Showing Posts For Nikkle.4013:

Math on steal cooldown?

in Thief

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


That is a spectacularly misleading way to handle that. Considering that all other recharge reduction traits and, as of now at least, every tooltip uses a completely different formula.
And even knowing the formula, it’s still convoluted and difficult to perceive.

No, ele arcane works exactly the same and has since release. Recharge rate vs recharge faster. Rate is (time/(1+rate)), faster (time*(1-rate)). Seems straight forward to me.

BURNING FIRE: A test for Anet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Burning Precsion gives ONE SECOND of burn, 30% of the time when you crit. A condition earth build will have 20% crit at the most. This means you will get a one second of burn every 3 out of 50 hits. Yes, that is sooo useful…

Burning Fire is adding burn to skills that ALREADY BURN.

So dingle, you are wrong.

Ya, who wants burning to last longer in a condi build /s

Seriously though, I think merging these traits is all that needs to be done. Signet of fire now gives a good amount of crit on passive and burning fire makes its active burn last 33% longer. SoF plus the merged trait synergizes well, for both passive and active abilities.

Why isn't there Pow/Pre/Tuf gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Precision is honestly a pretty lack luster stat in this game. Only a minimum amount is required for most classes.

Really only the case in spvp where crit damage is hard to come by and has a bad tradeoff(compared to ascended gear).

Leaderboard bug

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


You pretty much got it wrong, yep. 100% is the goal that you wanna achieve with your wins. Its actually right the way it is now – you lose a few percents when you lose a match, you get some with a win.

But, corresponding to the threads name, is it possible that the leaderboards are kinda bugged atm? I won like 5 tournament matches today, none of them counted there. The leaderboards just tell me that i havent played since yesterday.

Sometimes the leaderboards are slow to update. Ive never noticed it not count a game.

Leaked Patch Notes

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


i agree with this. BM ranger does needs to be balanced better but let’s also keep in mind BM ranger is the only viable build right now. there are no other good builds for rangers and things are gonna get worse if this patch note is true.

What happened to traps?

Leaked Patch Notes

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Could mean the hammer warrior will be strong. so happy for this, I can have my gw1 play style back.

This is a frightening thought. The return of the hammer warriors.

Improve Confusion Scaling From 7.5% to 10%

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I was talking about a different bug. And yeah, trait activations proc Confusion too.

Yes…. Just said that. I think you’ve missed the point of my posts. You said along the lines of “if you die to confusion your bad, dont hit buttons”. Then I pointed out that currently there are bugs that cause confusion to do a lot more damage then intended and maybe it will be fixed soon. Then you talked about another bug for some reason. I tried to clarify what I meant. You restated what I said.

Here’s what you could have responded with:
“Yes, those bugs are pretty terrible, I hope they fix it soon. But at the same time, without those bugs confusion damage will be weak in spvp so maybe they should increase the coefficient at the same time.”

Improve Confusion Scaling From 7.5% to 10%

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Confusion is only powerful, to be blunt, if you’re stupid. If you do not proc it every 1.5 seconds then it deals less damage than the same amount and duration of Bleeding.

No, confusion is powerful due to bugs that have existed since beta. Ele’s know this very well. Those "leaked " patch notes mentioned “Fixed Confusion to no longer fire extra times on skills due to hidden script actions.” so hopefully the days of procing confusion 5 times for one action is over.

Yes, I recall there was a bug that made Confusion proc on key presses instead of just skill activation, which resulted in people who just spammed a key to no tomorrow kill themselves despite only activating the skill once. Think this one was fixed now though.

In any case? Balancing around bugs is a huge no no.

No, I think they are talking about 1 press, multi procs. Like hurl. Maybe trait activations like Evasive Arcana what will proc the confusion as well as the dodge.

Improve Confusion Scaling From 7.5% to 10%

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Confusion is only powerful, to be blunt, if you’re stupid. If you do not proc it every 1.5 seconds then it deals less damage than the same amount and duration of Bleeding.

No, confusion is powerful due to bugs that have existed since beta. Ele’s know this very well. Those "leaked " patch notes mentioned “Fixed Confusion to no longer fire extra times on skills due to hidden script actions.” so hopefully the days of procing confusion 5 times for one action is over.

Things the "Leaks" seem to be missing:

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


These could be leaked, fake or what have you, or they could be leaked developer notes, as in not yet completed patch notes.

I noticed they did not show what traits for thieves were merged, but they did show the traits.

Even the released patch notes are often incomplete. I remember a couple patches ago half the ele nerfs were not listed.

Traitline changes on the 25th

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Lightning flash and cleansing flame.

Wait are you speculating or .. :P
I bet on cleansing flame and armor of earth.I wonder which glyph will get the stunbreak effect considering that no one is actually instant.

Maybe GoEP is going instant cast? I hope so. It might be a useful glyph with the weakness changes and instant cast.

Traitline changes on the 25th

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Lightning flash and cleansing flame.

Stun break removal from lf would be too much of a nerf. AoE and CF is my guess. Although most stability in this game removes stuns.

Condition remove on downed

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Without a way to remove condi’s in a downstate they should be cleansed on down. If people are going into downstate with burning, poison and some stacks of bleeding they’ll die so quick. There is an invuln for 2 seconds when downed so that power builds don’t spike people down and through there down health. The downstate is designed to give your teammates the time to respond. Working as intended, working great imo.

Is dodge rolling too accessible?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Mesmer’s stay up not because of invul, but because they can go invisible multiple times over and over again.

If Mesmer’s didn’t have invis, they’d die very very quickly.

Mesmer’s in Tpvp don’t run invis utilities. They survive because of invuls and good positioning.

Is dodge rolling too accessible?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


By the way, for the people in this thread that keep talking about Dodge/evade..

You realize Dodge is the equiv of Blocking right?

Except when skills are unblockable…..

The Dragonball map is the perfect arena!

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I will never understand why do they make this but can’t implement a fun to play pvp game mode in 9 months.

Because the response is always the same. Halloween, Winter. etc. PvE’er go “Yay, its awesome”. PvP’ers go “This is lame”

The 2 game modes in halloween they said were experiments. Lots of people praised the moba one on the forums, pvpers cried that it was boring. Dev’s agreed it wasnt that fun. Game design is tricky, who knew.

Proxy servers???

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Not going to lie but I haven’t actually read the tos :O But it shouldn’t as it doesn’t effect game files or data being transfered, rather it just reroutes the data. Same start and end points, just different route in between. I had issues with l3 nodes for what ever reason tried the trial version and it worked so well I bought it.

You can wait on a dev to respond but I doubt you will get a response. Try the trial version and see if you get better ping. Being across the world you can’t expect too much from it but its definitely worth a shot.

Glory/Rank Farming Custom Arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


You two think it is abuse, it’s not, its fun.

As if those are mutually exclusive. Yes its fun. No I don’t have problems with people doing it. It is abusing admin commands to bypass an anti-farming limit anet put into the game.

These are very good points, I just found it odd that this sort of thing wasn’t clamped down on but maybe it can’t be given the current implementation of the arenas.

Well customs are still in beta so :P. Im sure they are hotfixing a solution as we speak.

Glory/Rank Farming Custom Arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I get your point, it is abuse, but rank has always been meaning less. Its hard to trivialize it any further. For so long hotjoin farmers were out ranking top tournament teams that played more games in a day. Anet has boosted tourny glory bonuses but it still leaves rank as meaningless. It’s just a boundary of time that gets in the way of fancy armor. People will try acquire it as fast as possible with little regard to designers intent. Anet must have seen this coming when they decided to not make rank (at some number) dependent on skill based achievements or ratings.

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

How do you do it? PvP tips please.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


In WvW I tried dueling Guards but my damage is barely hurting them. While i came up with this necro which i suppose is Condition necro, everytime he puts condi’s on me ill switch to water but he overwhelms me and whn i lower his hp he goes ghost mode and i just cant handle the condi’[s anymore.

Don’t switch too early. Necro’s are constantly applying conditions, if you clear them right away you’ll be out of luck for the next 10 seconds while water recharges.

Use cleansing fire when they corrupt your boons or when they fear before you can cleanse in water. Be in and out of water fast don’t spend a second longer in it then you need to. You can change to water mid dodge, hit #2 and change attunements within a second putting water on cd right way while getting two cleanses and 3 heals. Cleanse from water attunement and EA(water), and your heals from water attunent, EA(water) and cone of cold(#2). If you didn’t know already you can change attunements while channelling skills and not interrupt them. You can try using etheral renewal but even average necro’s will fear you out of it.

Ghost mode? I assume you mean death shroud, but you could also mean spectral armor or even plauge? If you mean death shroud, thats actually a good thing for you. It mean’s he’s not apply conditions on you. Only DS#2 applies conditions and even then its very little, easily dodgable and teleports the necro to you(bad thing to do against a dd ele). If he’s condi spec his death shroud abilities will do no damage to you. Unless he’s terror speced in which case use your cantrips(or water attune condi cleanse(risky)) to break the fear as soon as he does it. Terror does damage to targets each second they are feared, more damage to people with conditions on them. Break the fear, stop the damage.

As for guardian bunkers, they are meant to tank damage.

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

Proxy servers???

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Use this as well. Some reason when connecting to gw2 I had 500-700 ms ping. Even though I can Play SC2 at 70ms. BP gives me 30-50 ms ping for gw2.

Im on the west coast of Canada.

Get evades off weapon sets

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Or they could at least make immob stop the evade effect.

Sigil of energy BUG

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


And anyway, it should NEVER share CD with “on crit” sigils, since “on crit” and “on weapon swap” sigils are DESIGNED to not share cooldown.

No they are designed to share cooldowns. Else two one handed weapons would trump two handed weapons. But yes, I’ve heard there are a lot of bugs with sigils. I think moa still breaks sigils. What do you mean double sigil of energy? On the same set or both weapon sets having one sigil of energy?

Can't Get Shatterer Wings for PvP AND PvE

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


So is there any gear to unlock in tourny chests? Or shall I continue to stockpile them? I thought they’ve agreed that they need to work on rewards. Did the whining about the fused gauntlets get to them?

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Devils advocate: Those players could have played there first match prior to the patch and had a high rating. Without having actually having the algorithm all we can do is speculate as to the problem. I remember playing my first ranking matches in starcraft 2 against a diamond player and going wtkittend of match making is this? Sometimes they need high variation to give people proper ratings off the start. Its a problem in team games where someone else is involved in this process.

pvp, build need tips

in Engineer

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I suspect it would be an improvement. Try running sigil of battle on your main hand. Get three stacks of might when you swap kits (9sec cooldown). 105 condi + 105 Power will boost your damage quite a bit. 105/1800 is 5.8% just with 3 stacks, then you get the condi damage on top. Your burning will go from 402 to 428 a 6.7% increase. Plus that might last for 20 seconds so you’ll have 6 stacks rolling in combat way more the sigil of force is giving you. I would experiment with something on the offhand as well, maybe corruption or bloodlust, depending on whether you want to do more power damage or become more hybrid. Think hybrid(corrruption) would be best with both nades and bombs ontop of the balthazar runes.

Have you tried pvping with the changes? What’s your goal with this build? To live for a while on a node or to kill everything quickly but die to a sneeze or you shooting for something in between?


(edited by Nikkle.4013)

How do you do it? PvP tips please.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


It’s very dependent on the build you are facing. Especially classes like Mesmer, Ranger and Engi. Mesmers can be shatter or phantasm, Rangers BM or Traps and Engies have various kits that all need to be responded to differently. Even a class like Guardian changed depending on weapons and spec. For example, Shield of Wrath. If they are power dps you want to strip this off before it explodes or dodge right before it expires. On a bunker (with condi damage) with block burn you don’t want to hit it because it will give you burning each time it blocks an attack.

If you want tip you need to get a little more specific.

How can you combat macros?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Besides that double shatter combo which was fixed months ago I can’t think of anything that would gain much from a macro. Lots of skills have casts times in gw(many are short). Do you have an example of people doing something too quick to be actual key presses?

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

pvp, build need tips

in Engineer

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


First. You have a low crit chance but are stacking crit damage a lot. Your power is only 1640 as well but you have only 300 condi damage. It seems like your stat distribution is off. You are almost a bunker or tanky dps with good health, ok armor and healing. But you focus on getting lots of crit damage. And its not like you need the swiftness from the air runes with speedy kits.

Second, Fast acting elixirs does nothing for you. You don’t have elixirs, besides the elixir gun which i believe does not gain anything from it.

Third, Nades without grenedier is rather weak imo. Going from 2 to 3 shrapnel/poision and freeze grenades makes all the difference.

Finally, Static Discharge. I haven’t played with this for months but I don’t believe they fixed the discharge shooting into the ground on certain skills. I believe all your toolbelt skills cause this. In which case it only does damage if you use your toolbelt skills on top of people. They could have fixed this and no one told me though :P

Moa morph elite.

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I only see bad Mesmers carry Moa, honestly.

Guess AL cutie and Xeph and pretty much all top mesmers are bad :/ Don’t know why people are mentioning moa as a 1v1 elite. Phantasam mesmers use it as such but in team fights shatter mesmers use it on a ele or guard and have the whole team spike the target. Dropping a teams guardian or ele in 2 seconds can determine a team fight. Without all that condi cleans, heals, defensive and offensive boons that come from those two classes a team can fall apart. See all the moa spikes in the recent tournaments as examples. Mass invis is nice but a lot of teams have a bomb engi or thief use shadow refuge and get much longer invis openers then a mes can offer.

Moa morph elite.

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Besides, I don’t even know many Mesmers that bring Moa. Time Warp/Mass Invisibility are far superior.

The Moa spike is very common in Tpvp, I would guess that it’s more common now then Time warp.

Moa morph elite.

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Moa is used in spvp to destroy classes with high sustain such as ele’s and guardians. As they are locked out of there weapon skills and utilities they can’t mitigated damage or heal. This means they die quick. I don’t think you’ll find many people on these forums that say moa is weak. Yes it should be blockable, just have an illusionary duelist unload while you cast it, there timing would have to be amazing. You can knock people out of shadow refuge or just aoe it. Not a problem. C is not a pvp problem. Avatar of Grenth is a pve skill probably a bug but thats a differenet forum. As for D… I mean really? Killing your self to a flame aura. Thats just sad.

Edit: Moa is also used to cancel out other elite transformations and minion master necro’s.

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

HGH Engineer...

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


HGH has no survivability outside of Elixer S and two dodges…….just call a target on the engy and put pressure on him and he’ll go down fast. Theyre no harder to deal with than backstab thieves imho….

Most hgh engies run elixir r instead of s. If people imob an hgh engie they have no defence except toss there elixirs to remove one condi(which might have been used to stack might). If it removes something other then the imob the engie’s pretty much going down.

How does the tournament team balance work?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Anet have stated that they are working on the large swings in ratings. Sometimes people loose badly to a lower rated group and drop far down so they get matched up with really low rated people next match. It could have been the other way as well, you might have won and had your rating jump up. Third, if few people are queing in your bracket it will expand its search and match you against people outside of your bracket instead of wait 20 minutes for a match.

Dealing with Grenades Kit.

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


So it comes out to the stat gain of about 87.5 trait points that is in addition to gear and actual trait points. No matter what the cost may be It is a advantage over any other class/spec in tpvp/spvp. I am sure many people would make that trade and auto attack people to death.

Hgh engies give up a lot to stack might. By splitting runes to different sets they lose 4 and 6th piece bonuses of sets as well as the higher stats from #3 and #5. Their heal is a source of might stacks as well as their condi clear.

Compare to other classes that can stack might. I play ele so Ill use that as an example. DT, Pheonix, Arcane Wave , Earth EA,Earthquake and Churning Earth are all blast finishers. Blasting a fire field gives aoe might (x3) thats 18 stacks of aoe might. Most of Engie’s is self buffing. It only requires one utility skill and can destroy most people standing in the middle of it (On a node). It doesnt require poping condi clears, heals or stun breaks. Ele’s can run battle on there weapon and 5 strength (6th piece is still bugged i believe) and maintain 25 pretty easy. And unlike engi, they can reach that 25 much quicker upon entering a fight. As well guardian can empower for 12 might aoe.

Worst ele ever. Need help ASAP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Ele’s have very good sustain and boons that make a well played ele hard to kill/lockdown. If you havn’t already, re-key bind your attunements. Attunement are your most important skills, they need to be fast response times. Water to cleanse a imob before burst, or earth for mitigation from protection. Practise on chieftain or golems in the mists untill your skills and attunements flow smoothly.

I suck at ele in spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Blood and Battle atm, ill give valks a shot. Should I go back to water/monk? what should I do 3 of each or 2, plus another?

Blood or Bloodlust? Battle and bloodlust is what I run, very strong. I run s/d now but I use to do d/d till the zb fix. The runes are your choice. 3 water 3 monk was popular, I prefered 2 earth 2 monk 2 water when bunkering (clerics amu) . As roaming I went 6 strength till I tested the 6th bonus piece and found its bugged. 5 Scholar 1 Divinity is good. 6 Scholar if your above 90% health often. You can replace the scholar with strength if you are really good about giving team mates with might through blasts finishers and want that might to last a little longer. That also will lengthen the might from battle too so you can have more might that way. I prefer the 5 strength 1 divinity (I love might!) but am currently testing for different runes.

Edit:Feel free to whisper me in game. My friends and I often jump into empty rooms to play around with new builds or new classes and spectate each other to offer tips. Your welcome to come join us.

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

I suck at ele in spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


2754 attack, 47% crit, 2001 armor not toughness sorry, 16595 health, 35% crit damage. I use runes of the Dolyak to get my armor there.

Most ele’s run valks in tpvp. While you lose the larger health pool you gain a good amount of toughness. With higher toughness your heals mean a little more since you mitigate more damage. It comes down to preference but I don’t like the dolyak its only 30 hp/s i would suggest the boon duration sets for more survivability or ogre/scholar/divinity for more damage.

I disagree about going p/v/t turning you into a bunker. While you lack large burst you still have good damage. Which can be made up by running double arcane utils.

What weapon sigil’s are you using btw?

I suck at ele in spvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Curious about your build. Having that high crit % means zerker or valk amu right? So either you don’t have 2k toughness but instead have 2k armor or you don’t have 16.5k hp . Can you post your build?

Solo Que

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


If you want to keep the same people can’t you just group up and submit as a group and it will find a solo to fill the spot?

Is conquest what is really ruining S/T PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Its not that conquest is bad it is just that only conquest is bad, imo. The domination of certain builds/build types that you noted doesn’t help the situation. That being said, I hope they don’t waste development time on death match, let players disable nodes in private server’s but keep it out of tournaments. I would like something along the lines like a huttball game type, ctf or relic run. It would be awesome when (maybe if) they release custom arena’s if they could include the closed beta pvp maps that had different game modes. Never heard too much about them besides that the testers said they were not as fun as conquest.

The Mes/Thief non-problem

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


When people mention fun fight, I know they’re talking out of their kitten
If I kill a guardian in 15s or 1 minute. I don’t stop and think “oh that was such jolly good fun, and I hope we can do that again, after 15s” Who the hell does?

I often do enjoy solo and team fights in this game. Silly me for wanting more fights to be fun. Here I am assuming most people played games because they were fun. People continue to confuse me.

The Mes/Thief non-problem

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Umm yeah you got no clue, illusionary leap has tonns of audio and visual cues. Very easy to dodge and avoid the leap clone. Shatter is easy to dodge unless they Blink + Mirror, but due to human reaction time you can still dodge it. So yes we are talking about the same build but you obviously need to practice more.

While ileap is relatively easy to dodge there’s also a limit of dodges you can do. Need to choose between dodging ileap, phantasms or cc. I think everything is fine with mesmers but phantasms. Just pressing a button on a target to do 4k isn’t my idea of a skill based game. A shatter combo on the other hand is. Less phantasms, more shatter/player type builds plz! ie: confusion,bunker,support,cc types.

Thief’s are effective against low toughness targets. High toughness targets pretty much eat thief’s. Thief’s could have been a cool class with either blinds for defence or evades, instead anet went with stealth. What’s worse those is that they went with upfront burst for offensive. It’s not fun to play against such a class when you are a squishy. You see a mesmer setting up for their burst, a thief just teleport + leaps from far and smacks you for the majority of your health.

I think the conversation should be around why anet made such bad decisions when designing classes.

No bunker ele nerf / How balancing works

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


3k armor, 3k power and 10k health every 15s. Build plz.

Is this class worth playing yet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


EDIT: just thought of something when mention playstyle…although we have 4 attunements but those attunements are on a single weapon single playstyle while other class can easily switch from range to melee and vice versa. were stuck with one or the other.

There’s always Conjures…..

LoL good one

Is this class worth playing yet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


TL -> DR Version: Elementalists sucked at release because nobody knew how to play them. They rock now because most of the good builds and playstyles are on YouTube for everyone to study.

Not true. The builds people use now were used in beta and are not hard to pick up. D/D Ele’s was much less effective when rtl would self stun you for 2 seconds and go no where. Same with magnetic grasp. Also fire grab not missing 90% of the time also helps. Plus earthquake was speed up, water #2 on daggers was buffed and we got a cleave on air. Op ignore the idiots in this thread. There are a few viable builds you can find in these forums. We still have major issues with certain trait lines but water and arcane are very strong. Give ele another try.

I guess I mentally blotted out all the post-release bug filled frustrations. I remember the RTL bug. It happened often enough to be maddening, but not often enough for the ability to be unusable.

It was very frequent on gradients. Really hurt on maps like forest of nifihel where there are so many. Combined with our poor downstate you couldn’t risk it in pvp. Especially with the old hs thief’s. That why everyone went staff bunker till that got nerfed and daggers got fixed.

Is this class worth playing yet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


TL -> DR Version: Elementalists sucked at release because nobody knew how to play them. They rock now because most of the good builds and playstyles are on YouTube for everyone to study.

Not true. The builds people use now were used in beta and are not hard to pick up. D/D Ele’s was much less effective when rtl would self stun you for 2 seconds and go no where. Same with magnetic grasp. Also fire grab not missing 90% of the time also helps. Plus earthquake was speed up, water #2 on daggers was buffed and we got a cleave on air. Op ignore the idiots in this thread. There are a few viable builds you can find in these forums. We still have major issues with certain trait lines but water and arcane are very strong. Give ele another try.

Edit: Also, our down state went from zero to hero.

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

When did d/d become so popular?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


One word: @daphoenix

Actually two words, bug fixes. D/D had bad bugs since beta that made people stay away from it. Especially the rtl, fire grab and magnetic grasp bugs. The day that they claimed they fixed these bugs I ran into a lot of d/d ele’s in spvp. They were gone in a few days after they realised that anet only half fixed the bugs. But the second time they fixed them people stuck with it.

LordByron’s got a good point. The “op” d/d spec’s you see people complaining is pretty much the staff build everyone used since bwe3 just with daggers. Staff got nerfed and people replaced them with daggers and noticed the same builds only need a slight tweak to work with the new weapon set.

(edited by Nikkle.4013)

Either nerf bunker or increase dps

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Another post without any sense. And as a d/d ele (king of 1v1) write this another reason it is a troll post.
And a good bunker never drops against a ranger. Even when it’s really hard to outstand, he shouldn’t drop

Another post without knowledge of ele’s. With his stats he’s clearly not a 0/10/0/30/30 spec. So he’s far from a “king of 1v1” spec.

To op:
Don’t try to play a gc ele till anet fixes the major problems with ele traits/mechanics. Which probably won’t happen, ever. Its cookie cutter or bust.

yet another theory by me :)

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


what can we expect from pvp in the near future?

ummm….. a ghost town?