coordinated burst , their low hp pool is realy suffering by any condition AoE application , Their burst can be hard do deal with on your own in team fights , but again that’s the role of your support players to cleanse you.
The only burning skill you can skillfully dodge from a Guardian is Zealot’s Fire projectile, rest are all instant cast and rely on prediction/luck and the Guardian has the advantage of being the one being able to skillfully land the hit guaranteed. Those counters to Engineer are hilarious because that’s the counter to everything, should have been more specific and said take his health down to 0.
Zealot’s Flame and Purging Flames can both easily be dodged. They’re both incredibly slow attacks and incredibly telegraphed. They also happen to be the bread and butter of the burn guard’s damage output. If you can dodge those two skills (and any average player can) you should be fine. All the other sources of burning that the guardian has hardly do any real damage.
All you people complaining about burn guard really need to learn 2 play. Any slightly-above average player should have no trouble dealing with a burn guard, unless you’re on a PU shatter mesmer or a thief, those are the only classes that will have some trouble dealing with a burn guard, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Yeah Burn Guardians are so easy, just dodge every single basic thing they do that easily do more than a Zerker Hundred Blades.
No, they only do more damage than Hundred Blades if you allow their burn stacks to run their full duration.
Like I said, the most devastating skills of the guardian are Zealot’s Flame and Purging Flames, and only if you allow those to run their full course.
Your first option is dodge, which should be easy because these two skills are incredibly slow and telegraphed.
Failing that, your second option is block. If you have aegis or any other kind of block available, you can easily block these attacks.
Failing that you can cleanse. Almost every class has enough condi cleanses available to deal with Zealot’s Flame and Purging flames except for a PU Shatter mesmer and maybe a thief.
There is literally so much you can do against a burn guardian that you seriously have to be an utter noob if you let their burning run their full course and down you.
Tell me stories of the class with 20,000 condition removals again, now what if there is another condition build in the team fight preventing the burning from getting off. They do 1.7k per 3 attacks and Guardians have many multi hit attack choices and their Zealot’s still did 7k just from being activated instantly and every 10 seconds you get another 7k and have to avoid the 5kx2 projectiles plus multi hit attacks and activated for 3.8kxally. Also be careful of your movement for the first 6 seconds after you dodge Purging Flames, 10k damage every time someone enters it and it can trigger every single time.
20000 condition removals? You only need 2 or 3.
If you’re in a team fight, chances are high that you have access to group condi cleanses. If you have a shoutbow warrior or bunker guardian on your team, those condi builds will do nothing but tickle you when you’re in team fights.
Zealot’s Flame does not hit for 7k simply by activating, they need to be thrown to do serious damage, and even then they often don’t hit for more than 5k unless the guardian has significant amount of might stacked up (which they can’t do themselves unless they block your burst with Shelter and you’re dumb enough to just keep attacking).
All your other numbers are kitten too because those numbers only go so high if you let the guardian’s burning stack up and run their full course.
Again, you need to learn to play. I have absolutely zero difficulty countering burn guardians and I’m merely slightly above average in terms of skill.
So tell me, how can a slightly above average player have zero difficulty dealing with burn guardians while you seem to think they’re so utterly invincible? Are you really that much of a noob?
They are the best pvp build.
Anyone who says otherwise is just kidding themselves lol.
I mean. Every burn guard i’ve even met knows how cheesy they are. XD
Burn guard is far from the best PvP build. There is a reason why the burn guard only gets a silver medal on and not a gold one.
D/D celementalists, shoutbow warriors, GS/Hammer warriors, bunker guards, DPS medi guards, soldier rifle engineers and cele necros can all easily outplay a burn guardian.
I’m going to start posting my warrior damage on forums and say look it’s OP.
(And no i don’t main warrior , i play terror necromancer and soldier engineer).The fact is only 2 classes have easy acces to burnstacking in a more or less reliable way (ad ranger if you stay in bonfire.).
1) Guard is a high burst burn potential , with low mobility , great at +1 and doing ok in duels (It got counters). Their skills are huge telegraphs and you should be able to skillfully dodge most of their incoming burning damage burst , in team fights the burning + cover conditions + the stunts however is doing incredible damage and can’t be cleansed with ease on your own but that’s what your support role classes are for bunker guard / shout bow / cele ele / … can negate all forms of condition damage from their team mates using their cleansing skills at the right moment.
2) Engineer has a high burn burst potential , having decent mobility , behing good at +1 , it’s verry easy to counter in duel situations. It’s weak to CC , focus fire and to condition it self. In team fights they are easy to take down with coordinated burst , their low hp pool is realy suffering by any condition AoE application , Their burst can be hard do deal with on your own in team fights , but again that’s the role of your support players to cleanse you.
The only burning skill you can skillfully dodge from a Guardian is Zealot’s Fire projectile, rest are all instant cast and rely on prediction/luck and the Guardian has the advantage of being the one being able to skillfully land the hit guaranteed. Those counters to Engineer are hilarious because that’s the counter to everything, should have been more specific and said take his health down to 0.
Zealot’s Flame and Purging Flames can both easily be dodged. They’re both incredibly slow attacks and incredibly telegraphed. They also happen to be the bread and butter of the burn guard’s damage output. If you can dodge those two skills (and any average player can) you should be fine. All the other sources of burning that the guardian has hardly do any real damage.
All you people complaining about burn guard really need to learn 2 play. Any slightly-above average player should have no trouble dealing with a burn guard, unless you’re on a PU shatter mesmer or a thief, those are the only classes that will have some trouble dealing with a burn guard, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Yeah Burn Guardians are so easy, just dodge every single basic thing they do that easily do more than a Zerker Hundred Blades.
No, they only do more damage than Hundred Blades if you allow their burn stacks to run their full duration.
Like I said, the most devastating skills of the guardian are Zealot’s Flame and Purging Flames, and only if you allow those to run their full course.
Your first option is dodge, which should be easy because these two skills are incredibly slow and telegraphed.
Failing that, your second option is block. If you have aegis or any other kind of block available, you can easily block these attacks.
Failing that you can cleanse. Almost every class has enough condi cleanses available to deal with Zealot’s Flame and Purging flames except for a PU Shatter mesmer and maybe a thief.
There is literally so much you can do against a burn guardian that you seriously have to be an utter noob if you let their burning run their full course and down you.
I’m going to start posting my warrior damage on forums and say look it’s OP.
(And no i don’t main warrior , i play terror necromancer and soldier engineer).The fact is only 2 classes have easy acces to burnstacking in a more or less reliable way (ad ranger if you stay in bonfire.).
1) Guard is a high burst burn potential , with low mobility , great at +1 and doing ok in duels (It got counters). Their skills are huge telegraphs and you should be able to skillfully dodge most of their incoming burning damage burst , in team fights the burning + cover conditions + the stunts however is doing incredible damage and can’t be cleansed with ease on your own but that’s what your support role classes are for bunker guard / shout bow / cele ele / … can negate all forms of condition damage from their team mates using their cleansing skills at the right moment.
2) Engineer has a high burn burst potential , having decent mobility , behing good at +1 , it’s verry easy to counter in duel situations. It’s weak to CC , focus fire and to condition it self. In team fights they are easy to take down with coordinated burst , their low hp pool is realy suffering by any condition AoE application , Their burst can be hard do deal with on your own in team fights , but again that’s the role of your support players to cleanse you.
The only burning skill you can skillfully dodge from a Guardian is Zealot’s Fire projectile, rest are all instant cast and rely on prediction/luck and the Guardian has the advantage of being the one being able to skillfully land the hit guaranteed. Those counters to Engineer are hilarious because that’s the counter to everything, should have been more specific and said take his health down to 0.
Zealot’s Flame and Purging Flames can both easily be dodged. They’re both incredibly slow attacks and incredibly telegraphed. They also happen to be the bread and butter of the burn guard’s damage output. If you can dodge those two skills (and any average player can) you should be fine. All the other sources of burning that the guardian has hardly do any real damage.
All you people complaining about burn guard really need to learn 2 play. Any slightly-above average player should have no trouble dealing with a burn guard, unless you’re on a PU shatter mesmer or a thief, those are the only classes that will have some trouble dealing with a burn guard, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Anet definitely should bring back a penalty to leaving the match early or simply AFKing at spawn till the end.
It really annoys me when a sour loser decided to give up and AFK even though we still have a fighting chance to win the match. It’s easy to recover from a 80-5 if you get your kitten together and it seems ridiculous to me to AFK that early in the match because you think you’ve lost.
I really would like to see a ‘report for AFK’ function in PvP and I want someone who AFKs and gets reported for it to get temporarily banned from PvP, maybe permanently banned if it happens more often.
Or you are just better at playing, as you now know what to expect? People seem to forget that what makes most things difficult is not knowing what you are doing. Once you do. Most of the difficulty is gone.
Then how come in BWE3 I’m completely steamrolling through the HoT content, absolutely melting veterans on a class I never played before (Druid) with Clerics gear, while in BWE2 I had difficulty killing veterans on my main profession (Guardian) using Berserkers gear?
This isn’t just us learning the content, they actually significantly reduced the health, DPS and density of the mobs in HoT.
Druid will undoubtedly be an amazing healer, but guardian will still remain one of the top dog healers.
With this build that I just threw together, you’ll heal for over 2k hp for all your allies around you per second.
That’s right, more than 2000 health p/sec of outgoing healing with this build, while still maintaining reasonable DPS (nothing spectacular, but not bad either).
1. Druid
2. Heralt
3. Reaper
4. Chronomancer
5. Scrapper
6. Berserker
7. Daredevil
8. Tempest
9999. Dragonhunter
Yes I’m still sour about the Dragonhunter, I hate it in every single way, the name sucks, the new virtues suck, the utility skills suck, the traits suck and the longbow skills are “meh” at best. As someone who mains Guardian this really stings.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
It was mentioned in the twitch stream that the new pets are not only for the Druid elite spec, but “for all rangers” as well.
Irenio – “’There are new pets that will be available in Heart of Thorns.”
Rubi – “And this is for all rangers, not just the druid.”
Irenio – “That’s right. This is kind of the thing that all rangers are getting access to in the Heart of Thorns.”This is confusing to me. How can it be “all rangers” if the new pets are only available in HoT areas for those that own HoT? It would not be for all rangers, it would be only for rangers that own HoT.
As the juvenile form of the pet needs to be charmed, a regular ranger would not be able to get them as the juvenile form would only be available in HoT-only areas.
@Gaile (hiya, Gaile!)
- Is this just incomplete information given during the twitch stream by Rubi and Irenio or incorrect words used?
- Do the new pets actually require HoT and the Druid elite specialization unlocked to get them, but once gotten they can be used by non-druid rangers?
- Or is it as it came off as being – that HoT is not required to get the new pets as it was said that all rangers will have access to them?
- And if they are available to all rangers, does this possibly mean that pact Tyria will be seeing Mordrem and the juveniles of the new pets for base rangers to charm so base rangers can charm them outside of HoT-only content areas?
You’re most certainly gonna need HoT to get the new ranger pets, but you’re not gonna need to be a druid to get them.
Irenio did not misspeak nor did he give incomplete information. What he says is pretty clear:
“’There are new pets that will be available in Heart of Thorns.”
“That’s right. This is kind of the thing that all rangers are getting access to in the Heart of Thorns.”
He specifically says “in the Heart of Thorns” e.g. the expansion pack.
I wanted to send ColinJohanson.2394 a message after hearing what I think is a contradiction in messaging coming from the developement team. On the one hand, Colin likes to remind everyone that Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have a gear grind, that (after Ascended armor that is) there are no plans to raise the level cap, or create new tiers of gear. However, at almost the same time, the development team is smugly promising that the so-called Zerker meta in PvE won’t cut it in the new content and will be unsuitable. Look, we players didn’t make stupid AI and encounters that are optimized by gear with these stats. So isn’t this just a veiled gear grind, since all my Ascended Berserker’s / Assassin’s gear will be obsolete?
You know you can change the stats on your Berserker gear right? Just use this Mystic Forge recipe:
So you don’t have to grind to get an entirely new armor set. All you have to do is get the runes again because they will get destroyed in this process.
Guardians will probably now share the burden of keeping people alive with the revenant.
Unless we get very specific encounters that specifically require the new specializations, I don’t think any of the elite specializations will make it into the dungeons/raids meta, besides Heralt, Heralt will most definitely be used. Maybe the Berserker elite spec will get a spot in condi-oriented parties, but that’s it.
Ta daaaa! I love it. Did y’all see it?
…. Was it just me or did Kasmeer look like she was wearing different armor? It went fast, so it was hard to tell.
I just paused it on youtube and Kasmeer’s armour looks the same as her usual one. Did notice Marjory is using her greatsword though, don’t recall if she had already started doing that yet?
Yeah Marjory uses her greatsword in the living world season 2, but she didn’t use any specific reaper skills there.
Yeah would like to see a link as well if possible. It’s not uploaded on YouTube yet.
Indeed, I really don’t get this “unskilled” argument. If a crippled man who’s paralyzed from the neck down can do raids and competitive PvP ( ), then you really have no excuse (looking at you Ohoni), especially not if you have a healthy set of eyes and hands.
He was playing WoW, not GW2. We aren’t talking about WoW raids, we’re talking about GW2 raids. Totally different game. I doubt there will be the option to punch on a training dummy for ten minutes in a GW2 raid.
Way to go to disrespect a crippled man, real cool of you.
You do realize WoW is more difficult than GW2 right? Like, way more difficult.
And you doubt there will be the option to punch on a training dummy for ten minutes in a GW2? Dude, are we playing the same game? That is exactly what all world bosses and dungeon bosses are right now. They’re basically just loot pinatas. I doubt raids will be much more difficult. Probably a little more difficult, but not so difficult that you as an healthy abelist man with working eyes and hands won’t be able to do them.
PS: Please stop editing out my name when you quote me. You will address me properly with my name at the top of my comment. If you can’t do that, then please don’t reply to me at all. What you’re doing now is confusing (mostly to other readers) and annoying as kitten.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
If I hate the grind then it means I can’t do it as much as if you are unskilled you can’t do hard content, EXACT SAME THING
No, it is not remotely the same thing. Not looking at something because you choose not to look at it is NOT the same thing as not looking at it because you’re actually blind. I don’t even understand why you are persisting on this nonsense non-point.
I persist because it’s the exact same thing.
Indeed, I really don’t get this “unskilled” argument. If a crippled man who’s paralyzed from the neck down can do raids and competitive PvP ( ), then you really have no excuse (looking at you Ohoni), especially not if you have a healthy set of eyes and hands.
I wasn’t in any beta, so I’m asking myself: Is there any visual indication ingame that you are a scrapper or a daredevil, like does your icon change?
Or is it just the name of the spec in the traits, in which case I don’t get all the fuzz around the names of the elite specs.
I just see those like gameplay variations of my thief, engineer or whatever and I couldn’t care less about their name (lorewise or rp wise).My main thief is specced Duel/acrobatics but for me he’s just a Swashbuckler
Back to topic: Scrapper sounds good. I’m waiting to see what the french translation will be. What we got till now was rather funny ^^
No, the only indication of you using the elite spec is your new weapon and new set of skills. Your class name doesn’t change, your icon doesn’t change either.
These elite spec names are merely the names of the spec, in the same way as the already existing specs for the thief are named Deadly Arts, Critical Strikes, Shadow Arts, Acrobatics and Trickery. Daredevil (in the thief’s case) will just be the name of the elite spec line.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Depends on the game mode.
Open-world PvE:
Easy: warrior, thief, ranger, guardian
Medium: elementalist, necromancer, engineer
Hard: mesmer
Easy: warrior, elementalist
Medium: thief, mesmer, guardian, engineer
Hard: ranger, necromancer
Easy: elementalist, warrior, guardian, ranger
Medium: necromancer, engineer
Hard: mesmer, thief
WvW Zerging:
Easy: warrior, necromancer, elementalist
Medium: engineer, mesmer, guardian
Hard: ranger, thief
WvW Roaming:
Easy: thief, mesmer, ranger
Medium: elementalist, warrior, necromancer, engineer
Hard: guardian
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
Seems like an awesome change to me. Key farming was never intended, keys are supposed to be a major contribution to their gem store sales, but were being significantly undermined by key farming.
Hopefully with the restrictions in place they can increase the drop rates in the chests now so people will buy keys again.
People will never buy keys as long as the content of the BL chests is so horrible.
Seriously, half of the junk you can get from BL chests needs to be removed from the BL chest drop table, and in turn the drop chances for BL tickets and BL ticket scraps need to be increased.
Most of us have felt or still feel this way. In the parlance of the forum’s white knights, it’s ‘working as intended’. The game is designed to induce us to spend real money, on gem store content or for conversion into gold.
Personally, I feel a little bad for people who value Legendary weapons. They’re hideously gaudy, imo. You can get loads of far better looking BL skins for the same amount of gold.
Yes and no.
I fully disagree that the reward system in GW2 is bad. I’m glad that seems to be somewhat changing in HoT (precursor collection mastery and armor precursors earned through raiding) however I don’t think the game is build to encourage gems-to-gold conversions. I mean seriously, who wants to spend $10,- on give or take 150g if you’re lucky? Which such conversion rates it would cost you $200,- if you wanted to use real money on crafting a legendary. That’s TWO-HUNDRED DOLLARS. For a digital item!
If Anet wanted us to spend real money on gems to convert to gold, then they’d make the gems-to-gold conversion a bit more lucrative. They’d set it to a default good conversion rate instead of linking it to the gold-to-gems conversion rate.
Who want to spend $10 for 150g? Cash shop based games are usually built around people who are willing spend obscene amounts for their pixels. There are also plenty of people who are willing to exchange real money for virtual currency based on the fact that gold sellers can remain in business.
Yeah but illegal gold sellers usually give you somewhere between 500 and 1000 gold for 10 bucks. That’s a way more acceptable rate than 150g (at most) for 10 bucks.
If Anet would offer 1000g for 10 bucks, then I probably would have been tempted to buy gold with real money. But as it is now (150g at most for 10 bucks) it’s just a waste of money. I really can’t justify spending 10 bucks on 150g.
Edit: Nevermind, I just checked some sites, the best bang for your buck these days is 300g for 12,50 bucks. It’s still better than 150g for 10 bucks, but still not worth it.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
This video is very relevant and I hope Anet takes a look at this and takes notes. The video also explains why and how Ohoni is so wrong:
Most of us have felt or still feel this way. In the parlance of the forum’s white knights, it’s ‘working as intended’. The game is designed to induce us to spend real money, on gem store content or for conversion into gold.
Personally, I feel a little bad for people who value Legendary weapons. They’re hideously gaudy, imo. You can get loads of far better looking BL skins for the same amount of gold.
Yes and no.
I fully disagree that the reward system in GW2 is bad. I’m glad that seems to be somewhat changing in HoT (precursor collection mastery and armor precursors earned through raiding) however I don’t think the game is build to encourage gems-to-gold conversions. I mean seriously, who wants to spend $10,- on give or take 150g if you’re lucky? Which such conversion rates it would cost you $200,- if you wanted to use real money on crafting a legendary. That’s TWO-HUNDRED DOLLARS. For a digital item!
If Anet wanted us to spend real money on gems to convert to gold, then they’d make the gems-to-gold conversion a bit more lucrative. They’d set it to a default good conversion rate instead of linking it to the gold-to-gems conversion rate.
Every downward tic in the exchange rate is caused by a player exchanging gems for gold. RMT is an important part of the game for many players and for Arenanet. If you made your argument to Arenant shareholders they would laugh in your face and insist that anyone who worked at Arenanet and shared your opinion of RMT be barred from management positions.
If the exchange rate were artificially inflated, the value of gold (the product Arenanet offers for sale) would plummet. Linking the amount of gold leaving circulation to the amount of gold entering circulation helps maintain the value of gold. An artificially inflated exchange rate would show Arenanet didn’t value RMT.
That being said, all ‘needed’ rewards can be obtained without ever using gold.
edit for clarity: "Every downward tic in the exchange rate is caused by players exchanging gems for gold outnumbering players exchanging gold for gems.
I get what you’re saying, and I do realize that fixing the conversion rates would come with complications of its own, but lets be real here, who in his rightful mind would spend 200 bucks for a legendary weapon?
The amount of gold you get for your real money is so laughably low that I can’t imagine anyone seriously pouring real money into gems to convert those to gold. I mean obviously it happens, but how often? How much?
I mean if we look at the convention rates, they’re actually steadily going up. 10 bucks will give you more gold now than it used to 1 or 2 years ago. Meanwhile converting gold to gems is also becoming more and more expensive. This actually implies that more people are converting gold to gems than the other way around.
Considering the fact that gems-to-gold and gold-to-gem conversions are directly linked, with a small (I think 15%) tax thrown on top of each conversion, I doubt Anet is making much money from these conversions.
What matters to Anet is people buying gems. What these people use these gems on doesn’t matter because in the end, every single gem brought into the game will be used on gemstore items (to explain: if you convert gems to gold, then someone else who converts gold to gems will get your gems and he/she will spend those gems on gemstore items).
So I don’t think it’s Anet’s intention to get people to buy gems to convert that to gold because that’s not what makes them money. What makes them money is people buying gemstore items.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
I read the entire post and still my reply is:
The visual clues aren’t just in the character’s animations, they are in the very things you complain about. These flashes, whooshes, and whatnot ARE the visual queues of your opponent’s attack.
Look, if you don’t like it, there is a very simple solution already in the game for you: lower your graphics settings.
It doesn’t matter what the graphics are set to – and many of us have better machines and very fast connections.
I am one of those people.
You must not be playing on tier 1 wvw or a boss map or mordremoth much – because all of those things have nothing to do with “graphics levels” at all, it’s just a mishmash of things that just don’t work – separately or in combination.
I actually do play on the NA tier 1 WvW servers as well as playing Silverwastes from time to time. I play on max-graphics. Never had an issue with it.
I also play high-level competitive PvP, where reading your opponents and fast reaction times are much, much, much more important than in WvW zerging or PvE. And there I’m also doing fine.
It seems you didn’t bother to read the postings, you skimmed them and pronounced all of us idiots.
Not even close.
I read the entire OP carefully. I skimmed through the rest. I didn’t call anyone an idiot though.
The game has serious issues which are about to be compounded by even more problems without a single one from over three years of postings and begging have done nothing to get most of them fixed.
I don’t have any issues with the visual style of GW2, so it’s definitely a personal problem, not a problem with the game. As I said, the UI and graphical style of GW2 is much cleaner and much more readable than WoW, which I used to play before GW2.
My pet has half the life it does in pve? Want to know why Rangers are at a great disadvantage? That’s just one – and there are many more mechanics that don’t work.
Rangers are in a good spot in both WvW, open-world PvE and PvP. The only place where rangers perform less is dungeons and fractals, but that has nothing to do with your pet’s health and everything to do with the stacking nature of dungeons/fractals and rangers dishing out the most DPS at a range.
You can’t get 50% health back by “lowering graphics” and you can’t make the UI work when it just isn’t.
The UI works fine. Again, coming from WoW, the UI in GW2 is a huge improvement.
DDOS attacks at the same time on TS should tell Anet that their game is being popped from outside sources but hey, let’s not use some intelligent computer forensics, just blame the players, Anet has plenty more where we came from.
Every MMO deals with DDOS attacks from time to time. GW2 suffers very little from it. When was the last time you saw GW2’s servers being DDOSed? I think that has been over a year ago.
Besides, how is this related to the thread’s topic, which is about graphics/UI?
It’s disrespect bordering on malfeasance to allow a game to have so many errors, errors that would not be accepted in any console game or arcade game – and we paid much more than we did for those so why do we have to go without logical fixes for broken mechanics for over three years?
Uh what? When is the last time you played a console game? They’re not much better off than GW2 when it comes to bugs and glitches. GW2 has fairly few bugs for an MMO.
And if you paid much more for GW2 than a console game you’re doing it wrong. Console games cost 60 bucks. GW2 at launch only 50 bucks, then for a long time it was sold for 10 bucks and now it’s free-to-play.
If you’ve spend more than 50 bucks on the core game, then that’s something you chose to do yourself. If you think GW2 isn’t worth your money, you shouldn’t have spend more money on it.
GW2’s graphical overload is so crazy that I often can’t even find my cursor, which makes it rather difficult to click on anything or aim ground-targeted effects. I really wish there were ways to either tune down the effects you mentioned or tune up the cursor because it’s one of the most important parts of the interface yet it’s impossible to find when 5+ people are beating on Champion (which is itself shooting flames out in all directions).
Really? I never use my cursor outside of navigating through my inventory.
Targeting the nearest enemy? Press ‘Tab’. Tabbing through multiple targets? Press ‘Tab’ again.
Placing a group target on the targeted mob? Press ‘Ctrl+T’.
Targeting the enemy that you’ve put a group target on? Press ‘Capslock’ (for me, I think the default is Ctrl+Shift+T).
Anyway, my point is, you can do everything in this game with keybinds. You really don’t need your cursor for anything combat-related, other than placing ground-targeted skills, which always gives you a very big neon-green symbol on the ground to clearly show you where you’re placing your skill, so that shouldn’t be too hard to see.
If you are bored, try doing something out of the ordinary. Like for instance, I never thought I’d be using necromancer alot in PvP in GW2, since I rarely used them in GW1 (although they were alright, I just don’t find they fit my playstyle). I was trying out the various job classes in PvP, then when I played necro it suddenly clicked for me. And now thanks to sir Choxie, I’ve been doing a lot of zerg busting in EotM.
With all the cliffs in the new borderlands, I’m looking forward to doing some zerg busting in there as well.
Man those people are really dumb for not using a stunbreaker and/or stability. They deserved getting thrown into the abyss by you for being so carless.
Saving gold to get a precursor to build a legendary is trying to hit a moving target. The artificial scarcity is also a huge problem for some exotics, but ANet rules itself based on its economics, instead of what would be rewarding for the players.
O really? Then explain to me how I managed to save up gold for 3 precursors without much grinding or farming.
Scarcity is a good thing. It makes items more valuable. What matters is how to achieve such scarcity.
What Anet does now is locking items behind insane RNG numbers or even more insane grind walls. Some people prefer RNG and others prefer grinding. GW2 has plenty of that and that shouldn’t change. However, there is another way of creating scarcity.
Another, much more enjoyable way of creating scarcity would be to lock items behind insanely challenging content. That way you have something to strive for and when you finally manage to beat that challenge you’ll be rewarded with a valuable item.
Like I said, some people prefer RNG and some prefer grinding, so that shouldn’t go away. But GW2 would go a long way in feeling much more rewarding if it also had really challenging content with really good rewards locked behind that content. I’d much prefer trying and failing a difficult raid a bunch of times than to mindlessly grinding my kitten off in the Silverwastes or trying my luck at the Mystic Toilet.
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
I actually main guardian and use a Sunrise (has more particle effects than Cobalt). I never had the issue Lord Trejgon or the OP describes.
Hell, coming from WoW, GW2 is actually a fairly easy to read MMO. The UI and visual effects in GW2 are much better and much cleaner than the colorful mess that is WoW.
Most of us have felt or still feel this way. In the parlance of the forum’s white knights, it’s ‘working as intended’. The game is designed to induce us to spend real money, on gem store content or for conversion into gold.
Personally, I feel a little bad for people who value Legendary weapons. They’re hideously gaudy, imo. You can get loads of far better looking BL skins for the same amount of gold.
Yes and no.
I fully disagree that the reward system in GW2 is bad. I’m glad that seems to be somewhat changing in HoT (precursor collection mastery and armor precursors earned through raiding) however I don’t think the game is build to encourage gems-to-gold conversions. I mean seriously, who wants to spend $10,- on give or take 150g if you’re lucky? Which such conversion rates it would cost you $200,- if you wanted to use real money on crafting a legendary. That’s TWO-HUNDRED DOLLARS. For a digital item!
If Anet wanted us to spend real money on gems to convert to gold, then they’d make the gems-to-gold conversion a bit more lucrative. They’d set it to a default good conversion rate instead of linking it to the gold-to-gems conversion rate.
I read the entire post and still my reply is:
The visual clues aren’t just in the character’s animations, they are in the very things you complain about. These flashes, whooshes, and whatnot ARE the visual queues of your opponent’s attack.
Look, if you don’t like it, there is a very simple solution already in the game for you: lower your graphics settings.