Showing Posts For Philip.8376:

armor diversity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


usually light armor doesn’t automatically mean robes. With the addition of town clothes in combat, everyone can look like they’re wearing ‘light armor’ just now i saw a guardian/warrior wear something that was mostly comprised of material that belonged on a caster class. maybe it’s time to address the lack of design diversity in the not-so-heavily armored classes. 90% of the heavy armor designs look awesome. 90% of the light/medium armor designs look terrible.
this is just my opinion though.

Heavy armor looks awesome? No, not even close to 90%. Imo, I can think of two-three armor sets that look decent. This game is just ugly when it comes to the armor.

Things that bug me in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


NO TO GEAR CHECKS – it would make the game snobby – that is how it was in Rift and TERA.

Snobby? Really? So because you think it might be “snobby”, the other players can’t enjoy the feature? Anyway, GW2 is just kitten. It did not develop over the past 2 years enough to keep anyone satisfied. I suggest you all take a look at Black Desert. F2p and it’s one of the best looking mmorpgs I have ever seen. I’ve given up on GW2. Two years I have been loyal, but I have my limits.

capes? where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


please that is no excuse not to have them. if they were serious about the clipping they would fix it.

You clearly have astonishing technical background knowledge.

Let’s say it like this: if the kittentiest of f2p mmorpgs can get capes succesfully implemented, and a big kittening company as Anet can’t in 2 years, then they are just flipping us the middlefinger. This game is just dead. With f2p games like Black Desert (holy kitten, check this out) and Archeage (BD is in beta, Archeage is in Alpha (for translation purposes)) around the corner, I have now oficially written off GW2 as salvagable.

kitten this company with its constant bullkitten kawaii panda hats and kittening charr backpacks. This has been such a waste of my time. They don’t listen to the community at all, and it has been 2 kittening months since we had our meagre, cliché living story. If they’d just put way more effort in a good DLC that costs money, then this game could’ve been great.

2 years and still no cape, dungeons, armor sets, continents, more WvWvW maps etc. The company has done nothing in the 2nd year.

Alright, I’ll give GW2 one more shot. If the next living story won’t blow my socks off with its long-awaited fixes, additions and content, then I’ll quit this game for good.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


These may have been suggested already buuuut, I would love to see class and race changes in the gem store! I have two characters that I put a lot of work into when I was enjoying their race and class for the moment but now I can’t stand playing them. I don’t want to reroll and loose my 100% world map completion and maxed crafting.

How would that even work with the storyline of your character, the personal instance etc?

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


Three more armor sets based off of costumes from GW1.

Heavy would be Agent of Balthazar (my absolute favorite costume from GW1, see attached image.)

Medium would be Augur of Kormir

Light would be Melandru’s Vestment.

I have a feeling all of these sets may be being worked on, half completed or some other business as we had our chance at the grenth hood. I mean the designs for all these armors are fleshed out, there is no way it would be too hard to make them (probably a devoted fan could model them out ffs). I expect all to exist in the game near the end of its lifecycle.

In regards to the medieval armor, I fully agree. There are a few pieces which match the tone in the game, but the closest we got has been Phalanx armor. And every other person has that armor or some piece, which is always been a flaw with the gem store (to me).

The concept art of this game with dark brooding helmets and huge cloaks/armors, sweeping capes has all but become a relic. Which is even mode pathetic as we see it on every single loading screen! Please ANET, give us more nods to the glorious looking art you hyped so many people with. We need to step away from the gratuitous sexualized eye candy towards things which feel old school fantasy like.

YES! This! The loading screen art is so kittening amazing. I said the exact same thing to my brother. I WANT to use a spear, wear medieval armour and a kitten cape! It makes me so sad when I see these incredible battles and cool looking characters every time I switch regions…

[VOTE] Is Guild Wars 2 heading a good way?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


No. Judging from the reworked armour sets in the black lion (the heavy and medium Flamekissed etc. are a DIRECT copy of existing ones), they don’t care nearly enough.

Option to toggle black borders in GW2 off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376



recently I have been bothered by the black border around the screen. I’d honestly rather have it toggled off, since it distracts me. I know it’s aesthetics, but still it seems pretty easy to add an option to switch it on/off.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


more armor plz. practical looking ones. not too revealing.

Yes! I would love “REAL” looking armor. This is a medieval’ish time frame isn’kitten

I asked for this months ago… I feel like a kittening fairy princess running in the woods with the current armour sets. Why don’t they make European medieval full plate armour sets is beyond me. Look at Dark Souls 1 and 2. Everyone LOVES their armour. Take some kitten inspiration from it, and stop making/reworking armour sets that look like they came from the weirdest Japanese manga cartoon…

But of course, no one will read this or listen to us. It’s such a shame! GW2 could’ve been so great.

Cape and Mount!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Summary- “Capes” is just a nastalgic word that truely means nothing and GW implemented their own system of REPRESENTING your guild in an even more in depth and practical manner.

That’s a pretty short-sighted point of view if you ask me. God forbid people actually liking that “piece of cloth”. I for one think they look incredible. I do not care the slightest of representing my guild, I just think that they look great. It’s been 1,5 years for GW2. I’m quite disappointed how little has been achieved in the 2nd half of that 1,5 yrs. In case you all forgot: check out the loading screen art. It always contains a character with a cape, because it simply looks great, and Anet knows it.

Cape and Mount!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Please, add capes. It makes everything look infinitely better. And for the ones being concerned about the Charr’s tail: look at WoW and how they solved that issue with the Draenei. Better that than nothing if you ask me. Also, I do not care two kittens about a little clipping if that means I can wear a cape/cloak.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philip.8376


Please add capes/cloaks. It’s something gravely underestimated. Also, when I use a shield with my norn warrior, he does not protect his body at all. This really defies the reason why to wear a shield in the first place. Please make sure that animations make sense, and it’d be great if we had some more to choose from.

Furthermore, I’d like to see WAY more armour sets, since the current number does not satisfy me. Give medium wearers something different than a trenchcoat, for I feel sorry for them. Please try to create armour in the style of Dark Souls, or the knight in Chivalry: Ultimate Warrior. Lastly, even though it has nothing to do with the Black Loin, try to add more permanent dungeons with different paths, tokens, armour/weapon rewards, bosses etc.

#1)New Armor Skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I could not agree more! There are way too few skins in this game, and please don’t come up with the weak excuse “uhuhu go mix and match”. No, it’s been a year and a half, and I’m not wearing lvl 10 items because Anet refuses to provide proper looking end-game armour. And I thought that Anet just has to create 3 sets, and merely adjust the parameters for the norn, human and sylvari?

Armour plays an important role in the immersion in any game for me. If I look good, I’m actually enjoying the game significantly more.

ONLY replacing the light flame armor set!?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Philip.8376


Finally someone who said it. The heavy armour is INCREDIBLY ugly, and it is an almost exact copy of an already existing set. I can not believe Anet is this lazy; first bascially a copy of previous living story instances, merely placed into the fractals, and now an exact copy of armour, only adding red stripes and then selling them for a massive amount of gems? Get your kitten together… Honestly, I’d like to get some “real” armour for my heavy norn, something like European’s knight armour. Sometimes I do not want to look like an anime character, running around with my 3m long sword…

Also, please, give the medium wearers something else than a trenchcoat; I feel sorry for them. It’s been +- 1,5 years since GW2 came out, and still very few permanent instances, and barely new sets…


in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


PLEASE add capes! They make the game indefinitely better looking… As for the people using the Chars as an argument against the capes: Remember WoW and the Drainei? Noticed how they fixed it? It’s better than nothing. Please, Anet, add something new already! I’m sick and tired of months and months the same stuff. I don’t need more weapon skins…

Bring back GW1 Armour and weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Yes Mesket, but there are TONS of weapons and armours not yet implemented. I don’t really understand why you would bother naming up these items… totally missing the point, I reckon.

As for the topic: I’d love to see WAY more armour sets in this game. Capes are also something that must be added… it’s been a year, Anet. I don’t believe you weren’t able to fix the “clipping issues” by now.

Is any admin even listening to us?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Honesly, I feel like this tab was merely created to keep the complainers busy. I have seldomly seen anyone from Anet reply, and I don’t feel taken seriously at all! Some suggestiong are incredibly good, and it feels like Anet just doesn’t give a kitten .

At least show us that we are being listened to, and just don’t ignore the community! I know there are a lot of messages posted each day on this website, but it is still ridiculously neglected. Change your attitude, Anet!

More weapons and armor... that look good.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


NinjaEd, can it. You are only fooling yourself. Anet ought to add A LOT more armour sets, because I reckon that especially with so many good games being launched in the end of this year, GW2 will lose a significant amount of players because it became boring and provides no challenge. Give us something to try and get. Make us feel baadass while walking around with some neat armour. Especially the medium and heavy types need more variation. Please, add +- 5 more GOOD-LOOKING sets per armour type, Anet!

Music improvment

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Agreed, needs better suiting music. Skyrim’s was top-notch; look at them for inspiration.

Cape Of Awesome Sauce

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


Give us some realistic capes!

New Buff, block % chance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I’d love to see my warrior using his shield more in combat. +1

2H axes, crossbows, spears and more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376



I’ve thougth about some additions to the game lately, and I’ve decided to post them here. Feel free to comment and add.

- I was pretty excited when I saw a warrior wearing a 2h axe on this very site: . Two-handed axes are, in my opion, an absolute must to have in the games weapon arsenal. I therefore love to see them making an intro.

- Another suggestion is to add landspears. I always loved using spears in any game, so it is by far my favourite weapon. Might want to add an 1h and 2h version.

- Yet another suggestion is to add crossbows as an other ranged weapon. It is a reasonable addition.

- What I also like to see added is realistic cloth. I know capes were removed because it had clipping issues, but finally fixing it would not only add cloaks, but also realistic moving cloth on armor and buildings.

- More armor skins instead of re-using them on multiple sets. Actually having three different karma sets in the Orr area would be a great addition to the game. I peronsally love more sets in the style of the human cultural ones.

- Play more with lightning! I thought the Flame & Frost dungeon looked amazing when walking through the machine-made tunnel. I really would like the game to play more with lightning in dark areas; it makes everything way more atmospheric.

- Add the option to preview two weapons at the same time.

- Hearts (quests) should be repeatable if one chooses to.

- Add the Flame&Frost dungeon to the fractals.

Have more ideas? Post them below.

New Use for Scouts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


That would defy the concept of random events and a living world.

More armor sets and dungeons to go with it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I’m surprised this hasn’t come up as much as I thought it would, but I find that there aren’t enough things to go after for in dungeons. The sole purpose why one raids is to (beside having some fun) get some interesting gear. Well, I must say that there isn’t much to go raid for anymore.

I’d love to see A LOT more skins of armor (preferably in the style of Dark Souls) and weapons. There are people who love armor and weapons with a lot of particle effects, basically more fantasy-inspired, and there are people like me who love realistic armor; something a Medieval knight would wear.

The dungeon introduced in The Flame & Frost expansion was great, but I’d like to see many more of them with each their own armor and weapon sets. I’m sure that there are plenty of people eager to design these things.

Keep us entertained and busy,


Might be done with the game..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I crave for new armor sets! I have absolutely nothing to go after for in the game. Pvp is boring and repetetive, WvWvW is a gank-fest and the dungeons are getting absolutely wore-down.

This game lacks end-game content. I’m actually registering for the Elder Scrolls: Online beta since GW2 can’t keep me entertained anymore. I sincerely hope that Anet puts more people on creating extra content for GW2, because I’m predicting that this game will die-out otherwise.

More armour!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


The game really lacks armour sets. When I first started playing, I was a bit disappointed of the very few skins of low level armour. The amount of level 80 armour is also very meagre. The game would do so much better when I have something to go after for. I have gotten my favourite armour in-game right now (there are honestly just 2 heavy armour sets I like) and now I don’t have anything to raid for.

Add A LOT more armour skins! This problem is severely underrated, just as the lack of realistic cloth on characters (not reacting on the wind), but that’s something that is hopefully worked on (I know about the clipping issue).

Not only add fantasy armour, but also realistic ones. Some want to look like a knight in shining armour. Furthermore, please add different kinds of medium skins. The trench-coat looks good, but not when everything is the same. Add some lightly plated armour in combination with cloth.

I hope someone from AN will pick this up, because I do not think they are even taking this problem into account. Add more armour!

Everything about theif is OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.

Cloaks, polearms and new armor sets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


I’m desperate for some new armor sets; there are just too few! Also, I know that there has been some clipping issues with the cloaks, but fixing it would not only add a brand new look to your character, but would also improve the current cloth on armor sets. For example: the heavy Arah set would look great with some shredded cloth blowing in the wind, or any medium armor with a realistic looking coat. Cloth has a static feeling in my opinion, and fixing it would be such an improvement!

I’m also a huge fan of spears, but unfortunately they are only for aquatic combat. Therefore I’d suggest adding polearms as a brand new weapon type. Maybe adding 1h flails would also look great, or crossbows as a new ranged weapon.

These are just some ideas, but still the most important thing for me is adding more armor sets.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Philip.8376


The game really needs way more armor sets. There are way too few good-looking armor sets in-game; please add a lot more! Not just fantasy sets, but also some realistic ones.