Whoever wrote that scene in, might get in trouble now.
“You’ve made players think they’re going to get Greatswords on the Necromancer!”
“WHAT!? HOW?…. oh god…. what have I done….”
“You’re fired.”
“But but but, Trahearne has one!”
I think that might be a client-side thing, the bottom floor of the grove has always been more like the right one there (It may have happened for you when they altered the graphics engine a little a few patches ago). As for flickering I’m not 100% sure I haven’t gone there yet this patch.
Lore appropriate response;
A few friends and I would buy this instantly. We play male characters so we can’t actually get access to such spooky goodness.
Perhaps if you just ‘pop’ it off and sell it as an additional helm skin you can make some extra money and make some extra players happy at the same time?
Steal all the loot
In my opinion, the option to repeat is not for you to do it straight away for achievements.
It’s so a few months or a year down the track when you get bored and want to relive some old story content, there it is for you. Oh look you can get some achieves at the same time? why not.
Some woman are into that.
But in all seriousness, it’s just a design sacrifice they made, not many MMO’s put much effort into dealing with hair and helmets. But I do think they should have at least done a base texture for hair.
It’s the same for all genders and races. I think someone at ArenaNet might have pitched a new customization option where you could further customize within each face,
e.g; scars and minor variations. And it was probably shelved- but rather than scrap the already created textures, they decided to throw them for players to use instead.
“Ranger state…we still suck?”
Should be
“Ranger state… Am I playing one properly?”
Sometimes, that is the real question to ask.
Is this thread in reply to something? It makes no sense at all to me.
I think the OP deleted his own topic and comments
Ranger Staff
Skill 1: Journey – you are forced to walk everywhere and with epic music playing and lots of flyovers (Each cooldown is slightly longer than the other)
Skill 2: Rattle the stick – You rattle the stick then put some fruit juice on Simba’s head (You may only use this skill once)
Skill 3: Do not tempt me – Your shadow grows large and everyone can hear you (? cd)
Skill 4: Knock on the door – You can knock on things and they open (24 hour cd)
Skill 5: Poke – Anything you poke dies (10 week cd)
I just created a Charr ranger to test out some racial abilities and got distracted with a little bit of Fashion Wars 2. This is what I came up with:
I think it looks pretty cool.
You Sir, look epic.
Just in case some of you hadn’t read it
Taken from Wiki; http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_season_2
Outside of Lion’s Arch, the rest of the world continues apace. A group of black-market traders in the Brisban Wildlands have been disrupting the economy of Divinity’s Reach, and the Seraph are preparing to investigate. Meanwhile, sylvari are beginning to experience prejudice at the hands of Lion’s Arch survivors, who blame the sylvari for Scarlet. And at Fort Trinity, in Orr, Laranthir of the Wild, having heard tell of a connection between Scarlet and the dragons, has petitioned Marshal Trahearne of the Pact to send an airship to Lion’s Arch to investigate.
It becomes personal preference at that point.
You just need to ask yourself this;
Do I want to have to be above 90% health to be at my full potential, or do I want more breathing room and a higher chance of on-crit procs?
Tested DPS with 0BM at stationary target.
From highest DPS to lowest:
BearCanine*: Hyena DPS is different and I haven’t tested it
Devourer*: DPS may drop if its within melee range of the target.
Drake moves up in a multiple target situation though right?
These are 3 things I’ve found weird
- There’s no signet with an offensive passive. (Also every other class has at least 5 signets with at least one offensive passive. We only have 4 signets.)
- The bow does not live up to its name.
- Pet variation usefulness, at the end of the day we only toss between a few species.
I think a lot of us (that do notice it), mostly find it weird because of the fact that it’s called ‘Juvenile’ – I understand it should be called that before we tame it, but why after we’ve had it and kept it for so long is it still Juvenile?
Maybe they planned to have some progression that never made it in. Either way;
Simple fix, at least in my opinion, would be if it just took on it’s base name.
- Juvenile Wolf -> Wolf (new default name)
- Juvenile River Drake -> River Drake
Seems much nicer for our long time pets to at least be seen as something more than a young untrained version of itself.
And just before anyone says “It only takes a few seconds to change the name.”; It takes a similar amount of time to change the default name for tamed pets.
Rangers are there for players to choose in character creation if they like the idea of being a Ranger within the game setting.
Just because you haven’t seen it with your own eyes doesn’t mean it does not exist.
This may help
If someone can like something, someone can also dislike something. We are all unique. Therefore the Sylvari will never be loved by everyone, nor will any one particular thing in existence.
It would have been someone with a skill like Whirling Wrath, when they use it and you’re within your Sword dodge, it comes up as Dodgedodgeodgedodge. To the untrained eye, it ‘looks’ like you’re dodging non-stop.
Also thanks for posting, this made me laugh. Nice dodging in your video too, I can’t seem to get my Sword leaps to flow so smoothly lol. (also gave your vid a like)
Could be a bug with Read the Wind. It’s definitely worth reporting either way!
(edited by Reganov.3569)
Legendaries are not supposed to be mandatory to have the best stat. They are purely QOL & visual.
This would make someone with a Legendary stronger than someone is Ascended. Go home.
I don’t know if ‘Go Home’ is necessary, I am a big fan of a game and as stated; it was just a thought, no need to get all aggravated.
And also my thought’s were and could be purely & visual. The sigil effect would do the same thing as Sigil of Fire except with a different visual effect (a meteor instead of a blast). The only one that would give an advantage is the elite skill cooldown and as mentioned; it was just an idea example not a request.
You could also say someone with a Legendary is stronger than someone with an Ascended because Legendary can swap stats out of combat. They have the advantage of versatility :P
(edited by Reganov.3569)
Rangers are a bit of a sore subject for a lot of players. To this day it still doesn’t quite live up to the description, heck there’s even MULTIPLE screenshots of an ability on the Ranger class page that the Ranger doesn’t even have;
Check out those top two screenshots of Spreadshot, we literally don’t have that skill lol.
In answer to the Barrage question; If you can get someone to stay in Barrage, it will do quite a lot of damage. It’s basically what you use first in some situations.
It’s not as much damage as that crazy Conjure Ice Bow but it’s pretty good.
In terms of helping you get the full potential out of your bow it would really depend on what you want to do with it – For most cases Signet build is your best bet when you want big numbers. They are all temporary of course but you do get to feel some Sniper feels.
He is not even talking about borders and portals and seamless maps. He is just requesting that the new zones aren’t shaped like a four sided object. Instead perhaps adding some valleys and noodling a the map a little more. Maybe use the cut off space for jumping puzzles or caves.
Some of the Asura city area’s are good examples of alternative map design (alternative to the mountain boxes). They definitely can do it. There’s area’s where you can fall to your death as borders, some big drops that lead onto another part of the map, it’s quite nice.
So for bordering I guess we just have Mountain Walls, Water Walls, Falling to Death and maybe Castle Walls, Nature Walls (dense bush, giant fallen tree). Oh and the good old Broken Bridge across the river or canyon.
(edited by Reganov.3569)
It makes sense in a way. Sylvari are created (with the help of the Pale Tree) from the dead. So for the first Firstborn (Trahearne) to have a deep set connection with the dead is quite understandable.
I think it’s an emotional/spiritual connection more than a dark/evil connection.
They’re actually working on this one already
I think you’ve confused Ranger with Archer.
I bet he was Poison Master BM. It makes 1v1’s pretty easy.
Makes it so that only your eyes glow at night, looks awesome
You’re right it doesn’t make sense, it’s extremely immersion breaking.
Anyone who opposes this is kind of odd. Why would you ‘not’ want this fixed?
No they should be fixing other things!
They can do both.
Poison Master Sword+Dagger/Shortbow and BM is pretty fun, decent condi pressure and they wind up putting so much effort into killing you that they forget your pet is swinging at them with a baseball bat
I tested with a buccaneer sniper and tamini archer.
- Standing around while getting shot (melee weapon out) = no blocks.
- Swinging melee weapon at projectiles coming in from front = frequent blocks, even 5 in a row once.
- Swinging in the opposite direction and getting hit in the back = frequent blocks.
- Standing near pet and swinging at projectiles that were hitting it = no blocks.
Seems like if you are in the process of doing a melee attack you have a 15% chance to block projectiles that would have hit you.
Thanks for testing that! Seems like it will have some definite PVE use!
But SPvP and WvW wise; Are there enough classes that would use ranged attacks in a melee situation to make it worth it? hmms
It also encourages AA spam which I’m not sure I like, but with Greatswords build in evade + block skill + this trait, you’d have a very strong defense setup so that’s cool!
I wonder if they just fixed it
Update – April 16, 2014
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in which pets, turrets, and minions were scaling their stats incorrectly in PvP.
They are more responsive.
Just log in, it won’t cost you anything and you’ll get free transmutation crystals.
I feel like they’ve been slowly remedying this by toning down the intensity of the clouds. Or maybe I’m just seeing things.
But I think the problem is not ‘too many clouds’ or ‘needs weather’ – I think it’s actually the skybox in GW2 is too small/low. Or at least the lowest cloud layer they use is way too low to the ground, it feels claustrophobic.
Most of the new traits, across all classes… They’re just words, without numbers we can’t really see viability.
Either way though, with the new trait system we’ll be able to swap builds so fast that we’ll probably learn to judge whether the situation would need that trait or not quite quickly. Group low on support? it’s a few clicks away.
I feel like this is pretty big for us, we’re very much a jack of all trades class, and we now have access to all those trades.
Being able to go from full Ranged Zerk to BM to Melee Bunker with a few out of combat clicks is amazing. I mean, gear stats aren’t changing with it but it’s still going to open up our combat options – we can counter-build for each class or situation we see. I feel like we will benefit from this new system more than most.
The only thing I’m worried about is what the actual patch notes are going to say for each class, all we’ve had are words, we need numbers to really know how big something is. We don’t know what they’re doing to existing traits or skills yet either. Be afraid.
(edited by Reganov.3569)
To the programmer who was bug fixing the Ranger for the feature patch
Did you by chance fix the pet name reset bug while you were in there?
Also thanks for working kitten pet responsiveness, can’t wait to test it
I don’t know about you, but to me the place in the concept doesn’t look enough like Rata Sum to think it should be used for it. The Rata Sum concept art used looks like another city out in the Desert somewhere, the tree’s are different, the temperature is different and it has an almost chaotic layout for buildings, as if they’ve be slotted together as time goes on.- Rather than Rata Sums very balanced pre-determined placement. It feels like a different place. This does happen quite a bit with the concept art used in loading screens but this one was more extreme than others.
I dunno, I’m just being picky probably. But I really want to go to the place we see in that concept art!
Anet, if you read this, please consider another Asura city that looks like this in future content way down the track. Maybe in Maguuma Wastes, or Elona.
Nah I notice this one too, it’s not too big of an issue for me though.
You can swap pet etc though and it resets them back to your side.
Roots of “bearbow” hate = The 2012 Ranger Bot Apocalypse.
Roots of Ranger hate = Class balancing problems.
Grenth is related to Winter.
I don’t think it’s an issue with how the skill functions specifically, I think it’s more the fact that it has a repeated animation for the skill, the same animation over and over.
“I blast with my staff, I blast with my staff again.”
We only notice it with this staff because our offensive cool-downs have considerable cool-downs that require us to remain auto-attack for a longer period of time. If they spiced it up a little things might be different, for example:
Animation #1: point the tip of the staff forward, blast wave comes out. (Current repeat.)
Animation #2: point the bottom of the staff forward, blast wave comes out.
Animation #3: make a sweeping motion with the staff, blast wave comes out.
All of a sudden you have a nice lively skill.
How do you get this to happen? I have the same face and I’ve never seen it
Hi there, I’m not exactly sure what you’re after, if you want someone to say you look cool; You look pretty cool nice work.
If you want idea’s on how you could improve your colors, I would suggest using an analogical spectrum scheme for a Red rather than a complimentary (with is just Red + Green accents /Christmas), which you have actually almost done already.
The analogical spectrum scheme (I hope I used the right term) will be centered on red but only reaches out as far as the pinker side of purple and deep orange. Your scheme has quite a lot of purple and yellow.
If you did plan on trying to add some greens, I would suggest adding some aqua blues in between.
Here’s a funky tool you can take aid from;
I originally stopped wearing cultural heavy armor because it didn’t show enough skin, but now I’m full plate haha
If you’re using a Meditation build, it’s a strong heal (at least 3.5k) on a short cooldown (24 sec). AND it gives you fury (4 sec). That’s without bringing in the fact that any damage you do after that will be healing you.
If you’re using a Meditation build and someone sees you use it and runs away, you use Judge’s Intervention then hit Smite Condition and walla walla bing bang.
You may remember them saying they’re adding the new healing skills to give some better diversity to certain builds. This one is for Meditation builds. If you’re not using one it will be very situational.