Showing Posts For Miclee.7063:

Changes to the Black Lion Chests

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miclee.7063


To those complaining about losing money from it: Welcome to economics. You took a risk and lost because of a corporate mistake, such a thing happens IRL too. :p

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Losing money when selling?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miclee.7063


10% sell fee, a fee which is currently hidden.

Why would they put a second 10% fee on top of the already existing 15% listing fee? That’s just ridiculous and means you can’t really make any profit crafting.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Losing money when selling?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miclee.7063


So, I’ll lay this out very simply with an example. I put some exotic boots on the trading post at a price of 2g 10s. I paid the fee. I then went offline as I had some other things to do. I returned, and to my joy the boots sold.

However, I only had received 1g 89s. Only thing I can ask: Why?

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Giving more tokens or reducing the price is unfair to those people who already played dozens of dungeons and maybe even bought gear for those tokens.

And not doing it is unfair to the game because it makes one of the more repeatable content types feel like more of a grind than it needs to. We weren’t going to release a perfect game, and can’t let things live this stop us from improving the experience for the majority of the players.


Glad to see you guys are taking care of things like this! However, for people who aren’t playing dungeons for tokens and are playing them casually, can we have it so that there’s at least a guarantee of one rare(with a small chance of being a random exotic) for completing the dungeon?

Honestly, there’s simply nothing worse than spending time on a difficult dungeon and getting greens.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Tradingpost 1 of the 10 times it is working for me. Unbugg me plz

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Same problem for me! Have you noticed as well that when this happens, your gem count isn’t shown in the gem shop?

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Implement Directx 11

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Need to take ‘consider’, and make it ‘doing’.

The game just launched. They’ve said in the past that they’re planning to add DX10/DX11 capability post-launch, so just be patient. Things like that take time.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Sigil's w/ stacking buffs and dual wielding.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Miclee.7063


in the bottom at the “Notes” section it says stacking two different kind of “on kill” doesn’t work.

i found out the hard way too. bought one that stacks power and the other precision. =/ lost some gold. pretty sure it’s intended so players can’t just stack up all “on kill” stats and become OP

Because adding some magic find on top of a small amount of condition damage makes me ‘OP’.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Sigil's w/ stacking buffs and dual wielding.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Also getting this error on dual Daggers with Sigil of Corruption and Sigil of Perception. Only the condition from corruption is stacking.

What happens if you switch the main hand to the off hand and the other way around?

Still only getting the corruption condition buff with the corruption dagger in off hand and main hand.

Same for me, have luck on my main dagger and corruption in off hand.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

In-Game GM Contact

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miclee.7063


I agree 100%. Champions Online had a feature like this, made solving bugged things such as events so much more simple.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Making 'Tonics' not just be wasted slots.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Currently – tonics are useless. There’s no reason to push for them. There’s no ‘party’ title like there was in GW1, so there’s no reason for people to want them at all. Along with / due to that, they’re essentially all worthless. Yes, people want to use tonics. However, right now all they do is take up a ton of inventory slots if you have a fair number of different tonics.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Introduce a ‘party’ achievement track similar to GW1. Make it have some special end reward of a random everlasting tonic.
  • Introduce different rarities. If some are rarer, people will want them more than others. That’s just how things work.
  • Don’t make them account / soul bound! Let us sell them on the trading post.
  • Add a section in ‘collectibles’ for them. This makes them not be a chore to lug around or hold in your bank.

Just a few ideas, if anyone has any others feel free to post them.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Sigil's w/ stacking buffs and dual wielding.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Can confirm this(if any confirmation was really needed :p), applies to other things such as luck sigils.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Dynamic Events & Holidays

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Wow, glad to see that this post got a response from ANet, can’t wait to see what you guys have planned. As for all the community’s suggestions, they’re awesome.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Number of Characters per Account

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Miclee.7063


No clue on what the exact number is, but I know it’s at least 13. I’ve also seen the number 34 thrown around in map chat once, not sure if they were a troll or serious about having 34 character slots.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Character Creation feels unfinished

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miclee.7063


@ChaosKirin – That’s besides the point.

@CharrGirl This is a well thought out and compiled post – I agree on all points you bring out.

We had many, MANY threads with tons of posts in them about this (humans especially, and more face presets for other races) starting from the first CBT’s, yet, alas, anet does not seem to care about it. A huge minus in my book.

Lets hope that in the future Anet will address the character creation, and make it on par with the rest of the game. Maybe even an official response?

Kudos for posting this.

ANet’s busy ironing out bugs – the game only launched two weeks ago. Game-breaking bugs and server stability are more important than new faces and hairstyles, right now. It’s not that they ’don’t care’ – it’s that they’re busy. Give it time.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

1 copper per chest doesn't fly.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Completely agree, we should be getting more from these chests! Just not enough reward for the risk, in a lot of cases.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

When will Guild Wars 1 names be available for us?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Its weird because I search for the player and I get this message:

There is no player using that name. If you meant to find a character name be sure there are no numbers in the name

Maybe its a special reserve or something?

Possibly, only suggestion I can give is to contact support regarding the matter and see what they have to say.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Why do Sylvari need underwater breathing apparatus?

in Lore

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Just unequip it!

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Race changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miclee.7063


I’m assuming that the story on new characters of new races would follow some new storyline. Changing your race would essentially break a lot of data, as a lot of it is based simply on your race.

If I’m to make a guess / example – dwarves will involve fighting off Jormag. When creating a character of an original race, your story would reach a fork at which point it’d be decided if you follow the base game’s story of the expansion.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Looking For Group / Why it needs improved.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miclee.7063


I BEG you ArenaNet do not ruin the social aspect of this game by putting some kind of automatic LFG tool in the game like WoW did. The dungeon finder in WoW made instances feel totally robotic and removed any social aspect required to form groups and parties for dungeons.

An LFG chat channel would be ok but please I’m begging you to not turn on automated easy mode and ruin the old school vibe dungeon/ party building has currently. Instances in WoW started to feel like you were just running them with some NPC’s because the dungeon finder was so automated.

I agree with this, a chat channel’s really all that we need. The social aspect of this game is immensely important, and auto-finding a group would just take away that section.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

When will Guild Wars 1 names be available for us?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miclee.7063


That’s odd, the GW1 name reservations were supposed to only be the first day of the game’s release.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Looking For Group / Why it needs improved.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miclee.7063


I don’t even know how the hell the LFG feature works. I noticed it, poked at it for about five minutes, and then quickly gave up on trying to figure it out because none of my poking seemed to do anything.

Exactly my thoughts. After tinkering with it, it has SOMETHING to do with saying ‘LFG’ in either map or local chat. Not sure of anything beyond that.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Caudecus Manor length?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Story mode is simple.

Explore mode, the final boss was the easiest part of the entire thing. The rest just involved… death. Repeated death. Over and over.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Zhaitan is a poor tactictian

in Lore

Posted by: Miclee.7063


I sort of wish that it worked that way. Ending up turning LA and whatnot into overrun areas, pushing everyone into Jormag. Ends up with Jormag vs. Zhaitan, at which point they both try to convince you they’re ‘fighting for good’. And then the gods of Tyria come into play, absolutely obliterating the dragons if you choose to go that route.

Would have serious implications on the world, yes. Would be fun, yes. Would work in a MMO with a persistent world? No.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Dynamic Events & Holidays

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Miclee.7063


I hope there are not real world equivalent events in GW2….

If they want to do Tyria ones fine, but I really hope they dont do xmas events or halloween or easter (an no, just changing the name is not good enough.)

Any reason why? If you played Guild Wars 1, you’d know that they actually mix the events into the lore, ends up being a lot of fun.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Has Anyone Managed to Create a Viable Dagger Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Miclee.7063


My current build has a double dagger and a staff. Works excellent if you get the vampirism traits. Have the well healing skill, plus some condition-focused skills(and the signet of locusts for even more healing). Siphon health is essentially a healing skill on its own if you handle everything right, healing multiple thousand health(I’m at level 49) in a matter of seconds, recharging quickly as well.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Looking For Group / Why it needs improved.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miclee.7063


(Wasn’t entirely sure if I should put this in this section or the ‘Players helping players’ one. If it needs moved, feel free to move it!)

Currently, there is actually a LFG part of your ‘contacts’ for people nearby who are looking for a group. It doesn’t provide detail, nor does it actually function all that well.

This system needs a massive overhaul, and it could be something as simple as a separate channel in the game’s chat for LFG. Currently, map/local chat become flooded with things like ‘LFG AC STORY’ or ‘LF3M CM Explore’ and I know that for others in the zone, this is just a nuisance, so something really needs to change here.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Dynamic Events & Holidays

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Miclee.7063


This is mainly a question for ANet(if you do have an answer or your own ideas to throw in, feel free).

To put it simply, when holiday events roll around – will this just be some things like banners and pumpkins and snowmen in cities? Or will there be actual dynamic events related to the holiday happening around the game’s world?

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

Champion events and rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Miclee.7063


Out of all of the ‘champions’ I’ve faced so far – none of them had a loot chest from what I observed. They should all have one, in my opinion. Perhaps, over time(as in, when someone on the team isn’t busy), you could throw in a unique skinned weapon / piece of armor as a rare piece of loot from the chest, based upon the champion.

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

(edited by Miclee.7063)

Not Happy With Final Story Quest Reward

in Personal Story

Posted by: Miclee.7063


ANet, my suggestion regarding this:

- For each bag, throw in 50s-1g.
- Make each bag give items from green to exotic, level 80!
- Throw in a mini or a couple dyes for each bag.

These people just finished the entire STORYLINE of the game, reward them!

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.

The Battle for Claw Island, Feedback

in Personal Story

Posted by: Miclee.7063


So, I finished ‘The Battle for Claw Island’ yesterday.

Completely honest, it was the least fun I’ve had in Guild Wars 2 thus far. The quest started out fine, and the kills even gave XP. However, after the first ‘get the abominations off the wall’ part, it was just a pain. You had to battle through endless groups of risen just to get where you needed to go, all the while those groups were respawning right on top of you. To add to that, the respawning ones didn’t give any experience or loot.

After you lit the beacons, it was a pain again. You were told to go ‘hold out’ with the lionguard(nothing more, just a MASSIVE green circle on the map), so I simply sat in the green circle for a while – killing over 600 risen(receiving no xp or loot for it, breaking my armor and just wasting my time) before becoming fed up and running to the beach to see if things there would give XP. Upon reaching the beach, the part with the dragon triggered and that was that.

Anyways, just my two cents on that. If you’re going to disable xp / loot for the mobs and not give clear directions – at least make the end reward something worth it(it wasn’t).

Game designer, level designer, comic writer.