Thank you.Also,i remeber back in the days there was a way to see all your currency at one.Now i have to open inventory for gold and achievement for laurels :/
Hit the wallet button in your inventory.
My biggest question is, should I sacrifice whatever stats necessary to reach 100% condition duration?
No, some builds or situations its not always the best stat to max, but for engies in pve it pretty much is.
Is it that important? If so . . .having sigils for my weapons, and the others i posted above, I’ll have a solid 50.8% condition duration, how would I reach the other 50%?
Engies firearms gives 33% to both burning and bleeds. Giver weapons give lots of + condi duration but there is a sacrifice of other damaging stats as it comes with vital (still a good pick). Runes are a good source, nightmare is a good choice (+15%), those are from twilight arbour dungeon.
You can also get a viper amulet with
(edited by Nikkle.4013)
These threads are made after every patch since the game launched. Every time it turns out nothing was changed. Salvaging 8 or 9 rares is not going to tell you anything about the rate of ecto, it’s not even close to being a significantly large sample. Need more like 200+.
Working now for me.
The TP use to go down quite often, especially at launch. I’ve had transactions that disappeared and then appeared a few hours later. Unless they did something terrible with the servers I doubt your money/items are gone. Just be patient this has happened many times before. If it doesn’t arrive in 24 hours I would file a ticket but its the weekend so response might be slow.
The entitlement complex is strong with the reactionaries. “I demand this game conform to my heteronormativity”. There’s no cabal of gay’s oppressing you using their plans laid out in the protocols of the elders of gaytopia. Just people that are glad that anet recognized that trans-people exist. As a white heterosexual male I have grown up with plenty of positive representation in media and the inclusion of people unlike me in media does not offend me nor is it an attack on me. It’s not forcing their characteristics or identity on me but simple representing the variety that exists among people. Its astounding how upset people get over a npc that just mentions she used to be a guy. I know, you got a A in 10th grade science class so you’re an expert on sexuality and gender norms and you’re just educating us dumb people.
You’re assuming no one on the dev team is trans. That’s not a safe assumption to make. For all I know, one of the coders or artists or testers or managers wanted this character to represent their own feelings about their life.
That’s exactly what happened. A dev currently transitioning put her in.
Think the timing with the whole Jenner thing is just a coincidence
My immediate thought is the separation of PvP and PvE when nerfing/balancing skills.
Please don’t break usability in PvE when nerfing for PvP.
I think the necessity for having to separate skills in the past was due to a number of factors:
1. High vital, low toughness mobs <— fixed in some area’s like worm and silverwaste
2. No condi version of zerker gear which meant condi either couldn’t compete with power on damage or was tanky
3. Unavoidable damage in pvp (like old dhummfire/incen powder)
4. Duration stacking caused condi to under-perform in groups <— fixed
I’m certainly not opposed to splitting but I think its not necessary.
Condi’s are being criticised by all 3 player groups right now, PvE, PvP and WvW. It’s clear something has to be done but blanket nerfs to condi is not really a solution imo. I don’t think you’re going to be able to find a balance between power and condi damage with the current design of condi’s. While the changes of the last patch have gone a long way in fixing the problems of condi in this game it fell short of what need to be done. I see 3 major problems with the state of condi.
The first is the way a lot of condi is applied. Traits that trigger on crit like incen powder cause trouble for wvw/pvp as there’s no way to avoid it. Changing that to something like weapon skills that blind now apply burn would solve that(static shot, blind grenade). As well, some builds have a lot of damage coming from skills that have low cd or no cd, referred to as “condi spam”. These builds are not fun to fight against as no matter what you avoid you never feel ahead. They don’t rely on landing skills with any significant cooldown. This is still a problem for players in PvE where ramp up time is a problem(which you didn’t but should have addressed in the patch). Rather then being able to throw medium to high cd skills onto a mob and start doing high dps these builds need to auto attack or cycle a few low cd’s to reach that plateau. Buff high cd skills nerf auto’s/low cd (specific skills not all skills).
The second is condition duration. Right now you focus gear mostly on just the one stat and grab condition duration from food/runes and giver weapons(Where the trade off stat/duration is insanely good). Things like dire gear allow condi to become tank as well as maxed out condi damage. The solution imo is to change condi duration to be like ferocity, fixed stat to percentage, and incorporate it into gear. Take a swipe at the duration of all skills if you still want +100% duration to be a thing. With fixing on-crit traits the use of precision in condi builds might not be so essential but vuln-on crit and small bleed-on crit traits should keep it necessary for high dps builds. In which case c-damage/c-duration/precision would be the zerker equivalent for condi.
Third is just that some skills were way over buffed during the change. Ring of Fire doesn’t need to be 3×5. Don’t want to go into specific skills as that always results the thread being derailed and people trying to defend there class or call another op.
so you’re complaining about them removing stats from traits? You realise your gear and base stats was boosted right? swap out some other stats for healing power and you’ll be back to 495 healing and you’ll still have more of the other stats then before.
While Arcana and Water still seem pretty much mandatory in pvp, changes to both fire and earth seem to have added a bit more diversity. Also with the burning changes we could see more condi focused builds. Over all it did fall short but we still have tempest, who knows, maybe it will open up non arcana/water specs.
Horrik’s bazooka should totally replace the mortar elite.
Can’t find the dev response but I remember they were open to putting a rank requirement on competitive queing.
I don’t know why people are bothering to discuss what there definition of GvG is. No one cares what your definition of a guild is, GvG was a game mode where teams fought in a battle to kill each others guild lord. GvG was mentioned because the guild lord will be the primary objective in the new stronghold type just like GvG omg!!!
“Johanson: Stronghold is our brand new game mode. It takes inspiration from the GvG game mode and from the Fort Aspenwood game mode from the original Guild Wars…The fundamental concept behind the game is to find and kill the enemy’s Guild Lord in their stronghold and, along the way, your team will fight for and gather supplies. "
Now perhaps what should have happened here was GvG not be mentioned by ANet at all. Perhaps they should have played up the MOBA/Gods angle to stronghold instead of trying to tie it into a game mode they have ignored/refused to support for 2.5 years and that the players have turned into something of their own creation like a proper sandbox mmo should do.
They said its like a mix of GvG and FA from GW1. Just because you don’t understand what GvG is doesn’t mean they shouldn’t mention it. Anet has never recognized player “GvG” as a successor to the original, why should they now when they clearly intended stronghold to be its successor? I can’t wait to see what they came up with because I liked both GvG and FA from the first game.
Hi Forum and ANET
Any explanation how this is even possible?
Am i really doing that well or is this broken?Only played around 40 games. People have been saying its a grind and does not reward skill, however it seems to be the opposite with my 70% win rate?
Is there any way to see and compare my MMR with other people?
Was reset just over a week ago (maybe 9 days?) so 40 games is still quite a bit. No you can’t see mmr.
(edited by Nikkle.4013)
On that note. Another question i now have is, they have no arena type mode? I thought they had 2v2 and 3v3 type modes on here. If they do have smaller pvp modes,how do they work?
There are private servers and the mistpedia 2v2 tournaments but no official 2v2 or 3v3 despite all the requests since beta.
WvW is “open world”. Uses your pve gear and buffs. Maps designed for large scale pvp/siege warfare. Can read more at:
Is pvp in this game balanced?
Depends who you ask. Changes this tuesday may have a decent effect, we’ll see.
For those WoW players, what profession would you say feels similar to WW monks aesthetically?
Didn’t play that expansion, might want to explain how it functioned.
How is the grind to level AND to get gear thats good for pvp?
No grind or leveling required in spvp(you get everything but a few traits you spend gold on, which you can get from playing for a few days). Only for wvw.
And last question, is there anything that WoWs pvp system has that you wish GW2 used and why?
Thanks for your help all!
Not really, I did enjoy wow pvp when I played it but after playing gw2 I could never go back to that style. I wish ranged attacks in this game were more like terra or smite(ie: required aiming).
That was fixed years ago, actually years. I take it you played at release but stopped shortly after?
Welcome back!
edit: scroll down to general
“Weapon sigils now continue to function while holding a bundle (such as engineer kits).”
(edited by Nikkle.4013)
As an add on, will there be a mastery style reward track in pvp? I want to hang glide. The dream is real.
Finally, something to do in the mists while waiting for a que.
He’s moving fast for being in combat and not having swiftness. Probably. Looks like a typical speed hack as well.
my guess is that its due to celestial being a time gated craft. They don’t want to give it away too easily.
A active and visual based combat system. Ranked ladders and automated tournaments. kitten when does this game come out?
I think what makes a decap engi needs to be defined in this thread. I seem people talking about obvious animations for the cc. Decap engi is not a bomb or bomb/nade engi. They rely on instant cc which is why its so hated. Ar is stupid and needs to be reworked but the decap engi problem is about terrible skill design. Hard to avoid getting knocked of point if everything is instant cast. No one cries about hammer guardian’s in kylo debunking people because banish is an obvious cast. If you got debunked it was because you suck or screwed up.
Hey Just FYI
except Good Fights and a few others.
Most of rest are WvWers / WvW guild …so where were the almighty spvper ? :P
Think a roster mix up caused another na spvp team to be left out.
Never understood why they used the pve rule set for wvw instead of pvp with minor differences. The confusion nerf shows that wvw can have a different ruleset then pve. So it can be done but I doubt anet is interested in doing it. There is so much imba skills,runes,sigils,food,gear and traits that it would be a nightmare to balance. I have sympathy towards that view but they need to make at least a little effort.
This suggestion hurts those who play with rifle..(even if its less popular)
You need a change which benefits all builds.
Thats one of the reasons why IP is a badly designed trait imo. It’s just a good trait regardless. I don’t think power builds should be requiring a condi to do damage. By shifting IP to condi builds anet could add or buff some power based traits and hopefully add to our build diversity.
That wouldn’t work i think…
That is an idea…
but how is it promoting “Skillfull play” when engineers switch Kits very often
It would be still “passive play”
After seeing what they did with dhuumfire i’m expecting IP to add burning to static shot. Which I think would work well. The bounce might make it difficult to balance though, unless they make it burn only the first person hit. I’m looking forward to the rework. Trying to bait out opponent cleanses before throwing on burning sounds like a fun challenge.
Wouldnt be surprised if they are already testing reworks of IP on there test servers. I imagine reworking IP is much harder the Dhuumfire due to kits. Do you have it a kit only trait, pistol only or both? Then how do you try to balance it so its useful across specs rather then useless for most but one specific build.
Fix next patch apparently.
Whatever they decide to do, i hope it stays confined in PvP instead of ruining the class further in PvE.
IP will probably be changed in a similar way to what they are doing to dhuumfire, something avoidable by players but something that npc’s will just eat straight to the face allowing it to be strong in pve without having to split it. Sure, automated isn’t great if we got rid of the condi meta but its still a badly designed trait and should be changed regardless.
IP and automated response need reworks, think most engi’s can agree on that. Other then those two i think engi’s in a good spot.
Ya celestial is getting wrecked if it goes through like they explained. Im sure some people will argue that its still more stats but its so short on power it will be extremely hard to make this gear useful in any builds after the changes.
Incendiary Powder, this fix is easy.
Cooldown removed.
Incendiary Powder: Utility Belt skills also apply burning on hit.
That wouldn’t work. It’s essentially like static discharge but for condi. Static discharge only works with a few toolbelt skills. It would destroy all current engi builds. Rather have IP be something like apply burning when you blind a foe. Static shot, blind grenade and smoke bomb. All avoidable and not rng. Could do the same with dhuumfire and chill once they fix marks readability.
Lightning Strike — Added a 0.25 second casting time.
Why do we need to make Lightning strike a cast? I feel like that would make air clunky. Can’t we make LS and ED like arcane blast? A fast travelling projectile? Still instant cast but dodgable.
No skill should ever be like combustive shot radius is.
Oh, looks like you are new player, and not know GW2 skills very well. I will be happy to help a beginner!
Here you go: + + + +'_Bomb + + remember, our friendly forum community always glad to help and educate new players.
Feel free to ask and have a nice day!
Um linking skills with less then 300 radius does not make your point. Think only churning earth and meteor has 360 radius
Responding to this thread with thinly veiled ‘bump’ posts is not doing your cause any good. We don’t make decisions based on how often someone bumps a thread.
We’ve responded with our current take on the matter – if something changes, we’ll let you know.
In the meantime, feel free to provide constructive and thoughtful comments.
Lies grouch, next you’ll be telling us that facebook likes don’t cure diseases.
Go suck a big fat ****, I’m gonna play the class I enjoy playing whether you like it or not.
You’re ruining everyone elses enjoyment.
Playing Ele basically equates to griefing your team.
If they are always playing their ele their mmr will account for the ele penalty. Stop harassing people for playing the game. Why do bullies always think they are the persecuted ones?
Here’s my suggestion: Delete the achievement leaderboards. No more grinding required! PvPer’s get to keep there new daily’s! Everyone wins!
I believe fortifying bond doesnt copy boons but adds a fixed duration boon each time the boon is applied to you. It has 4 might right? The three plus one from the trait because you received might.
1, 2, – make them actually reduce base duration by 100%, not total duration
3,4,5,6 – agreed
7 , Runes of lyssa – think this only needs a little longer cd, its the short cd elites that make it very popular
8, 9,10,11 – agreed
12, healing spring – not sure why you think this, it only seems op to me is when its combined with Vigorous Renewal which, according to the leaked notes, is getting fixed on the 15th
13, Elixr R – With the normalization coming next patch the instant rallies should disappear. Maybe a problem to classes that lack power damage but so what.
14, 15, 16, 17 – indeed, these are stupid
18, Shadows refuge – cd is fine imo, its the amount of stealth you get thats over the top imo.
19, Stand your ground – meh, neither agree or disagree
20, Burning – rather just have traits like incendiary powder get reworked, why cant the trait make static shot and flash grenade cause Xs of burning. Rng sucks. Dodge-able skills are better.
21, Asuras – They said increasing the size is possible, hope they do it soon.
best balance thread.
Under the sea
I disagree that its player base. Maybe the second point but the first point has existed since day one and has nothing to do with population as it could just switch a few players and form balanced teams. The second issue I have with ques about 8 minutes long. What is the same length of que as a normal game. Its always 6-10 minutes. These problems existed when solo que was popular just after its launch, it seems to be worse with a smaller population but it’s not due to a small population. These problems along with the meta is the reason why so much of the population has stopped playing.
Matchmaking, because 500-150 games are fun.
I think everyone’s familiar with the terrible matchmaking of solo que. If you’re not, here’s the two major issues I run into often.
1. Stacked team. For what ever reason matchmaking frequently puts all the currently qued high ranked players on one team and then match them against a team of players a fair bit below them. Often at nights this is top 150 against 200-600 range. Cant you mix the roster up?
2. High ranked players mixed with players that are unranked or off the leaderboards (ie. cant find them on gwshack). I rather not have a que pop then rage at my team because they are playing like a hotjoin. Im sure its not fun for them to be matched up against people that 1v2 them.
I know rank isn’t important but fun matches are. There is hardly any fun matches in solo que. Fix this or there’s going to be no one left. Its already a ghost town.
So anet, why is your matchmaking so bad?
October 15th? Is there anything coming in the 2 patches before this?
Is….. Is he kidding? Please tell me that was a joke……. Please…
Context is key.
This is the spvp forums, context doesn’t matter because a dev said it.
J sharp: To be fair people were complaining about op warriors the day you buffed the heals. Changing zerker stance isn’t what made the waterworks start but buffing the heals did. Your one month delay theory isn’t correct in this example.
Considering that two major nerfs to necro’s were spvp only (dhuumfire & grasping dead) people shouldn’t be too worried. They are spliting more often now. The failure of condi in pve is due to design and has very little to do with numbers. Condi’s stacking in duration or hitting caps is what makes condi poor. My engi’s pumps out damage when solo but in groups it seems my dps is less then 10% of solo.