Showing Posts For Madness.5810:
Ow, this means you arent active anymore mates?
Hi there Infamous Figures,
Me and my GF has been gone for 2 years or so and are gonna get back into the game and downloading now as we speak.
We are gonna delete all our chars to be able to come on your home server and hopefully join your guild because thats the only reason why we are gonna delete it all and start new chars.
For as now we dont know a name we will use for our new main(s) so cant say what we will play just of yet or thename with it.
If you can tell us here if we can join you it would be awesome so that we wont delete all our chars for nothing for the new home world
Bump! Gonna join and it said on the webpage to bump! So here I bump!
Thx for your replies mates, all sounds cool but me and my gf will go for you Seeingblue for the guild Great Architect.
One question though do you play NA or EU time zone? Because me and my gf are from EU and play when we can.
We will apply on your webby anyways because we prolly also like to join you in 2 other games if possible, but GW2 is our most active atm ofcourse.
We will check guesting first and see if we fit in before deleting all our chars. But you have to promise us to give us a class thats needed or is played the least in the guild so we can pick one of those choices because we gonna lvl up form lvl 1 again lol
Pls apply back here for the NA or EU playtime
And hopefully see you soon
Hi all,
Me and my gf are looking for a friendly social (talkative) strong guild. Wich does dungeons / WvW and spvp and also have tactics play as a team when they are in one of those. So as a guild can hold their own in there and make a difference on the battlefield.
Also we are looking for something where they actually can say we need or could use this or that kind of class in our guild for our pve or wvw etc…Not just the “play what you like and think is the most fun”
We cant play 24/7 due of irl pregnancy (Yay! lol). But still play a much as we can and will only get more soon again. But when we are online we want to feel welcome and next to that needed as a class when we are higher lvl.
Hope this can work for us because finding all these things in one guild is the hardest part of any mmo haha
yours truly,
Home World: Underworld
Guild Name: Expect No Mercy
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Mad and Twisted / Big Mad Chief / Eir Eucalyptus / Venii and Lavyndar
Focus: PVx
Quick Notes:
There should be no mercy on the battle field, When the enemies are coming closer and closer they should “Expect No Mercy” ! We are a social guild that aims for everything GW2 has to offer. All classes and lvls are welcome. If you want a nice community and World Domination then join us to reach Supremacy today!
If you are active likes a laugh do everything you want to do without being forced to AND want to throw the enemies on their knees then ENM needs you…..
Whisper any officer or the leader in game or post on our website for an invite.
Founded 2004 and have been successfull ever since in all kinds of famous MMO’s on the market out there. GW2 our final resting place. Its time to rule, its time to fight..
Expect No Mercy is recruiting!
We are a social guild that aims for everything GW2 has to offer. All classes and levels are welcome atm. If you want a nice community and World Domination then ENM is the place for you…
We do have 1 rule…be…active….muahaha……
So if you want to join us in this epic Battle for world Domination in the end so “ALL” enemies will fear us, Then join ENM. Whisper 1 of our officers or leader in game for an invite no application needed on the website. If we feel the need for some sort of application then we will do that ingame 1v1 Muahaha
Leader: Mad and Twisted / General Kuan Ti
Officers: Jemaima Riddle / Eir Eucalyptus / Lavyndar
Temrick / Venii / Koifur
Could you delete this whole topic Anet? Its ridiculous that they compare this as a “wow clone” TBH I played MMO’s way before WoW and WoW is the biggest clone of them all thats for sure the biggest thief around nothing new all standard all stolen.
GW2 is NOT a WoW clone its not a clone of any MMO imo. And ppl who dont see the differences are nothing more then wow fanboys.
Heart events are not like any other quests they differ alot, the random events arew even more awesome since you can choose to feel to help out the world or let it be and let them take the village next time you come in the same area etc…
I cantype alot here but dont be so dumb to call GW2 a WoW clone since clearly its not AND the fact that WoW aka Blizzard is the biggest thief of them all.
Anet cya around im gonna play your great game once more! Muahaha
I have spent a considerable amount of time in the realm of sPVP, I have reached level 20, and have a lot of experience in the tournaments. I can say, with a clear conscience that there isn’t an overpowered class. A few select abilities may be fractionally more powerful than they should be, but it’s far from game breaking. There is however a few classes/ weapon-sets that deserve a few buffs, but that isn’t the point of this post. I simply think the real problem is people are not trying to learn and get better. They just want to win; I hate to break it to those people but there will never be an iWin button. Just my view, constructive comments appreciated.
I agree mate, this is exactly how it is, nuff said
I was an asura warrior since BWE 3 + and I am still playing it. I chose the big ‘cute’ ears for my character, but towards the end I noticed that every time you are in combat or take out your weapons the ears starts to point up. It just looks freaking ridiculous and it is probably the ugliest thing I have ever seen. I have to wear a helmet all the time because I can’t stand the ears… My character looks awesome when not in combat…
Its from the start of GW2, shouldnt have mad 1 with big ears then lol. This is how the race asura is man, ear with it
I play an Asuran engineer and I love the play style and feel its very unique. It has a lot of good things going for it like special kits for engineer specific weapons and such. My only gripe with the class ,which can be fixed in the future, is that all of the tech you use is not the sophisticated Asuran tech we all know and love, its dirty Charr steampunk tech instead. It is not a big problem but I find myself cringing every time I place a turret or use a kit. Much like most of you I created an Asuran for the mystical-technologically advanced look of their cultures homes, gear, and inventions and I wish that the engineer, which I know was first conceived by the Charr, would reflect that. Its not all that important in the long run but I hope they not only make the Asuran engineer feel Asuran but also the other races and classes as well.
Charr feels defenitly as the orriginal engineer as well mate, defenitly
Sound bug of moving pets, very loud as if they are tap dancing extremely fast lol, its very irritating have to put my sound of to not hear it.
Shouldnt upgrade to windows 8 yet its still in BETA versions + games arent made compatible with it yet sonce it isnt even on the market yet. Windows 7 was and still is the best windows ever made so far. Windows 8 is kinda like the windows between the year names not that good mate. Go back to windows 7 if youwant to play GW2 in a normal way.
Sorry man windows 8 is just not there yet or will never be
We’ve been posting updates to Twitter. The most recent one is here:
From the front lines, I can tell you we’re working really hard to try to crack this nut, but some problems just take time.
Our apologies for the unexpected downtime. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
I am sry but I need to ask this for me and others around me, Are we kinda forced going onto Twitter? since we dont like twitter we always look on the official forums here but almost no updates here
The dungeons in GW2 are teamplay based no real tank no main healer you actualy need the whole party to work as a team doing their part this is ment to be. Its a challenge and its awesome and it should be this way. If you find them way to hard then the dungeons are not your place to be because its not and will never be a walk in the park like in other mmo’s (wich I find very boring).
The way Anet choose to do these dungeons with the difficulty is has is just a great challenge and unlike some others I enjoy completing these dungeons (yes I complete them) and feel a " yes" moment.
This is a quote of jon peters himself: “Dungeons are meant to be difficult”
So imo that there is all the info we all need, its ment to be difficult no walk in the park play mates it actualy needs teamplay and work.
cya all in game and keep up the good work Anet im sure most of us like the dungeons cause seems to me that the only ones not liking it are the ones posting here about how bad it all is, the ones who do like it are the ones not on here and enjoying every minute in GW2 they can (except for my 3 minutes here now but thats because its not always just what ppl post here)
Mesmer is not a pet class, mesmers are good how they are stop talking negative about a class you just dont understand. It has a high learning curve and if some ppl dont have the patience for it then try another class mates
There’s more typos than that, the tooltips are horrible. Some are even blank.
Mine are all fine so nothing to do with " tooltips are horrible" I can read and see them all just fine.
But there is indeed the Typo at Pitol instead of pistol haha
Anet has done a perfect good job creating the mesmer class how he is atm. I am enjoying him alot and defenitly doesnt feel under or overpowered, its awesome and has a high learning curve thats all. Some got the patience for that and others dont. Anet good job mates keep it up!
I simply wanted to show that its impossible for a Mesmer to have a build that has zero clone or phantasm skills, meaning its actually intended for Mesmer to always utilize both.[/quote]
Well yeah mate, thats how this class is intented to work. Maybe its playstyle isnt ment for you? Try more classes out m8, maybe you find 1 that suits you just fine. I like the mesmer class and know what it has in store for me, it is an illusion class its not like a necro where you can choose to get your pets or dont. Mesmer illusions doesnt hurt either when you dont want them. they vanish anyways when a mob is dead + most skills we use to summon a mesmer also have a nice damage from ourselfs.
Thats a good idea bane, but alot to implement now I think, it aint that easy to impement stuff into a game if its not in there yet but a save template or duel spec (atleast) would be awesome.
It would be great to have the load/save option like in guild wars 1, or like in (alas) other mmo’s give us the option to atleast duel spec so we can have 2 builds to switch between not in combat.
Mail is broken and all guild features is broken as well again, Anet can you give us an update on this pls?
ppl come on! learn to play a game how it is, instead of trying to change it all the time. Cloth/leather can be grinded on humanoids etc..only in the form of salvaging instead of getting it right away. Thtas the mechanic of GW in total so live with it, this aint no another standard MMO like the rest out there.
So when are they getting nerfed Anet?
Maybe now is a good idea to going back where you came from? lets say wow? thats the place where they whined about rogues at first as well. GW2 profs are all pretty good balanced and YES 1 class is a counter of another. Im engineer myself and our worst nightmare is a thief, but I found ways to survive and kill them. So many options in all prof their builds just dont expect you to be able to defeat ALL classes on just 1 class that easely
oh come on ppl a Scorpion swimming like creature? think before you talk. You really think its normal to see those small minions swim without needing air? thats the reason why the blood minion can. No lungs no need for air.
If you’re having issues with the guild system, please report the issues here with as many details as possible (e.g., guild names, tags and world, etc.).
Thank you for your feedback!
Guild Expect No Mercy on the server Underworld.
We have a problem with dragging stuff into the guild bank and right away it vanishes, relogging etc..doesnt work + that some of our members see stuff like 1 of the 1 members online and doesnt see anymore members nor guild chat and cant do anything about it.
thx in advance,
Mentally Charred
hahahaha even letting 7 year old kids in to MMO’s like GW2 wow etc…
Bad times ppl, bad times
Wow hold on here, how about we give GW2 some time to start up lol. No use in asking the first 6 months or year for an expansion and races etc…lol
The loot isnt lame, cant expect every 45 minutes to have some yellow loot etc..its called rare for a reason.
Dont like the loot then go back to wow, and ppl whining over the loot but wants us to believe they never played wow, well they should go there anyways. Obvious that they belong there lol
Expect No Mercy
Server: Underworld
Who we are is easy, we are “Expect No Mercy” wich enemies will fear when they see “it” coming, Till now we have friendly members (No rotten apples) and we aim for everything that Guild Wars 2 has to offer. Our main goal in the end is having fun and destroying everything that comes in our path that tries to stop us achieve World Domination.
It is time to act…
Show no mercy……
WvWvW War…
It has been away for far to long………….
So if you want to join us in this epic Battle for world Domination so “ALL” enemies will fear us and havent joined us yet then post here or /Whisper 1 of our officers or leaders in game for an invite no application needed on the website for now. If we feel the need for some sort of application then we will do that ingame 1v1 Muahaha
We have mumble running if needed or just for fun and a website,
Best regards from Mad and Twisted / Mentally Charred (Madness) and Jemaima Riddle / Vervainity (Bloodychaos) and all Expect No Mercy members.
(edited by Madness.5810)
ok thank you for your answer And Aria you are right about that haha
Im sry to ask this here but wouldnt know where else, Do we also get forums where we can discuss the classes / races and do we also get server forums etc…
Again im sry to have to ask it here but me and some other ppl around me are really curious about that
thx in advance,