Showing Posts For Shaorune.2347:
i wanted to avoid making this thread as a player whos returning after over a year. i wanted to at least get to a point where i could play every class again so i can weigh in. but yeah, some these new elite specs and more specifically the revenant just turn me off. not only that but they seem to have removed solo queue tpvp so i havent even began to be bothered with leagues.
i havent played gw2 in over a year. i recently fired it back up and im having some problems with skills not casting until a second or so. also i tried doing a story mission and the mobs were lagging. i was taking damage out of nowhere and my attacks (axe necro) were saying out of range despite me being right on my target. this never happened before and my internet didnt change. my consoles and other pc games are optimal so did something change with the servers?
i played this spec with horn when getting my champ warrior title.
-almost perma weakness if you can focus one target. pretty much kills thief or power necros lich completely.
-so much cleanse that you wont really need zerker stance. you can change dolyak sig for zerker stance if you want cuz you already break 3k armor.
-extremely tanky with 28k health and 3k armor with health regen from adrenal health/healing sig/shout heals.
-excellent team support. shake it off, great justice and horn 4>5 can full cleanse your team and give them boons. horn 5 and hammer burst can blast finish for aoe heals or might. add that with shout heals, you can heal nearly 4k every 20 seconds if you have life sigil stacks. also you get the cc with mace and hammer to disable people who stand on point.
-adrenaline on shouts can maintain adrenal health and keep at 2 bars of adrenaline at almost all times.
-with sword its a great orb runner for spirit watch cuz of cleansing ability and tankiness
-permanent boon potential with swiftness, might and retaliation
-not good damage output. i did try axe mainhand instead of mace before and it was okay. i had 28% crit rate but that was when you could put a zerker jewel in the necklace. your eviscerate still hit hard but only if it crits and thats on zerker types. higher armor ratings were more resistant to overall damage.
-mesmers are a problem to focus. maybe its me but i had a hard time taking them 1v1.
-its a good team support build and you might have trouble deciding between bunking home and helping mid.
-you lose the extra point needed for 5 second cd on weapon swap which sometimes does prove costly
-no easy mode cleanse with bow burst. the skull crack needs to be used carefully.
thats about all i got right now. i havent played it in a while cuz i prefer dps types and burst precision is like cakes for me now but i really had fun playing this. i enjoy it better than bunker guard for sure.
thats basically me right now. i find myself doing hotjoins just for reward progress, one or two tournament games then going to play/do something else. one of biggest things that makes me sad is how i enjoy pvp but everyone is using the same builds and weapons. the lack of diversity and not being able to play my favorite builds/classes is taking a toll on me and its been like this for a while now. i want anet to make that one update that gets me fired up and want to pvp all day but who knows if or when thatll happen.
how would the pvp community feel about a restriction of having only one type of class on a team? i am specifically talking about having two warriors on the same team stacking blasts on the football field range of combustive shot. im aware that its a legit strategy or meta and whatnot and im personally not complaining about the class itself cuz i like playing warrior myself but seriously i only watched like one game of the tol and got entirely bored watching hammer time and petting zoos. its either this or have a tournament with zerker amulets only. i would like to watch gw2 tpvp match and be excited to watch, not close the tabs when i see 2 warrior/1 guard/1 ranger/1 whatever comps. warriors just make it more awful to watch with how cheesy it is.
nature spirit and being able to command pets while downed as well as the 3 skill when downed, elixir r, glyph of renewal, sweet revenge, symbol of judgement, etc. ranger will probably always be the king of downed state and you would probably see a ton more spirit rangers but as you can see many classes have ways to cheat death without the need of a teammate to res. a game mode where down = death would be nice though.
With wings on it? And each wing gets a cape?
why stop there? there can be wings on the capes too. and then we can give those cape wings some capes with wings.
wings with wings on them. or a ninja scarf like what strider hiryu wears.
I say you can predict the match based on 3 things:
-weapon equipped i see so many warriors with GS these days, or mesmer with torch, or guardians with staff and GS…
-shiny style a guy with those glowing metal wings sure is a PvE oriented player, or a legendary GS, tequatl / fractals weapons…
-title every time i see Hero Of Lions Arch i know it’s gonna be bad now, every PvP player should use his champion title (not champion slayer pls) or ransacker / marauder etc…
i am a shiny style guy and rock my mercenary title over my actual rank title. i really like mercenary better than most other titles but sometimes ill throw on pve titles and ask what to do to throw people off. some peoples reactions are hilarious. also i do keep my champ titles on their respective classes so i wont be a engi using any title other than champ genius which i dont have yet so yeah.
im seeing 4.6k crits on warriors with around 3-5 conditions. due to how hectic pvp can be i cant say but yeah thats really rigged. they should really look into this before tournaments happen cuz if we see people having staff mesmers on their comp we would know why.
so if i already have a skin i didnt use my only option is to use a transmutation stone? im being charged again for something i already had?
and where are the sharks going to live? unless they become land sharks.
people who wasted their time and life getting a high rank shouldnt be punished like this. im not even a high rank yet and i dont want to be a r50 dragon. lets be honest, the amount of points needed to level in pvp is a bit tedious but this sounds like its just an open invitation to get more pve people into pvp because its suffering already.
1. reduce the overall number of points needed to get through 70-80. make it easier for those already in that bracket while still giving both them and lower ranks something to work towards.
2. give people some type of booster that gives one pvp level based on the first number of your rank. r1-19 gets one free level, r50-59 gets 5 free levels, r70+ gets 7 free levels, etc.
we all can agree that necro has no stability thats reliable. near to death and foot in the grave is too costly for most builds and its pretty much a linear ‘you have to run this no matter what’. so with well of power, it breaks stun and pulse clears conditions. conditions will still be applied because its a pulse and guess what happens if you happen to take a load of conditions from being focused? conditions still there making it useless among cc and our condi transfers. instead make well of power an aoe stability pulse. i dont care if only necro can get the stability and it gets bumped up to 60 or 75 second cd. anything is better then being cc’d into oblivion with absolutely no chance other than running either 3 stun breaks or fig/ntd.
i brought 1600 gems and meant to get some extra bl keys. since i had keys in my purchase history i decided to grab them from there cuz too lazy to find them. i clicked too fast and it dropped down the phoenix armor i recently got where i clicked for the keys and now i got another phoenix armor set and i dont want it? would i be able to get my gems back and they delete the set or am i stuck with it?
this pic is some armor for human female thieves. now when i go i my female charr thief (this human is just for the story achievement points, i only play charrs lol) all my armor looks bulky and meh. why cant we have scant armor sets for charr? its not even about just medium armor. i hate like 90% of light armor pants because the skirt like things are too big and ugly. if you ever seen how the trickster pants look on humans and then on charr youll know what i mean. ive been in love with the ascalonian pants lately because they are sleek and i like that. but why not get some where the thighs are cut out like on this set? and yeah people are gonna bring in charr lore and how they war so they need some armor. humans war too, doesnt stop their thieves from having these nice scant outfits. i know its a little stupid to be annoyed by this but im all about aesthetics. if they sold the exact look of this armor for charr in the bltp for even 2k gems id get it.
what spec/weapons are you running? try impeding their movement with chills and cripples so the escape is harder. ele can ether renewal which might a little more difficult to counter unless ds 3 is up. ive noticed once you shutdown people who might try to challenge you 1 on 1 they tend not to come back except for bad thieves.
wow what the hell, when did that happen. the skill tip isnt even updated. its almost like they want every necro to run nothing but dagger offhand/staff/consume condition.
ive noticed now on two seperate occasions in spvp where my putrid mark will not transfer high bleed stacks. yesterday i encountered a condi warrior and today a ranger, both times they get get 10-13 bleed stacks and i go for putrid mark on instinct, but it just passes every condition except the bleed. this never happened before and it really puts me in a bind because im not using dagger offhand and i dont want to be forced to and i end up wasting ds to soak up the damage until cc is back up.
so am i the only one seeing these gs/rifle warriors running berserker setup with frenzy/berserker stance/endure pain? endure pain makes them immune to damage for 5 seconds. berserker stance makes them immune to condition and cc conditions. last stand trait takes place of cleansing ire because berserker stance makes it so theres no need to cleanse anything. so yeah for 5-6 seconds your fighting an immortal dps warrior and thats all he needs with frenzy and volley. then im over here in necro town left with no life force or elite.
if any changes need to made to hotjoin, its making the standard room size 5v5 and nothing bigger. and possibly remove the money reward.
the only classes that i can say i have consistent trouble with no matter what class im playing, has to be mesmer and engi. everything else is just annoying.
i dont know how he did it but i just played this game where a thief was inside our base without killing any doors, possibly some type of shadowstep exploit?
well it would just so happen i enjoy playing classes that lack reliable stability (mesmer, thief, necro), how do you approach hgh engineers who camp the skyhammer room? i just played this one guy with my mesmer and got him down to about 5-10% health. he ran out the room, healed up and stormed back in. set up bob which i clearly saw and then he uses flamethrower kit to push me off the edge. i tried approaching in stealth and sure enough he keeps pushing me off the edges. surely this isnt a new strategy and since im returning from a 5+ month hiatus im unaware of how people have gotten around this, preferably the classes i mentioned.
-solo q
-a game mode or custom setting where down = dead
-gear purchasable with glory or better salvage chance. craft formula doesnt even give the same thing all the time
build diversity and class balance is something that will extend beyond pvp so im not gonna say anything about that. we know what it is with certain classes.
i was really considering making one of those “i love necro and its my main but x class has y skills and it makes it hard to fight” threads but at this point i have put my necro on the back burner for thief/ranger/mesmer. hell i enjoy glass cannon warrior at this point. but lets just say devs acknowledged that necro is buns and decided to give them some new skills/traits whatever how would it be done without making necro op or have an unfair advantage of sorts?
-making staff marks invisible like thief or ranger traps
-longer fears
-more bleed stacks on skills
-increase life siphoning but not to the point where its like a mini troll unguent
-easier access to defensive boons like protection or regen
-damage mitigation like a projectile reflect or block
-access to a stability or invul skill
-an instant life force gain skill or faster way of getting a small amount going
-easier access to mobility skills
-the ability to gain hp while in ds
this isnt everything but this is just some stuff to consider. they did announce a new condition for ds 5 but that really isnt going to do much when you get basilisk venomed out of nowhere and bursted out of ds. or end up having 1 person turn into 3 and all your utilities are on cd. or you cant stomp someone in time and get cc’d into oblivion until someone revives the guy or guys you downed and now you have to fight more people and cant escape. i would love to make my necro my main pvper but almost every day i encounter a situation where i say ‘if i were on my x i would totally have gotten out of this’. and sure enough when i do switch i wonder why i even bother with necro in the first place.
-warrior has balanced stance and dolyak signet
-guardian has hallowed ground and aegis/blocks
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
-ranger has RaO
-engi has a stability skill and the shrinking potion
-mes has a stability mantra and stealth
-im sure you know ele stuff
-lol necro
yeah i hate my necro.
i made a mistake and purchased two of the same ascended rings and found out i cant use both at the same time. i was told i could infuse it and it would count as a seperate ring so i could use both. i put one of those +4 stat things in it and it didnt seem to work. do i need a specific infusion or should i just count my losses and trash it?
weapon swap stuff works on ele? i never knew that since you know, no weapon switch thing.
i am currently using 0/0/10/30/30 with d/d and soldier amulet with berserker jewel (thats not surprising now is it lol) and im having a tough time choosing sigils runes. since i have like 5% rate it doesnt really make sense to go with sigils that proc off crits unless i put accuracy sigils with precision somewhere in my armor or necklace. i would also like to maintain vit with healing power for extra survivability so my runes would be something based on this. i tried vamp rune for its leeching and that mist at 10% but it doesnt seem to work in pvp. it kinda sucks cause i was hoping it would work with water x trait.
Actually, it is written on the items themselves. The Unique property.
Basically, you can’t use two items with the same name if they’ve got the Unique property. I may assume you got two rings with the same name, then.
That’s also why there are more items with the same stats (and different infusion slot).
now see i would have never found that page by conventional looking. i do admit i was a bit hasty to buy them so its not like im making a big fuss over it but you gotta admit thats a pretty sneaky thing to throw on there. maybe they should add it to the hint thing ingame about what a unique item means.
i decided to spend my laurel points for the first time and figured since i had 78 ill just buy two rings. i have read nowhere that you could not have two ascended items at the time so assuming this applies to earrings. i also have no idea if its simply one ascended jewelry period as in 1 necklace/no rings/earrings and so on. this page on the wiki doesnt even help can there be a more easily accessible warning before people waste their laurels as i have? like on the items themselves even.
i recently spent 80 dollars or so opening chests for fused weapon tickets which totaled about 100 considering keys that came from chests and quest keys. no this not a complaint, i willingly spent that money and knew it was chance. what i do feel is a waste of money is all this account bound junk sitting in my bank. i did pay real money for it so i dont wanna just destroy it. but i really have no use for name change things and makeover kits and bank/blt summoning stuff. i have way too many boosters that ill never use. my suggestion would be offering a small chance of pulling one these things out as non account bound so people can recoup some of their money through gold (which honestly isnt much). a lot of negativity comes from not getting what you wanted but maybe we could at least say we got something out of it, account bound or not. i personally am loving this endless mystery tonic i got out of it. it turns me into vegetation and trees lol.
1. About how long would it take for a new gw1 player to get a decent amount of points? Is it gonna take a while? Say 30 points.
2. Is everything a one time purchase or can I buy an unlimited amount of something?
3. I am interested in the heritage armors. Is it a complete set or do I buy it in parts? How much points is it?
Basis – This game mode is in a large map and features multiple areas like snowy areas, forests, deserts etc. There are regular mobs and veteran/champs you can kill in map, some aggresive, some not. Heres where the game mode kicks in. There are npc’s you can take quests/missions from. These missions are either hits (kill x npc) or robberies (killing trading caravans). The catch is some of these npc are rogue ai which are modded classes which makes them harder to kill like say an engineer npc that has an ice thrower instead of a flamethrower that freezes for each hit. Some missions might also be like killing a lionguard caravan with 2-5 enemies. If killing npc stuff is not your flavor you can take missions that involves killing animals like dolyaks for hair/fur items. Each mission completed adds to a meter similar to how grand theft auto wanted level is. Killing more stuff gives a chance for a veteran/champion ai to spawn on you and try to kill you. There will be some type of alignment where you can do good or bad stuff. To spice this up even more the whole map is open pk with no parties/teams. You are on your own. There will be something like a poster board in small safe spots where other players can order hits on other players for gold. Ofcourse there would have to be some reward for this like new armor/weapon skins, titles, gold, karma or crafting stuff.
Why did i come up with this? Wvw is a zergfest. Granted one good guild can do some real damage with coordination it still requires a lot of people to get stuff done. Spvp is fun and all but downing glass cannon thieves/mesmers only to have their teammates come out of nowhere and kill you is frustrating. Combined with bunker build players sitting on points and waiting for another teammate to come help, spvp gets stale. I think something more fast paced where players are left only with their skill and wits to rely on.
I have seen plenty times while im leveling in orr an event pop up. Now in my perspective, the answer to most of these is kill everything. So whats with people calling people dumb or stupid for not luring one npc to another? Its usually a champion or veteran mob that some want lured to a pact npc – and this does what? Another one I dont get is the one in the centaur land. The guy summons two huge earth golem hands and people say not to kill it. Once again I ask: what does this do? Are these exploits of some sort like the risen giant grubs? Better loot?
>Get into a fight with an ele
>Down them
>They go into that mist form, walk like 10 feet from where they were downed
>Go back into downed
This really makes me bust out laughing, especially when they are crippled. Now I am not knocking the class. Im pretty sure some out there could do work on me. But that whole skill seems so futile.
Seeing as how there two initial legendary greatswords that can be combind to make a third it wouldnt surprise me.
1. signet of beastmaster gm trait says i gain the active effect of signets. if i combined this with stone signet will i be unhittable? even more i was thinking i could use this with the protect me shout and just not be able to be attacked for at least 10 seconds if i used a bear.
2. i am currently a melee ranger for pve. i have not done any pvp yet so this is just speculation. superior sigil of rage+quickening zephyr+zephyrs speed would in give me a total of 9 seconds of quickness. would it be advisable to narrow my gear/skill set up for taking on one on one pvp’s? i would like to try this in spvp but i do realize the drawbacks of this overall setup.
it says to type “Delete.” but the delete button never fills in when you do. i dont know if its just me or if its an actual bug.
level 80 engineer looking for a guild on tarnish coast. preferably one for dungeons and wvw, im not really in the 5 vs 5 pvp thing but im willing to learn. i also prefer small guilds where people can actually get to know each other.
-i play in eastern time zone
-i dont mind bad language or rude jokes
-i work early mornings so i pretty much have from 11 am to 9 pm to play but i might not be on every day
-i do not like go hard guilds. if your going to pester me about doing pvp for titles or gear kittens then no thanks
i do intend to go try some dungeons eventually but i made to 80 and i dont see the significance. am i going to regret in later patches? or maybe i might have to have a certain one done to continue story quests?
Okay so Im maining my engineer cause I like it, questions I have to make my life easier:
1. I want to be power/precision with grenade kit. Grenade barrage is hella strong and I like the aoe. Is this viable later on in the game? Maybe levels 60-80.
2. What elite skills are worth buying? Im saving for mortar but Im not too sure on it or the other skills.
3. Do sigils proc with kits? Ive never seen it happen with my grenade kit. I have 38% crit at 36 with flame and air revolvers.
4. Do turrets get a boost depending on my stats? Or do they only follow individual stats and trait boosts?
Thanks in advance.