Showing Posts For Random Weirdness.6750:

Can I Still Get Royal Guard Outfit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

if you still have the serial code, contact support and see if they can help you gain the information back to your older account.
i don’t believe they’ll give you the outfit to your newer account, though.

Issues Loading Map on WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I’m having the same issues. Did an in game report too, but this is super annoying :|

No Loyalty Bonus

in WvW

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

We need to update the loyalty pip description.

You need to earn at least 75 pips for 3 weeks in a row to earn the loyalty bonus. We wanted players to have to participate in skirmishes to be considered loyal.

Hello, I’m not quite clear on this.

So you need to get
75+ pips on week 1
75+ pips on week 2
75+ pips on week 3

And then so long as you remain on the server, you will get the loyalty bonus?
Or will the streak reset if you miss a week, and you need to do all 3 again?

Needing to earn 100+ pips weeks 1, 2 and 3 is correct. If you miss a week you will need to do all 3 again.

*Edit: It should be 100 pips not 75. So you need to complete all of Wood Tier for 3 weeks.

OK there’s a little confusion on this.
So lets say, for clarity sake, that you go the three weeks, earn the Wood Chest rewards, get the loyalty pip. Will the loyalty pip stay for good unless you transfer to another server, or do you have to continue earning that chest week after week, and if you miss a week of play, then it resets and you have to do the 3 weeks all over again?

Changes needed about Mesmer portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Ahh.. I remember the good ol’ days where OJs would pop up when 5 players attacked something and mesmer portals could port unlimited times. Then they switched it to 25 players and everyone collectively freaked out (for the OJs, don’t remember the reaction to mesmer portals).

I’ve seen outnumbered teams completely wipe a mesmer port group, you just have to pay attention to your surroundings and call it out as soon as you see it appear.

Unable to log in

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

its back up, for me and a few others anyway

Unable to log in

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

[–]ANetCSLead6 minutes ago

Hi guys!
I just got a call from the team in support about this. I’ve checked in with dev and this is being looked into. Hang tight; we’ll feed the hamsters asap!

via reddit

Unable to log in

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I hope we don’t get any rollback. I literally JUST got the diving goggle achievement in the not so secret jumping puzzle >.<

Achievement Ley Line Gliding in DS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I had issues when trying to do that achievement as well. It was my understanding that we had to get the POI to complete the achievement, instead of just randomly gliding along ones in DS. Very poorly worded, I had to also look it up instead of being able to follow what the achievement guidelines said to do.

Que system for server transfering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

The server population lock is to prevent servers from being overstacked for WvW, leading to massive queues and whatnot. If you really want your friend to be on the same server as you for WvW, right now the best course of action is to have him to go the server that is ‘linked’ with your world, although this is just a short-term thing, since the linkings will more than likely change.
A queue system works… if it was designed for the entire game, not just for WvW. The way GW2 works is not designed in a way that a queue system would work for the entire population. We already get queues if the borderlands in wvw are full, no need to have one just to log into the game

Sorry if my thoughts seem scattered, but hopefully you got the jist of what I was trying to say

GW1 lost favorites, bring back the nostalgia

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I’m hoping that they will eventually bring back the Ritualist ancient armor (perhaps a halloween skin- obtained through the game and not just the gem store?)

Bomb kit bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

It’s already been a week and its still bugged, any news on this?

Yes this post is a week old but I have yet to see any news on this (although if I am wrong, feel free to point out what they’ve said)

5k AP requirement for level 32 fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

^ Assuming you get 2 others in the party to do the same

It’s a moot point discussing this any further anyway, y’all are just pretty much saying the same stuff over and over. Was already explained why the LFG was put up that way, yadda yadda, nothing is going to change because people don’t like it. Unless anet specifically forbids having requirements in LFG, stuff like this will always be made.
Don’t like it, plenty of other groups to join, especially if said group is right after reset because most people are looking to complete them anyway.

Just wasted an hour of my time in DS.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

the timer will pop if too few players are on it. it doesnt get rid of the timer once enough people populate it again, and will continue clocking down even if the map becomes full. thats the problem with the system atm.

Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I used to hate TD, would avoid it whenever possible. But I started running around, completing the meta events and opening up the supply caches, and I ended up learning most of the map. Now its easily my favorite map, because I know it so well. Time and experience makes a lot of the new maps easy to get used to.
It also helps if you have some of the masteries unlocked like the nuhoch wallows

Dear Anet: a word of thanks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Congrats you guys!!

I met my boyfriend on GW1. Just happened to get the same armor he always wears, and struck up a conversation with him. Didn’t meet in person until almost a full year later. We’ve been together 8 years now!

Can F2P Accounts Buy Gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

it’s all up to the person in question. I personally have many, many characters will full bag slots and 20-slot bags because I’m a hoarder, but many of my friends have just the basic amount. Also if you get the 20-slot bags, that still equals 100 inventory slots.

Also with the bank slots, I think that the amount that you get with the account bump is worth it, but some of the things I already had so I didn’t go for it (because I didn’t need or want it).

Now I’m going to give a suggestion to your friend. I know he does not want to delve into HoT yet. But with F2P there is so many restrictions that he is missing out on certain things. Like collecting daily login rewards that can help his magic find/leveling/crafting materials, and laurels for if he decides to get ascended gear down the road. There is actually nothing in the game that could get him into HoT before he wants to, because you have to do a separate story to get into even the starting HoT zone.

New Skins in Black Lion Chests?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I believe that they prematurely put that up in the BLTC, because I’ve been hearing that the skins will be released tomorrow (I can’t confirm that one to be true though).

However, there are no specific skin tickets. The tickets in the black lion chests are all generic, and will get you any skin as long as you have the appropriate amount of tickets for them. So yes your tickets will be able to get them, assuming you have 1 ticket or 10 scraps, or however many they determine a skin should be (like how some are now 3-5 tickets each).

Check my account isn't causing bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

SoS became full because of its high OCX population and more guilds/players transferring. There is also a formula Anet uses to determine what makes a WvW server “full” or not. Has nothing to do with your own personal account (except that you add another body onto the total wvw count)

And just because you cannot see all of the players does not mean that there isn’t enough for a queue, even if it’s just a small one. Happens all the time :P

Can't continue on to story level 14.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I did all my story on day one until I got to level 14 and I needed to complete a mastery of itzel poison lore to get it. Now I look in game updates notes and it says: “Itzel Poison Lore is no longer a Mastery requirement for story.” I get all excited… log in and mine is still there. I quit the chapter, and did everything that I could think of to fix it. Now I am dissapointed that I can’t continue on anymore, unless of course I get this mastery, which I didn’t want to level up right now in the first place.

Why was EotM offline last night?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

EotM is part of WvW, and WvW was shut down thursday morning until the patch. that’s why you could not access it. Otherwise you’ll be able to access it normally.

Switching Server Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

1 — As far as I know, it does. There is likely a wiki article to confirm it.

2 — Correct. The only things lost are items on the deleted alts. He should strip every alt of everything, even their inventory bags, put shareable items in the account bank, sell/salvage all the soulbound stuff, deposit the mats, and end up with naked alts before deletion. Or else he’ll be going “darn it! I forgot X item was on that alt!”

I’ll pass this on! Thanks a bunch!

One more thing you need a shared guild bank for him to store his gold or it will be lost when he delete all his chars I think

Actually you’ll still retain your gold, as its account wide now. I’ve done it on an alt before (I only had maybe 20 silver anyway) and still had it once I remade a character. Dunno anything about switching from EU to NA though

Where did you get your PreCurser?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

First one I got from a loot bag from a player in WvW, although it was Rage, so it was only worth 40g back then.
Last week I came home from work and was bored, so I bought 60g worth of exotic maces and forged those… 3rd try got The Energizer. Now I’m working on getting the moot

Prettiest Human Female Pic

in Community Creations

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

So I had to post my female asura, cause I couldn’t resist (although I have to still get the dyes and whatnot, but that’ll be her overall look)

But I’m proud of how I got my human to look. Still kind of babydoll looking, but I tried to get a normal looking face and hair.

editing to show a better face picture that doesn’t have too much horrific graphicness.


(edited by Random Weirdness.6750)

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

2 hours (with a bit of afking as well), did SW breach/Vinewrath a whopping 3 times and got it. Was very much so surprised, and I think everyone in my instance hated me. And this was maybe 4-6 hours after the patch hit

4 Hours later... any portals?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

i got lucky, after 3 hours of farming in SW I got a portal from the reward for defeating the vinewrath (happened at 3pm EST). Could not believe my luck, since normally I don’t see much of anything when I try to get something.

Foxfire Cluster?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

it’s a crafting material for some new ley line stuff. Saw some people discussing the items in LA

No team personal story completion?

in Living World

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I did the mission with a friend and I got credit. It gave me an option at the end to take credit, saying I participated enough in the story.

Is Orr the next "update victim"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Them nerfing farms isn’t new to Anet. They always did that in GW1. If something was thought to be hurting the economy somehow, they figured a way to remove said farm.

Ascended weapon/armor chest frequency?

in WvW

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I am at rank 295. I’ve gotten 2 ascended rings and 1 weapon chest (zojja’s). all were gotten from the rank up chests

A Gift for the Scarlet Haters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I absolutely love how they made her look that crazy even in death. That whole animation scene was just fantastic.

Fix Kudzu before adding new Legendaries.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

(and also add longbows to weapons that guardian can use so i can grind to get this)

And in their defense, they’ve been talking about new weapons for a while… but hopefully someone will see this and fix it, because that would annoy me so badly if I had to deal with that :p

HoM page disabled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I googled HoM to see if it worked, and it works fine for me

try using this link:

Supply Drop Screenshots [SPOILERS]

in WvW

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Woo I see myself wayyy in the distance

We had a nice party, queued up the BL just to see the supply drop. It was great

Commander Kid Inkk Nowadays

in Community Creations

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I’m scared now ;_;

(edited by Random Weirdness.6750)

More Customisation in character building!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Ahh. Well, in the first GW, we had choices based on the expansion. And then we only had, maybe 6 faces and hair styles to choose from (just depended on profession). no way to actually change the shape or eyes or anything.
later on in the game they added the customization kit thing, where you could choose all the faces and hair styles from all 3 expansions, which was pretty sweet. but nothing like what we have here

I would always like to see more choices too They always find a way to keep me changing my look, however!

More Customisation in character building!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Comparing this to the character creation on the original GW, I am completely satisfied with character customization on this game.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

My lovely Guardian Máeva

Head: Mask of the Wanderer
Shoulders: Banded Pauldrons
Chest: Phalanx
Gloves: Phalanx
Legs: Koss’ Legplates (the named heavy legs; koss just happened to be the cheapest)
Feet: Phalanx


Where can I report plagiarism?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

So about the legendary rework... [SPOILERS]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Legendary Weapon Updates

Legendary weapons are getting a stat boost and an Offensive Infusion slot to align with the new Ascended weapons! Legendaries are also receiving additional functionality: When out of combat, Legendary weapon bearers will be able to choose between different stat combinations for your weapon. And to top it all off, many Legendaries are getting some aesthetic upgrades!

Get your own Sacrx

in WvW

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

is this really what this guy says while commanding O.O? as soon as i pressed the first one my brain exploded from the screaming

Fast gold maker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

You could farm orichalcum nodes and omnomberries in Orr. is a good site that has players map out where the node locations are (you’d have to search for a good one on your server, though, since some are very unreliable)
I did this with 4 level 80s, and ran around Malchor’s Leap and Cursed Shore, and in about an hour and a half I would have around 4-5g.

What is your /age?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

2,193 hours over 8 months


Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I’m averaging about 1 ticket per 1k coffers
I went on a massive (regular) dragon coffer buying spree a couple days ago…. ended up getting 10 of those risen knights, candy, and fireworks out of 700 coffers. i kept selling the extras and buying more. Ended up having only enough silver for 50 more, and ended up getting another ticket!

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

But we <3 you SoS

Anyone got Precursor with Southsun buff?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I know 2 people that got the Chaos gun

i personally didnt’ though

So about that ticket....2100 later..

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

took me over 700 coffers for my first ticket. I was so happy xD

S.O.S. let us be blue!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I wanted to be red this time around We can swap colors! lol

Malum Factum-Recruiting Cross Server-PvE/sPvP

in Guilds

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

In 38 hours we will have Guild Challenges unlocked!!!! I believe on Saturday we will be testing out our first guild challenge run, so come and join us for some epic fun! Mumble is always a blast during these things

(edited by Random Weirdness.6750)

Malum Factum-Recruiting Cross Server-PvE/sPvP

in Guilds

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Tonight is spvp night for the guild! Even though I personally do not spvp, but I know a bunch the other guys would love to group up and having some fun competitions. And tomorrow night is our guild mission night! Those are always a lot of fun, even though I end up getting frustrated during the rushes if I keep dying. But they’re still fun!

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

Looking forward to this battle I’m sure many times I’ll be cussing at my computer screen, but it’ll be all in good fun xD