Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@Battosai.5620, sorry just don’t know many Eu Ranger’s. Tbh I don’t have time for many Eu player’s you guys talk far to much smack (that statement wasn’t directed at you).
@iFruit.6190 Yeah mate matter finding that build you enjoy and works to your play style, SPvP is real kittenhole for most rangers. So take what ya can and enjoy it.
@jcbroe.4329 I record far to much rarely upload any of it. Currently have over 300hr’s untouched footage… I don’t think I’ll be releasing any more video’s, I’m hooked on playing Ranger in ESO really enjoyed it the skills are freaken awesome and I can be any style of ranger I want.
@Neoheart.2750 Whisper’s Hoodie Rank 50 is required.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@Battosai.5620, can you please use breaks between your text, I did read all you had to say allot I agree with and some I don’t.
I use my Weapon dodge skills differently to most rangers, I normally use them right after weapon swap to mitigate damage and apply poison, or I use the hard dodge for when I get immobilized, #5 LB warrior skill you can’t dodge unless your at 900 range and when your in a point fight that’s not going to happen. There on extremely low cool-downs so rather stupid holding off on using them.
My style is different to your style, you have an idea of how I should play my build where as I have my own style and in the heat of the moment doesn’t always work out the way you want.
but using your weapon dodge skills right after swap most of the time in a 1v1 situation particulary makes it easier for the opponent to read you, i know mindgames in this game aren’t that high on the scale and most of the people aren’t used to those, but it is really effective and what it came down to in spvp between skilled individual anyway, that’s also where the animation cancelling with stow weapon comes in handy.
Basically what i want to say is that you need to pay more attention to positioning ( pet, yourself, opposing player(s), allies) and watch cooldowns (count them even) as well as dodge rolls and the buffs/debuffs going should always be ready to adapt and alter your playstyle to the situation your in – then again only reacting isn’t going to help you win in duels/games.
also just because something is on a low cooldown, it isn’t always feasable to spam that ability – while warrior pin down is a difficult animation to read at the moment, it has nothing to do with LoSing when he’s popping berserker stance or just cleared your condis with lyssa when you have CDs.also i was just commenting on the things that i noticed when i watched your most recent video – and wanted to share my experience, guess i’ll have to make some myself to show you what i mean.
your right about the heat of battle though, it’s certainly not always going as planned and as i kept saying i’m nowhere close to using the rangers full potential ( and as long as there’s not some money in the game to make all the effort worth it, i won’t ever be using it)
i just wanted to show you the next steps you can take to improve your gameplay.
One question, whats your in-game name not account name. Make’s really hard for me to put a face to the words, your not NA are you.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
1. Ranger
2. Elementalist
3. Necro
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Yeah, this bug won’t get a hot fix we will have to wait till a patch update comes out.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@iitwinz.1420, cheers mate, its been hard lately to stay positive with the direction SPvP had been heading in terms of balance.
@Battosai.5620, can you please use breaks between your text, I did read all you had to say allot I agree with and some I don’t.
I use my Weapon dodge skills differently to most rangers, I normally use them right after weapon swap to mitigate damage and apply poison, or I use the hard dodge for when I get immobilized, #5 LB warrior skill you can’t dodge unless your at 900 range and when your in a point fight that’s not going to happen. There on extremely low cool-downs so rather stupid holding off on using them.
My style is different to your style, you have an idea of how I should play my build where as I have my own style and in the heat of the moment doesn’t always work out the way you want.
@nagymbear.5280 Power ranger is useless which is sad, rangers will not have any good viable Power builds cause Anet doesn’t seem to see the problems at hand.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’m rather disappointed.
I wish they would Hot Fix bugs.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
HotM is treated as a PvE Area (Not sure why tbh), therefore the durations you’re seeing on golems are the PvE values. Try testing on a hotjoin server. If it still has a 3 sec base duration then yeah… It’ll need a fix.
It works in game. I’ve tested it.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I just watch decap Engi hold a point vs 4 with some support from me until we reached 500 points. The other team gave up they couldn’t kill one guy cause they had no burst…..
Decap Engi wrecking PvP along with Warriors 2014.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
One of the new updates broke the Sun Spirit and reverted it back to old self.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Yeah well I think its almost time to say good bye GW2, between the bugs and balance taking several months to fix why do we even bother.
I give up…..
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Nope, its same in game’s it does 4 ticks of burning…..
This game is so legit.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Nope, tick’s 3x with 0 condition duration.
Sun Spirit is meant to be 2 seconds long. You need 45% duration to get 3 seconds of burning currently you can take 35% duration and get 4 seconds of burning duration.
Funny right.
Game Update Notes – December 10, 2013
Sun Spirit: Reduced the passive burning from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Hi, how to be good at maths play Spirit Ranger!
2 + 0.7 = 4
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
“community is dwindling.” sorry to say it but it already dwindled there is almost no one left. I can almost say there are no more Team’s really trying to Team Que anymore we all given up.
No one wants to play a game keeps refusing to listen to the players. Don’t worry guys it only takes them 6 months to balance a broken build.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Well I’ve done heaps of 5v5 DM, some rounds would last as long as 15mins before someone went down some lasted 2 mins.
Allot of you basing your fact’s of not even trying it. I’ve been there done it and know it works. Biggest thing I learn’t is bunker’s and conditions aren’t any where as effective in 5v5 its all about team play and burst, calling spikes and getting them or nothing goes down.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Why does EVERYONE want Deathmatch as a Game type??
Deathmatch adds NOTHING worthwhile to PvP that isn’t already in the Domination Game type.
Seriously, people already play the game like it’s TDM in Hotjoins anyway so what’s the kittening point?
Deathmatch hardly even relies on team play at all. All you do is kill or die. There’s no other objectives.
Because it’s simpler to watch.
Because your main role will be to kill people, rather than stall with bunkers.
Because you will not see abominations like decap engi.
Because in Domination, if you take more than 30-40s to kill somebody who controls a node you have “lost”, even if you kill him at the end.
Because in an actual 5v5, AI reliant builds would be less powerful than what they are now.Should I continue?
Condition builds don’t work as effective, burst comps far more effective.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Why does EVERYONE want Deathmatch as a Game type??
Deathmatch adds NOTHING worthwhile to PvP that isn’t already in the Domination Game type.
Seriously, people already play the game like it’s TDM in Hotjoins anyway so what’s the kittening point?
Deathmatch hardly even relies on team play at all. All you do is kill or die. There’s no other objectives.
Honestly go cry about your hotjoin stories somewhere else.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Nice and simple.
New Map & DeathMatch.
Doesn’t get anymore simpler then that.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Tron, it sounds like a fun idea but it won’t happen.
Better idea would be to release a new game mode and promote it. With say Team Ladder, give reason for new teams to join up and draw some players whom like DM from WvW. Cause I know for one there is a crap load WvW who love DM.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Can we get condoms! I’m sick of having to go commando and catching so many conditions.
You could make the Gem store item.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@Swagger.1459, some really bad idea’s you don’t main ranger or seem to have good understanding of the class as a hole.
Stop making these balance threads for classes, unless you played the class into the ground you have no real idea what your talking about. Go make your own game if you wanted to design classes.
You know that Swagger isn’t the author of these threads right?
My Bad…… Fixed there names are so close I got confused in heat of the moment.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@Swagg.9236, some really bad idea’s you don’t main ranger or seem to have good understanding of the class as a hole.
Stop making these balance threads for classes, unless you played the class into the ground you have no real idea what your talking about. Go make your own game if you wanted to design classes.
Sorry @Swagger.1459 your name is so close to OP I got confused.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Good Changes
- Spike Trap (Utility), add smoke combo field.
- Frost Trap (Utility), add pulse base damage.
- Companion’s Might (Trait), now effects the ranger as well.
- Empathic Bond (Trait), moved to Wilderness Survival Master tier.
- Rapid Fire (LB), fires 1 arrow rather then channel skill and deals same damage.
- Pet, F2 will about-face target.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
You should try doing RP’ing in SPvP is more balanced and far more fun.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, recently I’ve been running all the builds I like to play into the ground. These will be my final copy until the changes to Sigils and Runes make its way into the game.
(NEW) Video Link 1:
(OLD) Video Link 2:
(OLD) Video Link 3:
Trap Build -
Piercing Spirits Build -
Blind Bunker -
All my builds are designed around my play style and tactics, some builds don’t work as well as other in area’s but I tend to design my builds with a strong focus on its main roll rather then several rolls.
I hope you enjoy the video’s, any question just ask.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Smoke field on spike trap would ROCK!, I’ve been trying to use mix of different builds in Solo Que but nothing is viable bar Spirit Ranger.
Worse part is there are so many Warriors and every single one has a Longbow so your Spirit’s are good as dead, once they immobilize you and stack some bleeds with 0 points invested into condition damage, but they have 20 might stacks just from simple rotations.
Sad, which ranges could stack 20 might with simple rotations.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
binW.8125 BAN him, I don’t play Solo Que to have some kitten dance in our base cause he doesn’t care and talk in some random copy and paste from google.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Piercing Arrows has become my new best friend.
But please remember this isn’t your 1v1 Spirit Ranger build, if you wanted that go run hybrid 0/0/30/20/20 with Spirit/BM Spec.
This build is my personal Team fighting spec and it’s been rocking. I would record me playing spirit ranger but its rather boring.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Good to hear mate, I try to keep posting builds I find along the way.
I’ve just been running Forge Setup, waiting to see what bug fixes and changes will come down the track.
I can’t wait to see what Forge has become and what happened to Sigils, might end up having rather deadly build.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I mess Death Match, Anet say’s it can’t be done but that’s a lie. It can be done and Team Comp’s will form battles will last 15mins long.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I hate Skyhammer, why!
- Door to Cannon is bugged and sometimes you will fall throw the ground and die.
- Lag make’s it so I bug out on the jump pads, I get stuck allot on jump pads unable to get back up.
- Engineer’s stealth then pull me into the glass and I die.
- Engineer’s run 10000 knock-backs and sit on the Hammer soon as you enter they just knock you back until you fall to your death. (I run stability but they just remove it within seconds.)
- The map promotes being rude to each other.
- The map promotes cheese builds that have no counter on skyhammer.
The list goes on I hate the map wish it was removed from Solo Que, so I could go back to not having to worry about getting a bad map.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Chopping up maps for smaller team fights is an option. The water in Spirit Watch or the center point in Foefire are examples where players already do this with custom arenas. However, unless we needed 6 TDM maps ‘RIGHT NAOW’, we would still prefer to make a new polished experience and let players with customs arenas keep doing what they already have been.
Think we all would rather new map with new game mode, only been how long. Sorry but it’s taking far to long to come out with new game mode and map… Rather stupid how long.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Remove Martial Mastery.
Move Empathic Bond to a 20 pt trait.
Move Trap Potency to 30pt WS trait.
Merge Trap Potency with Trap Expertise.Choice now is offense in trap potency or defense in bark skin.
Frost Trap should stun for 2 seconds if you have trap potency.
Great idea but it won’t happen I’ll explain why, cause everyone will run Trap/Spirit/Bunker Anet aren’t that stupid where they will give us epic tanky dps condition build.
Think about it you take Sun Spirit/Spirit Elite + Spike Trap/Frost or Viper and you got yourself OP tanky build.
I would personally run 0/0/30/20/20 and take BM Traits as well to make my pet stronger and take duel birds. Now that’s OP build.
Empathic bond needs to move. Power options will never be viable so long as it’s 30 deep. Traps also make absolutely 0 sense where they are and leaving them in Skirmishing out of laziness is just plain stupid. If you want to leave them in skirmishing then up their damage to 300ish so they make sense where they are. At least then they’ll be dual role and you can build hybrid, power, or condi and they’ll have a use regardless. Heck, people may even use them without any traits if they could kill a critter in 1 hit.
I agree about Empathic Bond, it needs to moved out of GM Trait and down one Tier and maybe in a different Trait line, look at Warrior there condition remove which is just as good as EB if not better cause its Active rather then passive removes just as many if not more conditions and isn’t a GM trait.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Remove Martial Mastery.
Move Empathic Bond to a 20 pt trait.
Move Trap Potency to 30pt WS trait.
Merge Trap Potency with Trap Expertise.Choice now is offense in trap potency or defense in bark skin.
Frost Trap should stun for 2 seconds if you have trap potency.
Great idea but it won’t happen I’ll explain why, cause everyone will run Trap/Spirit/Bunker Anet aren’t that stupid where they will give us epic tanky dps condition build.
Think about it you take Sun Spirit/Spirit Elite + Spike Trap/Frost or Viper and you got yourself OP tanky build.
I would personally run 0/0/30/20/20 and take BM Traits as well to make my pet stronger and take duel birds. Now that’s OP build.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Combine the Trap Traits, add a daze to Frost Trap
What tier would you combine the trap traits? would you aim for us being able to E.g. 0/20/0/0/0.
I think something should be added to Frost Trap but. Does no Damage and Combo Field isn’t as good as Poison or Flame.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I don’t keep my pets on passive and don’t “work around them.” I work with them…… I get that micro managing combat is the key to success, but knowing your pets enough to make the call as to whether their regular skills or F2 abilities will go off as you want is where I like to draw you attention.
Again you probably know this, but setting up your pet can be very beneficial. Notice where they are in relation to you and your opponents. If you use an F2 ability or notice the pet gearing up for one of its better skills kite your opponent to them so it hits. Same with the issue of pets being locked in place when attacking. I like to dodge around my pet so that it consistently hits and acts as a shield.
…. on a second thought though I usually trait for quickness on swap. Could that be why these issues aren’t affecting me?
This kinda has nothing to do with problems at hand, we shouldn’t have to work around the problems with the F2, the changes I promote just gives us better control in a game where speed and timing is everyone.
Currently most rangers are dealing with it YES!, but I’m sick of dealing with it when I make clutch play call over com’s I’m doing my fear/stun combo and bloody fear doesn’t go off for next 5 seconds kinda makes the play void. I hate not being a play maker and counting on rest of my team to make plays while I just spam 1 mindlessly.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
So, we leave the Traps in Skirmishing Trait Line which is fine by me, I already have 2 great builds work well with that trait line.
Next question, how do we get more survival with a trap build? few options.
- Give spike trap a blind field for the duration of the trap which is 3 seconds.
- Make a Trap kit, where all 4 traps are under one Utility Skill, and an extra trap called Dust Trap (GW1 Trap) work it so there is CD on the Trap Kit so once used you have to wait E.g. 10 seconds before you can use it again or have it work same as Kit’s on Engineers. This opens the last 2 slots on the Trap Build so we can use survival skills.
- Add a Stun-Break to one of the Traps.
- Add new function to GM Trait where traps also apply A boon or remove A boon.
Halve the reason Traps are hurting in terms of Survival now was the Nerf to Vigor, ranger’s don’t have blinds or blocks like most classes our tank comes from raw face tanking and dodge’s including weapons. I now always take the Vigor Traits when ever I can just to give myself upkeep on my dodge.
Trap’s aren’t sub-par, I’ve done heaps of dueling and Solo Que + Team Que with my trap build, very strong at defending weak at attacking, when I was dueling I took on many different builds and classes I found open field fights are killer for trap build but back points are very easy to hold. LB on the warrior is rather hard to compete with, the burning field on point counters any type of regen I might get or have, and you will very rarely dodge the immobilize from there #5 (ask any warrior they rarely miss, the warrior plays for my team said only way he will miss is if the target is at almost max ranger and he randomly does a dodge other then that its like heating seeking and never misses.)
So, yeah I just want to see Trap’s get improvement in terms of Survival.
Now for the Power build I was going to make a post, but that build is so far from being viable it isn’t funny, to get decent damage you have no Survival out side of your #3 on your LB. I honestly don’t think the build will be fixed for very long time until they fix our survival traits Condition Remove being the main problem.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
PU mesmer is OP. You guys have little to worry about compared to rangers
Rangers are OP.
Easy to prove:
- Rangers have spirits. Mesmers don’t.
- Rangers have a 10s water field for AE healing in boss fights / zerg fights. Mesmers don’t.
- Rangers have a bear. Mesmer’s don’t.
How you can say that Rangers are weaker than Mesmers is beyond me.
(Hint: Class envy gets you nowhere if you want to talk balance, class design does)
- Mesmers have 10x more damage then Rangers.
- Mesmers wreck rangers at duels in both WvW and SPvP.
- Mesmers can remove boons rangers can’t.
- Mesmers have been the King of 1v1 from day dot and still are ranger have been at the bottom.
(Hint: Class stupidity gets you nowhere so don’t talk about balance when your clueless.)
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
@bllius.9027, not sure your playing same class as me or your still very new to Ranger.
@Sin Stonestrike.9326, Sorry its nice idea, but you require 30 in Wilderness Survival if you want to be competitive , you need the self condition remove its a must. Everything always sounds great on paper but doing it in a SPvP game E.g. Team Que’s that build would be burden to your team, your a free kill.
Like some of the idea’s are fine in WvW but that isn’t what I call PvP more OP builds. But when come to being a competitive build there so many factors you need to think about.
You can try and say your evades on weapons will save you which I find funny cause it won’t.
First necro to spite you at start of battle just killed you.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Much better option putting it into a useful trait line rather then removing our survival by making it WS, honestly I’m starting to think none of you guys play ranger.
Just so you know Trap’s already Crit and have Power Damage.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I mainly made this topic to get something rolling in the balance forums recently I said something to grouch about Trap Ranger and he said he thinks it’s fine so they makes me believe the balance dev’s also think Trap Ranger is fine.
So hopefully if we can point out the problems we are seeing with the trap ranger main one being its SURVIVAL they might take look at the build try and workout ways to improve that.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’m probably not as experienced as you Sol, but I don’t have as much of a problem with my pets…. I somewhat agree that pets can F2 into the air after swap, but seem much less likely to do so if you hit F4, F1, and then F2 (takes no extra time). Of course I run a wolf and drake-hound, so the AoE F2 ability doesn’t need a target (goes off consistently though).
I love all my pets and don’t see them as a burden in most game-play situations (except heavy AoE). I’ve learned most of the different species small quirks and manage to work with them fine.
Drake blast finisher into Healing spring (check), bird and cat F2 spike during combat or when downed to down other player (check), Moa daze and AoE heal utilization (check), porcine and canine knockdown during combat or when about to be stomped (check), jellyfish regen water combo + leap finisher into immobilize + heavy AoE F2 (check), spear knockback followed by shark fear (check), spider immobilize + poison field into weakness combo when tracking or kiting a target (check), porcine F2 into hero elixir for immunity (check). Am I missing anything?
I’ve got no problems with the pet skills or there damage.
My problem is I can’t make clutch plays due to few mechanics behind how F2 works. When the target is right on top of you and say you pet swap to use your F2 you first have to get the pet to attack the target due to how close they are it will use one of it’s skills first putting the skill you planned to use right then in skill que when you required it right there and then.
The game is to fast game play to have slow skill windows like that.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’ve played traps a long time now, albeit mostly in WvW not sPvP so it is slightly different. I have to say I am very opposed to moving the traps from their traitline, them being there really does allow for fantasic hybrid builds in WvW, its shame that hybriding is so lame in sPvP.
Not sure I agree with your solutions either. Like you said the damage output of trapping is fine already, but you can lack survivability option (I actually only run 2 traps because I want a stunbreaker in there).
Instead of giving us more damage by adding it to the frost trap perhaps the GM trap trait could be changed (and its current effect merged with the master trait) so that traps pulse defensive boons as well as conditions. Flame trap could give vigor (doesnt have to be long.. 1-2 seconds per pulse), frost trap could give protection, vipers nest could give retaliation and since spike trap doesnt pulse perhaps it should be a blast finisher to synergise with all the fields traps rangers get.
This would help trappers defensively, as well as help them bring more group orientated support (which currently only spirit rangers do), without buffing their already pretty decent damage.
Also one other thing.. entangle applying torment when it also hold the target in place so they cant move doesnt really make sense :s
Yeah I used to WvW Trap ranger allot, but I can’t stand WvW anymore just to OP there. This post was more directed at SPvP.
I do like the idea’s of removing boons with traps or adding boons but that could become rather strong a tad to strong. I think if you made it when you use a trap you apply say a boon wouldn’t be over powered when traited. I do think you might be onto something here in terms of survival.
Reason for the Entangle change is currently almost every single class bar ranger which is funny walks right out of the entangle or has escape skill, I think they should be punished for escaping. We talking Elite skill here that is worse the Spike Trap.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Traps are better off in wilderness survival traitline than marksmanship.
Sorry but that is rather bad idea. You want to take away all our survival and give us 0 condition remove no chance of taking stun-break and losing our vigor upkeep support.
Sorry but that would be one of worst things Anet could do to the ranger it would gut the build to point of useless.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, I’ve been playing trap ranger for very long time and over past few months there has become several problems with the build making it no longer viable in the current meta.
Without some change’s to the trap build in terms of survival, frost trap and the elite Entangle. the build won’t make it back into the meta.
Current problems
- Frost Trap – Currently the trap offers no base damage and the combo field is sub-par compared to Flame & Poison combo fields which is coming soon. Cool-downs on Frost is to long, making it sub-par compared to other traps.
- Entangle has to be reworked, currently most classes will break free of the roots within the first second. For an elite skill its almost weaker then Spike Trap.
- All Trap builds require you to use all 3 Utility Slots for 3 traps Spike/Flame/Poison, leaving you no room for any survival skills.
Don’t believe there is problem with the damage output of the Trap ranger both Carrion and Rabid build both deal decent damage.
How to fix the problem
- Improve Frost Trap so it does base damage on pulse and reduce the cool-down so same as spike trap. We don’t have a 4th utility slot so take spike over frost is a better options due to cool-down and damage.
- Entangle needs to be changed from Bleeds to Torment, how it would work is it will stack 1 torment every second with max of 10 stacks. Now this isn’t over powered most classes break free of Entangle extremely fast so the chances of them getting more then few stacks is low, the skill is and Elite so should be treated as an elite.
- There needs to be way to add a stun-breaker to one of our traps. E.g. if you didn’t want to add base damage to frost trap and leave it with its current cool-down you could change one of its functions to stun-breaker.
- Engineer’s when using AR make it almost impossible for a trap ranger to beat them, we don’t have the base damage to break there 25%, so the trap ranger will never become a meta build as-long as AR is still in play.
- Warriors, are one of the hardest counters to the Trap build, the trap build counts on its CC from immobilize and cripple to keep the warrior at range, but due to Berserker Stance, Cleansing Ire, Dogged March, Mobile Strikes and Lyssa runes they have far to much counter and they can just charge forward destroying you.
If you really wanted to make the Trap Ranger a better build you would move Trapper’s Defense/Trapper’s Expertise/Trap Potency to the Marksmanship Trait line.
Trap Ranger build can’t use the bonuses you get from Condition Duration in the Marksmanship line due to simple fact you are Required to take 30 Wilderness Survival to have any type of survival, and you need 30 in Skirmishing to get the Trap Traits.
So hopefully this helps the Dev’s make traps a more viable smarter build.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Hi, for long while now there has been few problems with Pet Mechanics in term’s of the F2. Most of the current problems are making it hard for rangers to make clutch plays with there F2, I’ve waited up to 10 seconds for my Pet Wolf to cast his F2.
Current problems
- F2 taking to long to cast.
- F2 doesn’t about-face to face the target.
- F2 will cast into middle of no where if the pet isn’t attacking the target first.
How to fix the problems
- There should be shorter cast times for almost all F2 skills.
- All pet’s should about face to the target selected when F2 has been activated.
- F2 should not require the pet to be attacking before you can activate the F2 in order to hit the target, this is major problem.
Example (Lightning Drake)
- On pet swap the Lightning Drake will first wait for it to be given a target to attack if you cast your F2 before even know you have a target selected it will fire its F2 into middle of no where.
- Next problem is once you get your pet to attack a target before you select the F2 it will start using its skill’s so even if you proc your F2 it will wait in skill que before the drake will use there F2, by the time they use there F2 it’s to late the target isn’t sitting in the location you first proc’ed the F2.
- Due to how the F2 works on the Drake it requires the target to be 180 in front of them half the time the target has already moved and ends up behind the drake missing its hole attack putting F2 on CD.
- Even with good pet control using the F3 to call your pet back to lineup there skill, once you activate the F2 it won’t turn around and cast there F2 at the target, so for skills like Lightning Drake which require to be facing the target it will proc the F2 into middle of no where canceling the skill putting it on CD.
This is one of major problem’s rangers are having with pet’s, I believe with few change’s to how the Que of the skill work’s and some general mechanic changes most of pet problems will be fixed and use of pets will become enjoying rather then a burden.
I tried to keep it simple for the Dev’s and given reason and example of what is happening. I can get some video footage is required.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
2. Melee Ranger. The build I’ve found that works best was Axe/Dagger+Sword/Torch with 0/0/30/30/10. I lost to this a few times and tried it out for myself and even with my terrible mastery of the playstyle (I find it odd to let my skills do most of the moving for me and end up canceling skills by accident) I could beat most meta Warrior builds. It has insane regen, but also tons of protection. In fact the person I got this build off of beat pretty much every 1v1 I saw them get into. Undead runes with Rabid gear makes them capable of large condi spikes and most importantly they almost always have poison applied. Add it Rampage as One and for 20 seconds the Warrior can do very little damage to you and you can force them to use most of their long CD condition skills while it’s up.
Sorry but what about Team Que, problem which almost all Warriors seem to forget. I’ve got a build that’s also great at DUELING in a DUELING SERVER, I take it to Team Que and takes so long to kill the Warrior he has time to call for backup and you end up losing anyways. So there for build isn’t viable if you just end up dead. Next time I’m in a Team Que match I’ll ask the Warrior to wait for my CD’s and bow before he attacks.
I’d say that build would make for a good home bunker, as neither can kill each other quickly. The builds are fairly similar in approach they just do things in a different way and while one focuses on conditions the other uses CC.
Once again there many builds flying around that can beat Warriors 1v1, but that’s only in Duel Servers, problem is you don’t always have the CD’s you won’t always fight the Warrior 1v1, there so many factor’s you don’t think about.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
2. Melee Ranger. The build I’ve found that works best was Axe/Dagger+Sword/Torch with 0/0/30/30/10. I lost to this a few times and tried it out for myself and even with my terrible mastery of the playstyle (I find it odd to let my skills do most of the moving for me and end up canceling skills by accident) I could beat most meta Warrior builds. It has insane regen, but also tons of protection. In fact the person I got this build off of beat pretty much every 1v1 I saw them get into. Undead runes with Rabid gear makes them capable of large condi spikes and most importantly they almost always have poison applied. Add it Rampage as One and for 20 seconds the Warrior can do very little damage to you and you can force them to use most of their long CD condition skills while it’s up.
Sorry but what about Team Que, problem which almost all Warriors seem to forget. I’ve got a build that’s also great at DUELING in a DUELING SERVER, I take it to Team Que and takes so long to kill the Warrior he has time to call for backup and you end up losing anyways. So there for build isn’t viable if you just end up dead. Next time I’m in a Team Que match I’ll ask the Warrior to wait for my CD’s and bow before he attacks.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Recently I’ve been working on how I can improve the current Spirit Ranger build, with recent nerfs and a bug fix incoming the Spirit build is more and more becoming only useful in team fights rather then solo.
There are two options you can go with I’ll link the builds below and explain the madness behind them.
Due to a bug I’ve found with 10% bleed duration sigil that isn’t rounding off and giving you extra tick of build which your meant to get. Or I would be running Forge with 10% bleed duration on the SB to give me 4 seconds of bleed on my auto rather then 3 seconds.
Build 1: (Recommended)
Build 2: (Recommended for skilled rangers)
I’m not running Nature’s Vengeance.
– Both Sun and Stone Spirit are anti-melee, melee skills have less range then the active on both spirits so you don’t require the extra ranger.
– On Death only effect’s Storm and Nature’s Spirit, but your not taking Storm Spirit anymore so it only effect’s your Elite Nature’s Spirit. Most good teams soon as you activate your Elite will target it and take it down. Very rarely are you going to get the effect from nature’s vengeance trait. It also doesn’t effect the range on your elite’s active skill.
Why 20 points invested into Marksmanship
– The extra 20% duration bonus.
– The extra 200 Power + Carrion gets you total of 1760 Power, now most teams are able to might stack rather easy in team fights, so good chance you will have a 50% up-time on 10-15 might stacks which gives you ruffly 500 more power/condition damage which really boosts up for team fighting power.
– Your never going to miss your target, I got sick of Supply Kit/Spirit’s/Body-blocks from other players getting in the way of me hitting my target, now I no longer need to worry not only do I hit my target but I hit everything in the way. I now stack bleeds with NO CD on every target I hit, E.g. my target is Spirit Ranger sitting behind a Warrior/Guardian + Spirit’s and a Supply Drop, more then 60% of my Auto Attacks will miss due to body-blocks. So do the maths I now hit everything in the way stacking bleeds + high base damage while stilling hitting my target. This makes up for loss of Storm Spirit.
Why Leeching Sigil’s.
– Your going to spend 80% of your time in SB, so when you need to heal up or add team support heals via Healing Spring, you can weapon swap get the extra heal from leeching + blast finisher + leap finisher and when your done swap back to your SB and get a extra heal again, and back to your SB Spam.
Why War-Horn.
– Many, well almost all Spirit Rangers use the Sword/Dagger combo which is very selfish and isn’t going to support your team to well.
– Fury/Swiftness/Might + Blast finisher is 10x better then your current dagger offhand, your a Spirit Ranger so team support is your roll so don’t kid yourself and think EXTRA dodge from dagger is going to save your kitten when your getting spiked.
I’ve been running this build allot in both Solo Que and Team Que and had great returns, vs other Spirit Rangers I’m winning almost every single fight due to simple fact I don’t miss my target no more body-blocks from pet’s or spirits I’m getting my 8-10 stacks of bleed on my target without a problem mean while taking down there pet’s.
I’m having allot easier time vs Engineers well ones that don’t run AR, no more Supply drop getting in my way.
I wasn’t going to share this build, I feel the current PvP scene is DEAD so theirs no point holding onto builds anymore.
Many say Spirit Ranger is brain dead build I believe its only brain dead in the wrong hands, there is allot going on like Pet Control timing of your interrupt when to use your cripple whom to apply poison to and when, timing is everything rotations are key. Also spirit active skill which every player that doesn’t play ranger seems to forget.
So that’s my build in a nut-shell rest is up to you in terms of tactics if the build isn’t for you or you don’t see the logic in my build, well frankly I don’t care. I’m open to improvement’s but until new Rune/Sigil balance comes out isn’t much you can do.
Hope you Enjoy, I call the build Saizo Sol’s DP Build.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)