Showing Posts For Sol.4310:

Fix December 2 PvP patch (Petition! Sign!)

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


The last patch was a huge mistake, not being able to queue to arena from custom rooms or anywhere else in the game. Even popular streamers with hundreds of viewers now have to watch a player standing in heart of the mists doing nothing, while before pre-patch you could queue from anywhere you wanted and also have fun at the same time. (For example. a lot of EU players who duel in 1v1 King of the hill -room like to fight while waiting for que pop.)

!- We don’t want to see a box when we que and we want to be able to que from anywhere we want just like before.

!- We want to have solo and team separately, not something that has both at the same time or anything even similar.

This is a huge mistake, im going to try and gather some signatures for this. Please everyone write your account name like me: Defensive.3561


Fill like this:
First name: Defensive
Last name: 3561
Email, country, city: something
And reason for signing if you want

So they running same system every other game is. I don’t get your stupid point.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Every single bloody game

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


@Nova Stiker.8396, not sure why you think Ranger’s need a nerf seen as they are weakest class in TPvP atm….. Maybe you should learn how they work once you do your going to find out how easy it is to beat a Ranger.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Signet of hunt, for me something like next 5 attack are unblock able so they can still counter you using blinds, dodge and invons now that would really help with melee builds would also combo better with signet of wild meaning hunt would be worth taking in some builds.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Mobility for the ranger is a big thing for me and many Rangers I’ve spoken with. We have signet of hunt but with changes over time to ranger and other classes running this skill just doesn’t work. It works well with combo like bird F2 and Maul but this is where problem starts.

the best way I can explain this is hunt active effect only works with bird f2 in a bunker build and only works with maul on gs in a glass build. Then the cool down becomes a problem rather long for but of extra damage. Now you compare that to might stacking and you at a loss massively. Rangers are rather bad for might stacking wouldn’t be so bad but for some reason our scaling in damage is really bad.

So then what are you left with tail wind which is a in combat trait, to me changing this trait would be our best option doesn’t give us perms swiftness but having 50% more mobility out of combat would be a dream.

Terms of traps not sure what we can do there, the damage from trap builds are really good but the survival is next to none. With how every class is now not having active condition remove and stunbbreaker you get wrecked. I like to compare trap ranger to shatter Mesmer both have it extremely hard you take any focus and you as good as dead. Left unchecked and you damage out put rocks.

Pipe dream would to have them out in a kit setup, that way we could take defensive skills. How would you make this work but without making it op. For starters you wouldn’t make it work as weapon swap but what you would do is give the kit a internal 9sec cd. E.g you active traps lay traps then swap back to weapons ur kit goes on a cd. But that’s a pipe dream I dont think it would ever happen.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310



Let’s start off with “poor mobility”. We have a Gap Closer’s where as other classes filling the same roll has Gap Closer’s and high upkeep on swiftness outside of combat. I don’t want to waste anymore time on trying to explain ranger mobility anymore feels like i’m bashing my head on a brick wall.

Now for the wall of text, that was allot of random pointless information.

We are not perfectly “viable”, for god sake its not that we aren’t preferred the problem is when you break it down we are sub-par to current viable options it’s that simple. So you can live in your delusional world of Ranger’s being viable while rest of player base try’s to get the class improved.

Rather then trying to say we are viable most of us ranger’s trying to point out where we need to be improved and why. I swear your always making post’s about we are viable but that’s all you say. Not once have you detailed a post about how and why…

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

The Vee Wee Document

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

What are you talking about my frand!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

I’m sure you act like a child in real life as well.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


I would like to see Warhorn #4 apply a 1 second blind every time a bird comes down to hit the foe. I think that this would make it a valid survivability utility that the Warhorn was otherwise lacking.

When you talk about Survival you need to factor in few things why would you be blinding someone with #4. “Normally they are about to land a burst skill or you want to counter play”.

  1. would have to be reworked currently has a cast time so making it blind wouldn’t make it an effective skill at all. There isn’t any counter player, blinding them for the duration of 12x would be over kill.

To me the skill should be used as a burst skill reasoning behind it, currently offhand axe and warhorn are our only offhand DPS weapons. Axe/Sword main hand is to low on damage to be viable in a power build. So buff damage on #4 so you can catch them foe’s running from you.

The birds apply the blinds over a certain duration. Not the overall duration stack is what matters but that it gets reapplied while the birds attack effectively removing enemy damage for 2-3 sec. Certainly decent for 1on1 but warhorn would still need more might stacks for 5 (1 stack is a joke) and propably some really good warhorn specific trait similiar to warrior. I actually think they should replace most of the useless pet traits (and nearly each of them is useless) with traits that buff a certain weapon.

Maybe: Using a warhorn skill refills 25% of endurance for allies in 600 radius.

Ranger needs more team utility. Giving allies next to you an additional dodge if you use both skills seems appropriate and would make ranger less of a 1on1 class.

Not a bad idea, your right about one thing but "useless pet trait’s. Just take look at Skirmishing trait line that is filled with so many useless traits its unbelievable.

What I hate most we won’t see single improvement to the ranger, it drives me mad how long we have waited for minor changes to trait’s and weapons that us as players see but dev’s seen like that refuse to listen.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

The Vee Wee Document

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

Yes my frand! Toning down D/D Ele burning and adding visible icons to passive buffs/procs is really going to affect PvE! New metas will be formed! We may even have to stack in different corners!

A condi ranger isn’t going to have a 3 second proc with those runes because they do not invest into the condi duration tree! Neither will Necromancer unless they run 30/20/0/0/20! Vee Wee welcomes those Necromancers because Vee Wee thinks they are much weaker than the 0/30/20/0/20 variant! Plus no more Nightmare Runes! Orr’s bonus grants a possible 50% poison uptime but the other bonuses are poo poo! Grenth has a 30 second cooldown and that’s why it’s a terrible rune that nobody uses competitively even though chill is one of the strongest conditions in Vee Wee’s opinion! There are basically 3 choices! Long duration with long cooldown, short duration with short cooldown which Vee Wee opted for, and short duration with long cooldown which makes it bad! Vee Wee doesn’t think 25% chance of 2 second burning is over the top but unlike Anet Vee Wee listens to feedback and we can change it to a possible 3-4 seconds every 20 seconds if you are really against it! 420! The only way we can know for sure is by testing! This is why Ready Up balance previews stink and test servers are great! You can talk about and give all the feedback you want but if you can’t play it then nothing anyone says holds any weight! The illusion of community support frands! sigh………

Vee Wee does main Engineer but Vee Wee does not use Balthazar Runes! Vee Wee wouldn’t use these new Balthazar Runes either! Again my frands there is no hidden agenda! Vee Wee tried to be as objective as possible! If you think Engineer is OP especially with a nerf to Incendiary Powder, well get good son!

Flame Jet is only getting a tiny boost in damage! Doubling the damage per hit but halving the amount of hits basically equals out! The biggest change is to how much retaliation damage you deal to yourself! Any Engi who uses or has used the FT knows that retal is just a huge downer!

Fumigate should not remove conditions from yourself unless it comes from a trait deep into a tree! Engineer does need more condition removal options, but they should have to sacrifice things to get it! Adding amazing condi clear to a kit that’s already strong and a popular choice for many meta builds will just break the class!

Vee Wee never said Empathic Bond should get an icon! But there should be a particle effect signaling when it happens! Randomness is such a drag! You are also right my frands! Hide in Plain Sight does not need an icon!

Vee Wee did quit, but Vee Wee wants to return when PvP isn’t so goshdarn stale! Vee Wee didn’t spend over 2 years on this game because it sucks! This is a great game my frands! This next patch, although a welcome change to structure, won’t really solve any of Vee Wee’s gripes! Vee Wee wants new game modes and new maps! Back to dreaming I guess!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Can you stop with this weirdo 3rd person crap and frands isn’t a word.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


I would like to see Warhorn #4 apply a 1 second blind every time a bird comes down to hit the foe. I think that this would make it a valid survivability utility that the Warhorn was otherwise lacking.

When you talk about Survival you need to factor in few things why would you be blinding someone with #4. “Normally they are about to land a burst skill or you want to counter play”.

  1. would have to be reworked currently has a cast time so making it blind wouldn’t make it an effective skill at all. There isn’t any counter player, blinding them for the duration of 12x would be over kill.

To me the skill should be used as a burst skill reasoning behind it, currently offhand axe and warhorn are our only offhand DPS weapons. Axe/Sword main hand is to low on damage to be viable in a power build. So buff damage on #4 so you can catch them foe’s running from you.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

The Vee Wee Document

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Sigil of Battle: This sigil now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds (down from 20)!
Sigil of Intelligence: This sigil now grants the next two attacks 100% critical chance (down from three)!
Sigil of Doom: This sigil’s proc can now be blocked, dodged, etc.

Wouldn’t Sigil of Battle on a 10 second duration be better idea. Some classes already invest 20-30% in boon duration’s you add in str rune’s and 15 seconds does nothing really.

Sigil of Doom, already works that way go test it.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Moment of clarity requires you to interrupt an enemy attack to get the +50 % damage for the ranger. Hilt bash (gs5) still give +50% dmg to pet, regardless of trait.

Ranger is currently viable in TPvP, but it is dependent on group comp. It can sub out a thief or second ele, but cannot sub out warrior, DD cele ele or mesmer without compromising team flexibility.

It’s been very buggy trait for me rarely proc’s. That could be due to being aussie so the 240ms I get always misses.

Prysin your always posting ranger is fine and its viable and I’m starting to think you don’t understand the ranger at all.

Take look at the rolls required in most viable team comps.

Burst – LB/GS is decent, but GS and not being mobile really hinders the roll compared to Mesmer with portal or thief being able to rush across the map. In terms of Damage I say we up there with Mes and Thief but we let the team down in other areas. If Power Range became meta in Top Tier team’s all ele’s would change to S/F and hard counter us.

Roamer/Backpoint – Ele/Engi/War out shine us in this roll big time, offering Team Support, there more mobile and there damage in 2v2 is far better then currently Survival builds we have to offer. Maybe if our pet’s didn’t take such large hit from pet damage nerf we would be in a better position.

Bunker – Guard/War/Ele offer best bunker builds. Ranger doesn’t have a good bunker setup.

Team Support – We have Spirit Ranger and that’s it. Which players finally understand how to counter it’s still decent build but nothing like it used to be.

Ranger is viable in Solo Que, but not viable in Team Que.

I’ve gone over every single build we have to over and played it relentlessly in Team Que to get firm grasp of the build I’ve spent countless hours dueling meta builds used in team que. I’ve gone as far making every single class and learning there builds to know them inside and out so when someone says we are viable class in Team Que I get the feeling all they do is play ranger…

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Lot of information there, Sol. Not gonna pretend to be a Ranger expert, but I do have some opinions on some of the proposed changes.

As far as some of the changes:
- Counterattack – I don’t think this thing should do 50% more damage. That would be MORE damage than maul currently. It’s also not really hard to land, as it will instantly proc against any melee opponent before they can really react. Perhaps it just needs a little longer range as it, from what I recall in my forays into ranger, it can often out-of-range.?
-Monarch’s leap: Not sure this is meant to be a high-damage skill. Mainhand sword is mostly taken as a defensive weapon with all those juicy evades. Low-damage is fair given the mobility potential and evasion of the first skill.
-Serpent strike: How about we just make it use the pathing from flanking strike. This also improves the mobility of MH sword as untargeted flanking is faster than just running forward.

One problem I see in having traps remove boons on pulse is that it basically makes every trap into well of corruption, but way better b/c of shorter cooldown. Being able to remove that many boons AOE puts the boon removal of trap ranger higher than necro and mesmer. Also, I don’t think boon removal is really a ranger thing. This feels more like a knee-jerk response to the current meta than actually the proper response.

It might be better to add some defensive capabilities to deploying traps or within the field of procced traps.

Counterattack – Max DPS build will still only get you around 2-3k damage and that’s if it “critical” hits. that’s against a light armor target that has no protection. Now say they have protection and some toughness. Now do the maths its rather bad damage for such big telegraph which good players see coming and stop attacking. If GS became a strong meta weapon how long do you think it would take before people catch on to what Counterattack looks like.

Monarch’s Leap – Currently its serving as better option of bad options. If you run offhand + main hand weapon you have Axe which is conditions and sword which is nothing currently, has poison 2 evades and some low base damage, now say your using it in a Condition build buffing the damage won’t change much it’s still going to be low damage in a condition build. I’m all about opening better build options rather then being forced into set builds due to bad weapon setups.

Now say your using it with a LB Zerker build, currently when you change to sword/horn or sword/dagger or sword/torch or sword/axe you do so little damage your giving your target 10 seconds to do whatever they want. Now say your using it as defensive weapon, why would you take Sword/Horn over GS when it does more damage and has evade and 5 second block and a stun? So wouldn’t smart option be buff 1 skill which requires skill to land to do damage.

I don’t get why you think Sword is defensive weapon, other classes have blinds and blocks on there burst weapons…. Look at our GS for E.g…

I don’t think boon remove on traps is acting as knee-jerk to current meta, if you think a Trap Ranger with them changes is going to beat a Ele your wrong. Say the Trap ranger becomes meta build. A good d/d ele knows trap ranger means traps around him so open with burning speed pop the traps and go on your way. Back in the day we used to use traps to counter ele’s we can’t now and adding boon remove won’t change that.

It’s risk vs reward. To get that type of boon remove requires you to take full trap’s means any control effects are going to wreck you. Fear Necro will eat you alive, Mesmers with GS/Staff won’t have a problem vs you. Warrior’s are 50/50 that battle is something you won’t know who will win. If there Shout Warrior, all your going to do is break there Might Stacking, you won’t be able to kill them. Engineer and Thief will have a problem, but they always have had problem vs Trap Ranger so nothing will change there.

Now compare Trap Ranger to Cele Rifle Engi. Seems balanced to me…

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Offhand Axe.

Whirling Defense has great damage but unless you can move it will never be any good and makes the weapon worthless.

Take look at a trait called, Horned Axes requires main hand axe but the bonus works better with offhand axe. So your forced to take Axe/Axe to run that trait, but that current weapon setup is sub-par, Rangers defense doesn’t come from blocks and blinds ours comes from protection/dodge and evades on weapon setups. That weapon setup isn’t effective you can’t move/dodge/evade while using #5.

Now this bring’s me back to changes I stated.

Fix Moment of Clarity, Improve the Greatsword, change the #5 on Axe and you now have viable Power build.

Not saying this would be best build I’m using it as E.g. to get across what I’m trying to improve on the ranger and why.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Trap Ranger and what roll does it serve it’s a team damage spec. High condition pressure with great control, with decent skill cap and good risk vs reward. Currently only real team damage build we have is Power Ranger, you can’t count Spirit Ranger it’s a Team Support spec with low condition damage.

Trap Potency – Also Removes Boons per pulse and the weapon changes how will this effect our trap build.

Now I’ve ran Trap Ranger allot in both Solo and Team que for fairly long time. I know the builds inside and out. Now the problems I’ve found there are to many gaps between the damage application to make the lack of survival worth it. Rabid isn’t a viable option anymore, so we have resorted to Carrion or Celestial amulet.

I will try my best to explain what I’m trying to get across so I might go into detail on few parts so you understand.

You are require to run 3 traps which takes up all your Utility Slots leaving you open to allot control effects which are rampart in team fights. You could drop Viper’s Nest for LR but you lose fairly large chunk of damage.

Trap’s have a base damage which pulses depending on the trap. Spike trap only Pulses once Flame trap 3x and same with Viper’s Nest. Now that’s total of 7 raw damage pulses over duration of 3 seconds. Your going to avg 100-400 damage each pulse now say your target has Protection which there is a decent chance that damage becomes so low its worthless. So traps are now only good for there condition output.

You Apply Poison/Burning/Bleeds/Cripple and 1 second immobile’s. Now if you way up your options that really isn’t impressive. You could take a Warrior with LB and apply all these conditions from 2 skills on LB #F1/#5. So whats the point of taking traps when a class that doesn’t require taking 3 Utilities Slots to apply the same damage.

So this is where Boon Remove on pulse comes into play. It sets the build apart and add’s it counters for current Cele/Might meta. Currently to require Mesmer or Necro to remove boons so in a Team Fight where you require that boon remove what would you rather take Trap ranger with no boon remove or Mesmer or Necro that has boon remove.

So lets say boon’s are remove on pulse. We now have a viable team damage spec that’s on par with current boon remove spec’s.

Brings us to next part that alone won’t bring Trap Ranger back into the meta. Buff’s to Offhand Axe, Sword, Horn and Tail Wind will boost the build back into the meta.

Axe/Axe – Sword/Torch or Axe/Axe – Sword/Horn. Now both builds are different in many way’s the backbone is built differently both built around current amulets that are viable. These builds are currently un-viable until they make some changes.

*Axe/Axe – Sword/Torch requires Carrion

*Axe/Axe – Sword/Horn requires Celestial

You could use SB in the build but I found the Trap Ranger works best when your swamping weapons every 10 seconds, this isn’t a dueling build its meant to be team fighting pushing.

Would these builds be OP far from it. There is plenty of counter play to beat the Trap Ranger. But this would really give us some options you could mix and match and really design a build around your team comp.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


@BlackBeard.2873, I really like that idea. It would open up

But the reason I asked for Sword/Horn/Axe changes is to help open up new builds. We currently locked into running LB/GS Berserker as our Power build. There is no other weapon setup.

Now look at it this way. “if” you could run Sword/Horn or Sword/Axe over GS it would open up different Utility options.

You could take Sword/Horn -Healing Spring combo.

LR/Stone/Renewal is the goto for Power Rangers outside of Survival of the Fittest. Now say they changed S/H you could drop Renewal and it opens up that slot for E.g. QZ to combo with Barrage/Rapid fire combo in a big team fight.

Sword/Axe with improvement’s would become viable Power option as well. Opens up combo’s like Hornet Sting – Monarch’s leap followed with Whirling Defense it will channel almost duration of the cripple soon as it’s down followed up with Path of Scars into weapon swap Rapid Fire. Currently there aren’t any combo’s you can do on this weapon setup. You could even Path of Scars into Whirling Defense.

Also say your target is running away and for E.g. they are 1600 away from you, about-face Hornet Sting followed with Monarch’s Leap closed half the gap into path of Scars which would put you at a decent range to land the pull right into your whirling. The combo’s go on depending on what your trying to do.

Now is that OP far from it as it requires player skill and timing to land such combos.

Tail Wind This skill is something I would like to see work outside of combat, the skill still has 9 second internal CD so your not going to have perma swiftness.

Invigorating Bond

Reason I asked for this change was I wanted us to be contender for back-point again. Currently War/Ele/Engi running Cele setups are your best options for back-point. Now I want you to take look at a build I designed around the idea of becoming back-point build which is on par with current builds.

Build I designed around the improvements:

Now if you break the build down, most back-point builds these days offer some support for team mates outside of 1v1’s so when fight does become 2v2 they can support there team mate while keeping to there 1v1 build. Currently BM Ranger has weak options.

So change Invigorating Bond.

You now have team support outside of your 1v1 build, Healing Spring + Invigorating Bond + Renewal. This will bring you on par with current back-point builds.

Let’s break down the damage from the build, it require might stacking so you are now a hybrid build. Current problem with running this build it won’t work as a hybrid your better off dropping might stacking and all your power and going full conditions. Which then results in you being sub-par at back-point.

So with improvement to Sword it lets you build around being hybrid allot better which is your best option for back-point. I won’t go into full details but as you can see this build would work.

I’ll leave it at that see how it goes.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


@ Frenk.5917, GS#2 only does around 4k crit’s to light golem with full zerker build.

(Bugged/Broken) Moment of Clarity doesn’t work so you don’t do any extra damage from #5-#2 combo.

Say you took Wild+Hunt+Int Sigil and critical hit with your Maul at best 7-8k damage, but that requires 6/6/0/2/0 full zerker paper thin and you can only do that every 48 seconds, so you can’t call that good burst.

The LB will still do more damage with its burst skill without using Wild+Hunt and doesn’t require full zerker paper thin setup and you can do that every 10 seconds.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

TPvP - Ranger Balance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


Hi, I’ve been playing ranger for almost 2 years in TPvP I have rather good understanding of every build, its strong points and weakness. Ranger is currently the worse class in Team Que.

Currently it’s mix of weapon skills and few odd traits that are making its extremely hard for us to break into the meta with a decent build.

Here are list of improvements we require:



  • Hunter’s Call – 50% damage increase or applies Vulnerability with each hit.
  • Call of the Wild – Reduce the CD to 30, improve the might to 3 stacks.

Axe (Offhand)

  • Whirling Defense – Make the skill usable while moving.

Greatsword (The damage out of this weapon is sub-par even in a full Berserker build)

  • Auto-Attack, 10-20-30% damage increase.
  • Maul – Improve damage. (Even with full Berserker and Hunt+Wild both used with int rune it still hits less the Rapid fire, that’s massive investment for a skill doesn’t even hit hard.
  • Swoop – Change the evasion duration to 3/4.
  • Counterattack – Improve the damage by 50%, this skill should punish its foe, highly telegraphed so it’s easy to see coming.


  • Auto Attack – 10-20-30% damage increase per attack.
  • Monarch’s Leap – 100% damage increase.
  • Serpent’s Strike – Improve the range of the attack. If you use this skill it puts you so far out of range of the target it won’t land the poison. The only way is fix the range of the skill.


  • Tail Wind – Should work outside of combat. This will give rangers better mobility which is badly required.
  • Trap potency – Also Removes Boons per pulse.
    This change is a must, currently Trap Ranger is forced to take 3 traps and loses any type of survival (Stun breaks, condition remove, invon).
  • Invigorating Bond – Reduce to 15 seconds CD. Improve the heal to scale up to 2k with Compassion Training traited.
  • Strider’s Defense – Change to Reflect’s projectile rather then destroys or this skill will never be used ever.

All these changes are required, every single weapon change I’ve stated I have tested with current good builds. None of these changes will make any of the weapons over powered. This won’t bring us back into the meta fully but it will help allot.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

Random NA kitten derail

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Not really sure why I was brought up in this, but Jumper dueled me at 3-4am when I had no sleep and he had just woken up. He asked permission to upload that because he knew I played below how I normally duel, but I really couldn’t care less about a few duels. What I’m trying to figure out is why or how this was even brought up.

It was cause’ this guy fought that noob on Jumper’s account and thought it was a sign from God that matchmaking in this game is conspiring against him, so he added it to to the pile of ‘evidence.’

Nothing but a bunch of haters, video is proof, Jumper X beat Caed, excuses excuses excuses, fact is it happened.
See this thread
Know I mentioned, the top 15 of a pool 20 constantly? Well obviously Jumper X wasn’t in that pool, along with a bunch of other people.

tl;dr your annecdotal ‘evidence’ is kitten m8. Stop blaming matchmaking and 4v5s and you might actually get good.

I don’t blame nothing on 4v5. I know I’ll lose, and I know its 50/50 if I will be the 4v5 or the 5v4.

What I do blame is matchmaking.
I remember when this system came out, about a year ago. When I was playing was playing when it was fresh, and there was things about (people queeing up at sametime to be on same team…. Will this be addressed or will it be abused until the preppy popular kids get to there top 25 by abusing it than start talking about it to make sure nobody else can do the same?)
However point is, I remember games with stacked teams of good players, and I always thought to myself, how kitten they always on same team. I always wanted to be in a game with a good player vs a good player, but its always stacked games, best I’ve seen was 4 good players on one team and bunch mediocre players on the other and before the game even starts somebody says “gg”.

Another thought came to mind, this is only going to be one leaderboard, so I remember the issue back then, was once you get to 600s you start facing premades, so I wont even see stacked solo que teams, it’ll be premades if anything. I’m all for single leaderboards because it gets people to want to party up with people who they played good with though. As for matchmaking, I don’t see it happening much pre 600s due to playerbase. If you look at these preppy popular kids, most of them formed up during this type of system as well. You don’t see many other people into the PvP scene since this separate solo que team que was made.

To the OP, obviously when you get post 600 you will see people you are familiar with, and you will most likely play against the same teams again and again in a row (this is what I remember). Nothing you can really do about it because you qued, and guess what that same team qued again and no other team is qued. If anything there should be an option, quick que or good match que, play previous teams, etc.

The only thing I hope for is that it’s really based on rating and not, if you win a game go up x amount of points. I hope its like if you beat someone 5 ratings higher than you, you go up 6 rating points, if you beat someone 100 ratings higher than you, you go up 50 rating points (they go down 30 points).

One thing about this pvp leaderboards is that losing is too harsh, you need to make losing less harsh and winning more better. This is how you encourage people to keep playing. Like a 70% go up if you win, 30% go down if you lose. If people don’t ticked off by losing (unless its a 17 loss in a row), than people will keep playing and the playerbase will grow, because they are focusing more on having fun than being rated and thinking about how hard a loss hurt them.

Who cares, until its Team Name over player name half of the player base doesn’t care, leader-boards are a good place to keep record of how many games you have played. Writing up walls of text with worthless information won’t fix also stop repeating yourself 20 times and telling stories that’s what camp fires are for.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Counter to condi heavy teams?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Medi guard counters them heavy bunker type. Hambow warrior stunlock. Turret engi


How does a medi guard remove poison from doom sigil? gl with that on your medi guard when your condition remove won’t even come close to keeping up.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Blaming the girl

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


“equal rights” Currently GW2 has no law, until such law is past I approve of blaming the girl.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Will we ever see Celestial balanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Answer to your question is No it’s not PvE so it doesn’t matter.

Just look at current ESL in NA mix of what few teams, its a joke try year ago and they have a full que or teams trying out but currently every single apart from the die hard have left and the reason still stays the same it takes a player less then week to workout how OP something is and takes Dev’s around 6 months if not more to work out…

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Tone Down Engineers

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


I think you guys are over looking the fact half reason you die to engineer isn’t due to turret or nades.

It’s IP and has always been IP with no way to counter it.
Cele Setup= 2.6k damage every 10 seconds 5 second duration.
Rabid Setup= 4.8k damage every 10 seconds 7 second duration.

See the problem there, if you honestly think its some turrets killing you well your wrong there a pain but over 1 min fight that burning is going to kill you. No matters how you look at it you can’t keep up with the condition remove to counter the burning damage.

Nades aren’t hard to dodge, and turrets can be taken down rather fast if you play smart.

You do know that turret engineers do not have IP, right?

Yeah and I don’t see how there op even when stacked, there pain for some builds to beat but they don’t really put out much damage there more or less engineers bunker build there good at de capping but they aren’t hard to decamp as well. I can’t speak for every class when comes to fighting turrets but they no longer real problem after they fixed that stupid condition immunity trait.

Condition builds counter them which every single class can do.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Tone Down Engineers

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


I think you guys are over looking the fact half reason you die to engineer isn’t due to turret or nades.

It’s IP and has always been IP with no way to counter it.
Cele Setup= 2.6k damage every 10 seconds 5 second duration.
Rabid Setup= 4.8k damage every 10 seconds 7 second duration.

See the problem there, if you honestly think its some turrets killing you well your wrong there a pain but over 1 min fight that burning is going to kill you. No matters how you look at it you can’t keep up with the condition remove to counter the burning damage.

Nades aren’t hard to dodge, and turrets can be taken down rather fast if you play smart.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Engies are breaking sPVP

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Every profession has hard counters. Thief hard counters Mes, Engi hard counters thief, war, and pretty much everybody except Necro. Engi vs Ele is pretty even IMHO.

Ele’s hard counter is..?

Necro’s hard counter is..?

There are no very-unfavorable matchups for the meta builds on these 2 professions.

But okay. Engineer has a hard counter and that’s cool and the way it should be. But that’s hardly a good thing to point out when you’re trying to say that Engineers are overpowered compared to other professions.

d/d ele doesn’t have a hard counter but s/f and staff do. I think Engineer only class that could stand up to d/d ele.

Necro, I would say if any class is going to hard counter a necro its a Ranger. Just matter time before a top team has one and makes it work.

Engineer, they have heaps of counters. IP is bit broken but other then that I don’t see what the problem with Engineers are. To run the good Engineer builds they give up there condition remove, meaning if you stack immobs on them after healing turret they more or less food after there blocks run out. I don’t understand why after how many months no one picked up on this… Five’s been saying it over and over and over….

And GL Five I hope you guys win, your currently NA’s best team.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

[TPvP] Survival-Berserker LB/GS Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Its good to see some positive feedback, I posted this build hoping to see more good rangers pick it up with there own version and push it into the meta, I don’t see why It can’t be a meta build, its got everything you require to be apart of top tier team.

I currently train allot with this build, I’ve found what classes it combo’s with really well. Kinda funny the class it’s most effective with isn’t a meta build “go figure”.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

[TPvP] Survival-Berserker LB/GS Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Soon as I made this post I new I would get negative replies.

Not going to bother and explain my reasons test the build out for while first and you will catch onto what I’m talking about.

I’ll give some positive feedback. I like your thoughts behind earth runes and think this is a nice variation of LB ranger. You’ve improved the normal glass version by adding decent Armour and evasion to boost protection. You’ll have an advantage over most direct damage builds, I think.

Every good thing comes with cons. I think this build will suffer against what I call malice. That being all armor ignoring attacks, such as conditions, retaliation and life stealing. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, retaliation isn’t to bad, the only real problem vs conditions I’ve found is IP on Engineer’s. EB+Renewal keeps it in check but vs other condition heavy classes isn’t so bad. Condition Warriors can be pain if they land Torment on you and use Krait runes, if they land there combo and your Renewal is on CD your going to be in a world of hurt.

But other then that I don’t really have a problem, when I made this build the idea was to handle conditions effectively.

*Empathic Bond
*Signet of Renewal
*Lightning Reflexes

That’s on par with most bunker ranger builds in terms of condition remove.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

[TPvP] Survival-Berserker LB/GS Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Soon as I made this post I new I would get negative replies.

Not going to bother and explain my reasons test the build out for while first and you will catch onto what I’m talking about.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

[TPvP] Survival-Berserker LB/GS Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Break down vs other classes.

Your hard counters are burst guards and s/f burst ele’s. Just play smart vs them dodge there burst and wait out there barrage once they burnt throw their defensive CD you should be able to beat them. If you don’t dodge and play defensive there burst damage will kill you before you can kill them.

Vs Necro’s doesn’t matter if there Power or Conditions you will destroy them. You remove 4 conditions every 10 seconds you can escape from immobilize on demand and you can wipe full stack of conditions in a split seconds. Necro’s won’t be able to handle you’re none stop kb’s into immobilize rapid fire spikes. Just keep kiting them around once immobilize just stand behind them they won’t be able to do much.

Vs Thieves, counter play. Keep close eye on them all game you’re going to save your team mates and yourself. Most thief’s won’t be able to beat you 1v1 unless you stuff up, you outburst them and have allot of counter vs melee. (GS)

Vs Mesmers, focus fire them with 1-2-4-5 and spider/elite combo and there dead, they can try and close the gap or escape won’t affect you much you can counter/evade all there burst damage. Also make sure to kill there Phant Clones.

Vs D/D Ele, there is good chance you won’t kill a skilled one in a 1v1 but he won’t be able to kill you. So focus on de-capping and playing defensive d/d ele won’t be able to stop you from de-capping them. If you have team mate there Mesmer or Necro they will die rather fast (Boon remove)

Vs Engineers, vs the current Meta Cele and Rapid. Just focus on landing rapid fire immob spikes at the start of the fight. Make sure to dodge there chill nades and poison, you have LR for their immob from rifle so they shouldn’t land single good rifle skill. Once they use healing turret, hit them with your elite Entangle and they won’t be able to recover. Most Engineers will spam the last of their blocks which is what you want them to do, blocks won’t remove entangle all its doing is putting nail in there coffin, once the engineer stops and try to break the roots you can free fire there is no way they can recover at this point 1 rapid fire = there heal follow up with KB and auto’s there dead. Now won’t always go to plan but try to repeat the combo’s and just matter of time before you get them.

Vs Warrior, just kite them and you will win, it’s that simple. Warriors is the easiest class for you to beat.

Vs Rangers, vs conditions keep them at range and you will take them down. You could decap them but its rather risky fight getting in to close vs condition ranger make sure to dodge there pet it is half the reason condition ranger lands there condition spikes. Burst Ranger just get them first. If you land your burst first from that point on you have the upper hand. Most burst rangers are running close to same utilities so landing your burst first will force them to use E.g. Signet of Stone. So from that point on just play smart watch their pet and out play them. Player skill…

Vs Guards, if there not burst wait for team mates to take them down, they will take you month of sundays.

So that’s my build I will try to get some video footage up of it in action. Hope you enjoy and it works for you.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

[TPvP] Survival-Berserker LB/GS Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Survival-Berserker LB/GS Build.

I’m sure many have their own version or similar builds, I wanted to share my build and some strategy and tactics I use.

V.1 is focused on landing your burst damage using spider/spider immobilize and being able to escape at low life using earth runes.

V.2 is almost the same in terms of damage but you are running spider/wolf, the idea behind wolf is to combo with your mercy/healer’s celerity combo. Your team now has very effective team res-bot that also deals burst damage on par with other burst classes.

V.1 Build Link:

V.2 Build Link:

So let’s talk about the difference between the builds and why such small changes have a massive impact on how well you will do.

V.1 Build

Shared Anguish is your hard counter to Magnet (Tool Belt) Engineer skill. There isn’t many skills in the game you will find that is going to affect you at range with a big impact. Also Shared Anguish counters Nightmare Runes so no more fear chains from Necros.

Runes of Earth is one of the most effective runes you can use for survival, why one of the biggest problems for burst ranger is they lack escape where other burst classes have easy access to stealth “Mesmer/Thief”, in most fights once you reach around 20% health you try to peel out, re-position and heal up. (6) Magnetic Aura is like having an extra utility slot, GS Swoop + Counterattack synergies with Magnetic Aura.

E.g. you just reached 20% health Aura proc’s you now try to escape, swoop out of combat using the 1/2 evade with magnetic aura making so no melee or ranged attacks can hit you peeling yourself 1200 from the fight followed up with counterattack. You roughly have around 10 seconds where you won’t take single drop of damage. This allows you to save your utility skills. Signet of stone should only be used when you have no other options left.

So hopefully now you understand why earth runes are so effective on a burst ranger.

V.2 Build

Healer’s Celerity, Rune of Mercy and Wolf (F2 Fear) is your hidden gem, if your team has decent support you don’t need to run Shared Anguish or Earth runes so you run the res-bot combo.

Your res combo will synergies with your Utility skills and your elite Entangle, you pop your elite followed with signet of renewal to counter any aoe stun’s and condition bombs and poison on the downed ally. Now you don’t always pop your signet of renewal right away i find holding off for little bit as the other team will start laying down cleave you want to be able to team wipe there conditions and remove that poison so your downed team mate.

So after reading that brief on minor changes between the two builds you can see why there so different in terms of survival and what they bring to the team.

Now allot of players seem to think Mesmers and Thieves are the go to classes for burst in Top Tier PvP. Well I Believe there wrong, Ranger is just as effective in terms of damage output as other burst classes. If anything you take less risk to land your burst.

Note Also Signet of Renewal and Empathic Bond works well Spiders, conditions won’t effect Spiders ability to land there skills as they are ranged and due to large HP pool they won’t die in a hurry.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

what is your OP list of classes?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


just a note;
SD SB bleed stack ranger pretty much counters DD Cele ele due to all the poison.

That is all

Noone is OP, there is a counter for every meta build, even if said counter isn’t a popular choice

That only works in a duel won’t work in Team Que. Even in duels vs a really good d/d ele if you win its going to take you very long time and if that was in Team Que your not going to be able to hold cap and kill the ele before backup arrives and kills you.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

KaÖ - few spots open [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sol.4310


closed for recruitment unless your a really good ele and want to tryout.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

KaÖ - few spots open [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sol.4310


Bump, we are looking for someone whom can play Guard or Warrior. We want to have options.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

KaÖ - few spots open [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sol.4310


Cöntrolled Chaös [KaÖ]

Who We Are: We group of mates who spent fair amount time in both TPvP and WvW, we started out as roamers in WvW and dueling, over time we have built great synergy and tactics we trust each other. We aren’t hardcore players but we plan to play in ESL and any upcoming tourneys.

We plan to play around 10pm -2am server time weekdays some times earlier, weekends will change depending. But mainly night time for US players. Once we have set team we will try our best to find best timezone to suit everyone.

What We Want: Warrior.

  • Master at your class.
  • Able to play many different builds.
  • Played fair decent amount of TPvP and Solo Que.
  • Good Dueler on your class.
  • No Rage. (That’s my job)
  • Play maker.

Must have Facebook as we use it to keep updated with training times while we deal with RL.

We don’t care about rank as it is meaningless, skill always comes first.

We aren’t after players who only copy meta builds, we want players who can handle running something different we will set our own meta. Be open minded and chilled if you feel you have some great ideas for your class we can test them.

Contact Sol.4310 (Saizo Sol) or ukuni.8745 (Ukune)

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

Game Mode: Multi Team

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


This is a really good idea, I would add in 2 win objectives.

Objective 1: Hold center point for x amount of time. Requires holding one side point to cap once capped no longer required.
Objective 2: Reach 500 points from holding side points + kills.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

Celestial d/d ele

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Yeah and Lag is more OP then d/d Ele’s they need to nerf Lag.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

wtf is up with these lag spikes?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Well they will say its not there server just like recent tourney, blaming it on DDOS when its wasn’t it’s there darn servers they bad shape atm. I’ve been DC’ing in the mist in almost every game but I’m always lag free then boom dc’ed….

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Weekly ESL Go4GW2 Cups with $500 Cash Prize

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


What’s the point of this when the same team ( Abjured) will win every single time.. Second place 100$ which is only 20$ per player… I can make 20$ in 5 min just by selling some weed.

This give’s a reason for all us players sitting afk to come back……

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

SPvP Builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Hi, I recently started playing Ranger again on the weekends when I’m bored. Now I’ve had some great return from the following 2 builds. Sure they have there weakness but funny part is each builds weakness is the other builds strong point.

Trap Ranger:

Power Ranger:

Both have there strong point and weak point.

I use the Trap Ranger to kill Engi’s and Ele’s, (Which are meant to be god tier atm). Seems allot of old players have left and not many remember but d/d ele in the past was allot stronger then current one, back then you used Trap Ranger to kill them and if you was good trap ranger you could murder them rather fast. Sure was tricky but if they are trying to 1v1 you on a point you will win. You have insane amount of dodge’s and weapon swap like a mofo to get your hydro sigil’s running effectively.

Tip* if your facing heavy condition spamming team change your runes to help counter the problem, don’t change LR cause it’s used for different reasons. Vigor upkeep.

Power Ranger, there hard but easy to use. If you can free fire into team fights your going to have a field day. They combo best with Ele’s, them support heals and extra might stacks you get really up your damage.

Also good combo for your power ranger is to change your trait and runes out to give you extra 30% faster res, you can run into team fight pop your invo and res team mates super fast. Normally if I see team mate going down I can res them so fast other team hasn’t had chance to lay there DPS to stop the res. Also use your stealth to ninja res or ninja stomp its so handy and easy to pull off.

I’ve found Power Ranger is really effective at clearing points and swaying the team fight in my favor. You can kill thieves and mesmers rather fast. Even if they do there stupid cloak dodge crap you just need to #111111 them in the face. There glass so there taking big hits and there low HP pool after 4 good auto attacks there around 30% health sometimes almost dead. (Remember Air and Fire Sigil) they proc like a mofo. If you land a good Auto on a thief you can do around 5k damage just off your Auto attack with the procs from both sigils.

Now if your worried about Thieves and Mesmer training you down and bursting you to death, I have simple solution for this problem learn to play you have 1500 range stealth a knock back invo and fear from your wolf they are all you need. You do more damage then them so train them back just as hard your going to win.

My best combo is RoA-Signet of the Wild-Barrage-Rapid Fire, that combo along will wreck in team fights. Run into mid point lay down over point focus fire bunker or prim target and watch how you sway the hole fight in your teams favor. I don’t get why everyone still thinks we are weak.

Any questions just ask, but remember allot has to do with tactics and not skill spamming and thinking your a warrior. Every class is easy to play but tactics and knowing wtf to do is different story.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Nerf Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Dodge rapid fire.
Dodge pet CC, which is really easy.
Learn how to gap close.
Remember your build is going to beat every single build in the game.

Once you check them boxes ranger is no longer in need of a nerd, don’t start the old why should I have to change my build to deal with one class cause every class has been doing this from release.

Good to see LB ranger is no longer a free kill and does damage the build may not require much skill in terms of what to press and when but that’s your own fault for making it so easy for the LB ranger, stop and think about it if your losing to someone pressing 1-2 and there killing you well your the one whom needs the help not something needing a nerd. So next time you face a ranger stop and think about it force the ranger to use skill rather then letting him laugh at how you try to face tank it and get CC so easy by there pet.

Update this was posted from my phone and auto correct seems to be in full force

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


If you’re good at ranger you’ll still have a place on any team that wins in Team Q and be able to win in Solo Q.

Most of you ppl have no idea what chokepoints, kiting, peels, overextending, or LoS is, so how can you be qualified to determine what is OP or not, or if a class is viable or not.

That’s why the best players can go afk for months and still destroy all of you in tournaments. QQ moar pls

Mate we are only good in small fight’s take us to team fight and there better off taking something else.

We are decent in 1v1 and 2v2, but we run into backpoint problem’s a good Warrior running right backpoint build will still beat any ranger build 1v1 due to Str/Battle combo just way over the top, we also run into build problem’s to become mobile we have to take Signet or Horn both which hinder our 1v1 builds rather largely and there no point being backpoint if your not mobile, and I’ve heard rangers try and say they use the Sword to move around the map but swiftness will still beat the sword movement, sword is only useful for escapes.

Now what do you do when you run into Point Holding decap Engi with bubbles, if you have SB your useless vs him and if your say Axe/Dagger – Sword/Torch your still going to run into problems your Pet will be your main damage and due to the type of CC and conditions Decap will apply your pet’s not going to be attacking as much as it is required in order to take down Decap Engi anytime soon. Even if you do kill him his job is done he decapped and capped you gain 5 points for killing him while he gains many many more due to having there home capped and your far decapped.

Now in terms of Team Support there is decent setup for Spirit Ranger taking Mercy rune’s with 10% faster res trait along with Spirits+NR. But your damage is rather weak you can take Ele pump out rather nice DPS+Support. Also there very mobile so they can get from one fight to next in no time where as Ranger running Spirit’s normally doesn’t run Horn ( I do think it’s awesome Team Support).

I have found extremely Strong high pressure build for Ranger, combo’s best with mesmer or necro due to boon remove combo’s.

But Yeah…

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Go play a ranger in top tier team queue. Proceed to be not as useful as any other class.

I did.. and I was useful. It was on NA though, does that count?

Anyway, if they would fix all the bugs with spirits the rangers would be fine. Now they are just a little bit weaker but still useful enough. Power rangers are not too bad either.

Question, the rock you live under is it a cold and lonely place. It won’t be long til you change your mind, there are builds on ranger that are working but there weak.

What are these Spirit Ranger bug’s, cause if you say the Elite not going off I’m going to crack up cause that isn’t a bug it’s your fault for not knowing how Spirit Skills Work. Other then that there really isn’t any bugs.

Power Ranger is bad! that simple.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Wonder what happened to the CDI Ranger Balance topic, feels like dev’s started it and couldn’t be bothered to finish it.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bunking/Decap Engi PvP Montage+Build MV

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Rather enjoyed that video, I’d rather fight decap Engi then decap bubble Engi. At least I can kill the version your running 1v1.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


devs don’t care about that and that’s pretty normal since they have no clue about the ranger.

so, the state of the ranger is horrible and will stay like this for a pretty long time now.
just reroll to warrior if you still want to have fun, because warrior will stay like this also for a long time now….

I gave you a +1.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

counter to turret engi is to abandon point?

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


As a Hambow Warrior, i dont have THAT big problem against a turret engineer. I drop the fire field on the point and keep him on CC with hammer.

Of course, i need Balanced(stability) and Berserker(condi imune) instances, traited, for that.

Answer to everything is Roll a Warrior, doesn’t really matter what build Hambow, CondiCancer, Axe/S-LB Soldier’s, does it even matter what Amulet a warrior runs your going to have massive tank and regen of a bunker.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

From an Ele: Rune of Strength is too strong

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


25 stacks might is simply a boon, which can be removed very easily.

it is just that people are lazy to do so.

introduce better ways to strip boons instead of asking for nerfs.

It’s much stronger than any other type of Rune, nothing even comes close to provide you access to a thousand more stats. What you are asking for is power creep, which we don’t want. Nerf it instead.

it is only strong if the user managed to stack 25 stacks of mights.

oh, there can be better ways to remove boons without more power creep.

also, from the wiki

When you apply burning to a foe, remove a boon.
Miscellaneous effect.png Boons removed: 1
— In-game description

The trait activates only when the target has a boon.
This trait prioritizes removing Might over other boons.

not sure how true it is though.

You’re only defending the overpowered Rune of Strength because you’re playing a Warrior. It’s simple for a warrior to maintain a high number of might stacks when equipped with Rune of Strength and Sigil of Battle, due to 5s weapon swap, accessible (and big) fire field with spammable blast finishers.

It’s overpowered, and it needs a nerf. This is coming from an Ele, who arguably the one that benefits from the overpower-ness of Rune of Strength the most.

of course i am going to defend something i enjoy using.

i will say it again, your arguments about runes of strength is overpowered is invalid, because stacks of might can be removed very easily.

Do you even stop and think before you make a post, surely you can’t be that simple minded.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


oh sorry, the AA was a bit exaggerated, its really 2.74k not 3k. BUT if you add in sigil of fire, and sigil of air (which is great with piercing LB)

with this build you get 341.92 poison damage/second and 711.5 burn damage/second.
So again, i am sorry, i did round it up a bit generously. With 2-3 might stacks and or corruption stacks, my initial numbers would be correct, but not with standard base build though.

8K maul can be done with this build.
use MT to nail the target to the ground, start the battle with sword axe, hit the enemy with Path of Scars then immediately swap to GS, GS 5 then maul. This way you got a stunned enemy and 100% crit chance, which means, maximum damage.

Hi, after reading this topic I would have to say you have allot to learn about ranger, I honestly didn’t think someone whom claims to play from beta could make 2 build so badly.

Iv’e never claimed that i played from beta. Get your facts straight.

My bad, just so much how to put it garbage in this topic. Still your builds need some looking at in terms of being viable in PvP.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


oh sorry, the AA was a bit exaggerated, its really 2.74k not 3k. BUT if you add in sigil of fire, and sigil of air (which is great with piercing LB)

with this build you get 341.92 poison damage/second and 711.5 burn damage/second.
So again, i am sorry, i did round it up a bit generously. With 2-3 might stacks and or corruption stacks, my initial numbers would be correct, but not with standard base build though.

8K maul can be done with this build.
use MT to nail the target to the ground, start the battle with sword axe, hit the enemy with Path of Scars then immediately swap to GS, GS 5 then maul. This way you got a stunned enemy and 100% crit chance, which means, maximum damage.

Hi, after reading this topic I would have to say you have allot to learn about ranger, I honestly didn’t think someone whom claims to play from beta could make 2 build so badly.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

This Meta, Balance, The Future, Llamas.

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Lich necro coming off re-spawn wiped mid 4v1, in yolo que. Check out the image to see how much damage he did to my bunker warrior with 1 attack. Not sure any class should be able to hit that hard ever. What would be point of any other glass class when 1 player could wipe mid solo. I know there are counter’s but say your Yolo and you don’t have any counters.

I don’t play warrior I just wanted to see how they bunker and team support as a bunker.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

state of the ranger?!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


I can beat Ele’s 1v1 with my ranger rather easy. I spent very long time dueling d/d’s back when they was OP now there no way near as effective back then, so allot easier now.

Also I’ve found several rather solid backpoint and team fighting spec’s for my ranger that could easy go meta.

Thanks to Eura I took idea from one of his builds changed it turned it into something completely different and turned out to work insanely well.

Ranger’s in terms of Power build’s sure do need some work LB/GS is one trick pony, I’ve been fighting team’s trying to run 2x of them sitting back unloading it hurts allot just once you focus fire them they are good as dead.

But our bunker’s are still strong, our team support is still strong I personally think most ranger’s are looking in wrong area’s.

Trap ranger could be improved but it’s still solid build, in the right hand’s stuns/daze hurt the build but in saying that isn’t really any build can counter the amount of stun’s that are unloading.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer