Showing Posts For Punkins.2087:

Which do you prefer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


apples to oranges.

rifle is a control tool. pistols are for HURT.

assuming, of course, that an engy in pvp is near useless without significant condition output..

i used p/p for months. recently ive been successful with rifle, but with kits to provide the damage.

Downed Skill 2 - worst skill ingame?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Engy down state only sucks (relatively) in 1 on 1.

There is more to life in gw2 than hot-join, dueling servers and WvWW.. thank god anet knows this when they balance things.

Skill #2 is pretty good at helping control fights and prolong things when downed. But, as usual on this forum, I doubt anyone is thinking in a ‘WE’ context..

Question about Tool Kit:

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


condition damage and prybar. and more prybar. use #5 to set it up.

Elixir R

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I like it better now. For me it was all about the ‘Eps’, which is now significantly improved.

Criticism on the recent Warrior changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Is this a thread about:

“Warrior can now remove conditions more effectively!”

and at the same time:

“omg i now have an incoming condition that requires attentive removal!!”


Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


People tend to discount the rifle in condition builds, and I’m not sure why.

Similar to the FT, I suppose, people only look at raw damage potential and ignore the amount of control the rifle offers.

I’ve been running Rifle / FT / Bombs / toolkit for a while now with rabid and might stacking gear.. works very well. Most damage ckmes from the kits and the rifle is more a defensive tool (although obviously blunderbuss does crazy bleed damage.)

Modified Ammunition

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


…You few advocating it with condition stacking… even ignoring the fact that it doesn’t boost condition damage, you do realize you would have to CONSTANTLY juggle FIVE conditions at once just to break even with a trait like Rifle Mod?

If you’re playing an engineer and dont have at LEAST 5 conditions up incidentally at all times either your build sucks or you should be playing a warrior or mesmer.. no offense.

Post Patch Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Dosn’t matter for me. I’ve been transitioning into Rift and this patch, specifically the elixer R nerf and the lack of significant nerfs to war, are the final straw.

If i want ANet’s opinion i’ll ask the gem buyers.

Is that a typo, or are you implying that warrior needs to be nerfed??

As an engineer warrior should be free kills.

Have a snack, little troll..

Packaged Stimulants

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Anyone test if the effectiveness bonus does anything to medkit #4 + 5?

6/25 Patch notes~

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I’m thinking I need to come up with a fun hotjoin build using bomb kit + rocket boots for stealth launch every 20s.

kitten , there’s some negative nancy’s up in here after reading the thread.

This was a kittening AMAZING Engineer patch. So focused on the few bad that you can’t see just how kitten good we got it this patch. SO many builds just opened up, some kitten strong ones. Offensive and defensive new builds. Its great!

Well.. you gotta bear in mind that most players confuse personal failures at playing effectively with design problems..

PVP is too unresponsive

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Interestingly, I find GW2 combat to be tighter than other mmos. And I played em all..

Did you take a look at your net stats?

Why am I easily killed by thief in WVW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


break stun, blind, move them, apply confusion, watch them die.

just takes practice.. if you’re dying badly you are just not reacting fast enough.. once i got to know my engy thief literally became lowest threat of all classes 1v1.

June 25th patch: new hope?

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


lol.. if it were anywhere close to hopeless you kiddies wouldnt be here on the forum whining incessantly, now would you…

PLEASE fix the grenade kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Something tells me ANET did not want people misusing this beautiful class by parking in one kit spamming auto-attack.

For the love of god, use your cooldowns. If you are, and still have that much time to spam ‘1’, you don’t need mechanic changes.. you need a more interesting build..

Reinforced Sheilds Trait...

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


erm.. if i understand you, the buff applies when you have it equipped (are using it.)… consistent with all similar effects game-wide afaik.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


lol after 10months u still have some faith left

good post tought

One day i’ll manage to understand the reason you come to these forums every day to bash the game and say how dead it is.

Gotta do SOMETHING interesting while being bored to tears playing whatever awesome OMGSOOOOMUCHBETTERTHANGW2 game he’s into…

Why Solo Queue is a Bad Idea

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


People who cant take losing, and would rather sit on the bench than fight against the odds have no place in the world of PvP, in my opinion.

Why Solo Queue is a Bad Idea

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Be a big mistake, IMO.

The most profitable sector (me) is the guy who works a lot, has kids, etc.. also the guy who has very little playtime, and wouldnt bother logging in to spend his hour a day of free time staring at a queue, waiting for the perfect matchup.

Balancing downed state

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087



thread #1: “OMG there is no teamplay!”

thread #2: “OMG why do classes have different downed state!??!”

My class xxx has good 1v1 downed state options.

My class yyy has good teamfight downed state options.

The collective mind of the GW2 playerbase is a mess..

The staying power of GW2's PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


With the whole camera discussion I want to make a point.

When designing a game with intents to be competitive, you need to keep in mind a very important duality: Complexity versus Skill Cap.

Complexity is a bad thing, it essentially raises the learning curve and makes games less appealing to watch. Skill Cap is a good thing, it keeps people constantly motivated to achieve so that they can become better at the game. If the game has a low skill cap people will master it and become bored.

The camera mechanic is a high complexity addition with a minimal skill cap addition. That is to say, it is something that weighs heavily on new comers, makes it obnoxious to watch, and most importantly doesn’t add much of any skill cap to the game beyond its initial complexity.

I must also note, however, that Anet has taken to a very particular audience (or tried to.) The original unique audience that GW1 had was essentially forgotten and no game has yet come to save that audience from complete boredom. The audience that Anet went for was the audience that almost every other game has already appealed to, and more importantly they only partially committed to those audiences. If I were an FPS player, I would be interested in the mechanics because they feel somewhat at home, however, if I actually wanted to do an FPS, I’d go play an FPS. It’s not quite the MMO audience, not quite the DoTA audience… If I were interested in any of these games, I would be more interested in playing a game for developers who have committed themselves to me. The audience Anet went after is more of a multi-curious not committed audience, people who haven’t commited to any genre but rather enjoy playing a mix of everything. Which is okay, don’t get me wrong, but no offense to any of you in that audience, it isn’t a very “hardcore” audience.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Anet tried to be unique by attracting every audience under the sun and instead they ended up with a game that feels familiar to everyone while abandoning the most unique game concept I’ve found, GW1.

Thank god.

‘Hardcore’ should be reserved for the important things in life, like family and work, etc..

This game is a good middle ground between the boredom that is FPS and the tedium that is keeping up with ‘the meta’ and practicing the standard ‘anti-meta’ scripts while being handicapped by the software..

The staying power of GW2's PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Rewards are destructive to good, competitive pvp.

You either have the competitive drive it takes to elevate quality of play, or you dont.

Working as intended, imo.

I'm an Engineer because...

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087



There are a seemingly endless number of synergies. Most of which are FUN to execute.

9 months in and I still dont have a prefferred build. I do, however, have at least 10 that I enjoy and can win a tourney with.

The staying power of GW2's PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Its a subjective thing, really. I always wanted so badly for GW1 pvp to draw me in, but always found it too slow to be engaging and always lost interest after a few weeks.

Having tried/played basically all mmos for pvp in the past 15 years, only in pirates of the burning sea and darkfall did i ever have a visceral AND he-who-reacts-best-wins feel.

All else has been memorizing ‘meta’ and identifying the proper script to execute faster than your opponent.. not very compelling, for me.

Then came GW2. I guarantee I will be playing it still when they pull the plug.

I do worry about how many people share the OPs sentiments.. I’d hate to run out of people to asplode

Good race and class for pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


race matters not at all in pvp.

classes are fairly well balanced, with warrior, necro and engy the least forgiving. meaning, pick one you like and practice.

Mist League vs Arenanet Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


whats the point of this thread? you know, besides cheap mocking on anet

To make the point that the average hard working person doesnt have time to practice pvp as much as the avg college kid living off his parents playing 6 hours a day, I presume.

Crash Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Guys seems to have solved the problem by renaming the folder “Guildwars 2” put in documents, making it well create a new one. At the moment I have not crashed more.

confirmed fix. ty.

WTF with armor and classes jesus...come on

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Pro tip: if you want to get anywhere using internet forums, L2GRAMMAR.

Can't choose about condition or power build.

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


yeah, i was asking for a wvw build. There are too many condition remover in this game so i think a condition build isn’t so good, expecially against some classes ( Bunker DD ele for ex) that have a lot of cond remover by themeselves. Is this wrong?
THe fact is that every classes and every spec need us to use a different build. We are’nt like mesmer who can use one solo build and one zerg build and they are close to divinity in each case

We can reapply conditions faster than anyone can cleanse.. always go for recharge improvement traits.

When does trash talk become "verbal abuse"?

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Ahhhhh the internet, where everyone’s a tough guy.

I learned long ago, in a game far, far away, one lesson:

turn chat off.

4-Cores & 4.2Ghz or 8-Cores & 3.5Ghz?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I jumped ship from AMD late last year. Went from a monstrously overclocked AMD to an i5 3570K.

The difference is night and day.

4-Cores & 4.2Ghz or 8-Cores & 3.5Ghz?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Punkins.2087


while I truly appreciate being surrounded by all computer science majors with master’s degrees that advise the best way to fix gw2 is to get a $10,000.00 computer – I admit to looking at benchmarks and facts.

What the educated know and are trying to tell you (apparently in vain) is that GW2 is a whole different beast than a typical processing scenario. What you want here is best possible single core performance.

Online games rarely benefit from multi-core architectures much because they are not designed to.. properly multithreaded games would be prohibitively expensive.

(edited by Punkins.2087)

Crash Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Crashed 5 times since my last post.

Crash Gw2.exe

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Same here. Crashed 2 times between launch and yesterday, 10 times since.


Healing Turret: Most buggy skill?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Moral of the story: WvW sucks.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Flamethrower. Case closed

Is dodge rolling too accessible?

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087



instead of complaining, slot a counter. And then, of course, come back and create a thread complaining about the new hole you opened up in your build.

Is dodge rolling too accessible?

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I’m sure its been said, but how is not putting in the effort to head off a dodge and land your nukes any more skillful than spamming dodge?

On a related note, I came up with an engy build last night that gives me near infinite dodge uptime :P

Ragequitting in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


They should just allow everyone to drop without penalty if the game becomes imbalanced..

HGH Engineer...

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


If anything anet should find a way to make vitality a more appealing stat imo. Everyone goes toughness to avoid getting vaporized by thieves/mesmers/warriors and end up sitting ducks for condition damage.

Not to mention, how many people forgoe building in significant cleansing power in the name of ‘flashier’ skills?

HGH Engineer...

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I literally cannot settle on a build.. been trying for 9 months.

Thing is, it is due to the class having sooo many effective options, and more importantly FUN builds to play.

I dont build differently once a week because I’m bored, as I did on ele and mes.. i do so because the class is rediculously fun and flexible..

I agree that engy is in a better spot than any other class.

The real problem that the average player will never see is that it has a much higher skill floor.

Easy fix to thief spam

in Suggestions

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Thieves are easy kills as long as you survive the initial pop.. whats the issue? If you want more depth, seek it in other classes.

Simplistic classes are needed imo because they lower the barrier to entry.

IMHO the problem is that it just isn't fun

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Why don’t they just look at what they have done in GW1 and how it was that fun to play and bring that in GW2?

GW1 was a niche game.. one can only assume that anet and publisher want to enter the mainstream..

IMHO the problem is that it just isn't fun

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I’m having fun.

‘Argument’ is flawed. ‘Fun’ is subjective..

Doac, wow, darkfall, potbs, eve, wot… all grindfests.

GW2 is a design i’ve been waiting for for 10+ years.. PEWPEW minus the mindnumbing grind prerequisite.

(edited by Punkins.2087)

Can we have enemy cast bars please?

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I personally don’t want them,

Might as well allow macros and add-ons if that’s the case. Heck, even allow spell alert with the audio that tells you what everyone is casting. If you’re going to allow cast bars, then for the visually impaired, the audio version should also be allowed.

If that’s the case, might as well just go play WoW. I like the clean simple, you actually have to use your brain version of Gw2.


I do feel for people that cant afford a performant rig.

Gaming has become far too dumbed down as it is.

There will be trait changes, apparently.

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Don’t misunderstand I love that they are making some changes and fixing some bugs but this disturbs me and here’s why.

“Mod jon_peters: 1) we dont rush because testing is hard
Mod jon_peters: 2) we dont rush because balance should be slow moving”

1) Well if we had a PTR to report bugs with the testing would go way faster and would solve the time crunch and would make it so that bugs we listed here on the forums at launch wouldn’t still be here on the anniversary, the bugs do extend well beyond the trait lines.

2) It should be slow, but one thing should never be slow, bug fixing, not reworks, bugs should be down to a minimal amount by the time the anniversary hits in any game most notably in a title that’s supposedly making huge wads of dough all the time. PTR’s might be messy when it comes to showing people new content too early, however, the are the single best testing system out there, that’s why almost every mmo out there uses this form of testing because the players see things that the Devs often ignore.

Finding bugs is not hard.. balance testing is hard. God help us if the playerbase is involved in validating balance changes..

I’d bet you my house and first born child that they are aware of every single item youre thinking of and many more. Take whatever complexity you have in mind regarding managing significant software development and raise it 2 orders of magnitude..

TLDR: Your oversimplification cannot be understated enough.


in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Personally, I see the older, slower paced style of most pvp games as boring now. Really, all it was was remembering and executing scripts.. nothing perceptive or reactive about it.

Studying ‘the current meta’ and identifying which of 10 cookie cutter setups you are facing because the pool of possible skills is overwhelming is not dynamic play, its script memorization and execution.. nothing more.

Seeing what is happening and reacting to it in a twitchy fashion is much more engaging, IMO.

But hey, thats just me.. to each his own.


in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


IMO its there.. just most people cant process fast enough due to pace.


in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


I don’t have any friends that play this game in hopes of it being at a LAN event. The term esports it tossed around and it’s pretty much a joke term now. LoL is the only game being played on LAN around the world for prizes that pay you for the time needed to win at that level. Everything else is mlg / gb esport online heros. This game is for fun go play league if you want to see a LAN event game.

is that why people want esport so bad?? so they can justify and support playing a video game full time??

god help the race..

Best active class for soloq

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Dont feed the troll

seemed a ligit OP to me..

What can I get for playing sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


PvP progression should never, ever be about stuffz. Ever.

For that, go fight the scripted pixels.