(edited by Player.9621)
between the lag and the DR its totally killed it, not even interested anymore
Its been going on for a while, they know about it and they dont care.
you will run it and it will point to link.telia.net and that will somehow be your fault
same problem thats been ongoing for months and months
I’ve got exactly the same problem guys,
game freezes at random time when playin’ … it’s annoyin’,sometimes i can play for 20 minutes, sometimes for 2hours…
I tried to reinstall all drivers , game etc… nothing helped.
I got win10 , GTX 970 , i7-6600K
1; this thread is over a year old
2; its more than likely the servers, especially if youre OCE as from ember bay release many people are having issues theyre ignoring
New Zealand here
Every day around the same time its like they flick a switch and the ping goes through the roof.
It stays that way for hours and hours then it magically stops for a while.
Its only been a problem for me since ember bay was released, never before at all, ever.
I know for a fact its 100% NOT AT MY END so save your copy pasta response about it.
you just bumped a month old thread but if anyone else is having this problem the solution is to use the mouse software to map the keys to the games default numbers
logitec mice have onboard memory so you wont need to run the software to maintain your bindings
its not just him, its happening to me and quite a few other people in game as well
only started very recently and is getting worse
makes no difference to me i uninstalled and wont be back until i see evidence of a coding improvement
no you will have to wait indefinitely because anet refuse to admit this is a problem on their end
welcome to the club
you me and the 100s of others with this problem are currently being ignored by devs in the multiple threads on this topic.
the only response anywhere was a quote from a ticket saying its our pc’s at fault so its just tough luck for us because i for one know mine is not.
i have not been able to play at all since it began
we here at arenanet apologize to the community for risking your hardware with our live testing
wow is my engi really that broken?
i had no idea, he survives and kills fine,
i wonder how its supposed to work.
GW2 is not living up to its Hype
fixed that for you.
im inclined to agree with a missing desire to play, i cant put my finger on it tho.
i think its a pure lack of choice as to how i play my characters
does not help that at first it was screwing with me physically with the nauseating FoV and now with common black screen crashes preventing me from even playing when i want to
i have 50-50 and i dont bother using any of the skins and the pets are just a hassle.
gw2 skins are great and what you do in gw1 you’re not doing in gw2
youre thinking of the moas 3rd or 4th skill which is activated by the pets AI and not available until level 80
its more common than you may think
its on anets end for sure, no way its a coincidence that so many people have the same issue without involving driver update crossover
black screen victim
Possible solution to crash after hitting Start
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Player.9621
been getting that black screen lately
i will stop playing until a reliable fix is in place.
its extremely bad for your hardware
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Player.9621
getting black screen on log in, using the fov shortcut but i dont know if it related or not.
i googled it and got About 5,400,000 results (0.25 seconds) so its not uncommon but its really bad, theres no way out of it other than hard crash the pc.
honestly, this kind of crash will make me never log in again, its not work risking hardware damage playing russian roulette with launching the client, 50/50 it either works or turns my monitor off
i can guess you guys are messing with gpu clocks or trying to do something clever.
please stop
all this can be solved with a piece of sellotape and a key bind
(edited by Player.9621)
a well thought out read there
some great analogies too
i took the time to read it all and for the most part i agree but for myself its pretty much exactly what i expected and i know i got my $60 worth.
*sits back and waits for Crucia
| and everyone else: read the whole thing before you commence diatribe
(edited by Player.9621)
i agree and its plain to see the way they have it set up is a mistake
if the content creators had to fix their own bugs perhaps they will finish what they start instead of just getting it to work once and letting it go live without actually seeing what happens longterm
i guess with low intelligence you may not fully understand what i actually said
judging by what you seem to perceive as ‘fun’ i guess i shall have to use less syllables next time
the jokes funnier when you get who i was having a stab at
imo the game would have been better without the major focus on economics.
seems a priority to be involved in heavy trading and market manipulation vs pvp/pve.
creates a separate group of people who so far as i can tell can actually do better for never leaving town than some who actually play the game.
you were effectively botting
grats on not being banned
yea, what happens is some random joe bloggs like me thats farmed up 5 characters worth of stacks of mats decides to sell up and drives the price sideways
im not a fan of either tbh but if i want the monthly completion reward then i shall have to do it.
or not.
zerg mentality
there are common paths the some people will randomly group up and run continuously
nobody really leads, its just a mutual lemming farm
i bring condition remover because when i pug i expect there to be people like you
well just a heads up but doing the same small circle over and over for hours and days is not really fun, i find it mildly interesting you guys must have thought so and now seem proud of it.
leads me to believe act 4 will be very short and contained within a specific area
i agree
there is no joy in gambling, only loss
the event is fine
i think the issues are with the instagrat generation portion of the community who seem to think they’re entitled to the silver platter upon log in.
just force it
turn on everything in the game to max, turn off postprocess
set smaa luma and vibrance to 1 and everything else to 0
gives you the clamps and the vibrant tone without over cooking it
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Player.9621
one thing i have noticed is the damage number display is often hidden behind the target nameplate.
16×9 interface set to small
the art team certainly flexed their bristles on this one
good job
1st char: 2 greens 1 bag
2nd char:10 candy 2 blues
3rd char: 10 candy 1 blue 1 rng crapsack
ahh i see
thankyou for timely response
was kinda cool map but the teleport return was a bit cheesy, maybe next year have us use the crypts for a benny hill door’o’rama
is it normal that i only got one on one character out of 3?
#define USE_SPLITSCREEN 1 //[0 or 1] Splitscreen : Enables the before-and-after splitscreen comparison mode.
and you will know if its working or not, easy on/off
ultimately ive found the best set up is to max the game and barebones sweets
use the stock file, should give a nice overlay without overdoing it
a lot of modified ones are pretty raw imo.,
to get the most out of the HDR feature you will need to almost invert its base values to offset the saturation.
im happy with it as it is so i wont be delving into this any further.
user error
low level alts= Failed Design – Inconsiderate for Act 2
for me, keypad scroll lock enables it, its on by default, the difference is subtle but noticeable.
i could only guess but double check its in the right directory and youre using the exe for that directory. try it with the default settings before using another.
copy and paste the files into the directory again and make sure its overwriting the same amount of files as should be in there.
it will not work with 64bit exe
… i could guess all day but im going to grind
this is with a few tweaks and in game PP is off ( hate that )
*also with the FOV beta exe