Showing Posts For Rod.6581:

Why elite specs will never work

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rod.6581


I like his idea. I’d prefer them adding new types of weapon (Halberd – since name spear is taken for uw weapon, Greataxe, Sai or any other people have suggested) or new mechanics to existing weapon once they add weapons that make sense to each class and it no longer makes sense. (Greatsword thief, Scepter warrior …)

Since we know swapping utility bar with selectable skills is possible (Revenant), option to change single weapon skill could be added.

So with just two added skills you will now have 4 possible layouts for your weapon.

This is easier than new weapons since they don’t need to add skins, animations or anything else this would of require.

Further, adding 2 or 3 new skills could be less trouble than adding 5 and we get to keep weapon type we like to play.

Feedback on Spirit weapons and signets

in Guardian

Posted by: Rod.6581


I’d love if they left spirit weapon following you when you equip it on skill bar.
Ofc with display on/off switch in options. And mechanic to automatically switch off in large groups.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


April 1. 2019. WvW updates:

Hey folks we made core changes to our server math and improved hardware to reduce lag issues. Also we addressed other stuff you asked for.

(edited by Rod.6581)

Can we get a little support? [GvG]

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


No. Not here. Go away.

To clarify, I think you make good points about the guild arena. However, this isn’t a WvW thing and will never be. There’s a lot of overlap between the players interested in these things, but you’ll have better success posting this elsewhere.

I don’t see what your problem is.

He clearly states: “Hey, make arena bigger so we can move off BLs and let Sviel (and others like him) play without us bothering him and taking his spot when BLs are qued.”

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Just a quick question. Any news on particle effects scroll in Options menu?

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Can we pick our own Dragon's Watch members?

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


This is all unimportant, cause noone wants to join Dragon Watch. Since creation DS got zero new members, everyone we invited rejected the offer.
DW looks like an average half-dead MMO guild. Created by a hardened veteran, who became bored now and 95% of the time is not even online (Rythlock). The only active members are the girl who’s there only because of her guilt complex (Caith) and the nerd who knows everything but never goes out of the home town (Taimi). And player character, who just can’t leave this guild cause he has officer rights.
The irony will be complete if Braham’s Desteny Edge will be a guild that invites everyone, has like 100 active members, but everybody are just doing their personal business with zero in-guild communication and activities.


Would be nice if we could at least use DW guild vault for more space!

Can we pick our own Dragon's Watch members?

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


Sure, it would be fun; it just wouldn’t be appropriate for this game. GW2 offers a single epic story, not one that branches and offers lots of choices.

Branching requires an entirely different infrastructure (and story-writing) than ANet has setup for this game. You’d need to have more dialogue and variations in the story (to make the choice meaningful) and more voice actors and so on.

Sadly… :’(

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


5 man teams make people look and feel better than they are, farming solos. Sorry, I guess that must feel good, but I’m not willing to play punching bag for someone else’s jollies.

Yes, I just play just for that. Farming solos. No fun playing with friends. No at all… Just want to ruin your lives.

Ranked is for getting a personal rank, 5-man teams hides your true personal rank behind team skill, there is a need of some team game mode, but its not the actual ranked ,no ofseason or in season

Whatever, just let me play with my friends and be rewarded for it. (Same end reward as in ranked. Can be distributed otherwise.)

With all the BS that came with solo/duo que I just have no wish to return to ranked. Some of my friends not even to game.

As players, we voted solo-duo. This boat has shipped away long ago, to never return again.

Yes, and now we players vote: solo queue and separately 2,3,5 man queue for season 6.
Check this link. (I’m fine with every option including possibility of 5 man que. Poll is still open and everyone can vote.)

While the system itself got more polished the pvp itself is arguably worse, more spammy and less skillbased.

Engi for example whent from a highly skill and timing dependant prof during the rabid engi days till the spammy “I run around and just rotate all my stuff on CD” prof it is today.

The game itself became a lot more about “just spamming your (aoe) spells on cd and on point”. Think reaper vs old school necro. DH vs old school guard. Chrono vs old school mesmer.

You must be the biggest optimist ever to think that adding another ladder to GW2 pvp will be succesfull.

I agree with you regarding HoT and new builds.

I don’t agree about not wishing to try at least.

Players don’t want the “freedom” to queue as a team. They want the “freedom” to exclude. Raids are proof enough of that.

Pretty soon we’d have dps trials to get on a PvP team. NO THANKS. Go exclude somewhere else.

Wow, just wow!

I enjoy the 2’s queues. Don’t listen to the angrys, please.

We are more sad than angry. It looks to me people who are against 5 man queue are the angry and bitter ones.

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


While that may be true, we won’t know if we don’t try.

According to this poll people are willing to try new things.

Current system got only 11% votes.

Response to "Profession Locking Poll"

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


Yup, my bad. You are correct.
Earlier we had it more than one allowed. Again, my apologizes.

Response to "Profession Locking Poll"

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


  • Matchmaking never puts more than one of the same class on a team, and people swapping classes after entering a match cannot change to a class already occupying a spot on their team.

Having one per profession doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t get bad team composition. Further, there are pro groups that use 2 of a same professions in team composition.

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


And 5-man would be a separate queue from solo and duo otherwise we just go back to Seasons 1-4 which was a farming train wreck. So don’t kid yourself that 5-man queues would be an amazing solution. If you want to 5-man, join the PvP tournaments that come along every so often and don’t play the farce that is ranked PvP because you’ll never come across decent games. I have yet to meet someone who queues with 5 that isn’t doing it to just crush solos and duos.

Edit: to say “with 5” instead of “kitten ”

There you go again making stuff up.

Never in this post was matchmaking system discussed. Is it solo+duo separate from quintet or is it duo, trio+quintet, or solo+duo+quintet all together?

I don’t care. I just want option to play ranked with 5 man team.

If you wanna discuss what matchmaking system is best, go to :

If you want a five players team, you find a five players team why would you force other players who bought this game with the promise that they can play solo through out into a five players team?

And why do you deny people who bough the game with promise they can que with 5 man team to do so again?

So you voted No for Profession Leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


Its like seeing 3 thieves on enemy team then the whole team swaps to DH/engi , it dosent mean they are better players, they just counter comped you.

I’m still trying to understand what you meant to say?

5 man teams required in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rod.6581


If Anet ever made ranked PvP 5-mans only, PvP would die instantly that day and queues would be hours long (yes I’m exaggerating a bit, but it would make it so no PvEer comes out in numbers).

Where did you get that “only” from?
He only said we want to be able to que ranked with our 5-man party.

How Much Would You Pay For A Permanent Sigil?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


1-2g for (if added as purchaseable from NPCs)
or as mentioned above add Permanent Extractor similar to

Any news on this?

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


You missed year. You need more zeros there.

Suggestion : Condition Retaliation

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


The last thing WvW needs is to add another set of calculations onto the server.

Or more passive play.

I can still remember my commander, long since gone from the game, who would say when the enemy zerg’s stability or might was going to be up. He would then coordinate our actions based upon his internal clock that kept track of those important boons.

Since he left the game, after HoT, I haven’t heard a commander in TS that keeps track of things like that. Does anybody still do that or did boonshare kill the need to do it?

Depending how far in past that happened it may be before stability rework.
(March 16, 2015 – This boon has been changed from a duration stack type to an intensity stack type.)

I keyboard turn and mouse click

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


As people mentioned above, try different keyboard and mouse.

I used to play other MMOs both hands on keyboard quite some time ago and switched once i got new keyboard and mouse.

This is what I’ve found to suite me most for GW2:

Suggestion : Condition Retaliation

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


ActionCamera is hard to know it exists

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Returning to GW2 after 3 years

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rod.6581


Regarding collecting things, as someone said “Grind Wars 2: Heart of Farms”.

Somebody uploaded a LW S1 movie

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


“This video is unavailable.”

Implementing new WVW lobby

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


We could start with NPCs in WvW area of LA. Could be at Fort Mariner or somewhere else.

So you don’t have to join WvW map if all you wanted was to buy jewelry for tokens and laurels or something from Heroic Notary.

Rune of Mischief/Snowfall--HOARDED/UNFARMABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Superior rune of snowfall is 1.39g on TP.
Superior sigil of mischief is 3g on TP.

I don’t get why is this problem to buy?

Skill lag, server lag, just... lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rod.6581


They can add more PvE events and lower the population of players per map.
That would help.

Better yet, replace camp captures with 3 NPCs. One heart and 2 group events. If you finish all 3 camp belongs to you.

Oh, and every time someone captures tower we should get some cinematic. Like one when we kill mouth of Mordremoth. Better lower population more so this could work smoothly.

And ofc, they need to pump up particle effects a bit. Our skills are not enough shiny and eye-hurting.

NERF Thieves Too much damage WVW

in Thief

Posted by: Rod.6581


Macro used?

/15 bloody chars

What would you call Aurene?

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


I find the name Aurene a beautiful choice for a baby dragon who is destined to help protecting and saving the world.

Also, she is super cute and whoever wrote she was ugly: For real, dude?

She’s supposed to be a baby dragon not a plush toy. So, yes. For some of us she is fugly.

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


Story is garbage, but all this cutesy stuff is really killing the release. Why the kitten do you need to put all this cutesy BS in the patches?! Ember Bay was one big joke all around, between skritts and frikkin clowns and OMG that stupid Aurene. Bloodstone Fen was much, much better. Atm the top 3 of your 3 releases is 1. Bloodstone Fen, 2. Bloodstone Fen, 3. Bloodstone Fen.

And why is Braham hating you? You literally killed the thing that killed his mom, and he was there too. You can crap out “explanations” but that doesn’t mean they stick. So much potential, all to waste.

That’s a lot of venom :O

The man is just being honest. I feel the same way.

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


Remember how we wanted option to skip dialog?
Forget that. Give us option to skip whole story and just get to new map.

Story is… I wished I could just kill that kitten ugly dragon and get over with this crap you make us play.

Gw2 will be IP block?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Why the angst about other games here? It does not affect Guild Wars 2, and the policy for the other NCSoft game was put in place nearly a year ago.

It was few days ago (look top posts for link 2016/11/15/) and GW2 was blocked also (by mistake, they say).

A.NET Create an NEW PVP/ESport Game PLEASE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Yup. I’m very interested how much new expansion will have success with pre-order considering how happy and satisfied players are with HoT.

What would you call Aurene?

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


Glint, Gleam… Glimmer.

Seems more appropriate.

Glammer? (As a hint to glamour)

Then maybe Gene ? You know… cos it’s glam…

A.NET Create an NEW PVP/ESport Game PLEASE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Considering Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns is a very succesfull game both in sales and active player numbers

? got some stats on the your opinion and speculation?

Once Again, let us skip dialog on replays

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


As we have /gg to die instantly in raid I don’t see how adding /skip or /next to story instances to skip dialog is a big deal.

And for the love of Gods, hire new writers and give more options to LS …

Old map currency in new maps?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rod.6581


Since ANet decided to use Unbound Magic as currency in both Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay is it possible we will get new maps with old currencies ( Geodes, Bandit Crests, Airship Parts, Lumps of Aurilium, Ley Line Crystals. ) so all of us who are sick of farming same content over and over again can finish achievements/crafting.

When will LS3 - Episode 3 be released?

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


I don’t like that “next year” option.

Couldn’t care less about Wintersday content without new LS tho. :/

When will LS3 - Episode 3 be released?

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581



Any update on this?

WvW skirmishes Sept 9th!

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


Wow!!! Such a huge change! It must of took them 2 days to code this and 3 days to test it!!! Such involvement, so much different!

Now we have same situation as before, same blobs as before, same lags (not to forget skill lags), same bugs BUT we need to reenter map every 2 hours!!! This is gonna improve GvG so much!!

I’m so excited!!!!!

Guild Chat API

in API Development

Posted by: Rod.6581


Any update on this?

Joining the White mantle

in Living World

Posted by: Rod.6581


While I don’t think it will be possible to join White Mantle I support idea of having more than one option.

Even the option to do story alone and have nothing with DE2.0 would be good option for me…

The new auto loot doesen't work in WvW. [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Rod.6581


We are looking at adding a way for players to earn Quickloot in WvW as well. We wanted to keep PvE progression (Masteries) separate from WvW progression (Ability Lines). However this means when a new Mastery ability is created, that might also be useful in another gamemode, it doesn’t automatically crossover.

Any update on this? It has been 3 months now.

Suggestions: Glider Skins [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


I really like my white wings, however the physical structure of the hawk wings is much more bird like. Comparing the two, the white (and black) wings look more like an avalanche of feathers that roughly approximate wings, while the hawk wings look very bird-like. I’d like to see the white/black wings get a makeover if possible.

THIS THIS THIS! So much this! I really want the old models to be replaced with the new. Anet please!!!

Like I said above. I would like my white/black wings to stay as they were when I paid for them. So, no changes to existing ones, no replacements of models. And I am not only one who like them as they are.

But I do hope you get new skins in Gem Store that suite your needs.

Suggestions: Glider Skins [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


I really like my white wings, however the physical structure of the hawk wings is much more bird like. Comparing the two, the white (and black) wings look more like an avalanche of feathers that roughly approximate wings, while the hawk wings look very bird-like. I’d like to see the white/black wings get a makeover if possible.

Second, I love the butterfly wings backpack, but I really wish that I could have a larger version as my glider skin. Dye channels would be nice too, but not mandatory. The yellow/purple theme is working for my character currently.

I like my white/black wings just as they are but i do hope you get new bird like white/black wings skins for just 700 gems in near future.

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


@ laokoko

Because this is how people are thinking:

What if I buy these account slots today and 1-2 years down the line, Anet implement something else that screws me over?

When you buy QoL item from gem store, you didn’t bought it for item. You bought it for QoL. As you keep using it you enjoy more QoL than people that didn’t. After some time you should not be able to refund that item as you had already enjoyed it’s benefits. Even 1 month is enough for some items. But people here are talking about the items they had for a long time.

You see, too many people are asking for refund without basis and they are making it hard for people who have the right for refund as they flood the support.

You don’t have to look at it just like hardware. Lets say you paid for gym for next month. And you have been going there every day until 25th. Then you notice there is another, better gym near by. Can you ask for a refund?

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


Shared Inventory is a good idea and very useful. But I bought several salvage-o-matic before and now they are all useless. I hope Anet to consider that and give some compensate for our expend and effort.


The Shared Inventory Slot item makes now a lot of the multiple items useless and worthless.

Correct me if I am wrong. When you have multiple salvage-o-matics you need not to unequip before log out and equip after log in with next character. So this means they are not useless. Maybe less useful than before. Other than that, how long have you been using them? Have they served you well? Have you saved money and time but not having to buy ordinary ones from NPC?

or make the Permanent Bank Access Express tradable again.

This I agree with you.

(edited by Rod.6581)

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


These shared slots are expensive and definitely are a slap in the face. Let’s call a spade a spade.

If that is a slap in the face how would you call adding a NPC that duplicates your tool for free (making it acc bound)? – Apocalypse?

Happened in some other games.


WoW, what a scam! I feel you! Same thing with my sound card. Some time back from now, I bought a new motherboard and it had better integrated sound card than PCI one I already had. But they didn’t want to refund me my just 3 years old sound card! kittens! We should not buy new PC components newer again! /sarcasam off

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


- I feel bad for people whom bought multiple kits or tools, this invalidates their purchase
and they …

By that logic even Guild Halls invalidate their purchase.

Think of if like this.
1. Option: You have 1 tool. You unequip it. Press G. Enter Guild Hall, run to scribe workstation, drop tool in bank. After you exit Guild Hall, you are at the same location where you were before entering Guild Hall. Then you log to your next character. Enter Guild Hall, run to workstation and get the tool. Exit Guild Hall.
2. Option: You have 1 tool and 1 slot: You unequip tool and put it in shared slot(or bank via shared slot). You log in to next character. Equip tool.
3. Option: You have 2 tools. You log out from one character and log in to next.

You see how 3. Option gives more QoL than 1. and 2. one?

Now option 4 could be where one has both multiple tools and shared slot. You keep one tool for your most played character and switch second one among other characters via shared tool. More QoL than 3. Option.

Multiple tools still give more QoL than having single one.

Not to mention all the gold people with multiple tools have saved until now, unlike people who have to buy tools from NPC’s every time they spend the stacks they have on them.

700 gems per slot is just a slap in the face of loyal costumers.

Everyone keeps saying “slap in the face”. This is not slap in the face. It is far from it.

Slap in the face would be if they would lower the price for tools from 1000 gems to 50 gems.

Yes, price is to high. This is QoL item. It is not necessary item. We could live without it for three year. We can live without it still. No one is forcing us to buy it by any mean.

Also this item will drop in price in some time in some way. See all the bundles on gem shop now. See all the sales we have recently.

Is it expensive? YES. Is it slap in the face? NO! Save that expression for something that really has that hard of an impact.

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


What if I buy these account slots today and 1-2 years down the line, Anet implement something else that screws me over?

You do realize this is very similar to “What if I buy phone and camera and in 1-2 years down the line they put camera on phone so i do not need camera any more” thinking?

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rod.6581


I don’t understand people who consider putting permanent gathering tools into those slots.

These tools have been sold for one reason only: To put them into the gathering equipment slot and subsequently forget about them, never again having to bother with thoughts like “do I have enough tools left or will I run out soon” or “i am going into area x and there is a lot of metal to be gathered there, I should go and buy a spare set of picks”.

The incentive for spending a lot of gems on these items was: Equip and forget. Putting these tools into a shared slot totally defeats the point of them. You will now have to open your inventory before you gather a node, and double click the required permanent tool to equip it on your current char. But wait – you aren’t done inconveniencing yourself yet. If you do not want to have to do this for every subsequent node with every char for eterinity, you now have two choices after gathering: Do you put the tool back into its shared slot, or leave it equipped? Now you have to think about how likely it is that you will gather at another node before you log off your char the next time. If you will gather again, it would be pointless to put it back into its shared slot and re-equip it at the next node. But if for any reason you need to log out or switch your char, you will have to remember to first put your gathering tool(s) back. Doesn’t that sound horribly inconvenient and the exact opposite of what people were trying to achieve in the first place?

I for one would not ever think of putting a permanent gathering tools in such a slot. Imagine this: You just gathered 2 minutes ago and you were sure you will reach another node soon, so you left the tool equipped. Now a friend messages you and asks you to do fractals, which you would like to do, but on another char. So you relog, do fractals, and then something else comes up. The next day you have already forgotten about this and play a different char and suddenly you realize: My precious permanent gathering tool is not in its shared slot! Now you have to start looking for it on each of your chars, if you cannot remember where you left it. Sorry but all of this sounds hilarious. I would rather go back to using store-bought stacks of 50 tools instead of putting a permanent into a shared slot.

