I played mostly Sword/Dagger and Sword/Focus Weaver this weekend. Here are my impressions:
-Weaver as it stands is definitely not a pure Power spec. It does decent condi pressure though. I found Sage amulet to work best for myself, though I hope others can find more viable options. I know Phantaram tried a Mender’s build with some success. Deadshot looks like it has some potential, but I couldn’t make it work.
-The overall animations and look of the spec are great. The Sword, Dual Attack and Utilities are flashy and look powerful. The Elite skill looks good too.
-The biggest issue for me is the inability to have instant access to powerful defensive abilities like Swirling Winds and Obsidian Flesh. THAT SAID, I will for now chalk it up to a L2P issue on my part, since Weaver does provide evades on both Sword and Utilities (Twist of Fate.)
-Survivability needs help. Weaver cannot reliably survive condi bombs. Barrier in particular is lackluster. It requires speccing into Vitality and Healing Power (already limiting build diversity) and decays too early to be useful.
-Another problem I see with the Weaver is that one Utility skill (Primordial Stance) seems to do the bulk of its damage. PS itself is bugged (pulses 3 burn/sec when attuned to Fire and Earth, instead of 1 burn/sec.) It’s going to be weak when fixed, which is going to exacerbate the problem that our weapon skills don’t do all that much damage for a melee spec.
-I also fear that Weaver is still too reliant on Water/Arcane, hamstringing its build diversity. Especially with the crazy condis flying around now, Water is needed more than ever. And Arcane is indispensable for the Attunement swap cool down reduction and Evasive Arcana. I was hoping for more active defense to be added to Sword to help us justify specccing into Fire/Air/Earth, and the evades are a good start, but there simply isn’t enough condi removal to justify abandoning Water, and the class feels too clunky without Arcane.
-Sword auto-attacks are not good. They don’t do much damage and feel clunky. I think they should just have their cast times reduced/animations sped up. Another problem is that if you swap Attunements mid-AA chain, you reset the chain to the first attack. It’s clunky and annoying.
-Besides the auto-attacks, the Sword feels great to use. A lot of potential here. Needs more damage though!
-Dual attacks for the most part are great (though Staff and Scepter seem to have a few underwhelming Dual Attacks.) However, none of the Dual Attacks benefit from cooldown reduction traits. This needs to be rectified. Some skills like Flame Eruption and Gale Strike could be faster too. Lava Skin should really be instant-cast.
-I love the gap-closers, CC and evades on Sword! Been looking forward to this for ages. I so badly want to spec into Air for Lightning Rod, but am too scared to give up Water/Arcane
Utility Skills
-Primordial Stance is great! However, it’s going to be weak when its bug is fixed
-Twist of Fate is a good skill, and will be on my bar with Lightning Flash and PS.
-Unravel is just a waste of a Utility skill IMO. Once you get the hang of how Attunement swapping works with Weaver, you will almost never need to take this skill. I’d much rather see it reworked. Maybe condition removal or more CC?
Healing Skill
-No real opinion on this; I mainly used Signet of Restoration.
Elite Skill
-Should definitely be usable while moving. Stopping to cast this just cuts your momentum dead.
-Grandmaster tier needs work. IMO, there is only one good GM trait, Invigorating Strikes. Elements of Rage runs counter to the Weaver mechanic! It should reward dual-attuning; it feels more like a Tempest trait at the moment. Unravel Hexes is so pointless. It’s essentially another Lucid Singularity, which no one takes. It should remove all conditions (one condition per half second) when under the effects of Superspeed.
Overall, I love the Weaver, a lot more than I liked Tempest initially. I hope the issues get fixed; I really want it to be viable as a damage-dealing spec in PVP. It needs to be able to survive on the frontlines and/or have the capacity to do enough damage if people are going to play it.
Just wanted to quote and say that I agree strongly with everything said here, and it’s a good summary of current issues. I hope the devs read this.