Showing Posts For Odik.4587:
yeah, but did you really think they could come up with something better than chrono?
the only way mirage get taken over chrono is if anet nerfs chrono to the bone, which is far more likely and probably way more easier than think of something actually ingenious to make mirage viable.
chrono is masterpiece of gw2, unique, original, effective, skill-based and fun. you don’t get a lot of those combined together in real life or in game.
having said all of the above, i like the mirage concept and was actually my favorite in terms of concept in pof (dis and yolosmith). but there is always a difference between concept and execution.
They arldy nerfed chrono for sake of PoF sales and made that trait completely useless in all game modes, have no idea where you can use this garbage
Also necro Chill of death trait with LESSER spinal shivers does MORE damage than original LOL, good update BOIIIIIIS
Also its said ,gives LESSER balanced stance,instead its gives normal version of balanced stance ,which shouldnt happen.
Also Smiter’s boon guardian trait also cast LESSER smite condition , that not only equal to normal version at everything but also deal increased damage when you have condition (by 300 base damage iirc)
No problem! One thing to keep in mind is that originally when the league season was introduced, I remember them saying that the legendary item would change every year, and the previous item would become harder to obtain later on. But so far it seems like this is not the case.
Also they dont even have legendary weapons for HoT expansion either …slowly adding them over time … and with same rarity balance patches
You don’t, dh kittens on warrior
^This, highly doubt this crybabies would take down decent DH on their warrior.
Why you dont invite him to duel with your warriors to prove something,i never seen this guy but i heard he playED DH,why not challenge him if warrior win that so easily ? Probably because that would be one sided annihilation …
Ask Devs (Evan?), some1 play for 8-2 got 1200, some1 play 5-5 and got 1800 (not me)
I don’t know how they handle it and I believe it depends on the case.
However, once a GM gained control of an account from a player that was cheating in PvP. Then they took the char to Divinity’s Reach, stripped down all gear and then did a jump to death from the hightest point in the city and then logged off and deleted the char. All this was recorded and there is a video of it somewhere.
Not sure if it’s the common practice from them to do these things though.
Sounds like savagery and make no sense ,like why would you do suicide jump as GM and delete a character ? That guy need permanent ban instead,lol . I seen plently of hackers but Anet dont have any type of protection in their game, thats the problem . They are too busy doing next expansion or something like that.
Yes , i seen people get pulled into textures , mostly on Forest , seen ppl flying around too . (not sure if they would look at this issue) Signet of the wild been reported long time ago , its still bugged , like bugs i reported.
Cannot be dodged , cannot be blocked , smoke field applying blind no matter what.
Unblockable ,not listed anywhere .
Gives ranger (and pet?) unblockable attacks after activation for buff period.
That trap been unblockable for a long time and still not fixed .
None of those are listed as unblockable.'s_Defense
After you start casting that skill and stow its still create shield that BLOCK ALL projectiles for 3 seconds .
This first phantasm ever that could be dodged and above its NEVER summon phantasm while mesmer jumped. Such lazy fix on jumping players hurt the class , may be its time to actually fix the skill ?
(edited by Odik.4587)
Remove LavaSoft product(s), and the game should stop crashing.
Good luck.
Dont have any ’’lavasoft’’ sthi and im getting crashes .
Having same crashes ,like 5 crashes in 1 day lmao.
Nah , its impossible to stop kids defend broken things which they want to keep . This skill cannot be dodged like normal attack ,cannot be fully blinded ,only 1first hit , cannot be LoSed and lasts 3 seconds instead 2 as description say. Normal dodge lasts 3/4 seconds ,double dodge cant save you from all chain + this would lead you to death because you cannot dodge anything else coming from him/his mates . Even stealth cannot counter play that because thx to glint he has 5 seconds reveal which could be used while casting UA or pre ,no cast time , like his heal . Following you at any distance no matter what . Totally balanced keep defending BS ,im done with UA threads and probably forum altogether.
Happens to me not only when playing beta, mists , regular pvp maps , map change doesnt helping and i have to close game and then game cant close properly , have kill process ._.
happened on windows 8.1 and 10 as well, pc/laptop . Fix this pls
it’s the same as counterplaying elementalists – yeah counterplay 4 eles with your experience and coordination without being rekt everywhere .
W/e this BS would be nerfed anyway soon or later . Im sure.
This remind me post from eles , dont nerf us , we are innocent ,its just burning.
I repeat last time : skill cannot be blinded or dodged, on cast and follow everywhere its target with heavy damage and avoid all attacks … lets keep it up to be unique , make sense! Also could be casted on invul targets as guardian focus . This skill underperforming! Lets create thread to buff this because this not oneshotting each target which hit ?
You’re fighting the same way a light test dummy golem would fight then, if you’re using a mesmer you have it easy really… just interrupt the revenant, trust me I’ve lost to mesmers this way, they can make you waste energy like no other profession, they can get out of stun with staff 2 (including jade winds), and they can always daze UA if they run MoD, probably the hardest professions for revenant currently are MoD Chronomancers/Mesmers, S/P thief, stun double distance dodge DD well played power Rangers, and Valkyrie Celestial Signet Reapers and from all of those the latter is the hardest match up and even then Mesmers and Reapers have A TON (well mesmer actually has little room) of room to screw up while Revenants are dead if they take bad decisions with their utilities.
UA killed lots of thieves so far, not a problem , same as mesmer untill he ran mass invis ,torch ,decoy . Staff 2 BREAKSTUN ? Oh my how many years are gone and they still think its a breakstun…
Reapers havnt been problem because of free chill removal , havnt seen power rangersThieves can get off really easily if they use shadow shot, headshot and black powder so given they have enough initiative they can cancel UA just by blinds or daze, I also got caught during the initial animation with basilisk venom, the funny thing was it did go off after the effect went off.
Technically Phase Retreat isn’t a stunbreak but well, even if you’re still stunned for 3 seconds, how can you get there fast if you don’t have a gap closer? not everyone has a 1200 range attack for revenant it requires either using Hammer or Phase traversal which is 20 energy IMO I’d rather wait for the mesmer to try and mage a counter than wasting 20 energy I might need to survive, besides if you get off Jade Winds the Revenant more than likely won’t have enough energy to use Phase Traversal.
Never used jade winds in duels because its requier 50% energy and mesmer or some1 else probably have a breakstun so decision to use it would be fatal for you(unless u swap on another legend and gain 50% energy ) . Gap closer? 4 axe is free Phase traversal 20 energy its a joke paired with 1 slamming on sword because you do high amount of damage and can use right after that UA .
Blind block only first UA hit ,if thief would spam headshot he will lose all initiative and die to everything else youv got.
No ,seriously, why u defend this broken skill ? You havnt found celestial variation or never used hammer? Or you temped to use 1 skill to win ?
You’re fighting the same way a light test dummy golem would fight then, if you’re using a mesmer you have it easy really… just interrupt the revenant, trust me I’ve lost to mesmers this way, they can make you waste energy like no other profession, they can get out of stun with staff 2 (including jade winds), and they can always daze UA if they run MoD, probably the hardest professions for revenant currently are MoD Chronomancers/Mesmers, S/P thief, stun double distance dodge DD well played power Rangers, and Valkyrie Celestial Signet Reapers and from all of those the latter is the hardest match up and even then Mesmers and Reapers have A TON (well mesmer actually has little room) of room to screw up while Revenants are dead if they take bad decisions with their utilities.
UA killed lots of thieves so far, not a problem , same as mesmer untill he ran mass invis ,torch ,decoy . Staff 2 BREAKSTUN ? Oh my how many years are gone and they still think its a breakstun…
About MoD , you rely only on UA when playing revenant ? How about to force him use mantra when you using Shiro stance and breakstun stun and use your precious UA after? Or i have even better idea! DODGE (free stab?) and cast it ? So much problems to get 1 stab stack after dodge and finally cast it… pls
Reapers havnt been problem because of free chill removal , havnt seen power rangers
(edited by Odik.4587)
I said quick projectile may be? Lol okay ?
Hammer is insane now?
Ugh….please don’t give in to pvp crying ANet. Please.
Its does decent damage with quick projectile , its not like OP as hell but i like crits ~2,4k on squishy guys.
(prolly might)
(edited by Odik.4587)
10 seconds cd and give him ’’evades’’ when he doing that and its lasts not 2 seconds but 3 seconds.
Lets take a look…huge damage? Yep, force your enemy waste all dodges/blocks/invuls?Yes.
Follow you even you blinked? Or portalled away ? Yes.
Cannot be blinded/dodged/LoSed ? Yes. (yes, if you stay in range of that skill but would be behind wall he will jump,magic!)
Oh yeah , anyone seen unblockable status in description? I dont.
. So you need 3 seconds block/invul each 10 seconds , sure everyclass have that!
So only 1 way to counterplay that is be somewhere out of range which is not possible with spammable Shiro blink.Its the only reliable damaging skill a sword rev has, if you could 100% evade it always revs would not do any damage at all
Hammer autos are insane ! Above this i tried to spam blink and 111111(sword) Its work ok because of passive life steal at devastation GM trait, idk who gave that BS to rev its just broken (untill u see condi mesmer ofc)
(edited by Odik.4587)
10 seconds cd and give him ’’evades’’ when he doing that and its lasts not 2 seconds but 3 seconds.
Lets take a look…huge damage? Yep, force your enemy waste all dodges/blocks/invuls?Yes.
Follow you even you blinked? Or portalled away ? Yes.
Cannot be blinded/dodged/LoSed ? Yes. (yes, if you stay in range of that skill but would be behind wall he will jump,magic!)
Oh yeah , anyone seen unblockable status in description? I dont.
. So you need 3 seconds block/invul each 10 seconds , sure everyclass have that!
So only 1 way to counterplay that is be somewhere out of range which is not possible with spammable Shiro blink.
(edited by Odik.4587)
Same problem 3 disconnects in 5 minutes ,niceeeee
Happens at 1360×768 for me.
(Might i suggest you guys buy a cheap half kitten AMD PC with lowest specs needed to run gw2 and play around with settings a bit, there are some magical UI things happening at times when asking for max preformance ^^)
yes i have same resolution on my laptop and this resolution is recommended but … long time ago this even havnt happened… after one update this begun and i coudnt desribe my problem , random numbers on boons or huge msges on 1/2 of screen for one second (wall of text lol)
i would like to know solution of this problem
Illusionary elastisy
If it is a bug they should fix it.
probably some1 dont have brain or trolling
ok remove stow weapon function from pvp ^^
Stow weapon = bug , fix this asap , for everyone
(edited by Odik.4587)
Great work shimm
I hope some1 from anet stuff are watching over this thread
I changed my mind, 1400 healing for 3 clones ??? its like a grib in the ocean , grandmaster trait in phantasm line……
this should be somewhere in minor trait of illusions but im pretty sure no1 will take it over 3% damage per clone/precise wrack
(edited by Odik.4587)
the devs should really look closely at the gw1 mes. let gw2 mes be more punishing. get just a touch of gw1 mes glory back. less 1v1 please. gw1 was not a 1v1 duelist pet class at all. i mean yes we got utility, but these shouldnt be the only thing we can do. veilbot is very boring gameplay atm mes only brings stealth a little bit of boonstrip and some ports and reflects…..on extreem cooldowns and deal no dmg whatsoever……so why on earth would i bring a mes in wvw, where i can deal no dmg, no tags, no rewards, no kills, just a stupid veil?illlusions?lol!misdirections? 1v1 ranged dmg dealer?lol we have to go close to even deal dmg or do u thing spamming 111111 on gs is fun? so yeah idk but look at how many weaknesses they pointed out:
condi cleanse
lightarmor class
problems with illusions in groupfights
lack of aoe
may i add noooo stability!!!!yes we can stealth, but only if we use those utilities which we will need the slots for other utilities…if they really really looked at the gw1 mes then they would see that gw2 mes is not even close to what mes was there. not even 10%. if u want gw2 mes to improve, make us the punishing class like mes used to be. not a 1v1 duelist pet class that cant deal any aoe dmg in a group.
^ this , also autoattack channeling 1.5 seconds and hit 3 times which hardly punished by retaliation
if u dont stand at 900+ range ur damage would be very very low >.>
pu should be nerfed like op feline grace on thieves, thats all about this trait
Some very experienced shatter mesmer have no trouble with s/d thiefs
very experienced shatter mesmer – OK …
above this on 1×1 server got feared in dodge,DODGE INTERRUPT,ofc good thing to interrupt dodge somehow (it was condigaywarrior) 10 sec 4 stack confusions and while i was feared 20 000 pin down which isnt op (15 sec cd lol)
how some1 can like things like that and ppl like u , L2P BROS U DO IT WRONG
everycondiclass > mesmer due no condi remove
thief > mesmer, unlimited dodges, 8-10 k burst an 2-4k autoattacks YOLO
ele > mesmer , outhealing everything mix of high condi and physical damage(hello to buffed celestial amulet)
hammbow > mesmer – u wont win bcuz or u run away from fire or die there
lb / axe sword > mesmer (celestial or soldier doesnt matter) i cant see impale animation because anet dont think what this is important to see incoming torment , mesmer torment u can see at boons and dodge, imlape? u will face everything ? arc arrow > dodge , u left 1 dodge , pin down > dodge, say hello to torment and eviscerate
dps guardian > mesmer – blocks ,blind,extremely high damage , huge instant heal from meditations, 1 of them teleport to enemy burn and he doing what he want we got 1 dead body which must be stomped
no need to tell about broken pets and rangers i guess …
aw engis 4200 burning 7 seconds ,actual recharge time 3 seconds, since mesmer dont have condi remove its matter of seconds or u kill him in few seconds or u slowly die from burning/poison/confusions/nades etc
ow necros … signet of spite bye mesmer
and im talking about tpvp builds
u want to say everything in this game designed to fk mesmer?
(tail swipe, shield of wrath who dont understood)That post gave me cancer.
you’ve already had cancer, I do not attribute this merit
Just delete all amulets except zerker/cleric and add condi duration instead of toughness to rabid. Problem solved, no more DPS tank . Only bunk or full glass
would be cool O_O
2 enude pains + bers stance = 10 sec he can kick ur kitten without thinking about damage which he could take , going YOLO mode
above this THINGS carrion ’’warriors’’ have 20k bleed with 15 sec , torment 10+++++ ,just saying
Weakness […] sustainability if illusions are countered
Our kitten illusions are countered by our godkitten class mechanic, you know, those shatter skills on F1 to F4.
So by using our class mechanic, we are countering our illusions ourselves and lose sustainability.
Reading/listening to ANet Dev’s is just comedy. The strengths/weaknesses philosophy they pulled out of their back probably some days before the times of the manifesto (and we all know how that went) is just not working.
Tell me, what was the design philosophy for warriors? Reading the weaknesses of the profession is like:
“You are so strong that you do not need evades. Your weakness is that you can take those hits by just standing in the fire and dealing great amounts of damage and survive!” Wut?What we got with this oh so great philosophy is:
- Mesmers in PvE no longer using their class mechanic.
- Mesmers in PvP no longer using their class mechanic.
- Mesmers in WvW, wait, no mesmers in WvW.Could we replace F1 to F4 maybe for something that works with the professions design philosophy?
yes they could ‘’weakest class in game , reroll if u dont like’’
Some very experienced shatter mesmer have no trouble with s/d thiefs
very experienced shatter mesmer – OK …
above this on 1×1 server got feared in dodge,DODGE INTERRUPT,ofc good thing to interrupt dodge somehow (it was condigaywarrior) 10 sec 4 stack confusions and while i was feared 20 000 pin down which isnt op (15 sec cd lol)
how some1 can like things like that and ppl like u , L2P BROS U DO IT WRONG
everycondiclass > mesmer due no condi remove
thief > mesmer, unlimited dodges, 8-10 k burst an 2-4k autoattacks YOLO
ele > mesmer , outhealing everything mix of high condi and physical damage(hello to buffed celestial amulet)
hammbow > mesmer – u wont win bcuz or u run away from fire or die there
lb / axe sword > mesmer (celestial or soldier doesnt matter) i cant see impale animation because anet dont think what this is important to see incoming torment , mesmer torment u can see at boons and dodge, imlape? u will face everything ? arc arrow > dodge , u left 1 dodge , pin down > dodge, say hello to torment and eviscerate
dps guardian > mesmer – blocks ,blind,extremely high damage , huge instant heal from meditations, 1 of them teleport to enemy burn and he doing what he want we got 1 dead body which must be stomped
no need to tell about broken pets and rangers i guess …
aw engis 4200 burning 7 seconds ,actual recharge time 3 seconds, since mesmer dont have condi remove its matter of seconds or u kill him in few seconds or u slowly die from burning/poison/confusions/nades etc
ow necros … signet of spite bye mesmer
and im talking about tpvp builds
u want to say everything in this game designed to fk mesmer?
(tail swipe, shield of wrath who dont understood)
(edited by Odik.4587)
if str runes would be nerfed , another op rune (Pirate) just replace it and some1 else will create another topic about this rune .parrot health around 13k 1400-2400 damage per hit to berserk amulet , think about it
I mostly do PvE with phantasms, not in organised groups with banners and boon stacking and so on. I currently have assassin’s armour with with traveller runes, precision trinkets with opals, and sigils of Force/Accuracywhich gives a 78% crit chance on my character.
As I understand it, my phantasms inherit my basic stats (power, precision etc) and derive their own crit chance. So a Sigil of Accuracy (crit chance) does not benefit them, but a sigil of perception (stacking precision) would. I’ve been wondering about switching to this.
The exploit with stacking precision and then swapping a weapon from inventory does not seem to work anymore, whatever your underwater weapon is. [I bought two major sigils and tested it this morning with some weapons from drops.] So if I do this, it’s for real — I commit to the stacking sigil, put it on everything, keep it on underwater weapons for when I go underwater, and of course it precludes stacking e.g. bloodlust.
I’m not sure how precision translates to crit chance. So I wonder if anybody could tell me…
1) Am I correct that +precision helps my phantasms and +crit doesn’t?
2) How much crit chance would +250 precision be worth, if I have 70% with no sigil?You’re correct on #1. Critical chance modifiers do not transfer to your phantasms.
On #2, 250 precision will get you in the neighborhood of 10-12% critical chance.
As Odik mentioned, it’s usually a good idea to not go above 65% due to your other party members providing fury (20%), if you have a warrior – banner of discipline (8%), and if you have a ranger, spotter (7%). Obviously your personal fury does not transfer to phantasms, but that’s why you must take the phantasmal fury trait if possible. Banner of discipline and spotter buffs transfer to phantasms since they modify precision directly.More good information can be found in the mesmer dungeon thread, specifically this post:
^ after this post in this topic shoudnt arrive more but its keep going lol
The problem is NOT dying to backstab in WvW, the problem is dying to a good S/D thief in TPvP.
Everygood thief at any spec would kitten u in couple seconds
i heard there is no point to go above 65-68% (seen somewhere) go for sigil of battle/air which is much better lol
First: If a thief “perma-dodge” like u call them, they dont do damage, so why the hastle.
(if they dps you with sword 3 all the time, they’re wasting their initiative, so they’ll be vuln soon)
Second: you CANT beat a S/D Thief if you dont know how they work. I suggest starting playing one or watch Stream/youtube videos.I play all 8 classes (but most warr, ele and thief) and I can honestly say I smash thiefs like musquito’s or have them run away from me.
This is a l2p issue. Hell, I even beat 80% of s/d thiefs with my Ranger.. Don’t let me even start about my Condi Necro (which still counters thief like pre-patch).
they dont do damage but even traited in 2 non-damage lines my mesmer loing 8k – 10k hp after 2 hits MAGIC
i destroyed tonns of 1rank s/d thieves , look at me im cool © Terrorsquad.2349
go l2p in tetris , the great threat of s/d thieves
full acro/trick thief dont do damage at all , yay
(edited by Odik.4587)
just asura wars, i also would like to change all legendaries to default wepaons , this shining things disctract and change animations , so ugly THINGS in pvp must have a turn off button or i must create topic for it to be seen ?
S/D thieves 500% counter mesmers at the moment. You can beat one! but if you beat an S/D thief then he should uninstall. The build allows them to constantly gap close on us, which is one of our main forms of defence, and in their opening sequence they can drop us to 50% and poison us. That is why it’s hard to fight them, because you cannot predict instant teleports, so you have to engage them first…which is a stupid idea, or predict how they will react.
I have now started raking mirror images just soI can wreck thieves who teleport away with a blink shatter combo, it is my main goal to beat them whenever at the moment
. Also just duel top S/D thieves in the duelling servers, because despite what the “pros” tell you on here about which builds counter them! good S/D thieves wont lose to any Mesmer build,
my experience tells me what this lame , why ? u wasting 2 breakstun (which not always ready) even in melee use mirror images and f1 this is also waste (most of time thief evades , stab evade stab evade ) + low damage if u dont have tonn of might
best option run away/blink away/ portal out of there
but first part about thief is true (btw full SB thief will kill u anyway and u cannot do anything with it, just run or die)
Totaly agree with shimmerless , what restorative illsuions doing in phantasm line GRANDMASTER tier ?
this clones dont have brains, exploded in halfway to target, staff and gs clones just stand and pewpew where they were created , interrupt something with F3 extremely kittenly if u casted it before and he began cast when clones came to him, this not outplaying from mesmer,luck and mistake from enemy
most of casts have too low cast time or even dont have it at all(acro/trick thief say hello and laugh).Since anet added pretty high amount of ‘’evade fact abilities’’ without cast animation interrupt something is very very difficult, aegis,blocks, stability, high cd interrupt abilities,chaos storm not provide 100% daze – everything against interrupt builds , i heard new trait doesnt affect thieves, let them spam thier abilities without problems
(edited by Odik.4587)
I think they are happy with the current position of the thief and dont want to change this op kitten .Nerf mesmer because everyone crying they are too strong? No prob,nerfed.Warriors crying?Buff them. But when need to balance thieves… they wont,because they are crying: do not take only one thing which i can play
Used illusionary wave on warrior to pushed him away from skyhammer room , he fell away BUT he lagged back ! i died right after i quitted skyhammer room instatnly with full health , when enter on skyhammer room i can be sent back instantly and got debuff = this not enough ?
Sorry for my terrible english but lets talk about not-perma-vigor first
steal 13 sec vigor (21 sec cd) ,6 seconds from thier instacasting-evade healing skill(15 sec cd) = 19 not even close to permament right ?
everyone know about thier trait for endurance return after dodge + signet = they can dodgerolling whole day.
They jump on thier targets through walls with steal , infiltrator strike hit and back , hit and back , u even dont have a chance to hit them with thier buffed initiative regeneration they are just spam it.
Just look at this 2 hits how i suppose to kill him after that? just instant 2 hits (i dont know why its not working lol)
i cant go bow like they are and spam 3 till my distortion/stealth/heal up
Almost forgot about eles : 1 min of vigor < really dont know what i did wrongdo people really complain about vigor? jesus
so you got unlucky and got crit’d with both sigils of air and fire procing on you. do you always throw your hands up and give up when you lose 3/7ths of your health or are you making a special case to whine about thieves? it seriously sounds like you have a bad case of “i got rolled pls nerf everything”
someone definitely playing s/d thief … who is this can be…
owaw , u suggest to remove vigor as boon with 3rd free dodge on thieves? me too then
lets give to mesmer 3rd dodge and perma vigor , why not ?
Firstly I’m not sure what you’re complaining about as I have seen you beat thieves quite often in the dueling servers
By the looks of it in the first picture you were low on health, and got an unlucky rng air and fire.
I think the thing is, in tournaments you can’t take Mantra of Distraction to interrupt them.
mesmer dont have a chance against even average s/d thief
there is no walls , to abuse this **** with infilt strike
example how u can die instantly
they use venom, flank before → gain larc strike , use larc strike and then instantly STEAL which doesnt interrupt thier larc and they have time to hit u once more thier 1
well , 2200 steal , 4000+ larc, 2 procs for 3k both and 2k auto + 12 sec poison which dont let u heal after
they even just can spam 1 2 , jump from sword on u with infiltrator strike (2k damage) and auto(2k first two and 3k last in chain) because of 1 second immobilize which mean u cannot dodge, thier initiative buff allowed them to SPAM it
non duel situation : They jump on thier targets through walls with steal , infiltrator strike hit and back , hit and back as i said
lets talk abit about shatters , i use mind wrack for example , he using inf strike from range, he jump on mesmer ,hit and back , clones run around and they got bored and exploded before they are reach him on halfway , when ranger pets follow u around 3000 range i guess , this
new trait was nerfed on thieves i heard , like if he spam hs and got interrupted anyway he could spam it even after , its like most useless trait which in grandmaster trait lane and u must pay 3g and 20 skill points to unlock it
Sorry for my terrible english but lets talk about not-perma-vigor first
steal 13 sec vigor (21 sec cd) ,6 seconds from thier instacasting-evade healing skill(15 sec cd) = 19 not even close to permament right ?
everyone know about thier trait for endurance return after dodge + signet = they can dodgerolling whole day.
They jump on thier targets through walls with steal , infiltrator strike hit and back , hit and back , u even dont have a chance to hit them with thier buffed initiative regeneration they are just spam it.
Just look at this 2 hits how i suppose to kill him after that? just instant 2 hits
(edited by Moderator)
Who said what this game have ’’balance’’ ? go reroll sd thief with perma vigor/dodges/evade abilities , be happy