Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I was thinking making new YouTube channel covering builds, skill rotations and mechanics behind Ranger/Druid in SPvP. Only problem is every few months new videos would have to be made due to balance changes and would require players who are willing to help and are mechanically sound.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I find this rather funny but at same time I also understand, you shouldn’t be forced to wait to play the game it’s rather fail system but at same time what you get for farming solo que’ers in au timezone…. karma’s a kitten it seems.
trio queing with friends isnt farming, and that long que time is just solo. solo me into a 5 man for all I care, i just want to play the game. I dont recall playing with any other esl player in au timezone :p
I do understand it sucks the whole league system is designed to punishes players who team up to make there way up the divisions. Also punished for trying to grind to get the final reward which many I believe want.
I just found this funny because you farmed me last night with your pre-made, felt like bit of karma, gave me good laugh.
The premade was me and my pve friends, and you only got upset because you werent the one farming, which you do constantly when your team is on :p. Regardless, this was meant to address queue times and divisions. Shouldnt punish players for playing the game.
We must have same “PvE Friends”, I was talking to “PvE Friend” asking when you guys would be done so I could stop doing Unranked, “PvE Friend” said once we are done farming Sunfish to diamond. So the “PvE Friends” seem to think this is some new pve content they need to farm/grind.
They did League System completely wrong, in Dota 2 they have both Solo MMR and Team MMR, so even if you did grind/farm for the reward track which is what you did, you could still do Solo Que and get games due to having different MMR as Solo Que player. No idea why Anet didn’t do this in first place, it’s like they didn’t do problem solve before making it go live like most major companies would.
I was planning on doing same thing you did but after talking to friends who rushed there way up the tiers and the massive forum post from dev’s about how que system will work, I made sure not to abuse system which is meaningless and is just new reward track for cosmetics.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I find this rather funny but at same time I also understand, you shouldn’t be forced to wait to play the game it’s rather fail system but at same time what you get for farming solo que’ers in au timezone…. karma’s a kitten it seems.
trio queing with friends isnt farming, and that long que time is just solo. solo me into a 5 man for all I care, i just want to play the game. I dont recall playing with any other esl player in au timezone :p
I do understand it sucks the whole league system is designed to punishes players who team up to make there way up the divisions. Also punished for trying to grind to get the final reward which many I believe want.
I just found this funny because you farmed me last night with your pre-made, felt like bit of karma, gave me good laugh.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I find this rather funny but at same time I also understand, you shouldn’t be forced to wait to play the game it’s rather fail system but at same time what you get for farming solo que’ers in au timezone…. karma’s a kitten it seems.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@Agemnon.4608, just dodge once when they use Unrelenting Assault, what they’re trying to do is make you waste dodges so they can use Enchanted Daggers + Impossible Odds while using their Auto-Attack which is much higher damage and this will kill you allot faster than Unrelenting Assault.
I recommend using Energy Sigils on both weapons so you can keep up the dodges.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Some good posts on here.
@jcbroe.4329, I’ve been testing alot of builds, honestly there isn’t many options left. You require so much investment into survival to withstand the incoming damage and condition pressure from this current meta.
It’s very clear you require Druid/Beastmastery trait lines with Celestial/Durability, “We Heal As One”, Glyph of Equality and “Strength of the Pack”, Staff and don’t forget Smokescale and Bristleback combo.
That should be staple for almost every viable build that works in this meta. There has been few different build floating around, but there is just too many variables for it to work effectively long term.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I use two different builds atm, i’ll link both.
Home & Far Point.
Build Link:
Team Fights.
Build Link:
With team fight build some times I will drop Alignment for Stone Signet depending on if other team has more burst over condition pressure.
GL, you’re still going to find it hard in team fights without decent counter pressure or additional support from team mates.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’ve found decent balance and build that handles them just fine as long I don’t waste my Druidic Clarity at the wrong time.
You don’t really need large amount, i’ll break it down for you. I use Empathic Bond to counter basic condition being spammed this helps me keep it at bay then I use Glyphs if I get hit with high damage conditions to quickly remove them and if I get mega condition combo I just use Druidic Clarity. That alone I can keep the condition spam under control sometimes you will get picked off out of rotations but Druidic Clarity if traited right and decent build is up every 10 seconds so thats full condition clear every 10 seconds.
You don’t require Empathic bond, I just take it so I can beat Reapers allot easier 1v1.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@jewishjoyride.4693, that was really well written post.
Here is my logic behind team fights, which I need to start doing myself a lot more. Depending on your role but let’s say for example purpose your main role is team fights. So your best option no matters the weapon LB or GS you’re better off sitting in Staff most of the fight, the reason why is team fights are no longer about 1 person doing the damage its mix of skills from everyone on target which breaks them allowing you to win the fight and while this is happening everyone is also supporting each other, ranger has added bonus of having a pet which does fair amount of damage on spike, so by running staff as main weapon in team fights it lets you support and deal damage.
So then you look at the next part of team fights what kind of peel support can you offer your team mates? LB is far better option then greatsword. Greatsword is selfish weapon in team fights. Don’t get me wrong GS is great for 1v1 but that’s about it outside of 1v1 it’s selfish.
There has been many times where I’ve seen target sitting at back free casting and we busy on different target, I will break there block if they have one and use my KB pushing them out of team fight and all I need to do is fire one arrow to immobilise them, this is a major pressure counter which free’s up dps to do there job. Then don’t forget barrage on a point or in area of main fight is major pressure.
And this is why I use LB over GS, also I also believe reason many find LB less effective is they use it incorrectly and LB has higher skill cap in this meta it require a more keen eye.
That’s just my logic behind things sure many have different ideas or logic.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@jcbroe.4329, build you run very close to what I’ve been using, I highly recommend you spend few days running Refined Toxins. There just to much Daze going around for Shared Anguish to be as useful as it was Pre-HoT.
Poison upkeep from Refined Toxins is extremely strong, most of time fighting someone 1v1 E.g. Engi’s have allot of ways to passive heal this includes regen. That -33% heal should be counted as heal mitigation so in reality it’s hidden damage that everyone overlooks, on average let’s say target is getting 200 heal a second from regen that’s 12,000 heal every 60 seconds only real way to mitigate that healing is via poison which might not seem like much but in 1v1 the player who can keep poison applied the most in evenly skilled fight normally wins.
The build I use,, you could say its almost 100% the same.
I’ve been thinking some games of dropping Alignment for Stone Signet or Tide depending on what other team is, if there condition heavy I won’t take Stone but if there burst happy I’ll take Stone.
EDIT Figured I’d add this, when comes to fighting classes like boon stripe Rev/Reaper I don’t really factor in loss of might, something to test to get feel for what I mean is put on soldiers amulet and do few rapid fires to a target now put on cele amulet and you will find the average damage output on cele is higher without any might. Ranger is very dependent on having a decent amount of critical damage, so unless your running Cele/Crusader/Valkyrie amulet your damage is always going to be less than Cele, then you add in next factor Druid scales really well with healing power Regen + Signet of Wild works out to be almost 300 heal a second which is roughly 18,000 every 60 seconds, now take away that healing power and its rather large chunk of healing over time you lose, not to add the amount of healing you lose from skills and traits. It also affects Natural Mender by allot over duration of a fight.
So this kinda makes Valkyrie less effective, so now you’re left with Cele and Crusaders, now this meta is too condition heavy for Crusaders to work so now you’re left with Cele amulet. This is all targeted towards being viable in the current meta, Marauder on Ranger as it stands isn’t viable due to Rev’s dealing allot more damage and more survival.
So keeping that all in mind really narrows builds down. Just my imput on what I’m seeing.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Lucky they only nerf the HP, maybe this was intended due to how INSANE POWERFUL the F2 is.
Risk vs Reward which is a good thing, but saying that our pets don’t die much anymore if you trait and take right skills there tanky unless its PvE where everything dies in 1 shot.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Finally they fixed this bug, 12 second ICD doesn’t affect much if anything.
Bristleback bug fix might become a problem, will have to wait and see.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Cheers, I’m hoping to stream more in US timezone but seems Au/Eu is more relaxing which suits me better.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, Aussie Streamer I plan to stream daily, I will be featuring Druid only in SPvP.
Hope you enjoy.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Maybe Reaper wouldn’t be so bad if they bloody fixed Signet of Vamp, it’s a joke.
What about it needs to be fixed? The fact the active can’t be dodged? Keep in mind that it doesn’t do anything by itself and you can prevent the debuff from doing anything.
Making it so the active can be dodged would probably actually add too much counterplay to the skill. It already has a longer cooldown for a heal skill and a long cast time, plus doesn’t heal for much unless he can use most of the debuff stacks.
Plus, most Reapers are running Consume Conditions or Your Soul is Mine!
Are you clueless to the fact it can go through walls and has infinite range? to top it off take notice of how many conditions it applies.
Like most would agree just remove the through wall and stupid range factor and it wouldn’t be a problem.
It applies…no conditions. Seriously, none. At all.
Also, it has 1200 range. The debuff stays on you if you leave that, sure, but it doesn’t get applied if you’re that far away.
How do you not know how Signet of Vamp works? you sound rather clueless I advise you go test before you start ranting false facts.
Probably because you are simply wrong. I’ve run SoV a lot. Heck, I was doing it before Signets of Suffering was even thought of.
Signet of Vampirism does not have unlimited range, nor does it cause any conditions whatsoever. The only signet that does cause conditions is Signet of Spite.
Now, can there be a bug with Signets of Suffering? That I can buy. There’s not a reason the range should work differently with SoV compared to Signet of Spite or Plague Signet. All three are single-target with the same range. The debuff on SoV functions properly in respect to range, so why Signets of Suffering doesn’t is beyond me.
Going through walls I think might have some coding issues due to the lack of checks (like dodging).
You refuse to go and see for yourself, I don’t want to be forced to search my footage just to prove to you that you are clueless.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Maybe Reaper wouldn’t be so bad if they bloody fixed Signet of Vamp, it’s a joke.
What about it needs to be fixed? The fact the active can’t be dodged? Keep in mind that it doesn’t do anything by itself and you can prevent the debuff from doing anything.
Making it so the active can be dodged would probably actually add too much counterplay to the skill. It already has a longer cooldown for a heal skill and a long cast time, plus doesn’t heal for much unless he can use most of the debuff stacks.
Plus, most Reapers are running Consume Conditions or Your Soul is Mine!
Are you clueless to the fact it can go through walls and has infinite range? to top it off take notice of how many conditions it applies.
Like most would agree just remove the through wall and stupid range factor and it wouldn’t be a problem.
It applies…no conditions. Seriously, none. At all.
Also, it has 1200 range. The debuff stays on you if you leave that, sure, but it doesn’t get applied if you’re that far away.
How do you not know how Signet of Vamp works? you sound rather clueless I advise you go test before you start ranting false facts.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Maybe Reaper wouldn’t be so bad if they bloody fixed Signet of Vamp, it’s a joke.
What about it needs to be fixed? The fact the active can’t be dodged? Keep in mind that it doesn’t do anything by itself and you can prevent the debuff from doing anything.
Making it so the active can be dodged would probably actually add too much counterplay to the skill. It already has a longer cooldown for a heal skill and a long cast time, plus doesn’t heal for much unless he can use most of the debuff stacks.
Plus, most Reapers are running Consume Conditions or Your Soul is Mine!
Are you clueless to the fact it can go through walls and has infinite range? to top it off take notice of how many conditions it applies.
Like most would agree just remove the through wall and stupid range factor and it wouldn’t be a problem.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Maybe Reaper wouldn’t be so bad if they bloody fixed Signet of Vamp, it’s a joke.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I asked the question about Signet of Vamp and I was told that it’s not a bug it just happened to work that way. If it’s not a bug needs to be reworked, I’m completely sick of having a Necro getting outplayed just to have them cast Signet through mountains.
Ancestral Grace, only bugs out if you blast a field. Just put down water field and blast it and you’re in combat. All Combat Only traits can be used, using Clarion Bond with “we Heal As One” you can get Fury/15 Might/Swiftness/Regen + Sigils Leaching/Doom before you even reach the fight. Lucky no one MM isn’t meta atm.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I had to LOL, nicely done.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
This is a pain.
Agreed bumped.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I don’t get why Ranger’s are complaining about DH, there rather easy for Ranger to beat.
DH Elite might be bit broken, but I think i just dislike DH Elite cause Druid got shafted so hard with its new Elite.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
No point complaining I can’t see much changing….
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
We all knew there was incoming nerf to AF.
This only effects PvE. Not sure how they can add ways for you to build AF outside combat without making it broken again.
I did almost nothing to PvP side, we still have CAF up when we need it and regens more or less same speed as before, I felt almost no change at all.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
After stuffing around for few hours, with settings and what not. Just by locking my FPS to 60, temp never goes beyond 80c, with 30 FPS sit around 60-70c depending on weather (summer here atm).
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, currently I’ve been monitoring my GPU temperature with MSI Afterburner and my GPU is hitting 93c, GW2 is the only game that feels the need to set my GPU on fire.
Is there anything I can do to get the temp down. I’ve gone as far getting fans to blow on my PC to help keep temp down.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Don’t get me wrong I was all for improvements to AF I felt it was weak in its current state, but now feels like its to strong.
I believe it’s great for PvE and WvW and I shouldn’t just base the new AF gain on PvP alone.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
It’s toooooo strong now, just take Natural Healing + We Heal As One! and you can build full AF in under 10 seconds……
Not sure what to say maybe nerf the amount of AF you get from Healing. I do like the idea of being able to build it differently now.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Nice to have Dev respond to this change so we don’t get our hopes to high and have them crushed.
I did feel AF generation was rather slow, maybe they felt we should be able to use our new Elite Spec more often like other classes. If they did intend this change be ready for nerfs to AF skills, mainly the Daze.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Smokescale is still our best pet option, followed with Bristleback or Tiger depending on if you’re traited into BM or not.
Tiger is better for 1v1, where Bristleback has great cleave damage and if you line a spike up with team mate Bristlebacks F2 is super deadly.
Birds are still good if you’re running E.g. condition Taunt build, but even then Smokescale works with taunt rather well.
In order
- Smokescale
- Bristleback
- Tiger
- Birds
- Wolf & Hound
Rest of pets are almost complete garbage now, Drakes aren’t too bad but they’re not meta anymore.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@mistsim.2748, Tiger is more reliable in 1v1 over Bristleback, that’s why I’ve gone back to using Tiger. Bristleback in 1v1 if you can land that F2 is really nice as well.
ROM’s is one of my favorite players I enjoy watching, but I dislike his build. Everyone turns blind eye to his major weakness to conditions just because it’s ROM running the build.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Yeah I’ve been playing something similar pretty heavily the past couple days. I play it a bit more offensively, opting for hoelbrak runes, might stacking sigils, and Glyph of the tides for my second utility. Overall I find the set up to be fairly well rounded. There are some very real advantages to taking Longbow over Greatsword or even the very popular (why??) choice of Sword/Torch.
I agree with everything you listed except the third point. The LB build tends to be weaker I find to persistent melee harassment, whereas the GS offers a few more tools to combat that. That said, with the LB you should be able to skirt around the fringes of fights for longer, so maybe that’s a break even in the end.
I find condis much less threatening when running the LB as well. Having projectile finishers for your light fields is a big part of it. Also just having the range advantage is huge as well. In a 1v1 you can definitely keep the reaper at bay, and then just cc them to death when their stab runs out.
Pvp right now is a really strange mash up of builds I think. Most classes have a few different builds that COULD be viable, Druid included. I’ll have a couple matches where a build feels really strong, followed by a few where I feel maybe completely out classed. We’ve got a few weeks here before things really solidify, maybe longer if there’s a balance patch tuesday. This template is definitely one of the front runners though for meta, in my opinion.
I was running 2x Glyph but after recent update to Reaper I required Renewal to handle the condition pressure but you can’t give up Stone Signet it’s one of the most useful skill a Ranger has, also Tide doesn’t have any synergy with Ancient Seeds. I found dropping Tide gave me much better control over Ancient Seeds.
Longbow is just too useful, has much better team synergy. Maybe if you’re pushing far solo all game Greatsword would be decent option, due to how defensive and mobile it is.
But like everything there are Pro’s and Con’s, just matter figuring out what your planning to do for your team.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi I figured I would post the build I used in ESL, I didn’t play greatest no warmup and random pug team, but it was fun. I’m sure other rangers use similar trait-line, there fair amount of different versions you can use, my version is just fitted to my play style. I know players dislike the fact I use LB but there is reason behind that.
The build offers.
- Strong team support heals.
- Decent pressure and burst damage.
- Mobility and escape.
- Good survival vs burst and conditions when skills are off cd.
- Does well in 1v1, 2v2 and team fights.
- Decap power with the longbow.
- Traited for faster resurrecting, if you do the combo.
Has hard time vs the new Reaper setup, if your skills are on cd you will most likely lose and the build sometimes lacks cleave when skills are on cd. But it has good decap ability, if you can land the longbow combo.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
10 second ICD would’ve been decent, 12 seconds throws things out of sync.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
They already increased the Cd of procession of blades & nerfed test of faith duration (and made it not proc damage more then once per second).
Besides pretty much every DH who takes traps also takes the trait.
That trait puts out a very visible daze before the traps do any damage.
That ^ is there as a warning telling you to dodge.If you want to see how much traps hurt good players look at the higher end streamers.
They avoid the traps so easy its laughable.
So by going your logic they should revert the nerf on Smokescales burst skill, seen as all you needed to do was dodge once and the “warning” was easy to spot and just to make it more balanced they should add a daze to the skill as well, that way you can tell when you’re being bursted.
You can’t base fact’s off stupid logic.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@glaphen.5230, you could always try learning the majorly telegraphed animation and just dodge it…..
Only 2-3 times does every not ranged team member need to dodge it per CA or face 4 seconds daze+root possibly while the Druid heals 5-7.5k to his team. But again that’s just CA, still have 4 seconds per 24 instantly with glyph and 2 per 10-20 with staff swap, plus any other weapon skills and 2 pets.
Do you even play ranger, doesn’t sound like it. I get feeling you seem to think every ranger build has everything there are limits to what a build can take. E.g. most druids take condition clear over daze on staff swap.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@glaphen.5230, you could always try learning the majorly telegraphed animation and just dodge it…..
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Druid is in same boat as Scrapper, if you nerf one you gotta nerf the other or one will push the other out of meta gain.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Lets just call em FOTM druids PLEASE haha. Im terrified base ranger is gonna get nerfed to account for the existence of druid. And not everyone plays druid u.u
I hope we get some more nerfs but at same time some improvements to base traits and skills, like it’s made me somewhat a bitter vet I don’t mean to, just feels like slap in the face, for past year allot of us main rangers have been playing a class that required skill and had it hard now it’s just too easy.
I’m all for improvements but there is difference between a class being faceroll easy mode rather than improvements to making a class viable.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Too many FOTM Rangers now, I’m sick of fighting stalemate fights….. But let’s be honest Pet carries these new builds rather hard.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Looks like it’s back to birds and cats for damage now. Go test the Damage out of Smokescale and do a dodge and you will see what I mean, Smokescale is now more of utilities pet rather than dps pet. Which isn’t a bad thing will be handy for Power/Burst builds being able to disengage and setup spikes with team mates.
I can’t see many teams taking a Power/Burst ranger over other burst classes, Thief and Mesmer I feel do the burst roll far better. I don’t really count DH it’s a gimmick build and Rev’s aren’t too hard to deal with once you learn what to dodge.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
now the pet lost damage because smoke assault was nerfed and you can’t use it for insta burst someone (zephry’s speed).
Pet swap -> F1 = Smoke assault.
How is that not insta cast burst using zephyr’s speed?
Wrong Eura, its Pet swap = smoke assault lol, so not sure why people complaining you don’t even need to press a key after pet swap lol. So maybe rangers will start using avoid combat now rather then letting them pets do all damage.
Except this tactic only works if your Smokescale is not already out. Therefore, your suggestion is to never keep it out until you need smoke assault and then swap back ASAP or pray to the RNG gods.
Works if you keep the pet out if you use F3 and F1, but most rangers refuse to learn how to use pets.
Works allot better if you keep it on swap, you want the QZ so they have less time to react and dodge, 1 dodge will mitigate the damage by allot. It works same as Rev’s you dodge there Teleport burst and it does stuff all damage.
Like the pet is new so was only matter of time before players started learning the tricks to counter Smokescale burst skill.
The f3 f1 trick only works if your pet has a skill animation you can watch out for to cancel and recast. Smoke assault is an instant cast skill. You are suggesting to keep your pet afk with f3 until you want to use smoke assault or keep it hidden until you need it.
I honestly think Smokescale isn’t as great anymore, not because of F2 change but the damage is worthless now. Just dodge once and you shouldn’t take anymore then 1-2k damage from his burst skill.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
now the pet lost damage because smoke assault was nerfed and you can’t use it for insta burst someone (zephry’s speed).
Pet swap -> F1 = Smoke assault.
How is that not insta cast burst using zephyr’s speed?
Wrong Eura, its Pet swap = smoke assault lol, so not sure why people complaining you don’t even need to press a key after pet swap lol. So maybe rangers will start using avoid combat now rather then letting them pets do all damage.
Except this tactic only works if your Smokescale is not already out. Therefore, your suggestion is to never keep it out until you need smoke assault and then swap back ASAP or pray to the RNG gods.
Works if you keep the pet out if you use F3 and F1, but most rangers refuse to learn how to use pets.
Works allot better if you keep it on swap, you want the QZ so they have less time to react and dodge, 1 dodge will mitigate the damage by allot. It works same as Rev’s you dodge there Teleport burst and it does stuff all damage.
Like the pet is new so was only matter of time before players started learning the tricks to counter Smokescale burst skill.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
now the pet lost damage because smoke assault was nerfed and you can’t use it for insta burst someone (zephry’s speed).
Pet swap -> F1 = Smoke assault.
How is that not insta cast burst using zephyr’s speed?
Wrong Eura, its Pet swap = smoke assault lol, so not sure why people complaining you don’t even need to press a key after pet swap lol. So maybe rangers will start using avoid combat now rather then letting them pets do all damage.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
it’s not a l2p issue, it’s a difference in play style. I found it more valuable to have a higher on-demand burst and a little bit more might because micromanaging the smoke field and spending my blast finishers on it instead of on Sublime Conversion for instance was less efficient to me.
oh, SA was gutted though. target can now mitigate most of its damage with a single dodge roll, and u get less might out of it as well. in other worse, SA isn’t nearly as bursty as it was.
I wasn’t saying its L2P issue for people like you, it’s going to be less viable for none ranger players being carried by the current builds.
I wanted our pet’s to get nerfs I’m honestly sick of seeing Rangers that Pre HoT didn’t play Ranger cause it was toooo hard are now playing ranger and being carried. You can still stack might rather easy.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Doesn’t really matter to discuss this any further. All hail the reaper overlords.
no I guess it doesn’t, as your job is done. your Smokescale whine cost us quite a bit. re-roll reaper I guess.
Objectively smoke field F2 > smoke assault F2 because it is way easier to control a smoke assault not on F2 than a smoke field.
Like, I get people are a little upset by this but if you can’t see this then it has to be a l2p issue. Nothing has changed for smoke assault lovers, they can still might stack they just have to press their keys slightly differently. For smoke field lovers, they can actually use this skill, you could call it a learn to play, sure but god tier pet control was required for smoke field use before and even mediocre pet control can make full use of smoke assault still.
Have to agree with Eura on this, nothing has changed.
A good ranger never starts the fight with his Burst Pet out, he waits for right time to burst and then swaps pet. So guess what nothing changed at all he will still use his burst skill burst. So it might require bit more thinking as a ranger which I’m all for I don’t want us to be FOTM class, decent but not OP broken and face roll like it is atm.
Reapers aren’t hard to kill I just dropped stone signet when other side has more then 1.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
low HP druid definitely doesn’t work. ive gotten my best results running marauder with staff/x, and carrion traps.
cele druid is crushed by condi pressure, which i basically called in all the cele druid threads the moment they appeard. unless the druid runs some survival with WK instead of BM, and gives up might stacking. when people figure this out and actually start running some effective condi builds, I’m not sure how far the build will go. right now people are starting to run condi reapers, and it’s just nasty. cele scrappers can put out lots of condis as well.
the pressure might stacking cele puts out is nothing to laugh at, but it’s insignificant compared to might stacking marauder running WK/survival, which has the same if not more survivability. there are a lot of marauder builds that work right now.
There are very few effective condition builds that can beat the NM/BM/Druid build, there so many versions people running of it now.
I’m starting to beat most Condition builds there is limited few which extremely hard and high chance of I won’t win but rarely do I see them push far and if they did push far at the start I can almost 100% say I will win E.g. Necro, simply due to fact they don’t have DS to sustain my burst damage early fight, if you know other team doesn’t have high burst damage of has E.g Rev or Thief you could drop Stone Signet for Renewal, only class atm that really hurts us with burst is DH Trap builds.
I feel LB/Staff Cele build is strongest of Druid builds atm, I do like Marauders version allot but its just a Solo Que hero build won’t ever be Top Tier Tourney build, back to Cele version reason I feel LB is more viable if you’re on game you should never get decapped and you should always decap them. I’m still learning my build but with every game my combos and awareness of what to look for is getting better, I’m still having problems holding cap vs Scrappers they just have insane amount of blocks/dazes.
I think with given time meta will settle with Druid builds, you will see Settlers as your condition version and Cele as your Power version, not sure you will see many WS version they just don’t have protection required and weakness output. Without Protection/Weakness output from NM Druid Cele build becomes rather weak.
I feel we will get more nerfs soon, our Pets are too strong if you ask me they need shave in damage output and they need to scale the healing bit better so you are rewarded for running higher healing power, atm you can get away with just Cele stats which is stupid.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I seriously doubt that’s the build he’ll run in a tourney. Usually he plays crazy builds on streams and does the “real” build for the tourney. Knowing how he is, he’s running it purely for the fun of moving across the map in like .4 seconds. There is a lot to be said for that in solo queuing as well…
Yeah, it’s more of a general thing though. ROM and 4 other people ran Celestial Druid in the only ESL since HoT dropped, and it just seems like these boonstacking based builds in general are going to be extinct as Reaper becomes more popular.
It’s always fun watching ROM play ANYTHING though lol. He’s a very high action, mobile player, and Warrior/Ranger definitely suits him well. Definitely not going to BM him unless he starts claiming he’s some sort of Ranger/Druid expert, which he doesn’t and won’t as far as what I’ve seen from him. He’ll just keep drinking “milk” and having a good time.
Rabid or Wanderer’s Necro, beats Druid. I’ve tried so many different versions of Cele with max condition remove and still can’t overcome the condition pressure from the new builds. Half problem is you need to pressure Necro fast and hard and Cele boon stacking build loses its Might to often to keep pressure.
Marauder build seems to do alright vs Necros, with right positioning that is.
Yeah, I have been the most successful on Marauder builds myself. Still having trouble deciding whether or not I like LB/Staff or LB/GS. The issue I’ve had is that I’ve definitely lost fights by not having either one or the other. Particularly, I feel like GS is better against other Druids, but Staff is definitely better against DHs, and staff is probably the better weapon in general when building for teamplay.
If I was going to run cele…. yeah, I’m still working out that process. Will have to find a way to pick up condition removal without hurting the build too much, and possibly forego the boon stacking entirely (at which point, why run cele?).
I’ve been working on new build that replaces Cele with Crusaders, you more or less have same survival and 30% crit chance with fury, problem I’ve found is the HP pool seems to become problem vs Conditions.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I seriously doubt that’s the build he’ll run in a tourney. Usually he plays crazy builds on streams and does the “real” build for the tourney. Knowing how he is, he’s running it purely for the fun of moving across the map in like .4 seconds. There is a lot to be said for that in solo queuing as well…
Yeah, it’s more of a general thing though. ROM and 4 other people ran Celestial Druid in the only ESL since HoT dropped, and it just seems like these boonstacking based builds in general are going to be extinct as Reaper becomes more popular.
It’s always fun watching ROM play ANYTHING though lol. He’s a very high action, mobile player, and Warrior/Ranger definitely suits him well. Definitely not going to BM him unless he starts claiming he’s some sort of Ranger/Druid expert, which he doesn’t and won’t as far as what I’ve seen from him. He’ll just keep drinking “milk” and having a good time.
Rabid or Wanderer’s Necro, beats Druid. I’ve tried so many different versions of Cele with max condition remove and still can’t overcome the condition pressure from the new builds. Half problem is you need to pressure Necro fast and hard and Cele boon stacking build loses its Might to often to keep pressure.
Marauder build seems to do alright vs Necros, with right positioning that is.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer