on second read its more like mixing up former [TP] with [PZ] and china all-stars (sorry, i dont know you) for a little live show.
time will tell…
My money would be on us :p
Unfortunately half of our team wouldn’t qualify for this.
Ironically half of TP’s as well;p
Helseth quit right after the tournament
Josh you should join her in appearing in cosplay… I’m thinking….red full-body suit??
This tournament would not be happening if not for the rewards provided by A-net. They said it was a reward for the pvp players to achieve a legendary/items. They could have hosted the tournament themselves and asked someone to shout cast or just help an in game tournament with no shout casting and just round robbin the matches. They didn’t HAVE to use BLUE or Mistepedia, they chose to do so. They should take some responsibility for it, not to mention the amount of times they have said everyone can get in on it. Excluding players or including players based on someone’s opinion is a terrible way to reward the pvp players.
From what I’ve personally experienced is an officially sanctioned ArenaNet tournament.
Good luck to the teams that participate!
(edited by Powerr.3649)
Let’s see the balance team’s pie charts!!!! Grouch, you don’t count.
Had my image ready and everything.
I feel bad now…UPLOAD AWAY GROUCH!!
Where do those 32 stars come from?
Now the juicy details can come out! What else do you have for us?
A time, a date, a place, a duel!
It’s on!
Bring it Pyrial
All runes are being changed.
We are not sure how each rune set that is not perplexity will be changed.
From early indications (a few rune sets which were shown in Twitch channel) these changes make them similar in power to perplexity runes which got nerfed (thinking of the might rune set they showed)Therefore, I would just wait before over-reacting. I’m betting a bag of popcorn that perplexity runes will not be the rune set most complained about.
All runes are being changed, but I wouldn’t say they are being “re-balanced”. I just don’t want you to be under this impression. Their stats were more “adjusted for consistency”. There are still going to be 2-3 sets that’ll probably end up unanimously more powerful than most.
I think anyone that PvPs on a regular basis can second this OP.
I recommend rank gear since you can just do reward tracks for any of the dungeon gear
In my opinion the matchmaking works pretty good for what it’s worth. ANet could turn up queue times drastically to result in “more even” matches but I think most would reconcile with faster queues. Remember that the more players that play the game, the more even the matches will be.
“guys, I lost close”
rest of team
Are you guys dense? One would expect people to test something that they apparently get all worked up about.
JonathanSharp was correct but not 100% clear in what he said. All that matters really is that your rating is adjusted based on the result of the game, whether you leave early or not and on that he was very clear in his second part of the sentence.
Whether your wins and losses show up on your character is inconsequential, as people do not do this to keep a high win/loss ratio.So yeah, let me state it again:
1. You can leave a game, but your rating will still be affected
2. When people get all up in arms over something, they should learn to actually figure out if it’s broken first
This can be pretty much proven with the guy on the NA ladder who is 104-1 and only ranked 680th+
I put the link in the OP, starting now
Be sure to tune in and be sure to bring everyone you know! Let’s show our community support by being present during the cast See you in chat!
(edited by Powerr.3649)
In your opinion how much do these changes hurt the d/d ele builds that are around powerrr?
Its definitely a nerf to the main d/d build. Mobility, and sustain have been hit. 1v1 capabilities should be relatively the same but I see the larger engagements leaving you a bit less effective because of the EA nerf, however nothing too terrible.
All in all, I think its the first step toward a much needed change for Ele’s. Even though I played on a team that ran double ele double ranger I dont think it’s healthy for the game to have groups strengthen the more eles that are slotted. Hopefully these changes get less people playing them in abundance in tpvp.
i tested it with only 10 in air and 10 in water
you have 30 points in arcana i’m sure^^
Confirmed in game that Soothing Disruption and Shocking Aura have shorter durations, both to 5 seconds respectively.
You can also no longer stack vigor to 25 seconds+ through Renewing Stamina’s new 5 second internal.
Please post other changes to Elementalist that were not on the notes you find in this thread.
(edited by Powerr.3649)
If its indeed the same system as it was at launch then hitting the play now matchmakes you into a game with people close to your pvp rank. Hope that helps. They could have however ended that system long ago.
agreed. We have been dealing with the same thing Naito. We have only been really playing one team team over and over and to make matters worse we have long queues even to get into the match we know is already them. Our speculations are that we have significantly higher MMR so it has to wait to lower the bucket into their rating range before it puts us in. Needless to say, the game has become boring, win..loss..or however much drama ensues during each match. Hopefully something changes or PZ might be PZ’n OUT
First post! Reserved
Few things I want to say about this topic. This game is 5 on 5 conquest. You assault, defend, and battle over points. This leaves us about 4 or 5 particular PvP roles. Bunkers, assaulters, team-fighters, and defenders. Being that there is a “really cool skill” called portal, and just the general fact that its conquest, forces us to 4v4 and 5v5 fight, mostly 5v5 with portals defending our nodes. This forces players NO MATTER WHAT to team fight.
Rangers bring several things to team fights yet nothing that is particularly “best” of any category. They have arguably the worst cleave damage of any of the team fighters, in other words, you aren’t going to see a ranger cleave down a team in mere seconds like you will the HGH condi burst engi or a well necro. They have no access to stun breakers so in team fights they are one of the easiest focus-able targets. Lastly, they have decent/good team support depending on how you consider roots, aoe fear, and quickness rez/stomps.
Be it as you will but people are so quick to call QQ when some of these builds haven’t even been used for very long in reality. Rangers remind me a lot of the QQ about mesmers, who are now considered one of the weaker and more countered classes.
Lets go people…
let’s cut the bull…
Maybe people wouldn’t be so whiny about boon-based bunkers if ANet made boon stripping more attractive. There are plenty of boon strip builds, but you have to sacrifice EVERYTHING ELSE to build that way which most players find unacceptable.
Still, the elementalist community should not suffer degradation of play experience beacause people don’t want to be “inconvenienced” by being forced to adapt to what is going on around them.
Well stated.
lol NICE dxi! good rp right there
When are you planning on releasing the ratings publicly?
lol. I don’t think you understand whats going to be going on
I have lived amongst the tarnished coasts of the pathetic Anvil Rock far too long. The time is right to reveal myself as one of Swiftdagger’s spies, hailing to the almighty Stormbluff Isle. I have attained valuable knowledge and discovered weaknesses of Anvil Rock for our imminent attack. My false faith to Anvil Rock will last no longer…I will fight with you Swiftdagger till I meet my end.
(edited by Powerr.3649)
it has everything to do with the OP
ummm… if you’re just trying out a new char for the first time, or are just picking up an unplayed character again after leaving them on the shelf for a while, should your first thought be “Let’s see what this char does in a ranked match” ?
well, don’t be so quick to shut him out. I’ll give you a personal example.
While we have not seen the leaderboards, I can assume that my team is most likely either at the top of the list in NA or at least in some middle portion of the top players in the region as we experience 10-15 minue queues between games and only seem to face a small handful of teams. The current implemented MMR prevents us from queuing in free tournaments entirely because it pulls its players from the same buckets as paids. This makes free’s literally take 2 hours to even have the bucket drop us into the free tournament queue (waiting 2/8, etc) We can no longer try comps and strats without risking our rating because we only play this small handful of teams. Hope this makes sense.
they just need to have individual AND team ratings, as well as a separate rating system for frees.
this will allow you to play with your team on your mains, then queue with pugs earlier in the day when you want to try out different classes
8 team queues ruined NA tbh. 98% winrate teams in every tourny leaving no room for anyone else. #frontrunnersyndrome
Well, when you die jumping through the portal..it for some reason gives the enemy team 5 points. Ironically if you ever stomp a warrior mesmer or necro it doesnt.
Also players who channel on the buffs on Temple past the 60% mark have like 90% chance to not get interrupted.
Also.. Please fix the bug that kills you when you jump through the portal and insta-die.
*Necros that use death shroud before they die don’t give glory and people cant rally.
*Vengeanced warriors don’t rally people or give glory
*Mesmers of course have something broken again and don’t rally people or give glory
Arenanet please put this on your emergency hotfix, it is honestly really screwing with pvp atm.
and BAM, I come across a wild..http://i.imgur.com/6xxLKFC.jpg
i dont even…
Rangers aren’t the best 1v1 class. Their is no such thing as best 1v1 class. Every class/spec has a counter and ranger does have many counters aswell. Players say rangers are the strongest 1v1 class right now because players favor the ele/mesmer/gurd meta. And well, those classes are laughable when they 1v1 a ranger with their standard meta specs.
P.S. Ranger too stronk underwater
Yeah the class is a lot like mesmer’s, it’ll take awhile before people actually realize how to fight against them. There isn’t really a best 1v1 class. It all depends on what players against you are running compared to your spec.
this build ^^^ … it’s a beast
yes do itttttttt. Bootypop rank 1 underwater champion of the sharks demands thissssss
I’m pretty sure the sharks want nothing to do with you Vyn!
(edited by Powerr.3649)
Can we remove the paid tournaments are live and skill lock in stickies ? The stickies take up 3/4th of my page
Sometimes you just have to honor 5v5……UNDERWATER
Can you move me to multi stream or something? Maybe elementalist since its my main now
NA top teams have demoralized and killed the NA servers because people have 0% chance of earning QP…. It’s probably because it’s not competitive…..maybe Ace of Spades can give some input.
lmao Wild Bill… Ralph, please go.
it’s supposed to be bloodlust, thanks
Alright guess ill be that guy ha, first off, I am just starting to get into spvp, to start getting better with my 1v1 and 1v2 etc. I have mainly been a WvW bunker ele for a while now, but I struggle when it comes to spvp, I try running same bunker spec with dylok or water runes but just lacks the dps I feel, so ima be the guy to ask you power if you don’t mind, sharing what kind of build you run, I see you we’re running 30 in arcane for EA, but where did you put your other point, air for crit? Idk like I said I am new to the spvp thing so just trying to get off on a good foot.
This is one of the builds I use in spvp for dps. Its one of the versions of the top performing dagger spec
Hey Powerr, how’s it going.
Real quick, got a couple questions:
1) Did playing Necro help you with playin your ele at all, and if so how?
2) After playing S/D bunker, I find it quite difficult to stay alive as easily, especially without Sigil of Energy. How do you find staying alive in fights, and specifically out lasting burst?
3) How do you like Arcane spells without Elemental surge?
4) Do you ever use Armor of Earth? I know you use Lightning Flash along with mist form and arcane wave regularly, and cleansing wave occasionally, but curious to how you feel about Armor.
5) Signet or Glyph for heal?Thanks again for all the help.
Hey DXI, it’s going well thank you.
Playing necro just helped me understand how to engage them as an ele. I know with my d/d spec that I can beat power well spec necros but not tanky rabid ammy necros.
Timing your attunements is key in staying alive, you don’t want to just randomly swap around, if you are fine and the target isnt bursting you feel free to sit in air and fire, swap to earth while they are attacking you and water once their burst is slowing down and you need to heal up. Try to land as many evasive arcana dodges in water as possible.
Arcane spells are great with d/d, really great
I only use armor of earth with my s/d bunker spec. I think its basically a necessity to have.
Signet heal with just about everything since its so good w/ its passive
@zenith, Thank you man I really appreciate the support. It’s been a fun run so far!
@mjharrison, landing DT’s is the hardest thing to do in the game. The only way to ensure that you land it is to either use it after an updraft (which will guarantee it lands, unless stun-broke) or to toss out a DT and kite them through it while you are swapping to try to land an earth knockdown. Many times players will try to dodge last second and they will have their eyes on the DT and not be looking for your earth knockdown. For me it also REALLY helps that I have 2 rangers and another ele. I have access to 2 entangles and another updraft and earthquake as well as my offensive guardians greatsword pull. We synergize our cc as much as possible, Zenith makes a great point about teamwork with s/d. Thanks for the great question!
@grimmson, great question! I was actually just dueling one yesterday. The most important thing is to use your daze’s while the enemy elementalist is in water, you want to keep them waiting for their heal cd’s or swapping out of water without using them (ideal). Try to stack your confusion AFTEER they go to water to heal, i know its difficult to time. Ele’s weakness is confusion, we get destroyed by it, so just try to get as much of it out as possible while we are bursting etc. A team named Jesus Beat Us Once is now using a confusion mesmer back point and its a GREAT counter to our offensive guardian far point assault. Confusion mesmer actually also will beat ele’s once you get it down. D/d Eles at least, probably not s/d bunkers. The most important thing is the timing of your stuns, etc, and avoiding burst combos. Use distortion when you are about to get hit with a burning speed then prepare to dodge roll immediately after because a flame grab is most likely coming.
@sheepie, Mesmers are a tough fight for d/d because out burst is so predictable. What you need to do it play it out of the ordinary. Be tricky with your timings. I like to use burning speed then fire 4 and 2 before i flame grab because mesmers love their distortion. I will also use different attunement swaps to ensure they are off kilter. One of the most important things to do is to make sure the mesmer is CHILLED when they are in-between shatter cooldowns. This is your time to train them. Remember that offensive output comes from mesmers every 10 seconds. When you see a staff be swapped to sword pistol..prepare to roll and play defensive.. get some distance and watch for the clones to start running at you, its easy to dodge then.
For those looking for competitive PvP specs and guides on how to play them, please visit http://teampz.com
I highly encourage you all to start posting your builds and write up some guides so the site can be the go-to for guild wars2 meta game strats and specs!
The site features most of the current top performing specs. Guides are still being worked on.
No offense but that is what people use the official forums for.
No disrespect but no top players post their builds on the public forums nor hardly even post here.
Thought I would share some gameplay from my PoV and provide some insight on my play to whomever asks.
For those that don’t know me…I’m one of the contacts on the list of players answering questions from the spvp boards, I’m part of Team PZ, one of the top NA teams, and I’m #2 on the Ladder.
My gameplay can be found in my signature. I’m working on becoming more active making YouTube videos, and I just figured I would try and give back to the community as much as I can since the game could use some help.
For those looking for competitive PvP specs and guides on how to play them, please visit http://teampz.com
I highly encourage you all to start posting your builds and write up some guides so the site can be the go-to for guild wars2 meta game strats and specs!
The site features most of the current top performing specs. Guides are still being worked on.