Showing Posts For Snarky Snarf.8463:
lol bugs like these suck because they cause the opposite of what anet wanted to do. they saw how much people liked to redo the puzzle and decided to add an extra reward for doing it. yet the bug took away a reward.
jumping off a cliff doesn’t kill you, though I believe you can talk to the mad king to turn yourself into a ghost.
it’s an mmo, farming is the point. What, did you think having fun with other people is what mmo’s are about?
is there a post by anet on this subject somewhere? I’d like to get one soon so this matter can be cleared up.
i’m going to give anet the benifit of the doubt and say its a bug. no need to be too cynical.
Beating a Beedog Queen should drop magic honey that transforms the players into beedogs. It you would have an melee attack, a spit to replace the sling shot, an attack that throws up honey in a ball that explodes to replace the bomb, a tongue attack to replace whip. They wouldn’t need the candle because their main advantage is that they are flying! They should not be affected by hazards they hover over. This would make fighting the beedog queen an alternative for players fed up with acid and those plants. The disadvantage is that the transformation should prevent you from using keys. You also would have to transform back to beat the frog boss, so you can pick up the shards.
Also whips should effect Beedog Queens. Would make it more challenging for this awesome reward.
Aaaaannd the achievement thing would have been good. Maybe have one called BEE the dog, where you have to transform a certain number of times.
I guess the somewhat masculine name would work if she’s a tomboy. Is it pronounced, “Luke” or, “Luck?” Luck sounds better if you ask me.
My Asura is my favorite character. I named him Snarkkeh. I loved that name so much that I prefer to use this form instead of just, “Snarky,” like I used to. I like to put a little bit of strength on the “eh” part. So it’s pronounced snark-eh not just snarky. Puts a little spunk in it.
or you could buy lives at the shops. that’s what i do.
1up really love this mode, had stopped playing guild wars 2 for a while. Saw this mode and tryed it out. Cant’ get enough of it.
I did this tower and it took me four hours the first time. Most of the Halloween event i spent doing it again and again. I played it until It wasn’t fun anymore and then i kept playing it. I got a lot of trick or treat bags. The tower was a good idea and I enjoyed it a lot.
Maybe next year you could get in power suits designed for climbing and start scaling the tower that way. Once you get to the top you could bash your way through the clock and then fall down, landing on different moving gears. Once you work your way to the bottom you mash things up until the tower goes critical and explodes.
The idea of the power suits is to make players immune to the gas so it would give players more time to show/explain to each other how to do the jumps. This would make you be glad you were doing this with other people instead of mad. Also, power suits are cool. I enjoyed the rush feeling though, so maybe add an escape route after the thing goes critical. You could add extra chests along the way and things that make it so the better jumpers can have something to shoot for and the people who just want to do the thing once or twice don’t get screwed. It took me 4 hours to do it the first time. Only kittens for punishment like me should have to endure that.
After blowing up the tower, you should see the mad king come and thank you for destroying that boring old thing and tell you about a new and improved tower. The second tower should be a much larger and improved version of the first. It should really be quite hard to solo, and focus on people working together to figure out different ways of getting through it. Maybe it should be impossible to do by yourself, as in you can’t start it without at least one other person. I team puzzle would be interesting.
Rambling dooooone.
you could totally finish it. try watching a youtube video of someone completeing it if your worried about not finishing it in time. If you don’t want to sap the fun out of it, try just watching part of the video that you are having trouble with. that way you still did some of the puzzle yourself.
If you are buying in-game stuff with real money(and your not buying it from Anet), i see a problem. But what’s wrong with what you want to do. You would be providing the service of drawing someone’s character in your style; Instead of charging real money you would be charging in-game items. I don’t see how this could be done in a way that hurts Anet or other players. It’s not like you didn’t earn the gold, your giving people something they want. The only issue is if people pay upfront for something like this and don’t like the image, but that’s buyer’s risk. Also, they could refuse to pay you for the drawing. Really, I don’t see why Anet could have a problem with this. Though I’d wait and see if they have anything to say on the matter.
I really liked those 2 comics, please do more.
Do Tengu have wings?
I got it for the sexy charr ladies. JK. I got it because I enjoyed GW1, thought it wasn’t my favorite game. I purposefully ignored info on anything dealing with gameplay for a long time and focused on lore. I got into the beta without buying the game because i was downloading an update for my graphics card. Really liked playing the game, even though I only got to play it a little. We sold our we to gamestop and got a lot of points from it and the game and used those points to buy hardrive for my brother’s xbox 360. We had quite a bit left over so I got me a copy of this game. WOO. I was afraid i was going to have to wait until I got a job! Love the game. Greatly improved upon the first Guild Wars, which I could never keep playing for hours and hours and hours like i can with this one. Will buy expansions, even though I may not even be done with all the content in the game by the time they come out!
tl;dr I got this game because i herd they had dance parties.
19 and it is my favorite game.
Waypoints are fine for me. When I’m in a hurry i use them, or if i have to travel a long distance. I don’t waypoint too often because if you walk you can pick up crafting materials on the way; do DE’s you run into randomly; explore new paths to were you are going. Really I think that if you want a sense of adventure and save time, you could waypoint part of the way and then walk the rest.
wow nice job. has a good expression on her face.
looks more like an art master to me.
Probably going to get some with the Halloween update. Hopefully.
Please ignore destruction and continue to use the in game method of reporting characters you suspect are bots.
I would enjoy this feature; I hope they do it when they have the time.
I wonder if, after Anet fixes the problems in this game, the people who were rude and impatient with them will feel any remorse at all. Nope. You’ll probably just say they took to long.
Beast response.
you get 5 character slots to start off with. Try a few different classes.
Halloween event: Can we get more information on level requirements, etc.
Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463
I assume this update will be amazing and cool. I also assume people will find a way not to enjoy it. It’s amazing how far some people can go to avoid having fun playing what is now my favorite game.
That armor reminds me of the sith trooper armor from KoToR more than the stormtrooper armor.
yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Gestures of respect or care are only helpful in making people feel better, which isn’t something we should look down on. Awareness does serve a purpose, though. Not every woman thinks about breast cancer. Awareness should be and, I think is, about getting these women to consider the possibility that they could have cancer and getting checked.
That poor bunny…
Or at least switch between them when attacking. Sometimes i hit you from the right, then from the left a few times, then YOUR DOWN!
oh god yes, sold the wii to get a hardrive for the 360, and got so many points from the games and stuff that i was able to pick up a copy from gamestop. I was worried it would be ages before i could play and now i’m glad i GOT IT!!!!
I making an asuran right now.
Love them, great idea. However, wish they felt more dynamic. I did two events, then did my personal story quest in the area and came out to see the events had started again. There are two sides to this. The way it is now has the advantage of making me feel like the area really is in danger because it is being assaulted by undead frequently. But on the flip side I feel like what i did was less important.
Increasing the time before an event restarts may make them feel more eventful.
Some may not like this idea because they don’t want to wait before they can play a certain event. This is understandable and if more players feel this way they shouldn’t change anything. But, if a lot of people feel the same as i do i would like to see this change. Or is this something no one else noticed? I didn’t see a lot of posts about this.
Some vistas are ruining the game for me. Am I alone? Please heed my call.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463
Not to brag but i figured that out when i went for my first vista. Then again I love to jump so it’s no surprise I found that out. TOMARROW I WILL MAKE MY ASURA AND HE WILL HOP HOP LIKE A BUNNY. GOOD NIGHT SLEEPY TIEM HAVE TO TYPE INTENSLY OR WILL PASS OUT.
too much room for abuse
kitten ruin everything my friend.
Name change. Though I probably won’t use them because of how many days it takes me to come up with names.
BRING BACK point-click for movement [like in Guild Wars 1]...
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463
They should add it. I hate it but if people prefer it I see no reason not to when they have the time. I don’t want them to make this a priority. Just something to keep in mind.
Some vistas are ruining the game for me. Am I alone? Please heed my call.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snarky Snarf.8463
Dude it’s like a minigame. I love it and maybe you need to learn to learn from your failures instead of getting mad at them.
Get a pet instead, or a mini.
I don’t like the checkpoint idea.
Perhaps a mini game where you ride creatures in a race, or fight other riders in a very large arena. That might be fun.
Thank you Anet. You must have the patience of saints to have to deal with all the people complaining at you constantly. You update frequently, fixing bugs and trying to make the game better and better. This shows dedication and care. I’ll try to repay your patience by reporting any bots i find and hope others will do the same instead of just complaining.
Maybe they just patch when the patches are ready so they can fix bugs as fast as possible and then move on to other problems.