Showing Posts For Sjadi.6589:
How is giving everyone a precursor a good thing? I would hate to have this, would make it so much easier to get Legendary. And how cool is it to have a legendary if everyone have one? Not very… Id rather not have one and admire those who have for they have earned theirs the hard way!
i main warrir, ranger and ele, and between those 3 classes the warrior seems the weakest by far, he just doesnt have as many options as the other two. But kitten does that 20k hundrede bladez feel good !
Omg my old senpai from back in the days VAIN! Awsome to see ur still playing man ^^
Everyone here usually poos on people who mentioned they played comp wow (#1 in their battle groups etc.)
Why the elitist attitude? Even in their worst state, they have more players, and competition than ours at our best state…if we ever had one.
Plz stop the hate. It is like you are arrogant saying that this game’s pvp is better than WoW or something.
While it has the potential to be better, it is FAR, FAR from being that way anytime soon sadly.
Guys need to stop hating on games with clearly better PVP and a larger player base just because you think this game is better.
WoW is a widly successful game, and you guys need to stop acting like GW2 is the second coming of Jesus, because judgement day came and went, and none of us went to heaven.
Personal opinion… I think GW2 has the potential to be awesome, it is just so far from it right now.
Stop the h8 yo
I never saw any guildwars player hate on Wow, u make it sound like its all we do on these forums which is a big fat lie. Imo u just seem like a troll who want to provoke rage from the guildwars playerbase…
Go away bad troll i called ur bluff !
Hey peeps ! I just came back after a 6 months break, did some hotjoins to catch up but, that gets boring pretty fast as ppl who play tehre are just roaming mindlessly for kills instead of actually try to win. If i see one more noob come to a point im alrdy capping im gonna instadelete, cant watch the fails no more.
ANyhow enough of my kittening^^ Ive played pretty much all classes in pvp focusing on ranger/ele/warrior as ive found some builds wiht these classes i really enjoy to play. Hope to find a team to actually get some serious games going, preferably same ranks as me give or take I have alot of experience with tournaments from back wehn there was 3 rounds of tournas, even did some paids aswell when i had a team. I am a bit rusty with the 2-3? new maps tho, i will do some testing the next couple of days on those tho ^^
- Sjadi
Where u in party with the guy u played against? as u say it was friends. Because if ur playing against ppl in ur party, u will still be able to see them if they go stealth, and if they chat u can see the bobble above their head which will reveal where on the map they are. Had alot of fun with this actually, atleast i thoguth so, my thief buddy, not so much :p
Anyway they need to do something about this, its not gamebreaking by any means tho as u can just leave the party and be stealthed as its supposed to be while playing against ur buddy
Sounds like this is not the game for u, just realise that and stop try to make it another wowclone:)
This was actually a very great idea! Im sure that some % of the new players who try the pvp will HAVE to buy the game to try every other aspect of it. Would be win/win, hope the devs listens to u
I dont like saying this but ur arguments just scream I NEED l2P, cus if u have even played ranger a bit u would know that a simple interrupt(fear,daze,stun, knockdown,knockback etc etc etc) would stop the pet from ressing for another 15secs or so, which by then u should be able to stomp him 3 times unless u mess up badly
Yeah the thought occured to me, aswell as the possibilty for spam. Maybe its not possible, it probably isnt, but the state of the dead maps are just a bit sad to me atm :/
Hey! Lately ive found myself to be a bit downed about the fact that every mapchat outside of LA is dead, i love a lively chat so for me and i know many others this is a very bad thing, noone wanna feel like they are alone in the world. I dont know if its even possible to make this work but my suggestion would be to make ppl gain either karma/exp/money for participating/helping ppl who are asking for help on mapchat, maybe with a system where others can reward that ur answer was helpfull or something like that. Ofc this wont increase the casual chatting as ppl talking gibberish(being social) is not being rewarded, but i couldnt come up with any way to do this, if u could it would just be great!
Input please
- Sjady
Ty i did know it was very active but ive heard about anvil rock too? just not sure if its on EU or NA but desolation it is.
Hey all, im currently playing on Far shiverpeaks (EU) and i find that often the mist is half empty and its impossible to find ppl to premade with and im tired of pugging. Anyway im looking to join a more pvpactive server on the EU side, do anyone know which have most pvpers?
ty :-)
- Sjady
Pres TAB = profit
THat being said, im pretty sure asuras have just as big hitbox as norns has, atleast thats my experience from JPs, meaning u can just press close to the asura or even above it. ( not confirmed but my testing says so )
I think u know the answer to this one urself
who says how its supposed to be played? there is no rules that u have to win by capping bases, u could just as easy get ur points by getting kills, rendering ur argument invalid… Dont know why ppl think they MUST use the bases just cus the option is there. Imo its selfish to join duelling servers and ruin everything when its so easy to just leave and find another. i dont duel but i have come across a few duellers, but it was a wast minority of the games i joined so dont really see it as a problem.
i guess when the game opens by saying " hold onto your points seize theirs" i guess the announcer has it wrong too lol who knew !!
“hold onto your points” this part no1 in hotjoins follows, must i go rage about it on forums too? cus they dont play like the announcer want us to play?.. Zerging around for next basecap/kill is pretty much what 95% of the players in hotjoins are doing.
This is getting ridiculous. It seems like 9 times out of 10 I join a spvp match to find the players “dueling”. it’s getting to the point that I can’t play the game the way it was meant to be.
If you’re trying to PvP “the way it was meant to be” then you should not being in hotjoin.
I understand and respect that you don’t like dueling, but many of us don’t like running around trying to cap points and then being steamrolled by a 7 man zerg. IMO no skill involved and not really any fun. So you can easily join your higher population servers that are at the top of the server list to enjoy your 8v8, and just let us scroll down to the 3-4 pop servers at the bottom and enjoy our 1v1s.
Agree with this wise fellah here, said what i was trying too, just better. +1 sir
who says how its supposed to be played? there is no rules that u have to win by capping bases, u could just as easy get ur points by getting kills, rendering ur argument invalid… Dont know why ppl think they MUST use the bases just cus the option is there. Imo its selfish to join duelling servers and ruin everything when its so easy to just leave and find another. i dont duel but i have come across a few duellers, but it was a wast minority of the games i joined so dont really see it as a problem.
Why do u think u know how the game is supposed to be played? It never occured to u the timer might have been added so the game can be won in other ways than capping bases? Im so sick and tired of ppl who cant just join another server when they see ppl duelling, come on there is several hundred servers why ruin it for ppl who wanna duel when u have so much options to join full games of ppl playing the way u want to play…
Lol so much trolling be nice to the guy geez! xD Anyway i just got a chest and inside was 4 pieces of gear and 1 deer finisher
Good post i wish the devs would see this, banners could deffinetly use a remake as the pick up to use abilities render them pretty weak in many scenario
Imo if only they buffed the heals/lowered the cooldowns of these the warrior would be in a good spot. But atm the cooldowns are waaaay too long for waaaay too small heals. I often dont even use the heals midfight as they heal so little/casttime pretty long atleast for hte one im using(mending) that its often a disadvantage to use it as ull take more dmg and lose crucial dmg output during that time. Alltho there is many options, adding increased base movementspeed would be pretty neat too as they after all are meele and are VERY vulnerable to chill/cripple and their likes.
Balance shows up the very first moment a new player enters PvP for the very first time. The first meta starts with how difficult your chosen class is to play. And in GW2 the first thing any new to PvP player learns is that some classes are VERY VERY hard and some are HEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKER
any questions?
I lold so hard at this one +1 dude u made my night
Hmm i guess it all makes sense :/ i just hoped it was an option but with the lag issues i guess not. Anyway thx for ur input guys guess ill just have to play normal hours like everyone else then duuh-.-
I find it kinda annoying as i play allmost allways at night and it sometimes take hours before the tournament pops. If we could play with NA(im on EU) there would allways be players playing:) If anyone know why they made it this way please share cus i dont see the logic in that desicion
I appreciated how it made me giggle^^
Wish we had ppl on EU who arranged events like this
Agree with op, buff warrior defences anet!
xD Not really, was more thinking something like making paids gold league, then a silver league with lower entrancefee and then free tournaments for the lower tier of players to chase kills/be fullspeed random and what not :0)
Cus lately ive seen an increase in ppl in free tournaments who just come to farm glory, which is really frustration if u like me play to win. If only one had a paid team, but those seems impossible to find atm, atleast on my server(eu farshiverpeaks).. i really hope they lower the entrance fees for paids so more teams will want to go, cus farming frees is just not cutting it nomore. PLease anet lower paidcosts! Pretty please ( btw i got plenty tickets so thats not the issue, the lack of ppl with interest in paids is )
Sad asura is sad
- Sjady
Maybe stop use hammer? Im pwning allmost any thief i see in 1on1 with my warrior the exception is some sb/pistol builds(ranged) or heavy condition, but the standard heartseeker is just ezmode iwth Gs warrior or axe/shield
I love this game too, and i wanna spread the love!! Too many ppl are focusing on all the negative stuff instead of seeing all the awsomeness in this game
Anet <3 ur doing a kittening great job!
(1000hours played both pve and pvp so yeah i got pretty good insight in the game)
Ah sweet thanks
Traits->Strength-> Berserker power(V)
This trait, will it trigger on my eviscerate? Or will the adrenalinebar empty first and therefor not benefit my eviscerate.
Oh u like to be succesfull! Thats a new one xD Maybe tell abit how u like to play? with pets, meele or ranged etc? Ur creterias is pretty much what 99% of the playerbase got lol
Hey guys^^ Im a very active player 8hours+ each day this being both in pve and pvp. For the pve part i alrdy got a guild im happy with, but my mates there dont take much interest in pvp so i often lack ppl to team up with and im too fed up with pugs, and i wanna start doing paids too:(
SO, i kinda need a pvp guild or a team on EU if any1 know of any guild let me know please^^ Atm im playing warrior/ele/ranger but have tried all professions and are willing to play others mainly.
Anyhow others who wanna do premades feel free to add me ingame too, those pugs are killing the game for me!-.-
- Sjady
You try pvp 1 time and then state ur oppinion without further practice, even u should be able to see whats wrong with that picture…
IMO it’s pretentious to assume anyone joining a 7/10 hotjoin would know you’re dueling, let alone stop trying to get points when if you have a terrible attitude about it.
It’s like joining a hockey or a soccer online game and people telling you to get lost, we’re just working on passing… and then adding the word noob for good measure or worse.
It’s on YOU, to find another server, because you are not playing the game, we are. It’s really that simple. If you’re nice about it, I’ll probably leave, but the unfortunate fact about gamers in today’s culture is, 98% of you aren’t nice, and that’s putting it kindly.
Usually duel servers are not 7/10 but more like 2-4/10, and i never joined a duelling server where ppl had a bad attitude, i dont know where u are playing but ppl allways ask me nicely to not interfere if duelling, imo u sound alot like u just want a reason to be a kitten. Remeber this is the only way ppl have to duel, by ruining it u take that option away, WHEN U COULD JUST HAVE SPENT THAT 20secs FINDING ANOHTER SERVER. Selfish kid is selfish.
Imo its rather selfish to ruin ppl who is duellings game, when u could just pick a different server, its not like every 5v5 server is duels.. Stop being a kitten and let ppl who wanna duel do it in peace.
Lol imo 100blades is a kittenkill not viable in pvp, cus u just look silly when the dude u just knocked down just stunbreaked out and is /lolling at u waveing ur sword in the air while he is counterbursting u from the side.. 100b warriors are easiest spec of all specs avalible to any profession to counter imo.
I actually think that mounts for the looks would be awsome, but should be without any movement advantages imo, would add another think for ppl to collect and strife towards .
= Merge some servers heart of the mist area please to make it feel more alive? Pretty please^^
Dont know if such an idea is even achiveable but i feel that outside peak hours heart of the mist is pretty empty and players like me who play alot in the late night/morning have a hard time finding a group/making a premade for tournaments And the chat overall is pretty dead, ppl dont really talk much there besides the LFGs from time to time, which is pretty sad imo as i spent alot of time in the area waiting for tournaments ( i love pvp in general! ) and beating on the dummys/svanir just gets old after a while.
Lol i find warriors to be the easiest class to beat, the guardian would be in the middle id say but still pretty handleable
Rank 21, playing Elementalist roamer, ranger, engineer bunker
Ele = Vain ! I kittening love to watch that dude stream it never gets boring, those guys on Cute team is kittening hilarious too!^^
Im very happy with tpvp at its currenet state, and am in general very impressed with arenanets work, tbh i dont understand why ppl cry so much about players optimizing builds and setups, but i guess noobs whill allways complain that they cant pick random traits and do just as good as someone who has put alot of thougts in his build…
I furthermore dont understand why several claim ranger and engi is useless, a trapranger can be a kittening pain in the kitten Same goes for bunker engineers who if played well can be insane strong. I do agree a bit on the warriors being a bit up tho, the rest of the classes seems pretty balanced to me, maybe thiefs a bit op only. Overall the game is in a prettty good spot as it is.
But some ppl will allways find stuff to complain about rather than focusing on the loads of awsome stuff in this epic game, pretty sad really…
Invite ASAP!:D
I miss world pvp and feeling there was an “enemy” faction like we had in swtor and wow, if this game had this i would deem it perfect, but ey close enough i guess.
You know, as in GUILD WARS? Wars? Between Guilds? In a game called “Guild Wars”? Or does that make too much sense?
Why this attitude? And yeah what ur talking about sounds awsome, even better than world pvp, makes us able to forge alliances with other guilds and make bonds in other ways. Do you know if they have anything planned like what ur talking about?