Showing Posts For OrangeMint.7980:

Thief level 80 exotic armor for pvp and pve?

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


In my opinion, I would just get all berserkers, armor and trinkets. The stat will work for WvW and Pve.

Since most dungeons prefer high damage and in WvW you want to burst your enemies as fast as possible so soliders won’t help much there, unless your goal is to go tanky.

Ok but real quick, why not go with assassin’s? It gives more crit chance which I’d imagine would be way more reliable for bursting people since you have higher chance to crit

You could, I guess at that point it is up to personal preference whether you want to crit more or do more raw damage. I like to have more power, with my trait setup and berserker stats, I get around 50% ~ I feel like that is sufficient amount of critical chance, but you can go higher if you want. You can take sigil of accuracy and signet of agility to boost that up to like 60%.

Thing is, you also have access to fury every 20 seconds (if you traited) so that’ll boost your crit pretty high to the point where any extra is just too much and where you’ll benefit with more power instead.

Thief level 80 exotic armor for pvp and pve?

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


In my opinion, I would just get all berserkers, armor and trinkets. The stat will work for WvW and Pve.

Since most dungeons prefer high damage and in WvW you want to burst your enemies as fast as possible so soliders won’t help much there, unless your goal is to go tanky.

Using shouts

in Guardian

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I’ve been playing a bunker guardian in spvp for a bit and so far I like it, being able to live longer and helping out my teammates feels great

But I have some trouble when to use my shouts :\ There are times where I use them at the right moment, but most of the time I feel like I’m just spamming them, which I know is bad.

Do I use them to help remove conditions off my allies or use them for their effects? Most of the time I use them to removed conditions, which is the “spammy” part.

any help would be great.

PvP player transitioning to WvW

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I’m looking to craft an ascended armor since I have all the mats for it, along with weapons and trinkets.
Would you guys post an effective D/P buildpage for WvW? Like exact armor stats, weapons, sigils, runes, food(preferable), TRAITS and utilities. Need to study everything a little before starting to craft since ascended is pretty much end-game and costly (at least for me) and I don’t wanna mess up. I’ve got 6x Strenght runes already if that helps, but can easily use something else.

This what I use:

as for armor and trinkets I run all berseker, I die pretty fast anyways so I don’t bother with health and other stuff. As for food I don’t use any.

you can swap out devourer venom for something else, but I use to root my enemy while my group helps kill.

PvP player transitioning to WvW

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


You can totally use that same build in WvW, I used that build for quite some time. I just recently changed to 2/6/0/0/6, grabbing executioner in the 2nd line. I know it lacks survivability, but I mainly run around with a group of players, and the job I do is to burst down squishy enemies or that are low on health.

Major downside is the condition removal, you have none unless you take shadow step, so it is not recommended that you jump into the fray of battle xD
I took a mortar flame hit once and it pretty much killed me from 80% health-ish because my shadow step was on cd and no players were near me to help me cleanse it lol.

Sigil alternatives?

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Edit: For sigil of blood, mmm, I’m just not that into the whole building stacks kind of thing. I just hate the fact that you lose all of them if you die…and I tend to die a lot lol…which again, I still need to work on xD
But I do see your point though, that extra damage is really nice to have, now if it only dropped half the stacks then maybeeee I might consider it xD once I improve my survivability skills I will definitely check it out.

Just want to clarify sigil of blood =/= sigil of bloodLUST

doh! my mistake xD I always get those two confuse lol. I have been trying it and it’s alright, I don’t hate it
I purchased one on the trading post, for future purposes if I want to use it as my main sigil for WvW

Sigil alternatives?

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


awesome thanks for the suggestions all

I’ve definitely started trying out sigil of intelligence and it is somewhat working for me, I’m just not used to the whole swapping yet; soon.

As for sigil of impact that seems really interesting, that extra 10% would be awesome for the burst. To be honest I didn’t even knew it existed until I read this LOL!

for sigil of rage, I have used it before, it’s not bad. I just kind of stopped using it…not sure why though, I guess I got tired of it or something xD

I am messing around with s/d and I’m using a force/fire and for bow I have fire/energy…still can’t get away from the fire sigil lol. I might swap fire out for energy on the dagger and put intelligence on the bow. Still trying to get used to the whole swapping thing, I rarely swap weapons so this is a good learning experience.

Edit: @helly: yea I do agree that fire and air shouldn’t be nerfed, but it is pretty much guaranteed nerf it is just a matter of when, which is kinda sad
For sigil of blood, mmm, I’m just not that into the whole building stacks kind of thing. I just hate the fact that you lose all of them if you die…and I tend to die a lot lol…which again, I still need to work on xD
But I do see your point though, that extra damage is really nice to have, now if it only dropped half the stacks then maybeeee I might consider it xD once I improve my survivability skills I will definitely check it out.

(edited by OrangeMint.7980)

Sigil alternatives?

in Thief

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I was wondering if there are other sigils that work just as well or better than the air and fire combo for d/p?

I’ve been trying different sigils like force and strength. I still do a lot of damage, just not as “fast” as air and fire sigils.

Reason I ask is in the case they nerf the air and fire proc or damage, I have other sigils I can use and still do fine. I just don’t want to become to reliant on those sigils that I’ll crumble.

Any suggestions?

spvp - need some combat help w/ vids!

in Guardian

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


No problems, sometimes my thoughts were a bit muddled because I accidentally didn’t record it the first time and I forgot some of my points =P

I just finished watching, thanks again silven! This is the best feedback I’ve ever gotten I wish more players would do this type, I like the idea, kinda like a video response thingy going on here xD

But yes, all of your advice did help me, a lot actually. As for the dodges, yea…when I see so much going on I just panick and dodge in whatever direction, without thinking lol. I’m totally agree with you on the positioning and map awareness, I suck at it, not even gonna beat around the bush on this one xD

Thanks again! you’re awesome!

spvp - need some combat help w/ vids!

in Guardian

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Okay while it’s uploading to YT here is the raw stream:

Thanks a bunch! I just got back and I saw that the stream was offline and I was like “oh no…” lol. I am watching it right now.

I appreciate your time in making the vid and critique

spvp - need some combat help w/ vids!

in Guardian

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


alright, finally, all my vids are uploaded! Sorry for the low quality…the size is just way too much for high quality

spvp - need some combat help w/ vids!

in Guardian

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Record some gameplay and I’ll give you a full commentary.
A few things I can say straight off:

  • Not sure what your build is trying to accomplish straight away, does need some ironing out
  • You don’t have to have ZERO conditions on you to live, you just need to know when and which to remove. It’s like in gw1, you didn’t have to have everybody at max hp to be good at monking, infact if you did you’d likely be extremely low on energy. The analogy to gw2 would be that all your skills would be on cooldown.

So just make a quick video of any gameplay and I will comment on the entire thing to help you.

Thanks for the reply! I am currently uploading a vid to youtube right now it’s about 4 mins, although looks like it’ll take a while…. I kinda got carried away with the first vid and it ended up being like 50 mins lol! I will post the link as soon as it’s finished uploading.

But I have started using your suggestions right away as to not having to cleanse every condition off of me.

As for the build, I just want to be awesome lol. I want to do good damage and have some survivability via removing conditions. I feel like I need to sacrifice one of my 2h weapons for something else, it’ll most likely be the GS, but if I can i would prefer to keep it with me xD

I also just want to mention that I like to fight. I’m not really competitive, i just hop into whatever server and duke it out. Maybe this might help determine a good build for me(?)

(edited by OrangeMint.7980)

spvp - need some combat help w/ vids!

in Guardian

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


So here’s my current build, nothing new, I just read some random guides and I liked it.

I’m having problems with combat, I’m just not sure when to activate shouts. For example: hold the line, do I use it right away for the protection and regen or do I save it for the conditions clear? Same goes for “stand your ground”.

I know I just need to practice more, but any tips would be great. It’s just even more frustrating now because of all the conditions being tossed at me, I am forced to use up all my shouts and virtues to clear them all, and they just end up being reapplied again
Main classes I have trouble with are conditions warriors with bows, grenade engi’s, necros (depends) and mesmers.

I am open to any new trait builds, skill slots, and such. I have uploaded 1~ min clips of me playing in spvp. Sorry for the low quality and multiple vids…it just takes way too long to upload a one 5 min vid (for me anyways). Plus this way I don’t record all the downtime, I record right before I enter a fight.
I am open to critiques, I’m just looking for what I can do to improve my gameplay.

vid 1:

vid 2:

vid 3:

vid 4:


(edited by OrangeMint.7980)

New Legendaries to compete with ESO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I haven’t heard of anything, regarding new legendary weapons.

off topic: I think gw2 needs more than new legendaries to compete with ESo, like new permanent content, expansion, or whatever.

Ideal minimum stats for all-rounder build?

in Ranger

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Power Build:
Power – 2,000
Precision – 33%

Condition Build:
Condition Damage – 1,100
Condition Duration – 20%

Power+Condition Build:
Power – 1500
Condition Damage – 600

Toughness – 1,400
Health – 17,000
1 condition removal
1 stun removal

I always try to aim for these numbers as a minimum. Needless to say; more is better. Critical damage, healing power, and boon duration, should be viewed as bonuses, because even if you have 0 of these stats, you can still have a viable build.

Ah, Perfect!!! Thanks a bunch

This helps me out a lot The power+condition minimum stats seem reasonable enough to obtain, maybe :o

And I’m assuming, with the power build, condition builds, and power+condition, they all have low defenses. This is alright with me, I can maybe work out something to make me a teeny bit more beefy and sacrifice a little.

Ideal minimum stats for all-rounder build?

in Ranger

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


If you’re going for condition damage combined with tankyness than you should try the new Dire stats out.
They would give you major condition damage and minor vitality and toughness.
With the traits in “wildneress survival” you can get additional toughness and condition damage.
For the runes… it’s at the end up to you.

I’m aiming for a toughness and condition build around traps and survivability. The only weakness i have with this is that i can’t do direct damage (e.g. to turrets or totems as far as they don’t suffer under condition)

And if you would prefer condition damage with power than you should probably use the Rampager Attributes

regards Troopa

Cool, thanks for the advice, I was looking at the stats today and they’re just like soldier stats except power is replaced by condition damage! That is friggin awesome!

So, if I go the condition route, I just have to pretty much get all dire stats and I am set But, yea, I worry about my direct damage too.

I kinda want a good balance, I’m thinking maybe dire stat pieces on armor and berserker weapon and jewelry, that would probably give me decent direct damage?

Ideal minimum stats for all-rounder build?

in Ranger

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Hi All,

I was wondering what are the Ideal stat ranges, lets say for a power build? What is the minimum amount of power, precision, and critical damage I should aim for?
Or a condition build, how much condition should I get (number-wise) that will allow me to do a decent amount of damage.

Those were just examples, but for me, I guess I want a mix of tanky-ness, good attack damage, and good condition damage, if that is even possible. But more on the tanky-ness side. What numbers should I be aiming for on the stats page to be decently tanky and also do good damage? And maybe condition damage?

This will help me get a good idea and how much I can sacrifice to obtain other stats.


SAB - Baubles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


So I still have a bit of buables and bauble bauble’s left from the previous super adventure box, will they still be usable? Or will there be another form of currency for the new super adventure box to purchase skins with?


Bring the wvw map colors back

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I took the color testing posted for fun and I scored a 7; pretty interesting site.

But on topic, I do admit that the new colors are a little too bright for my tastes, I prefer more darker colors, the previous colors were just fine.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


for mine:

attunement swap: 1, 2, 3, 4

skill slots: z, x, c, v

weapon skills: Q, E, R, T, F . Q and R are swapped on the weapon skills, I use ‘R’ for my
auto-attack/#1 skill, and ‘Q’ is for my 3rd weapon skill. ‘E’ is #2, ‘T’ is #4, and ‘F’ is #5

Elite skill: 5

movement: W, A, S, D

dodge: one of my side buttons on my mouse

target nearest enemy: the other side button on my mouse

camera movement: RMB and LMB

(edited by OrangeMint.7980)

AC is insane now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Overall I feel the AC change is good, but the final boss for path 3 grast should have like permanent stability or something because he is always rushing into the boss and getting knocked down and other times he just won’t cast bubble at all.

New to class - Question about hybrid Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Hi, I’ve been playing gw2 for a while now trying various classes, and recently wanted to play the necro. I am liking the staff weapon a lot and I got to thinking if a hybrid stat build of condition damage and power would be good with just using the staff only? I just want to use the staff only, since i’m used to just using staff only on an elementalist xD I know weapon switching is a must and I will do that, but will just using staff only work?

This is mainly for WvW and PvE. With a hybrid set up, will I still be able to have some survivability? Or maybe I could go rabid stat armor pieces with valkyrie/soldiers/knights jewelry perhaps?

sorry if this is confusing xD thanks

ESI: Ele Staff Improvement

in Elementalist

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I agree with you Erebus, I too have been using staff only for every occasion (PvE, sPvP, and WvW). I’ve done the whole d/d and such but I don’t find it as enjoyable as the staff weapon.

I agree with projectile of the auto attack, it is really slow, that it doesn’t make much of an impact on the enemy. The fire auto attack is ok, pretty strong overall. Water needs a speed and damage boost, and/or give it a projectile finisher. Earth’s auto attack is good but a speed boost would be good. Lightning I feel is a pretty balanced auto attack since it can hit up to 3 enemies, giving it a projectile finisher or speed boost would make it op(?).

As for the eruption skill, it takes way too long to explode, the person would have to stand perfectly still to hit. You can time it perfectly all you want but a good player will easily dodge it. Ice spike, water #2 skill is alright, the fall time could be reduced lower but damage-wise it’s ok. For lava pit, I like your idea of having the damage tick right away once it is placed on the ground at least it can do something xD

I have been trying my best to make the staff viable for close-quarter combat, like 1v1 situations or small skirmishes. I’ve been 50/50 successful, but against good players it is either stalemate or I lose xD I’ve got nothing against good players, awesome props to them, but staff just doesn’t have much in finishing a player from full to zero by themselves.

This is from a pvp/WvW perspective, in pve I do just fine since the monsters mainly stand in one place. Mmm…I know there are some more thoughts on my mind about staff elementalist, but I’m having a brain fart atm lowl, I’ll post them once I stop spacing out xD

Some of my 100b Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Very good read, I just started playing warrior this week and your builds gives me a general idea in what I should trait in and such

Just a question though, since these are mostly advanced sPvP builds, do you have build that is more general and well balanced? Not so squishy, but with 100 blades able to put out some damage. I’m looking for more WvW oriented but sPvP will work too.


hi, some advice with staff ele pvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I feel the same way you do, staff ele is not so great in sPvP, but in WvW it is pretty good. I wish that their single target spells projectile speed or the cast time would be faster.

staff elementalist excel in open spaces but when it comes to close-quarter fighting, they get dropped pretty fast against a competent melee player.

Off-Hand Torch Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


very cool, you put a lot of thought into this. I would love to have the ability to use a torch off-hand, gives elementalists some more weapon diversity

WvWy’s 2012 - who was your favorite opponent in 2012?

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


for me it would have to be: Gate of Madness

they give the best fights anyone can ask for, battles are very fun. Battle of the camp ;D

Some World Vs World gameplay

in Elementalist

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


wow, very cool jambas! you play very well, I hope I can play like you some day xD

(edited by OrangeMint.7980)

Traps idea

in Ranger

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


It would be nice if the trap range was higher, like 900 or 1000 would be good. At 600 i have to pretty much run right next to the enemy to toss it ahead of them.

Acquiring gear lvl 60+

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


awesome! you all are very helpful from what I gathered and some thinking, I will just wait until I am level 80, i’m like level 63 now….goes by so fast lol.

Also one last question, I didn’t want to make a new thread. But is there a way to obtain level 80 exotics that you get with dungeon tokens, with karma or badges?

I read somewhere that you can get them with karma, but that was a while ago when I was just browsing around for gw 2 info. thanks!

Acquiring gear lvl 60+

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


ah I see, I also feel like I should just wait until level 80 too. I think I will check out the WvW vendors again, last time I checked the prices were kinda high, I think i was at the wrong vendor xD

I just really want something to use that can give me some damage and survivability for WvW until I can reach to level 80, the average level of my gear is like level 46 lol, so I’m pretty squishy.

Acquiring gear lvl 60+

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Hi everyone, I just recently hit 60 and I have been looking around and from others that level 60 is where exotics and rares start being useful.

So I was wondering if level 60 exotics/rare are worth getting? And if they are worth it, where can I obtain them? I’ve been walking around the asura area and I find these npc’s called “cultural” vendors. They have some exotics (if i recall) for karma and gold; quite expensive though xD

Also, are there level 70 exotic/rare sets too? Or is it just level 60 and 80? If it is just level 60 and 80, does that mean the armor in between, such as level 65 70 and 75, are not good?

sorry if any part is confusing, I will try to clarify if there are questions. thanks!

Sorrows Furnace - World Record

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


lol really OP? That is pretty pathetic. I won’t say any more because others have already posted why your “world record” attempt is ridiculous.

My comment is not directed towards the whole Sorrows Furnace server, just you only.

[23/11] ET/HoD/SF

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I dont’ know about the struggle part xD
SF was struggling to cap sunny hill for 4 hours~, but that didn’t drive them away, they actually sent like double more of their guys and it was gone lol xD

[23/11] ET/HoD/SF

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


quite the battle right now…lol. Sorrows furnace has everything xD
A few of us tried to go to ET and there’s tons of SF players there too xD

ah well, hopefully more players from our server log on and help out, right now I think I counted 15 of us(?)

Although I did have some fun with the 2v2 fight near our wp lol, it went back and forth until like 4 of our guys showed up and spoiled our fun ;o

My favorite build now

in Ranger

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


op can you post a new link to your build please? Looks like it is not working.

But from reading your post, this sounds like a very fun and solid build, a lot of emphasis on tankiness and survivability (I assume) which I like a lot. I am planning on running putting the full 30 points into beast mastery, and the rest into nature maybe.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


@soujourner: that is horrible, I honestly didn’t think anyone would actually say that, “crush their morale so they don’t even want to play”, I mean I thought there was a line of respect, but that’s pretty sickening. Then again I should know better.

But it’s whatever, I just keep on playing, it’s not like I’m getting destroyed in real life xD but at the time when spirit entrance was camped, I was shocked to see so much red names, arrows, catapults everywhere xD
It was really fun and challenging taking out those arrow carts though, but getting yanked off the edge by like 5 players was kind of sucky lol.

So why is WvW so boring, what am I missing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


WvW is fun, only if you want to get involved and make it fun because if you just hop in to see what’s up, wander for a bit, get killed, then leave, yea I can see it being boring.

But if you put the effort to gather allies and give yourself an objective, it gets super fun, like I can stay in Wvw all day.

then again, it’s also a matter of taste, if you don’t like pvp that much then you might not like WvW.

Boredom Setting In For Anyone else?

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


mm, I haven’t felt bored yet, it’s more like the opposite for me. I can stay and do WvW all day everyday I like the rush of defending and capturing areas. I play on a low WvW population server and I prefer this, although the more the merrier, but capturing and holding a few points just feels more epic than capturing with a huge group of WvW players.

This game is unbelievable...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I think this game is pretty decent, very fun. Sure there are problems here and there, which I hope they are fixing, but overall I feel there is more than enough content for me to enjoy this game.

Crystal Desert vs Tarnished Coast vs Henge of Denravi

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I’m from HoD, and I must say it was a blast these past couple days, very fun
Most memorable were the fights for the garrison and dawn with TC, epicness flying everywhere.

WvW worth it?

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


Very worth it for me, I love WvW. It’s like a pride thing, having pride for your server, defending and capture areas with people from your server working together. It’s like a bond that cannot be broken kind of thing. Best part is when everyone is gathered and storming the gates of the keep, that epic feeling bursts out, trying to get everyone to keep a tight formation, attacking certain points and such.

Also, I you actually gain more than you lose if you collect those supply bags after you kill an enemy/monster. And events give lots too, not just like those random monster events but from capturing supply camps, sentry points, keeps.

The multi-guild system & why guilds are pointless.

in Suggestions

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


To be honest I didn’t know that one could join multiple guilds, mainly due to the fact I didn’t research GW2 enough and never played GW1, regardless though I prefer the traditional way where an individual is loyal to one guild only. I don’t like the idea of being able to join more than one guild, it just loses its novelty.

Given this information in this thread I will still stay in my current guild, even though there aren’t as many active players like other guilds, it doesn’t matter to me, there’s more of a brother-ship kind of bond between guild mates when it’s smaller and I like that.

remove condition

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I’m not sure about being shot-through, but I have noticed that super elixir doesn’t remove some conditions. I know for sure that if you toss it, on impact it removes one condition, and even though it’ll say ‘remove condition’, it won’t remove it sometimes.

Why does my camera angle affect whether my flamethrower hits or not?

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


I agree, it gets so friggin annoying seeing those ‘misses’ pop up when I just turn my camera a bit. You have to pretty much center yourself directly in front of the enemy before you even shoot.

Let's face it.

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


@Zinwrath: That’s true, I wouldn’t even want to group with those type of people anyways, the whole dungeon run would be too uptight.

Yea I meant functioning as a swappable weapon kind of thing. But I get what you mean, this would take a lot of work to make special adjustments for kits. It’s just hard swapping kits in a middle of a epic fight xD
Is there an easier way to do this? I mean, I could keep practicing until it becomes 2nd nature, but as of now I have to take a moment to pause, look down, and click/hit key.

Question about elixir gun build

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


@Casia: haha alright, I believe you ;D But on a serious note, I was thinking about condition vs. power, and I feel power is just more beneficial. The scaling is really bad with the condition damage then, quite unfortunate really, maybe they’ll buff it someday and then I’ll go pure condition xD I was watching my damage numbers on the dummies and the DoT’s are pretty tiny compared to the bigger numbers that raw damage is popping out, the condition damage is pretty much that extra gravy. Other classes such as necros’ have stronger condition damage?

@Zinwrath: I really like that suggestion about increasing duration of debuffs, I didn’t even think about that This so fits perfectly with the support role I want to do and makes lots of sense because you want to assist players and keeping monsters weak.

Question about elixir gun build

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


@Ronin: Ah I see, when you say bleed stacks to 25, this means that every player that has a bleed skill they will add together? For example: player1 does 100/5sec, player2 does 200/5sec, and player3 does 300/5sec. These will all get stacked together up until 25? This is cool if it does, that way I don’t have to feel too useless when doing some damage xD

So the poison and burn conditions are like the scenario in my previous post, they will get overrided to whoever condition is strongest? I guess this is ok since I won’t be doing too much fire damage anyways…But I do see it’s usefulness though in that if one player has to retreat to heal, I can apply a poison a burn to help out even though damage is lower, it’ll keep the damage flowing.

If I get condition/toughness/precision on armor pieces, should I gem for power then, just to have some balance of raw damage? Or should I just pretty go pure condition damage on the gems?

Let's face it.

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


wow, getting booted out of a group just because you’re an engineer? that’s dumb, I hope this doesn’t happen a lot at higher levels because I play an engineer too(

It is a bummer that kits hide weapons, but I kind of got over it, if they do fix this then that’s awesome.

I don’t know if anyone else wants this, being able to put a kit onto the weapon switch box would be friggin awesome! Because it is a pain to keep clicking on the skill since they are so far out on the number line. If we could put one kit that we most frequently use onto the weapon switch, this would help cut down on the annoyance of switching kits. I mean we don’t have the option to swap weapon sets like other classes do.

Question about elixir gun build

in Engineer

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


@Casia: Ah ok, I actually like that naming system better because it corresponds to the skill number, instead of a bunch of random abbreviations for skills.

-Just curious, what combination of stats on exotic armors should I be shooting for on a elixir gun kit user? I want to be a bit beefy and considered getting power/toughness/vitality, would I be losing out on a lot of damage if I do not go with power/precision/condition? My main focus is still support and being able to take hits.

Also, what was said earlier in this thread, that condition damage does not stack from different players. For example: player1 does a bleed skill of 130/5sec. And Player2 does a bleed skill of 200/5sec. Lets say player1 hits the monster first then player2 hits, will player2’s bleed override player1 then?
If this is the case, then I should just stick with power because I don’t want to compete with another class that is more dps oriented, especially when I am going supportive, might as well let them dish out the DoT’s and I can back-up with raw damage. Also, for elixir gun, the EG1 skill, it does bleed and weakens. I’m pretty sure other classes have stronger bleeds than this, so if they use their skills with bleeds will the ‘weakened’ status stay, but EG! bleed will go away?