Showing Posts For Oblivion.8307:

Hi I am symbolic

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Why I no get invite to gamescom


The Counter Comp to Apex

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


mesmer with portal who knows how to use it properly.


Ready Up - Today @ 12PM PDT (ToL Special Edition)

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


i doubt arenanet would want helseth on


Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Helseth’s one of the best mechanical players in the game, his decision making is sometimes very sloppy though. Denshee’s probably the best multi class player in the game. Tage is a god, not really much more to be said there. The core of TCG is one of the strongest 3 mans you could make. I could still 1v3 them though np.


Congrats to TCG for winning the EU Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


tcg numbah 1 #esports


Murphy's Law of the Close Cap

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


idk how many games i lost becose someone was afk on close and enemy team just ignored him whole game

there is an art to afking on close


When to leave close?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


No good team keeps someone full-time on close.

i did it pretty successfully.


You Just Ruined PvP Rank System

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


I haven’t played the game in a long time, so this must have been a while ago. Congratulations to you regardless, I’m sure you’re the master of pvp.


You Just Ruined PvP Rank System

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


ele meta, spirit meta, hambow, decap engi

yeah, you haven’t even playing pvp since launch if the furthest meta you go back to is ele. I barely reached rank 50 and know a lot more about the game than you do. Mindlessly grinding =/= skill & experience.


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

3 Solutions to the Rank Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


I agree with Lopez, excellent points.


3 Solutions to the Rank Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Ranks were never an incentive for the ‘hardcore players’, those are a joke too. Stop trying to be rewarded for the kittened system that was glory/ranks.

What makes you say ranks were never an incentive for hardcore players? I was happy when I hit rank 60, and I know top players who have farmed all night long to hit 60 or 70. They aren’t the best reward system, but they were all we’ve had.

And what’s wrong with wanting to be rewarded for the glory system? It’s either that or get absolutely nothing for the past year and a half.

I suppose our definitions of hardcore are different. The only reason people started being incentivized to gain ranks was the increased rank gain recently, and the unknown of what would happen to ranks. Which in turn made people want the exclusivity of having a high rank so they’d be one of the only players with phoenix finisher post patch. Having to grind from 60-70 just for the phoenix finisher isn’t entirely enticing. PvPers got a huge bonus with the wintersdays bags/glory too. Idk, new system is good. It’d actually be fun to have a rank per profession to be honest, but the new system in place seems like a good start.


3 Solutions to the Rank Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Well you have the leaderboards…

Conversation over. If you think the leaderboards are a good incentive for hardcore players, then you really don’t know what you’re talking about. The leaderboards are a joke among top players.

Ranks were never an incentive for the ‘hardcore players’, those are a joke too. Stop trying to be rewarded for the kittened system that was glory/ranks. Skyhammer farming and the current tournament win reward for rank points completely disregard anybody who’d played before those features were implemented. Plus repeatedly farming hotjoins was the best method for gaining glory for the first year+ of the game.


Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Another anet hosted tournament after a ‘huge’ balance patch.


Anet is not hosting the tournament. They are just providing the rewards.
Anyway, I think it’s awesome. Anyone can enter, and that’s what matters the most. GIve everyone equal chance.

Arenanet didn’t host the last tournament really, they gave that privilege to mistleague who made a right kitten up of it really. What I meant is this tournament is fully endorsed and ‘sponsered’? by Arenanet, they’ve announced it themselves with an announcement on the homepage etc.

Another anet hosted tournament after a ‘huge’ balance patch.


Which is why I’m only looking for a team for this tournament. The balance looks pretty terrible tbh, but there’s a pretty nice reward here and no big risk since you can play the tournament from home on a single weekend.

What I mean is ‘Hey we’re adding new stuff into the game that’s potentially stupid as kitten and kittenedly op, but we’re hosting a tournament a couple weeks after so it’s k! And don’t worry about it, we won’t hotfix/fix broken kitten before the patch!’


Tournament of Legends

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Another anet hosted tournament after a ‘huge’ balance patch.



[sPvP] Corrosive Poison Cloud

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


because staff 3/4 and other utilities too good to miss out on. Could maybe reduce cd to 30/35, lower duration to 4/5s and tick for 3s poison/2s weakness every second. But realistically, you need spectrals for defense and corrupt/spite/epidemic for offense. It’s just outshone by a lot of abilities and if buffed to the point of viability it’d have to be a no brainer to take or extremely niche (as it is now).

max condi duration in spvp 50%
20% cd on corruption from traits
4.5/3s max duration ticks for a total of (with 5 ticks) 22.5s poison/15s weakness aoe on a 24s (or 27s) cd with 9s self weakness.
seems kinda op but you lose out on terror. Would still be a niche utility and compared to poison nades/choke gas it’s still pretty strong but you have to give up a utility slot for it. Idk, maybe.

It’d definitely feel more impactful with shorter ticks between pulses. But in all honesty it doesn’t really need to be buffed or nerfed, other utilities are too good in general to give up.


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

Support from the community and game developer

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Previously we had for example Mistleague, Curse Tournament and much more community driven tournaments and above all PAX Tournament.
Compared to how many tournaments we had before only one – ESL is still going on and I actually enjoy watching it since I cant participate. Id welcome more tournaments but Im glad that we atleast have one.
Why did all other tournaments and ladders outside of ingame ladder just gave up though ?

Because a lot of the people involved know arenanet are too lazy/don’t give a kitten. That plus balance plus why the kitten would I play several hours a day in a game I kittening hate for minimal rewards in community driven tournaments when arenanet can’t be bothered to host their own. They’re too lazy/lack manpower and when they do create their own tournament they pass it off to kittenty mistleague (whos owner kittened team paradigm over for going to pax, but that’s a story for another time, or a story for not at all since there’s people who were involved who probably wouldn’t like the intricacies being released) who are kittening terrible regardless of their irl commitment excuses, because they’re too lazy to do this themselves. Once players see this that are actually trying to compete with the awful balancing ongoing they might aswell just give up because there’s no point putting any more time into it.

tldr: anet lazy, kittenty balancing, no point making time commitments, inc infraction.


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

High End Staff Bunker Eles are Insane

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


it seems nobody remembers cantrip meta lols, eles aren’t really that weak objectively, everything else is too strong. Sure they need a few minor buffs but many things need nerfing across the board which I doubt anet will do.


Farewell Glory Points!

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


hi, mike!



Countless recent video about BLU

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


put me in coach


Ventari on Upcoming Necro Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


condition necros should never have been given an incentive to go into spite other than the 30% condition duration, unless they wanted to go for hybrid wells build.

sorry when was the last time you played necro again?

sorry, when was the last time i gave a kitten about your opinion? dhuumfire should be removed or changed completely to not be burning. Just because there’s other kittened kitten in the game doesn’t mean everything should be kittened. If you scale back classes one at a time, sure it’ll suck kitten for that class in specific but in the overall balance spectrum over time things will be toned down into a more or less balanced state that everybody enjoys.


Ventari on Upcoming Necro Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


condition necros should never have been given an incentive to go into spite other than the 30% condition duration, unless they wanted to go for hybrid wells build.


The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


This is an example of a defeated heal. Lol.

168 healing per cast in PvP with 0.08 scaling. Oye. Needs to be reverted ASAP, lol. 202 healing per cast with 0.10 scaling is hardly Healing Signet, eh.

The reason it was so good was because it procced twice on dodges with Evasive arcana(3x in earth). But with the healing coefficient nerf and the nerf to it no longer proccing on EA the skill was essentially gutted.


2013: The Year in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


most dominant team during a big part of 2013 wasn’t included in ‘2013 The Year in PvP’, lol.

It’s okay Oblivion, we still love Team Paradigm! Even if the controversy surrounding PAX blew TP into… Oblivion. o.O

Gotta agree though, most of your matches completely routed your opponents lol.

Nobody really knows the truth regarding PAX, and I’d rather not get into details or get anybody into trouble. I’m just annoyed that my teammates who carried me weren’t even mentioned within this video that’s supposed to highlight guild wars pvp in 2013.


2013: The Year in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


most dominant team during a big part of 2013 wasn’t included in ‘2013 The Year in PvP’, lol.


Why do people still talk about rank?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


getting top w/e isn’t really representative of any personal skill level.


Signet of Spite

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


are you high..?


Just had 3 Ele's on my team

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


the kitten’s the point of playing the game if you’re not having fun? ele is fun, i play ele in soloq and I doubt the majority of ele players could give a kitten of what you thought about them playing ele. oh, and lol @ you for caring so much about soloq ranks.


pvp destroyer weapons

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


buy nightmare/t3 cultural and salvage it, dragon token + sliver is destroyer I think.


(video) ele vs necro post patch

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


The offer is still out there.

ANY decent DS ele build and I will pay out 25g!

viability is subjective, but i’ve already made an ele build which is potentially good, not too sure yet though. we’ll see.


Best Leaderboards System World

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


the leaderboard mmr was reset, w/l ratios that existed before weren’t reset


New mesmer heal broken half the time

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


the best you can do is cast/cancel it and put it on a 5sec cd.


gold for tpvp matches in the past?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


They could put a pre-requisite pvp rank on purchasing some of the cultural stuff, I guess. I highly doubt it’ll happen though.


Simple Obersvation Pindown vs Dark Pact

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Heh, in power builds that’s a 3.9 second immobilize without a projectile @ 900 range. I’d much rather they lowered the cast time to .75 seconds, increased the range to 900 and reduced the immobilize to 2 seconds. I do acknowledge power necros weaknesses, however I really don’t think a 900 range 3.9 sec immob is the answer. I’d honestly prefer the changed other aspects of the necro in order to make power necro into a more viable option.

Edit: To guy above, pin down is incredibly strong, it’s such a low cast time with an obscenely hard to recognize animation. That and the fact 6 bleeds with an long immobilize in any build for such a prolonged period of time is going to do a lot of damage. Most of the time if you dodge pin down in close quarters you’ve dodged it fairly luckily,


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

Spiteful marks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Greater marks makes marks unblockable and increases their size, it’s already a master tier trait really. Spiteful marks would best be tied in with staff mastery or removed from the game entirely as Bhawb has already stated.


Simple Obersvation Pindown vs Dark Pact

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


If they were to make it 900 range they’d probably need to reduce the immobilize by a second.


gold for tpvp matches in the past?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


I’d probably estimate the figures to be a lot higher than the 23500 stated in my excel skillz sheet. Depending on how far back you want this to date with tournament wins(preleaderboards/postleaderboards)?


gold for tpvp matches in the past?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


bear in mind the figures i posted are only leaderboards numbers, I’ve got several thousands tournament games played/won that were pre leaderboards. I honestly don’t think giving players gold for previous tournaments played is a good idea. When you initially played those games you weren’t playing for that specific reward. It’s like buying something, there’s a special offer 3 months later and you go to the store expecting them to refund the difference to how much you paid. That’s a kittenty analogy I guess, but i’m gonna stick with that one. I do think the cultural armor gold requirement is a little too much however and the glory:gold ratios should be changed more in specific to glory. Or even just giving it a straight up glory cost I guess although there were people that exploited birthday boosters for massive glory, and skyhammer farmers.


Simple Obersvation Pindown vs Dark Pact

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


I specifically linked shockwave as it’s the most comparable immobilize on a weaponset to pindown. It goes to show how strong pin down is. Necro immobilize is fine, it’s the longest base immobilize in the game on a weapon skill(other than pin down). It’s got 600 range though, other immobilizes which are generally longer range have a lower immobilize time by 1s~ giving them 2seconds base (Guardian hammer3/scepter 3, engi glue/net shot, ele earth dagger 3 and mes sword 3). The biggest other comparable immobilize to pin down is the guardian hammer 3 (Piercing/Line AoE) which is a 2 second immobilize however isn’t accompanied with 6 bleeds and has a 1 second cast time, with a lower cooldown and lower travel time. The immobilize i’d say was most like Dark Pact was guardian scepter 3 which is 1/2 second cast time, 2s immobilize @ 900 range with no projectile. If you’re going to try get necro dagger 3 buffed then the best skill to compare it to would be that one.


Simple Obersvation Pindown vs Dark Pact

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


You should also be comparing these abilities to shockwave. I’d say pin down was really strong as opposed to dark pact being weak.


gold for tpvp matches in the past?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307



SO stacked..... Skyhammer nearly fail.

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


I see 3 names I know against 2 names I know..


pvp gold income is fine

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Stop complaining, pvp has no real gold sinks. If you want gold on pve farm level go pve farm. While I admit it’d be nice to have higher income for being higher ranked, the new system is a great starting base and is adjustable. But as I said before, if you really feel that you need gold go join pve champ farm or buy gems or something.


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

Balance in sPvP: is it worth playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Aussie please, stop. The balance is currently in an awful state realistically. The sad fact is a dps warrior is considered more or less of a bunker in a comp.

Don’t target it first, bring group condi removal which you should be anyways.

There are no ‘viable’ targets anymore to really burst down. Look at cheese mode’s comp in the previous ESL tournament, 2 warriors/guard/sd thief/ranger. There really isn’t a viable target in this 5 man comp that you can engage on, lol.

edit: risk/reward is very skewed in terms of builds right now.

Would you really consider your argument as long term problem that cheese will always be uncounterable? Also, i’m not sure if you noticed or not but you can switch characters before the match starts to hard counter the quite obvious builds your going to face. This would be classed as strategy too and used often by top teams :P

Long term? Probably not, I’m just speaking for the moment. It’d also be a hard task to find a specific countercomp for the aforementioned team. Maybe something completely different that nobody has devised yet is a counter. But the simple fact that there needs to be countercomps is stupid in itself. The ability to outplay your opponents should always be available and with an essential comp of 4 bunkers(3 of which are pretty much dps) and a dps which can disengage whenever it wants with high mobility (sd thief), it’s pretty hard to outplay, other than if you just play the exact same comp yourself.

Edit: Not many people really switch classes before games anymore. I’d honestly advise you to get back on track with mist league which seems to have disappeared for some reason instead of trying to offer people advice in a game which you don’t seem well versed in anymore.

Although that last part could have been said nicer, I completely agree.

I have no nice words for Aussie, I could have been much ruder in my response but I’ll refrain.


Balance in sPvP: is it worth playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Aussie please, stop. The balance is currently in an awful state realistically. The sad fact is a dps warrior is considered more or less of a bunker in a comp.

Don’t target it first, bring group condi removal which you should be anyways.

There are no ‘viable’ targets anymore to really burst down. Look at cheese mode’s comp in the previous ESL tournament, 2 warriors/guard/sd thief/ranger. There really isn’t a viable target in this 5 man comp that you can engage on, lol.

edit: risk/reward is very skewed in terms of builds right now.

Would you really consider your argument as long term problem that cheese will always be uncounterable? Also, i’m not sure if you noticed or not but you can switch characters before the match starts to hard counter the quite obvious builds your going to face. This would be classed as strategy too and used often by top teams :P

Long term? Probably not, I’m just speaking for the moment. It’d also be a hard task to find a specific countercomp for the aforementioned team. Maybe something completely different that nobody has devised yet is a counter. But the simple fact that there needs to be countercomps is stupid in itself. The ability to outplay your opponents should always be available and with an essential comp of 4 bunkers(3 of which are pretty much dps) and a dps which can disengage whenever it wants with high mobility (sd thief), it’s pretty hard to outplay, other than if you just play the exact same comp yourself.

Edit: Not many people really switch classes before games anymore. I’d honestly advise you to get back on track with mist league which seems to have disappeared for some reason instead of trying to offer people advice in a game which you don’t seem well versed in anymore.


Balance in sPvP: is it worth playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Aussie please, stop. The balance is currently in an awful state realistically. The sad fact is a dps warrior is considered more or less of a bunker in a comp.

Don’t target it first, bring group condi removal which you should be anyways.

There are no ‘viable’ targets anymore to really burst down. Look at cheese mode’s comp in the previous ESL tournament, 2 warriors/guard/sd thief/ranger. There really isn’t a viable target in this 5 man comp that you can engage on, lol.

edit: risk/reward is very skewed in terms of builds right now.


Balance in sPvP: is it worth playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Aussie please, stop. The balance is currently in an awful state realistically. The sad fact is a dps warrior is considered more or less of a bunker in a comp.


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

If ArenaNet pulls off a balance miracle...

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


ideally if balance were achieved within the next patch, the following patch would focus on bringing other builds that are subpar upto a good standard i guess. and the balance cycle continues.


SoloQ: It's no fun on the losing team

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


There are three points. You cannot be everywhere at once.

play something with more mobility.


Suggestion; Nerf stability / Lyssa Runes.

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


lyssa runes have a 45 second icd (it was censored..)


(edited by Oblivion.8307)

How do you know you are skilled?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


i had to cheat and use the energy regen food
