Showing Posts For Searias.9601:

how do i fix this?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Can you copy and past the message you get when you press show detail here? It might help to identify your problem.

how do i fix this?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


When you open up show details, what does it say? Most of those crash to desktops are happening due to problems with ram, but yours could be different.

leak in security of guild was 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Send a support ticket to ArenaNet.

leak in security of guild was 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


The thing is if you enable the mobile authenticator, it replaces the e-mail authentication. That probably explains why your girl friend never recieved an email telling her that someone else logged into that account.

For the love of God fix Fractals Disconnects!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I haven’t been disconnected from fractals yet, maybe there is something wrong on your end?

Repeat Crashes from Corrupted File

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I am still having this issue. I took out any little OC I had, tested rams individually on different slots and with different combinations and got no errors from several full passes. Is there anything I can still try without buying a whole new computer?

Downclocking the ram worked for some people.

Fps issues on brand new high end gaming rig

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I wouldn’t call the a high end gaming rig though, the Geforce GTX 660 is low mid range at most. And this game is really cpu intensive you should overclock your cpu.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


That is pretty funny :P.

changed IP,authorize email fail always

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


ok I send it,I hope for human answer,how long it on average take to get answer?

No idea, I have never had issues with this game that I couldn’t fix on my own. Since it’s a weekend might take a bit longer.

changed IP,authorize email fail always

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


You aren’t looking properly, don’t you see a link saying “ASK A QUESTION”? :P Click on that and fill out the forum and give them a detail description of your problem.

changed IP,authorize email fail always

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Why don’t you ask Arena net’s support staff than asking on the forums :P.

FPS and animation speed issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Sounds like you have latency issues.

HD6950 outperforms GTX570

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Try running the game on default factory clock speeds for both graphics card and CPU. I heard some people were getting issues with fps by even overclocking their CPUs.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Searias — I am using the in-game FPS counter. While I know it might not be highly accurate, when it says I’m getting 12 FPS, I can tell I am getting 12 FPS. it’s really laggy and has really poor visuals.

Also, I am spyware free and don’t have background processes running.

I can compare it to my roommate’s laptop, which on auto-detect has worse specs then mine, but looks 10x better. (Extremely Frustrating).

Ecidemon — I will try the MSI Afterburner. As for the driver level enhancements, I even tried turning AA and AF completely off. Plus I do not have any browser open in the background. No Change.

Hehe, I didn’t ask you about the way you are getting your fps, but the location you are getting your reading. Like are you in lion’s arch or any other place with a lot of people like in WvWvW?

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Where are you testing your fps? Your setup should give you a bit higher fps than that, maybe at least 30 to 40fps in pve areas excluding WvWvW and large towns. Try overclocking your CPU, since GW2 is very CPU demanding that might boost your fps quiet a bit. Also, make sure you don’t have any spyware in your computer and also stop any useless background processes you have running.

(edited by Searias.9601)

NVIDIA GeForce Driver 310.54 Beta is available.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Rofl it does not support GTX470???

No idea what you are talking about. If you read the release notes it’s right in the supported list :P.

What Should I update for Guild Wars 2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Changing everything is probably the best route to go. Your current system is quiet old for anything new :P

Installation Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Just download the client exe from the Guild Wars 2 accounts page, then it should work for you. Don’t bother with the CD installation.

Can't Play/Can't Uninstall.. PLEASE HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


You don’t really have to uninstall it, since yo have already delete the game folder it’s all good. You can just reinstall the game now.

First game to give me this much trouble

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


When the game crashed, what was the error message it gave you?

Guild Wars 2 causes PC to freeze

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Opened it and changed thermal paste and cleaned it inside, but temp didn’t seem to go down so that’s not the issue… I’ll check if problem comes back when I have time to play, busy week next week

Have you tried running the game with your processor at default clockspeeds?

FPS issues - Anet techs , please reply

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Problem is that I don´t really want to clean up my HDD cause i have lot of thing on it (school , pictures, work etc …) . I´ve picked phenom CPU cause on lot of forums it´s stated as gaming cpu of AMD , and As i written above , lot of people who have exactly same CPU and worse GPU have better performance then me , which is kinda against normal thinking . It´s just crazy that I can handle lot of different games GPU based (bf3 , skyrim etc… ) and CPu based ( Total war collestion, and strategic games in overall ) . I´m not writing that i should have 80+ FPS everyhwhere , but 10-15 FPS in towns and 20-40 FPS pve is just crazy IMHO ….

I bet those users who are getting higher fps with that same processor has their processor overclocked :P.

Blue Screen of death

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Remove your CPU’s heatsink and fan, then clean the top of your CPU with a cotton swab after that add a bit of thermal paste and reinstall the heatsink and fan.

I Changed my GeForce GTX 570 card

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Is your graphics card manufacturer MSI by any chance? Apparently, they have been caught overvolting their cards (not sure if they are doing it with their AMD cards also) and causing a lot of issues.,18013.html

What does a "full" server mean?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


The full servers are locked to new people. GW2 doesn’t go by how many people are on, but the amount of people that has their home server set to that given server.

Will my new computer run guild wars 2 smoothly?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


My god some people here are so naive. It’s obvious this guy is trolling. I’m sure he’s having a good laugh reading all your replies but seriously you should just ignore him.

This, he pretty much did the same thing on his other post.

Will my new computer run guild wars 2 smoothly?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I doubt that he spent $2200 on that computer anyways. Take a look at one of his older posts, seems to me like he only buys low end parts :P.

Will my new computer run guild wars 2 smoothly?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I really don’t understand why BCDragon is getting mad about. I mean these people are trying to help you out. $2200, wow that’s quiet a lot for that setup, did you by any chance get a 30inch IPS monitor with that computer? If you did I am afraid that you will not be able to run the game at the native resolution with that setup.

Frames Per Second Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


I don’t think you can really do much at the moment. My sister has a Q9550 with a Geforce GTX 680 (I upgraded to a Geforce GTX 690 and gave her my old 680), and the only way I was able to get her good frames per second was by overclocking the CPU to 3.6ish ghz. It still fluctuates a bit in WvWvW, but in Pve she gets a solid 60+ most of the time.

Can I still play GW2 after re-installing Windows7?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


You should be able to play it even after you reinstall windows, as long as you have the files.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


GonzoNeo.4965 you have to understand that when they list a minimum requirement, they don’t intend people to be playing the game at high resolutions :P. Try moving to the lowest possible resolution in game + with the lowest game settings you should get better fps :P.

Dunno what eles to do...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Is your graphics card, processor getting enough power?

General Video card Question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


After uninstalling your driver, use a software like Driver Sweeper ( to remove any trace of the old driver from your computer and then just install the 12.9 driver set. You don’t have to install previous drivers to install newer drivers.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Bump because this issue is too important for the developers to ignore.

I’m running a GeForce GTX 550 TI, AMD Phenom II x2 555, 32-bit, 8gigs of ram (need to upgrade my OS to 64bit so in reality im using 3gigs) system.

Anet, you know too well that this is not a problem with our hardware. I’m a programmer as well and I know that this is a software issue at hand. No other game that I own (which I have 10-20 games installed) crash nor do they have poor performance. I can run games like Starcraft 2 (high settings), CS:GO (highest settings), Metro 2033 (high settings), Red Orchestra 2 (high settings), and more without any problems. While this could be an issue with RAM, it would be based upon the coding of the software and how it interacts by sending and receiving the volatile data to the RAM. I recently just bought my system around Thanksgiving so these parts are new.

I’ve done everything possible on my end to fix the issue:

1.) Changed resolution from windowed full screen (1920×1080) to a native resolution (1360×768) as well as lowered graphic settings to “Best Performance”

2.) Updated graphics card to beta drivers. (306.02)

3.) Repeat #1.

4.) Updated graphics card to new release drivers. (306.23)

5.) Took a look around in my Nvidia Control Panel and increased FPS by 10-20 frames by setting Ambient Occlusion from “Off” to “Performance”.

6.) Repeat #1.

While this list is more along the graphical side of fixing, I have reason to believe this issue has something to do with how the game handles the GPU. My reasons are:

1.) When I’ve taken a look at errors I’ve noticed information about my UI not displaying textures (which is actually interesting because there are quite a few times I’ve opened up my Contacts list in-game and have had a cyan background color on the list seconds before I crashed)

2.) Before I crashed in one situation, I noticed that while I was in the Norn capital city “Hoelbrak” the crafting tables for the leatherworker had been pushed from the original spot (which is up against the cylindrical posts that hold up the tent) closer towards the Master Leatherworker vendor. And not just a slight move either; the crafting tables were almost touching the vendor.

3.) I’ve had 2 or 3 occasions, out of the 100 or so hours I’ve played, where the pets will be a solid color (yellow or cyan I believe) right before I crashed.

My friend was having the same issue and I told him to lower his system ram clock speeds by 50mhz and his problem went away. Maybe this might work for you, I really hate how GW2 engine utilizes ram, oh well :P.

Thanks to everyone that helped - afterburner....grrr

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Can we get a bit more information about your system? Information like the version of your operating system, kind of router you are using, is your internet connection directly connected to your router?

Character textures definitely NOT hi res

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


That looks like your have your AMD control panel slider set to performance, setting it to quality should fix it.

GPU Usage drops?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Try the new beta driver for your graphics card from nVidia.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601

Searias.9601 , even at low resolutions this site does not recommend you play guild wars 2 with those specs.

Constant CTD/Freeze/BSOD in Win7 64

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Also, try running this If your problem is caused by a corruption in your registry this should fix it.

Constant CTD/Freeze/BSOD in Win7 64

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


check this out . Here is something I got from a different site about this issue "This is usually a device error – part of a memory dump for any of a variety of issues but usually a device driver or a cable error, in my experience.
We often see it in the early stages of an ATI graphics driver failure (Happes to Nvidia also).
It usually has to do with the following: Memory error due to small memory defect in memory module or AGP video memory. Failure of device or device drive of one of these: Video, Audio, NIC, modem. Failure of IDE/EIDE/ATA cable as it hardens and shrinks from age. Device order error on IDE/EIDE/ATA cable where Cable Select is being used but the primary device is NOT on the end of the cable. (On cable select, master is at end, slave is in the middle.
Microsoft has its own theories. You can do a search of their knowledge base or try:;314063. If that doesn’t work quite right, search for 314063 in the knowledge base.
Also could be a registry corruption error.
The tricks. 1. Download and resinstall drivers for all devices. 2. Download Memtest86 and test your memory for about three hours of iterations. 3. Check all your IDE/EIDE/ATA cables. If you have an ATA drive that is on an old style cable, change to ATA cable with 80 conductor – 40 connector.
Also a common error when someone upgrades to Windows 2000 or Windows XP from an earlier OS. Only fix in this case is to do a clean install on a formatted disk.
Registry error problems can be fixed by restarting in Safe Mode (pressing the F8 key) at least three or four times. This will fix errors in your registry that will get rid of a lot of such problems. "

Constant CTD/Freeze/BSOD in Win7 64

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Check if your Powersupply is working right.

4 BSOD's yesterday.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Check if your computer is over heating. Also, check if your powersupply is ok.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


No idea, maybe there were less people playing today than last night?

Game Crash every 30 minutes "Attachment"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Check if there are any errors with your memory (ram). I had similar issues with the beta client awhile back and ran memtest and found out that I had some errors with my ram, I underclocked my ram and the problem went away but, doing this might not work for everyone.

Game keeps crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Searias.9601


Check if there are any errors with your memory (ram). I had similar issues with the beta client awhile back and ran memtest and found out that I had some errors with my ram, I underclocked my ram and the problem went away but, doing this might not work for everyone.