Showing Posts For Mizhas.8536:
The only unrewarding high end is WvW.
Atm, raids are rewarding due to legendary armor requirements.
sPvP its been rewarded with tournaments and lots of stuff like ascended armors, materials and gold wise.
What about WvW? WvW should get some love in this aspect. Winning or losing should reward something more than a few greens.
I must admit that i play WvW not for rewards but for fun. However, as WvW requires lots of players to become a really fun gamestyle i believe that it needs some WvW exclusive stuff so people work together to win matchups.
Hardly – Alpine BL towers were the irrelevant ones. They provided no influence to the rest of the map aside from somewhere to put up trebs and run into if you were being chased. The sentries were a doddle to walk around, with no knowledge of the map required to avoid them. Basically the entire map was set up so you could wander wherever you wanted with minimum interruption.
Anyone looking to break into any of the three keeps could just ignore them completely. SE tower provided absolutely no advantage, SW gave a place to treb Bay open but in practice was vastly inferior to the cata spot next to the door. NW and NE tower could both be used for trebbing Garri – and being trebbed by it – but once again, were utterly inferior to just setting up catas or golem rushing it.
I don’t get how you think the north towers and garrison were easier to defend on Alpine. It takes a lot longer for enemies to reach them on the Desert BL but not for the defender – it was Alpine where I was capping towers (and Garrison a few times) before defenders could contest them effectively. The players who think they have a harder time dealing with the same number of invaders when they have better gate configurations, twice the cannons, and a tower / keep lord that actually provides a challenge for small groups… those players frankly have no idea what they’re doing.
Well, i’m assuming that you just capped the keep before moving against north tower (which is the normal behaviour). That, gives you a free WP from which come back in matter of a few minutes.
About the tower lord, cannons, etc… like i said, there are many things that Alpine BL should get before coming back since they have been proved pros in map design (while others haven’t like the garrison auto walls). They even should rebuild the towers in some cases to make them a little bigger than they used to be.
Sentries are also a big addition.
Finally, again the strategic value of the towers. I preffer the little and vastly inferior possibilities rather than having nothing and just being another meaningless objective with a fancy lord to kill.
Towers, I feel, have gained significant strategic value because they impede movement a lot more. Taking one essentially gives you freedom of movement in its local area, hinders enemy roamers, provides means of tracking enemy zergs, and makes it easier to keep distance while scouting them. In the Alpine BLs, towers were just safe zones to run into, and occasionally set up siege in. They didn’t contribute to defending territory at all, with the exception of treb wars between towers and keeps which I’m actually happy to see the end of. If you’re going to take something, you should have to risk putting siege in the open where it can be countered.
Gained strategic value??? OMG
The only thing new about the new towers is the addition of the barricades. Yeah, lets say that barricades may help tracking the enemies when they get orange swords tring to break them but….anything else?
Alpine BL towers were clearly much more important in order to fight for the control of the map. Capturing a tower made the next step a bit easier since you had somewhere to retreat if things got messy. Now, towers mean absolute nothing (especially north ones) since you even have portals wich literally put you INSIDE (WTF!) your garrison in no time.
If we compare both BLs there are 2 things that make all the difference between them about this subject.
1st- On Alpine, north towers + garrison were fairly easy to defend, wich since its your own bordland made sense. Now, enemies can get easily to the north and cap anything before defenders can even get to the objective. This change hasn’t been a good one.
2nd- Free WP on keeps for atackers. This is one os the reasons 1st happens. On Alpine BLs, when you wiped an enemy out of your “safezone” (aka north zone of the map) they had to run alll the way back from their respawn. This made north a bit more difficult to take for atackers since respawn was too far away. The free WP thing is a good thing since it encourages the action on the map and reduces the running across the map time. However, with the actual design of the BL, it makes too easy for atackers to keep a constant preassure on north objectives while defenders don’t have any advantage at all.
About siege: Its not like if you were able to melt a wall from +10000 distance. Trebuchets were the only choice for long range siege inside a tower and they are pretty slow at it. In addition nowdays they can too easily be countered by shields. In fact, long range siege has become useless since defenders can just build a couple of shield generators and entirely hold any position against slow proyectiles.
As i said above, i would really love to see Alpine BLs back but with all the good stuff the new maps added such as free atacking WP, more than one entrance into towers, some kind of revamped oasis event, more decoration around the map (broken walls/buildings f.e. basically reduce the size of some open spaces like the one between garrison and bay), a sanctuary mechanic (with a previous rework in some bonuses) and ofc the addition of the actual tactic mechanic (with a previous balance too).
Well, the buffs are now permanent so….
Yes, its was easier before but now it has its advantages. Tactics make a whole new level for guilds and WvW for example.
I wasn’t aware that a reaper using the chill tactic would damage players with it but thats clearly something broken about it and should be fixed asap.
This is just a balance issue wich doesn’t mean that tactics are wrong but bad balanced.
Well i’m not a fan of the new borderlands but i must first say that i don’t want the old ones back either.
Ok, so let’s just shut WvW down until next year then???? It took them over a year to make EotM and the Desert Map. So even if you talked them into creating a new map, we’ll need Alpine back until this new map is ready.
I’m not suggesting them to make a new one (wich wouldn’t be something crazy in the future). What i’m saying is that they should fix the actual one AND revamp the alpine one so they inlcude on it all the good stuff from the new one (just the good ones ofc).
A fast, easy rework for the Desert BL would be changing the santuary bonuses, revamping the oasis event to encourage more player interaction and perhaps the barricade thing.
The rest of the problems would require a larger process wich would take far too long.
Fix the new map as much as they can and then focus on upgrading Alpine borderlands.
Lets be honest. Many people ask for the old maps to come back but the reality is that the old ones also lacked a lot of stuff. f.e. The shrines. No one cared about them. The actual event has a more meaninful impact in map control. It forces players to fight for it wich is a good thing (if they could fix the lag ofc).
Alpine maps also had too many open empty spaces. Its like if they could not find the right combination on this. Having walls, stairs, statues….any kind of decoration adds strategical components on fights/sieges.
If you ask players for they most favourite spots in WvW maps i’m pretty sure that they wouldn’t say “You know that giant open field with nothing around but a bunch of NPCs? Yeah, that’s my favourite”.
In my opinion there must be a balance between open and narrow fields.
Well i’m not a fan of the new borderlands but i must first say that i don’t want the old ones back either.
I’ll try to make it as clear as possible:
1- Towers have lost their strategical value. In old borderlands, towers used to be like the first step into a keep siege. They felt like the first step in order to atack with a fairly safe advantage the next objective (aka the keep next to it. ) Nowdays, towers are just another objective reather than beeing the key for a sucesfull keep siege.
2- To many PvE stuff around. Turrets, walls, banners, hound… all theese are nothing but pure kitten to most WvW players. (Banners need a cap per map btw. 1 per map tops.) However, the sanctuary mechanic idea is not entirery broken. The mist, the lava portals…. those T3 “buffs” are not a bad idea in order to give a siege a bit more of variety.
Perhaps if you guys would rework it and lets say give another kind of function to the T1 and T2… something like: “1 sanctuary= doors +%HP, 2 scantuarys = 2x cannon and mokittenamage” or so.
There could be thousends of possibilities here. Just no more automatic PvE things plz.
3- The oasis event: FIX THE LAG. After you’ve done that you could consider reworking the way you obtain the cores. I would suggest that you could remove the NPCs and add some kind of altars where you have to channel for lets say 5-7 secs to get he core. Then the player who gets it should be snared so other players should have to protect him.
This kind of mechanic could encourage players to really fight across all the map. I also suggest that you may reduce the time between events so players actively take part in the event and also repairing or atacking the towers. I really think that you should try theese things in something like “special weekend events” or so like in the past.
4- The barricade thing is not that is a gamebreaker but its overall a nonsense. They just hurt roamers cause zergs just melt them and keep their way. If you want them to be an advantage for the owner just make them invulnerable. However as I already said, the main problem is for roamers so just removing them could also be a good thing.
Test it and listen to the community again.
5- About the map design… well, too many narrow spaces, too many clifs. I suggest you check games like warhammer online where maps like Praag, Reikland or Dragonwake were examples of how to mix narrow and wide spaces where to fight.
I also disagree.
Tactics make guilds really feel like they matter in WvW. Perhaps the idea needs some rework in some areas but its overall a good thing for this gamemode.
I’ve been testing some things around boon duration. Concentration stat seems to be bugged.
The tooltips show the % increase but when using the skills and checking the boon duration applied, it is exactly the same, no changes.
BTW, it happens the other way round with guardian trait “Honorable staff”. With this trait, tooltips won’t show the duration increase but boon durations indeed get the 20% buff while you have staff on.
I hope you can fix this so we can think of new builds around boon duration.
Bow #2 not being able to cast while movement makes this spec almost useless in any kind of PvP mode.
I can undestand bow #5 rooting you but 2 abilities on the same ranged weapon? God, even staff has 100% movility.
About the spec in general is just doesn’t work. Traps are a no no in almost every aspect and virtues even if the ideas for them are good, don’t fit with the bow.
Its like if devs would want to open 3 different ways (ranged DPS, condi spam and support) for guardians on just one spec and they have failed on all of them.
How to fix this:
Ability #2 remove the root.
Allow guardians to choose between old and new ones as part of the spec.
Make them really stronger.
Light’s judgement: Add some utility to it like rooting in place nearby enemies or something and reduce cd. 45secs on something that enemy has to activate is lol.
Procession of blades: The way to go of this trap is clear. The problem may not be with the trap but with the need of condition proc for it. One of the most important ones is the one you get with normal version os the Virtue of Justice which you lose when you spec for the trap. More condition procs on hit/crit would make this trap strong.
Fragments of faith: I see here 2 ways to go.
1st: Add a effect on the skill. Adding the DH virtue of courage effect on the location of the trap when activated would make this trap really interesting on making anbushes in WvW.
2nd: Buff the amount of fragments by a lot and reduce the cd.
Test of faith: I like the way it is but perhaps its a bit useless for pve.
Druid is awsome.
I may agree that other weapons other than staff need to be “effective” on building the avatar but there is no need on allowing to activate it before it gets full.
I do prefer +1000 having to fill the avatar bar rather than dealing with a cd (wich would obiously get). However i do agree that finishing early the avatar should not empty the bar OR make that action to cause an effect wich would scale depending on how much of the bar was left.
F.e: The stealth + superspeed trait is related to this so… why not make it give more stealth + sspeed seconds depending on how much bar is spent on it?
The actions could be from an AoE short radius heal burst to a mystic AoE damage splash.
I have played it in WvW where it really shines. You can either play as a melee aoe heal support or as a ranged backline support. The rest of the rangers weapong allow different playstyles.
We need to understand that the specs goal is to heal support so pretending to do it otherwise is a waste. If you don’t want to heal just don’t pick druid spec.
Gyplhs probably will need some buffs and even staff 2 needs to scale better with healing power but in general is one of the best specs right now.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
I totally agree with this.
Elite specs where supposed to give each class a new “something”.
I think that a easy fix for this could be making of tempest some kind of auramancy based spec.
Auras are a thing that only elementalists can actually master. There are some combos wich give auras aswell but no other class can use auras that easy.
If Anet wants tempest to be some kind of 70/30 support/DPS role auras would be answer.
Give warhorn some auras and change a couple or traits so they support aura based playstyle. Tempest would become a strong buff-maker class.
What about removing those 5 seconds till overload becomes avaliable so we can more actively use them in combat?
I do believe that overloads should not have that cd baseline. 5 secs is too much depending the situation. In WvW for example, ability timing is crucial so those 5 seconds just make overloading almost useless in most situations.
Those 5 secs + the att.swap cd increase = useless. You guys should choose one and discard the other.
I also think that Auramancer is the way to go for Tempest being really supportive. You may be trying to find some kind of new role when you already have one wich could make tempest shine in all gamestyles.
The best ideas i’ve read so far about auramancy:
- Increase duration of auras applied by you by 33%
- Applying an aura increases/reduces damage by 5% for 10 seconds (max 5 stacks)
- Auras grant quickness for 2 seconds.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
The main reason of the lack of usefulness of the tome of courage was the ability cd rather than the heals/buffs.
The support provided by the tome was excelent in determined situations (Talking about WvW & sPvP).
The actual Druid spec may introduce a new role into the game. The main issue here may lay on the ability from the devs developing new PvE encounters where dodge is not enough and you need actual healing for surviving.
I would like to know if with the mixture of Consecrated ground and master of consecrations traits the ability purging flames will still cleanse 3 conditions.
Nowday when you have Consecrated ground traited purging flames just cleanse 1 condition instead of all 3 of them.
I hope this bug is fixed before they mix both traits ’cause if not it will be a big nerf.
The thing is Gayle that even if stacked servers are not an ideal situation they are far better option to an empty one.
Let me suggest Anet to take an active part on WvW population balance.
There is no more boring thing that getting your friends together for WvW night and find that the only thing you get is PvDoor all night long.
Fights are what makes WvW fun and i’m not talking just about open field fights but sieges, roaming and other kind of stuff.
Focus on population balance, PvP mechanics (inside WvW ofc) and for gods shake, GIVE US NEW WvW MAPS!! ’cause its boring as hell when everyone knows exactly where to put sieges and/or how to counter them. Some variety would be apreciated.
I’m tired of devs trying to change WvW in something different when what WvW needs is new stuff other than old one put in other way.
- New maps
- New abilites
- New classes or/and new weaponS for every class
- Commander tools
- Commander groups UI
- Ways to prevent players to stack in groups larger than 30 or 40.
- Usefull outnumbered buff/mechanic
- Develop some kind of way to balance WvW server populations.
F.E: Merge NA and EU servers and try so check everysingle active players playing prime time. Build servers around this data so you can “ensure” enough population 24/7 on several servers.
Theese are the things i think WvW would really need to become awsome again.
What do you think?
You guys must be joking.
Let me check if i’ve understood it right:
You think that the kick system is not ready/optimal for the change you’re about to make but you do it anyway
You are aware of what kind of problems not just some but many players may have and you trust on players kindness to ensure that it will not happen that way
The only tool you give to the players who suffer this actions is a report? Do you know that when you’re kicked you lose any way of knowing who kicked you? Do players now have to take an screen of every dungeon they try to complete in case that they face this kind of behaviour and so they can report them?
Amazing Anet, I knew you didn’t know what were you doing but THIS is the king of the bad ideas.
They’re working on a way to make it so you DO know who kicked you, even after they’ve done so. This will make reporting easier, and should make it easier for them to see it was done in the wrong.
Meanwhile, they seem to feel they have the numbers to suggest that pushing the change forward solves more problems than it causes. They have the numbers on how many complaints they get about instances failing due to a DC or a party leader assuming they’re safe if the rest of the party wants to win, and how often they get reports of griefing by party kick.
I’d trust them on this one.
Yeah they say that the’re working on something BUT its not ready yet so why on earth should they change the way it works now and not wait till the system works as it should.
Perhaps is just that i don’t trust Anet anymore but I don’t see how making things difficult will help them to improve their own game. In the best case scenario they will have to use their resources to help players with problems that actually they don’t have so, my question is simple…why?
Why on earth would they implement something unfinished?
Why on earth would they want to increase the amount of reports and investigation procedures?
In mi opinion the answer is much easier than all what i’ve said before:
They don’t have a clue on what they’re doing OR they they haven’t thought about it.
As I mentioned in my thread on the topic, it would be great to have the number of needed kick votes increased to 3, to minimize griefing resulting from this change. Personally I always started my own dungeon parties to avoid kick-happy couples. Now there’s nothing to kep me safe. 2 votes have always been a bad idea, anyway. Not even a majority.
I actually agree with you. I would have liked to increase the vote count a majority with this change, but unfortunately not all the pieces of code around party votes are set up in a way to make this a quick and easy change.
We were aware of the possible issues with the instance ownership change, but felt that holding back an improvement to the base experience on account of trolls was unfair to users that are playing nice.
Stealing instances using the LFG tool, or booting people for no reason (or to give your buddy the rewards for no work) at the end of a run are bannable offenses and should be reported.
You guys must be joking.
Let me check if i’ve understood it right:
You think that the kick system is not ready/optimal for the change you’re about to make but you do it anyway
You are aware of what kind of problems not just some but many players may have and you trust on players kindness to ensure that it will not happen that way
The only tool you give to the players who suffer this actions is a report? Do you know that when you’re kicked you lose any way of knowing who kicked you? Do players now have to take an screen of every dungeon they try to complete in case that they face this kind of behaviour and so they can report them?
Amazing Anet, I knew you didn’t know what were you doing but THIS is the king of the bad ideas.
2 Things:
About Meteornado, i don’t think that is OP or being exploited atm. Eles don’t have a good elite atm so a DPS increase every 180 secs for 3 secs its not that of a big deal.
Fiery greatsword its also just a movility weapon because the #4 its just usefull for PvE.
So Tornado being useless and greatsword only being used for defense what elite we have left? They need some serious love, not nerfs.
About balance changes: They have talked about gylphs and that they are aware that actually 90% eles use cantrips. Well, what they don’t seem to understand is that cantrips are a must due to the lack of survavility that elementalists have. They can give you anything that you will still need cantrips for defence.
They could rework elementalist entirely but i don’t think they will ever do. They will need to give eles something really good so they can sacrifice survavility for other things.
What I see is endless zergs hitting doors without any siege. Manmode FTW!
Veterans advantage has to come experience and a wider knowledge of the abilities and their effects than a newcomers.
A veteran player has to now when to use something for its max effect and also needs to know what can the enemy do to counter him.
Experience and practice is what makes the difference between veterans and newcomers. Other advantages than this (gear, progresion….) should never exist in any kind of PvP (yes, WvW i’m looking at you)
Hi all!
Well guess you’re thinking this is another remove the AoE cap post. Hovewer i think that the AoE cap is neccesary.
I’ve been playing GW2 since launch and every balance patch i feel like if devs lack fresh ideas on how to balance their own game.
In order to help i would suggest to check the AoE cap on certain abilities (elites mostly) so they could feel really usefull.
For example: It has been talking about nullfield in another post in this same forums section. Lets say that nullfield almost does the same thing well of corruption. In fact well of corruption it seems to be much more powerfull due to its damage effect and that it not only removes boons but it also transform them into conditions. Ok, nullfield also removes conditions on allies but how reliable is that? Well of corruption has a more reliable function.
So why not increasing the AoE cap of nullfield so it becomes a bit more balanced with other boon removal skills?
Another example: Timewarp or Battle standard. Both abilities have actually a 5 target AoE cap. In case of the timewarp and since the nerfs haste has suffered i think that this cap is a nonsense. Even mass invisivility has a 10 player cap so why Timewarp remains the same? Such a big AoE effect for just 5 targets cap? Nonsense.
Battle Standard has a big cooldown due to the rez effect it has. Good one in my opinon. BUT, why does it have a 5 target cap on the boons it gives? Other standards can be reliable on the buffs they provide since they have low cooldown but this elite even if its a really powerfull one, its not used other than to rez people. The passive effect should be stronger so it may be used for buffing other than just rezzing.
Funny thing is that For Great Justice gives almost the same buff effevt that the Banner gives but it also has a low cd.
Perhaps its about time to start checking the AoE caps on some abilities.
About the changes you’re proposing….
Guys, you should not forget that specially WvW is a team game so imagine what 3-4 mesmers could do with the nullfield changes you’re proposing. They would definitely become meta.
The ability they way it is right now is in a good spot. Perhaps the only thing i don’t like about it is that you can not choose to rip boons or conditions while in it. I would definitely like to see a way to choose among the 2 options.
About the “real nullfield” i would be such a powerfull ability hat it would need to become elite and have a big cooldown. Maybe since haste is no longer usefull due to several nerfs it had its time to revamp the glamour elite to a “more elite effect”. Hovewer i think it still would be also OP.
Good idea though, devs should listen to this. Even being OP i would love to try this on WvW. A tool definitely designed to determine wich group takes more advantage of it. Organiced groups would love it.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
I have an issue with how Mark worded that sticky post.
“Due to the rash of necroposting on this subforum, anybody caught posting in a dead thread will be subject to infractions and possible suspensions from this point forward.
A dead thread is defined as any thread that has not received any posts in more than 30 days.”A clarification is required here. First it states that anyone caught posting in a dead thread will be punished. Then it defines the thread as a post that has not received any posts in more then 30 days.
My question is, if someone resurrects a dead thread and I happen to post in that thread after it has been resurrected am I under threat of punishment? After all someone must have posted before me to resurrect the thread. Also what happens if someone resurrects such a thread and deletes his post after other people have posted on it? Would he get away and all others be punished?
To answer your questions. Providing no other rules are broken (i.e. personal attacks,
name calling, etc.) only the person who first posted in the dead thread will see punitive action. The thread will then be locked to prevent further posting. As for your second question, the moderation team has the ability to see all deleted posts, so there is no mistaking who necroposted the thread, even after deletion.
What i can’t understand is why you don’t in the first place delete all +1 month old posts and stop this bull…..
If you’re not going to allow to other players to post anything else there just lock them or delete them and let it be the end of the story.
BTW, in this case most of those post just talk about exactly the same problems we’re facing now. What was true then it still is now so i don’t see the point on opening new threads so we can discuss AGAIN the same issues.
WvW sucks hard right now and its kindda sad that the only thing that make you post here is people bringing old posts alive.
Perhaps is not players fault but yours.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
If you think GW2s armor skins are OK you definitely are not playing a CHAR race Character.
Some of the skins look really awsome in humans, norns or sylvarys. But Asuras and Chars need some more custom armors for them that fit them.
Chain Lightning:
Damage is fine atm. The real problem is the cast time. Since you can’t control the bounces i believe that it would be fair to reduce the cast time so it becomes our “fastest” autoatack. In my opinion it would make real sense to be the fastest as it is an air AA.
Lava Font:
Nothing to say. Everything has already been said.
Water Blast:
I think that it should have its damage increased a bit. The heal is fine for me since i understand that it has its uses f.e. atacking a keep gate to heal the melees nearby.
Blinding Surge:
Damage and utility pretty powerful. Perhaps the cast time should be reduced so it doesn’t become a kitten atack comparing it to the other attunement number 2 skills.
Definitely must be AoE. Cast time and even the range its fine but its really worthless trying to use a skill that fails almost 90% of the time.
I agree with the OP about this skill. Eles already have water 2# for delayed atack so making it something similar to Lava Font + bleeding would be nice.
Theese changes would really make the staff the awsome weapon that should be.
Definitely NO
Even if you reduce the number of player per map you still would face zergs. The real problem is the AoE cap and the lag wich makes smaller groups really difficult to take that big group down.
As someone said before, reducing the rewards for those big groups would be a better solution. I think that for doing such a big change they should algo change the way PPT works right now. Some kind of extra point per capture depending on how many players took the tower/keep and the upgrade of the objective. (Its nonsense that a T3 keep gives the same points as a T1 one)
In addition, reducing the map population cap would only increase the queues and that’s definitely not beneficial for the game since many many more people would fed up and leave the game just because they can’t play.
In my opinion the solution to the zerg problem (there always will be a zerg anyway) would go through a massive change on border maps where more objetives must be put and like i said one of theese 2 options: Somehow reduce the lag and increase the AoE cap or less rewards for big groups + change in the PPT system.
Sorry to sound mean but;
Do you really think people will choose 3k health over goodies such as Pure of voice and Battle presence? 3k health means NOTHING in PVP as well as fractals where u get 2-3 shot regardless of health.
Honor has some of the best traits in the game and the new trait falls short to even some of the adept traits in honor, not to mention grandmaster. Please, change this trait, or make it adept and throw it somewhere in valor or even virtues, but as of right now it does NOT deserve to be grandmaster
Wanna trade ? guardian new trait to elementalist new trait .
Any minute, any day.
New ele trait + Selfless Daring = S O O P
25% more healing on dodgeroll I would pay for that
I’m ok with the AoE cap removal but since the game actually suffers from lag spikes i think that Anet won’t even consider this posibility.
However, introducing some abilities or changes they could give smaller groups the tools to fight back the zerg.
Timewarp for example was an ability wich empowered small groups multipling their DPS effectiveness. Ofc zergs could just do the same the AoE buff cap of the skill would benefit more a more optimiced group rather than a big zerg.
In addition, this skill AoE cap being 5 targets its stupid. Such a big AoE field and a 240 cd deserve at least a 10 player target cap rathern than a 5 one.
On the other hand Anet could develop some kind of variable AoE cap system linked to the comander tag. Something like if you’re running with <20 players your Aoe Cap becomes x1.5, (7 players instead of 5) , <10 it becomes x2 (10 target cap instead of 5) and so on.
Ofc this system would require a new commander tag system so that only when your group is within X feet from the tag get this benefit. It would also need to be changed the way you join a comander squad so that if the comander dies you can’t just pop another tag and continue.
One last idea is to create CC abilities that in some way ignore/remove 100% sure stability. Nowdays zerg just need to mantain a good amount of stability to be unstoppable. If stability (note: not just random boon removals) removals would exist zerg would need to be much more carefull and skilled so they would avoid or keep a much more close control over such a powerfull resource so they can zerg in the actual way.
Organized groups could benefit from this in an incredible way due to a better organization/coordination. Ofc theese abilities should have a really clear effect (such as static field/feedback) so they can be in some way “easy” to avoid.
As it has been said the accuracy of the leaked patch notes until now has a well derserved trust.
Now a Anet representative comes here to say they are fake and that the official ones will only be published by Anet. Ofc that doesn’t mean that those leaked are ALL the upcoming balance changes, more may come.
So i don’t want to call liar to anyone but maybe saying that are totally fake isn’t the truth either.
I’m wondering what would happen if Anet would work more often and comunicate much more frecuently with the playerbase via their beloved forum. Perhaps there would not be the need of any leak.
The key to a succesfull WvW isn’t nerfing blobs but empowering small groups.
But how to empower them without overpower the blobs? Here is the problem.
In my opinion even if no AoE cap was pretty OP for zergs also smaller groups still stood a chance. Not saying its what it should be done but take it as an example.
Another example might be the ability Timewarp. Such a big combo field wich only affects 5 players? Nonsense. Its an elite, at least it should affect to 10 players. Make it not affect golems and allow it to become again 100% cast speed increase. Abilities like this, empower teamplay rather than random player stacking.
You guys need to focus on the design (or changes) of abilities that reward good teamplay usage rather than just AoE spam.
Massive player stacking may seem to be fun. Massive battles and all that. Hovewer the reality its different. There is no fun when 60-70 players move together across the map melting doors manmode. Also player stacking makes lag much stronger and i don’t think thats a good thing. Nowdays 60 vs 60 its nothing more than a lagfest and a massive AoE spam.
You’re thinking that people will care about defending objectives in the first place but what if people wouldn’t care about them and just blob from champ to champ like a train?
Your idea of how could something work its awsome. Bigger maps should work the way you said spliting the zergs but EoTM is definitely not the example of this.
Well, i agree that most of the keeps seem the same. I would vote for any improvement in enviroment asthetics but linking PvE to WvW? NO sir.
WvW is a different way to PvP. You take advantage of PvE enviroment to create larger scale combats and PvP. In mi opinion WvW is a mix between raw PvP balanced&fair combat and PvE enviroment importance (keeps, towers, siege support, importance of tactics within the enviroment…)
For me WvW is an all in one PvP system.
Let me check if i’m getting it right…
You guys are complaining about the new AW just because now it takes ground targeting to use it.
What i can’t understand is why you’re using lightning flash + AW combo as an example. LF is group targeted SO you have to ground target to wherever you need to teleport to. Then what’s the problem in doing a second click for AW ?
Last patch they offered a new posibility for ground target in wich you didn’t have to click twice to perfomr the ability. Use it and you will still have your instant AW while staff eles will have another awsome and neccesary tool on their kitten nal.
Lets face it. No matter what changes devs make to earth traitline while Evasive Arcana keeps being such a powerfull defensive trait.
90%, 85% those values are a joke. 1 single hit would drop more than that and then what? 30 point specced for nothing? No sir.
What about making it reduce INC damage?
0% reduction at 100% HP
25% reduction at 75% HP
50% reduction at 50% HP
75% reduction at 25% HP
Now that would be a real Diamond Skin.
In addition, you have another condition counter option with just 20 point in earth and the propper gear.
About Arcana traitline:
Both stamina and attunement changes are too much. D/D builds rely on vigor for their survability same like S/D ones.
Elemental attunement IS a strong trait but moving it to master tier doesn’t solve anything.
What if you merge lingering elements with elemental attunement and make it be a minor master trait?
Now that you’re looking so close to arcana, are you aware of 25 arcana trait? The crit chance is really low AND the condition duration too.
What about making it 66% chance just like 25 points air?
Hovewer, i would just change Elemental surge and merge both with a little change:
Elemental surge: 100% chance on crit to apply a condition based on your actual attunement. An optional function could be making it work with lingering elements so you apply 1 condition for each attunement you’re buffed with.
25%movement increase while dagger trait just remove it. Traveler runes do the same thing without having to waste a trait slot. (or even air signet)
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
I went one step further and suggested merging Elemental Attunement, Lingering Elements AND Evasive Arcana.
OP or not it makes sense and would finally remove the Elephant in the room.
The problem with Evasive Arcana is that is allocated on grandmaster tier and is such a powerfull defensive tool that most eles won’t give up unless real DPS is put in fire or air traitlines.
Making EA more powerfull does not make any sense. It only forces us more into arcana.
Well i would like to suggest that Char armor skins should adapt/fit better to the race. You’ve recently realeased some awsome armor skins (just like plhanx heavy one for example) wich look awsome on all races but charr.
Many of the other actual armor skins don’t fit well at all. Small helmets, small gloves, kindda wierd legs…
It woud be awsome if you could adapt armor just like you have done recently depending on sex (male or female). Charr race deserves more than the actual 2-3 decent armor sets we have avaliable.
Guardian is one of the most balanced and popular classes in the game, and for good reason. I really don’t see what the big deal is. Guardian beats the warrior in nearly everything but DPS. Don’t agree? That’s fine. If you need me I’ll be in sPvP killing more warriors.
You’re mistaken, warrior beats guardian in everything. The only thing they are missing is access to the protection boon.
Not in group condition cleanse
You will absolutely see a way to create a precursor available in the future. As detailed in our plans for the second half of the year here:
As mentioned at the end of the blog, as always things are subject to change as test and prepare various systems. Most of the stuff covered in the blog you’ve already seen implemented, or steps towards being implemented, however the precursor building (and corresponding additional legendary items) is the one highest at risk to not make it this year.
It is still something we absolutely plan to do!
Why it didn’t surprise me?
“Highest at risk to not make it this year”
When are game developers understand that this kind of behaviour is what make the game lose followers?
You’re playing with peoples patience. Too many times playerbase has stated that we don’t want better gear (ascended) but to new and great skins even if they’re hard as hell to get. Just focus on new content such as new fractals, dungeons, maps (also wvw ones), new armor and weapon looks (and plz, make them look epic) and ofc new and interesting lore.
So far several guilds have contacted me and are interested into becoming our ‘’night cappers’’ if you are interested into joining sfr please decide quickly because the next very week sfr might just have enough night cappers and will close it down those who decide to join without asking wont be able to get any slots. and we will simple not give any slots.
If you really think that you can avoid anyone to join your server you’re wrong.
Celestial gear is something that depends so much on your playstyle.
Many guilds just need eles to focus on support so celestial gear is a must. If you feel squishy you’ll need to mix it with some soldier or knights.
Celestial is a must if you’re support role focused and damage is not your objective.
Celestial does have less damage than other builds but not that much if you’re able to get bloodlust sigil stacks up + power food up everytime.
Why do people keep making threads about free transfers. It is like they are clueless to the reality of what is going on. Why would Anet implement a system that seems to have no other purpose than to stimulate transfers and thus stimulate profit from transfers and then make transfers free.
Making transfers free would be completely counterproductive to the whole point of the league systems, so stop making threads asking for it…..
They have already done it man. Until october 17th there are free transfer to medium populations servers.
Its easy, they want you tu buy gems for transfers.
They announce the leagues.
Guilds transfer to a server were to fight for the win with the lower queues possibles.
After they announce free/cheaper transfers
Bandwagoners move to kitten servers so they can have a chance of a good reward.
Servers get full
Guilds are forced to transfer again due to high queues.
Result= Anet gets loads of money due to gem purchases.
The stat boost, while controversial, is there to give the buff meaning in the context of the general WvW battle. Providing boosts like %WXP, etc. don’t have impact in fights against other sides, they are just a nice bonus for you. The stat boost and the points for finishing players mean that not only do you want to have the buff, but you don’t want your opponents to have it.
The thing is Devon, that what you’re failing to see is that the buff will only work when numbers are even or close. Its totally unfair having to fight against 3 times your WvW map population with this buff on them.
If you’re actually playing your game you should know that this happens like 15hours a day.
The first step to balance things out is to make the actual buff only affect 1 border map no all the 4 maps.
This is the only fair solution i find if you definitely want to mantain the stat buff as it is.
picture says way more 27.
1 time at ogrwatch,1 time at outer sm, one time at inner sm, 1 time at lord room,1 time mendon, 1 time at wall on sm, 1 time at corridor sm, 1 time roaming around somewhere I cant remember xD.
(also everytime attacking sm you ran with zone blob, except 1 battle at wall sm:)
I would like also to apologhise for today 2v1 its just your blob decide to try to take my new keep piken square keep in eb:) and I decided with a happy farming zerg to stay and farm there for a very long time and elona grow a brain and stopped attack sm and our towers and decided to take your towers:)
a happy elona guy also said thanks for letting them take veloka tower without being wiped by sfr so he could get his map completion.
Post the picture i can asure you we we’re definitely NOT way more than 27.
BTW, finishing off 3-4 raid members its not wipe. In that case we would have wiped your groups like … (lets say a lot of) times.
About mendon for example… you wiped our pug group and then we came into the tower. We fighted there until your numbers got weaker and ours stronger to the pugs returning. Then we moved forward to the lord room where you were kicked out and lost the tower. This simple fight shows that you’re just making things up.
Now, if regrouping close to our allies when outnumbered now its ilegal for guild raids then you using AC and ballistas everywhere should be too.
Its fun arguing about a +/- 27 players raid facing +40 players (even if they pug) and still have to hear how bad we are. Sure! we’re not RG and we’ll never be but sadly actual meta favours big groups other than organized groups.
We just have fun like that.
You want to argue about numbers? Fine
You want to argue about wipes? Fine
You want to argue about strategies being bad? Fine
But don’t you dare to insult other players just for not wanting to play the same way you do.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)
they are called cleaning squad CS they ran hugh numbers yesterday in eb and they got wiped A LOT they lost all their towers and almost the keep xD.
and ppls say they were recording it too that’s interesting.
As a member of CS i would like to know how many wipes did you made to us cause i only count 3 (at ogrewatch, while we tried to defend SM and SM again this time we atacking). In the other hand what happened in pangloss or mendon?
About blobing.. 27 players is blobing? Quite sure you sfr were running +40 most of the time.
Towers were lost just because we decided to hold SM againt ER while your blobed, literaly blobed all towers.
Just to finish this i want to ask you, since when a guild can not be wiped?
We’re still learning and we’re up to any GvG you want to arrange to show us how to play.
if I wasn’t so kitten ed that 20-30 pugs ran upscaled or couldn’t follow me all the way and they weren’t even on ts I would have cried and laughed so hard xD
I have never ever meet a guild embarrass themselves so hard please for god sake who ever raid lead that blob change your gears you got bloody all eles squisy die in kittens and your thief that tried to kill me how the hell could he die by one hit??
some pugs told me this guild have done it since yesterday well I will be there rest of the week:) I will run with my guild few hours then ask for permission to que to wipe you if your there:) pugs tend to listen to me gonna show you how powerful sfr pugs is when you get them to work you got totally wiped off the planet today lets see if you can match us tomorrow.
Just curious, wich guild are you talking about blobing EB in Piken?
Who cares about GvG?? I’m a WvW player and also a Guild Member. I do like GvGs but in the end this is not about GvGs.
Anet is constantly screwing the WvW system with silly updates like the Wxp ranks (wich among them we can find greater range for trebuchets, catapults and more rampower. Hold on, Golem army buff its comming you know…) and next BL-ORB mechanic.
Incoming Orb mechanic will make the already unbalanced matchups even more unbalanced. Servers with really high WvW coverage will control the orb during most time getting even more points than they used to.
What exactly is the good point about orb mechanic? Can’t see any.
Again, the map revamp its awsome and Anet seem to have done a good job with that.
I would add to that list boon and buffs party priority so if any of a party members gives aoe boons is that party members in range the first that will get those buffs.
This would be a hell of a change for WvW.
Oh and copy the warhammer warband group system too.
(edited by Mizhas.8536)