Showing Posts For Mirrodin.8729:

How do you rank GW2 WvW vs other RvR games?

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


for me knight online > gw2

now to sum up stuff, as f2p game it had a LOT of issues:

-Exploiters (some events could not be done without some exploits)
-Grindy, months to reach max level and even years to be elite plus the gear farming
-Language barrier (dominated by turks even it was NA server)
-Dumb company runing dumb “security software” at the point i got banned twice for usining stuff like xfire or even msn while playing.
-kittenty animations.

But baby even after that clusterkitten, it was pretty amanzing at the point i could spend 12h battling non stop.

1 zone just liek EB with the sole objective to wreck ppl, not contest keeps or some camps, just beat the crap of the enemy and their mothers.

Also 2 wars per week, where we had battles ala LOTR, the winner gets to invade the enemy nation, the loser had to gather their squads and defend their homeland, protect your npcs, and such.

Over it had a system that GW2 lacks and thats the scoreboard for that mode, you could see who is the strongest (perhasp more active) user per server and nation.

Yet it has a lot of nostalgia but hey, i spend years playing MU online from the early days without magic gladiators to castle sieges where is just a spam/glitch fest, so why not? almost every game is hyped by nostalgia.

Profs are locked, prof stacking not solved?

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


I would just like to point out that if the Poll thread wasn’t destroyed it would be very simple to cite a MULTITUDE of posts regarding these exact issues and why Anet’s current development strategy is not going to work. But, conveniently, that’s not possible.

Dev response was that they would “consider” “soft stack prevention” which means there would still be stacked classes, had the poll gone “yes.” That means that Anet has NO INTENTION on preventing the stacking, plain and simple.

In the deleted thread, there were several posts, that identified the consequences of a “No switch” system coupled with negligible frequency of balance patches with historically poor PvP development. One of those consequences would be; queuing dh/war/druid (though now nerfed slightly) when solo, as these classes have the best overall match ups and ambiguous roles; leading to higher winrates and quicker rewards. The ease of use and, due to sophomoric levels of balance, varying impact levels of professions should also be clearly noted.

Now this doesn’t mean that the top 100 is going to be only dh/war/druid. It means that for the MAJORITY of players, you will see those classes stacked more often then not. On the ends of the spectrum you wont see this as much, or to an effective degree as to be negligible. The top players will swap to what is manageable or favored for their comp vs enemy comp. The bottom players will play whatever they want because they are not playing to win. Neither is better or worse, that’s just how it is. Now, the entire center section of the spectrum, is going to find themselves in matches with and against people who “understand” builds, “know” what meta is, etc. They’ve played a few matches before and have an average understanding of the game. What’s the most logical choice for these players? Play something that does high damage with long periods of invulnerability, or “damage off,” sub-consciously or not, without a doubt, that will be their choice. It’s the “right” choice.

And in regards to people saying that swapping mid match is untenable, impossible, the worst….* Overwatch seems to do pretty well with it, but they also have some semblance/direction of balance.*

unlike overwatch, gw2 has builds, also you can not STACK THE SAME HERO which is very important (unless you play arcade which is out of the question since is not competitive), also the downside of constant switch is everytime you do that stuff, your ultime goes to 0% meaning a bad switch or constant mindless switching can do more damage than good for your team in the end, to make it to good implementation, something to balance should be like all the skills are on cd when the switch is done or something like that, just a random idea

Thief hate this season already

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Why is there so much thief hate??? I’m not a great thief but I’m not bad either but getting blamed before the match starts is really stupid.

And this is how you spot a bad thief, like others said before, a good thief can carry a game, a good one is dead weight, the special snowflake mentality

1 s CD on autoatacks in stealth.

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


You want equality? Then give up your special stealth attacks and use normal auto-attacks in stealth like every other class, even Mesmer.
You want to stay special? Then deal with the special treatment.

You for real right? Mesmers have clones and illusions that do a ton of damage, not to mention doing damage in stealth doesn’t reveal them as they can still stack up conditions.

You’re one of those people that gets kitten on by thieves yet cant play one to save your life aren’t you?

and which illusions and clones are those? lol i cant remember the last time i died against illusions, shatters? yes, but just “tons of damages illusions”? i think it was 2 years ago

My only gripe with Search and Rescue is that

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


What do you mean?

Banner is Insta Revive (AOE)

It is aoe heal for downed, you can deny with poison, there your warrior wont have elite skill for a long time,try again “champion hunter”

Can someone explain to me

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


…Why they think the reworked Diamond Skin is a buff compared to the old DS??

Let me start off by saying that yes, Diamond Skin needed a rework, I’m not here to argue that. However, the toxic part about the old DS (aside from my personal bias against the health threshold) was that it prevented condition APPLICATION.

I don’t think people understand how huge of a difference that makes.

Before, when you try to apply condis, nothing would stick, when you try to corrupt boons, at most you remove the boons and yet no conditions are added. And when/if you manage to drop the ele’s HP under 90%, if they react quickly enough with condi clear/heals, they go back to the immunity. It means the window of opportunity for pure condi users was extremely small in a 1 v 1.

The new DS however, does not prevent application. Hell it isn’t even a resistance, so anything you throw on them takes effect immediately. This means poison, chill, fear can be dropped with some covering conditions, and these three conditions then severely hamper an ele’s ability to maintain health above 75%, or to recover once dropped below the threshold. Boon corruption of course becomes much more powerful vs this new DS. Even with the health threshold being lowered to 75%, this new DS is probably easier to break than the old one.

I honestly just don’t see how people are saying this is a buff. However, maybe I missed something, so please, explain to me why people see this as a buff.

find another build, no light armor user should last longer than a heavy armor by nature, yet without boon corruption (sometimes even with that) eles outlast most damages, suck it up and deal with it

Light armor users have magic, obviously. Less armor because they don’t need it. I’m making a silly comment I admit but you’re attempting to apply logic where magic is involved. Also those heavy armor classes have immunity to damage similar to Diamond Skin, shouldn’t those be removed too?

Then they can use their magic to avoid nerfs? no? well, time to be the underdog class

Can someone explain to me

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


…Why they think the reworked Diamond Skin is a buff compared to the old DS??

Let me start off by saying that yes, Diamond Skin needed a rework, I’m not here to argue that. However, the toxic part about the old DS (aside from my personal bias against the health threshold) was that it prevented condition APPLICATION.

I don’t think people understand how huge of a difference that makes.

Before, when you try to apply condis, nothing would stick, when you try to corrupt boons, at most you remove the boons and yet no conditions are added. And when/if you manage to drop the ele’s HP under 90%, if they react quickly enough with condi clear/heals, they go back to the immunity. It means the window of opportunity for pure condi users was extremely small in a 1 v 1.

The new DS however, does not prevent application. Hell it isn’t even a resistance, so anything you throw on them takes effect immediately. This means poison, chill, fear can be dropped with some covering conditions, and these three conditions then severely hamper an ele’s ability to maintain health above 75%, or to recover once dropped below the threshold. Boon corruption of course becomes much more powerful vs this new DS. Even with the health threshold being lowered to 75%, this new DS is probably easier to break than the old one.

I honestly just don’t see how people are saying this is a buff. However, maybe I missed something, so please, explain to me why people see this as a buff.

find another build, no light armor user should last longer than a heavy armor by nature, yet without boon corruption (sometimes even with that) eles outlast most damages, suck it up and deal with it

There is nothing to suck it up, I will jump to my thief and kitten people.

They will be the king of this new META until whinerslike you, whine enough force to be nerfed.

Watch out everybody complained about OPness of Ele a Thief coming after you to teach what it means to be OP.

Good luck

Can someone explain to me

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


…Why they think the reworked Diamond Skin is a buff compared to the old DS??

Let me start off by saying that yes, Diamond Skin needed a rework, I’m not here to argue that. However, the toxic part about the old DS (aside from my personal bias against the health threshold) was that it prevented condition APPLICATION.

I don’t think people understand how huge of a difference that makes.

Before, when you try to apply condis, nothing would stick, when you try to corrupt boons, at most you remove the boons and yet no conditions are added. And when/if you manage to drop the ele’s HP under 90%, if they react quickly enough with condi clear/heals, they go back to the immunity. It means the window of opportunity for pure condi users was extremely small in a 1 v 1.

The new DS however, does not prevent application. Hell it isn’t even a resistance, so anything you throw on them takes effect immediately. This means poison, chill, fear can be dropped with some covering conditions, and these three conditions then severely hamper an ele’s ability to maintain health above 75%, or to recover once dropped below the threshold. Boon corruption of course becomes much more powerful vs this new DS. Even with the health threshold being lowered to 75%, this new DS is probably easier to break than the old one.

I honestly just don’t see how people are saying this is a buff. However, maybe I missed something, so please, explain to me why people see this as a buff.

find another build, no light armor user should last longer than a heavy armor by nature, yet without boon corruption (sometimes even with that) eles outlast most damages, suck it up and deal with it

Necro changes will kill revenants viability

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Also, if I currently strip 200 boons a game, sith the scepter auto change Ill strip like 215.

If your 3rd aa only hits 15 times a game youre doing something wrong.

so the enemy cant move, LOS, dodge, stun you or get out of range? tell me you are diamond/legend

Core mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


To add on to what Fay has said………I think Anet made it so pretty much all the old “core” classes are lackluster compared to their elite specs. I would imagine this was intentional to make the expansion much more appealing.

Open world I don’t think it matters. But anything else, you will be the weakest link on the team and may have trouble getting groups.

Now with that said, if you want to level your mesmer in preparation of receiving HoT, then that wouldn’t be a bad thing so you’ll be ready to work on elites when you get the expansion.

my mesmer is already 80 i was wondering if im not drawing my team in game modes but it looks like i would, i did try pvp and i barely scratched anyone with shatter mes, fractals was ok but i felt like i was hitting nearby nothing (specially against my engi), havent done wvw because i feel better at GWEN than any other classes atm

also i was wondering a good class for map exploration and before this everything pointed to mesmer but not anymore

Core mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


guess ill wait till HoT and use other core class

Core mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


i wont have HoT for about 2 months and i always wanted to main a mesmer, now is time but my question is, core mesmer still worth a thing?

DH problem is not the traps....

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


DH is not a problem, you just go through the traps with stab and you dodge, or pop an invul like endure pain.

the issue for me is (and maybe because that) i used my warrior in 7 games, yet traps could dazzle me, do damage (somehow) and do all that stuff even after using triple stance (berserker, endure pain, balanced) i got dazzed, knocked down and still hurt, hell even with rampage i feel like a i werent using anything or i was a warrior, same issue with any class

How Did I lose a Pip for this matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


After running into several weird team-ups with ambers paired with either rubies or diamonds I’ve found a full team that takes the cake:

How in the world was my team expected to win vs a full team, and one that has both a diamond and a ruby?

i found why you lost, maybe dont use 1 weapon lb ranger?

besides, yesterday i won 3 times with full randoms against a full premade, step up your game son, harder? maybe is not guarantee that those premades will be pro neither your team

buff warrior nike: shield bash

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Shield is already one of the strongest warrior weapons, and warrior also does not stuggle with landspeed mobility. It struggles with staying alive and blind/evade/invuln spam.

correct, but giving more landspeed won’t hurt right?
in a way, getting away from a fight very quickly may help them to stay alive.

for example, if the team is getting wiped at mid, the warrior may be able to quickly get away if shield bash can travel 450 + 450 = 900 distance, with a recharge time of 8 seconds instead of 16 seconds, plus another 600 distance from savage leap, making a total of 1500 distance traveled.

It wont hurt but it wont fix warrior/berserker, have you seen the amount of boons and ways to avoid damage every class has? warrior only has raw numbers which are useless with boom spam, and god forbid the enemy has 2 bunkers because literally the highest damage you will see is going to be like 5k on a scholar class, the amount of damage reduction atm is insane, everyone has access to any boon plus the standard 2 dodges and bs like distorsion, shroud, stealth, etc.

Warrior is at the point where ANY class can beat you with 80% hp left, the problem is not warrior, its how overtuned others are and thats because anet step away from the team model and went to solo but left warrior in the team player model

Today We all are France

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


doing that would revive those people or solve anything? no? then move on, nothing to see here, just another guy trying to make something to be popular

if you want to do something relevant, do anything else than rant/call for stupid crap in a video game

before you say a word, that amount of people die every week in my country, yet i dont see a pray or any help for us, good day internet kitten

Whats the new meta for roaming?

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


We need a series of NPC events to have something to do when there’s no other players, that are canceled if players do come.

No…… no we don’t. The PvE gimmicks and WvW being on auto pilot is a big part of why a bunch of us have quit roaming, the last thing we need is more of it.

Then you are calling ‘roaming’ to going around hunting lone players trying to get somewhere. That’s not roaming, that’s borderline griefing.

An actual roamer will take sentries, camps and other objectives with no walls, roam between those locations, scouting the routes between them, defend them from other roamers, and warn the map about larger groups. Not run around capturing where there’s nobody and avoiding each other like in some sort of convoluted musical chairs, or looking for newbies with a green arrow next to their level for easy targets like in some third rate mmo with PK enabled in starting zones.

But if there’s nothing going on in the locations you defend, you either go somewhere else, leaving your locations unprotected, or stay there doing nothing but wasting your time.

Leaving locations unprotected is not something that anything in WvW should encourage.

Waiting doing nothing is boring. And this is a game. And games are meant to be fun. So there should never any reason to wait doing nothing. There should always something to do.

But in a large scale map, you can’t be sure there will always be players everywhere. And you can’t disable the upgrades so the reason to be there is just pressing a button so it advances. That’s boring too.

So all that’s left to encourage players to stick in some place even if enemy players do not come is something else to do. And unless anyone can come up with something better, the only thing left are events against AI.

Giving a reason to stick to one place, when you arrive at an enemy point, it’ll be way more likely to have an actual fight because someone may be there. Then, when actual players come, the ‘PvE gimmick’ as you call it would simply go away like when remaining unfinished events fail when a meta-event advances, so players can focus completely on the enemy.

So killing other players in WvW is griefing and we should have more npc’s to fight……

Are you sure you wouldn’t just be happier in pve?

BOOM! right into the CoF p1

WvW are made for MASSIVE PLAYERS VS PLAYERS BATTLES, not to see who kills most npcs, queue for stronghold if you are looking that, there are plenty of door busters and archers to kill

Goodbye WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Come to T1 if it is still open. It is still often quiet but during main play hours there are some really good fights both small and large scale. Even the lag seems to be dying down a bit save for the massive three-way fights in SM.

T1 is less hopeful but not hopeless.

YB is the only server that im aware gets the option to transfer few times per day

Warrior's down skills

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Let’s just keep aside rest of issues that warriors are facing atm and take a look at the downed skills

No. 1 skill : Most classes inflict a condition in addition to regular damage. Mes applies confusion, eles applies vulnerability, thieves applies bleeding (or cripple? forgot), Revenant – This thing applies FREAKING SLOW, necro steals life, etc.

No. 2 skill : A single target knockdown with 1 sec cast time while guardians have AoE knockback with half cast time. Eles, thieves, mesmers can teleport/move to dodge a stomp (guaranteed) whereas if the warrior is blinded the #2 skill miss or if blocked.

Want to hear from some non-warriors how balanced is this…

unlike other classes, warrior has a chance to stand up and fight for a last breath with full access to weapons, utilities and elite, you just have to fight and make that time valuable, lets review others skill 3, guard has a symbol which can be useless if he is poisoned or launched, mesmer has a illusion that barely hurts and can be kitted, eles has those sorta useless “earth hands”, necros have a decent well, it can down players, engi is a explosion which i barely have the chance to use or be helpfull, thief has stealth…meh

if you want to complain about warriors, just do it in other place, downstate is fine, almost every mechanic from other classes can be avoided (blocked, blinded, dodged)

Can we stop facing premades?

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


No because I get accused of being a premade all the time when I’m solo qing.

OmG they are beating us they must be a premade because there is no chance I could ever lose to a team of pugs.

WTF you talking about, it clearly says which one is on a premade right after the match ends on the end game board, if there are people around believing that everytime they get stomped is a premade well, they should just forget that Hotm exists

WvW roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


i know bl maps are pretty much empty but im curious what are the dominant classes (besides the well know thief and mesmer hit and run cheese) in roaming atm?

Elites vs non elites? Duel it.

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Incisorr, really? Let’s see there’s a few games that release expansions that say have new classes, that you could not get unless you bought the expansion, yet you can face them in pvp, one that pops off the top of my head is WoW, if you don’t buy the expansion depending on your level you can be faced with classes you have no way of creating. Say for the 50-70 Brackets the DK was only available to WotLk owners, so yes other Mmos have gated skills behind expansions. Hell that was a whole class that others did not have access to unless they bought the expac….
Best fix would be to stop people without the expac from competing with those that do and low and behold huge Qeue times till people buy the expac

Knightt online had “elite specs” that gave you the option to grind 3 levels for more base stats and 1 extra skill.

Silkroad online, whole european race for free which is stronger than whole chinese race.

Flyff subclasses.

Lineage 2 subclasses

Mu online, magic gladiator, blade knight, soul master, dark lord and the elf next class for free, with every update, the new brawler im not sure.

Granado espada, either quest it or buy the new character from tp

Im not surw but i think mapple story too

All of them f2p and most of them had a season or 2 of greatness also most of them are still alive

The reason gw2 is popular is due nostalgia from gw1 players, face it and accept it, most of you live comparing gw2 with gw1, locking a class behind a paid content is dumb and way worse since anet left core people in the dust, just havig some advantages over f2p accounts, before you say something wow related, you cant reach level cap with a f2p account in wow

Why is pvp dead?

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Elite specs are so powerful than most base specs that having a base spec is a handicap (most scenarios), stronghold its lame, babysit the npcs and kill another npc, pve with some pvp, no ranked means skyhammer, spirit watch, courtyard and on top of that you have to deal with legacy of foefire too! Plus insane server lag spikes and people rage quitting in almost every match

I think i know what is the new warrior :)

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


I found the perfect build for my warrior, its a carry build, but dont share the secret in my chat

I put my warrior with empty bags, then i drop any trash that needs to be stored, weapons and gear that i dont use, materials, etc.

As you can see my warrior can carry, shame on you mister, bashing this noble class

PS: my warrior has close to 1200h played

Base profession vs Elite

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


BUMP come on, someone must have an opinion

Base profession vs Elite

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


what are the base professions that can compete with elites? pvp, wvw and pve

so far i have seen (imo) chrono beats base guard and base mesmer pve wise

My list would go

-Reaper beats necro in pvp and pve, necro still a thing in wvw zerging and equal in roaming.

-Base warrior beats berserker in any mode

-Base guard beats dragon hunter in pve and wvw, pvp wise dh is a lot better

-Chronomancer beats base mesmer in all 3 modes

-Tempest and druid are too supportive to be better at dpsing than their base partners

-Thief and daredevil are on the same boat, you get spotted, you die, its a tie.

-Engineer i cant speak of both since i just made my engi 80 yesterday and i havent seen any scrapper in action.

-Rev is new, i cant speak yet for it

NOTE: this list goes on my personal opinion just watching other people play said elites, i do not own HoT, need to clarify before the flame war starts

Veteran MMO Players: A Few Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Question 1:
- Who would really like to see camping come back as part of the game? Actually going some place, taking a seat with some friends, and getting to work enjoying the challenge of this particular set of creatures?

a: NO, camping was and still is such a toxic way to play mmos, doesnt matter if its pve or pvp, i remember how hard we had to “fight” over a spot in old mmos like mu online, knight online or cabal online, the only way to deal with it is either be lucky and get the spot first/boss or be in the camper party, def not a good way to play

Question 2:
- What’s missing from the community experience for you?

a: Actually group content, because lets face it, dungeons are nothing funny, pvp gets lame unless you are into playing the same 5v5 maps and wvw its boring unless you fight in t1 in a good prime zone

I kept myself busy in wow doing daily quests, arenas, battleground, i freaking loved battleground i could queue for bg all day long till my eyes bleed and if bg was imbalanced at that time i always had a story quest to do, here PS and LS are nothing but boring for me, i did tried the arcana achievements and just quit after 5 mins trying, they are just boring.

Now to be real, you can do everything alone and everything with friends, the results are little to no difference if every part knows what to do unlike other mmos where you had to wear the optimal gear, be vocal about the cooldowns and such, plus like others pointed out, the lack of “traveling” and mega server on top of having multiple guilds, kills the comunication and player interaction i mean i interact more with map chat in lions arch than any other place

Question 3:
What giant vacuums have you come across in this game that you’ve not found in other games?

a: The lack of a goal, a clear goal, since gear progression is simple and so quick, you find yourself not needing the ascended gear, just kittening around trying to do something

Pve can be done in a matter of mins, fractals can be done in 30mins and dungeon paths most are 5-7mins runs,add like 15 more mins if you have really bad pugs

Pvp doesnt need gear at all, just get in and thats all, kills all the crafting purpose, and since wvw is a joke (and is going to be a bigger joke soon) you literally log in, do few dungeon paths and log off

Question 4:
What aspects of this game really shine for you and make it worth playing?

a: to be honest, little to none aspect make gw2 shine, now before someone jump on me ill explain why in my eyes it is.

when i started i came from big pvp games, knight online which is a bigger and better “wvw” but really old mmo with heavy grind mechanics and WoW (which i refuse to pay 15$ every month) so my expectation was insanity in the battlefield, what i got? blob or be nearly useless, which is nice but after 1 or 2 fights lost, commander retreats and refuses to fight unless we get 30 more guys to fight in our side, then we get 20mins to 1h doing the lovely PvD which is a killer for me.

All good even in wow and ko i could pve once in a while to keep me busy while battlefield wasnt fair for our side (providing that in ko you could lose exp and be “down leveled”) i did dungeons, it felt nothing special or funny, just specific paths for some dungeons, fractals i felt it was too much for me and i hooked me up! till i started to see the pattern and learn them properly it was just a big joke, unless is the shaman fractal which is the must fun fractal imo

Now to sorta compare wow arenas vs pvp, i had a weird relationship with arenas since i wanst a top pro pvp player but i never found a good partner for arenas, so lets jump straight to gw2, its a big joke, either filled with rangers who cant switch their weapons, thieves that think they are warriors or the new trend CONDITIONS, because everyone loves to have a full bar of red “debuffs” killing you in a blink because “its a l2p issue”, no kitten brah but when i use my fransfers and my bunker guard is exhausted from shouting and removing conditions but we still have a lot of conditions over us, well thats a big problem not a l2p issue

saying that i think ima wait for HoT and see how things goes, personally i feel like i should never log again because i spend more time afking in LA than actually playing (my warrior has over 500h in LA), i dont have HoT but anet has a good chance to make the number 1 mmo, but they need to work, REALLY hard

New generation runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


You mean like WoW uses engineering gadgets? Item equipped with an active?

Ill give you my opinion based on my WoW experience:

It was a love/hate relationship, certain gadgets were op, others meh and some straight useless so lets get to the point.

Taking your random suggestion as example, imagine how annoying would be lets say a guardian with 3 dodges, plus invul, plus heals, blocks, aegis, etc, i know you said a random active, but just imagine how annoying battles would be with 3 dodges per class, it will be like when sigil of fire/air plagued pvp, the idea is ok but it may give a lot of power to already powerfull classes, plus we would need a way to use it like an extra skill slot unless we give up 1 utility for said gadget

MMR is not working

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


I for a casual pvp player (i play when i feel like) agree that mmr system is not working as intended sometimes, and id blame is the need of the system to give you a match due lack of players (imo) and things go worse when is call of the mists now ill give you a pretty escenario:

I queue as necromancer, nothing weird here, after endless legacy of foefire maps beign picked 7/10 everytime, (for some reason)solo, got paired with 4 guys, 2 warriors, 1 ele and i think 1 guardian dont remember well, i voice that im going home and rotate between home and mid, 0 answers now i notice eles had staff, warrior had axe mace and guardian mace torch, i did mind my own business because reasons then i notice everyone had either dungeon master or dungeoneer tittle in my team, match starts, the premade runs straight enemy gate, then lord they wipe somehow because only thief went to help his lord, they respawn and go again, this keeps going while i just manage to decap home and sometimes mid, the score? 79 to 500, pve team couldnt kill the lord and 3 members with 0 points

so yeah there is something really odd happening with matchmaking paired with call of the mists, i mean im not a pvp player but my worst games are when that buff is active i get so many pve players that are clueless

How long will SFR stay full?

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


So, according to you, jade quarey, yaks bend, tarnished coast and blackgate should have 24/7 queue which it doesnt happen, your wvw population is counted even if you are playing pvp or just afking you are said member of that server, go and ask sfr pve players to do a server switch

So.... Revs vs guards

in Guardian

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


i havent seen any notes, or feedback from the rev forum, but what are rev stats against guardian and warrior? does rev have more natural tankyness? damage, etc

D/D ele roaming questions

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


im guessing runes of hoelbreak are optimal for this build (with the gear helps me, kinda in pve when i need it) and i have 4 celestial pieces is that ok?

(edited by Mirrodin.8729)

Necro 101 vs power shatter mesmer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


can you at least put more music? i had to mute after the first 2 mins, but overall fights imo fighting the same 2-3 mesmers dont show that much besides you learn the pattern of those fighters

video was ok imo

So.... Revs vs guards

in Guardian

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Its true that revs outshine guards? If its true guards are going to be the next bottom tier class?

D/D ele roaming questions

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Im fairly new with ele so most stuff im going to ask may sound dumb but lets try anyway

Whats is the optimal gear? I see metabattle has a build with celestial but it says gvg and then a test build with berserker gear, same info, same all just gear difference

What would be a optimal setup?

How d/d deals against common roamers? Like d/p thief and “hard to play mesmer”

How hard is to flip a camp? No upgrades, some guards and fully upgraded

Condimancer feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


thank you all for the insight, i forgot to point out, im not sure when im getting or if ever ill be getting HoT, so can we talk solely about base necro?

thank you all for your time here

Condimancer feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


since im tired of the hurrr meta zerk, and i always liked the DoT builds im curious about the condi mancer, now my questions are:

-How is condimancer in pve and wvw? since those are my game modes, i barely pvp
-whats is better? dire, rabbid or sinister? keep in mind that i plain on having 1 set for both modes
-Traits, runes, sigils, etc

also a small rotation for pve if its possible

keep it clean, dont try to make me stay power, its been 1 year just playing power, and i want a change

thx in advance

Games like WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


there is one old game, that most people around dont know called knight online ill give you a quick review with pros and cons before anyone that knows the game or just do a google image impresion says something.


-Fast paced combat.
-Gear trend its “fair” but only for certain classes.
-never ending combat zone, only moment when the zone is not able its in the restart day, maintenance.
-Balance system based on rock/scisors/paper, that means you can beat every class with enough practice cough and gear cough but some classes are most likely to win easier vs others,also there is no patch notes to buff/nerf your class, stats are static pretty much
-No critical damage, only rogues can crit, other classes has sustained damage
-Simple, no intricated balance, gear, techniques


-Game is really old and you may know what it means
-Bad graphics if you are used to gw2 , game is really old
-NA servers are crowded with turkish people, that means you gonna get a lot of muslims raging at you for no reason (im not joking here)
-LOTS of glitches
-Korean grinding in both gear and experience (took me weeks from 79 to 80)
-Pay to win in any sense, either gear, a lvl 80 character or power store (yes you can buy the buffs for solo sesions) but its doable for non “cheaters” just gonna take a while, a lot while
-Faction imbalance, this is from any game with factions, wow, tera, etc. But in my experience beign outnumbered in this game is really fun unlike gw2 or wow

Overall i did enjoy the game, i would play it again? no, i got hacked 3 times in 4 years, had fun times, good and bad people, mediocre comunity, its fun if you have a small party to roam and farm

Help me decide a class for my pve

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


My opinion is regarding fractals:

  • Necro is the simplest to play well. It’s really hard not to play a zerker build. You have good damage and sustain.
  • Warrior is the class you should play if the group doesn’t have one already. It is also very simple to play well.
  • Guard and ele take more effort to learn but are strong classes that can carry your group.
  • Thief is excellent in a good group, but very frustrating when support is lacking.

we have a perma warrior he is our phalanx warrior but only switches when we have another ps or straight 3 warriors we usually have 3 randoms and sometimes a mesmer

Help me decide a class for my pve

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


My friend and i run dungeons and fractals everyday after reset but im always wonder which one should i take it for this, now before i explain in detail i love all my 5 classes so the “pick what is better for you” “pick the class you love most” is out of the picture so please be rational on the answers.

my setup consists in:

Warrior, necro, thief, guard, ele

i have 6 pieces asc heavy berserker, 5 pieces asc light berserker, 1 piece asc medium berserker.

weapons asc: gs, shield, sword, warhorn, dagger, staff, axe, mace, scepter, torch, rifle, hammer (if this one matters), focus.

ring, accesories, backpiece and necklace ascended

just to add i have 40 ar atm since we doing the 30-40 range

now he has almost every class but only does dungeons with his phalanx warrior or staff ele

the question is, which class should i play?

Sword conditions

in Warrior

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


I disagree, I think sword is a good weapon for Condi, but I use it for a power build, and it is very good on a power build

Because you use it in a no common build dosnt mean its good, its good for your playstyle not gameplay wise

warrior compared to gardian in WvW commanding

in Warrior

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Im going to totally ignore the bs about “everything is viable” this is not eotm where you fight uplvls who cant even rally its wvw, specially if you play in tier 1-2 where the fights are bigger than 3 dudes ganking

To compare from a pov having both classes

Warrior: with stances and shield plus the highest passive defenses in game you are more than enough to enter the fray and survive, bring guardas with you to stability spam, get in command and live to tell the story.

Guard: relly more on active defenses than just walking and wait something to happen, not saying is bad, just need to time well your skills since guards have potato hp pool against warriors, spam everything and die.

Saying that is down by a lot of factors, like pugs, wvw guild and such, both are good but is more about which tier are you and how active your server is, if you are doing eotm just pick any class and command, it doesnt really matter

Also for the dude saying thief commander he is welcome to play against us in t1 with his ranger comander, lets see how far he goes when signet is down

Build for exploring

in Guardian

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


I’d use GS and sword for the blinks and leaps to get around the map fast, also Judges Intervention is very usefull
when it comes to gear, you can run full zerker gear and be successfull
I mean it’s pve ^^
big kitten deal haha ^^

what about traits?

Build for exploring

in Guardian

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


anyone can provide me a build for map comp, that also works on jp and overall anything open world pve related?


Tired of zerker war already

in Warrior

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Who is forcing you to use it? There is a new bleed cap go and be condi

Is dual- wielding dead now?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


A lot the new trait changes kinda skip over the concept of duel- wielding, and the traits that do focus on it are just…..lame. I’m looking at you axe mastery. Plus, they still haven’t fixed most of the off-hand weapons. So what’s the point in duel-wielding anymore?

duAl, DUAL wielding, is that hard to spell?

HELP P/P build

in Thief

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


can i have links for any p/p build? so far i know only meta builds

-open world/bosses

if i may

We need more counterplay to Thief Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Ofc thieves should be punished for missing attacks!! After all, all other professions get punished with conditions for missing their skills right?!… Right?!….


not with conditions but every other class is punished by missing EVERY skill, meanwhile, whats the cd of weapon skills?

-warrior misses his burst? BOOM no adrenaline, means no extra regen (which is traited in shoutbow)
-necro goes lich and gets blinded? or thief goes on stealth? good you have no helpfull skills, lich has high cd or misses everything via blind, plus lich only way to defend himself is kill before die
-mesmer misses his clones? have fun waiting for more pets unless you want to use your dodges

and so on, thief has a lot of mobility with the ability to spam weapon skills, not true?
you have a signet to recover initiative, and if traited you can recover initiative on stealth, meanwhile other classes have to sit, and wait for cooldowns on their weapons,.

i agree chill needs to add some effect to weapon skills on thief, like add 1-2 initiative cost and force the thief to disengage

Last Engineer Update - Meaningless

in Engineer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Wow.. turrets engi needs to do like us. Get some skills.

Nice trolling. Skill has nothing to do with it – they just die too fast, and once they’re dead, the engineer can rely on a single weapon and some toolbelt skills.
Let’s assume one picks’em up when they’re almost dead. What use would one have for something that lives less than 10 seconds? It would do one overcharge at most, with a couple autoattacks added in. Followed by a 15s cooldown in the best case (and near 40s for the worst ones).
If they get killed or detonated, times are even longer. They just end up on cooldown for a large majority of the time. And thus useless.
Good luck using your “skill” with a barebone set of skills, anyway. There are just too few skills to work with, due to the single weapon and the actual toolbelts being locked by the detonation toolbelt. The lowest any class can have, as a fact – 10 in total.

Could as well use a kit or some other utility to start with, then. At least they can’t get killed. And you even get a lot more skills to work with.

Dude, its called strategy, know what that means? if im a warrior and i dont take berserker stance against a condition team, who to blame? just myself and so on with every class, turret engi CHOOSE to take turrets instead of other skills, so you either deal with it or deal with it, pick any

Last Engineer Update - Meaningless

in Engineer

Posted by: Mirrodin.8729


Last update:
Engineer – The engineer’s turrets are now affected by conditions and critical hits.

Really!?!? Engineer’s turrets are so OP in pvp (said not by me) and this is the ArenaNet’s solution!?!?
A turret = a non-living item that can be affected by conditions… and critical hits too… totally meaningless.

Ok if engineer’s turrets are OP, please fix them with more logic… otherwise let everybody to affect by conditions and critical hits walls, gates, siege weapons and every non-living items …

Tell how many times you can take a 100b blade or hammer f1 in the face before going to the hospital, better, where you packing all those items and turrets? dont call realism on your bad argument