Showing Posts For Lysserd.4618:

How important is healing power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I’ve tried full healing and no healing on an elementalist. I noticed no noticeable change in my healing output to myself or others. So, yeah. That stat doesn’t seem to be of any use at all.

Why There is No Excuse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


And I’m talking about the one excuse I keep hearing on these forums that gets to me. The “It’s only been 3 months” excuse. I mean, come on guys. The game barely just came out, right? I mean, so what if a few people leave. ANet can fix up the game, just give it some time cause you can’t expect it to be perfect over night.

Now this is true, kinda.
Yeah, this game just came out.
Yeah, we can’t really expect a perfect product so close to launch.
But no, ANet cannot afford to loose players this early on; they cannot afford the bad press; and this is far from perfect for a lot of people.

Now here’s why this “It’s only been 3 months” excuse really gets to me. It’s all about the money. Since GW2 is a F2P profit model that means that the game’s profit is directly tied to the number of active players and active hours spent in the game. It you aren’t playing the game, you aren’t buying gem items. Since there’s no monthly subscription, that’s where the monthly profit is supposed to come from.

Now right just now we have people leaving the game, temporarily or moreso, for various reasons. Regardless, some will never come back and some won’t for some time. These people will also stop or delay the purchase of more copies of this game via their friends. These situations result in a direct loss of active play and of profit. Are you putting dots together yet?

Money is necessary for game improvement.
Graphics aint cheap, kids!
Without seeing enough viable profits the staff gets reduced.

It’s a negative feedback loop. People leave and reduce the monthly profit, this will eventually lead to a reduction of staff and ability to develop this game at a decent pace. Leads to more losses, and yadda yadda until you’re left with a fan base similar in size to GW1. But is that enough people to support a game like GW2? I dunno for sure, but probably not.

Feel free to disagree, everybody’s got opinions.
Me? I’m gonna be looking at GW2 sales stats and wondering if waiting for this game to be fixed is even plausible, or worth my time.

Allow bots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I first I was outraged.
Then I remember how grindey the mats are in this game. Bots would probably bring the prices down.

The Positive Things Thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


- No monthly subscription
- I didn’t spontaneously combust when I played this game
- Play of this game has not lead to arthritis
- FotM made me kitten such a brick that I think it cured my spastic kitten
- Since buying this game I no longer need to spend money renting bad movies
- Convenient patching process
- No Day of Lavos

How is a convenient patch process one that give you TWO minutes notice and boots you out of game regardless of what you were doing or how important it was.

Because that’s when I went to cure my spastic kitten. How did ANet even know I had to go?

Because they’re such an awesome development team who actually listens to player feed-back and adjusts accordingly, not to mention sticks to their manifesto?

Yeah, I read that. Wasn’t it called Mein Kampf or something ….

Some people really need to relax...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Its funny that people are complaining so much that they are casual and have too much of a life to play towards earning a new tier. If you’ve got such a busy life then why are you here complaining so much about a game? And its not just simple complaints, some of you are taking it real personal like the whole world is ending. It’s just a game you don’t even pay a sub for.

Are you kittening kidding me? We payed $60 plus all the money spent in the cash shop. Game hasn’t even been out long enough to offset the price spent in a traditional MMO with a sub. Your argument is not sound for a large percentage of players on here, not to mention that we are complaining because we WANT this game to succeed, just are angry/afraid of direction ANET is suddenly taking.

All I know is I’ve had the game since end of Sept and I’m still not 80. And I’ve played 5 out of 7 times a week at least 2-3 hours a sitting. Played a few toons but need to rush, to get to max cap, or end game like the other MMO.

This isn’t also a traditional MMO. Many people here really need to go back to the other MMO and play it for a bit. Then reassess their views.

I hear the same level of complaints and threads over there…and I read their forums also. Their gripes are no different then yours here. The grass is always greener stuff.

Over in the other MMO forums, the complaints are the same. There is nothing to do at end game unless you are progression raiders. The dailies are boring. The grinding is absurd. The PvP is broken and unbalanced. Where is the new content for those that devoured the content and blazed through it. And they are PAYING $15 a month. You aren’t.

I think a lot of people REALLY need to step back and think about really what they are complaining about.

This is a game.

The amount of effort and energy being wasted here complaining about a game is staggering.

People need to step back and start playing this game the way it was designed to be played..which is CASUALLY.

My buddy who got to 80 super quick the first week or so was on the other night and really had an epiphany about the game…said it was really weird to not want to log in and play every night recently, but when he thought about it, he said it was actually a really good thing.

He said when he looked back at the other MMO and how much time he played it and the type of treadmill they had going, that GW2 is actually a really good thing. He can come and go when he wants and still enjoys playing when he does but he doesn’t have the urge to log in all the time…which is good now according to him. And no he’s not going back to the other MMO. In fact he said he’s enjoying coming and going.

Kinda like a game should be.

If your argument as to why we should be upset is that we’re playing the game wrong I have one thing to tell you. That is a really bad argument. I will show you the reverse of it:

You should be upset. You’re not? You’re playing the game wrong, if you were playing it like THEY MEANT IT TO BE PLAYED you’d be pissed.


The Positive Things Thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


- No monthly subscription
- I didn’t spontaneously combust when I played this game
- Play of this game has not lead to arthritis
- FotM made me kitten such a brick that I think it cured my spastic kitten
- Since buying this game I no longer need to spend money renting bad movies
- Convenient patching process
- No Day of Lavos

How is a convenient patch process one that give you TWO minutes notice and boots you out of game regardless of what you were doing or how important it was.

Because that’s when I went to cure my spastic kitten. How did ANet even know I had to go?

The Positive Things Thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


- No monthly subscription
- I didn’t spontaneously combust when I played this game
- Play of this game has not lead to arthritis
- FotM made me kitten such a brick that I think it cured my spastic kitten
- Since buying this game I no longer need to spend money renting bad movies
- Convenient patching process
- No Day of Lavos

Some people really need to relax...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I think I’m going to extend you the courtesy you didn’t, I’m not going to devalue your opinion. You bring up some points, but I don’t see you providing much of a counterargument other then “you’re wrong”. But I’m not gonna argue your opinions, you’re entitled to them. I’ll just argue this:

First, if there’s a ton of people who “proceed to cry and moan” it’s not a little sub-section. It’s an issue. An issue that is going to loose your business sales. It’s called negative customer feedback, and if there was just a teeny bit then ANet could justify ignoring it, but this is by no means a small amount of negative feedback.

Second, this game is dying. Just spend 5 minutes on google and you can find stats of gaming communities decreasing time spent in this game by large margins. If you stop playing the game, you usually don’t buy the sequel. Then less sales leads to less features, lose more people. You get the picture.

I feel that Guild Wars 2 has some fundamental flaws

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I saw someone else on the forums saying that ANet tried to do horizontal and vertical progression at the same time, and that’s what killed them. I agree with that. I think they pursued the vertical progression style because WoW has the mega-numbers and money is awesome. But they kept horizontal style for their fans. The end result is just a mess. If they’d stuck with one method it probably would have been a better and more stable piece of content that would have would up with more active players by now.

Disappointed & Quitting GW2 | post yours

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Why I’ve distanced myself from GW2 is all about the dungeons.
– Dungeons are totally interchangeable. Which at first sounds like a good thing, but it’s kinda not. Since I can do any dungeon I want at lv80 there’s no incentive to even touch the ones that I don’t like. Essentially, by allowing players to do dungeons interchangeably there are hours of content that I don’t have to touch.
– The rewards are hilarious. The direct rewards you get from dungeons are not very good. If you’re new to a dungeon it might not even cover your repair costs. Also, the best gear you can get from a dungeon doesn’t have very rewarding stats, so that means that the best gear from a dungeon is all about aesthetics.
– What if I don’t like the pants? That’s the problem with gear solely based on aesthetics brings. If I don’t think that gear rewarded from a dungeon looks good, I just won’t do it. Combine this with a lot of the low-level gear looking pretty smexy and you have a problem. I can get myself looking pretty awesome with some low-level stuff I can find in a few hours or buy for very cheap.
– It’s just too hard to even get into a group. Dungeons are essentially the only PvE endgame. There are other things you can do, but they don’t have a wide appeal. ANet had to be aware of this, and yet the only LFG tool built into the game is laughable. A global LFG chat channel would have done the job better. It’s just a shame that this was launched with no good way to form a group for a dungeon.

Here’s the part where I try to reduce grumpy flaming. I’m not saying that GW2 should borrow solutions from other games, or even that I’m right at all. This is all just an opinion. Ultimately, it’s the opinions of the developers that will shape this game. I just hope that they listen to the complaints of their community and come up with some solutions.

Remove the LFG in the dungeon forums.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


If you haven’t noticed, people have been outsourcing their need for a dedicated LFG system to this forum and other websites. It is really stupid, I’ll agree. But I think the solution is less “clean up your forum space” and more “develop a LFG system that people can figure out and use”.

GW2 is not living up to its potential

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Your post is moot in my opinion (not trying to start anything here) for the simple fact that you say it’s not living to it’s ‘’full potential’’ when you’re not even playing the FULL game. Nowhere in this do you even include pvp which leads me to believe you haven’t spent time doing wvw or spvp.

How can you say ‘’not living up to it’s full potential’’ when you haven’t even played the second half of this game?

PvE and PvP are essentially two separate games inside one game. It has always been this way. The way they’re designed appeals to two different styles of gamer, and some people just won’t enjoy both.

I had a lot of expectations for GW2…

I found the problem… but that’s YOUR problem, not the game’s.

Expectations like fun dungeons, diverse characters, and variety shouldn’t be issues.

(edited by Lysserd.4618)

GW2 is not living up to its potential

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


This is very well thought out, and I agree with pretty much all of it. I don’t entire get what you’re on about with the Zones, but I wholeheartedly agree about Dungeons and Abilities.

The idea behind the 25 Bleed limit in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I never liked that everyone’s conditions stack on each other. I’ve got a ton of condition damage, what if another guy doesn’t? Shouldn’t my bleeds be doing more damage then their bleeds? If so, aren’t their stacks replacing mine at some points and lowering damage? The whole system seems negative and confusing.

Who wants the players to spread on other Cities?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Don’t forget that travel to LA is free, at least to my knowledge, by warping with the PvP menu and using the portal there.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Yes please, This is easier for me to know who to kick out. I hate players that doesn’t use gear that isn’t their level.

Also, I want to know who is wearing MF gear. They are leechers and do not contribute to anything.

Ahh, so this is the instance in which you can still enforce elitism. Gear level. The inner turmoil …. As much as I hate the elitism, like gear score, would knowing the item level really be a bad thing. Now I must ponder.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I find it intrusive. As long as there is an opt out button, knock yourselves out.

Interesting, why would you find my aforementioned version of inspect intrusive?

My mesmer mask...gone FOREVER!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Yeah, if that workaround works on masks then shouldn’t it work on all soulbound items, thus removing the necessity of soulbind? I’m curious, but lazy, has anyone tried this workaround with other soulbound items? If it does work with any soulbound item then it’ll either be fixed, or ANet would switch to account binding only.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I agree with your specific suggestion, Lysserd.
I’ll just add that the quality of the item should not be displayed either.
The name would always be white, regardless of whether it’s exotic, masterwork, etc.

Do any items have the same name, but different looks, across qualities? If that’s true, that would be the only reason to keep quality color.

[Suggestion] Legendary armor and Effect dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I think the effects shouldn’t be a dye, but specific to the legendary piece.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


It’s like you didn’t read my post at all

We’ve read your post, because the same things have been posted a hundred times already. This is nothing new. A bad suggestion that is completely unfit for this game. If you want to know what gear someone has, ask them. If they don’t answer, then oh well, try someone else or look it up. Inspecting is an absolutely terrible idea for this game now and it will still be an absolutely terrible idea for this game after the next 100 “PLS GIVE US INSPECT” posts.

It’s perfectly fine to not like it, but please don’t act like you’re responding to my posts if you’re not actually responding to anything I wrote in them. I would suggest you read the post right above yours. I want it, you don’t. We have both made our points clear. Now ANet decides.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Hmm. Seems there are a few opinions here. Maybe I can come up with something ….

- Dueling would be an option that you could set to off either in settings, or whenever you’re asked to duel.
– If someone declines a duel with you then you must wait an hour to ask them again, or some other span of time.
– Dueling would not incorporate an in-game effect, only a pop-up for affected players. So no flags everywhere.
– Dueling would port you to an instanced arena like a dungeon, flat land surrounded by water.

Friend Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Can we get a chat room for friends?

I’m not quite sure what you mean. You can already form a party and use party chat. Do you mean a chat channel that only has people in your friends list in it?

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Why do we need inspect if the game is skill based?

Hope I answered your question

A good opinion, but there seem to be a lot of people interested in finding out what piece of armor someone is wearing without having to bother them. Just so they know which piece corresponds to a look they like. Like I said, this would be something for the bottom of the to-do list.

Aggro control.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I understand that this game does not follow the usual MMO trend of having a holy trinity. However, ive been doing alot of dungeons lately and one thing that annoys me is when ur grp pulls a big mob and everyone’s grabbing aggro left, right, and centre.

I think we really need some sort of aggro control implemented in this game. As a ranger, i wear medium armour, so my survivability is not on par with classes such as guardian or a warrior, therefore i drop way more when i pull aggro. I dont wanna cop huge repair bills anymore for something i can’t control…

I’d like to hear other thoughts and opinions on how you feel abt this issue.

There is kind of an aggro system, you just don’t have any way to drop aggro aside from to stop attacking. Also, I’ve noticed that the initiator generates WAY more aggro then anyone else. At least, it’s seemed that way in some cases.

Elementalist color-changing armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


It would be a cool idea for an armor set in the future, but people would want to customize their appearance and not be forced into one. It’s kind of a staple of this game right now.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


It’s like you didn’t read my post at all

- "This is true of any quality of life feature. It’s not necessary, it’s just a nice addition to have. As such, this should be at the bottom of ANet’s to do list with all the other QoL changes. "
It should be at the bottom of their list of changes

- “If I ask someone what their gear is there is a large variety of reasons they couldn’t respond: anywhere from being AFK, to just not wanting to answer. From there it could take quite a lot of searching, with just an image alone, to try and find exactly what armor or weapon they had.”
There are instances where you can’t ask someone, or are ignored.

- You also didn’t answer me as to how you could profile someone from name alone.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


inspecting encourages profiling, profiling encourages segregation, and segregation is bad.

if you really want to know what it’s called, just ask.

they have far better, more important things to work on right now.

your “debunks” are pretty weak BTW, which is why i just repeated what you “debunked”.

I’d like to know how you could profile someone from only the item name, as I defined it above.

What's with the Inspect hate?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I’ve seen a lot of people talking about adding some kind of inspect feature and a lot of people shooting them down. From what I can gather, people don’t like inspect because: it encourages elitism (gear score), it discourages socialization, and it isn’t necessary.

First off, I’d like to say that an Inspect feature is, at best, a quality of life change. It is something that I want implemented, but by no means needs to be implemented in any sort of soon. Moving on.

I would suggest a inspect feature, but only for item names. This would allow a quick search of the internet/auction house to discover where that item comes from, and/or go get it yourself.

Allow me to elaborate further with an example item, “Berserker’s Duelist’s Coat of the Traveler”. This item can be broken down by [Berserker’s]stat grouping [Duelist’s Coat]item name [of the Traveler]rune. I would propose displaying item name ONLY. So for this item, Duelist’s Coat.

– it encourages elitism (gear score)
This seems to be the big one. With just the name of the item, there’s no way to tell what stats or runes are on it and thus no way to exclude people based on gear. Also, not having an inspect feature doesn’t stop this from happening. If I really wanted to exclude people based on gear, I still can. I can ask for the links before I invite then to a group. This, by the way, has already happened to me. So I’d assume it’s happened to others.

- it discourages socialization
You could argue this, but really are the micro-discussions that big of socialization? Is “What’s your shirt?” “Duelist’s Coat.” “Thanks.” a meaningful conversation? No. Honestly, I find it annoying. Also, if the curious person still wants to ask them where they got the item instead of searching the internet, they still can.

- it isn’t necessary
This is true of any quality of life feature. It’s not necessary, it’s just a nice addition to have. As such, this should be at the bottom of ANet’s to do list with all the other QoL changes. But it is needed. If I ask someone what their gear is there is a large variety of reasons they couldn’t respond: anywhere from being AFK, to just not wanting to answer. From there it could take quite a lot of searching, with just an image alone, to try and find exactly what armor or weapon they had.


A good counterpoint was, finally, brought up. Even with it just restricted to gear name you can still deduce gear level from this information, and enforce elitism. This is interesting, should other people be able to deduce your gear level? I think no, personally. So if this were added I would want an easily toggleable setting, maybe in your character screen, that turns inspection off.

(edited by Lysserd.4618)

Market protections need an upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


There is an inherent worth to almost every item I’ve seen in this game, you even mention it. Mouse over an item and look in the bottom left. Vendor worth. You can sell nearly every item to a vendor, and make a fixed income. You are hurting yourself when you list for 1c over vendor worth, you could have made more money just vendoring it.

There is no agreement between buyer and seller going on, just people loosing money for no reason. I can’t even list a lot of my items because the market has committed suicide, and I would be forced to list at a loss.

~HUGE LIST of improvements~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


What sounds easier to you? Asking a person about their gear, maybe getting and answer, asking other people if they saw him/provide a screencap, and again maybe getting an answer. Or right-click, inspect, oh that’s what it is. Google. Extensive information on said item. It’s a quality of life feature, and in no way needed immediately, but still needed. Also, how does it further elitism just to find out a gear’s name?

If someone doesn’t want to tell you what their gear is, you just have to accept that and find out another way. There’s absolutely no reason to be able to search people without their consent, especially since it offers you nothing you don’t have already. I can find out what ANY piece of gear is and where to get it in seconds, I have the official /wiki and google. /inspect is not needed and would only hurt the game, just like it did in WoW.

It hurt WoW because of the ability to inspect stats. In GW2 stats have no connection to what your gear’s name is. Please tell me how you are able to, in seconds, find out what a piece of gear is from looks alone.

~HUGE LIST of improvements~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


What sounds easier to you? Asking a person about their gear, maybe getting and answer, asking other people if they saw him/provide a screencap, and again maybe getting an answer. Or right-click, inspect, oh that’s what it is. Google. Extensive information on said item. It’s a quality of life feature, and in no way needed immediately, but still needed. Also, how does it further elitism just to find out a gear’s name?

LFM citadel of Flame story mode!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


No need to directly insult them, though I can understand your frustration. You should remove that from your post before they delete your thread.

Also, in the short term, a global LFG channel would clean up the clutter.

~HUGE LIST of improvements~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


So why not have an inspect feature that just shows the name of the item and not its stats at all? If I see somebody in cool gear, I just wanna check out what it is so I can try to find it myself. I don’t want to bother them with a conversation for the same result. They have the option not to respond, they could just not notice, or they could be sick of explaining it.

Also, an item’s name has no correlation to its stats in this game. So I don’t see how that kind of inspect feature could be abused.

It’s not needed. If you want to see someone’s gear… look at them, take a screenshot or three if you want to admire it later. If you want to know what gear they have, ask. Inspecting that DOESN’T show stats is the same as what I just suggested, so you don’t need it. Inspecting that DOES show stats will be horribly abused and is DEFINITELY not needed.

Inspecting that doesn’t show stats gives me item names. Names give me google. Google gives me locations. This saves making the other person explain what it is, where it’s from, and how to get it. I’ll say it again: They have the option not to respond, they could just not notice, or they could be sick of explaining it. If I ask and they say nothing, then am I just supposed to take a screen cap and post it on the forums hoping someone knows? Sounds kind of unnecessary.

Slight increase in starting zone experience

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Here’s what I THINK happened. Legendary items are one of the forms on end-game in GW2, and require exploration. I think that exploration was actually considered mandatory when they designed the areas. If you do 100% explore the areas, you will level appropriately.

I don’t think that this should be the case, and agree that you should be able to level appropriately from finishing just the quests in an area.

Anyone else think that Abomination Champ has Too Much HP?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Most of the champions in this game, regardless of location, have too much HP. It’s like trying to break down a solid wall with a spoon. It’s possible, but not enjoyable. Also, too man of them have large AoE 1-hit-KO abilities. Usually with a poor visual indicator, especially over the cacophony of effects from the 30 people attacking it.

~HUGE LIST of improvements~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


So why not have an inspect feature that just shows the name of the item and not its stats at all? If I see somebody in cool gear, I just wanna check out what it is so I can try to find it myself. I don’t want to bother them with a conversation for the same result. They have the option not to respond, they could just not notice, or they could be sick of explaining it.

Also, an item’s name has no correlation to its stats in this game. So I don’t see how that kind of inspect feature could be abused.

Opinions about Orr [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


100% agree with the OP. Sadly this thread will be deleted soon as others previously have as it won’t be deemed constructive because we’re complaining about Orr.

I really hope that you’re wrong about this. I haven’t been on the forums long, but is stuff like this really happening? Gah … ANet ….

One of the first things I learned from my game design teacher was this: If your players tell you that you did something wrong, you should not try to justify it to them and you should not tell them they’re wrong. No-no-no. If your players aren’t having fun, that means you screwed up. If something was supposed to justify it, that point isn’t getting across. You were wrong. You need to fix it.

My mesmer mask...gone FOREVER!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


Eh, Lysserd that would be cool… Except for warrior we get?
-Normal looking lvl 10 helmet.
-Bucket looking lvl 10 helmet.
-Run of the mill lvl 10 shoulders.

What a gip. :I

Then you just wouldn’t use yours. Who knows, though, maybe someone likes the starter warrior armor. What remains true is that some other classes have unique starting pieces that we all just throw away, and might want back later. This wouldn’t be a huge implementation as it’s just a vendor in the major cities.

My mesmer mask...gone FOREVER!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I don’t think it would be troublesome to add a vendor somewhere that would sell any of your class’s starting gear.

GW2 Flatline____

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


What I’ve noticed is that GW2 has taken the same route as other devs in making their end-game PvP. That’s neat and all, but one look at other successful will point out that a lot of their players aren’t interested in PvP. Or at least not interested in it as a primary focus. You got bored because there is a lack of end-game in the PvE of GW2.

So you just got to lv80 in GW2. What do you do now? Map completion. Ok, got that, now what? Dungeons. Why? Gear. Why? Because … it’s shiny …? The fact that you can get all this neat looking gear is real cool, but in the end provides no real incentives to people interested in a PvE end-game.

Let’s take a look and the WoW PvE end-game a few years back. Why WoW? Because they had about 7 kagillion players and made a mountain of money doing it. As a test case for MMOs, and source of inspiration for new ideas, there isn’t one better. Essentially they had a group of end-game dungeons that you could interchangeably play. Like the ones in GW2, the only real incentive was gear looks for some of them. But then you have the real end-game, dungeons that chain into each other.

You play Dungeon A until you have enough good gear to to Dungeon B and so on. It’s been in almost every MMO, and that’s because it works. In game design you need constant and clear goals. Right now, when you hit 80, you don’t have them outside of hot-pants.

Before my throat gets jumped on because I dared to mention WoW, note that I said as a source of inspiration. Should ANet port in the WoW end-game system directly? Hell no. This community is different from WoW’s and always will be. But it’s a great starting point for ANet to look at, and turn into something better.

PvE: make it so mobs can't CC you constantly.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


It just comes down to the player feeling a loss of control. It’s pretty basic game design that your player should always know exactly why they died, and it should always be their fault. I shouldn’t die because the dodge mechanic failed, and I shouldn’t die because I get into a CC chain and go get a cup of coffee. At least in PvE situations.

So, yeah, 100% agree with dealing with Orr. Also agree with the direct removal of some CC from Orrian mobs.

Guild Advertisement Window

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


That’d be a cool idea. In the short term, I’d take a global guild recruitment channel.

World-Wide Dungeon Party Browser

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


We definitely need something for people to form dungeon groups easily, because the chat spamming is getting ridiculous. I would also agree that the Dungeon Finder from WoW is a great starting point for ANet to draw from. I always found that tool expanding my socialization, because I hate having to wait to pull a group together.

The Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I agree that you should be able to COD something, but they should put a 15% fee on it to match the Trading Post. If the seller wishes to split the fee they just add 7.5% more to the COD requested.

Well that’s really the advantage of any direct trading, isn’t it? That you’re able to dodge the listing fees? Since you have to advertise and arrange the trade yourself for direct trades, I don’t think a fee is necessary.

The Trade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I seriously thought that there was a COD system until just now.

New Content vs Fixing Current Content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


I agree wholeheartedly with this. I had already quit this game, but came back after the most recent suite of bug fixes. ANet, you guys are making great progress. Keep it up.

Market protections need an upgrade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


So there are already protections in place in the market. Things like not being able to sell to people asking less the the item worth, and not being able to post for less either. These protections are a good idea and, apparently, necessary (as evidenced by the first month after release).

But people are still hurting themselves in the market. We all see it, people posting an item for less then the item worth + the listing fee. I would suggest expanding the value limit already in place to include the listing fee+item worth. This is a change that, really, shouldn’t be necessary. But apparently it is. :|

Death and dying (and paying, paying, paying ...)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lysserd.4618


For me, it’s not that the penalty is necessarily too much. I actually think that the penalties themselves are fine. There’s just too many of them. You pay for repairs AND warping AND a downed penalty AND backtracking (because you had to warp).

I think it would be a good idea to up repair costs so that your fee stays the same, then make the warp free. It just feels bad, because it’s all this stuff separately hitting you. If it was just a repair bill, then it wouldn’t hurt so bad.