Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Yeah its all about personal preference, so other nite I forgot to set a single trait point so i was 0/0/0/0/0 ran this build lol and I was winning my 1v1 it was kitten funny vs condition warriors as well.
I’ve been trying to figure out how I can just use E.g. Signet of Renewal + HS as my condition remove, I know a necro would uttly destroy me if he was conditions just can’t keep up with the poison.
Also, half reason I’m running 2 Spirit’s due simple fact I didn’t want to be bottle-necked into only being able to 1v1 I know I hate it when my team mate is 1v1 spec they useless in team fights, we all know it happens.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Mate check out your base crit damage after you weapon swap + pet swap. I can get 800-1k auto attacks from my axe, without any real investment into timing. Once you get it more and more under control you will start finding combo’s i did and use your fire fields to boost your might past 10 and whoa the damage is rocking at that point.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I understand what your saying, but Smoldering only proc’s the extra tick on Torch #4, the extra 10% doesn’t get you required amount of % you need to get that tick on any other burning unless you invest into more duration. If ya don’t believe me go test it I’ve ran every single duration test ya can think of. Smoldering is useless without the investment into atleast 50% duration boost to burning.
I was running Sun/Storm/Renewal, but my pet’s kept getting killed, the weakness and counter to this build is kill the bird and you remove most of my damage and almost all my condition remove.
Sun Spirit – Pet burning proc it all about keeping up the damage, think of it not only am i dealing allot of burning from my combo’s but also from my pet I can upkeep massive amount of burning, so think of it burning+poison+bleeds it great damage and its almost none stop. They would need epic condition remove to keep up which they won’t have.
Also half reason I went sun spirit was due to fact some fights turn into 3v3 2v2 so I wanted to be able support my team mate with damage + condition remove + heals.
Also I know your not being kitten, it’s called debating over builds picking it apart breaking it down talking about it.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Since age’s, they all ran Carrion/Forge. Almost every single ranger on NA did and the build came from the top teams on EU. So Yeah not sure what rock you lived under.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Signet of the Wild – Pet’s health there birds they tend to die to fast without it.
Smoldering only effects #4 on torch which doesn’t always land so I’d rather the extra condition damage from corruption.
Sun Spirit is so I have 3 blinds and burning for my pet. What kind of moron sits in bonfire and people have condition remove so #4 can be removed rather fast.
Storm Spirit is worthless for roaming, waste of time even taking you will get more damage from Sun Spirit in a fight then Storm.
Direct Damage = Birds with Sun Spirit. Pet swap none stop + F2 blinds = good pressure.
Runes are weird part they give me 25% speed boost i need, I honestly randomly one day used them for some fun and well it worked really well. So i stuck with them.
I said the build is weird, some will hate it and try come up with perfect build but I just play to what I think works for me.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
It is generic its a Spirit Build, and um almost every single ranger ran Carrion barely any ran Rabid.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, here is my solo roaming build which I use for backpoints.
Build Link:
Some might say its bit weird but its extremely effective. Enjoy
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, here is current spirit build I ran in TPvP.
Everyone understands how spirit ranger works, mine is little different and does allot more damage then common Carrion Ranger.
Build Link:
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hi, before the last update I was testing and running Trapper Build, it was decent but just didn’t cut it well now its decent and cut’s it.
So I’ll share my SPvP build and i’ll try my best to explain how to use the build, as there is allot going on. If your a FOTM Ranger just leave now this is a build that require skill so it won’t carry you in top tier pvp.
Trapper – SPvP/TPvP Only.
Build Link:
This build covers allot of area’s which many won’t see at first until you have really given it a good run.
Runes/Sigil/Pets & Amulet are picked to fit the build in many area’s, E.g. Weapon/Pets and combo fields are big part of this build learn to use them correctly and as much as you can.
Axe/Dagger – Sword/Torch, are a must combo change them are your gimping the build.
Dagger/Sword/LR are your dodge’s and vigor upkeep, with how much imob going around you need a hard dodge. Natures Renewal won’t save your kitten so don’t waste your time taking it. LR plays big roll with hard dodge stun break and vigor up keep, with recent nerf’s to vigor you need a solid upkeep.
RoA don’t randomly use save it and try to win all your fights without using it, best to use it when someone is about to go down, res or stomp is your best options even for escapes. Your taking RoA for the Stability, not the fury or might.
Weapon swap as much as you can, your auto attacks are going to hit rather hard, pet swap as much as you can keep them 3 might stacks up at all times.
So there it is, simple break down of the build if you mod it don’t bother playing the build your going to run into many problems along the way.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Actually, Sol, I disagree wholeheartedly.
But I could be biased since I got an Arena Net Christmas card signed by a number of people, but also my personal hero Even Lesh <3
I disagree, Anet has shown how they messed up. Rather then balance they add counters with very minor balance’s. What this has done to the game I’ll try to explain the best I can. E,g, Ranger’s got the Spirit Ranger it was OP as hell easy to play and with good player behind the wheel it was OP as kitten. Now Anet slowly nerft the build over many month’s but at same time buffed other classes to counter the build, now they are on par they haven’t stopped and looked at other rangers builds it effected.
By adding the counters to a build that was OP they have massively effected other viable builds to point where they can not make a return so they can’t really run these old builds, Traps/BM both are kitten compared to Spirit’s even if they are on par in the ranger world they can’t come back other classes counter them builds to hard now.
So if you really wanted to balance you would have to massive rework taking 4 major builds from each class and matching them up against each other over fairly long time and slowly balance them, Anet won’t do this as they don’t have a test server.
Balance will never be perfect but it keeps getting worse every balance patch. They nerf so little and buff so much and try to rework skills that in effect mess up builds on other classes trying to make a come back.
I currently play Engi now, after latest update Spirit Ranger is still our only viable build after so many month’s, many good rangers have said change this change that and they never listened once. Oh and Engi is stupidly easy to play SPAM SPAM SPAM all that class does.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Why even bother there has been 10000000 posts about balance and around -100% have made it into meta meaning “They seen what we hated and what wrecking the game and added more of it”. They don’t listen so why bother even posting anymore.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
What the hole 5 team’s left!!!. Honestly everyone has quit the game and Anet is now making PvP place for PvE’ers to make some coin.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
[GS/LB/Soldiers] Power Build 30/10/0/30/0 is super viable in solo tPvP.
Super fast point to point movement, good point defend abilities with 2 Knockbacks and a huge amount of stability.
Great Clash support from afar with LBs awesome Long Range damage.
Almost permafury with RaO + the new GS trait + Weaponswap.
Awesome mightstacking.
Best Point: a lot of fun to play.Dont say its not viable if you dont know how to use it.
This game is not all about 1vX pointless zergs between map objectives. (although this build is doing a great job even doing that…)
It’s not viable. Please explain to me what you do when you pop RoA and a necro soon after hits you with corrupt boon. It completely counters everything you just said in your post. What are you going to use HS and Signet of Renewal to counter, cause he will soon as you remove them conditions hit you with Spite Signet. If a Spirit Ranger with Spirit Elite Signet of Renewal HS with Traited EB can’t keep them conditions off himself you have no chance what so ever. He blinds you and stacks burning/poison/bleeding cripples you chills you weakness. Please tell me how the hell is your build viable when someone can murder you in a few seconds without even trying.
Sorry this game does no REWARD skill, you can be best LB/GS player in the game with best build it still won’t cut it, and its not player problem its sheer balance problem.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
LB/GS won’t ever be viable, sorry the build doesn’t have the condition remove to stand a chance. Anet refuse to listen to player base and keep buffing Passive and Ai builds.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I want people to actually start killing each other and not focus on surviving.
Don’t worry Amir they are slowly adding more PvE content and PvE friendly builds to TPvP. Soon we will be able to use same build as you do on PvE Raid in Team Que.
We can write 100000 posts on the PvP problems cause I know for one its been done over and over. Have they listened NO!. It’s like they look at our ideas and go we can come up with something better, lets buff the Ai and Passive even know the player base is saying don’t buff. Honestly look at the last few patch’s it really does feel like they are trolling us and throwing kitten in our face, for got sake they made SkyHammer and called it PvP.
I think I like many others are going back to other games, just isn’t any point when its clear they won’t listen.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’m just defending infantrydiv from being called bad by some guy who thinks he’s hot kitten on the forums when in reality he’s a terrible and biased player, lol. I really couldn’t give a kitten what you think about me. The mere fact you’re responding is fun and entertaining, so thanks! =)
I’m only responding hoping you respond cause it is fun, I’ve not had good forum fight in a while.
You think I’m a bad player.
I know your a bad player.
Round 2….
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
See it doesn’t matter what I say Symbolic, your going to chest thump and hope everyone supports you, I’m used to the hate crimes I have tough skin its the forums so you get used to it.
So what’s next, cause shots got fired and I was running reflect and you took one to the face.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
What I did that was so well was play consistently at an okay standard. But as I said before – I’m nothing special. I’ve mained necro since release though and when the ‘god mode’ necro patch came out I’d already exclaimed it was broken. Beast master was one of the more balanced specs in terms of home point in my opinion. Plus if you’re saying I was never good I don’t understand why you’re saying I’m washed up as the two don’t really coincide. I don’t care if I was never good, I just realize that you’re a terrible player and calling you out for it trying to call yourself some ‘top tier’ player when in reality you’re bad. Telling the truth on forums will probably damage my dreams of being a shoutcaster, oh well. Worth.
Wall of text which I don’t care to read.
Still better then you.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I say lets get on get on Com’s and stream it live. Now that would be fun.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Sound bit bm there mate, i’d be happy to duel you, your not first to cry me a river and fail when comes to punch time. Jump on your carrion spirit ranger i’ll get on my nub spirit ranger build and you can teach me a lesson.
Solves everything right? or is this just some more QQ from washed up FOTM ranger who got carried by his team…
Heh, I never really did spirit ranger duels because they were stupid. BM ranger duels were fun and there’s several rangers who I know could consistently beat me(although BM ranger duels had very simple concepts to win with). I honestly don’t even know why that version of spirit ranger is called mine as I did not make the build. You’re talking about QQ from a washed up FOTM ranger when I main necro then to add in the fact you’re the one arguing in a thread saying spirit rangers are weak when infact if warriors didn’t exist they’d be on top of the food chain. Honestly I’d say this is QQ from you, some FOTM spirit ranger who doesn’t have the ability to adapt to a new class, nevermind the fact you suck kitten at the main one you play.
I mean seriously, you’re at the top tier of pvp (lloolollo). But as I said before, I hate bad players thinking they’re hot kitten talking down to people on the forums ’YOU’RE NOT TOP TIER PVP HÉRPDÉRP’. Dude, shut the kitten up. You’re the one try harding in a non competitive community and barely scraping into one of the top 3 teams when there’s really only 3 teams as stated before.
oooh, forum drama is fun.
I’ve not had fun one the forums in age’s, sorry but i would destroy you simple as that. You can type wall of text ask your mates to pat you on the back tell you “your good mate” Do you ever stop and wonder what you did that was so good, was it I played a Necro when it was god mode before that I played and OP Pet Build where my pet did the work.
All you have done is moved from OP build to OP build. You don’t make any good builds, you was never a good player lol. Fact is anyone would have done same as you, your nothing new just washed up. You can call me bad ranger lol this and that cause I’ve had allot do the same, you all endup changing your simple little mind.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hambow warr is harder to play than petting zoo builds . And S\D thief 333333 spam? How do you get such a fast intil regen bro????
Hambow longbow is at the very least a class that you can be actively outplayed/counterplayed. It requires basic positioning +combo chain knowledge, unlike spirit ranger.
Also, +1 to the s/d thief with 25 initiative.
do you think a ranger flanking with his bows to deal bleed is not skilled? do you think activating the spirits at the right moment is braindead? i really wanna know truth. thank you.
I’ve seen multiple times where so called ‘pro rangers’ literally run into a mid fight and activate all 3 spirit abilities simultaneously. So no, this isn’t skilled.
Flanking with your shortbow could take skill, but in all honesty with the burning from your pet and you while you have so many evades, it isn’t even necessary to win a 1v1.
All abored the Scrub Train, QqqqQQqqq. Next stop L2P.
Infraction incoming in 3.2.1
I like how you didn’t even respond to the fact that after all the tournaments you’ve played on spirit ranger you didn’t even know that spirit elite heals for 1.5x what it says on the tooltip. lol
Fact is I don’t count you as a good player whom knows what he is talking about. I don’t see you playing in top tier of TPvP.
i think you’re an awful player lol. Ranger is easy to play there’s no reason to deny it. I felt like mashing my face across my keyboard would have accomplished what I already did when I played it with shortbow, and to a lesser extent a/d s/t is ridiculously easy to play too. I still think BM is better than spirits anyways. If you’re getting destroyed with a shortbow by a necro in teamfights you’re doing it wrong.
@Dardamaniac – many people knew about the fear with the boar skull drop, nobody used it as boar sucks kitten pluw enemies could pick up the weapon drops and it’s rng.
Coming from the guy who only been known for playing Spirit Ranger and the nub version at that is rather funny.
If you new anything about me you wouldn’t be saying what you just said. But you don’t your just like allot of Ranger’s played FOTM which isn’t hard, team got good not off your skill as FOTM Spirit Ranger is in every single team and they all do same thing.
Next time read I never said anything about necro’s beating me, also if you ever watched me play vs a necro you would see how I almost 100-0 most necros due to how easy it is to counter play there condition spike.
One last thing, BM is our worst build in SPvP if you tried playing other builds besides ones that are FOTM you would already know this and wouldn’t of said BM build is better.
I played backpoint, at the time ranger was the most efficient backpoint. If you want any reasoning as to why I played that version of spirit ranger feel free to ask and I’ll explain to you why it was strong it’s a pretty simple explanation.
Plus I watched your video for goodness sake and you’re kittening terrible mechanically(HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!) and there’s no denying it really. I didn’t actually start off by playing spirit ranger, I played BM ranger which was kinda fun. The build still actually is viable and strong in 1v1s, and no not that kittenty NA version where you run around with a shortbow.Also necros destroy rangers in team fights.
And finally, I don’t think I’m an amazing player. I probably got carried by my team mates through most of the game I’m sure. But you’re somebody who actually thinks they’re amazing at the game when the majority of the competitive population quit/can’t be bothered to practice for it and you’re picking up the pieces. Plus you’re playing one of the most braindead specs in the game. Spewing random bullkitten about how you get destroyed by engineers, when guess what? I could consistently beat an amazing engineer player with a beastmaster spec in a 1v1 scenario. I’m sorry but having somebody in the community who advertises themselves as hot kitten when in reality they suck kitten is not goooooood. Bed time, nite xox.
Edit: ps i started playing ranger in april? still only got like 3-400 games i have like 5x more than that on necro lol.
Sound bit bm there mate, i’d be happy to duel you, your not first to cry me a river and fail when comes to punch time. Jump on your carrion spirit ranger i’ll get on my nub spirit ranger build and you can teach me a lesson.
Solves everything right? or is this just some more QQ from washed up FOTM ranger who got carried by his team…
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I still think BM is better than spirits anyways.
So you think having the pet inflict most of the damage takes skill? I’m really curious. What makes BM more skillful than a spirit ranger?
Signet’s require allot of skill didn’t you know. He actively puts them on his skill bar, self pro-claimed pro’s who rise to fame off FOTM builds.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hambow warr is harder to play than petting zoo builds . And S\D thief 333333 spam? How do you get such a fast intil regen bro????
Hambow longbow is at the very least a class that you can be actively outplayed/counterplayed. It requires basic positioning +combo chain knowledge, unlike spirit ranger.
Also, +1 to the s/d thief with 25 initiative.
do you think a ranger flanking with his bows to deal bleed is not skilled? do you think activating the spirits at the right moment is braindead? i really wanna know truth. thank you.
I’ve seen multiple times where so called ‘pro rangers’ literally run into a mid fight and activate all 3 spirit abilities simultaneously. So no, this isn’t skilled.
Flanking with your shortbow could take skill, but in all honesty with the burning from your pet and you while you have so many evades, it isn’t even necessary to win a 1v1.
All abored the Scrub Train, QqqqQQqqq. Next stop L2P.
Infraction incoming in 3.2.1
I like how you didn’t even respond to the fact that after all the tournaments you’ve played on spirit ranger you didn’t even know that spirit elite heals for 1.5x what it says on the tooltip. lol
Fact is I don’t count you as a good player whom knows what he is talking about. I don’t see you playing in top tier of TPvP.
i think you’re an awful player lol. Ranger is easy to play there’s no reason to deny it. I felt like mashing my face across my keyboard would have accomplished what I already did when I played it with shortbow, and to a lesser extent a/d s/t is ridiculously easy to play too. I still think BM is better than spirits anyways. If you’re getting destroyed with a shortbow by a necro in teamfights you’re doing it wrong.
@Dardamaniac – many people knew about the fear with the boar skull drop, nobody used it as boar sucks kitten pluw enemies could pick up the weapon drops and it’s rng.
Coming from the guy who only been known for playing Spirit Ranger and the nub version at that is rather funny.
If you new anything about me you wouldn’t be saying what you just said. But you don’t your just like allot of Ranger’s played FOTM which isn’t hard, team got good not off your skill as FOTM Spirit Ranger is in every single team and they all do same thing.
Next time read I never said anything about necro’s beating me, also if you ever watched me play vs a necro you would see how I almost 100-0 most necros due to how easy it is to counter play there condition spike.
One last thing, BM is our worst build in SPvP if you tried playing other builds besides ones that are FOTM you would already know this and wouldn’t of said BM build is better.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Null field removes RAO? Sounds like a bug, RAO is not a boon.
I don’t think you understand how Null Field works, it removes boons, RoA is only good for its Stability, the might stacking is a bonus but worthless long term.
So after the 10th patch hit’s Mesmers will cast null field on us, removing all our boon’s you can’t get out of there null field in time you can’t do anything to counter it.
Something allot are not aware of after 10th Dec, there won’t be single build left on a ranger that will stand up to a good Mesmer. There builds atm in TPvP are only kept in check due to Spirit’s, but after the nerf to burning/storm mesmer should be able to go on par with the Spirit build. But that isn’t the problem it completely stuffs our Trap build and BM build, Power builds won’t stand a chance vs Mesmers.
Null Field is really strong for how short the cool down is, currently a good Mesmer can beat a trap ranger or bm ranger but after the patch mesmers are getting some buffs, if you don’t believe me go test for yourself.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Null Field counters our RoA Elite way to easy. There is no counter play for us at all, they will strip our elite.
Mesmers are about to hit TPvP after the 10th, most Mesmers I know all seem to take Null Field and will keep taking Null Field, what I’m worried about is with nerf coming to Spirit’s making BM/Traps on par with Spirits again, will taking RoA be completely useless with Mesmers back in the meta.
That is beyond a hard counter.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Yeah its hard to say cause I was thinking same problem with Ai, maybe its time they add trait to some classes 20% more damage to Ai.
Make it major trait, that will keep Ai meta in check.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
make half the nade kit only hit 3 targets and maybe the F skill skill hit 5 targets.
That’s actually already how it operates.
I’m also talking about Passive skills, like Spirit’s they will only effect up to 3 target’s. Think what I’m trying to get at is, there are allot skills I feel should be 3 cap limit and have exception of elites and f1-2-3-4 kitten , this means weapon skills as well cap limit of 3. I can’t personally say I know all the skills that are capped at 3 I know there are few.
Now question I also have Sigil’s how many of them are capped at 3? like Geomancy….
Like compare Bonfire (3) to Geo (5) damage is ruffly the same atleast you can counter play Bonfire where Geo is every 10 seconds and it takes no real skill besides weapon swap which you already do.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
As we can tell everyone loves 2v2 and 3v3 small scale combat.
If you think about it, if they reduced large amount of skills not all skills to max limit of 3 targets wouldn’t this make for better game play.
I’m not talking every single skill, mix it up E.g. make half the nade kit only hit 3 targets and maybe the F skill skill hit 5 targets. Just using that as a E.g. so don’t get all icky about it.
I just think if we are to reduce the amount of spam and start pushing towards a more solid state of pvp balance we need less spam aoe skills. Rather then nerfing them into the ground reduce there AoE limit.
What does everyone think? would this work or would it destroy the meta even more.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Hambow warr is harder to play than petting zoo builds . And S\D thief 333333 spam? How do you get such a fast intil regen bro????
Hambow longbow is at the very least a class that you can be actively outplayed/counterplayed. It requires basic positioning +combo chain knowledge, unlike spirit ranger.
Also, +1 to the s/d thief with 25 initiative.
do you think a ranger flanking with his bows to deal bleed is not skilled? do you think activating the spirits at the right moment is braindead? i really wanna know truth. thank you.
I’ve seen multiple times where so called ‘pro rangers’ literally run into a mid fight and activate all 3 spirit abilities simultaneously. So no, this isn’t skilled.
Flanking with your shortbow could take skill, but in all honesty with the burning from your pet and you while you have so many evades, it isn’t even necessary to win a 1v1.
All abored the Scrub Train, QqqqQQqqq. Next stop L2P.
Infraction incoming in 3.2.1
I like how you didn’t even respond to the fact that after all the tournaments you’ve played on spirit ranger you didn’t even know that spirit elite heals for 1.5x what it says on the tooltip. lol
Fact is I don’t count you as a good player whom knows what he is talking about. I don’t see you playing in top tier of TPvP.
Fact is, if you think playing Spirit Ranger in Top Tier is easy then your bad player and your team is bad.
Warriors and Engineer’s are countering Spirit Ranger’s rather easy.
LB/H completely destroys every single ranger build. You have to play perfect vs a decent one or your dead. That mean’s timing when you use your Spirit’s Active skill, timing when you dodge as they apply weakness to you so spamming your dodge will only kill you in the long run, your Auto attack is uttly useless vs Warriors as there range is stronger then your’s and once they imob you they can almost 100-0 you if there berserker fit.
Engi’s with Nades/Bombs/Elixir gun destroy ranger’s 1v1 very rarely you will take one down only if you get lucky.
Team fight’s almost always have Engi or Warrior which destroy spirits extremely fast within first part of combat.
So tell me how is it easy to play Spirit Ranger when its getting countered so hard.
This is why I think your word is worthless, you don’t play top tier you never will.
Also pet management is big part that no other class has to worry about, we remove conditions to our pet, so vs the conditions in the meta you must micro manage your pet or you lose your conditions, timing of your F2 as its delayed. But to someone like you that must be easy.
Seem to also forget, every single team has epic amounts of condition remove. Bunker guardians alone can almost keep it clear, Engi’s are better at applying conditions same with necros.
Also do you even know how the SB work’s we have to do many Auto attacks to even = the Auto attack of most classes, E.g. Warrior Auto his for 1-2k, Necros Auto applys bleeding/poison as well as decent damage.
Also necros destroy rangers in team fights.
So please tell me how is it easy to play when GOOD players which your not don’t seem to have a problem.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Hambow warr is harder to play than petting zoo builds . And S\D thief 333333 spam? How do you get such a fast intil regen bro????
Hambow longbow is at the very least a class that you can be actively outplayed/counterplayed. It requires basic positioning +combo chain knowledge, unlike spirit ranger.
Also, +1 to the s/d thief with 25 initiative.
do you think a ranger flanking with his bows to deal bleed is not skilled? do you think activating the spirits at the right moment is braindead? i really wanna know truth. thank you.
I’ve seen multiple times where so called ‘pro rangers’ literally run into a mid fight and activate all 3 spirit abilities simultaneously. So no, this isn’t skilled.
Flanking with your shortbow could take skill, but in all honesty with the burning from your pet and you while you have so many evades, it isn’t even necessary to win a 1v1.
All abored the Scrub Train, QqqqQQqqq. Next stop L2P.
Infraction incoming in 3.2.1
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I like the guy who said " Frost spirit can hit 6-7k damage," when that spirit has no damage. GJ bro talk more kitten about rangers when you don’t even know what your talking about.
Doesn’t our Elite do 320 heal per second and can be killed rather fast.
Just saying…..
Er in a previous post I said storm spirit, frost spirit was a typo. No spirit rangers take frost spirit anymore because storm spirit does that much damage.
I like how the only comeback you have to all the logical arguments I included in my post is that I made a typo and that spirit heals for 80 less per second than what I said. So good. You should join a debate team.
Doesn’t change the fact you stuffed up. So don’t tell someone to join a debate team when your one who kittened up here Mr Necro.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’ve found a trap build that works, I can beat Spirit Ranger’s 1v1, due to fact I destroy there Spirit’s so fast and my condition pressure is far greater then theirs. I’ve found I can control so much better then Spirit’s the fact they can’t be blocked is what helps me vs so many builds.
So before you count them out trust me there is a build that is working. Just we lack protection spirit with the build which every team wants.
But I’m trying to learn a build for current TPvP maps where I don’t use spirits move trait and place Protection spirit in safe location near the main team fight so my team can peel and reapply the Spirit as its 1000 range.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I like the guy who said " Frost spirit can hit 6-7k damage," when that spirit has no damage. GJ bro talk more kitten about rangers when you don’t even know what your talking about.
Doesn’t our Elite do 320 heal per second and can be killed rather fast.
Just saying…..
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Suppose now you have to try rather then randomly dodge. Go figure………
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
You do know, Ranger’s will be rather OP after the patch right. Our counter’s got nerft and we got given even more passive/tanky build with just as much damage.
I guess you were not reading the same patch notes as me.
I guess you don’t play ranger then.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
You do know, Ranger’s will be rather OP after the patch right. Our counter’s got nerft and we got given even more passive/tanky build with just as much damage.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Who said soloQ is for casuals and teamQ is for hardcore? It dosent even makes any sense . If you always olay with the same team you won’t progress because you already know your own team . In GW1 , there was plenty of people doing the random 4v4 survival match . And if you like teamQ so much , you could simly say an option to group with friends . They could add both for the 3v3s.
Doesn’t matter if your with mates or randoms you will still progress, you need to do your research a little better, solo que was made for the casual player base, players got sick of going solo into team que and getting destroy by a premade and that party due to conquest requires logic.
The hole idea I was trying to get at is merge them into one. So 3v3 you can take premade or solo into the que. Stop making garbage up in your head, really get sick of posts that flood the forums and crush all the good information. This is GW2 a completely different game with hole different style of combat. They had good modes in GW1 but it worked with the game style, half them modes wouldn’t stand a chance in GW2 due to how the combat works.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I think if they did make new mode like 2v2 3v3 maybe make it so you can solo que or team que. Keeps everyone happy, and it lets you team with your mates.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Or like stacking like 20might to yourself and goind in for a Maul..That would be crazy….
Activate signets=9
Swap weapon=3
swap pet=3
Jungle stalker F2=5
Total=20 might + 20% dmg increase with stability + 10% from Frost spirit…Thats crazy you knowMy only concern is what i do next..I think it will be a suicide build
Sounds good in a perfect world and I’ve been thinking of a build along them lines as well but there are some real major problems.
- 150 Range on Maul, and you see it coming a mile away.
– No real effective way to lock your target down, pets aren’t reliable source and the build you are required to use to get decent damage doesn’t offer you much in terms of locking your target down and landing that big blow.
Hopefully Anet is aware of the problem, even on casual player base it has the same problems.
Edit* You could run 2x Spider’s, which would be decent but you run into same problem of how long it takes for your pet to react, you can’t get clutch plays its always slow due to cast times and reaction from your pet so by time you land that combo its to late.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
Have good think about 3v3 game mode, you want it to be team based. If you find teaming with your friends boring then that’s a personal problem. I do not want a game mode like Solo Que again, the QQ on forums as it is should be prove why its extremely bad idea to do it again.
I would rather team with friends then team with some random’s that abuse each other and 90% of the games are unbalanced.
I want SPvP to grow not die even more, they need to hold there players not cater for the casual player who comes and goes at random.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I find some potential in power Rangers after patch..
Yeah, but your team won’t let you play it, when there will still be better power builds on other classes that offer better team support and damage.
Might hit hard, but to have the damage required you have next to no condition remove. Until they change our condition remove to active condition remove you won’t see much of impact from power rangers.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Well I know for sure everyone will hate the new ranger build.
0/0/30/30/10 – Shamans – Healing Spring/Sun Spirit/Stone Spirit/Guard/Spirit of Nature/Fern Hound.
So Super bunker/condition spam – with perma regen and swiftnes + the Spirit of Nature and your looking at stupid amounts of healing. You add a guardian on top of that and you have one hell of mid bunker team.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
If they did release a 3v3 DM game mode here is list of MUST DO.
- Team Ladder (Seasoned with playoff).
- New map to go with the game mode.
- Matchmaking.
Having them 3 options would make it perfect. Everyone would play it, SPvP would grow rather rabidly.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I found MSI afterburner to be the best recording software, I’ve tested all the so called top end game recording software, so far MSI beats them all.
Also I enjoyed the video its shame we so locked into BM builds or Spirit builds for duels.
Hopefully the new update will change all of that.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
They still have to get rid of facerolls builds anyway it will make it more competitive . But ranger without his petting zoo is a pretty weak class that’s the problem .
With the upcoming changes to ranger it will let the other ranger builds back into the game, now we just need to push for Spirit of Nature rework and we will see far better balance.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
The Results
Supreme Champion: Petting zoo – Ranger/Necro – Won 100gold each and 2000 gems.
Worthy Adversary: Disney Channel – Ranger/Thief – Won 50 gold each and 800 gems.
Maybe Next Time: The Rejects – Ranger/Warrior – Won 25 gold each.
Might see how hard will be to keep on-going tourney system for 2v2.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Thank’s to all the Team’s, big Thanks to EGW and the Community for there donations. Even bigger thanks to Anet for there gem donation.
Thanks to Petting Zoo and Disney Channel, you guys showed us one hell of final. So many clutch plays.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Game Modes
– 5v5.
– New Map!
– 2x side buff’s one gives extra points per kill other gives points per second. On spawn timers. (read below on why points per second and not kill)
– Point System based on kills.
– Grey Zone, Red Zone, Blue Zone Points are awarded based on what zone you have pushed into.
How the zone’s work.
– Gray Zone awards the most points per kill, grey zone is in the middle of the map and around the side buffs.
– Red/Blue Zone’s are outside of each spawn point, they award different points depending on if your defender or attacker. E.g. Blue side has pushed into Reds Zone, they get less points per kill and Red team gets more points per kill.
Map – High/Low ground, Red/Blue zone’s have object’s to help teams push back out, grey zone is more open field combat but with high and low ground and some object’s to kite around. Hopefully you get general idea of what I’m trying to get at here.
How will points be awarded to stop team’s from abusing pushing and pulling back to effect the point outcome, well its rather simple. Soon as you enter the grey zone you then become grey zone points even if you try to pull back into your zone.
How to stop team’s from camping there zone, one of the buffs award points per second so teams that refuse to come out of there zone will lose due to camping.
Buffs spawn right at the start of the game, so it splits teams up and makes them push into the buffs, the buffs come up every, lets say 4-5 mins. But you get the idea. Kinda like current buff system we have.
Put all this together and you have more complex type of deathmatch.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
(edited by Sol.4310)
I don’t know, dude, troll and signet is pretty good. Kill stuff faster. Stop bunkering down so hard. That’s what I do. I also make sure that through immobilization, the enemy cannot get close enough to be a threat until I tilt the battle in my favor and enter melee for the kill. Although you’re saying that won’t cut it and I’m a scrub basically? Lol
No not at all lol. Eurantien already said this though haha:
tanky condi ranger or full berzerker ranger are the only viable builds
Zerker builds don’t take Empathic Bond.
The main issue is that there is no in between. Without zerkers, you don’t kill quite fast enough and you need Empathic Bond for sustain against the massive amount of conditions being spammed, which in turn limits the build versatility because for a lot of the different gear setups available, Empathic Bond is still a necessity in order to have the required sustainability to win fights.
This also though is more of a metagame problem than a ranger problem, because if condition spam gets “shaved” enough to the point where sacrificing Empathic Bond isn’t as detrimental to as many builds as it is now, then it will open up quite a number of different options.
I bet I could prove some of your statements wrong. I wish I could play with you. A lot of the drawbacks you point out can be made up for by superior skill. Also, you underestimate other builds and playstyles you haven’t personally tested.
But…. anybody with superior skill should be beating the person with inferior skill. The discussion I’m having is about the options that determine how much of an uphill battle one side has against another.
What would be better though, is to just show a simple matchup chart in which Empathic Bond makes a difference against the current most commonly run builds.
It would go something like:
Classes using their most common build in which Empathic Bond is beneficial:Necromancer – Dhuumfire/Terror
Engineer – Nade/Bomb
Ranger – SpiritClasses it doesn’t help or make a huge difference:
Warrior – Hammer/Longbow Zerker
Mesmer – Shatter
Guardian – AH Bunker
Thief – D/P or S/D
Ele – (haven’t seen one in awhile, I’d have to watch CMC I believe if I wanted a build)Looking at those numbers, and taking into consideration that most teams are running either 1 or 2 of the classes where Empathic Bond is beneficial, then in reality, it would only be useful against 40% of their team, meaning that it does have the potential to be unneeded.
That brings up the question; why then is Empathic Bond considered by so many people so necessary?
That would bring me right back to this point:
“This also though is more of a metagame problem than a ranger problem, because if condition spam gets “shaved” enough to the point where sacrificing Empathic Bond isn’t as detrimental to as many builds as it is now, then it will open up quite a number of different options.”
And I’m not trying to have a malicious argument with you Chopps
Just trying to have an informative conversation about the topic. Oh, and if you’re NA, feel free to find me any time in game. I have a pretty busy work schedule right now, but I’m on quite frequently, at least until CoD Ghosts comes out Tuesday lol.
EB is must vs every class in PvP, can’t believe you put LB/H in the other group when LB is imob and burning is hole reason that build is so strong.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer