Showing Posts For Sepahbod.4653:

[Build] The Blackwater Mesmer (Condition/WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The build does great at a solo roamer, but as fights grow in size it starts to lose effectiveness because the build, well tbh Mesmer as a profession lacks propers spammable AOE. It ok in Dungeons, but the great thing with this 20/20/30 build is that just by switching gear to power/knight and changing a few traits it will become a decent power build.

Grenade Kit OP, NerfPl0x.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The Grenade kit is very powerful, specially against stationary targets, and utilized properly (fairly high skill cap) they will destroy you.

Working as intended.


Noble Runes

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


“Noble Runes”

Are aaaawsome!

[Build] The Blackwater Mesmer (Condition/WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I switch out clone on dodge for the longer rang and shorter CD on the Duelist. iDuelist is the biggest source of damage in this build if you are running sword/pistol, the direct dmg is decent even with a condition build and it will stack 4-8 stacks of bleed. It is also very useful against thieves or other stealth professions because the barrage will keep hitting even in stealth. The longer range and shorter CD will make sure you will keep constant pressure on people.

Zane's Fourth WvW Roaming Video - HD

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


And since when is HGH not? :P

The non compliant Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


As an engineer you can either provide ranged aoe via grenade or if you are going to run with the melee train you can provide melee dmg via bombs. You will also provide alot of CC and conditions. I run almost exclusively with my guild now and I run elixir infused bombs and mines. I also provide reliable water fields, blasts, boon removal and tons of CC. Engineer are very useful in zergs.

How do you kill perma stun warrior?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The bigger issue are the Sword/shield warriors, with the perma immobilize, on the same short CD as the stun warrior, but it lasts longer. Mesmers get out of stuns easy, but immobilize is a bigger issue.

current wvw hgh build

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The current meta hgh build is, have self respect and don’t HGH.

Pistol/Shield Build Advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Build Diversity Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


HGH is terribly overrated and viewed as powerful, when in fact it’s strength lies in how brain dead easy it is to execute and win. Once I left HGH I tried to go back a few times, but I couldn’t, I felt handicapped.

Build Diversity Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


There are plenty of builds that don’t use HGH, but most of them fall into the archetypes I listed above.

It’s also worth noting that “successful” is a pretty wildly variable term. I’m pretty sure that you could select skills and traits at random and be “successful” in open world PvE.

I’ll add turrets to the list of functional setups, but I think that the realms that they are viable in is fairly limited.

To me “build diversity” is a very ambiguous term. There is one build right now that is not working properly and that is turrets and this is mainly because of bugs. Every other build has it’s place and purpose, most builds have several areas (PvE, PvP or WvW) where they can be used.

Often when people bring up a lack of diversity, it is because they can’t use turrets in a ZvZ fight or some other specialized build outside the area that that build shines.

There are builds that have diversity, there are builds that are specialized, there are conditions builds that rely on HGH, there are those that do not, there are direct dmg builds with or without HGH, there are tanking builds, there are support builds. And there are hybrid builds. We have several great engineer players who regularly play around with builds and then post videos and links here, I have learned a lot.

I don’t know, I feel like we are playing two different games. Sure there are some issues that needs to be fixed and I am an avid fan of continuous improvement, but beyond that the Engineer is the most useful and best profession in this game.

Build Diversity Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I don’t really understand all the calls for more diversification in builds for engineers. I have been running builds that are NOT HGH or SD forever with great success and I have lost count over how many fellow WvW engis I have talked to who is running
some weird kitten build with great success.

Who are you people who fail to find the builds?

Can we have even less RNG and clumsiness?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The RNG on elixirs is not going away, because the toolbelt skills on elixirs are primarily used in HGH builds, which are already very powerful, simple to execute and popular. At least not without some serious nerfs to HGH/might stacking.

New generation of SD rifle build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Rifle plus battering ram will give you 3 rather awesome CCs.

New generation of SD rifle build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I had an idea, where you take rocket turret, rifle and battering ram. When you have used the toolbelt skills, you drop the turrets, let them do some work. Blow them up, use toobelt skills again. With the lower CDs and beefed up dmg, SD+Turrets = awesome?

I need to try this out.

Leaked Notes / BS or Not?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


What is see in the changes to Battering ram it’s toolbelt skill and the toolbelt skills for rocket and rifle turret. Opening up some nice SD builds with… EVEN MORE DAMAGE!

Healing Skills Not Sharing Cooldowns [Bug?]

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Why would they share a CD when they are in different places?

What is the BEST DPS build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Indeed, bombs, but in zerker gear it’s not an option, which brings us to grenade kit in zerker gear. That is more than doable, in PVE. I rolled like that in fractals without any issues (fractals 48). Though at times you need to switch to tanky gear, never on boss fights. You live through avoiding dmg.

Aztro : HGH Condition Engineer - WvW Montage

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Btw I did not actually say that I quote someone else. I should have used the quote function.

Aztro : HGH Condition Engineer - WvW Montage

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


“and engineer is not the choice for slow APM.”

Really? Because I think his video illustrates that HGH is so braindead easy that in fact you CAN click the skills and do well.

And let me add, I don’t mean it as any disrespect towards you Aiden, you admit you reached 80 a week ago. This is merely my reflection on HGH and another discussion I had on the forum about HGH.

They wanted my blood - TPVP

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


If anyone wants to watch a great engineer, utilizing lots of skills, going up against the odds and remain positive, watch koroshi. He is a source for engineer higher education.

So someone sell me on the Shield

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The shield is awesome, but arguably it fits in better with builds that have grenade kit and/or bomb kit in them. Otherwise your dmg output would suffer due to a lack of burn. I can’t live without it now.

Looking for viable SPVP builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


But what you are saying is something that goes in general for the entire Engineer profession. It is a hard profession to play, but of all the builds that are currently around, HGH is the most faceroll. It is the easiest one to do well with in PvP and WvW.

any viable builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


This is what I run with. With full rabid gear. It gives you a a lot of defensive and offensive skills, the ceiling is high, but the learning curve is steep.

Detaching toolbelt skills from utility

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


As soon as Anet fixes the gadgets, we wont need to have discussion about this. Because really the fact that gadgets are so poor in the utility slots is the reason why we even think about this topic.

Looking for viable SPVP builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Steep learning curve on HGH? HGH is all about getting the right gear, sigils and runes. After that it’s just facerolling. I am not comparing with other professions, but with other Engi builds.

Detaching toolbelt skills from utility

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Incendiary ammo+the one from the shoes, grenade barrage and then you get to pick whatever utility skills? Yea might be a little over the top.

SD variation w/ Net Turret Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


^What that guy said^

It take a little bit of training to get the timing right, but once you do it is the best condition removal engis have. You can choose between a 15 sec CD 5k heal 2 condition removal or a 6.5k heal 2 condition removal on a 20 sec CD. If you work at it, you can get in another 2 blast finishers for 10k healing! So far I can reliably do the 8k healing.

But really the double tap pick up = 15 seconds is too delicious.

SD variation w/ Net Turret Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Ponder this, if you double tap Healing Turret and then pick it up, you have a 5k heal plus 2 condition removal, both in an huge AOE on a 14 sec cool down.

SD variation w/ Net Turret Video

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


SD fires with all toolbelt abilities and yes it fires with the net too.

Nice video, the rifle is such an awesome weapon. I also agree that you should give the healing turret a try, since together with the net turret and jumpshot you have 2 more blast finishers able to provide you and your team with some nice Area healing.

Koroshi's Engineer build

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Yes my tiny little friend, after watching your videos and having grown extremely tired of the brain deadness of HGH I decided to follow you into the 3 kit forrest. It was a bit of frustrating the first day, the learning curve is steep and you end up pressing the wrong kits, but now the second day I feel comfortable, it feels great. Very powerful but hard to master build.

Funny enough these 3 kits are exactly what I used in PvE prior to doing WvW, but I gave them up for HGH. Thanks for bringing me back home

If pistols fired faster

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I wont argue against the fact that I find direct dmg and SD as more fun. But loosing fights I knew I would have won otherwise. The main SD one I tried was straight up glass cannon build. I have not given up, mainly due to the heavy investments I have made into Ascended gear. With the new changes to the Healing turret I am willing to give it another go and switch in some tanking gear into it.

If pistols fired faster

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The problem is that condition dmg requires ONE stat to pump out dmg. You can put the other two towards survivability and or more dmg. While direct dmg needs at the very least 2. You can get condition duration from runes/sigils and food that boost your dmg in a way direct dmg can not get.

It is not just sigils on pistols, it’s the confusion, burn and bleed. No kit applies that much condition at range without a single trait. I don’t think anyone relies on bleed from the pistol auto attack. You cycle through the CDs and switch to a kit.

I have tried SD and it was great for farming with the zerg, but i always ended up going back to condition, not because I like conditions so much, I mean I fixed ALL my ascended gear as direct dmg because I thought that was going to work. I end up going back because conditions are so much more powerful in PvP (all pvp). In PvE direct dmg works fine, actually better then condition because of how they overwrite and are capped.

[New Elite skill]: A SIGNET !

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Which is why I mentioned that a few of them have a place in a rare build or two.

If pistols fired faster

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Yea but nr5 is as easy to land as grenades, but it has a CD that lasts forever. I can see that build work rather nicely if you stay with the zerg but in roaming fights I think the PP or PS with grenade kit will best it handily. Conditions are applied so frivolously and easily, the stream of dmg never stops, while direct dmg relies on spikes that are on long CDs and if the enemy evades or blocks them you are in for a world of hurt

[New Elite skill]: A SIGNET !

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


All kits and elixirs are fine. Elixirs can easily be switched in and out with little penalty, the gadget are not that great, does anyone use a gadget? A few have a place in rare build or two. Turrets are not there yet, they are more useful than gadget however.

[New Elite skill]: A SIGNET !

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


It is an idea anyway some way to fix gadget, we know they suck and Anet has acknowledged this as well.

As for an elite signet, yes our elites need some love too. Maybe not the place for a signet like effect, it’s not a first on my wish list, but I am certainly not against it. Mortar has the capability of being awesome if it had some more range. So many time in WvW where you feel that the mortar falls just an inch (a metaphorical inch) short of being useful

And this gadget signet suggestion would mess anything up give the utility bar version a passive effect and the toolbelt skill an active effect.

It is just suggestions, gadgets can become better with a simple change to what they do, shorter CDs, longer effects, better trait synergy.

[New Elite skill]: A SIGNET !

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Yes but think of signets as our gadget. Gadget need a rework as they are anyways and that fits into the game. Gadget can have a passive effect on the utility bar and then an active skill in the toolbelt. Why couldn’t a gadget give off a sciency effect to the magic effect of signets?

I am Tinkerinna and I approve this message.

If pistols fired faster

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Heh interesting, because in the game that I am playing P/P of P/S are the weapons of choice for engis and as far as PvP and WvW goes all builds revolves round them. Increasing the direct dmg of Pistols is not gonna happen. Pistol skills are riddled with condition for a reason.

Give me a decent Rifle build. It seems that all PvP builds that has a rifle sucks compared to condition builds. Direct dmg in this game requires such a trade off in survivability, not at all the case with condition dmg.

Why do turrets have a placement cooldown?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Why if you pick it up? If it’s taking so little damage that you can run to it and save it, even from a short distance (and I’m not sure why you’d go far), you wouldn’t be having this problem in the first place.

Also the action of placing them, waiting for them to fire, and picking them up again would severely hinder mobility in a fight. I mean it’s pretty much what I do with my healing turret without waiting for it to ‘fire’ to get swiftness from my centaur runes (yes I know medkit does it easier, I just don’t like medkit and don’t want to swap in and out all the time). This is just one turret.

Net turret is 10s to refire btw. Rocket is 4, flame and thumper are 3, rifle is 2 and the healing turret doesn’t say how often it applies.

Edit: anyway, unless it’s impossible for them to code it, I don’t see why the cooldown on their refire couldn’t just carry over to the next turret instead.

Because it actually makes sense. If you tend to your turrets and keep them “safe”, pick them up, you should be rewarded vs if you blow them up or let them get destroyed. I never said this would fix turrets, I said it would make them suck less. Turrets have big issues, one of them is how the CDs work.

Letting the CD start ticking the moment you put them down would create instances where you could blow up 8 turrets in a matter of seconds. Let’s not create future nerfs for ourselves, eh?

Why do turrets have a placement cooldown?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


There reason is very obvious. Because that would mean you could pick up and put down turrets, bypassing the CD of their shots. Pick up, put down, boom, pick up, put down, boom.

However there is also an extremely easy way to make turrets suck less and I have mentioned it earlier.

If you pick up your turret, the CD on placing the turret down again should be shortened down to whatever the CD is on the turrets shot. Rifle turret would be 2 seconds and 10 seconds for rocket I think. This way you are rewarded for taking care of your turrets, but you can not abuse anything.

Looking for higher level fotm builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I have done FotM up to 50 before they made it impossible to do Jade Maw. I ran with 30/20/0/0/20

Rifle and zerker, but switched it for soldier and P/S as needed. Rifle/grenades for dmg, and cc, elixirkit/toolkit for utility and the last spot I ran Elixir U or Elixir S or whatever the situation called for. It is a very powerful build with lots of direct dmg and lots of utility. Obviously the build was nerfed with the change to KR, mainly because of no more double Super elixir, but nothing major.

PVE Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I think you are missing the point mintberry. We can do everything, just that when going head to head with any class they will do certain things better, but they wont be able to do as many different things as the engineer. Just read what you are saying, you are comparing the Engineer to all the other classes and picking out 1 set of skills and saying how x class does this better. We are a DPS/support profession, meaning we bring very good DPS and solid support and utility with our CCs and weaker clones of other professions utility skills.

It’s the role we play and it is a very important one.

Post Patch Elixir U Problems.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


If you toss elixir U and then jump before it lands, it will do nothing.

PVE Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


This is the grenade spec I ran while doing ddungeons, mainly fractals. I ran in full berserker gear and rifle. I went for full direction dmg. But in picking multi kits and rifle I bring alot of utility. Condition removal on the group, AOE heals and CC. I am not impressed with conditions or pistols in PvE. It is my opinion that direct dmg with the Grenade kit in zerker gear does more dmg.

While Grenade with HGH might do more dmg, I feel giving up all that utility and increase the already clunky play style of the Grenade kit was too much of a hassle and not worth the trouble.

For my last utility spot I would usually have toolkit, but it be switched out to either Elixir S or Elixir U (toss elixir U) depending on the encounter.

This way I bring very good dmg and lots of utility and support.

You are squishy, but you have extreme range and the saving grace here is that for those extra difficult encounter (Lava Shaman) this build still has rather good synergy with tanky condition gear. It’s not optimal, but it wont be crap.

It should be noted that for my Master slot in the tool tree I ran with Kit refinement and after the patch it was rendered useless to my build so I used Static Discharge as a test, but shortly after that I stopped doing PvE completely and got into the PvP. I guess Power wrench could be a rather useful trait in it’s place.

Are non-Kit builds viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


The dmg is great so you were doing something very wrong, but the survivability is lack luster. In bigger fights you would use the range you have as survivability. The build also has a lot of CCs. So all the survivability in the build relies on not getting hit… at all. Your only condition removal is anti dote in medkit. You have a very fast heal since you will go 30 points in tools and all obviously all the other toolbelt skills that give off static discharge will also be very short.

The rotation would put 15 stacks of vulnerability on your target followed by 10-12k of static discharge related dmg. Your rifle will be critting auto shot for around 1-3k. All depending on armor.

Is engineer the best class in your opinion?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Overall when looking to all the aspects of the game, PvE, PvP and WvW the engineer has the potential to be the best profession. I say potentially because it is not an easy class to play or learn. The learning curve is steep but the ceiling is very high.

Are non-Kit builds viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


I really enjoy the SD glass cannon build. I have noticed as far as Badge farming it returns many more badges then my current P/P condition build, but alas the SD build has lower survivability and worse return in 1v1 and 1v2+.

I want to try and find a more balanced SD build that offers better survivability and moderate decrease to the burst dmg.

Are non-Kit builds viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Basically the the glass cannon Static discharge burst build. Minus a toolkit. You could switch the tool kit for the battering ram. So you would have Goggles, rifle turret and battering ram.

What is that infamous HGH build that I read?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sepahbod.4653


Holy kitten dude, first you refuse to click the first link, then you refuse to search for it. Now you are apparently unable to copy past a simple link?? Links break on this forum, so you take your mouse cursor, mark the link and copy paste. JESUS CHRIST!