Showing Posts For Sideshow Mel.4587:

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Same thing happened to me – lost a number gem purchases from the black lion trading post

Juggernaught: Only 1 Profession Required?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

The recipe for vial of quicksilver falls under jeweler. Also I think Platinum Ingots requires jeweler.

Question about tier 6 nodes

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

There was server maintenance last night which might have reset the nodes again

Master and Rare dyes - Cooking

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I can’t find the link but rare and master dye recipes from cooking only give you a chance for a rare or master dye. So you can still get common and uncommon ones using these.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Mine is still broken as well.

Last 3 story chains:

Striking Off the Chains
Wet Works
Intercepting the orb

All 3 were done with a friend (I think he started the stories but it’s been a while so I’m not sure). I do know that he had no issues with this mission.

Storyline and the Orders..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Raiden – this is an issue with the pathfinding for placement of the star. The intercepting the orb personal story takes plan on the Mount Maelstrom map – so just get to that map any way you can.

Engineer pistols Q-skill needs to be more like Thief pistol Q-skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Ah that skews things a bit. I think the bleed should probably be AoE or bumped to maybe 3s (4s maybe too high). The piercing trait can still make up for the base weakness a bit, especially since a decent group will get a pretty multiple from the AoE of the clumped pierced targets.

Engineer pistols Q-skill needs to be more like Thief pistol Q-skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I assume Q-skill = skill #1.

On the topic, doesn’t explosive shot do AoE bleeding vs vital shot which is single target. The AoE is small but it does play into the balance. In addition, engineers can trait pistols to pierce while thieves only get a trait that provides 5% chance to bounce to another target. I think the balance overall is pretty good.

Speed boost signet

in Ranger

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Durzlla – I agree the active mode of the signet can be powerful with the right pet and is useful to keep the pet engaged in combat. I would have to disagree that rangers have faster or more reliable ways of applying swiftness compared to thieves or engineers.

With my ranger, I can have the signet up and use a warhorn to for most swiftness needs. In a pinch, I can use Rampage as one as well but is really a waste of the skill just to move around faster. All of this together allows me to be about as fast or maybe just a little slower than a thief with a 25% boost (and no other swiftness on the thief). The other rangers swiftness abilities are more combat focused and therefore less reliable (for example, quick shot requires you to hit your target and will push you back). Rangers are ok at swiftness.

On the surface, thief only has 1 skill that provides swiftness but that skill gives a 25% passive speed buff. However, a thief can also use Infiltrator’s arrow to shadowstep forward. This is more complicated than a straight speed boost, but it can add quite a bit of speed for a thief. In addition, a thief has 2 traits which can reliably provide swiftness out of combat. One is fleet shadow which provides 33% swiftness while stealthed. This is a little less likely to be used just to move around but I’ve done it on my thief in PvE often enough. The other is expeditious dodger which a 5 point trait in the acrobatic line. This one gives 2 seconds of swiftness by dodging (this doesn’t exactly match the trait description but it is the way it works). In addition at 15 points in the same trait line, dodging returns about a third of the used endurance. This means you can get about 3 dodges in a row but needing to regen, and your endurance never really hits 0 so you can dodge again sooner. There are several thief traits that also provide swiftness but require combat. I would say that these are also probably a little better than a ranger’s set. As a stated in my earlier post, I think a thief needs swiftness more than a ranger so I think the overall balance isn’t too skewed.

As for the engineer, they have several skills that provide swiftness (or boost movement speed – i.e. super speed from slick shoes). These skills are a bit limited in terms of amount of swiftness and recharge rate. Many of these skills are probably better saved for combat. As for traits, they have very few that boost movement but as mentioned by Da Poolp that trait can provide perma swiftness to an engineer. Speedy kits provides 5 seconds of swiftness on a kit equip and with 2 kits an engineer can keep swiftness up indefinitely. Most engineers I know are using at least 1 kit, so they can have swiftness up at least half the time. Finally, I think the engineer needs swiftness the least of the three classes (not necessarily by much but a still the least).

Overall of the adventurer professions, I think the thief needs swiftness the most, ranger second, and engineers third. In terms of ability to bring up swiftness easily & reliably, I think the thief is still on top, the engineer is second (due to the single trait), and ranger is last. I don’t think the balance is too out of skew but a little change for ranger like the change to tail wind I suggested above makes sense.

As for the other professions, I think the true king of swiftness is the elementalist – tons of ways to bring up swiftness, the only combo field that gives swiftness, and the real movement bonus is ride the lightning. Mesmers, on the other hand, are probably the slowest profession. I haven’t played on since the betas but I remember plodding along throwing temporal curtains or hoping for a random boon. They make up for it in other areas but still they feel slow.

(edited by Sideshow Mel.4587)

stacking sigil in offhand?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I think you can only build one stack so the offhand one is wasted.

Speed boost signet

in Ranger

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Sangi – I have both a thief and ranger and I would have to disagree. Swiftness is much more critical the more of the thief mechanics and playstyle than a ranger. With thief burst damage due to the initiative mechanic, you need to be able to move a lot more than a ranger.

That said I do feel that a ranger could use another way to get swiftness out of combat. Call of the Wild requires equipping the warhorn but is decent. Quick shot only gives a short quickness burst and is only good in combat. Rampage as One really shouldn’t be used out of combat (I know I’ve used it for the boost but it really is a bit of a waste). I would really like tail wind to apply out of combat with a 10 second cooldown (or something along those line).

legendary precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Moonpuncher – there are other exotic skins (that are not Legendary) that you might like as well which take a lot to craft or are pretty rare drops. For example there is one discussed in this thread that people seem to like (not for elementalist but I would guess there are some):

I think people have been scanning the PvP skins to try to find what some of them look like. You could also start a second alt character as well that is not asuran.

Fiery Gladius

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Looks like it is in the game under a different name and is quite expensive to craft using the mystic forge. See this thread:

Reserved Names?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Release dates of reserved names has not been announced yet – see this thread:

How to mail just *one* item

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Hold alt and drag to the stack to another slot in your inventory. This will let you split the stack (a new window should pop up letting you customize how much to split).

The way to get Glob of Ectoplasm via salvaging

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Damian – According to the recent update notes, the Black Lion Kit has a 50% chance to get a rare material vs the master kit with only 25%.

We should be able to see how much Magic Find we have.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Very good idea – agreed

Filter for light, medium, heavy armor in TP & vendors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

After doing a lot of searches in the trading post and also previewing armor from several vendors (especially high-end karma and dungeon vendors), I really feel that a filter to only show light, medium or heavy armor would be incredible useful.

For the trading post, you can work around this but doing several more specific searches (like “ravaging noble” instead of just “ravaging”). This can still be annoying since you sometimes you might want to check various types of armor. With the dungeon vendors, the list so long that it really needs some way to help trim down what you are looking at sometimes.

How do you make sigil of bloodlust and sigil of battle?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

As Kraun said, I think they are drop or forge only. I have not seen them on any craftable list and have not discovered either on weaponsmith or huntsman.

Out of combat pet swap cooldown

in Ranger

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

There are several traits that trigger on pet swap – so my guess is they would have needed to recode all of they or just change pet swap out of combat.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

It looks like maybe they are honing in on the problem. I would reply to Jeffery Vaughn’s question in this thread:

That might help speed up finding a solution.

(edited by Sideshow Mel.4587)

Bought character slot, not showing =\

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

The character select screen also only shows 7 characters I think. With the 8th slot there should a be little arrow on the right side that let’s you scroll over.

Personal story | Level 70 | Battle for Fort Trinity, Blocked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

There are multiple threads about this. This one seems to have the most recent dev interaction:

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I’m stuck at the beginning like many others. I think I played through the mission where the my greatest fear is picked with a friend (pretty sure it was his instance). I do not recall what fear was picked. I will check and edit my response tonight when I can log in and check – it should listed in the summary in my hero panel right? Should I have been assign the same one as the one my friend picked? I can ask him to check as well – he was able to progress in past this personal story.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

You have likely hit the max in terms of guilds. I believe the current limit is part of 4 guilds + 1 invite.

See this stickied thread for more info:

Crafting help, Wut do?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

If you lack low level materials, you can always go back to the starter areas (including the ones for the other races) and collect more. You can also try to maximize the gain for the jute you already have by carefully planning and gain as much from discovery as possible.

Also keep in mind that a lot of the low end light armor (not sure up to what level) will salvage into jute as well.

I made a horrendous mistake that I'm trying to fix.

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

You could also start an alt character and farm up the mats by playing that.

Caledon Forest Character Bank Location?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

You need to go into the Grove (it is south of the 1st waypoint in Caledon after you finish the tutorial). The Grove is the Sylvari city similar to Divinity’s Reach for Humans. The bank is located on the 2nd lowest level down.

What's up with tiny fangs?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Tiny fangs appear to be used by a leatherworker to makeminor runes of the ranger but that requires 1 stretched rawhide leather square, 2 onyx slivers, and 1 tiny fang.

Can Someone Please Explain Skill Points?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Skill points can be used purchase skills or to purchase certain items for use with the Mystic Forge (located in Lions Arch among other places). Once a skill is purchased, you have it and can not get a refund for those skills points. That skill can be placed in an available skill slot but can be swapped out for a different one as long as you are not considered to be in combat. Note that you have 3 regular skill slots and one elite skill slot and regular skills only go in the regular slots & elites only in the elite. As noted above, you continue to earn skill points once you hit the level cap of 80.

Also worth noting is that you start to gain trait points starting at level 11. You will continue to gain trait points per level up to 80 but no beyond (so you max out at 70). These points can also be reset but only by speaking with a trait NPC & paying a fee.

What do you guys use Karma for?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Karma is also needed for many crafting recipes (while you might have a skin you like – you might want different stats) and can also be used to buy your gathering tools and salvage kits.

Should I report each gold spam instance or once per individual spammer?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I had a quick question regarding how to report gold spammers.

Should I report each instance of the spam or once for each individual spammer?

For example, yesterday when I logged in my in-game mailbox was full from about 10 different gold spam messages from 2 different accounts. The messages looked exactly the same except for the sender. I ended up report each sender once and then deleted the rest. Should I have just reported each individual message?

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Ah I was looking for a thread like this – I know a bunch of other threads about this personal story have popped up as well.

Here is my info:

Name: Slayn
Race: Asura
Class: Thief
Level: 80
Order of Whispers

I have the issue where I enter the instance and approach Traeherne but the cut scene never activates. The star above him goes away once the NPCs around him finish the dialog. I have tried going in and talking to him really quickly but nothing happens till the dialog finishes. I have tried waiting till the dialog ends and then speaking to him – again no cut scene. I’ve wandered a decent portion of the instance but that does not trigger anything either.

When I tried to go in with a friend as a party, we get split up with the person who activates the instance going in and the other is left behind. That friend had no issues with getting into the cut scene and he was able to finish the story. We had been doing the last couple of stories before this a group with no issues. I do not recall if the story before this was done with his story or mine though.

Still occurring as of 9/14/12 patch

(edited by Sideshow Mel.4587)

Legendary Weapon "Rodgort" won't craft despite accepting all 4 materials as valid.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Based on what has been posted on this thread:

I would assume it’s likely that making a legendary is much more involved that what is on the wiki – especially after seeing Linsey Murdock’s (from Anet) post on page 2.

Guild Deleted, bug??

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

There is a sticky at the top of this forum about guild problems:

It’s a long thread but I know that issues like this are one of primary focuses that they are trying to fix. I would post the problem there.

guild problems!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

The is sticky at the top of this forum for all guild problems. One of the issues seem to be that certain maps have problems while other don’t. I would check that thread, and maybe post some details of regarding your problem there.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I am having the exact same problem. Also similar to Relica, I tried to go in with a friend in a party. We were split apart – with one person going in and the other being left behind. My friend was able to go in an activate the quest with no issues but I would go in and the story gets stuck right at the start with Trahearne. I tried log-our and back in and also restarting the client but there was no success. Also tried in a party with my friend and going in by myself.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I am having the same issue

Morgans Spiral jump puzzle, the tree is dead?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Ah – then maybe there is an event to restore it as well or maybe it’s bugged.

Morgans Spiral jump puzzle, the tree is dead?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I think failing an event results in the tree dying. I think the tree resets by itself without an event but I’m not sure.

Flaming Swords and Armor?!?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

You might also want to check out the rewards for the Cathedral of Flames dungeon (I think that’s the one). You can find the reward merchant in Lions Arch near the WvW portals and preview the armor there.

Clearing the map?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

The rewards depends on the map. For all maps, you some money, experience and basic transmutation stones. In addition for any map that is not a city, you get map level appropriate gear (2-3 items I think) and common crafting material as well.